Grand Strategy Games

Grand Strategy Games


This Day in History, October 20th

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Two threads ago, I asked what I needed to get the byzantine decline malus to go away in VeF. What I should have also asked was how do I get rid of turkey's rise of the ottoman's bonus.

I thought VeF would make the ottomans less memey but I guess that's too much to ask. 126% discipline with a 33% siege bonus? What the fuck am I supposed to do?

I have been making gains but only because I'm willing to drag the wars out to ridiculous lengths and the AI just ignores the war goal most of the time to take unrelated forts.

Explain. Was trying to get Fascists to rebel, even when I gave up Texas to Mexico they didn't care. Got my militancy high but socialists and commies were pissed off too. I've played Euro countries and I've gotten Fascists all the time, with relatively low militancy.


You want the modifier gone or 'balanced'?
In any case, it's in documents/mods/VeF/common/static_modifiers; I think it's called rise_of_the_ottomans or something along those lines, just ctrl+f ottomans.

Europe has monarchies with many restrictive laws and many problems to get pissed over.
The US is basically the promised land with muh constitution and muh rights so people don't bitch about it.
Fascism is monarchism/reactionary/nationalism to 11 so you certainly won't get it in the US since there are no issues to be pissed over.
The only thing is muh slavery.

Which grand strategy game is easiest to get into as a beginner? I never found Crusader Kings interesting enough to bother getting into it.

Read the image

Probably the Europa Universalis series.
Though I started with HoI 2 and found it pretty gud for starting.
Played the Ardennes scenario like a million times until I conquered Paris.


I really wasn't thinking when I posted that, I soon after realized US is a democracy and Europe is still kangz.
I think I'm more burnt out than ever on V2. After playing HOI3 and going back to V2, the combat's incredibly boring. That being said, I don't remember the ideal formation, I used to do 5/2/5 or always have the same amount of cannons and infantry, found that effective.
Although it seems that formation is not that effective early game as cannon support technologies only gets better, I think I might have to double the amount of infantry as that's what causes most casualties.
But man I hope they never make Victoria 2 after the disaster that is HOI4. I actually pirated it just to see and wew almighty, it is atrocious
It's like a bunch of low test faggots who know nothing about history made this game.

I can't say it for sure, but I am pretty sure even in the newest patches there are still countries in HoI4 that are controlled by the same person portrait-wise.

It's simple, just annex Otto.

Is there any Darkest Hour mod for a decent WW1 experience?

Victoria 2's combat is like EU3 but worse.

There is a "Mod1914" mod but it's only for 1.03 + it's ported from HoI 2 so it uses the old map.

Paradox GSG in a nutshell

Why not DH? Its better than hoi2 on every front

Anyone has the latest version of VeF?
The one in the archive is 0.4 versions old.
Have free t.gsg meme.

I kinda agree, books are overrated
You can condensate knowledge much better nowadays
And im not even baiting

It seems that 8gsg is heading towards the cancer level of 4gsg.


How long did that last?

2 threads i think.
It was until HPM got unbanned.

Explain to me how books are still relevant nowadays as a mean to preserve knowledge

What does VeF stand for?

Im not english native speaker


It is the EU4 mod Veritas et Fortitudo.

Longevity and no need for electricity.

I need muh gsg mems

Ok i agree, although they are harder to distribute and copy than information in digital format

It is on steam, you know?

That's a given,but the digital readers themselves are harder to make than printing presses.

Where do you think you are?

You can download it from the workshop, you tard.

I tried using steamworkshowdownloader and it just opens up a File not found error.

Then scroll down and open their discord. You will be surprised.

I am surprised at how much of a retard I am.
Bless you user.


It seems retarded when read at first but honestly the guy has a point. If people during the Victorian era had been able to create something along the lines of internet which would have been able to store unlimited amounts of information they would've prefered to put it there instead of write it down in a document.
It baffles me that there are people who think they are intelligent simply because they read books. Partly because of the fact that literature is an entire medium, saying you read books is the same as saying you watch movies or you listen to music, it's meaningless because there are so many genres and subjects to write about.
Preferring to read a book over simply searching about it online because it makes you feel intellectually superior to those who read less books is really fucking autistic. I had a period where I tried to read a lot of history-related books (and I still do from time to time) until I realised that when I was done reading I had not aquired much more knowledge than I would have had if I had read something like a wikipedia article.

Is CWE or NWO recommended for a 1992 start?





I rike it




Welcome to Holla Forums

Are they playing 2005 game because everyone knows modern games don't have split-screen and aren't fun.

Holy hell that's one furious faggot.

As much as that image was retarded, yours is too.

inb4 it is mostly just one guy replying to himself, considering all the (1)s.

Even worse: someone was mad enough to feel the need to post that in every single thread.

Keep dreaming

Why is it every time I see a Holla Forums vs Holla Forums fight on the front page, it's always /gsg/? What the fuck are you faggots always doing in here? Why can't you play your Total War and get along?

Really makes one think huh?

It was fine for over a year. But then cuckchanners started getting banned and coming here.

tbh I doubt it's even a butthurt commie, probably just idle shitposting

I was looking for a way to cripple the ottomans in game, fiddling with files is my last resort.

They keep the bonus as long as they have 12 provinces and since I started from the second start they pretty much have had it the whole time. I've slowly chipped away at them over three wars. The first two the ottomans started but largely ignored their wargoal so by dragging it out I got their allies to leave the war and blockaded turkey's coasts. The last one I had to wait for the age of discovery to end so that their fucking 33% siege bonus would go away. I started a golden age right as it ended, got the advisor that gives army morale, and swarmed them with numbers and was able to eek out victories for the most part.

It's pretty sad the AI is so dumb it's mostly easier to fight wars by yourself.

Cheesing 126 discipline is anything but.

maps aren't games


Hey guys I'm making a small mod for Vicky2 (HFM) inb4 plebbitIt's actually good, basically HPM+ despite being made by faggots focused on random stuff like new pops (in the Caucasus, couldn't help it Ossetians and a more realistic Daghestan) as well as changing the map a bit around Venezuela and Colombia (since the current HPM/HFM/Vicky2 borders didn't match those of the 1800's) and Greece.

As for Greece, I think it's going to be the biggest part of my mod. I'm actually aiming to add more flavor to the Megali idea, expanding it a bit so to speak. You know how you can actually reform and turn into the Byzantine empire? (Can't decide if I should rename it Empire of the Greeks or Empire of the Romans since both names were used when referring to the Byzzies) Well I think what comes next is a bit bland; Nothing, you simply get cores in any provinces you're holding to, as long as they have either Greek or turkish culture. That sucks ass. What I'm thinking of is going back to the old Byzantine borders (the empire around the Komnenian era, in and before, kinda like in pic related's 1020)
What do you guys think? I think a big plus is that most of those territories have a small Greek presence, for example in Sicily, Calabria and Bari (Southern Italy), Rumelia (Southern Bulgaria), Northern Macedonia (Modern FYROM) and Gjirokaster (Albania). So the whole Byzantine Restoration could have some sort of progression from Megali Idea (Western Anatolian Coast, Gjirokaster and Thrace) -→ Megali Ellada (Mainland southern Italy, Rumelia, N. Macedonia and Pontus/Trebizond) -→ Byzantine Borders (Sicily, N. Bulgaria, the rest of Anatolia, Armenia, Dobruja, Serbia & Montenegro). It's all doable before 1936, already did it without cores.

I think removing/cutting down the modifiers is just enough to make the game more enjoyable. I understand they indented to railroad the whole fucking thing, but those stupid modifiers are just plain bullshit.

Die faggot.


It's a /gsg/ vs faggot spammer fight. And there's no fight if you just hide and report.

On a site where the third largest board is one for communist discussion that really isn't a strange thing to claim.

you know its a shit leftist meme by all the text you didn't read

nice falseflag Holla Forums

That's not even a Holla Forums image newfag, that shit was created before Holla Forums was even a thing.

I'm not a newfag. This was back when it was released. I've been playing it for over 10 years.

The people who frequent Holla Forums now still existed tho.

Why is TRP the only mod to simulate the Sino-Japanese stalemate?

It'd be cool if the AI never attacked beaches with huge armies on them.

Back you go

I blame Mark for allowing plebbitors

It's ported from HoI 2 so it uses different combat than DH Full and mods which are based on DH Full.

Did you even try HFM? At first I thought it was gonna be shit, but it's actually good.

The faggot spammer literally is, moron.


I am not
t. spammer


Does anyone happen to have a copy of a massive PDF that some guy created for his dynasty in CK2?
Outlined basically their entire history and everything that happened in the game. Remember it being fairly autistic, full of flags and coats of arms and such, and the authors English wasn't great.
It was a year or two since I saw it and I don't think I ever saved it.

I have no idea what you're talking about but I am very interested in seeing it as well.

This will never change, will it?

Are you actually the HFM dev? If so your mod is pretty great. It's like HPM but good.


Person who made this is truly autistic.


Please don't bully me



after the genocide …

country_event = {

id = 1000000000
trigger = {
ai = no

title = "EVTNAME46800"
desc = "EVTDESC46800"
picture = "Machupicchu"

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA46800"
inherit = PRU
inherit = AUS
inherit = ENG
inherit = FRA
inherit = RUS
inherit = NET
inherit = POR
inherit = SPA
inherit = SWI
inherit = SWE
inherit = BEL
inherit = DEN
inherit = USA
inherit = MEX
inherit = SAR
inherit = PAR
inherit = TUS
inherit = LUC
inherit = PAP
inherit = SIC
inherit = SER
inherit = WAL
inherit = TEX
inherit = KRA
inherit = MOL
inherit = GRE
inherit = ION
inherit = MOD
inherit = BAV
inherit = BAD
inherit = WUR
inherit = HES
inherit = FRM
inherit = NAS
inherit = HEK
inherit = WEI
inherit = MEI
inherit = COB
inherit = SAX
inherit = ANH
inherit = HAN
inherit = BRA
inherit = LIP
inherit = OLD
inherit = BRE
inherit = HOL
inherit = LUB
inherit = MEC
inherit = LUX
inherit = HAM
inherit = MON
option = {
name = "EVTOPTA46800"
add_accepted_culture = north_german
add_accepted_culture = south_german
add_accepted_culture = british
add_accepted_culture = russian
add_accepted_culture = dutch
add_accepted_culture = french
add_accepted_culture = spanish
add_accepted_culture = north_italian
add_accepted_culture = south_italian
add_accepted_culture = wallonian
add_accepted_culture = portuguese
add_accepted_culture = danish
add_accepted_culture = swedish
add_accepted_culture = swiss
add_accepted_culture = romanian
add_accepted_culture = serb
add_accepted_culture = greek
add_accepted_culture = yankee
add_accepted_culture = byelorussian
add_accepted_culture = ukrainian
add_accepted_culture = ugrian
add_accepted_culture = anglo_canadian
add_accepted_culture = flemish
add_accepted_culture = french_canadian
add_accepted_culture = catalan
add_accepted_culture = basque
add_accepted_culture = icelandic
add_accepted_culture = finnish
add_accepted_culture = norwegian
add_accepted_culture = sami
add_accepted_culture = dixie
add_accepted_culture = texan
add_accepted_culture = hungarian
add_accepted_culture = croatian
add_accepted_culture = polish
add_accepted_culture = czech
add_accepted_culture = slovene
add_accepted_culture = slovak
add_accepted_culture = bulgarian
add_accepted_culture = bosniak
add_accepted_culture = irish
add_accepted_culture = lithuanian
add_accepted_culture = latvian
add_accepted_culture = albanian
add_accepted_culture = icelandic
add_accepted_culture = siberian


I'm not sure if I missed something

South Africa is a pretty fun nation to play. In CWE you can go democratic but refuse to do the culture switch and end up forming an African Union ruled by the white man. Then you can flip back to dictatorship and start ethnic cleansing most of the nigger populations (with the exception of black anglo, black french, and black portuguese since the AU adds them as accepted).

in 46 of 92 start?


Either start can technically work. The 46 start means more boring wait time but by the same token gives you longer to grow your population and get in a couple rounds of ethnic cleansing before going democratic. The 92 start still has white primary culture but your population will be much smaller (33 million vs 75 million) and you'll be missing the Bantustans and Namibia (though you can get them back later when forming the AU). Also, the 46 start makes it more likely you'll be a GP by the time 2020 rolls around.

I'd go with the 46 start, personally. Especially if you're playing aggressively and don't mind infamy wars, you might well have a decent portion of africa already annexed.

Does anything special happen in 2020?

This, i never got to 2020, only to 2016
Also is a 2020 happening also in NWO or only in CWE

2020 is when the final decisions to form superstates activate. You want to be a democratic nation when it rolls around if you're going the superstate route; once you enact the decision and absorb any relevant spherelings or other GPs in the EU's case, you're then free to go back to being a dictatorship and just get the rest of them through the Claim Greater Superstate decisions which'll give you cores on the entire continent.

Don't know what to say to this…

Playing CK2 as Mercia, in the Charlamagne start. I have conquered Wales and England. Next are Ireland and Scotland. Is there a way to get a lot of land quickly, or do I have to manufacture claims, and form the kingdoms when I have enough land?

Charlemagne could not hold his land together. France is now in several pieces and the Saxons are pretty big. How do I conquer these barbarians? Or do I focus on the Muslims in Spain?

What mod?


Not really, I'm just VeF/HIPanon, kinda jumped on the Vicky2 bandwagon and now I'm modding the mod, if that makes any sense.
Pretty good game btw, always thought vanilla vicky2 was a bit boring, but it's not and HPM/HFM makes it even better.

Edge of Darkness.

I'm not sure if it's the newest HPM version of if if it's 3.04, had it on beta forever and ran an older version and not a single crash and after latest HPM and 3.04 I'm now getting crashes often.
Did they also fuck with the combat a bit? I'm getting thee fucking worst dicerolls and I've never seen a 6 defence general. I fucking outtecched Joseon and that fucking general and shit dicerolls caused me to lose, this is fucking stupid, wish I got a screencap.

can you post a download link? I've never play it before

If you're going with byzantium, focus on flavour. Have other countries react to you (for example italian minors feeling threatened since they know any "roman" empire will try to grab italy sooner or later, muzzies despising you since you kinda shat on the prophesy of muslims ruling Constantinople, do some stuff with the patriarchates, such as creating a small split between greek and russian orthodoxy, lots of events for conquered pops (whether BYZ will go full natsoc and try to grekify everyone, or if they'll go more federal and have for example southern slavs as accepted culture) and so on).

Found it. Stumbled across it whilst looking through my backup drives.
The author uploaded the CK2 one at:
There are a few more which you can find by googling the title. Game screenshots can be seen by clicking the blue links in the document.



Boy that sounds like a lot of work, I love it!
Got any suggestions for the Italian minors/Unified Italy? Other than a meager diplomatic malus. I mean, the flavor I've added so far makes it so that Greece obtains claims on Lazio and Southern Italy, but nothing up north.
I suppose after claiming northern Italy the ERE could now obtain claims on the Mare Nostrum, like Provence, Grenada, Tunis, Algiers and Morocco. Jerusalem and the Levant could be another event on its own.

As for the Russo-Greek split/schism, I've no idea how to make that work. Do you mean a new religion? Like Greek Orthodoxy vs. Russian Orthodoxy? If so, that seems silly. Religion doesn't really play a big part on this game, which is kind of a shame. btw I've added Syriac and Armenian Christianism and Zoroastrianism into the game, kinda trying to figure out what to do with those.

And as for the conquered pops events, maybe I could make a random boost to assimilation and primary culture immigration (if possible) to conquered provinces with low/no militancy and consciousness.

leftardpol is really retarded beyond down syndrome

Since youre working around with events and colombia-venezuela, how about improving a bit the events of the grand colombia?
Right now its pretty much just a name change, you dont even get cores to dominican republic, costa rica, essequibo, northern peru or northern amazon.

What counts as Northern Peru and Northern Amazon? What provinces? HFM adds cores to Costa Rica and I've added cores to Hispaniola, thought I was done, but it seems that federation was bigger than I thought; all sources online say it's roughly Venezuela + Colombia + Ecuador, did Bolivar conquer anything else?

Shut up, whitey

Not conquer, but Costa Rica tried to join before it all crashed down.
All the countries surrounding the northern part of the amazon spent a lot of time arguing about who owned what in the amazonian frontiers, since everyone claimed lots of unsettled territories (just look at the maps of the general capitany of venezuela). Another decision you could ask is the grand Colombia following in with the settling plans (this could act in-game with more immigrant attraction), remnants of this can be seen in the German settlements of colonia tovar and el jarillo in Venezuela.

What if instead of giving CGO (Gran Colombia) cores to amazonian territories held by Bazil (Maybe only the Northern Amazonian Jungle) I turn the whole area into a colonizable territory? HFM has a small chunk of colonizable amazon, but it's just one province; I could expand upon this.
As for Costa Rica, I could make an event to 'inherit' the country, so to speak, the same way Corfu and Chios do when playing as Greece; you're able to inherit both islands when X and Y provinces are owned by GRE. The same could be done with Hispaniola/Haiti/Dominican Republic.

Also, what are these settling plans you speak of? A bunch of Bavarians settling in central Venezuela?

The grand colombian government wanted to bring European settlers after the war was over to repopulate the country and improve farming techniques.
And all of that sounds completely fine.

I just wanted a comfy World War II goddamnit

I read a bit about the Colonia Tovar, that sounds like a pretty neat idea. Though I'm afraid the area is too small to account for a whole province, I think an event set around 1843 could bring in a few krauts from Baden and Bavaria; that could be the onset of a bigger immigrant-attracting chain of/random events which could sporadically increase the country's population. Perhaps an even bigger immigrant attraction bonus could be achieved after forming GCO.
Also, I'm going to add a decision to annex Bolivia and Peru as GCO, either diplomatically or by the sword, same way it works when absorbing ECU, CLM or VNZ when forming CGO; just to represent Bolivar's legacy, I mean his army did free those old Spanish Viceroyalties, so incorporating those two to the CGO does make sense.

Here's how VNZ and CLM look like, as of 1836; while not perfect, it's more akin to the old maps I've seen. The new provinces are Margarita (little islands off the coast, should it be Asunción or Margarita?) and Riohacha in Colombia (big Goajiro/Wayuu population). Medellin is now a port province.

Also, I wanted to ask, as GCO, do they hold any claims over Aruba, Curacao, Trinidad and Tobago? I think Trinidad and Tobago were first colonized by Spain, so that might give GCO some legitimacy over those territories, and Aruba and Curacao's relative closeness to the Venezuelan coast, one might as well consider them part of the GCO territory; though that might be ahistorical and we wouldn't want that in Vicky2, would we?


It's got a benis extending all the way down to the coast.

Trinidad and Tobago was under control of the general capitany of venezuela before getting. Taken over by the Brits, and Venezuela did go into a tiny, irrelevant war against Netherland for the control of a bunch of islands in the Caribbean for that sweet guano, so claims wouldn't be that far fetched.
Also, by 1836 Venezuela still held the guyana Essequibo.

Also, yes, the correct name is margarita, you could also add the island of orchilla (the one north of Caracas), but appart from being the official presidential vacation spot, its largely irrelevant.

You could make it an event chain that would form a coalition sort of thing against you give them a cb for dismantling BYZ and make it so that the other countries that hate your shit are likely to join it, if that's possible

No, more like the various events and malluses/buffs regarding eastern roman emperor trying to re-estabilish caesaropapism (even if it was never THAT pronounced, having re-conquered the patriarchates would give ERE quite a claim for such a thing, as well as the power to achieve it) which especially Russia, which tried to do the same thing, would despise. Also a point of contention between ERE and other orthodox countries, where ERE would try to reaffirm the supreme power of the pentarchy over the orthodox church (minors that would accept it could, for example, get a lot of ERE influence points)

so yesterday I found out how powerfull pikemen retinues really are, when my 4800 strong pikeman retinue defeated 20000 men strong hre army(of course I did have surprisingly good commanders, which is rare for me, and half of the retinue was destroyed, making it pretty much pyrrhic victory)

oh, and I was defending on hills, so I guess that helped too.

you know what? gsg lacks comfy. i just want to be lord of a small province in the world and making everything great for everyone
is there any mod with events for small countries?

Play Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands or any south american country and you can just try to make a decent, peacefull country.


Is Stellaris /gsg/?

CK2 has reasonable amount of events to keep things somewhat interesting even in peacetime but they'll start getting blatantly repetitive after a while.

Cuckchan /vg/ has forced Stellaris to migrate into /civ4xg/

no, it's a 4X. If you mod it extensivelly, it could get close, though.

Oh that's cool, more claims then.

Yeah I've seen a few maps, gonna change the pops from afro-caribeno to afro-latino and brits to amazonian aboriginals.

Orchila's there, right north of Caracas, also part of said province; as you said, it's irrelevant. It seems kinda big, but that's the way the game represents each pixel from the .png map.

So far, all the 'claim X' chain of decisions give is 5 infamy for each chunk of clay (Bulgaria, Crimea and Azov, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and S. Italy); I could prop up the infamy for Italy, maybe make it a 10 instead of 5 since it's a very densely-populated area, sadly nobody cares about the Balkans, so they remain the same.
As for a special chain of events, I don't think so. A special CB for dismantling the ERE could be done, but that's already a CB other nations get once you go past 25 infamy, the Contain Nation CB (and it seems GPs are always eager to use it, since the moment I get 25 infamy, a GP declares war on me.)

All in all, I still think the 10 infamy is enough, it's not like Italy's not gonna hate your guts for grabbing their clay.

user this is way beyond my capabilities, it's a damn fine idea, but I'm not that good of a modder.
I could however, add a small bonus for conquering Rome, Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria and Jerusalem; perhaps higher assimilation rate, as well as a bonus to religious conversion (if that even exists in-game, I sure hope so); also the diplomatic malus with Russia is doable, could even give both countries a humiliate CB if you so choose to restore the pentarchies and swift orthodoxy back to Greece.

its too abstract to be /gsg/

Jesus these guys did lose a ton of clay in the last hundred years.

and now they're getting starved to death by their commie government.

They're pretty much a Russian-Chinese-Cuban satellite. The cold war never ended.

I feel bad for Virginia.


It was mostly uninhabited jungles that got taken over while we were on wars or by the perfidious Albion threatening to take over half the country with Germany and France.

Ok so VNZ (or ECU, CLM, GCO a slong as they own Caracas) now has two new decisions for immigrant attraction:
One adds the Tovar Colony (South German settlers) in Central Venezuela, giving the following bonus to the province of Caracas:
colonia_tovar_founded = { population_growth = 0.0015 immigrant_attract = 0.05 assimilation_rate = 0.025}
The only requirement if year >=1843; also it's a province modifier only for Caracas.

The other decision is for improving the country's infrastructure, developing new towns and cities in which European Immigrants could settle in, it grants the following country modifier:
good_immigrants = { population_growth = 0.003 immigrant_attract = 0.15 assimilation_rate = 0.05}
This decision requires the completion of Colonia Tovar decision, 30k gold and the Biased Multiculturalism invention (after researching Nationalism and Imperialism in 1850)

If these two OP in any way, please let me know. I know the US has like +30% passive immigrant attraction, so this shouldn't seem to silly, and also considering VNZ had a big immigrant population up until the 2000's (before the commies arrived), these two modifiers shouldn't seem to far fetched.

Seems all right, Venezuela did historically do both of those things, with the tovar colony and during the 40s-60s with Spaniards, Germans, portuguese and Italians, then christian Lebanese in the 70s.

Guess I can now work on the ERE, shouldn't take too long. I'm going for Justinian's borders like in pic related

Why colonize Sub-Saharan Africa when you can own most of the Mediterranean Basin?
I guess the ERE's accepted cultures could be Copt (new), Assyrian, N and S Italian, Dalmatian (new), Bulgarian, Serb & montenegrin and Berber. I mean it's a big empire after all. Though 9 accepted cultures should seem like a bit too much for some people myself included.

All of South America is rightful Anglo clay

If the naval battles weren't so hard to get right I would probably be mad at how retarded the AI was, but then again the British fleet started 2-3x stronger than mine.

Vicky2's HFM has Monaco and Leichestein, they're OPMs, small and comfy. Since you could technically cram 1m people in there, you could strive to become a GP. Also there's Malta, you could release it as GB.

Second best feeling after a full encirclement. Impressive stuff. Why is Black ICE considered a meme mod and is it better than HPP? I'm currently playing it.


Just as I thought, the game doesn't have any modifiers for religion. The restored Pentarchy province modifier will be the following:
pentarchy_restored = { tax_efficiency = 0.1 population_growth = 0.005 assimilation_rate = 0.10}

I seriously don't know what else I should add/remove other than the humiliate CB against Russia, there's really not much to do other than higher assimilation rates. I guess the final bonus for all five Pentarchies could be a buffed up version of the previous modifier, kinda like this:
pentarchy_restored = { tax_efficiency = 0.2 population_growth = 0.0075 assimilation_rate = 0.15}
It's just a modifier for one province, so it shouldn't be too OP. Let me know if you've got any ideas.

Why are there two threads?

Because this one doesn't have /gsg/ in title and somebody probably was too lazy to check the catalog.

Looks good, user, although how about having single province patriarchate buff, and adding a nation-wide one after entire pentarchy is restored? Maybe tie it to events/decisions so that an ERE that is more multicult has the buff very weak, whereas one that actively uses religion as part of its nationalist propaganda would have a stronger one (possibly raising militancy of non-accepted due to infidels being pissed as well as non-accepted orthodox seeing it as bending religion for political purposes?).

I don't know how could I possibly do that, it's a great idea don't get me wrong, but that's also way beyond my capabilities. Hell I couldn't even do the humiliate CB thinger with Russia because I didn't know how to make it a chain of events.
I think I've gotten used to CK2/EU4 in terms of modding, because with the limited resources Vicky2 has it's become a little bit difficult.

Tonight I'll release the mod though, but I won't be stepping into unknown territory without learning how to mod this game first, so I'm sorry to disappoint, but again, that's way beyond my Vicky2 modding capabilities. Hell I don't even know how to properly play the game yet, the moment I got the game, I started modding the shit outta it!

Also the malus to the multicult ERE sounds good in paper, but in practice it's not when you're ruling like 6 gorillion kebabs and other christian denominations. You'd be weak as piss 90% of the time.

Highly imbalanced, with good composition you get thousands of SA and the overaggressive AI just kills itself attacking you. Quite similar to HoI4 actually (Paradox probably thought BICE was where the game should go…). To counter this the AI literally gets infinite manpower (every time they go low a repeatable event gives them more) and the AI spawns units out of thin air by event at certain benchmarks (e.g., if you DoW Turkey to attack Russia from the south, Turkey gets free divisions and Russia gets more free divisions to help them out). There's also a bunch of silly stuff like a Hitler division.

HPP is the better mod.

Welp, here's v1.01 of user's HFM edits for HFM v1.24a (Vicky2, HPM submod; this is literally the submod of a submod, a subsubmod.) As per usual, the changelog's inside. Have fun.!o18FRIha!WwVygv7pCFJ5Vvr2utOFfjDT_UU5sRjsJYTjAzdmaJo

Let me know of any fuckups, there shouldn't be any though, made sure this thing was playtested a few times.

Reposting here because this thread is actually alive.

For those of you who can stand HOI4, what are your thoughts on the Italy rework coming in 0.6 (and eventually DH) of Kaiserreich? I'm optimistic, since rumor has it the new papal state is going to give us someone who will make innitzer/julius look like a pacifist. Not to mention I always dig roman aesthetics which could come with the ANI in the roman republic in Veneto.

Who is king of Two Sicilies? Will we be able to restore the Bourbons to the throne?

Here's an update; might require a restart if you're playing as Venezuela.!o19iAabB!h8cGkiNgH7ATXfow0_G0UKkoDUXraK2HVDroU8KUIO0

Not exactly. First, if you want a more 'realistic' game, modify the unit file for the relevant bombers and your good to go based on your understanding of its application. Second, the majority of the English fleet is early 1900s tech, and regardless of the mod, damage/damage reduction scales quickly-ie 1940s airwings with 10 naval bombers can and will do a great deal of damage. Further the positioning mechanics nerfs fleets with more than 10-15 ships. So a fleet of 135 has a positioning with relatively identical tech of 0%, but 13 fleets would have ~30-100% depending on each fleets composition. See

As far as I have seen BICE is the most expansive mod in terms of units, complexity, difficulty, expansion and thus immersion. I think its also fair to point out that the style of the HOI3 is that of a scripted game- the AI, events, research ect are all made to conform WW2 to what actually happened. As a vice, this means the game is not really a sandbox. As a virtue, it makes some campaigns all the more difficult and thus fun to master if you understand all the mechanics and are willing to play along. Its not perfect though.

The devs did make BICE with the idea that lots of users would further mod their work. Spend 10 minutes reviewing the units folder and make your own changes. Modify slightly and you may have your idea of perfection, majorly and you may get a fun casual game. Adding commandos and elites light infantry is as easy as editing two .txt files which includes adding 1 line and changing one 'no' to 'yes'.


Did that fix the necessity to use the AI for combat?

Is Gavelkind ever going to work properly?

The memes write themselves

When is the cap image going to be updated.

Fuck I hate coalitions in EU4, either people are fine with you eating them if you do it in small enough bites in long enough time or half the continent goes assmad if you take 1 province too many.

I literally can't annex the two remaining provinces on the south tip unless I wait 50-100 years for coalition of my Northern Neighbors to disband. Sorry if screenshot was shit I already closed the game this is something I took to when I noticed I get more income from trade than tax/production combined. I'm using M&T mod that does reduce tax income to pay for custom stuff but it has 100% vanilla coalition mechanic from what I can tell. India is relatively comfy and I probably could've avoided this situation by eating those provinces before pissing off my other neighbors too much. Since I don't have to deal with OP Turks the mod is very nice but it does rustle my Jimmies when Regency Council ending triggers the "ruler is dead" event.

Impressive, thanks doc.

diplovassalisation and consequent diploannexation give no AE, raping other religions only gives notable AE to countries with said religion, and if you're powerful enough to curbstomp anyone in the vicinity, everyone will be too pussy to create a coalition against you regarless of your AE. You just gotta play smart and rotate between wars with various religion groups as well as diplovassalise any tiny minors with high-dev provinces (low dev provinces give little AE so it's not worth it)

eu 4 is so fucking shit, especially after institutions.

So apparently there will be more country tags in DH 1.05. Hopefully it will come soon.

Is this real life?

Couldn't give less of a shit about Naval because Land is already broken.


The AI can't utilize the complexity and therefore the difficulty is lower.

If you have to give every AI country infinite manpower along with dozens of other cheats (IIRC all AIs got something like a flat -50% cost decrease for building all armored and motorized units, along with supply bonuses), then you've failed as a modder

But India is always kind of hard for AE in M&T because AE comes strictly from population. By the mid 16th century when you've stacked tons of admin efficiency it becomes easier and you can pretty much blob to your hearts extent

Apparently this dude,,_Duke_of_Calabria
And his prime minister is some liberation theology preist named Luigi Sturzo so there might still be some reuinification possible?

Depends on what you mean man. There are countries where you really do need to micromanage if you want to make the country great again (Norway, Columbia, Fengitan, etc)

Actually Sardinia is the exiled monarchy, so its more so Victor Emmanual screaming I WUZ KANG kneeling on the shorline

IIRC all neighbors were too big to ever accept diplovassalization or too small to not be worth the effort. I did use the Liberate The Faithful CB but since in appears and disappears seemingly semi-randomly (probably just tied to piety and/or events) I think I used Conquest as well (fabricated claims for cheaper coring)

I think institutions were great idea but they were implemented in asinine way. M&T has them transfer between Art Centers. GSG&Taxes guy claimed he was working on way to make them spread between trade nodes/centers as well which imho would be one of better solutions.

Those tips are actually helpful.

If you want to try Vijayanagara. don't forget to rush one more idea into starting ideas (to get Admin tech reduction national idea) and ally your northern Hindu neighbors at the beginning to help against Bahmanis. I possibly broke/let relations deteriorate to the point where they broke alliance themselves too soon. Possibly general tip as well, always try to take maximum amount of ducats from your enemy in peace deal since higher base interest in M&T can result in economic death spiral for countries you bleed dry.

Best strategy in India/M&T in general is to vassalize small countries with lots of cores to take, then return core (0 AE, and you can grant them province control for the eventual auto-cede mechanic so it doesn't even require warscore), then slowly demand their provinces over time. This way you demolish your enemies quickly and instead of taking tons of AE you just take penalties to vassal relations from demanding provinces, which decays with each of them over time (and they'll still fight for you in the meantime).

On game start as Vijay I released Bijapur (take half of Bahmani for them in first war), took a single province from Andhra and released Golconda (take most of Telingana for them in first war) and took a single province from Madurai in my first war with them to release Gingee (you do lose a few of your own cores for this though.

It can become a bit difficult to juggle vassal relations and keep them below 50% liberty desire. Keeping your court well funded is important.

CK2. How to kill off your heir?

imprison and execute?

Thats what I was thinking, but my vassals will hate me for it.

Here's another update, this one's pretty big:
Provinces held by countries with Greek culture can be renamed. Only in Italy, Anatolia, Egypt and the Balkans.!h4UlxbLC!Xpf5x82eeTPanv3vA6igQE990WgxOh8I164wmbXxF94

If his martial skill is low, send him off to become a mercenary or assign him as a general and hope he gets killed in some meaningless war/training excercise, if your intrigue is high, simply plot to kill him. Alternatively, if you're christian, you could build a bishopric and send him off to become a priest; also you could excommunicate and imprison.

How do I do that?

Now that i have my internet back, ill give it a shot as VNZ and BYZ.

If you have the reaper's due update i think, you can make him assemble a mercenary company

As far as my knowledge about Greeks goes, even until 1920 many of the Greeks in Anatolia considered themselves Rhomioi (Ρωμιοί) and not Romans, a mix of Greek and Roman actually.
So name it Basileia Rhomaion ? Since Greece was a kingdom back then.

Yeah I named it the 'Empire of the Romans', vanilla HFM/HPM had it renamed to 'Greek Empire'.
And as for the Rhomioi, even the turkroaches referred to them as Rumlar or something like that, it's pretty cool how they still considered them more Roman than the Romans.
AFAIK the ERE didn't even considered post-WRE Romans fully Romans but some sort of germano-italian mutts instead, it's pretty funny.

Dont know about that WRE-ERE thing.
I know that the term Greek was considered an insult and used for pagans. Where Rhomaioi were the Christianized Greeks, the Hellens. The empire had lots of trouble with its identity.
They only started "respecting" the ancient Greeks again after the fall of constantinople whjere the emperors of nicaea was trying to create a national identity, and could only find a solid one in the passt.
Maybe you can add some former glory or about the past flavor events.

A bunch of provinces seceded to me from Switzerland, despite me having wrong culture/religion.

What an ugly French bastard.

The insult isn't being a Greek/Hellene (which mean the same thing), it's the denial of Imperial legitimacy. The ERE was called "Empire of the Romans" by everybody who wasn't specifically trying to say "they are schismatic and probably pagans as well :DD", Catholics and muds included.
I don't think it was so much about haplotypes as it was about the questionable legitimacy of the HRE (which was again called Roman Empire most of the time, the Holy came later).

I do kinda like how I have basically standing army, thanks to upgrading my family palace and tradeposts. I don't think I've ever had a retinue over 6000 strong. I guess Merchant republics are those kinds of realms that are stronger than they look. But I guess it is to make up for lesser amounts of levy?

Nothing beats the power of money

altho' expanding is bith exhausting, when I first have to war for city and then make a next war for the province. Also, is it just me, or does the peace deal system in ck2 suck a bit? considering that you only get what you war for and can't get anything extra. And it sucks to be defender, because even if you completely crush the attacker, you can't take advantage of that in peace negotiation.
sage for forgetting to put this in my previous post


Hey HFM edits user, i played VNZ and have some sugestions as of things to change.
-There are too many llaneros, they should be removed from caracas, cumana and san fernando (you should change the pops to north andean), since the llaneros are from the central venezuelan plains, not the coastline or mountains.
-While VNZ holds forte sao joaquim, the name should be changed to fuerte san juaquin (the name in spanish), or how natives/venezuelans call the frontier between venezuela and brazil, roraima.
-Angostura should be savannah instead of jungle (seriusly, does pic related look like a jungle to you?) and be able to produce iron in the late game ( ).
Maracaibo should be farmlands, since its one of the best places for farming in venezuela due to the lake, only the northern tip is desert/savannah, we call that the guajira peninsula.
Zulia should be a releaseable nation.
General paez should be the leader of the venezuelan army at the start of the game, since at that time he was the commander in chief of the venezuelan army and was so until 1863 (é_Antonio_Páez )
I also have some ideas for events/decisions, tell me if you want to hear them, since i dont wanna be that guy that forces shit about his country in other people's mods unless they approve of it, tell me if youre interested.
Also, venezuelan sprites should be wearing blue instead of yellow, as that was the colors of the uniforms since the days of the independence war to today.

Sure, shoot. I'm taking notes of whatever people suggest.

You should add Cyrenaica too since that was originally a Greek colony. Keep the province name the same but just rename the cities on the northern coast. Benghazi becomes Berenice, Darna becomes Pentapolis (or one of the cities that made up the Pentapolis, like Cyrene and Darnis), Tobruk becomes Antipyrgus. Here's a map.

Allright, most of these things are what shapped venezuelan national identity to end up ins hte sucesfull period from the 1910s to the 1970s in venezuela.
Built national pantheon ( ) there lies the remains of venezuela's greatests heroes, except for francisco de miranda, his remains were never found so the sarcophagus lies open.
Turn bolivar's birhtplace into a museum (ón_Bolívar )
Gloria al bravo pueblo ( )
Achieving these 3 things should caus an event on venezuelan nationalism, since before this people didnt identify themselves as venezuelan (but rather, llanero, caraqueño, valenciano, etc.), in the late 19th and early 20th century the country went through a boom of nationalism and created the national identity, this could either give a bigger assimilation rate or change the llanero and afrolatino pops to north andean (these things can apply aswell to GCO, since these are all things relevant to bolivar's campaigns and common history).
Maria Teresa Carreño (ño )
Martin Tovar y Tovar (ín_Tovar_y_Tovar )
Romulo Gallegos (ómulo_Gallegos )
Form military academy, this was done under the goverment of Juan Vicente Gomez with german ais (hence why venezuelan cadets use the pickelhaube) (ómez )
Send expedition to the Orinoco river ( ).
Grant land to soldiers: during the war of independence, soldiers were promised plots of land for their service, this wasnt paid until the late 1830s and early 1840s, in real life the venezuelan goverment exchanged the bonds of the venezuelan soldiers for cash, but the you could make an event choosing betweein giving them land or buying the bonds (perhaps + farming efficiency - Adm efficiency if you grant it, to - farming efficiency, + Adm efficiency if you dont?).

How about this:
Cyrenaica → Lybia Pentapolis
Benghazi → Berenike
Darna → Kyrene
Tobruk → Antipyrrgus
Matan as-Sarrah → Sarra (Since I don't think there's an equivalent in Greek)

Now, the national identity idea's out; I'm not even sure if I could turn pops from X culture into pops of Y culture, you can move them around and add/deduct %s of population, but I don't think some sort of 'melting' pot could be done, correct me if I'm wrong, please, because I think this could be a great idea, not only for Venezuelans, but for Colombians and Ecuadorians as well.
Also it's kind of a pain in the ass, because if I made this special event for VNZ, I'd have to make it for every country in the region that has a generic culture as their primary culture (like Caribeno, Central American and South Andean)

I already corrected the map on those two provinces you mentions, also I'm trying to figure out how to add Jose Antonio Paez into the game, I've read a bit about him, so he should have a big morale bonus (maybe 30%?) due to his Vuelvan Caras, I never say this word because I think it's cliche, but he was a fuckin badass through and through. Maybe I could make him an overall quasi-OP general. Also I have no idea how to change the uniforms.

As for the rest of your suggestions, I could add the National Pantheon and Bolivar's birthplace, should I also add an event about Bolivar's death? I know he died poor and downtrodden. The expedition to the source of the Orinoco could be like the source of the Nile or the Amazon river events and finally, the land for soldiers could be done with some good old pop promotion (if possible) from soldier to landowner/aristocrat +permanent farming efficiency OR keep them as soldiers and get a permanent +adm efficiency

Also there's something I wanted to ask, shouldn't the coastline Venezuelans have the Caribeno culture? Since they're more linguistically related to the Latins living in the Caribbean islands and North Andeans live more around the mountainous areas of the country.

Looks good to me.

Dont know that much about the inner workings of vick2 so cant help you.
Those are broad terms that work, the unification of culture would be more for minor cultures (llanero, afro-caribbean, native american minor and such) to join the greater culture of the regions.
Thats kind of the idea.
Victoria 2 > commons > country_colors
Sure, but at the time people didnt really care much about him because venezuelans got uber butthurt about the grand colombian capital being bogota and having a centralistic goverment whne in their eyes, the independence was won with venezuelan blood and money.
Seems pretty accurate, at the time biologists and explorers from france, uk, USA, the netherlands and such came to venezuela to travel to the source of the orinoco, most disapeared or failed horribly.
I think it could work as long as the aristocrat pops dont go too high and soldier pop too low.
Yes and no, coastline venezuelans becoming mainland caribeños didnt happen until the mid 20th century with the whole widespread like of baseball, salsa and such, but then again, we have more in common with colombia/ecuador than say, cuba.
Homever, we venezuelans consider dominicans (from the dominican republic, not dominica) to be island venezuelans and they think of us as continental dominicans.
All around the north andean group works well to convey how do the cultural bonds work in the region.

Also, the national identity thing could work aswell with a bigger assimilation rate, what do you think about it?

Seems like now there's gonna be an event about moving the capital to Bogota or Caracas

Yeah scratch that, no pop promotion, shit's fucky and it's gonna end up unbalanced

Homever, we venezuelans consider dominicans (from the dominican republic, not dominica) to be island venezuelans and they think of us as continental dominicans.
All around the north andean group works well to convey how do the cultural bonds work in the region.
Thanks for clearing that up, so they'll remain North Andean.

Also, the national identity thing could work aswell with a bigger assimilation rate, what do you think about it?
That could work, but it's still a pain in the ass to do.

That was actually a big controversy at the time and one of the causes of the split in the grand colombia, together with sucre's death and the centralism over federalist goverment.
No problem man, if you have any questions about hispanic south america, ask me and ill see if i can help, though i wont be able to answer until tomorrow.
I believe that this is somewhat reflected IRL by the lack of separatist movements in the south american countries nowadays, wich apart from memes, are pretty unified when it comes down to national identiy and inmigrants melting in.

Oh and I had another idea which is a bit crazy for a fascist Greece. Since there's no monarch, it shouldn't be able to form the Empire of the Romans. Instead I had the idea that, like fascist Italy reaching back to ancient Rome, a fascist Greece would reach back to ancient Macedon and try to recreate Alexander's empire. I'm imagining it should be something like the Netherlands East Indies recurrent events but would have to triggered by a decision made when you have all your cores (but not Megali cores since the reconquest of those areas was one of the justifications used by Alexander for his campaign). And if you want to get really crazy you could move the capital to Edessa and rename it to Pella and then tag switch to Macedonia. Basically it would give recurring events giving you annexation or colonial annexation CBs against countries in the Southern Balkans, Asia Minor, the Levant, Iraq, Egypt, Persia, Aghanistan, and Indian minors around the Indus. And then probably some sort of Refounding Alexandria decision with effects similar to the Patriarchate decisions. I have no idea how to implement that, but it was just some weird idea I had. I'm going to look at the Netherlands East Indies events in more detail later when I have the time.

Managed to make Mr. Paez, he's got like 30% morale, organization and +4 attack which is complete bullshit, but he was like that irl.
Think I'm gonna leave the pantheon out, it's got no real purpose. Prestige? I don't think other people really care about you having a pantheon for your national heroes, cause pretty much every decent country has one.
I'll try to make the Orinoco expedition, the land4soldiers and the kraut military academy.

Dude this is fucking crazy, I love it. I'm writing everything down for later use.

also, there's no way in hell I'm not adding THIS beauty I'm also adding trujillo state since it seemed to be important back in the day, it's even got a census and all.

I guess this one makes more sense.

I lost Kiev a month early but managed to avoid encirclements. My gearing bonus is in full swing, 9 infantry divisions each 2 months and 9 tank divisions each month.


That entire textblock hurts me on an existential level. How's the rest of the world looking? And is this TRP or Edge of Darkness now, looking back at your other posts?

EoD. The Chinese are holding the line and the US just sent an ultimatum to Japan.

My force limit was 32 when I decided to maintain this stack, then got weak claim heir who plummeted my Legitimacy which affects autonomy. I hate disbanding units because manpower and ducats simply disappear ==REE==


The problem isn't reddit itself, but the fact that you are playing a bloated meme version of an already bloated mod (the perfect example of how more isn't always better), not to mention these modders dont undertsand the concept of the game and keep adding fake content to pander to autists like you. Literally cuckchan tier garbage taste.

Kochi or nothing m8

You're going to have to expand on that one nigger.

What does the mod do?


You realise that saying that in a grand strategy thread is redundant right?

user do you realize the mod simply adds like 5 new events and 3 shitty nations, expands upon France's civil war and Switzerland's momentary breakup.

What the fuck is this even? Jesus user, take your shit opinions and shove them where the sun doesn't shine, seems to me you're the butthurt autist who just came straight out of cuckchan; literally getting all worked up because a guy's playing and developing a submod of a mod you don't like.

Adds some flavor to GRE and BYZ; namely the restoration of the old Pentarchies and some landgrabbing decisions to annex the whole Mediterranean coast at the cost of some infamy. Also overhauls Colombia, Venezuela and Gran Colombia a bit.

What can I do to make Stellaris more like a GSG?
And more importantly, how do I improve politics?

I mostly thought of it as a chain of events likned with the national identity thing we talked about before.

for starters, you'll have to find some total conversion mod that'd have the galaxy already parceled out among various empires. I always found everyone starting with one planet and little techs to be one of the main things that make it non-gsg

Make it a cross between CK2 and EU4 IN SPACE, not the fucking trash we have now

Yup that's 50% of 4X game, exploration and expansion. Of course some Grand Strategy Games have those but depending what you play you basically don't have to worry about those compared to Stellaris where without those you literally have just your homeworld.

One of my biggest problems with Paradox games is the inability to reshape “states”. If there’s a state (which is a territory) that is made of regions with unaccepted cultures right next to a region with accepted cultures, I should be able to add that accepted region to the state to get enough bureaucrats to MAKE it a state, thereby increasing immigration and getting rid of the unaccepted cultures.
So just add in-game penalties (and positive behaviors) for the act of redrawing states (depending on what you do and how you do it) to discourage that. Fuck’s sake.

And mod ideas?

The 4 in Battlefield 4 stands for Kike

Make the leaders not just stat boosts

separate tech trees for different specie groups

I don't suppose you have a link or name for such mods?

I thought you were asking for ideas for a mod you were making

No, I am just looking for mods that can make the game more like a gsg and improve politics.

I thought you wanted mod suggestions to make one

I think Alphamod is autistically detailed but it's bloated to fuck

Try Distant Worlds, it's so much better it's ridiculous


Distant worlds is also a 4X, though.

What's the password for the Distant Worlds zip?

So is stellaris.


It has more grad strategy elements and it's in the OP

anglos need to be gassed

I only hope that modders will get off their asses and update the mods for 1.05 too

Not everyone wants to eat curry, Sanjay.

Hey Venezuelanon, I'm going to implement a small chain of events representing the Federal Wars of VNZ, it's not very detailed or anything (I don't actually like historical railroading, something that HPM/HFM seem to encourage), but it's going to be there and it's gonna break VNZ real good.
Basically you get the libs and an-libs asking for more autonomy (as VNZ's gov't is actually unitary and not a federation, my bad); so you or the AI will get two options:

I'm aware this is not THAT historical and the federal war happened right after a period of 'liberal oligarchy' ruled by the Monagas brothers, all in all this whole thing happened because the country became a dictatorship for about 10 years along with many other reasons such as rampart corruption (ironically enough this war caused even more corruption), I could do that also, but I don't know how to turn it into a chain of events.
Any suggestions?

Yeah I know that feel.

Second attempt at a Shahi playthrough, I fucked up the previous one when I converted to islam.
This seems to be one of the easiest non-Abrahamic characters in the entire game, the Sammanids and the Saffarids never attack me and even if they did I can just use my holy order and pretty much every Hindu ruler requests to join the war.
Moral authority of Hinduism is pretty much always at 100 so converting is really fucking fast, takes a few months most of the time.
More than half of the members of my dynasty have good traits like quick, shrewd, genius or strong. Sadly my current character did not get any of those but I'm betrothed to a genius and have a concubine with the trait as well so that's not an issue.
Only issue I have right now is that there are not a lot of options for expansion, I have no interest in attacking fellow Hindus because I want them to stay as strong as possible so the muslim blobs in the east. The holy order requires a very high monthly fee if you're the one attacking and I don't have enough troops to fight either the Sammanids or Saffarids, the only option I have right now is the muslim realm in the south but they often get help from the Sammanids.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: I got the event where a mystic appears at your court that can make you immortal but she fled back to coonland somewhere along the way.

thats ebin m8. now smuggle drugs into pakistan or something

Pakistan is not a real country, it's an abomination made up by Anglos. Poo on street > daily bombings.

Aren't hindu holy orders OP as shit?

Yes, they have around 11000 troops and they cost nothing if heathens or heretics have declared war on you.

random country picker doesnt work anymore. pls remove from pasta

I don't like change.

nobody does but it is dead now and we have no choice.

Oh boy, i cant say ive been looking fowards to that, playing as venezuela is frustrating enough already, the federal war being as disruptive as it was to my country IRL could only make it worse, but autism demands justice and so it shalle be done.
If the conservatives win the war, venezuela can become an oligarchic, pro-slavery republic or a reactionary dictatorship, if the federals win, the country becomes a full on democracy with the things you mentioned.
I dont really know how to expand on that, the history of venezuela from that point up to the liberal restoration revolution of 1899 its such a huge clusterfuck i dont even know how to show that in game withouth making the country utterly unplayable and a constant rapebait for brazil.

i just downloaded eu3 again. what should i play?

Somewhere in the baltics and fuck everyone around you.



This is the most ridiculous revolt, your garrison is simply expelled and you can't land troops in Famagusta, and performing an amphibious invasion on Nicosia is impossible.

When I'm done on my Palatinate->HRE game I was planning on a Knights/Rhodes game. The t*rks are at their weakest around 1512, and there's also an extra roachlet state to squish around that time.

Can't you paradrop into Famagusta?

Actually just paradropping into Nicosia along with your attack force would probably tip it in your favor.

It's very simplified tbh, basically works the same way as USA's civil war:

It's pretty simple, but it works. Shame you can't force a truce, but you CAN turn farmer pops into soldiers, something I did in order to strengthen FVN and ZLA.
Now, if you so choose to continue as FVN, you can reconquer all of them cores and even form GCO, same goes for ZLA, but they can't conquer anything ourside the Zulia region (Merida, Trujillo, Maracaibo, Coro & Barquisimeto), they also get a decision to conquer Riohacha (AKA the Guajira Peninsula); also, both countries have Afo-Caribeno as accepted pop, and ZLA has Wayuu as accepted pop in order to balance their rough start.

Now, I'd like to implement the pro-slavery reactionary dictatorship, but I'm afraid a dictatorship wouldn't work quite well for VNZ since they heavily rely on immigration later on; dictatorships have a -100% malus to immigration. Shit would've been fine as an euro country with a shitton of pops, but I don't think this could work for Vene.

I seriously doubt Ottoman Empire has paratroopers with transport planes in 1938.

Cockroaches have wings m8, some of them can even fly.

Also the Zulian flag looks pretty fucking cool.

Where do you even start when it comes to these games? Do you have to look up some cringey autist's 120 part guide where he doesn't unpause the game until the 5th video to learn how to play them?

The in-game tutorials are just insulting with their "DURR DIS IS HOW MOVE CURSOR" shit.

Trial and error and watching some cringey autist's 120 part guide where he doesn't unpause the game until the 5th video.


Just play it as any other realtime strategy. Also read tooltips.

I would think that this civil war should be one with a single victor: unlike than CSA wanting to be independent from USA, both VNZ and FVN seem to see themselves as the rightful government of all of the Venezuelan territory. So rather than FVN having the war goal of Status Quo, both it and VNZ should have Unite the Nation as the war goal.
ZLA should probably still be Status Quo.

Also, does anything happen if you don't pay the soldiers?

Soldier & officer pop militancy and consciousness keeps increasing each time you fail to pay them.
Also, that's a good suggestion, I'll keep that in mind.

The problem is building a transport wing and a paratrooper division would bog down my production and not allow me to cover the front with the Hashemites and the Egyptians. Transport wings are insultingly high in IC cost. Which is dumb, considering how a transport plane just needs a big space inside of it, while fighters and bombers require much more meticulous design and worksmanship to build.

I just started playing HoI2 on my father's PC when I was younger, eventually I found out about EU3, then Darkest Hour and here I am, after years and years and still playing.

Just pick one with a theme you enjoy and start playing. Trial and error and so forth.

They represent the machines necessary to airlift an entire "division" though, which is a far higher number than that of fighter or bomber groups which only needs to carry bullets and bombs.

Start playing and wiki for any question.

Still never manage to get a high industrial score, I never have enough coal to supply all my factories, maybe next time I'll think before I spam factories.
I don't understand too how sometimes factories can have all the input resources necessary but they don't make profit or don't get employed. Even with the right techs.

Also, what would be a good bonus for VNZ's kraut military academy?
So far all I've got is
encouraging_kraut_military_traditions = { icon = 15 org_regain = 0.15 leadership_modifier = 0.15 land_unit_start_experience = 0.15 land_organisation = 0.15}
Is this too OP?

nvm this is a Prussian event modifier which lasts for ~30 years
prussian_general_staff = {org_regain = 0.1land_organisation = 0.05land_unit_start_experience = 0.5supply_consumption = -0.05icon = 15 }

I'm cutting it by half, pasting it over VNZ's shitty event and calling it a day.

git gud

does that send the jews to madagascar minimod work with HFM?

wat mod

jewish minimod or something like that, you know the one that lets you send your jews to patagonia or madagascar

Got any links? I could compare the two and if they aren't compatible, I could implement the mod into my HFM edits.

I can't do this, he don't want it added to HFM.

then what? are we fucked? I tried just playing with both activated but it doesnt seem to work, unless I need to use an older version

I could port my mod to HPM and implement it there, but I guess it's gonna take a while since I'm not finished with VNZ's Federalist war events.

I mean I could port it to my HFM edits, but that's a scummy thing to do since the author strictly states that his work is not to be used with that specific mod. I won't do it though, I ain't that kinda guy.

alright, can I request you something?


The US went Communist (Stalinist). A black man is chief of the army and women chair 3 minister positions.

T-34 tanks are flowing out but I now have a 2000 manpower backlog on reinforcing.

The Germans launched an offensive on Leningrad and 400,000 soldiers died in one engagement. It's getting pretty intense.

Now you know how Napoleon felt.

can you make germany's colonies releasable nations that you can play with like australia? I even have flags for german east africa, but I dont have it at the moment

You mean like a German Namibia and stuff? You can get those as you colonize Africa. I think the mod automatically makes turns them into nations of your primary culture which can be released at any time, it's only a matter of changing the flags, something that can be easily done by anyone; in gfx/flags, search the tag for the colony you want to have a kraut flag, add the tag to the 93x64 tga file and replace the appropriate files, make sure to make a backup of your files first.

oh shit I forgot about that, thanks, I also had an idea about the jewish minimod thing, maybe instead of focusing on the jews only, you can also expel other cultures like the afroamericans and send them to liberia or something like that

You can already do that I think, also you can genocide kebabs and religious minorities. HFM's pretty complete as it includes a bunch of other mods that also add flavour of this kind.
It's a shame the guy who's making that kikemod doesn't want his mod associated with HFM in any way…

well it's his mod so he can do whatever he wants , also do you know how does the UBP getting annexed by germany work? I had them in my sphere when I formed germany and it didnt work, do they need to be independent to work? and when can I rename estonia and latvia?

You mean the United Baltic Provinces? They need to be your vassal and you need to be a GP. Also I think you can only rename Lithuania with kraut names. I don't see anything about Estonia or Latvia in the files.
If you give me whatever names you want for the provinces, I'd gladly help you out.

it's from ww2 but I think it still works

are you ready Holla Forums

Close to ideal borders, tbh.

A modern equivalent would be calling Syria "Assad regime".

Now thats the way to make a civil war interesting, how does the AI handle it though?
Whats the rate in wich it chooses federalism or war?
Does AI zulia ever do anything at all?

Hell yeah it does, its based on the catatumbo lighthing.

that looks hideous

i think you should become Natsoc and stop fighting fellow europeans

A lot of people do that but that's the most frustating option and I wouldn't recommend it because doing it that way will take you hours. Best way is to just play it until you know how to play, for EU4 the best beginner nation would be either the Ottomans or Portugal (first one if you just want to conquer without consequences, latter for colonisation and mostly being left alone by European nations), for CK2 either a viking in the Old Gods start or some realm where you are isolated from the rest of the world for the entire game like the Canarias though the latter option would mean you'd have 0 options for actually conquering anything.


What's the black supposed to be?

This 100%. Figure shit out and go and don't be afraid to start over if you feel you can better apply your exp to a fresh start.

Newfag to Vicky 2 here, why the fuck does everyone have such a hard-on for 'containing' me?
I'm playing as Austria and there was some crisis (don't remember which) in which I was on the same side as France, Russia and Switzerland, against Prussia, the Ottomans and Britain.
I should point out I haven't actually got a chance to expand my territory, most hostile thing I did was steal some countries from Prussia's sphere of influence during that crisis.
what the fuck did I do wrong? I was being pretty cool for a change and everyone loses it.

Sometimes they're sitting ducks, sometimes they do create soldiers

How much infamy do you have?
above 25 any gp gets a free cb to contain you, and if your military score is low they will use it

How the fuck did it creep up on me like that?

What about VNZ and FVN?
How likely is the AI to actually start the civil war?
Also, how do you play greece in this mod?
You cant raise tensions in your cores unless you have the revolution and counter-revolution tech.

Is there some kind of mechanic where AI characters don't want to marry someone if his stats are too bad? The guy on the left is a heir and his dad is in his 60s yet he is not married or betrothed.

Oh fuck, I messed up the filename, was meant to be "chad aryan".

0.7 (70%) likely to start the war and 0.3 (30%) likely to pass all the stupid civil reforms

Russia is your friendo. Or any other GP, really, Austria works too.
I'd say Austria's a better option since Russia gets into a lot of events involving the ottoshits like the Crimean War and the Eastern Crisis.

Now it's more even with 60% vs 30%, or should I leave it at 70%vs30%?

60vs40 I mean

After testing a bit more, I've noticed the AI white peaces out more often than I'd like. I think I'm going to remove the railroading event which makes you go to war and replace it with a simple diplo malus towards FVZ and ZLA.
Man I wish vicky2 gave me more options when modding stuff like this, all of this could've been solved by a simple spawn_unit in either ck2 or eu4.

why the fuck does this shit exist? I have clearly won, Byzantium is in defensive war with all her neighbors and I've sieged down the fucking constantinopol. Surely at that point the empress would be like "there take your stupid italian clay and leave me alone"? Is the only purpose of that cap to prevent players from doing small sniping wars while the other side is distracted? Also, what counts as major battle? because after seeing the cap I fought a byzantine army of 4000-5000 strong, but it seems it didn't count as major battle.

60-40 would be more likely, as the war was very close to not happening.
Also, chile should get the kraut military influence event too, since venezuela took their example after seeing how good the chilean army was, and this is why you can see the armies of both country being so much better in organization, discipline and equipment than the rest of latin america through the 20th century.

Because 5k isnt that big of a deal for the byzantines, just like the muslimblobs.

Trying to get into NWO
What do I do about the fact that Im always on the verge of bankruptcy and that theres a massive shortage of life and everyday needs for poor strata at the start?

Upping tax efficency and RGO output works for me in the early game, also, dont be afraid to eliminate your army aslong as you dont hold any cores from other countries.

I just noticed there's a south german pop of 1100 soldiers in nafplion (greece) at game start, is that meant to happen?

Seems to be part of vanilla HFM, no idea what that is. Probably some obscure historical fact we don't know.

well, I ended up waiting out. didn't have to wait too long luckily.
in other news, mongols decided to ignore Asia completely and went straight for byzantium(seriously, they haven't conquered anything yet) This is second time that I've played this far in the game and it seems on both these occasions the mongol ai derps a bit(at least I hope it's just derping. surely it isn't meant to ignore every realm east of byzantium?)
should I prepare the lube?

Done and done, should be out for the next version of user's HFM edits.
Also, the israel minimod is compatible with HFM as long as you load it first (before any other mods)

thanks!, so I need to only play with the jewish minimod first and then activate HFM + user's edits with the minimod?

In that order

understood, I'll wait for the new version of user's edits first!588UGKrK!cWld9tv2tLFglMbgevW6P6HTFkaEKWZH-vykwkCPwiM

Another update of user's HFM edits, this one's quite big. I didn't EXTENSIVELY test the new events, but they should be good to go (still tested them a good 2-3 times, and due to the AI's retardation, FVZ and ZLA rarely ever build any troops, they do ally colombia though, so that might be their salvation.)

Im gonna give it a run and tell you how it goes.

What was the last version of your CK2 mod? I should update the mega and so on.

Please do, it should be completely fine though.!1okVWBrJ!R5KFBiGAlrjAjQ-zYtJx87WQvFLcIxCmbCO8Cc6uzTU

This should be the latest one, 9.3

Nvm that's fuckin VeF kek!EptTUQaC!Onm2o1aNIMDdKdIcUcd4v9iSv7RGX9ZS5fsri6Sx-Z0
This is for HIP. V1.12



Not exactly /gsg/, but maybe one of you will get a kick out of it. Plus I'm a Linuxfag so I need to offload this regardless.

Used to be you'd get a big retinue and assault a dozen holdings to easily 100% anyone before they could get their levies in order and crush you. This was back when pure archer retinue were absurdly OP in assaults and a 10k stack of them could take any holding with zero losses.

When playing as VNZ, has anyone gotten the 'Soldiers demand payment' event yet? Can't seem to get it for whatever reason reason and I wanted to check if I'm the only one.

nvm this should fix it.!ApNwBJrS!pg51wAtmwqsW3B1q0hPC0NI1rDvKp3aJpdCv5Ih043E

I try to resign and it crashes my game, what do I do?

its victoria 2 so uncolonized territory

No idea, mine's never done that.

these are the mods I'm using, is there something wrong?

I highly doubt HFMeme is updated to the latest HPM, so kikemod won't be compatible. You need an older version, and if the mod has different pop files than HPM than it won't work either.

I don't know dude, are you playing with heart of darkness? Also israel minimod should be first

I'm playing with it right now.!0p9SwCIR!sqlniWMpmguISeYgzxkUPKuV4LliXdvL9eUJlbWAKuM

Also here's another update, hope that stupid VNZ caudillo event fires up

The decisions will work, but the rest won't.

Oh, alright. Honestly I didn't even bother checking its inner workings, guess I'll just drop it altogether.

Crashing game on resign happens if you set your v2 config file to read only. Which is perfectly acceptable if you have some settings you don't want overridden

so mongols just conquered byzantium. I feel this game hates me. I wonder how likely they declare on me next?(currently theyä're fighting wars they inherited from byzantium)

Trully terrifying, those future greeks will all be goatfuckers.

after conquering byzantium, mongols conquered hungary. Then they conquered anatolia from seljuks. Hopefully they keep this theme of not invading me.

That's nothing compared to pic related, I think this happened in a Karen game of mine.

these games are piss easy

I just noticed HFM updated yesterday, should be updating user's edits soon. However, I think I'm gonna switch to HPM on its next update.



mongols are done. I'm 90% certain that they will not recover from their defeat. Emboldened by HRE declaring liberation war on Mongols, I too decided to declare a liberation war on them, despite half of my council advising against it. I had conquered couple of provinces when finally 20000 strong mongol army came to meet me. They attacked my 14000 strong pikemen retinue in smyrma(?). Battle was crushing defeat for them and they lost half of the army in that battle. they launched couple of attacks more, but they were as unsuccessful as the first one. After the last battle they had little more than 8000 men in the army facing me. and they soon surrendered. With the loss of majority of their forces(they cureently have around 6000) I really doubt they can recover. Altho' I'm worried that hre and other surround realms(and hosts) don't do enough damage to the empire. I almost want to truce break, just to make sure mongols wont recover.

oh, and at some earlier point, the mongol ruler converted to catholism. now there are several catholic areas in greece and anatolia