Post your favorite flopped video game.
Bonus points if it killed a developer/publisher.
Post your favorite flopped video game.
Bonus points if it killed a developer/publisher.
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Video games.
That was not a flop, it sold suprisingly well. What did THQ in was that Toy gadget they tried to sell.
It sold like 300,000 copies.
So much potential wasted.
I'll never understand why I like this game a much as I do. It feels like some cheap game you'd find at the bottom of a cereal box, yet something about the atmosphere, enemy design, and gameplay just clicks with me.
Clive Barker used to be hot shit.
He is also gay
You mean he makes all threads on Holla Forums? :>)
I am Clive Barker.
fuck off, you retard
Space Marine or the uDraw?
Cause Space Marine sold well over a million, in fact about close to 1.5 million when it was still with THQ. Even Homefront which was seen to kill THQ actually turned a profit.
The udraw on the otherhand had around 1.3 million UNSOLD copies and really was what killed THQ since for every game they made that was good and turned a profit they made something completely assine that sucked all their money away.
That's "shipped", that article is wrong. The game shipped 1.2 mil.
inb4 Clover Studios' entire portfolio.
Holy shit it sold worse than I remember.
I liked that game, shame they never made another one like they planned with captain titus going rogue and shit.
so it sold a 810 000 in total? I dont know how much the game cost to make but that seems pretty good.
It sold over 800k in early 2012 across all platforms. That is far from 300k you said and all things considered not bad especially considering their budget and what their target was.
In early 2012 yes, before it was sold off it had sold over a million copies.
Reminder that Space Marine was going to be Dank Souls before Dank Souls was a thing.
So… a game starring the Lamenters ?
I mean, Demon Souls is just a mishmash of older From Soft game series like King's Field and Shadow Tower.
You're all fags, and the game is good despite the inevitable flop-appreciation-backlash cycle that's currently ending.
But it doesn't take four seconds to turn around in Demon's Souls.
When did I imply that it was a straight up clone of them?
Ugly Western game with terrible character designs that was developed by a bunch of Marxist queers. No fucking thank you.
Try to contain yourself, weeb.
They weren't bad yet. Schafer was just bad with money, but he hadn't yet hopped on board the ideology train (because it didn't really exist in 2005).
destiny 2
the games are all trash, but the salt and smug has brought me alot of joy and entertainment.
To be honest it was too ambitious at the time.
I'm still salty about how Capcom handled God Hand and Clover Studios in general. It's like they're still trying to say they're sorry about what they've done by Okami by re-releasing it over and over and over again.
Okami wasn't even their best game imo.
I haven't played Psychonauts since release, but it would be interesting to go back and try it with my new reality-vision goggles, and see how pozzed it is.
Pic is my contribution. I so wish it had a sequel.
I played it a few years ago. It's not pozzed at all.
Yeah it's really weird how all these devs that used to be ok suddenly became shitheads all around the same time. It's like they all joined a cult together.
They made the mistake of thinking that game "journalists" mattered. Some of them also saw a movement built on seeking petty outrage as a source of dopamine rushes, and mistook it for a serious political movement.
that game was pretty fun honestly
Spoilers for the now dead and admittedly not that great condemned series.
I know this shit is not even all that fantastic, but fuck I just want to know what, if anything, the final secret of the oro was and what they are "Protecting" Mankind from that requires them to be the origin of evil itself in doing so, but whatever.
Condemned 3 NEVER EVER
These are my exact feelings on Condemned 1 and 2
I like how it requires you to not play it like Gears of War (which a lot of people accused it of being without playing it). If you're dying it means you're not killing hard enough. Wish it had co-op, and a sequel.
I've found most things to be pozzed in retrospect. I had a movie collection built through 10+ years of torrenting, and deleted it, saving only a handful of inspiring films that I could benefit from occasionally rewatching - the rest were trash. A game about psychology from Double Fine is bound to have something subversive in it.
I dug the shit out of those. There hasn't been a good first person melee combat game in a long time.
Condemned 2 > FEAR 2
Here's a fresh one. Not a favorite game by any means, but it certainly killed a studio.
Note: vgchartz PC sales data only represents retail sales. Steam does not report their sales data. You'll have to get those added numbers somewhere else, like
Space Marine was actually very successful. That is why they immediately started working on Space Marine 2.
This. They would make something successful and then piss all of the money away, again and again.
It's a good thing they changed it then.
If you're going for that the TORtanic is still the finest example.
I was talking about Psychonauts. Not sure what game you're talking about.
I don't remember anything like that from the game. It's pretty harmless. You're a kid getting over his fears, getting his first girlfriend, and saving the world everyone at summer camp.
this tbh
I wish at the very least 2 had a pc port because I only got to play it one time. Too bad Jace Hall cant seem to get his ass off the ground. I wonder whatever happened to the plan he talked about with Red Barrels doing 3 and a pc port of 2?
Psychonauts had its main love interest as a tsundere turned damsel who lusts after the protagonist, Schafer or at least Double Fine definitely changed at some point.
I'm kind of wondering whether Ron Gilbert might be to blame. You can tell with Monkey Island that Ron had a thing about subverting the damsel in distress trope (to the game's discredit) and I'm wondering whether that attitude had rubbed off on Schafer/Double Fine when he joined them.
Spoice Muhreen. Didn't mean to quote you there.
That, and all of the executive producers proclaiming multiple times that if you buy used games you are probably a descendent of an Obergruppenfuhrer of the SS who has made it his lifelong mission to annihilate every Jew. I actually miss THQ because they published a ton of games I truly liked, but it was extremely satisfying to see that awful meme die when everyone noticed that it killed THQ.
My choice for the OP is Wizardry 8.
It killed a branch, not the tree. BioWare is still busy shitting up the medium with Anthem and a new Dragon Age.
The BioWare name still exists, and there is technically still a team in Edmonton, but the creative leads and veterans are mostly gone. BioWare isn't dead so much as it is undead.
And "BioWare Montreal," just like "BioWare Austin," was never actually BioWare to begin with.
I am mostly amused and a little mad that "BioWare" is making a Destiny knock-off. What a perfectly EA move: acquire a developer known exclusively for its RPGs, and make them develop a flavor-of-the-month "shared world shooter" thing to cash in on the current trend.
This one. The following meltdown was awesome.
honestly that game was ok if it weren't for pic related and their fucking aimbot. it's nothing amazing but I wouldn't call it terrible.
Didn't make much of a difference since they produce the same garbage they always have.
They did the same shit with Visceral and countless others. After they forced them to fuck over the Dead Space sequels they made them make a Battlefield f2p knockoff. Why they feel the need to buy out developers and then force them to make games in genres they have no experience with is beyond me. Then again, it's not like the people in charge of EA have displayed a shred of intelligence ever since Trip Hawkins left.
Andromeda looks like it was worse than their usual output, though I didn't hate myself enough to play it, so maybe I'm wrong. I was also under the impression that there had been mass purges/desertions after ME3 and before Inquisition.
People liked this boring piece of shit?
It wasn't atrocious. I mean, it was a pretty paint-by-numbers western rpg, but it wasn't bad enough that you'd think it'd kill the studios and create a political scandal.
It's one of the worst games I've ever played. It's not technically or even mechanically awful, it just all blends together into this horrible bland mush that looks, sounds, and plays like a hundred other mediocre games that deserved to be forgotten about.
It's amazing, it somehow manages to be less than the sum of its parts. People should study it in universities to replicate this feat.
Part of the problem was they tried to make an MMO. That tainted everything else because had they spent the money and time needed to get all that bullshit together on something else it might have been alright. For example, enemy variety is terrible. Once you have seen all the enemies in the first area, you have seen 90% of the enemies for the rest of the game. This wouldn't be as bad as it is, except 90% of the game is the combat, which fits right in that uncomfortable area where its active enough to bother you, but not active enough to be fun.
From a technical perspective, sure, but in terms of general design and scope it's just the same shit as always.
I dunno, maybe I just have pleb taste, but that shit didn't bother me. It wasn't goty or anything, but I didn't regret picking it up.
It was sad that it was such a poor game because the founder legitimately loved video games and spent his entire fortune creating the studio and game all for the effort of trying to make his dream come true. Then some shit happened in between and the game became a confused and mashed together bland mess. It sucks when a real and genuine effort is made to make something good and it comes out completely shit in the end.
I disagree. The original Mass Effect had a lot of care put into its setting details; even the schlock was well-justified schlock. That all got thrown out in its sequel.
BioWare were pretty good up to and including DA:O. Mass Effect 2 was the beginning of the end. Not that it was a bad game, exactly, but its aggressive streamlining-by-removal was the canary in the coalmine.
Mass Effect 2 was a bad enough game to kill the whole series for me, and I loved the shit out of the first one
I remember liking it when it came out, but I don't think I actually started developing taste in vidya until around 2012 or so. A lot of the mechanical changes were for the better, but I hate that they stripped so many mechanics out completely.
Not to mention how ME2 ignores, retcons, or contradicts most of ME1's setting–which was the best part of ME1, the thing that made it a flawed gem instead of just a clunky curiosity.
Didn't they come crawling back?
I played that for the crafting system alone.
You know how some games go with the Morrowid approach where the player CAN indeed break the game with it's mechanics?
The crafting system in that game can break it in half. After fully using it and farming the components, at max dificulty and near the endgame:
Then the final boss died in 6 hits.
That game did many things right, it just did it also did many other mediocraly. Padding everything with fetchquests was a terrible idea.
I played that some, I couldn't really get past the fact it manged to screw up dual analog sticks by crippling it with a retarded lock-on system. It wouldn't be such a big deal if you could accurately aim without it.
I remember my first impression being "is this some new WoW expansion?" The entire thing screamed MMORPG, with all its sins, but none of the benefits because for whatever reason, it was actually a single player RPG. I can't understand why someone made something like this. It felt like I was playing alone on an empty WoW server.
That's because it was supposed to be a MMO at first.
Am i the only people that thinks Masseffect is medicore?
Kinda. They basically set up a patreon IIRC.
What? No! I heard those went over so well in Dragon Age 3. kek
Their offices are in the bay area (the most expensive hipstery part) of San Francisco so I think it has more to do with that whole city going down the shitter culturally than just that studio or games journalism. Most game journo companies are in sanfran too.
Space Marine wasn't really a flop user. it didn't live up to its potential but it made money
Was a fantastic point and click adventure from my favourite devs who then went bankrupt after releasing this gem.
I liked it, on the hardest difficulty it was pretty fun.
What really sucked is that Space Marine felt incredibly faithful to the source material, but at the same time played like a massive ripoff of Gears of War. If GoW had never been a thing, I think Space Marine would have been a HUGE success.
They're making an enhanced edition.
The thing video game original, semi related, they'd planed a sequal as pic related, but then the company went under, and we've never had a thing vydia since. K how'd i do?
Very fun GTA clone set in WWII Paris, you're a mick race car driver and womanizer with a loud mouth who runs around stopping Nazis from building freakishly huge guard towers and flying Zepplins over Paris by getting in fistfights and throwing dynamite. Has a parkour system where everything single building can be climbed, and at least half of the game is just exploring Paris and planting dynamite everywhere. When you get a wanted level you can hide out in a whorehouse (among other hideouts) and all of the female characters have titty physics. There was a day 1 patch that uncensored the tits in the nightclub where your first base is, as well as adding an uncensored burlesque show in the basement. Not a single word about muh 6,000,000,000,000,000 and all of the Nazis are cartoonishly evil to the nth degree. All in all, a solid game with few bugs that is fun to play.
I don't think it bankrupted Pandemic, EA probably just shut them down for the fun of it.
Kek that game isn't bad.
Didn't some ghost busters game (based on the feminist remake) flop?
The game is the definition of too many cooks, just a slight expansion of any of the mechanics in the game would improve it.
If it had a deeper skill system, then maybe it wouldn't be so boring to level up and max out all skills.
If it had a deeper combat system, maybe it would be more exciting to fight basic enemies.
If the fate meter did more than just activate a glorified cheat mode, then maybe people would have a reason to use it.
Apart from the sprites, which buff each other, enemies are too similar to one another. A human mage and a fae mage both use the same goddamed spells. So does a cultist that supposedly summons demons. If each enemy had something more unique to each if them, then it would be more exciting to fight them.
The worldbuilding is okay, I liked how they had proper fae but disliked how they included watered down Tolkien elves anyway. The stone statue people were pretty neat too.
The best part of the game is that it's proof that Skyrim is trash, since even the quests in this game are better than Skyrim's. If Amalur were a 5/10, barely functional with missed potential. Skyrim would be 4/10, even mods can't fix this.
It is a bit clunky, but no other game I've experienced has given me such an up close and person example of what it would be like to gradually become a super hero, and also combine it with a great sci-fi story.
So much this. Didn't the coder for the game also die? I think they have his name in the credits as such.
Lord of the Rings: Conquest is what killed Pandemic. On paper it sounded great: the Battlefront devs give LotR the Battlefront treatment but for various reasons it was both terrible and a massive financial loss. The Saboteur was their swan song.
Sir-Tech was dead before it even released.
Binary Domain is great. In spite of the endless numbers of robots you have to kill, it keeps the variety of activities up throughout. Well paced TPS.
Too bad, that game was pretty cool. Imperfectly executed, but a great idea. Don't see many great ideas anymore.
How kosher.
Yes, nice solid combat and story too. I can see why it flopped though, the marketing was terrible and some fans angry at the dev changing up their style thank god they only had 1-2 QTEs in Binary Domain and even those felt like 'because we had to' last minute things and explicitly targeting a western audience. If any user hasn't played it yet note that the voice control shit is a gimmick that can and should be disabled.
What's up with games about Irish people in foreign countries?
A lot of Americans think they're Irish because of some fucking relative three generations ago that might have been Scottish or Welsh or Ulster-Irish which is essentially Scottish. It's less on the nose than claiming an American is the main character but still more relateable.
It was fun. If you want I'll burn a copy of TGSNT and slip it into the box I have in storage.
And honestly, the nazis in the game spend most of the game putting AA guns everywhere, building hundreds of guard towers and driving kubelwagens around. It's much closer to "the nazis gassed me 5 times but my name is weinblatt and they ran out of gas every day before they got to W plus I had a stomach flu so they sent me to the hospital where doctor mengle inspected me every morning" than "the einsatzgruppen may have been heavy handed in removing partisans".
And now square is turning it into a brand.
Was Studio Archstone's sole game produced. They died afterward.
"Studio Archcraft", I mean.
Killed Bullfrog.
Fags are not people
What really killed them was being bought by EA, they were going to have at least one game make less than the crazy-high targets of a AAA publisher but if they were indie they could have just picked themselves up and carried on. EA wrote them off.
This game deserves all the shit it gets for being exactly what RE fans didn't want.
That being said I got it for a 1$ during a humble bundle and challenged myself to get 100% before all of the new players dried out. I was basically grinding this game for 2 weeks and actually had quite a bit of fun when I was in a full lobby.
Also things like Webm related we pretty damn funny and happened frequently.
It's not a great game but it had some neat stuff in it.
Man, I remember hanging out on the Pandemic boards back in the day right before the game's release. You wouldn't believe how many faggots were desperate to defend that piece of crap even though every piece of media released was pointing to it being unfinished, unpolished garbage.
It kind of makes me curious as to what went on behind the scenes of the development.
It's hard to overestimate just how badly LOTR: Conquest's failure fucked The Saboteur's chances for success. Pandemic lost a lot of faith from fans with the former, so the latter was barely given a chance.
I thought the combat system was deep enough, they just needed to expand the move variety for different weapons.
That last cutscene was perfect cheese.
I expect they realised LotR was harder to translate into the Battlefront formula than it looked and then the talent started to drain away. Combine that with the EA by-out and it's an understandable flop but still a sad one.
Probably also cost them investment in advertising.
It was the one good thing Disney had going during that console generation, and they had to kill it…
wait, you liked this nongame?
Because they leave an impression that people don't forget. You ever meat a loud boisterous Irish person? You tend not to forget them if they're not a common sight in your culture.
Not really, especially if you were using the thunder hammer. Their whole advertising was making fun of GoW, and the cover system it popularized with "cover is for the weak." Problem was that the melee was too good, especially with the hammer, so you would just wade into a crowd of enemies and never have to worry about dying so long as you paid a slight bit of attention. The only time that didn't quite work was when you were dealing with enemies that were just outright impossible to get to when you didn't have the jump pack.
No, a lot of people here share your view. There are just a lot of people (like me) who liked the first game despite its flaws but think the series lost its way in the sequels. And there are some people who think the sequels were completely better and they're wrong.
The topic is the following
This could easily be interrupted as the favorite fallout from flopping rather than favorite flopped product.
I've been in love with that guy's work since his 2000AD days.
I booted it up expecting another Undying, an atmospheric adventure shooter with horror elements.
What I got was about 5 minutes of looking around at an ugly console shooter world through ugly console shooter toilet paper roll field of view before I shut it down.
RIP Grim
Gravity Rush 2 undersold like fuck didnt it?
Flopped so bad Volition had to layoff 30 employees. I like to think of this as karma for what they did to SR.
That game's multiplayer was fucking amazing. I wish it didn't die after a week
Like they tried by just making Drakengard 2. They might try but brand is not Nier, it is Yoko Taro.
Yoko toko is a meme dev now
Just one more reason that he is his brand.
Oh how I miss taking over the DJ tables in the public rooms to play johnny rebel songs, that was a good month when it launched.
For a game that sold on the premise of customizing your own edgelord, did you trigger loads of people?
Beyond Good and Evil.
Failed so hard that they blew the world up.
oh my god…that hit me right in the fucking feels.
Only game I spent a month to finish with all the gadgeteer unlocks and the insta-kill ability on the samurai
If only they'd focused on the game balance and the userbase.
Space Marine was a success. The flop that killed THQ was Homefront.
I would 110% believe he's a vehement anti-Trumper and I say that as someone that read the entire Books of Blood series.
The handling for drifting and turning in general could have been better.
Also Blur suffered the same, undeserved fate.
Nice touch.
Is it like TTT/Town of Salem/Werewolf/Mafia?
Uber games are fucking awful. I'll bet they really regret how they handled smnc now that the "hero-shooter" thing hit the mainstream
The story of the uDraw gaming tablet
I never played it because of the vomit inducing character designs. I don't ever intend to, either. Same reason I never touched Final Fantasy 9.
Devs and publishers got greedy and started looking for a new audience in hopes of boosting sales to new highs. They bought into the social media meme, so they took suggestions from no-life faggots that whine and virtue signal on facebook and twitter to kill time. They failed to understand what a vocal minority is.
Confession time
**Despite me always saying I love Arcade racers I didn't play Split/second and only rented blur and didn't like it much.
SS just put me off due to hearing it had a lot of rubber banding so that you could make use of blow shit up gimick. I just found Blur to be basic**
And now all arcade racers are dead, yay.
I'd interrupt her with muh dick
I fucking hate Space Marine. It's the most dull, brown, and boring game I've ever played. The environments consist of brown warehouse, brown canyons, and brown cities. The gameplay is basically a shittier saints row somehow. I've never played more generic 3rd person shooting gameplay. It's like they completed the base combat needed to be considered a game and said, "eh, good enough." The only fun thing is this game is the jetpacks. Nothing else about this game is good in any way.
At least we got the one good let's play out of it
It actually sold really damn well. Like 1.2 million copies in the first 90 days. But 38 studios spent way too much money on it's development along with an upcoming mmo they were also working on and needed it to sell 3 million copies to cover the cost. RIP Project Copernicus. I actually feel bad for Curt Schilling on this one. He just wanted to make good games.
I played it to get a hat in TF2. I don't think it had very much potential in being good. Everything from the movement to the shooting felt so janky.
I wish they made an Operation Raccoon City 2.