God this is such a trash fire. Even in a time when Neogaf burns to the ground Cucky B. is still the biggest fuck up around.
God this is such a trash fire. Even in a time when Neogaf burns to the ground Cucky B. is still the biggest fuck up around.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm glad its dead but goddamn the catalog is gonna be filled with more threads about laughing at bad video game flops than talking about good ones
Sign of the times m8, sign of the times.
Nah, the biggest fuckup around is Mark for doing absolutely dick-all and letting Holla Forums become the exact same as 4/v/.
What times are those? The failure of these games is proportional to the success of Overwatch.
Western devs putting everything into single player games.
At least its us laughing at the flops than lamenting the success of bad games, it shows that at least they're not doing great and that either the industry will crash, or these bad games will crash
At least this game has multiplayer and replayability. That is more than I can say for Cuckenstien 2: Sweedwn YES!
His jaw is so weak looking.
Low T from conception
What do I need to put in filters to kill OPs that begin with ==? Because they're always worthless.
Every board on this site execpt Holla Forums is overrun with sjws
You lost
Ah you think cuckness is your ally? You merely adopted the cuck. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the vagina until I was already married, by then it was already stuffed with a bull!
/a/ still seems ok, you should go bully the meidos into submission
There are other boards?
aw hell naw i aint byin dat shit
Totally legit and organic replies my fellow eight channers
Besides Holla Forums what other boards are there even?
I go to /tg/ and /aus/ a fair bit so I don't know what you're talking about
I mean in terms of boards overrun with SJWs it's just Holla Forums and /cuteboys/
wtf i hate 8chun now
or maybe its just Cliffy B because he can't afford them
Amazing how this isn't shopped. What an absolute cuckold.
No even Holla Forums is relatively SJW free.
I just got banned for using SJW language. Pic related.
Is this meta humor?
I skipped at least the last one or two of these threads because too frequent, but
That's 68 too many for NoTakers
wow its like KEK took time out of his day just to shit on Ole Cuck B directly.
I am the great cornholio
Completely unrelated, but who's been spamming dick pick of black guys?
How did he not consider that exploitability? lol
Huh, I figured it was Holla Forums.
Jesus Christ how did someone look at this and think it was passable?
Black females being disgusting isn't new
t. Ben Kuchera
Hope theres a list of biggest flops of 2017.
I love Jim so much
then you're an underage fag
I didn't know they put Little Richard in this game.
Here's a picture of Lawbreakers's UI, in case anyone was wondering how the game itself actually looks. It's a muddy, unplayable mess for anyone with eyes.
I wish you faggot would just make threads about games you want to discuss instead of coming into a perfectly good salt thread and whining.
I've had pic 2 saved for a while.
Metokur is alright, but I can't stand people who are too fucking lazy to write scripts.
so wait, teams are law and breakers?
Yep. Like if TF2 had 18 characters instead of 9.
Do we have a link to the original video? I want to upvote and leave cheering comment, heck maybe I'll even subscribe!
Quints confirm.
The title on youtube is
did he really wear that t-shirt?
It's like getting an enema and having the water piped up to your mouth.
Holy shit did they take the final fantasy 13 approach to design and just let each team design a character without thinking about cohesion or central theme? hell sam fisher with horns over there literally looks like someone went into the fucking Soulcaliber 3 character creator and hit fucking randomize.
It looks like they actually went for silhouette differenciation, though, but the characters themselves look like they cobbled outfits together via dumpster diving for robot parts.
Someone probably thought this was a good idea I guess.
If anything the latest update to the twitter banner has made it worse.
Gender neutral bathrooms are fine tbh. The game failed cause it sucks.
There's a difference between "having gender neutral bathrooms" and "having gender neutral bathrooms solely for the purpose of virtue signalling" and this game is definitely the latter.
This. We have gender-neutral bathrooms already, they're called unisex.
If the game world makes a point to show the future society has no concept of privacy or bathroom etiquette the detail would make sense, but this is just desperate shit-stirring. Cucky is hoping to get some angry reactions so that someone, anyone will pay attention to his game.
The shirt says "fuck hate."
Just speaking for myself, but the games I'd like to discuss don't really warrant their own threads at this point, and (justified) hatred/mockery of the modern industry, bait, and off-topic shitposting tend to be of much more interest to the average poster. So I'm stuck waiting until someone makes a more broad thread where they can fit in reasonably well, without cluttering the catalog with rotting threads that are admittedly about good games/series but that would see very little attention in comparison.
I wish /vr/ here was alive.
they check your post history, see you as a "troll", then ban you.
dumb fucking newfag. leftycuck is sjw as fuck.
I just realized someone shooped the F into a C, but it didn't need that because it already looked like the top of a C enough.
That's just adorable.
Laughing at AAA flops is more fun than playing most 2017 video games. Whenever someone talks about the decent games you faggots shit up the threads screeching about weebshit or whatever the goon boogeyman is for the day.
le funneh dead game
Every board on this site except Holla Forums is jew-wary at bare minimum.
You lost
their names and/or titles are just as cringy and retarded as their design
upboated friendo
He looks and behaves like an even faggier Wil Wheaton. How is such a thing possible.
Speaking of Holla Forums and liberal bullshit, did that calexit comic ever get updated? I only saw the first chapter where a dumb bitch gets a whole neighborhood killed because she got upset at the "bad guy"
Never bothered reading it since the premise already sounded like ass to me, though I think there's a thread about it on /k/ if you wanna check that out.
The indie smash clone I play, with no marketing beyond "some youtubers and melee players became friends with the dev and play it sometimes" has way more players. Sad.
the chosen really are the tip of the spear of when it comes to sell crap. 11/10 for the shithead face.
I should had just looked it up first. The date is November 8th for the next part.
Better version of that image.
Hitler quints checked
Is that Prince!?
I wonder how much Bazinga spent on getting pickle rick to voice his advertisement.
You beat me by literal seconds user.
I swear it, this whole libtard "hate" hysteria is getting ridiculous.
not really since a C is curved unlike an f as in you're (F)ucking blind and grasping for straws. shoops are the way to go
RIP. Now Jazz Jackrabbit will be about saving a gender neutral royalty womyn that don't need no man
Mate you threw so many fucking buzzwords they could tell you're faking it
Wait I thought that's (((Morty's))) VA not Bickle Dick
It actually is shopped, but only barely
I honestly don't even know what they mean by Hate and Love
They're both Justin Roiland.
black people are so fucking ugly holy shit
I remember when we called those bathrooms "unisex" and didn't make a big deal out of them.
That was back when ungodly, mutated freaks with mangled genitals didn't walk the Earth.
how exciting. not
But if you don't make a big deal over things like that then how are you suppose to get irl upvotes silly! Web 2.0 was a fucking mistake that is going to destroy civilization.
They come and go, user. Modern times are far, far from the first place in history to suffer deprivation. But thanks to the Internet, it's now possible to see their self-inflicted dumpster fires in real time. I think I'm very fortunate for this.
You are incorrect on many levels. Modern times are by far the most sexually and morally degenerate. This is a historical fact.
Why would you even need a sign like that? To exlcude people who are neither male or female? To specify that the bathroom was not made for bears? Just have a sign that says "Bathroom". Fuck.
That's what I also thought. That's just blatant virtue signaling for the sake of it.
Could excuse Op as he was mocking faggots who always think Holla Forums is Alt-Kike
OP pic outdated
being charitable is for the week! also I want the refugees to learn that TRSodomy is not welcomed here :^)
Also I tend to agree NasBol faggots like Spencer should be shunned as much as possible
I wouldn't say by far, it is the most sexually and morally degenerate time period, that much is true but to say by far is to ignore the Weimar Republic period of Germany which is what ultimately lead us to National Socialism and Adolf Hitler taking power
Weimar is nothing compared to now. In the Weimar the women debased themselves to survive financially. Now they are doing it because they reject Truth.
forgive me, god damn dyslexia gets worse when I don't sleep.
because cliffy can't make his employees play his game on a weekend
Thats because they aren't people.
Thats a fucking necromorph
the logo is very fitting
I know it's bait, but I can't resist the occasion to mention the little boards.
I love them so.
Stop lying.
I still think the jet girl looks cool
I just noticed they used a TechRaptor quote in their advertising. Someone call the Social Justice Squad to shut them down!
Oddly specific
What is the deal with this backpack shit?
holy fuck how is this bullshit real.
Hes called hotwheels.
lurk moar
Fellas, please use higher definition imagery for all future memetics.
small rural villages had gender neutral outhouses before cliffy implemented them in his game
who knew they were the true progressives all along
but small rural villages are evil kkk nazis that elected trump
I'm glad he so succinctly informs me that his opinion is worth jack shit.
Holy shit I just realized that my apartment has a gender neutral bathroom.
what about small rural villages that existed before hitler?
My apartment has a female bathroom.
This is the only recent mp game I know of that uses dedicated servers I think. A shame honestly, I haven't played a good MP game in years
>>>/polk/ a Holla Forums spinoff is bigger than Holla Forums
That's the edited version without the 15 fingers
I thought /polk/ didn't survive the forced migration attempt of it's old BO.
/erp/ is overrun as well. Literal cuck threads up over there.
my high school had "gender neutral bathrooms" or as normal people call them, bathrooms
It's meant to be extremely vague so that you can project your own personal definitions onto the words. This enables them to create a false dichotomy under which anyone who doesn't want 20 billion genders and Sharia law is on the side of "hate" no matter what their actual beliefs are. Really, would anyone actually say, "Hate rules, love is dumb" in total seriousness?
/polk/ is a joke tbh
They're the most depraved by far because modern times have the most people by far. But the kind of things that happen are nothing new. The world isn't going to end anytime soon, user.
Just like Holla Forums now a days.
They were small rural villages of black slave owners in the Confederate South, duh. Silly. And history doesn't exist before 1776.
sjw detected
No, its just a reddit wannabe.
As are you.
Douk had it right.
You don't get it. There's two signs on there saying that there's only two genders which is cis-sexual and transphobic.
Politics on any chan are like a contest to see just how retarded and jaded people are willing to become to fit in, that's how you get retard-infested echo chambers where the mods will ban you for the gayest shit, like wizchan
That social justice thing is actually a prime example of reactionary kids blowing shit that offends them way out of proportion to signal to each other that they're all on the same page. I'm glad tumblr stays in tumblr, but at the end of the day that essjaydubbleyoo meme shit spawns from overblown website nationalism, which is as stupid as it sounds. It's not even the demonstrable hivemind of that place, it's just the ugliest cherrypicked screenshots you're seeing. In fact, tumblr's interface is probably better for politics since you can just dissociate from spazzy manbabies as opposed to them being an inexorable major presence like on pols.
Stopped reading, opinion discarded, ID filtered.
Ahriman and Ohrmazd. Sacrifice your child as a tranny and you will receive Ohrmazd's lifelong blessing.
The holy trinity of modern game developers is falling. And it is beautiful
Post what you think is the holy trinity of games that don't give a fuck about sjw-ry and are marking the dawn of a new era
Yeah I can only think of nip games
Can't wait for The Last Night now that the creator unashackled himself and shat on NeoFAG
He's still an egalitarian cuck. He's marginally better than a Marxist, emphasis on the marginally.
So what they're saying is, they do it for free?
To this day, I don't know which are the names and which are the titles.
What Western AAA games didn't crash and burn this year? Uncharted? I feel like the only games this year that didn't suck ass were all Japanese.
Congrats, you just wrote the stupidest shit I've read all week. Your prize is you get to kill yourself.
It's a (1) post ID
Let's hope he redeemed the prize early.
That's just well-crafted bait. Admire the mannerisms like "essjaydubbleyoo" and "manbabies" or the defense of filtering/avoiding what you don't like hidden behind the defense of tumblr's interface.
I always try to contribute to good threads when I can user
The biggest problem I see on Holla Forums right now is derailing shitposters
Please kill yourself.
Kek this was one of their main selling points.
Who the fuck are the 68 people still playing this?
I used to play on World of Warcraft private server that peaked 50 players most of the time. You start to justify playing nearly deserted multiplayer game (especially if you've already invested plenty of time in it) by telling yourself stuff like
No user, omit the fucking part. It's just death by amazon.
How much money was spent on JUST breakers?
Stop this D&C against atheists.
I think this is a case of the marketing department misreading demographic charts. Love it or hate it Overatch and to some extent TF2 have cornered the FPS MOBA market. Now is a bad time to try and break into this particular niché. If the competitors had given Overwatch a few more years for people to settle into it and want something new I think games like battleborn, lawbreakers, and so on wouldn't have failed so spectacularly.
What we're looking at here gentlemen is some market saturation. How were games like lawbreakers and battleborn supposed to succeed when you already had higher quality F2P counterparts with established fan bases already on the market- I'm looking at Palidins, Smite and Dirty Bomb. Nevermind other FPSs and MOBAs that cater to those audiences specifically. Show me the venn diagram of people wanting a MOBA experience in an FPS game? It can't be more than 10 or 20% of the total videogame populace. Maybe the low 40's if you're being very enthusiastic and your game is tight as shit.
That figure isn't actually a bad number as long as the market in question isn't saturated already. That fact of the matter is the market is saturated. There just aren't enough people who aren't already playing a game they like to give these new games a fan base. The number isn't 0 but on a large scale it's not terribly far off.
Someone didn't read the demographic charts and countless dollars of R&D for videogames has been pissed away in what many will view as the most fruitless endeavor since the virtual boy.
Atheists have no contributed a single thing to western civilization other than make an ass out of themselves circlejerking about how evil religion kept science back.
good bye thread, you won't be missed.
They failed so spectacularly because they did everything wrong and insulted everyone, you colossal faggot. Battleborn didn't give the retards who preordered the garbage decent toys for all their money. You're shitty post makes the assumption that people who buy games are mindless consumers. We aren't, you faggot. Insulted customers and releasing a low effort product is the best way to go broke.
Go be a good goy somewhere else.
Faggotry is against the bible user, you need to stop that.
Some of them have contributed to society (e.g. Stephen Hawking, Alan Turing) but when you realize Karl Marx was an atheist, the atheism movement is genocidal on net.
Yes, because we know Marx's biggest flaw was his atheism. Good goy.
The good lord wouldn't like your heresy user, look at california if you want to see what happens when you abandon god.
You're right, we should all learn from devout Christians such as the swedes.
Atheists don't beleieve in higher power and don't believe in morals either. Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, and Joseph Stalin were some of the biggest mass murders who also were atheists that promoted communism. China still to this day is still an atheist state.
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face, I'm sure that was your intention.
Fucking finally.
I've asked for this for a week.
Fuck it, this thread is shit anyway
Is minority report your ideal society?
Being irreligious and secular is very popular in sweden, christianity is dying there and at the same time islam and political correctness is taking over.
The fact you're stupid enough to believe morality is tied to religion is beyond pathetic. Plenty of Jews are religious, does that make them good people?
Should I go through history listing every devout leader that instigated mass murders against civilian populations? Because if I do I'm pretty sure the death count will dwarf yours by a significant amount.
Also, good job being such a servile cuckold and not mentioning communism is a Jewish invention you cocksucking gentile.
Awesome, we should kill millions because nothing really matters, fuck you mom you can't make me go to church.
Then, by all means, explain the Vatican, or basically every nigger in the US.
It goes to show what caliber of cretin you are that within one rebuttal you're already reduced to strawmanning. We're done here.
No user, we need to genocide everyone so they can get to heaven faster.
How about something a little more modern? Also, Nier: Automata I understand but why Persona 5?
Extra Credits used some Persona game as example of sexual minority character inclusion done right.
Stop talking about this meaninless shit, we're going to run out of internet.
At no point did I say that atheism was his biggest flaw. I merely said that he was part of the group. His biggest flaw was endorsing violence against the state in order to achieve goals, which he did because of his Jewish ancestry.
If you think that inner-city thugs are going to church every Sunday you're fucking retarded.
Kill yourself.
Mao Zedong and Josef Stalin are the #1 and #2 mass murderers in human history. Mao has 3-5x the killcount of Hitler, depending who you ask, and Stalin has about a 50% edge. I would appreciate seeing you failing to provide this list.
We’re talking about Christianity. Try to keep up.
Try again.
Zero effort. Reported.
Top lel. What is it then? inb4 satanism
This was already posted earlier, please try to be original next time you shitpost, thank you.
This is just pathetic, I thought you atheists were supposed to be high enlightened. Try to put some effort here.
he actually, with no speck of doubt, completely non-facetiously, devout to the point of reporting a post on a taiwanese basket weaving forum, worships a dead kike
You mean to say that there are people right now on MY Holla Forums that worship a dead kike on a stick?
It's more likely than you think!
There are also people on Holla Forums that worship fluffy bunnies and rocks.
Sorry to break up the faggot/shill/cuckchan derailing party but I'd just like to remind everyone lawbreakers is now routinely failing to peak in triple digits. Within the next few weeks or even days the peak will fall below 50.
I know as a faggot/shill/cuckchan poster this will hit you very hard but you have to learn to accept lawbreakers is a
In a couple of months, /just/ will get more traffic than that game.
NoPlayers is hitting JUST levels that was once thought impossible. Was it the cucksure attitude of Blezinga, the unappealing visual designs of the character, the appeal to the Tarantino crowd with none of that 60$ multiplayer bullshit next billion dollar IP. Or was it the magical gender nu-tral bathrooms.
That's impressive in a way.
I haven't played either game but this is my view of the marketing.
Where are all these faggots coming from? Reddit? NeoGAF? 4chan? What's with the sudden influx?
you are so fucking stupid it's not even funny
they come from Holla Forums, it's not a sudden influx, they been here since people started to use the label "alt right".
that was a really funny picture. thank you for the laugh
Overwatch isn't a success though.
They lost more money in lawsuits over illegal advertising contracts with jewtubers to push it than they made from it
Swing and a miss
Don't forget their """"toxic""""" players have made it impossible for them to make new lewds.
Source on this?
I don't know what you mean by this.
Move along, Christcuck, this is a no-desert-trilogy neighborhood.
Also, excellent facebook memes. Did you get those from your friends or was it posted on your churches group page?
Excuse me sir, have you heard about our lord and savior Paul-Muad'Dib?
Saved, thanks.
they where begging the "community" to ease up on reporting offensive behavior because they are so preoccupied and tied up in moderating the game they don't have the manpower to make new content.
If they actually follow through with that stupidity bliz will shoot themselves in the foot. Those lewd fan arts is basically free advertising. Bitchford would kill to have that level of fan interest for stillborn.
Wait really, I thought it was about them clucking about how sexist some of the fan arts was and how they can't condone sexism or some blather a while back.
Meh then again bliz had that pants on head level of trying to moderate their online games for a while back.
I don't know the title of the video but they made an announcement recently asking people not to be so thin skinned because moderation is becoming expensive and its almost impossible to manage all the petty complaints. That if players wanted more content they needed to not be so thin skinned. I don't play Overwatch but it was being talked about a week or two ago. Now I can't find any information regarding the story.
maximum hue.png if true. They brought that shit on themselves by courting the "we need to have a diversity meetup at blizzcon" bullshit along with the e-sporz cancer.
Greeks and Romans were pagans.
When christcucks spread their cancer, both cultures got literally raped and died. The only reason the whole europe wasnt taken over by muslims after that was because Frankish people, which were pagans, fought them off.
Basically everyone in the world nowadays would be sandniggers if it depended on christcucks.
Was it a dinoflask video by chance? Is it possible you were bamboozled?
That sounds hilarious, but considering Blizzard is (((Blizzard))) I would like a source on those claims. That doesn't sound like something Jeff from the Overwatch team would say.
Threads discussing lawbreakers on this board routinely achieve higher unique user numbers than it has players
we never even talk about the game though
There was one user who tried it out during the game's beta and iirc he said the low or zero g combat was not that good, the visuals is well you already saw it but the style is very off putting. There was some other negatives he mentioned but by the time it came out no one paid much attention or cared. I kind of doubt cliff hyping up some pickle rick voice in whatever game mode that is, that it's going to salvage the game by now.
The guy who made this video. He also makes more "Developer Update" fake videos, where he takes voice clips and screws around for comedic effect.
Wow, that's fucking hilarious.
I can't play it, those gender neutral bathrooms are so progressive and the characters are so diverse that I'd risk having my *-ist worldview shattered.
im only playing it if it goes f2p
you got good numbers though
He's so smart to begin with that he never needs to do any actual research into anything he claims to know. He just says he knows, and then he knows! Your plebian mind is just too in the dark to understand. But that'll change if you too become an atheist. So come on, user. Just become an enlightened atheist. Just come on!
So is Aus Austria or Australia, as you'd think Austria would be close to Germany than Britain, while Australia being half way between Britain and Russia makes sense but if that's the case where is America
No because their idea of good is our idea of pure evil, Yet they follow their code and we don't follow any except "muh atheism".
You faggots are trying too hard.
You're also objectively wrong to such an extent that I feel pity instead of a desire to bully you.
oc user the pic with the fucked up eyes is one of the best ones. Start with that one and then combine it with this one here
Another tip would be to add a subtle mustache and slightly increase the turkey neck. The final cherry on top would be some text on the bottom like bix nood, we wuz, or some other nigger babble.
That is the start of something magical
Kudos if you get the reference.
Heresy. You would have to be retarded to think the current Pope is in any way or form Christian, when he openly shits on the Bible
Everything i said is fact
I can't understand anyone being Catholic in 2017.
I figure most of them are just trying to weather the pope out until he dies and gets replaced by someone who isn't a Jewish puppet. All the catholics I know either aren't aware of the shit that cunt is pulling, or disagree with him.
why does every faggot thing this image is degrading? perhaps your ignorance makes you think otherwise, but these are christian niggers, now if the pope refused to do this that would actually be a reason for Christian to be upset, do you think we don't know that is part of a ceremony ?
no, they aren't. Not all of them, at least. They are "christian, muslim, and hindu refugees"
I welcome the incoming triple A gaming crash.
Buckle up, buckaroo - those nigger toes the pope sucks on? Muslim. Have you met him? Probably not, he's too busy taking selfies with Muhammad.
it took you this long to reverse search the picture because you don't even know what was going on?
Am i supposed to feel bad that the pope enacting the role of Jesus as a messenger of faith, delivers the biblical example of being kind and humble to one another? or terrified that mussie took a picture with him? maybe that nigger thought long that night about his ways.
That isn't real, is it?
If you were a Catholic then I'd tell you to feel bad that the leader of your faith is courting the worst of humanity to live and work among you while he fucks off to his little castle, yes. I don't think a Catholic would be on 8/v/ tho.
Christkikes, sunni and kikes are the same people.
Overwatch is an SJW central. You shouldn't be here if you play that garbage of a game.
Overwatch is a video game.
is this that 'meme degradation' shit I was warned about
Such a wonderful game!
What a great argument. How about you take your sandnigger religion back where it came from? Christianity is no more European than Islam, and both came from the same region and from the same race of people.
you used the meme wrong ya git
Oh, you've been running with the bulls, alright.
The producers are not the product, who made it doesn't change what it is. Not really sure what your point is.
The Pope is a communist faggot.
I really like for one day either:
Just to see these "the dev's politics matter!" faggots crap their pants unable to formulate an opinion.
Fucking Australia man.
You know that that would never ever happen, right?
People said that about Five Nights at Freddy's getting a sequel and look at where we are.
You do have a point, I just think it's unlikely.
Depends a lot on who is calling the people that paid for their game toxic.
And Overwatch is a genuinely bad game, but go explain that to drones.
If the game devs are devout KKK members hell bent on hanging every black man in the country then a black fan of their games should totally pay them money for their product. You should definitely support people who hate you and want you dead, it's a great idea, it's a good thing to do. You should try it some time. If you hate people like me and fund groups that fuck over people like me but somehow manage to make a good game you get a pirate, but you won't see a single cent of my money.
But that will never happen, outside of tongue in cheek and painting you as the badguy. You know this is completely outside of reality yet you still subscribe to it, that's hilarious to me. Your nonexistent example totally just blew us "dev politics matter" people the fuck out.
Gotta admit though. Blizzard did a fine job for their tumblr characters. What the fuck was Cliff thinking?
It's a game. I play it, but I'm not gonna pretend it's a good game. It's fun in short bursts, but that's that. Maybe I just grew up with 4x and want my games to remain fun for 12 hour sessions (Endless Space nearly got me fired once).
But it's not the worst game and the SJW issues are overblown by the SJW's and the anti-SJW's.
It might also be the only game that's NOT fun with friends, because in any group of 3 or 4 people, there's always gonna be one guy that gets extremely pissy about losing, and like all MOBA's, it's extremely easy to simply blame everyone else on the team for the loss except yourself.
At least you get that medal shit so you can laugh at raging faggots. Just take a suport character that can't deal damage properly while they take the 1337 dps and then laugh on their faces when you score Gold medals in damage done and eliminations.
And I'll be honest, the most fun I've had in Overwatch is either hearing french kids squeeling "PUTAIN" in the mic because you refuse to follow the meta or the cykas of which I can't tell what they're saying but the screams grow more agressive and animal throught the match.
I dunno what to tell you user, it's like Heroes of the Storm: a game I can boot up when I don't want to think about shit, randomly mash buttons and get a bunch of explosions, particle effects and "YOU DID IT!"-reward stickers on my screen.
If I wanted a proper challenging game, I've got the other 236 games installed on my HDD.
Chillax user, I'm jesting you. I know that's never gonna happen. I'd just like to see it for shits and giggles.
We all know the left (by consequence SJW's, cucks and soyboys) can't meme for shit and that implies a diminished creative capacity, hence why all their games are shit anyway and noone should care about them.
But I like to see people confused and that would be a pretty hilarious situation to happen.
Marketing. It's the difference between a major release from a well-known, trusted publisher that is willing to put down hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars to ensure people know about the game, and a company that doesn't bother letting people know their game is out.
It all comes down to marketing. Some of the best games had no marketing and were relatively unknown to people, while some of the worst turds had millions of combined dollars in marketing.
It's like you try to make a sensible post but then you let your faggotry creep in and shit it up and ruin any possibility of it being decent. Shameful.
I lean far-right actually. But that doesn't stop me from criticing some right-wing idiots who chase any non-issue the SJW's are also chasing.
It's a pointless waste of time and feminine-dick waving every single time.
Picture this: there's a stick on the ground. It's half-covered in poo, it's brittle and useless.
An SJW will see it and decide "what a great weapon to beat those Nazi fucks!" and the Nazi fucks will think "What a great weapon to beat those SJW faggots".
And then you get two idiots fighting over a shitty stick.
Case in point: Zarya's hair or that Tracer's butt-pose. It's a minor pointless schtick that SJW's used to accuse Blizzard of sexism and the anti-SJW's used to accuse Blizzard of being SJW's.
In the end of the day, Blizzard went "lol, change a few pixels, we still make money" and nomalfags went "lol qho cares, watch me press Q and get play of the game".
There's a lot more things to worry about and actually focus your efforts in. I hope you're following the Mueller business back in Holla Forums user, things are getting hot.
Learning to pick your fights is an important skill. It keeps you in the frontlines, where you're needed, instead of the drawing table, byke-shedding about hair colours and gender-neutral bathrooms.
I'll give you one thing: triggering SJW's is at least very entertaining and done right can also be fulfilling.
Okay reddit, maybe you need to take a break and go play more Diversitywatch.
Did you saw me saying "fuck nazis"?
I said "Nazi fucks".
Not everyone who claims to be a Nazi is doing it for the betterment of his kind.
It's like the Atheism+ shit:
Some people declared themselves atheists because they got fed up with the church, and then some beta-fucks decide "wow, look at all those smart people. I'll become an atheist and be smart like them!".
Same goes for National Socialism. There's a lot of good people on Holla Forums working with their fellows for a better future.
But you can't deny there's a bunch of fat fucks whose only accomplishment was waving a Nazi flag around when noone was watching. They don't give a shit, they feel fulfilled and part of something. YOU should give a shit and kick those shit-eaters out as soon as possible.
SJW's are kinda on the same boat too. But the shiteaters are 90% of them and they actively kickout the only reasonable members they had and they end up joining Holla Forums shortly after.
Occam's Razor, user: don't assume malice where none is intended.
Ah, that makes sense.
No worries. And always glad to see people passionate about the subject.
Overwatch is shit user, yes, but it's just because it's overly simple. It's still moderatly fun, don't let the SJW boogieman scare you off from trying it. Don't buy crates though, it's a fucking scam.
Oh, it's not the SJW boogieman that bothers me most, it's the shitty gameplay. Layered on top of Blizzard's "Muh divershitty" garbage (Such as wanting to host a No-Whites-Allowed event at their Con), I don't see any reason to play it, or even any real justification to buy it.
Following that logic, we should just stop buying products all together. Do you really think that a nigger will be thinking about if a jar of mayonnaise he just bought was created by a KKK member or not? Should I be looking into the immigration policies of the owners of a bar I frequent?
It seems like it'd be easy to become a big hypocrite with this mindset.
They actually do, yes.
That depends, does the owner like to advertise that he hates Whites and think they all need to be genocided?
I hate you, and I mean, I really hate you user. If I could I would like to boil you in piss and lemon juice after flaying your skin off, alongside your children and loved ones, because I hate you that much, and hope you all die wretched deaths. Now come buy my products, shitlord, quit being so fucking entitled.
My point is that we really don't know where our money is going. That's one of the tradeoffs of living amongst other humans in society. Think about it this way, a rich Russian nobleman is buying a loaf of bread from a baker in 1917. That baker takes his money and uses it to buy fish from an angler in town, who is a well known bolshevik sympathizer. Had the nobleman cared to look into the bread he just spent 10 seconds eating, or diligently time and effort on research, he would've realized his money is going directly to the enemy.
And in fact, the more he looked asked around, he would find similar situations with his tailor, barber etc.
Now multiply this situation by 1000 in our current society. Humans currently live off each other for pretty much everything. From the water you drink, to the wi-fi you use, everything could be going leftist demagogues that want you dead and you wouldn't even know it. I'm not really saying you should autistically research everything down to the source of the air you breath, i'm just trying to point that it's really hard in the current world to know who to trust.
Then there's nothing you can do. If you can't know where your money is going, you simply can't do anything about it. Not to mention, if I have to buy essentials, I have to buy essentials, user. I can't just pirate bread because the store clerk is a rapefugee or something. I can pirate vidya easily, and it's not at all hard to see which Devs are awful since they are extremely blatant and forthcoming about how much they want me to die.
Well, that, and there's a significant difference between wilfully and knowingly giving someone who hates you money in exchange for entertainment which you can easily acquire for absolutely no cost, and finding out that some kike made a penny when you bought some bread.
Woops, meant for
I refuse to participate.