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I want to see Windows 10 apologists to defend this.

I've only ever seen freetards use this strawman, never actual wangblows users.

Those people do exist, but not here.

If you're using x86 still you deserve this.

Can you at least post a fucking synopsis so we don't have to all click on your link? This is really minimum effort shit.


shit like this is why i still use windows xp

the last non-pozzed version of windows.

at least switch to 7 or just go full linux+WINE

you deserve this

Nope, I still use X too, 7 is already pozzed.


Nigger Windows has been pozzed from the beginning. The only thing you're getting from using XP is vulnerabilities.

you mean everything after XP

XP can't even run most games or emulators. There is literally no reason to use it unless you are a bug chaser.

Just how good is linux for vidya if most of what I play is low resource vidya

millennial confirmed >>>/reddit/


I don't doubt that someone out there has unironically made that claim at one point. However, I've never heard that said unless someone was specifically comparing windows to osx and referring to freedom of choice when it comes to software.

Thanks fam.

I would suggest dual booting and testing shit through WINE.

nice deflecting you autistic hipster.
No matter how many times you post your boogeyman it isn't going to make XP any less shit.

you must not have been here enough, plenty of people boast about dx11 support and freedom in the same list of bullet points.


more like losedows, amirite?

Define "plenty", because I came over during the second exodus and as I said, I've never seen anyone say that.

I warned you about those stairs, Bart.

All the games I play run fine on wine. Even the 1 new one speebot

Those are either bots or kikes. Or both.

Arx Fatalis has a source port. WINE with Gallium 9 will run all those older games. Emulators work fucking fine. And plenty of games on that list have a Linux port.

I've been playing Stalker CoC for weeks now via WINE with Gallium9 with Mesa drivers, no issues what so ever.

Oh and New Vegas and Dragons Dogma too, loading times are miles faster for me too now.


So nothing of value lost.

I wish someone would grow some balls and actually add half decent content to it.

Do I have a birus?

There is good shit for it, you just have to look for it. Though it doesn't help that big updates will break mods pretty easily.

Yeah, you do. It's called Windows.

Oh no!!!

This is some next level of Judaism.

Likely the only games that would use TruePlay would also require some directx version that is only useable in Windows 10.

Windows 7 is the last Windows I'll use, but if you want to blame someone then blame cheaters.

So it's basically only for shitty games from their shitty store. Which pretty much means nobody is even going to know it's even there.

So it's fucking useless.

It is almost like they are doing it for some virtue instead of because there is no fucking way developers will use it.

DX12 is dead on arrival. Even Microsoft's first party games run better on DX11. You'll sooner get DX12 support in WINE than a DX12 game that is worth it.

This is cuck logic.
Cheaters will bypass it. The only one suffering from this malware will be the already meager amount of UWP app users. The blame lies completely with Microsoft.

tbh, Windows is the vidya OS at this point, and habits aside, there's little reason to stick to it for anything else.

Have a Windows 10 install with all your games, and a Linux for everything else. If you must, keep a spare Windows 7 for some specific tasks and tools, like video editing or MS Office, as you slowly transition to Linux because let's face it, it's inevitable.

I'll miss you, Foobar2000, Notepad++, SumatraPDF, 7zip, FlashFXP, Winmerge, Morgoth MP3 Releaser… but I must go.


Or virtue signaling numales.

There are a shitload of games that either won't work on windows 10 or will put you through hell just to get them running when they would operate without issue on Windows 7.

Kill yourself.

But at some point, you'll have to upgrade to Windows 10. Are you too young to remember the painful transitions from DOS to 3.11, 3.11 to 95, 98SE to 2000, 2000 to XP, XP to Vista, Vista to 7, 7 to 8…? and all these people that thought they could resist forever, that we'd find solutions?

Hell, I'd still be running 2000 if I could. And here I am, running Windows 7. I didn't even want to install Steam only to play Half-Life 2 back in the day, let alone Uplay or Origin, because there's no way in hell I'd support this DRM bullshit. And now I've got them all. Unless you want to stick to old, retro games? You'd have a hard time finding a modern, up-to-date emulator for anything that's flawlessly compatible with XP, not that your modern hardware has compatible drivers anyway, and you'd struggle to run most XP-era games in 7 without using obscure community fixes or outdated drivers that break other games. Or you could just stick to old hardware? Eventually, the hardware breaks down, and what will you do then? I don't want to switch to Windows 10 but I know it'll be inevitable at some point.

We've been here many times before. As it stands, whether you're into contemporary or old games, the best platform remains Windows, and the most up-to-date tools and fixes are only compatible with the latest versions, and so is your hardware. When it comes to vidya, there's just no other way if you want to maintain compatibility and upgrade, you either follow the technology or you're left behind, and the best way to keep up is to stick to the oldest Windows you can run.

Hence the needed transition to Linux, which ensures future-proof compatibility, and may tempt more people to try and run Windows games on it, making specific fixes for WINE, instead of wasting their efforts on Windows. It's slow, but it's getting there, and as >>13608050 mentioned, even some modern games manage to run pretty good now. And that's only singleplayer offline games, online games running in tandem with Steam, Origin, Uplay and B.net are a whole other beast, for which, again, we'll have to stick to the oldest Windows we can afford to run, and eventually, once Windows 11/whatever releases, you'll switch to Windows 10.

I'm curious to hear what else could. As I said, habits aside, Linux can do the job. Sure, you have to relearn everything, use new software and shit. But don't deny Linux can do it all- some better, some worse, but it's all there.

Have you ever considered piracy?

epic comeback


but user, win10 is really bad for playing videogames and has nogames, there is no reason for those of us here to switch to it

That's what I've done for years. Then I started to miss playing online. Then I got friends and we all played online. If you want to play some post 2005 multiplayer game, there's no avoiding it.

Not to mention, some devs deserved their money.

Look at the Windows 95 market share today. This is your future.

Lmao, the day Windows 7 is no longer supported by most stuff is the day I install linux.

>>>Holla Forums807015

I don't play online because I'm an anti-social weirdo but I do like my cheatengine.

However this seems contained to the windows store so whatever.

I have noticed how developers are continuing to limit the control over your own game, even for single player games. Cunts the lot of them.

brb formatting, thanks user.

You could always wait for Windows 11 (or whatever they call it). Maybe it won't be as bad.

Windows Server is an option too. Server is pretty much the version it's based off with some tweaks that you can undo to get a slim, simple desktop. I'm using 2008 R2, which is based off 7, and aside from the occasional game not working properly it's great. Windows 10's server equivalent is 2016. You'd have to pirate these though because Windows Server is expensive.
I'd still recommend Linux but if you need something to play games that don't work on there Windows Server is a good choice.


Good thing I can disregard your post.

The best anticheat and the best antipiracy is just to make a game bot worth playing. I'm pretty sure we already mastered that art already.


It's supposed "not".
How do you slim down sausage fingers?

Why would anyone give a shit about market share?

Or just switch to linux.
I've been using nothing but crossplatform programs so it'd be easy to just jump over.



Do I really have to explain the joke?

They do and it cropsup time qnd again about the back doors. The latest so bad it made international headlines

Seriously it is getting more and more capable and the industry would kill to make anything that isn't windows computers.

If you are too dumb to get proper win10 version you deserve the auto updates shit.

Is cheating in multiplayer games even a big deal? People make it out to be this really widespread thing but after a decade of playing multiplayer stuff I can't say it even came up a lot.

Seems more like a regional issue most of the time, not allowing the Chinese, anyone from any country south of the US border, Russia or anyone from the middle east to play on your servers solves 99% of the issue.

Depends on the game. I've run into the occasional lag switch user or DDoSer, but anticheats won't help much there anyway

Exacly, just regionlock your shit.


you're the dumb ones here

There should be a class action lawsuit against microsoft already.
At this point it's just being deliberately obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious it's not even jewshit anymore

Can you sue someone for being an annoying faggot in india?

screencapped for future use as checklist.

user, the Windows evolutionary scale goes 95->98->XP->7
Nobody but a few outliers bothered with any of the steps in between, and I guess normalfags went to 10 because it was free for a while

None of Microsoft's pajeet coders know what general purpose computing is. Not really news there.
It'll be cracked in days, if not hours.

It's the same shit as Valve's and Blizzard's anti-cheat thing. Not sure what the issue is especially since it's exclusive to the Windows store which no one with a brain uses.

That's what you get for being so beta you cheat in games.

At least try.

That's exactly how the Blizzard's anti-cheat works. It also flags your PC's unique signature and bans you from whatever game they like if you're caught cheating and this lasts forever. Blizzcucks would have to buy an entirely new PC just to play their online game. Admittedly, I'm not updated on Valve's but I read somewhere that Blizzard based their code on Valve's.


Just unplug your internet retardbro.

I'm pretty sure Microsoft said something about they want Windows 10 to be the final windows and keep to updating it endlessly Which we all know will hit the point where it's unsustainable eventually, but eventually can be a long fucking time

This is mental retardation. Cheaters are the ones responsible.

So people who want to play games have to choose between ransomware or not playing games, while cheaters are just going to spoof the process.

Real smart stuff.

But I don't.

I jumped ship from windows to loonix ever since MS rolled out 8. Nowadays the only windows system I have is a quarantined and offline w7 for some adobe shit.
Saying you have to learn new software is one thing. Saying you have to relearn everything? That's bullshit pajeet talk or you never looked at linux past the 1990s. If you can move a mouse and read basic english you can use the majority of desktop oriented distros.

You might have had a point 2 decades ago when software security was taken seriously but these days it's the company's fault for not having manual overview.

Essentially you're using the denuvo argument that it isn't attacking people that actually pay for your software because technically the 2 people who crack it and start distrobuting it are impeded but in practice it just means the cracked version is objectively superior, and the company wasted budget providing a worse version of their product for the consumer.


android is an overhead disaster. windows isn't perfect but at least there's a few modes for low latency that work pretty well.

This is politics and does not belong on Holla Forums.

Genuinely though one of the only reasons windows is still kicking around is because of legacy software? Which kind of sucks dick.

Time to write a TruePlay spoofer that shuts down the actual TruePlay and sends false heartbeats.

Holy shit

Legacy software and gayming is pretty much the only things left for them and MS is still somehow fucking that up for themselves.

lol jewpig

Speaking of which
Anyone know what the status is on ReactOS Virtualized for backwards compatibility for older windows software?
I recall it being a bit better than Wine

If you seriously play Games on PC I feel bad for you, PS4 and the Switch is where it goes, and for emulation you pick a Raspberry Pi


I have not followed ReactOS closely since it's not really my thing. That said I know of a few businesses that are still running XP even now, and might be biding their time to look for or switch to something else entirely because they really do not want to deal with W10 bullshit at all.


So the place to be is on platforms where you're forced to pay money to a company that holds the internet connection you're already paying for hostage?
And you feel sorry for PC gamers, who can at least pirate games?
What the fuck is wrong with you, faggot?

I haven't either, though a good deal of software is Vista compatible or older, so ReactOS coming together better would be ridiculously good for killing off Microsoft's ingrained support in the industry just through Legacy software

Denuvo has made me get games on PS4/Switch instead of PC but that doesn't mean PC gaming is bad by any means. There's a fuckton of obscure games out there worth trying, and the bedroom coder devs can't afford to stick them on console.
RasPi is shit and you should only get one as a gift. Don't give the foundation money. They're only good for basic electronics and as a game machine, and even then they get shat on by the Beaglebone Black and the Odroid C2. If you're thinking of getting one as a server it's probably the worst option you can go with, since there's no SATA port and all the USB ports and the ethernet jack share the bandwidth of one USB2 socket internally.

I'm testing a build of LTSB that I customized using DSIM to remove cortana, telemetry and most of the other bloat.

Gonna post the obvious solution here:
The system will see a TruePlay process running, but it won't actually be doing anything.

In my younger edgier years, I used to wish that anybody who cheats in online games would be instantly detected and killed. I'm more on board with the killing than fucking with someone's computer. That's just not cool, man.

Niggers if you have a modern CPU with VT-d just install a linux distro, run what works well through WINE and anything else through a virtual machine with PCIe passthrough. It's that easy.
debotnet it with ME cleaner.

Holy fuck you're retarded.

OP is a faggot (as usual) but user delivers. Also OP didn't even use an archive link. Fucking retard.

Most low-resource stuff works with Wine out of the box. Some games require a bit of configuring but there are a lot of resources on that. It's very rare that low-end/older stuff is non-functional.

As for modern stuff, it doesn't always run, but when it does, it almost always runs noticeably better on Linux (for my hardware anyway). Windows is bloated as fuck and it's kind of ridiculous that any still thinks it has anything on Linux. Even ease-of-use has died out, because Windows interfaces get increasingly retarded with each update since XP (except 7).

kill yourself


Dropped on the head as a kid, lad?

lol nope
Many of which can't into 10

Kill yourself cucksole owner.

gee, where have I heard that before?

All this software is crap.
Embrace Emacs, faggot.

The real reason for this is not an anti cheat, they want game developers to use this and then later make it mandatory, gamers that want the latest games will have to make the switch, No wine, no XP, and no 7. Taqiyasoft is doing the same with secure boot, there's platforms that FORCE you to use it and you are unable to use any non-windows installs.

What a shitty OS.

What did Microsoft meme by this

The only Windows OS I do serious work on is Windows 98 SE.

So you don't play vidya, let alone online vidya? The trash is where your post belongs. Because obviously if you only use Windows offline on old hardware to run old software, you don't have that issue. But playing online games on modern hardware with up-to-date drivers is an entirely different issue. And you happen to be on Holla Forums.

You may as well run a bloated Win10 with ASUS, HP and nVidia utils installed. Don't forget Norton antivirus. Hell, even vanilla Windows isn't usable out of the box until you've installed a ton of extra utilities, such as a capable archiving software, a non-bloated PDF reader, a non-botnet music player, an anal-probe-free web browser… of which most of the best are Windows only, so you can't even run most of that software on Linux and need to find new alternatives.

If you want a sleek Linux that just works, just like Windows, you have to do it yourself, and that'll take as much time as it took you to be comfy on Windows. A distro is nothing more than a kernel bundled with a software suite, and that software suite has the exact same fucking problems as any flavor of Windows, because I sure as hell won't be using those retarded dock bars, GUIs coded by retards with non-standard shortcuts, bloated video players with atrocious codec support, picture viewers that waste more CPU cycles loading Instagram filters rather than showing you the picture, and a lot more stupid shit. Because if that really is your opinion on Linux today, that makes your opinion on Windows even less relevant.

I'm waiting for better suggestions fag.



it's not undocumented and it's not "OS". All UWP apps are sandboxed so the API will only have access to its own process box. UWP is not win32.

Also that.

That's why you go Banana Pi and give your shekels to the Chinese.
Or just buy better hardware.

seeing how there's already a undocumented api thread on a popular cheat site showing of so far 84 undocumented api calls so far so pls go ahead and tell me more

not how that works

no shit sherlock

So the other user was right, you are just propping up a strawman. Wangblows is for vidya, Loonix is for everything else.

Why don't you just install Linux?!

You can have fun so much more fun with SystemD bugs and exploits! Full stack video driver issues! And even audio server issues!

Fucking kill me.


If you can install and use linux you can invest an hour into finding a good distro that isn't just one of the few giants.

The audio stack in linux still sucks though, but there are pipewire and Redox's audio stack that could restore some sanity.

I'd like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Windows, is in fact, NSA/Windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, NSA plus Windows. Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another expensive component of a fully functioning spy system made useful by the NSA core-spyware, reverse shell utilities and vital keylogging components comprising a full botnet as defined by Gen. J. Clapper.

Many computer users run a modified version of the botnet system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of spyware which is widely used today is often called “Windows”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the NSA system, developed by the NSA. There really is a Windows, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

Windows is the cover: the program in the system that hides the spying resources from the other programs that you run. The cover is an essential part of a botnet, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete botnet. Windows is normally used in combination with the NSA spyware: the whole system is basically botnet with Windows added, or NSA/Windows. All the so-called “Windows” versions are really versions of NSA/Windows.

Don't even try that shit you illiterate faggot.
Can you parse: w7 for some adobe shit.
2 Loonix boxes for that, not running WINE either. Either it's native or Steam on Linux. One has a more current pascal based GPU. Both running fine for the games I want, including online ones.
Wew. Great job on selling me the qualities of W10. Maybe if you keep saying
you may as well
over and over you'll get more takers for your beloved MS bull.

That's some grade A bullshit you're peddling. See unlike you I actually have installed and tried linux distros and W10. On real machines not just virtual either. And your blatherings can only come from someone who has no first hand knowledge of what they're talking about, or the usual pajeet tier FUDs.
Protip pajeet: you can choose different DEs that has no dock bars, you can even go without a DE if you go full turbo autist with it which I don't recommend for most people. I've seen first hand people who have used XP and 7 switch to an XFCE or MATE based distro with little help at all. But it's crystal clear that you think linux is one single distro, which marks you as an out and out retard or a liar.

Yeah, it means "I make no mention of playing video games in my post".

Sounds like a perfect general purpose solution user, well played! Vidya on Linux is well known to be fucking awesome, with so many titles to play! I'm awfully sorry to have forgotten to mention all these gems!

My whole post was about the growing need for everyone to switch to Linux and make it a more viable vidya platform, because for now we are bound to Windows by necessity. It makes no mention of me being in absolute love for Windows, quite the opposite really.

Well then enjoy those shitty choices made by retarded distros.
Protip retard: you can configure a DE to remove the dock bar, which appears more convenient, and that indeed involves some work on your side. I mean, it's more convenient than switching to an entirely different distro, plus no matter what DE you use, you'll likely have to configure it unless you happen to be perfectly satisfied with its default config, and if that's your case, congratulations are in order.

Otherwise, you'll be looking into replacing both the DE and WM, and either you have to format everything just to switch it, or you try to setup another on a distro pretty much tailored for one, which is an adventure worthy of an epic tale that leaves many with a badly configured WM that fails to start, a computer that's unresponsive, and that is impossible to fix without advanced computer skills to switch to a different tty and fix it like a boss. Which is certainly not the definition of "easy". And at the end of the day, you only have a generic DE. Big fucking whoop, now where's my decent text editor, picture viewer, capable GUI archiver, well-designed music player, working wifi widget…?

You seem to be taking your personal experience of Linux and your low standards as the baseline, which shows how little experience you have with it. As of today, you'd have to be extremely lucky to run into zero issues, have everything that just works, AND be satisfied with the packaged software. Even in 2017, shit like Ubuntu can have some HUGE fuck ups, and if you think that's not the case, browse the Ubuntu forums, and see how many people desperately try to have shit fixed only to be told "rtfm", "please format" or "buy new hardware".

As it stands, Windows is the best platform for vidya, and Linux isn't Windows. You don't like it, I don't like it, but facts don't care about our feelings, and no amount of delusions about fringe Linux vidya, nor magical DEs, are going to change that today.

And I bet you're the type that laments how there is so much garbage AAA and shovelware for wangblows, yet turn around and say lol linux doesn't have the same amount of garbage as windows. What's next, complain about how you have to type in terminals to use anything in linux?
Wrong. Your butthole already got ravaged here
Your whole posting history shows a clear bias and ignorance, yet now you want to backpedal with some bullshit about "I'm trying to make everyone switch to linux honest".
Confirmed that you don't know what the fuck you're peddling. This mythical omnipresent dockbar that comes in your mythical one true linux distro only exists in your MS addled mind. Where there is only 1 distro apparently, and it haunts you with it's dock bar.
First you claim linux is hard. Then you claim if it works, it's using low standards as a the baseline. And shows little experience. Name the actual distro that ravaged your butthole this hard. Name it. Was it Ubuntu with unity DE, be specific next time you're trying to climb every mountain Todd. Was it Hannah Montana Linux?




The whole fucking point as to why people are shitting on Windows 10 for telemetry is that the cunts keep turning it back on. They don't even turn off all of the ones they give you the option to turn off, let alone the spyware they have that doesn't even give you the choice. Not only do they refuse to give you the option to turn it off but they also add new spyware every couple of updates or so to ensure that it wouldn't be viable getting rid of them individually. Instead you have to install another program that gets updated regularly just to counter the new shit they keep adding.

How should i avoid going into panic attacks over videos like this and realizing again everything i write is being stored on servers in Langley, NSA headquarters and also Google for good measure?

I suggest you delete system32 to fix it.
How many years late am I now to make this ebin joke? God damn it, time flies.

Your PC is your private place. If you have a file on your computer and you haven't uploaded it, Google can't access it. The NSA might be able to, but unless you're of interest to them it's not worth their time. Your PC is yours to control, pretty much.
Meanwhile Microsoft baked insecurity into the OS itself. The private place that is your computer isn't private anymore. The place you dictate the rules to is being pulled out of your control. A file just sitting there is something which can be harvested. It's like if you couldn't run your own house.

Coincidentally, Canonical just released a new version of Ubuntu. If your computer has the specs for it, go download Virtualbox and at least try it. If you like it you can exclusively use your Windows 10 machine for vidya and stick your important documents and work on something more secure.
If you don't want to do that, see if you can get a copy of Windows 10 LTSB. It's heavily stripped down, and a lot better than the normal version. No Cortana, no shitty games installed without your permission, and when you set settings they stay set.

oh, so just like every other version of windows.

Watch this shit fail like the rootkit sony installed to stop CD pirates.
Linux dual booted with windows 7 > alles

Its their primary argument against people who use macs, which are the only people they argue with because they don't know what the heck a linucks is.


I'm sick of this obvious software xbawx ploy. Many time and again, Holla Forumsrigins keep saying that games is the only reason they get windows. Outside of the inept users that Microsoft baited and mass volume license customers, I think this is the only other significant userbase is PC gamers.

The moment *nix userland fixes their shit (by userland, I mean the day when X11 finally dies for wayland), I will be a happy man.

Fedora switched to Wayland by default a while ago, and the new Ubuntu does it too now. I've heard Wayland has issues with Nvidia cards, but at least now there's some pressure for them to improve their support.

Well, you should know that its called "windows" because it allows, if there is the need or want, for someone to see through the looking glass of your window and observe everything that happens in that OS. By this I mean, to see all your keystrokes, to have access to your hard drive, and to to access everything you do on your computer. This has been by design since Winsows XP through the embedded OS backdoors.

So if you are not actively being observed through the window, your personal information still goes to the mega database collection, where things like yours and everyone else's porn habits are used to correlate behavior of the entire population, in order to predict and influence society as a whole.

With win10, every website visited, porn video seen, post made, text typed, tweet liked, video watched… all of it is being aggregated and analyzed for the purpose of behavior prediction and influence, because that makes money and grants unimaginable power.

shitty unfunny reddit post my nigger

Get on my level, plebians

Keep deluding yourself about what you think, or what you think you read, but please don't come to post about it on the internet. Also enjoy your 12 games.

12 games is about the same amount of worthwhile titles that are coming out for windows lately, and that's being generous. Curious isn't it how assravaged you are when someone says they play the games they want to play. Do you want people to play what they don't want or don't enjoy instead? Or play what you want to shill? Why are you so eager to get everyone to "may as well" use Windows 10, get all the latest games and ONLINE. Who the fuck talks like that. Oh right. nailed it.
You should've stopped much earlier, pajeet.

Ha haa, it's nothing.
But in general, after Microsoft locking down the kernel, only Microsoft is now in the position to make an effective anti-cheat. So this is both necessary and anti-competitive.

Nigger i won't touch that shit even with a VM. I only use 7 because i am too lazy to reinstall XP.


On one hand I'm glad they're shooting themselves in the foot, on the other I don't understand why they keep shooting themselves in the foot with everything they try to do

First you misread a post that encourages playing vidya on Linux, then you post about playing vidya on Linux, acting like your choice of vidya to play that is good enough for you should be good enough for everyone, then you act like you'd be wrong to use Windows that has the most games, up-to-date drivers, and fixes for old games, just because of those 12 games you can play on Linux, and then you pretend Linux is quite easy and getting used to it is simple, because there certainly is a perfect distro for anyone out there and they can just switch to it and everything will be fine, aswell as perfect DEs, just like Windows users are perfectly fine with a vanilla Windows install, then you rant about dock bars when it's just one generic example of the many issues you may have with a configuration which you'd have to fix yourself, disregarding the other examples of bad software, or non-standard shortcuts, or the countless other things that could be, from window focus behavior to printer management, and when I talk about YOUR low standards to be accepting those generic configurations, you act like I criticized Linux as a whole.

You're not even making sense at this point, you surely forget what we were even talking about. What I was saying is, Windows is the best for vidya, and no amount of grasping at straws ain't gonna change that.

Also if you really want to know, I'm generally using Alpine and CentOS myself, but clearly I've seen more than one docking bar, especially back then when OSX started the trend, and I've certainly seen one in default configs on Dreamlinux, Elementary, Debian, Fedora, SUSE, and pretty much anything KDE and Gnome3 these days. And then there's certainly the Ubuntu case. But again, this is only one of the many things you want to customize, which is why there are so many damn distros in the first place.

Do you want to talk about keyboard shortcuts now? What's your favorite shortcut for "Get to line"? It's traditionally Ctrl+G, but some, like Gedit, would rather use Ctrl+I, and others like Geany prefer Ctrl+L. And what about F6 for selecting the path, or Shift+F10 for right-clicking?

Thanks, Stallman. Enjoy this GNU thank post I made, too. I made it all myself and it's available for all to use as they please.

It took me literally like 10+ years to change from vista to 7. I was REALLY considering getting 10 instead because of this line of thinking. Getting 7 was the best decision I ever made.


The only true free OS is BSD

Appears to be quite more than 12 on Steam and seems to be growing. But I'm sure you'll say something like it doesn't count until it reaches absolute parity. But it is more than just the 12 in your portable goalpost.
Who was it that wrote

It ain't me babe.
Wrong. People noticed your shill behavior the moment you doubled down with Windows10 shilling. Now you want to backtrack as if you were just talking about windows in general, own your lies Todd.
You got called out on your bullshit, that's your problem not mine.
A security and enterprise focused distro in the context of gaming. Which makes about as much sense as someone using Windows CE for their PC master race gaming.
Elementary uses Pantheon and aims to get the Macfags audience, why the fuck would you be surprised it has a dock bar as a standard.
DEs that are known for having a dockbar standard or easily included in. Do you also complain when you see KFC having fried chicken on the menu. Well you probably won't since you're a nigger.
Ah yes basically the old "you must type everything if you're using linux" shit then huh shill. I wonder, do you ask the same question for something like 3DSmax, Maya, Mudbox. They're all Autodesk 3D creation software in one way or another yet their keyboard shortcuts are not all the same.

But speaking of breaking non standard windows convention, how did w8 do with it's UI. That metro style UI was such a huge hit wasn't it. All the users from 7 just loving the fuck out of that touch tablet UI on the desktop.

Microsoft already crossed the line with all the spying and backdoors. Why would they suddenly make a new OS that reverses all that revenue from selling people's information?

You sound like you haven't even touched Linux

Ubuntu just recently moved to Wayland so I wouldn't suggest using it. Might not be ok with some games.


i giggle at these over the top greentexts.

Because they have MONEY. Haha why listen to logic and reason when you can shovel truckloads of dollar bills at everything until something sticks? It fucking works like magic just ask nintendo they fuck up at every step they've taken in the past 10+ years and still are chugging along just fine

I'll just redirect you to my first post which you haven't understood:

Because I noticed you were 12 from your first post, considering I could very well quote any post from any Windows transition to reply to you, seeing how at each single one, we've seen the same claims of "being a Microsoft employee", like when the Win98SE crowds claimed NOTHING would have them switch to Whistler, EVER. We've been here many times before, and really we must all be shills if we've upgraded past 98SE.

Drivers, compatibility, fixes and mods aren't an opinion, they're a fact, and updating your OS is called getting on with the times, otherwise as I said, I'd still be running 2000. Or do you want me to screencap your post, so that I can show it to you some 10 years from now, when you act like Win10 is perfectly fine and anyone talking about upgrading to Win11 must be a shill?

History repeats itself and so do you. Nice job realizing docking bars are in fact LARGELY WIDE FUCKING SPREAD, though.

Nice try shill. You'd be closer to the type of fucker who would bleat about may as well use Bob, or crying about how everyone should hop on very early Vista, or defend 8.0's Metro UI on a desktop being not so bad goyim, really. After all as long as it's the very latest thing, it's good and should always be trusted.
Outside of that quarantined test bed machine scenario, I don't use 10 and never will, do you know where you are Todd? Most people here still use 7, or 8.1 at most for their windows based gaming. I don't put my computing or gaming eggs in a single windows basket post 7.
Nice backtracking attempt, now it's "OS", as if anyone that isn't on windows is running a linux distro disc from the 90s.
Confirmed again that you are a retard or a liar. You don't get a docking bar unless you can not see the screenshot of the distro you are trying out. Funny how in all the times so far me installing and using distros with DEs that has no dockbar, not a single instance of a dockbar jumped out of nowhere post installation.
Because if it doesn't show it on the tin, it doesn't come with a dock bar unless I specifically go out of my way to install such a thing.
A distro that caters to macfag audiences having an OSX style dockbar. Are you genuinely Windows10 level retarded.

Say something else for us, Todd. Perhaps," may as well install W10 for the latest version of candy crush and windows store."

And I am supposedly the guy that doesn't know shit about Linux. Hilarious.

See you in 10 years brah.

Todd, you proved it multiple times in the thread. Do you understand that you can find out about distros before you even install it? Or even test it without installing it permanently? That if you wanted a distro without a preinstalled dockbar, you don't use Elementary, a distro that explicitly caters to macfag audiences with it's DE, one that even shows it right there on their website how it looks.

Maybe look at the multiple distros that caters to more pre Metro windows like UI and without any OSX style dockbar pre-installed instead. Of which anyone with a search engine, eyes and a brain can figure out, yet still eludes you somehow. The problem is not the distro or even computers, it's PEBCAK, Todd, it's you.
Are you going to shill the Zune2 or Smartpipe by then. It'll be the latest thing, may as well amirite.