Anyone else not sad that point n click games are dying off?
Name a single point and click game that didn't have some asinine puzzle in it.
Anyone else not sad that point n click games are dying off?
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Funnily enough the person that is working on that Seinfeld point and click you posted released Paradigm this year which is an excellent Point and Click
there's literally nothing asinine about making a mustache out of adhesive tape, cat hair and syrup to impersonate a man that has no mustache
Must you make me feel old?
Sam & Max was my favorite game as a kid, I miss those guys.
Do we have a large image of recommended titles somewhere? I just finished I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream and I want more games like that with good stories and compelling characters.
Monkey Islands success pozzed the genre hard. Instead of creating well thought out and logical puzzles, devs could now get away with lolsorandum nonsensical bullshit and although there were some good logical ones every once in awhile, the genre never really recovered. Having to resort to a guide every 5 minutes because the devs were snorting meth while making the puzzles is not good game design.
We need to put game designers on whatever Andrew Plotkin was on.
There is also the no fail state system that removes almost all deductive reasoning from the game.
Newer ones definitely don't. And stupid moon logic puzzles can work in a moon logic world if the rules of it's specific components are explained to the player.
And the games are still alive, just not as popular. They've never been AAA popular really.
Horror centric or no? The Cat Lady is fairly well done. I hate the cunt but Yahtzee's Chzo games are interesting even if they get way too complicated for their own good, but you might enjoy that.
Or are you just looking for nice stories?
I think that's a good thing if the puzzles are asinine like in Kyrandia and Sam and Max. I don't want to go back and redo two hours of progress because I used a one-time flower for an ingredient for a potion when I was supposed to use a different flower.
It's from the same people? Might be good I really enjoyed Paradigm despite being too easy for me
I'm at the tail end of my Halloween spirit, and whatever is on sale is probably what I'll play, so Horror is fine, but I enjoyed IHNMAIMS because you genuinely connected to the characters and their psyche, even AM, and the game did a good job of making each personal story and the overarching one engaging and meaningful.
I would enjoy something more comfy though, to give a bit of levity.
I don't really care about point and clicks "dying" because all it means is less trash games being released in the genre. There are already enough point and click games available to last a lifetime and when a new one gets released once in a blue moon it gets the attention it deserves instead of being washed away by the sea of mediocrity
Try Nightshade for NES.
I don't consider them games to begin with.
I didn't have a problem with it. Pixel hunting is a different issue to the one op mentioned, and much more maddening imo.
That kind of style is rare and the Cat Lady is the only that really comes to mind. The entire game centers around depression and you get to know the character pretty well. There's a short point in the game where it makes you think the game was written by a 'Are ya winnin, son?' type but it didn't spoil the rest.
As for others, I thought Loom was really charming but apparently it's a hate it or love it game.
Blackwell games are charming but a bit schizophrenic because the art style and portraits change from game to game.
Broken sword is a great one. Don't be ashamed of opening a guide if you can't get past the goat. It's one of the more controversial puzzles.
Aren't these guys still around?
Sounds to me like you're just a plain dummy on par with normalfags that want a win button.
They are still going strong and even if they would stop existing, point and click adventures games will be made in Germany until the generation that grew up with them can't play them anymore because they died of old age.
OP is a fag
Anyone else praise our lord and savior Dan?
One bad puzzle doesn't make the entire game bad, just like a game can be good despite having a water level or some other bullshit.
I think I'd like games like these more if you had free movement and could genuinely interact with the environment in a way that boils down to more than "pick up/look at what you're supposed to".
Like what?
I honestly think Pic related is the best hope the genre has. People want Walking dead style games and the best we can hope for is that those games have a lot of puzzles in them. It flopped hardcore though
no, they where SJW non-games before it was cool.
Are puzzles not apart of gameplay to casual shits?
Is this an SJW non-game?
I think some people just don't consider something a game unless it has a big flashing sign that says "YOU DIED" in it, like getting stumped and being unable to progress isn't enough of a fail state for them.
Not that long ago I heard someone say turned based games aren't games either. Either it's the same retard or they are multiplying.
Nah, they're Immigrating.
yes, Rob Low is a feminist and said that he made the game to mock the lady character for being a misogynist.
Have you ever played Point and Clicks? There are no real puzzles.
Well, I guess that Animal Crossing is not a game then!
Where is your source?
So they are fake puzzles?
you need to open your eyes son. (also I meant Al Lowe)
they are not puzzles at all
That one homosuck point and click would've been good if they didn't decide to split it into 4 parts, it seems every time they try to make a right turn with this genre now they swerve directly into a tree of horrible decisions.
Someone being a feminist doesn't make the game a feminist game.
Then what are they user?
What's your definition of a puzzle, then?
Or you know that space quest bullshit where you have to start the whole fucking game over because you forgot the tape that you didn't know you even needed or because you didn't refuse the guy offering to buy your bike the first time so now you can't get the jetpack and finish the game or because you forgot to take the tape back from the fucking tape player and now you beat the whole fucking game but you still lose because you don't have the fucking tape. Christ why did adventure game devs hate players so goddamn much?
any good noir detective point and click games? thimbleweed was a fucking let down but started out good since it made you think youre in a noir detective setting
pick one
if you consider clicking on a screen and mixing items together "puzzles" then you have a bare bones standard for the term. If you are talking about riddles in a traditional text based parser interface then sure.But specificity "Point and Clicks" where the death of Adventure games.
user stay in denial like a cuckold whose wife is fucking another man all you like. Al Low himself has said the game is about mocking Larry misogyny.
The Neverhood
Go actually play the first fucking space quest and say that to me again fucker.
So what about games without any inventories like Myst or the 7th Guest?
The original Space Quest is not a "Point and Click" you dumb nigger. Josh Mandel (Voice of King Gram and worked for Sierra) even agrees that Mouse interface was the death of the genre. He specifically talks about it in his interviews with Matt Barton.
You've gone circular.
Solve the cans, faggot.
Discworld Noir would be ab obvious choice.
It a pain in the ass to get it working though.
Oh so he became a virtue signaling cuck, how does that make the games feminist? He clearly made them when he was a horny young man, not some old fart with decreasing testosterone desperate to stay relevant.
point and click games were pretty much interactive movies before they were a thing. they were the original movie games.
Pixel hunters were fun at the time - that's all that matters. I've got fond memories of playing Hugo's House of Horrors - I had to call the local public library for help.
I don't think Kyrandia had a fail state besides dying.
That's my fucking point you obtuse autist the original Space Quest fucking sucks ass. Mean while point and clicks like Tex Murphy and the later Zork games were much better than the older adventure games that were fucking filled with stupid bullshit like items you NEED that aren't on screen and using the look command doesn't even let you know those items exist.
Is this a nongame?
Except they weren't like movies at all. I know Holla Forums is full of plebs now but we should at least try to be better than Neogaf.
Blame Mark for not purging the cuckchanners.
Why did point and click games have to replace adventure games?
I think Gemini Rue is noir-ish. Also cyberpunk.
I couldn't care less, graphic adventure games have always been the worst sub-genre of puzzlers to me. As soon as you've figured out the solution to an abstract puzzle, it instantly and irreversibly loses all its replay value.
it was ok. ive finished playing it.
My 20 year old self sitting in front of my Amiga 2000 drooling over cinemaware games gives you the finger.
Resonance was pretty great. Also Blackwell series.
Also Blackwell series
I enjoyed them when I was a kid in the 90s with no internet and fuckall else to do other than play with sticks in the woods.
I enjoyed infocom text adventures, too.
Years of internet have honed my sense of time so sharply that now wasting a single second feels painful. As much as I love point and click games, they sure take a long fucking time to get to the point.
Hopefully when I'm old and retired and slowing down, I'll revisit them and have a good time with them again.
Point n click games are the original adventure games.
Phoenix Wright and Ghost Trick are the best adventure games.
Riven has excellent writing and art direction. There doesn't need to be any more games made like it, but don't shit on Riven.
I really liked the Layton x Wright game
Point and click games have always been casual trash that only retards who pretend they're smart for putting circles into circular holes like.
point and clicks are kind of irrelevant now that we have walking simulators. Why make a point and click when you can trivially produce something like Myst and have a much more immersive experience? There are plenty of games with similar game play in third person.
7th guest would wreck your shit, child. Guaranteed every Holla Forums user today would need a walkthrough.
Please. Stupid puzzle logic existed before Monkey Island, and Monkey Island did pretty well keeping its puzzles logically consistent. Monkey Island also avoided a lot of common point'n'click bullshit, like awful pixel-hunts and being able to screw yourself without even knowing it.
Myst at least was nearly all actual puzzles. Walking simulators barely have puzzles and focus on a dumb narrative to move the game forward, instead.
There is a point of no return in Kyrandia where you're screwed if you didn't bring the right items with you. Kyrandia had other problems, though, like awful inventory management and most of the major puzzles being pure trial and error.
telltale shit is all you get user and you better fucking like it
Dubs speak the truth
No Hugo's House of Horrors?
What about the literally movie games that were multidisc and were FMV choose your own adventure style games?
Silent Steel comes to mind. Also my friend in grade 4 had a psx horror game with love action fmv and i remember someone's eyes popping out
Tex Murphy, though the FMV games are more comical(think of the Pink Panther movies) than the first two games.
Neofeud. It's a cyberpunk point and click where robots and human hybrids live in a SJW nightmare society. Bonus points for delinquent nigger-bots and the jew golem.
I still have all of them on floppy discs. I wonder if they still work. I have an old Tandy and a Gateway stuffed in a closet that I used to play those games on.
has anyone ever a cute loli point n click game?
I also have felt like walking sims replaced point and click adventures. It's the genre remade for streamers. It has the same focus on story but devs have more direct control over the flow and content in streams and webMs. No more getting lost or combining random junk for hours = better streamability = more sales to the crowd that buys whatever ecelebs play, I guess. Those boomer-targetting 'hidden object' games are probably contributing to the decline of the genre, too. They previous might have played mystery games with marginally more complex and interesting point and click elements, but now they are marketed to hidden object shit. One radio ad says 'when I don't have time for a movie or TV, I can play this Hidden Object videogame!' Games are seeking to be easier to digest and get into than a passive medium. So genres are getting dumbed down or replaced with easy, shallow games with light time commitment for streamers and boomer moms.
I'm not defending Firewatch and such. I just don't know what you would call a game involving going around in first or third person and solving lateral thinking problems other than a walking sim. Of course that could be a really great experience despite walking sims being mostly shite.
Blame Homeshits for autistically screeching about how (((Hussie))) was "scammed." And before you ask, no he wasn't scammed. It was all legal. If it weren't for them successfully getting a pseudo-boycott going, I'd guarantee you that this would've sold like hotcakes.
tl;dr version: Pedophiles ruin everything, what else is new.
Remember the fucking monkey from MI2? Everything related to it was BS.
uh, wut?
underage b&
just reddit being reddit mate
He wants to say that Harlan Ellison, the author of the story and the voice of AM, is of jewish origin.
There is a difference between a narrative game with straight-forward puzzles and a “game“ with no decision-making outside of pressing the next button or continuing to walk forward while a script is read to you. Both are bad, but I’d consider one a game, at least. When you use the term walking sim for merely shallow games, you weaken it and start seeing Steam users calling Mass Effect Andromeda a walking sim.
He only said Monkey Island, though. And what monkey in MI2? The only monkey is the head you need to collect from a shipwreck.
No. Fuck You.
Linking le Edgy OldManMurray muh puzzles are hard article
Not terribly sad, as these games don't have much replayability value. Well, Indiana Jones & Fate of the Atlantis and Maniac Mansion did, but that's about it.
Point and click games live on in the indie/freeware scene. If you're willing to sift through 100 games, you might find one that's worth playing. AGS was truly a God's gift to mankind.
Get Sanitarium.
good riddance
people actually play these? I thought they were for retards with disabilities.
found the FPS aspie
Why did they ever think primitive 3D was a good idea? Anyone with eyes could tell the 2D adventure games looked better.
Who the fuck let the edgy 12 year old Xbox addicts in here?
They were retarded, didn't understand their audience and wanted the console audience and money instead:
It was an interesting game (and short story) besides the holohoax bullshit.
I enjoyed the rabbi game, though I wish it had one fewer art redesigns than it had. The penultimate one was the best one, imho.
I was expecting LA noir to be the evolution of point and click but that really fucked it up
can't wait