Other urls found in this thread:
Thank you CrackAnon.
The game is likely shit, but I'm gonna seed it anyway to spite Bethesda. Maybe we can do another Salt Party as well.
Bethesda and antifa can both get fucked.
Based Rebelliously
I wasted the bandwidth downloading Fallout 4 to confirm for myself that it was dogshit. Not sure I care enough to repeat the experiment with another sloppy Bethesda title. I do look forward to salt and seeing webms of how terrible the propaganda is, though.
I don't even feel like pirating it, from what I've seen it has a lot of SJW propaganda
This is why I kind of want to play it, so I know exactly what kind of bullshit they are trying to make normalfags believe.
Speaking as someone who mocks Holla Forums for being triggered at a game that *gasp* see nazis as the villains : Good.
Don't forget our glorious health at any size token resistance character!
I'd be happier about this if the game used Denuvo however Bethesda seems to be the first big publisher to have abandoned the thing. Since both this and Evil Within 2 do not have it. It's a shame Bethesda churns out mostly shit or I'd actually like them for this.
Funnily enough Wolfenstein II grants one of the wishes everyone here had: it contains a remake of the Wolfenstein 3D easter egg where instead of usual you play as a nazi killing resistance members.
The crack would be useful if there was a torrent for the game to begin with, since I can't find one anywhere. The game isn't even out on Steam, so I gotta wonder how the hell they even managed to crack it.
I'd rather people not play this game period, even pirated it isn't worth it.
Its best to just mock it and ignore it.
Its good that it got cracked though, hopefully that translates to lost sales.
fake news, denuvo is uncrackeable
Someone in Revolt probably knows a guy that knows a guy that works at a retail store. This sort of thing happens from time to time.
Tangentially, fun fact. From Software punished players that broke the street date for Dark Souls by personally invading their games with maxed out characters.
I never heard of this before. Sauce?
It doesn't use Denuvo Bethesda seems to have stopped using it.
Fuck that, I'll wait.
What I saw in one Holla Forums thread was that they were grossed out by the cuck shit in the trailer and that its just one of the gorrilion works demonizing Hitler Germany.
Honestly thats just funny.
You are a cuckold faggot if you even pirate this game.
I mean I never heard of that easter egg in the original Wolf3dโฆ
It's not in Wolf3D it's in this new game.
If you actually want to pirate this pile of shit, here's the magnet link for it being posted on revolt's website:
Oh, lame.
That's amusing though I wonder what might their reaction might be if they fucked up and got killedโฆor worse, memed on.
Hello reddit. As a Holla Forumsack, i can tell you i don't get triggered by historically illiterate people insisting Hitler was the bad guy for attacking the poor old soviet union, and Americans are heroes for blocking naval trade around Japan until they had to attack the US navy or starve, and then nuking all of their industrial zones so they are the sole first world country with any large scale industry left. I do think it's funny to point out to you that even if all the bullshit about gas chambers was true, the Soviet union and the allies stil violated far more human rights, killed more people, committed far more war crimes. Yet you celebrate communism and "western liberal democracies", while screaming about how horrible national socialism is.
I'll check it out if it's under 20GB. I have to say that I enjoyed my time with the first half of the New Order. I haven't played the Old Blood, but I imagine that's more of the same.
Surprise surprise, it's garbage. Why do they waste their time cracking this shit?
I'm just wary as fuck because it's become a pretty general rule that when a game starts spouting leftist politics it's because it is garbage and putting out a defense for when everyone shits on it. Like when Mr. shitface started praising Anita Sarkeesian the week before their second kickstarter ended and they announced that Broken Age ran out of money.
It's 44.22GB
So it gets less sales.
Do you know what it takes to truly "gross" Holla Forums or any board on this chan out?
We've all seen shit that would make most normalfags and ledditors on the internet cringe. If you haven't seen the contents of someone's gore folder at least once while you were on a chan, you probably don't visit often enough.
Being disgusted =/= grossed out. Hell if you were in the neogaf thread earlier when it got discovered, there was some atypical stuff being spammed in there.
only one image managed to raise an eyebrow out of me in the whole thing, it was some weird drawn porn amusingly enough
What ever, I'm not a native speaker. They had a negative reaction the the vain of disgust.
Maybe it's a crack of the preload?
Fuck that.
Correct, its lost sales when i say so, i can say that because I'm fresh and wise, on top of being always right.
some fighting games are even bigger than that, get with the times grampa
I would rather soak my computer in malware.
Loved the New Order, don't know if this game improved on gameplay aspect, that would be nice, But Arcane Dimensions mod for Quake already covered my need in fps games.
i'm normally against piracy but fuck jewthesda
Is there a som sort of colleration? Like it's sounds like mixing up soft and warm.
This one?
Yeah sure. Game is so shit its not even worth pirating.
Wtf is wrong with abos holy shit
Lots of things user. So much that it would require its own thread.
Aboriginies for example turned australia into the barren wasteland it is now and made many remaining dinosaurs extinct.
The one thing that would've made this even better is if it had Denuvo.
that's a lot of garbage.
As someone who actually really liked The new order and Old blood,
Some one posted MP4 related in another thread and it's so retarded I'm not even going to bother to pirate this game.
The girl in that webm is BJ's wife who was also in the new order and I liked her in the last game, but the way she in there is unrecognizable to how she was in the last game, I could believe she would be able to fight competently but that MP4 is over the top stupid.
The New Order did a woman fighting better
BJ meats Caroline an Old War friend She's paralyzed now due to shit in the war happening. They joke about who had it worse the fact shes paralyzed or that BJ was in a vegetable for 14 years.
Caroline is the leader of the resistance and is planing and giving orders the whole game, BJ respects her and hopefully so does the player.
latter in the game BJ and his team find the chamber with all the advanced magic JEW technology, There is a Power suit and BJ immediately says the should give it to Caroline.
Later Caroline now wearing the Suit and saves BJ's ass.
New order Got me to care about the characters first before they saved my ass. this game is taking a character I liked and making me Dislike them.
I believe it.
Andromeda-tier animation, even ignoring the badass womyn shit that is just fucking bad.
Why does she take off her shirt?
Is it:
or is it:
Probably both, amirite.
She's the resistance leader from Wolf 09.
Bethesda's Wolfenstein Marketing in a Nutshell
Did anybody even play that game? I always forget it existed.
I didn't play wolf 09 but they act like friends, do think War Friends is a bad way of describing them both? what would be better?
And NeoGAF. What a week it's been.
I'd call it contempt.
Isn't there also a twist where BJ and his girlfriend/wife/whatever have a kid who's supposed to be the main character from Commander Keen?
Look to the left, shit's on fire
You can't really be this naive, right?
Shill harder.
based pirates amirite bros? denuvo loses again! finally we can talk about this game to our hearts content and support it if we like it ;)
holy fuck that webm. Leftism is a disease.
It's actually pretty fun, kinda suffered from the hub system and from the story / character interactions / VA being the blandest shit ever, still fun better with the one mod that rebalances shit so you don't just spend the game raping everything with the Stg. and the one crystal upgrade
I dunno, the way you phrased it made it seem to me like her interactions with BJ where an offscreen thing when she actually was a pretty major character in another game, just thought I'd add to that.
Also spoilers she does seem to die near the end of ยตWolf 09 which is likely what caused her injuries to begin with, black sun dimension fuckery exploding a whole castle and all that
I suspected this game was going to be some Antifa SJW bullshit, but not to this level.
Did the New Order had something stupid like that?
I can only remember those two characters, who stayed in base when it was set on fire.
Guess who they shoehorned into this pile of shit?
Don't you want to kill Hitler, my little goylem?
Wait, how the fuck did Hitler survive after being torn to shred in his mecha suit? Now I gotta find out. Does anyone have a torrent link to the game?
Why not read it
nvm found it
Don't try to compare this to IDs work please
This is more offensive than the Marketing. throw it into the trash.
Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny aren't canon to the reboot timeline (if you can call it a timeline) that started with Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Mecha suit Hitler wasn't a thing in this universe. He's apparently making films on Venus now and is a mentally unstable old man who claps when BJ beats a nazi soldier to death in front of him, thinking it's all part of the act. Also part of that level is memorizing lines from Adolf's movie, BJ is a retard so he writes them down on his hand so it gets smudged so the player needs to select one of five. FPS games huh?
Firstly, It doesn't matter, because PRESENT lives are the maximum value, therefore unconscious, comatose or unborn don't matter.
Neither does dignity for the dead, so once your heart stops you become a spare parts repository to be cannibalized at will.
Secondly, It's every woman's RIGHT to murder her own children because women, like niggers are incapable of cause-effect thinking and making connection between sex and pregnancy
Seriously, does someone have a magnet?
No public tracker has it yet
This the entire Hitler scene, don't torrent this pile of shit just for this cancer.
Are you retarded?
No taste detected.
Neck yourself nigger
What would you choose Holla Forums?
Read the fucking bread. IT'S RIGHT THERE JUST TAKE IT
Todd pls go
How the fuck did you find your way on to this imageboard despite having a sub-50 IQ?
It's fucking on thepiratebay you inbred nigger.
How can something be this cute.
Does he go into the mecha suit?
I was hoping for a paga as well but works too I guess, nice job.
You serious?
Venus? Why the fuck would anybody want to go to Venus?
Is 1,000 degree fahrenheit acid air supposed to be good for your pores or something?
No, it's just showing how much of a crazy psycho Hitler is as he kills 3 actors and pisses himself. Just like in real life, didn't you know that Hitler was actually a drug abusing homosexual jew with syphilis? My rabbit told me that and I don't think he'd lie about something like this.
Literally 0 gameplay for that entire segment, everyone and everything is made disgusting,
not hard to make a throwaway account on steam, fam
Yeah Uranus is much nicer
Do you kill Hitler before you kill him as a mecha?
This 5 hour "game" is just antifa propaganda with the Tarantino edge-o-meter dialed up to 11.
Even more impressive, every face in your picture is repulsive.
I didn't know Phil was in this game.
Anyone remember how Metro had a alt-history WW2 as well where the Nazis survived. However in that game the communists were shit as well. Both sides were just assholes forcing their bullshit on everyone else who just wanted to be left one and find a way to survive.
He brought his bull with him apparently
The evil Nazis valued physical beauty, therefore ugliness is virtuous!
That shit would fit pretty fine for a parody IMHO.
I know that Hitler actually avoided the concentration camps, Made animal protection laws then killed his own dogs, he also protected a Jewish-Austrian doctor since he helped out his mother, and was actually part Jewish.
The commie is supposed to be a New Orleans resistance leader. I don't have a screenshot but when he "gathers his proletariat" it looks as diverse as the cast of nu-Star Wars.
my rabbi told me something different
Nig doesn't even look human, what the fuck.
If BJ was a true American and Polsky, or even true human being considering how she looks and her ideology
I mean, look at that fucking face, look at that hair.
My rabbi said that Drive is actually the new Mein Kampf
yes the movie staring Ryan Gosling
That first webm raises so many questions
It's fucking horrible, no love or care went into this game at all if that's the quality or attention to detail that we can expect throughout.
based crackers
What the hell, I love (((jewish people))) now!
Niggers aren't actually human user, only white people are the real humans.
Wyatt from the previous game is the canon choice of who you saved but he's an incoherent, drug abusing idiot. At some point he comes over to the resident kike to ask him about his "visions". The jew encourages him to take more drugs and gives him a book on the jewish kabbalah.
Okay the moment then that second actor did a pretty good job impersonating BJ was good, don't know about anything else, those hyperbolic characterisations of BJ as an man of action could work in film prodution espesially in propaganda film production. But it was lame, they could do something better.
So does Hitler die or not?
Also you DO realize that you're on a board run by a kike, right?
You just fuck off from his secret base after getting the shit you need, BJ cares more about killing his father than fucking Hitler.
i didn't recognise him from trailers.
A new fucking generaion. DRUG ADDICTED GENERATION.
So can mecha hitler become a thing?
Hitler lives on in us all, user.
im jew
Good. Now I can bash the fash without supporting some porky corporation.
Wow you NAZIS are so fucking dumb, like ok I knew nazis were stupid but not THIS stupid hahaha. I will play through this and I will imagine every single NAZI fuck that I kill one of you alt-right Holla Forumsyps.
Just get this you stupid NAZIS are get this good, this game will be a represenation of whats going to happen to you NAZI fuckers real soon. Watch as this army of people workers and people of color rise up against you AND SMASH YOUR FUCKING NAZi HEADS into the pavement hahaha
Good taste, user. Have fun with the new Wolfenstein 2 โข, which is a huge improvement to its predecessor.
I didn't even know WE WUV NAZIS AND SHEEEEEEEIT was even out.
The worst part is Machine games was the same team who made The Darkness 1 and escape from Butcher bay. They weren't making shitty games before.
If this doesn't bomb yeah it's possible mecha Hitler will come back. Curious to know how much was spent on it TBH, from what I've seen it's barely five hours long with most of it being cutscenes, while at the same time it's had a fair amount of marketing.
More like the same mascot. Take a gander at the credits list of these three games and I guarantee you could count the number of important recurring names on both your hands.
Are you sure? According to (((wikipedia))) the company that worked on the two new Wolfenstein games have only worked on said games. Regardless, it's been almost a decade between Wolfenstein 2014 and those games, I highly doubt even 1/4th of the company is the same.
Fuck mecha hitler then, I hope it bombs harder than Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
No Machine Games was started by a group of devs who left Starbreeze. It is by no means the same team. That would be like saying Bulletstorm was made by the Witcher team.
Do you feel disgusted by women breastfeeding in public? How about a smoking, radioactive negress? Stop being such a biggot!
That's fair to say i guess, what i meant was when playing New order I could tell some of the guys who made it, also did Darkness and Riddick since they have design similarities.
Honestly this is like a satire. If the twist ending was that she went insane and it was a stillborn the whole time I'de pirate it.
Yeah I liked the New Order this is looking like a pile of shit though.
Isn't smoking while breastfeeding incredibly harmful to the baby?
I've got flaps of steel.
jesus christ
I knew it was gonna be bad since the final boss is apparently a QTE and a cliffhanger for DLC, and especially since it's from the same company that made you either kill your son or nuke Boston, but I didn't expect this level of cringe. Webms mostly unrelated, all this talk of Andromeda-levels of cringe means I'll take the excuse to post these again.
Once you go black, you never go back.
to be fair in the first game she was the absolute worst cunt
The whole thing dosent make any sense. They force all this shit into the game and then make a nigger look bad. Whos Jewing who here.
Comedy gold
the shirt was on fire though
I think "Ovaries of steel" would be better.
Jokes on you, the game is shit.
Reminder that "western" is a code word for white.
The jacket was on fire taking off only the jacket would make sense but it cuts to her taking off and throwing everything she had.
I haven't torrented in ages, what's the best client?
Female Duke Nukem would be nice. I just don't want it to be made by fucking Gearbox. I wish Bombshell was actually good though.
You don't expect she to actually stop enjoying herself in order to take better care of her child, do you? What kind of sexist bigot are you? Kid's probably a boy too, so he's literally raping her while breastfeeding anyway.
Commander Keen was his grandson.
Why would nazis allow the KKK any kind of power anyways? Wouldn't they view them as inferiors for their lack of discipline and hardcore catholicism of that era?
I think uTorrent is a honeypot nowadays so I use qBittorent, seems fine to me.
See that mountain? You can climb it.
Deluge but not for downloading this trash.
BJ assumes it's a boy and apologizes like a cuck when she corrects him to mind his pronouns. It's a gurl.
Real dumb shit
Downloaded it. Tried it. Deleted it after 30 minutes. Boring story, same shitty mechanics as /nu/Doom and a lack of creativity in the game design.
The KKK ran the south during WW2 anyways. Why would a character by shocked by the status quo?
But has xhir chosen jhir own gender yet? rhir could end up being actually a boy :^)
Well heck, you were already halfway through the game, why not finish it at that point!?
Hold the phone there did the pregnant woman just threw herself belly first into his ass and landed on him?
So pretty much Postal 2: 2?
I'm just amazed at how absolutely unlikeable they made the allies look. This isn't even edgy speak, they look like goddamn caricatures of what 60's blacks, hipsters etc. would look like. Red Alert had more convincing stereotypes than this.
Want to play a game while enjoying a propaganda piece?
They didn't directly administer all of France during WW2 either only half of it, but having the KKK do it is a bit retarded.
For more details it came with bitcoin miner in the installer / updater at some point IIRC. Also daemontools for ISO was bought by chinks so avoid that as well.
Deb Nukem
I really think that both Machine Games and Bethesda rushed the fuck out of New Colossus just to capitalized on SJW's hate on Trump.
I would play that tbh.
What's next? Feel the Burn?
Quickly,beat the game and spread the ending to everyone!
If I remember correctly, even the nazi's thought the KKK's measure of who was pure and who was not too was too extreme. It seems pretty retarded that the nazi's would allow them to control a huge portion of the usa.
Don't ask for it user, that seems like shit that's way too easy to put in with any flame weapons.
I'd love to see a game actually show "KKK is the collaborator government of the Nazis after they took over America", provided they include one detail: Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black (KKK leader and openly supported slavery in the 1940s) is the Vidkun Quisling and all his dialog is actual quotes like "Pressing public necessity may sometimes justify the existence [โฆ] legal restrictions which curtail the civil rights".
The Nuremberg laws were based on the burger democrat policies but Hitler thought that the one drop rule was too extreme.
BJ kills Engels or whatever the fuck her name is on set of some talk show or that German or Else thing in a QTE using a hatchet. They then speak the amurican people how they should rise up and BJ proposes to Anya after taking back the ring that Engels took from him at the start of the game and apparently held on to all this time.
I'm willing to bet "DLC" appears somewhere on the end screen. You know they have some shit lined up to extend this.
What kind of shithole do you live that you have bandwidth cap?
btw, 3rd country here and it stopped being a thing more than 10 years ago.
oy vey
It's kind of like that, BJ gets teleported to the U-boat hub place where a negress tells him that there are still missions he can take while the revolution is getting started. There's DLC planned 100%. It's basically the "expand Shepard's legend in DLC" but spoken instead of a text message.
Oh, what the fuck?
Just to put things into perspective This is how the first game was.
The game already has a Season pass so there not hiding it from anyone.
Who the hell would play this garbage? The SJW devs are openly bragging about it being a propaganda like its a good thing.
for iso wincdemu is great.
so it was a propaganda game too then
If by hardcore catholicism you mean being virulently anti-catholic, sure.
Really, don't know myself about it but isn't what he said was a thing those years?
Maybe "fighting for Uncle Sam" wasn't described as something bad back then, but it got that bad narrative during vietname war. And this guy is made after Jimi Hendrix, who lived during it(?).
So stuff he said works as a reference to the time before ww2 and to the time of vietname war.
I feel so smug, all those shills who claimed that this game wasn't going to be libshit propaganda got btfo.
We just can't stop winning.
Your level of optimism is repulsive user
People on this board are still going to un-ironically buy this game and have the balls to make threads complaining about it.
There's no way this industry is coming back, just go play Bloody Palace on Devil May Cry or something, and gather some games for the inevitable nuclear winter.
Or wait for my game or something, maybe that will change the situation
Is your game like metroid?
No but it does contain shooting.
To prove a point. They crack it because they put a wall around it. Every time they put an encryption program like Denuvo on it, it makes things worse for customers, and cracking it like this or Shadows of War is egg on the publishers' faces.
Also, is technically correct. The publishers don't care about losing sales until the Denuvo cracks start happening before the 6 or 7 day mark. The majority of sales are preorders and first week. Now that games are getting cracked right at release, they're dropping it like flies.
They'll still keep fucking going, but they'll find another form of DRM to fuck the customer over because some company will say, "We'll do it right this time, we promise! Give us lots of money!"
Hitler was Catholic, wasn't he? Maybe the user meant to refer to him.
Nah I'm just an idiot that got confused.
How is this game over 40 gigs anyway? Have developers just stopped trying to compress their content completely?
I guess it also makes it more difficult to pirate
If Denuvo can't stop piracy, bad programming and shitty games will.
that's pretty funny tbh
Pretty much. I've heard people say that it allows for better performance because there's no need to waste time decoding. It's a great deterrent to piracy as well; since P2P connections get throttled and are slow to begin with, people find it inconvenient to pirate it when they can download it 10x faster from Steam servers (see: a few people in this thread like ).
Don't you know about my megatextures? In Rage it used to make every texture unique and stuff. Don't know if this a thing for Doom and Wolf thou. Also PBR requare tons of masks for testures, so it's not just albedo/diffuse as it was in HL2 times (At least you could make textures with only albedo in Source engine).
Also i remember reading some game magazine back in time when i didn't even had computer and i read about Rage, and how Carmack promised it will have size of 80gb. But size on release was like 25 gb. some said it was because game used cached textures, and original textures were 4x size.
good code sells software, but bad code sells hardware.
Use Deluge. It's open source and multiplat.
Yes, PBR requires several texture masks, but texture masks are single channel only, so only 8 bits per pixel. Plus, only your normal and MAYBE your roughness and base color maps need to have any sort of respectable resolution, most shit can be
Oh also, you can texture-pack your masks, so you can stick your rougness, specular, ambient occlusion and e.g. subsurface mask all in one texture. Your base color would hold your opacity mask in the alpha channel as well. Aside from those you might have a scratch mask for metallic surfaces, but it's very rare that a single object will use all of those. Point is, there are tons of techniques to reduce texture memory footprints.
Most torrent clients are open source & cross-platform, user.
Transmission for example or qbittorrent, which is superior to Deluge imho.
utorrent is literally spyware
My point was that it require some additional maps on top of albedo+normal, but on my side i don't really informed how many maps modern engines require. Only know about Source beause i did some texture replacement.
Also i know about stacking(?) maps into one texture.
Finished downloading about half an hour ago. Whatever Bethesda said about it not being political is complete bullshit and they establish very early on that white men are literally Hitler. BJ has PTSD flashbacks of when he was a kid and his white father beat his Jewess mother and made BJ shoot his dog for "making sweet with some nigger girl"
I enjoy shooting, so I'm game. Fuck kikes.
wew this game really has reddipols panties in a twist
Why would someone who had that upbringing be patriotic and love the country that allowed that?
Look at this disgusting face.
Assata Shakur din du nuffin!
So why donโt you go back there since you seem to care about them so much?
Why is she so ugly when the dindu she was based on at least looked somewhat human?
I'm uncertain what's funnier. The fact that Nazi's would circle identifying photographs jewelry as if that's even close to an identifying feature. Or the fact that they're correct in doing so because she too stupid to ditch them.
I see this game is sponsored by planned parenthood.
lel 4/v/ mods just banned me again for posting this. Really makes you think just who is in charge over there.
I think you're a bit confused.
This is the most Swedish game ever.
Not in this timeline, he would be dead.
It looks like a real face shittily put on a CG model.
Do the revolutionaries ban/burn the american flag? I think that is the only thing missing from sweden's mo.
What's wrong with his face?
He's a character made by western AAA studio he has to look ugly it's the law now.
Wouldnt this result into a miscarriage ?
Shit like this should be a bonus, like a blooper or alternative that you unlock, not something that goes into the real for fucks sakes.
Thats too retard to believe.
A crazy Mecha Hitler clone would be much better at this point.
Inbreeding hehehe those silly southern rednecks :^)
Babies have literally no value, goy, you don't have to worry about keeping your unborn child safe!
Does this guy end up betraying the resistance? I can't imagine they'd portray a fraud priest as an unrepentantly, completely positive character but I know they would anyway.
Probably has grids
I'm not sure how they did it, but this looks even fucking stupider then I thought it'd be. But what else can you expect from [current year] western devs.
Are this really the credits? Holy fuck, they didn't even tried to hide the fact that this game is a big masturbatory fantasy for Antifa
I think the most telling thing about the quality of this game is that literally no one, not even the people who are saying it's good, are talking about the gameplay.
Let me fucking guess. It's a "story intensive" FPS that's 5 hours, mostly cutscenes with little to no interactivity, and will have DLC.
I have seen no gameplay of this game recently and know little of it, so tell me if I'm on the ball or not.
I swear they are making this game shitty and retarded on purpose. Like they are sick and tired of corporate trying to shoehorn in leftist nonsense into their game so they just went full retard as a big fat fuck you. That webm honestly seems like a 1:1 perfect representation of a parody Holla Forums would make of the STRONK WOMAN character stereotype.
Thats what i call a plot twist.
inb4 a chunk of Holla Forums is jewish or half-jewish
I mean if this is the audience they want to cater too, it's their right to do so. But it seems like a bad decision to cater to a small group that doesn't play video games. While we're on that subject how do you faggots think this game will sell? Think normalfags will get conned into buying LE EBIN DRUMF FASCIST PUNCHER CURRENT YEAR EDITION?
Does anyone have the video of the characters partying? I can't find it anywhere and it shows how every character is incredibly unlikable.
At least the gun wasn't backwards.
Sounds like Skyoshock 2.0
Sadly sequels sell based on how good the previous game was. Wolfenstein New Order was a decently fun game so this might actually sell alright. Although it is coming out alongside a new Mario game and AC:Dindu so it might just get lost in the shuffle.
im going to need more popcorn
Never understimate these faggots, anyways I will enjoy seeing those brave twitter posters commenting how hardcore they feel for killing nazis in a videogame
She needs to be giving birth at the same time.
No she is carrying the baby to term so she can have a partial-birth abortion just like Hilary campaigned for.
Would explain how the character are so unlikable and have a really shitty background. But, too good to be true.
It looks like if Sam Lake got AIDS.
Post this shit everywhere lads!
I swear to god cuck/pol/ is the only board on cuckchan left who actually refuses to take shit from mods.
/a/ mods banned sakura fish and they just fucking took it like little bitches.
Just fast-forwarded through a couple of hours of "gameplay." Out of that two hours seems like you maybe have a gun in your hand and shooting for 30-45 minutes. Nearly thirty minutes of cut scenes before you actually do anything at the start. Also BJ has a "white supremacist" father who beats his mom, ties him up, and makes him kill a dog. Fuck this trash propaganda film.
*in a flashback to when he was a little boy
typical pole tbh
Epic, how's your next lampoon, (((Jan Tomasz Gross)))
I like how that pregnant woman through grenades that vibrated the bodies of Germans enough to make them explode into blood rain as they fired in random directs behind the t-rex so she could bath in their blood to use satan's dark powers to protect her and her demon baby from explosions and shrapnel.
The satanic blood bath ritual really makes you think.
Here is what the bulldyke used to look like
He waiting in line for bread.
nobody wins btw
Pic related are two acquaintances of mine in GroupMe.
Poe's Law is in full effect here. I think this whole thing is legit though, I can't imagine people would spend this much time and resources into self-sabotage.
I love how girls are shaving their heads these days to be (((fashionable))), it lets you know which ones have cancer.
it lets you know which are infertile, damaged wrecks as most cultures consider straight, long hair to be a sign of good health and fertility.
Journos are already loving it since you can PUCH EBIL NATZIES IN DA FACE!! HAHA TAKE THAT ALT RIGHT DRUMPFIES!! The amount of stupid people vastly outweighs informed game enthusiasts
Why? The juice just isn't worth the squeeze. Do people actually want to experience this garbage?
What a great irony.
I should note that the likes are all different people in the GroupMe, so there are 5 people in that group who are interested in this game.
I was making a joke about how chemo turns you bald, but yes that too.
Well, of course, we all knew that. But are they going to give it 10/10 GOTY, or are they going to pull a 7.8/10 Too Much Water? I expect it to be closer to the former than the latter, but the Metacritic rating and public reception remain to be seen.
Are you saying you don't want to punch Nazis in the face, you sexist bigot? Are you fucking a white male??
Is the reason no one releases a fps where you play AS nazis because (((they))) are afraid it will sell like gangbusters?
Yes, also nobody can make games anymore.
Why would you? Writing apps pays way more with less stress.
I honestly think this game is going to tank. It's really easy to like a facebook post or write "Can't wait to punch NOT-ZEES in #WOLFENSTEIN2!!" on Twitter and signal your crowd, but that shit is free. Very few of them are actually going to cough up the $50-60.
Has anyone got the link to the video where that black chick bullies the shit outta the fat German chick and just acts like a chimp? I can't find a video of that scene at all.
In retrospect now is probably the worst time to release a new Wolfenstein game just because of the volatile political climate we're in now. I genuinely can't tell if the stuff in this game is intentionally stupid and over the top or is a SJW shitheap. The game is and always has been about killing Nazis, but I can never tell what's what anymore. I'll probably take a look at this game a few years from now when all the buzz about it has died down but I wouldn't pirate let alone buy this game right now.
Where are the maze-like levels
Where's silent protagonist who never gets tired or falters in his quest to *stop latest nazi research that will turn the tide of war for sure this time*?
I'm not joking. I seriously think they're going to pull it off. They already introduced ayylmaos in The New Order, so I don't see why they wouldn't take that further with Commander Keen. I could see them even tying in the nuDOOM.
metro also let you kill nazis and commies in equal number, and didn't hype itself up as a hey-guys-virtue-signal-how-much-you-hate-those-mean-old-right-wingers simulator
They've been trying to deconstruct the Wolfenstein story for a while know, so a tired BJ isn't anything surprising or new to me.
I can't refute that first one though.
Hopefully the new Metro retains this and doesn't fuck itself over.
Too bad I never wanted to play it in the first place.
The Tarantino edge-o-meter is for pussies. Tarantino has never made a truly edgy movie, he's not even Italian.
He was a Buddhist. The story of "Hitler bring a Catholic" started after some priest claimed that he supported Hitler, and people just ran with it.
Aren't all of his films basically meme-bait?
at least Ass Defect: Androgyny gave us Miss Autist 2017 and was cringey enough to laugh at. This is absolutely irrdemable.
You have to go back irregardless
Back then it was about killing wacky Nazis since they're an acceptable target. Now it's literally nu-day politics. I don't know about you but I'd much rather shoot down Mecha Hitler than have to deal with a nigger tranny in videogames.
She just got older and more hungry
Does anyone have a source of how many hours of gameplay this game has?
I remember reading that one user's post about how an actor/blazko kills that one guard and hitler's insane enough to think that he's born for that rule, I thought they were shitposting.
They weren't.
Making a game about killing NAZIs boring.. clap clap
Is that the actress doing Domino in Deadpool2?
Sympathetic Hilter~ if he lives, it breaks my immersion..
Where's my pretty albino SS leader?
Cuck/pol/ are Afrikaners in an EFF-held South Africa at this stage.
๐๐HEY THERE๐ DADDIES!!๐ฎ๐ฎ how BIG๐๐ are your ๐ชMUSCLESS๐ช I ๐โคโคLOVEโคโค๐ BIG MUSCLES๐ช๐ช on BIG BOIS๐๐๐โค can YOU๐๐ be MY DADDY???๐๐โคโค I need a ๐ช๐ชSTRONG๐ช๐ช daddy with LOTS of ๐ฆ๐ฆCUMMIES๐ฆ๐ฆ I can helpp๐๐๐ get the CUMMIES๐ฆ๐ฆ out of your๐ ๐๐BIG COCK๐๐!! I know๐ you have cummiess๐ฆ for me๐ DADDY๐ช ๐๐๐ DONT LEAVE ๐๐ ME DADDY!!๐ญ๐ญ I KNOW๐ YOU HAVE MORE ๐โฌ CUMMIES๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ฆ FOR ME!!! I NEED 1๐ พ MORE ๐๐CUMMIES๐ฆ๐ฆ from your STRONG๐ช๐ช HARD COCK๐๐๐๐๐๐ BEFORE YOU GO!!!๐ญ๐ญ๐ฆ๐ฆJust me and my ๐daddy๐, hanging out I got pretty crowded๐ฒ๐ฝ๐๐ฒ๐ฝ๐๐ฒ๐ฝ๐๐ฒ๐ฝ, so I started to pout ๐, He asked if I was down โฌfor something yummy ๐ณ๐ณ๐๐ณ๐ณand I asked what and he said he'd give me his ๐ณ๐ณWALL!๐ณ๐ณYeah! Yeah!๐๐ณ๐ณI build it!๐ณ๐ณI keep them out!๐ฒ๐ฝ๐๐ฒ๐ฝI let them in LEGALLY๐ฒ๐ฝ๐๐ฒ๐ฝIt makes ๐daddy๐๐happy๐so it's my only goalโฆ ๐๐ณ๐ณTaller daddy! Taller daddy! ๐ณ๐ณ๐10 feet taller๐ณ, 20 feet taller๐ณ๐ณ, 30 feet taller๐ณ๐ณ๐ณ, 40๐ณ๐ณ๐ณ๐ณ!He makes me feel good๐! ๐บ๐ธ๐บ๐ธHe makes me feel everything an American should!~ ๐บ๐ธ๐บ๐ธ๐บ๐ธ๐บ๐ธ๐Wa-What!๐๐บ๐ธ๐บ๐ธDamn ๐ Drake ๐ฏ daddy ๐๐ back at it again with ๐ VIEWS ๐. You can ๐ VIEW ๐ฆ๐ this pussy ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐๐ any day ๐ champagne ๐ฆ๐ daddy ๐ โถ 6god ๐ more like ๐ฆ๐ ๐ SEXgod ๐ฅ๐ฆ cuz you make me ๐ฆWET๐ฆ ๐ papi ๐๐ papiii ๐๐ฆ i want to suck ๐ ๐๐๐ฆ your cock ๐๐ ๐ DRY while ๐ looking ๐ into your ๐ eyes ๐๐ like an OWL ๐ฆ๐ฒ my โถ๐ OVO ๐ daddy. ๐ VIEWS ๐ from daddies ๐๐ฆ๐ COCK ๐๐ ๐๐ฆ๐1๐ In the beginning ๐ Daddy ๐จ created the ๐ง cummies ๐ฆ and theโ squishyโค . 2๐ Now the โ Squishyโ was ๐ naked๐ป and without ๐ฆ cummies๐ฆ , hunger ๐ซ was in theโ squishysโ belly for ๐จ daddys ๐ yums๐ฆ ๐ฆ , and the๐ realest๐ฏ daddy๐จ was looking over the โ squishyโ .๐ฑ3๐ฑ And๐จ daddy๐ said "let there be๐ฆ cummies๐ง , and there were ๐ง ๐ cummies. 4 ๐ฏ ๐ Daddy saw that theโ squishy๐ was happy and full๐ of cummies๐ฆ , and he ๐ seperated ๐ซ the squishyโ from the ๐ฆ ๐ ๐ซ . 5 Daddy๐ ๐จ