Discord is full of evil monsters, stupid smug women, and shitty little kids who should all DIE. They play garbage casual games and need to go away. They also taint anime!


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Summer is going to last through Christmas, isn't it?

Wouldn't OP's post represent a disdain for summer though?

ur a terrible video game program

hi neofag

I feel pity for the dead who can no longer enjoy this shitty thread.

So you think Discord is good? You realize you have to be either over 18 or not a newfag to be here right?

i made my own discord community with nonretards

What makes discord better than skype or teamspeak? I'm getting sick of having my friends move me from one VOIP to the next.

They all blow for different reasons.

It's a mix of a worse skype and a worse teamspeak with a healthy dose of chinese botnet combined into a single platform. Also you get spied on for (((offensive))) content.

despite being non-free, the executables are just web browsers packaged nicely with keyboard shortcuts, it's over-blown for text and voice but I wouldn't kill myself over using it.
Mumble is still the king.

From an end user's point of view, not as bloated as skype (still bloated compared to Teamspeak), no ads (shills for premium but does not interfere with actual use), easier to set up than a teamspeak, and is a semi-decent text/image sharing program.
The problems all come in with the fact that the developers are untrustworthy in most people's eyes, and have been sued in the past for breaching privacy. Their TOS has no user protection and it's effectively a closed box, with tinkering having to be done outside of discord.
You're using their servers like skype, so if they go down you're fucked, and additionally they have the capability to read all your messages and the like, just like any other service.
The communities surrounding discord are all twitch/reddit cancer, so if you host a public one you should expect that audience, and the stupid shit people want like discord bots and the like for utility or (((fun))) are also closed boxes that can spy on you unless you actively fork them on github or the like, if they even can be.
Just stick with TS/Mumble.

Before this they were just on teamspeak and mumble user,

Only on public channels. I'm part of a channel and we regularly post NSFW shit all the time. The only time channels get reported or taken down is because faggots make their channels public or leave the invites to anyone so typically what happens is someone comes in and shuts it down by reporting the channel.

Can't be worse than skype. Not as resource intensive. Doesn't eat up a lot of bandwidth and the audio quality is good. Not gonna argue with the botnet thing.

Mumble lets admins see IPs of people connected. So unless you're ready to sacrifice your internet connection to mask it behind a VPN. Else you're gonna have to hope admins of a mumble don't get pissy at you nor are autistic enough to look up your IP

Hey Neofag.

no, before this normalfags weren't even in the fucking picture. and it isn't just discord's fault either. with shit like ASSFAGGOTS and OverWatch gaming has basically become a normalfag industry, and Discord is basically one giant invite to a whole new third wave of normalfags with all the ones we're currently stuck with.

OP here. This is mainly what I'm getting at. It isn't so much that discord is bad or a botnet, the main tenant of my gripe is that it acts as a force multiplier to what was already cancer.

thats why i barely like any new games because they make games for them instead

Either use mumble with self signed certificates from a admin you trust. Or use group chat in Tox.

Did you forget about CNN or do you just choose to ignore than and the ToS like every other fag. I told my aspiring lawyer friend (he's been in school for a couple years) about the ToS and he didn't believe me. He looks at it himself and finds out that it's worse than what I said. Ask me if he unstalled after than.

got any specific points he brought up? I'd like to see a aspiring lawyer's take on it.

HAHA, so true fellow Holla Forums user.

Jesus christ dude, really?

And if you ask any of these Discord retards what they play they ALWAYS list the same basket of games :Overwatch, CSGO, Hearthstone, Smite, LoL. These fuckers literally don't like video games they only like what's popular and act like they're 'avid gamers' just because they jumped on board a bandwagon. It's fucking disgusting.


I'm getting married cause of discord you can fuck off I get all the honies there.


You must be either a pedo or a cuckhold then because most Discord girls are either underaged or stuck up sluts who are high on their orbiters' cash.

here's your alternatives:

Thing is Dota isn't the issue. it was the casualization of it which is what League is and being part of that age when normalfaggots were seeping into video games.

Also we have to define "normalfag". Because if you just mean "people who don't browse an imageboard", then we're gonna have problems classifying people.

Problem is that technically all VOIP systems have a way to track users in case of something. Just so the company can protect it's own ass should something arise.


It's also full of memers who steal OC from 4chan and Holla Forums.

You just don't know how to draw girls in user its okay. I show them a few of my youtube videos, I mention that I've been to a lot of gaming tournaments? And that's it.

Bitches go down for the count when they find out what a gamer I am. I know what I'm doing. Good job not maximizing your hobby, loser.

This thread has more replies than it deserves. Is everyone bored tonight or something?