Football Manager 2018 will feature Gay Players

Thats exactly what I wanted on my Management game, not a fix on issues that have plagued the series for nearly a decade, not new mechanics and options that change up how the game plays, no you see, what I wanted was that the football players that you hirr, which are something that you only care about on a professional level came out as gay.
Thank you Sports Interactive, for being such forward thinking Britcucks unlike other fascist countries that don't even have a Muslim lover for their wife.
Hopefully in Football Manager 2019 we will finally be able to hire trannies.

Dropped, I don't want this faggotry on my football.

To be fair they did want to add realism in the series for a long time.
None of the FM18 people will even care though, they're all into the Online Leaderboards, certainly not into gay sims

How fucking bigoted and intolerant that they only two sexual orientations for players in a spreadsheet simulator are hetero and homo. Why the lack of inclusiveness, Football manager?

How in the fuck does their sexuality even matter in virtual sportsball? Do they buttfuck on the field after a goal? Do they get yellow carded for grabbing another player's ass?

Nobody cares about the female League as well and EA who only does shit for profit actually wasted time and money on it.
Its just blatant fucking SJW tier pandering.
The only thing I could see on this gameplay wise is a PR hit and even then

So what? Now I gotta manage when one of my players bum fuddles another player and gets suspended for indecency or something? I have to scramble to replace a vacancy in my roster because one of my players has come down with sudden case of HIV?


If only


This is the result of giving fags an inch: they took their inch, then a mile, and now they're infecting the whole world with their rainbow-hued buttfuckery as fast as they possibly can. Fags in a fucking soccer sim? Are you kidding me? You could vaguely make an argument for having fruitcakes in BioWare games but this is just sports management. There's no story. It's just pandering for the sake of pandering to get gaybux.

I'm not even against them, just not I'm not against someone being retarded or black unless their in my country
I just want people to start pretending like this shit is normal, its not fucking normal, you were born to breed, you were not born to be sexually attracted to the same sex.
Its a fucking defect, stop pretending its normal or that it should be glorified.

How is this relevant?

Weird, I though football was the gay sport behind maybe wrestling. Didn't know straight people play or even watched it. Hmm, today I learned…

I see no problem.

What a bunch of hypocrites, no conviction, just virtue signaling

what now, tough guy



they show up after every season


Hey look, another company suiciding their game to the altar of leftist "values."


This can't be real. What the hell does being gay and pounding butt have to do with your ability to play football? This is the epitome of shoehorning in homos because of muh values.

I actually saw this somewhere that didn't name the game in the headline. I thought EA announced gay romance for that FIFA story mode they showed at E3 (I didn't even realize the game had launched two months ago. I only realize EA games have launched because Holla Forums has threads mocking them.).

Really even for a PR stunt female leagues was poorly thought out. Would have been better to introduce female players as create a character exclusive thing (frankly I imagine 90% of anyone who gave a damn only wanted that anyways), then use female leagues as a separate PR stunt the next year.

Yeah, the shekels from 1,5% of the global population, most of whom don't even watch football, is surely worth it. I mean, not like places like the Middle East or South America, where a shitload of people are crazy about football would mind faggots.

I knew it was pozzed to hell and back since 2014 when they started taking the direction away from an autistic manager-simulator based on stats and skills to "mac/tablet-usable".

This is only the end station of the pozz, it's been a shit franchise for years. It's like a glorified iphone-app nowadays.

Most burger-soccer fans are faggots.

Clearly the NFL commissioner thinks so since he is suiciding his ratings to be a flag-hating faggot.

They should include commiebucks for tit cancer and flag burning too.

Such a pointless feature and still things like broken wingers will remain the same yet another year. If they really wanted to do something "progressive" and get on the good side of everyone they should include women's football, it would be great, I would definitely play it. But I guess that would take more work than this.

That's the thing though.
He's not even implying this is what happens in real life, it's just what he wants to be true.

People care less about that than they do about faggot players.

Oh, right, I sometimes forget leftists are completely disconnected from reality.

I care… I think it would be a good addition. You could start at women's team and climb the ranks until you're good enough for man's football. Also career ending pregnancies would be quite funny


Thirded and fourthed if by "women" he means waifus.



Wait a second, is the director asking you to disregard merit and hire gays just so you can make more money? I doubt it'd increase revenue much, but I can't say that kind of "money>winning" thinking is entirely unrealistic. Or is he a lying jew who will furiously rub his hands every time you hire a gay?

What I'm really curious about, is what happens if you immediately fire someone who comes out as gay. Do you automatically lose? Do your best players quit? Does the game's difficulty sharply rise? Will there be 0% gay speedruns of the game because they're the most fun to watch?


I'm guessing they'll put being able to kneel during the national anthem in the next game or patch it in. I don't watch much football to know how accurate the gay percentage of football players are that they need to be represented in a game.

You know it! It would be great, especially with the face pack.

afaik you don't know if they are gay until you get the message.
It's just a "happy surprise" that probably makes them slightly more valuable somehow.

I imagine you could fire them at that point, but then it would not be optimal play.
Dev then acts smug about how self destructive you are: you have proven his point.
But that's just a theory.

It might not actually do anything, maybe just kick out the message as fluff text. Not a lot to go on.
Also apparently if it's illegal to be gay in a country, and you play one of those, it wont occur.

Doesn't the Middle East have a lot of soccer teams and would frown very very "heavily" at gay players?

That would be Islamophobic to point out, user :^)

Event doesn't occur in countries where it is illegal to be gay

Real clever of them.

Makes the decision on who to sell in the transfer window that much easier.

He meant as a manager.

get me outta here

Crashing Fantasy Football with no survivors.

Sort of like this?

How will 40y old Englishmen respond to this? since they are the core group of this game.


>When a player comes out, Sports Interactive's Miles Jacobson tells the BBC, you'll receive a news item in your inbox. After that, your commercial director will speak of boosted revenues as a result of interest from the LGBT community.

See this could have actually been a fun gameplay element. Obviously it's 100% irrelevant to their stats but having it as a (still rare and perhaps toggleable) event that forced you to decide what to do with actual gameplay trade-offs rather than a bland 'gays are paying you more' message would add a PR dimension to it. For example endorsing the fag is likely to piss off the bulk of your fans and reduce income, firing him gets you issues with politicians bitching or sponsors pulling out due to SJW influence, firing him ~3 years later has you accused of homophobia even if you just did it due to shit performance, making no statement on the issue could either do nothing or cause him to throw a bitchfit that you aren't giving him snowflake treatment and so on. As it is it's just EU:IV's women in history 'visibility' crap where it adds nothing to the game.

Also you could tie this into nationality, for example endorsing the fag makes players from certain nations refuse to sign with you/need to be paid higher wages. Hell you could even have ones already signed with you quit in protest. There are so many options here for actual fucking content.

So gays aren't real fans?
If I was homosex I'd be offended.

Don't hate the Playa, hate the Gay.


You don't think aids management is a new gameplay mechanic?


They changed nothing.

I've heard exponentially more statements that being gay is normal than I've met any actual non-heterosexual people. What's even special about this, it's a fucking Football Manager game. Is there gonna be a gay meter or you have to fill? Did the series have a policy that only straight players should be in the game?

Just makes playing Mike Pence hard mode. It literally makes playing an upstanding human being hard mode, thus being the target challenge.

It's going to be flavor text, it's a stupid addition that serves no purpose, like adding gay drivers to a racing game, I don't give a damn about their sexuality, I care about their skills.

If a player comes out as gay in reality, they're only doing it for two reasons:

Tim Richmond was a good driver, too bad he died of AIDS. I always thought it was funny that everyone in the garage area avoided him for fear they'd get labeled queer too when the Waltrip's were walking around and fooling absolutely nobody.

this is the most fucking retarded thing I have heard all day

Gay characters give you boosted money. I really hope it stacks so it shines as pandering as it is on SI's behalf.

Yet people tell me I'm wrong for hating corporations who make political statements. Atleast the boycotters stand by their beliefs.

What, are they trying to make football even gayer than it already is?

We are not talking about handegg

I've had this explained to me when my soccer-team was cucking out having the Pride-flag all over the arena and inviting rapefugees for free to watch the game.

I fucking hate them all!


So when is Illusion going to make Artificial Football?

They are both extremely fucking gay. Any sport that pays niggers exorbitant amounts of money to run around chasing a ball is patently homosexual.

I know.

Well, who better to play with balls?

literally who cares
