
i felt like ruining my life so i started playing this shit again
how do i git gud? i'm horrible at last hitting, and my only fun champions don't work in the roles i want to play
then there's the fact that the game makes me suicidal
inb4 nobody here plays this garbage anymore/kill myself for playing it

Practice tool
It's something you need to eyeball. If it helps, you can left click the minions to see where their health is at, from there compare your basic attack numbers.
Man, who gives a shit about that. If people want to yell at you, let them.

people yell at me regardless, that's not the point
for example i want to run taric top, since it used to work
but after all the reworks, he has abyssmally bad early game and just about everyone else can outdamage him in the first 15 minutes

Taric top is still pretty damn good. You also actually have some good early damage if you take your Q first. Hit the Q, get your 2 autos off from your passive, repeat until they back off. Build tanky to stall out the opponent.

Yordles are the best.

All hail shortstacks.

Tiny girls with big bottoms.

I don't care for the game but I'll always appreciate its shortstacks.

Thank you for saving this shitty thread


kill yourself

the problem so far is the mana
spamming Q drains my mana too fast and after that i'm fucked


have a great day

I sure do like yordles.
Especially male yordles.


Honestly I'd just focus on getting better at last hits before trying to bully your lane opponent unless they're just constantly on you.


Quality thread.
OP, do yourself a favor and play another game.

why contain it

And now this thread is shit again, well done

I get why these kinds of games are popular with normalfaggots and faggots, but why would you want to play them, user?
I used to play the Warcraft 3 DotA back in the day and dropped it quickly after realising how awful it was.

Serious question.


Can't you just play fun games instead?

i needed some way to kill time, and so far vidya hasn't been fun in a while

You don't get to bring ASSFAGGOT threads.

is twitch a yordle?

Oh hey look. Holla Forums woke up and decided that someone having fun was bad because it's not one of Holla Forums's approved games.


Also, you might want to get some extra mana regen via runes or something, to help you bully the enemy laner.
Run with attack damage quints, armor yellows, and mana regen and magic resist or whatever, and try again.

nobody here plays this garbage anymore kill yourself for playing it

Better than sitting in front of your computer screen, having no friends, and waiting for someone to post something you don't approve of to start laying into them about how they shouldn't enjoy it and how it's not REAL video games. So how's it feel not having any friends, faggot?

You dumb nigger. That guy is the one who made the thread.

Make a choice OP. Either stop playing assfaggots or stop posting on this board. There are so many great games out there. Dumping hundreds of hours of your life, if not thousands will leave you full of regret. Please play some other games OP.


so this?

nobody here has friends, silly billy :^)

Nice trips. I'm retarded. Fuck off fun police.

Better than hiding behind your screen, faggot.

Looks fine.


Why live?

Give me your best.

A lot of 1v1 me faggot will understimate your sustain and damage, they'll either die or burn flash and retreat.
Good luck, and really, play another game.

Nope. He's a rat who mutated into a furry because of the shit tons of failed drugs and shit Noxia pump into the sewers.

Fun fact, I once wrote some fapfics with Twitch in them, mostly as jokes to upset people in the LoL general back on 4chan. Some guy rolled with it and became obsessed with Twitch and is now a furry porn artist, focusing mostly on small cute rodents with massive cocks.

I always stole my teammates' lane and KSed with Teemo's Q
Then used the gold to buy items for really annoying and frequent mushrooms, then spammed them in the enemy jungle
Or just proxy as Singed

post ahri+alistar


git good faggot

If you are going to play an ASSFAGGOT at least play one better than League.

dota is too hard and even more boring for me

Then Blizzard assfaggot. It's all the casual of League but with heroes that aren't just copy pasted over and over and over and over and over.

isn't that even more casual? that's taking away all the challenge that i pretend i can be good at


I really want to report you for such a shit thread but LOL is a video game by a technical margin even if it is Tencent's datamining software.

So let me just call you a faggot and tell you to check my numbers.

How about go fuck yourself?

nice job fam

spoiler it next time

who are you quoting?



You deserve all the suffering you get from LoL

Heroes of the Storm is actually pretty good.

I racked up 3k+ hours in Dota2, and then 2k+ in League. Went into Heroes in March, fully expecting it to be absolute garbage, but I find it to be loads of fun.

Basically removes all of the boring shit out of League and Dota and forces more objectives and team fights, which is really what the games should be about anyway. Last hits and snowballing is gone, so there's always the possibility to overtake and clutch even if you fucked up at the beginning.

No Russians or Chinks, as it is separated by region, so all of the lesser races can stay in their containment areas.


quitting this shit is probably the best thing I've done in my life, I've started playing more and better games again

Not even surprised.



Very nice.

Are there any games that revolve around playing various unique characters or heroes with a bit of a novelty effect to them? Assfaggots and to a lesser extent fighting games seem to be the only genre's that do this.

assfaggots are truly cancer, thankfully valve stopped updating theirs to help me finally quit.

I got 2110 hours in D2, and probably at least 50-100 in heroes of the storm. Alarak was fun.
CM a good waifu though, stoppit

I know they block communication with the enemy team but it would be funny to get a bunch of faggots from this board and pubstomp HOTS. I'd have to reinstall though.
Too bad blizz and volvo are pozzed up the neghole now so the only way I'm reinstalling either of those is if you can manage to convince 4 or 5 more fags that it's worth their time.

I check these dubs, and I myself roll. Checkem.

by not playing it. You'll git gud in life.

the only saving grace of D2 is the custom battle maps. Try that. It's better IMO than the actual game.

I've tried hots and liked the diverse heroes. I liked that one character who could just stay in the base and support.

when i was getting back into the game after a long break, i just focused on farming and hitting my power spikes on easy champions i knew i could do well on. i would recommend the same to you.

Well when a good action game has multiple playable characters it's kind of like that.
In DMC3SE and 4SE all the playable characters have unique play styles. Transformers Devastation also had 5 playable character who all had unique abilities which made it worth playing through the whole game with each one.




Also musou games
although these two are the only ones I played so far.

Why even play a game that requires you to be good at the stupidiest shit possible? If this were 10 years ago, I'd understand why you'd play this shit game, but holy shit it just get so much worse each fucking day.

I can go on and on about this trash heap. It's so bad, that isn't not even "fun with friends".They constantly kill every bit of fun you can have is this fucking game.

Dota is the only good ASSFAGGOT since its the only one that actually has interesting tactics to it, every match feels entirely unique. Everything outside of the tactical aspect of these games is shit, that's why they're only fun to watch or play with friends.

In League every hero is a copy and matches are dominated by FotM heroes that happened to be buffed that patch. Dota 2 isn't the most balanced game in the world but you don't get this issue in League where one hero is exactly the same as another but universally better because of Riot's inability to balance the game; every hero has their niche.

I don't want this to sound like I'm praising Dota too much, Icefraud should have made something entirely new instead of Dota 2 that doesn't tie itself to shitty memes leftover from the WC3 engine like the RTS controls and RNG.
No because they don't have the variety/balance of Dota which is literally the only thing good about the game other than art and sound design.

I've got over 2.5k hours of dota and it's absolute shit.

The 2 new LoL heroes that are being added for a desperate move to get the League kiddos into the game is icing on the cake, along with the epic card game.

Valve has turned into a giant sheckle factory that has lost all of it's creativity, and it's glorious to see them become a company like EA/Activision. Money corrupts all.

I haven't played a lot recently but there were some good matches at the internationals. The two new heroes look like they might as well be from a different game, but so do most of the shitty cosmetics so I guess they won't make it any worse.

The vanilla artstyle is actually pretty amazing and what they've done to it is tragic. Steam was a mistake.

If you're determined to play this game for some reason, just play the flavor of the month op champ. Just look at the patch notes and take a guess. One tricking a champ is just suffering because riot cannot into balance and everyone has to take turns being good, with some champs waiting years.

Just can't get into this genre, they all seem to be the same thing and extremely repetitive to boot.

I'm talking about Dota's present state. I'm convinced that icefrog left a long time ago. Just look at all the updates turning the game into League. The comeback gold mechanic that happened over 1 year ago was what really started it.

The magic of TI3 is all gone. There was a glimpse of it with the Boston major with Chad Finem. For me, that last game with Ad Finem vs OG was the spiritual end of dota.

Avoid ASSFAGGOTS at all cost.

Take off your nostalgia glasses fag, Icefrog was always shit at balancing, Dota 2 was always a faggy version of the original, They purposely added turn rate and the clunky source engine on top of making everything more retarded like huskar rework

I'm not talking about balancing dipshit, I'm talking about how Valve is panicing and turning the game into league in a desperate move to get more players. It has nothing to do with balancing and has everything to do with money.

Pandering to the Chinese by releasing MK, seasonal events, Chinese inspired item sets, and even remodeling the heroes so they look less gruesome. (look at the chinese version of WoW) Now that they have their chinese audience their american playerbase is dwindling, which is why those 2 new LoL heroes are being added because they have no idea what to do. On top of that they will try to get the Hearthstone crowd into Dota with that pointless card game.

Dota will now be played exclusively by 3rd worlders and Chinese. It's fun watching Valve fuck up constantly. Their company practice of anything goes with no structure is finally starting to screw them over.



Your response is irrelevant, you have been playing a bastardized version of the original concept of the game, Dota 2 Did the same shit league did, You just didnt play Aeon of Strife or DoTa Pre guinsoo to know how much those faggots ruinned the game and the genre.

Just play Smite.

i don't want to

Even with the occasional shitty meme skin its better than other mobas purely for its 3v3 and arena modes.

well nevermind, got banned for 12 days because i called someone a nigger after he flamed all game, so i guess the thread is pointless now

Its dead jim.
DOTA used to be the only good one with everything else being a pale clone trying to gimmick its relevancy. I'd argue it was an amazing game, maybe even one of the best, yet Valve does what Valve does best shits on everything until only a husk remains.

This feels sadder than it ought to…




I only play arams solo and play normals or ranked if I'm in a full team with my friends. The game isn't worth playing with randumbs, even with friends it ends in fighting because they're all shitters who can't into map awareness.
If you want to get gud, glue your eyes to the minimap and keep a mental note of where everyone in the game is at all times. If they're MIA, try to guess where they're headed based on their last location and their patterns throughout the game. Do this and you won't ever die to a gank, hopefully will be able to make good objective calls and all round be a better player.


nobody here plays this garbage anymore/kill yourself for playing it

Have a bump
Here's a stealth-anchored thread addressing why threads like this are still up
Thanks Mark, just like a redditor mod would handle the situation