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the most money-hungry, cancerous kikes in the history of the gaming industry are screwing a group who are offering their product for free? holy fuck where does this madness end
I'm not even surprised at this point.
i hope you all marry a 3DPD women
Wait what about Battlefield 2142? Is Revive still doing all their other shit outside of Heroes?
no wonder, it's cutting into the playerbase of the games they actually earn money from
I hope battleforge isn't going to be C&D as well, they were okay with it but considering this they might have changed their mind
They have to protect their business interests, OP. You just don't understand the keen mind of a businessman who is a master of dealing.
Isn't EA making some Battlefield Heroes sequel? Probably why EA finally noticed.
are they?
People played the first?
I wonder how much longer the concept of "intellectual property" will continue to exist? It's already largely unmoored from reality, and only drifting further away as time goes on. At some point, the rights granted by the global fiat that is the Berne Convention will lose all meaning and become purely arbitrary.
BFH was fucking fun
That's what I heard at least when Revive first was working on getting BFH up and running.
Might be.
The people with the money like copyright. Therefore copyright isn't going anywhere. Get used to it.
Just prognosticating here, it might be beneficial to adopt something akin to how pharmaceutical patents work in the US: for 10 years a company has a total monopoly on any drug it creates, but after that anyone can make it. This forces companies to keep doing research to solve other problems. On its face IP laws are supposed to prevent shitty knockoffs but in reality they've become a weapon for corporate lawyers to use to SHUT IT DOWN, while China and India produce shitty knockoffs anyway. That there are media projects from the fucking 1920s that still haven't passed into public domain because those laws just get extended another 20 years every 20 years is a bastardization of the intent of those laws in the first place.
Battlefield Heroes was fun as hell, fuck EA.
Battlefield was never good.
With Battlekangz 2 just around the corner, they can't afford to have actually good multiplayer games available.
That's cruel, even for EA goons
Was about to make a thread about it
That's fucking horrible. Heroes can suck my dick but 2 & 2142 are great games.
copyright doesn't exist
Your indignant refusal to recognize it won't slow down the people who enforce it.
Do they really think this will boost their sales?
Fuuuuck EA to hell and back, seriously
That assumes that the people with the money aren't going anywhere. And their propaganda machine, the only thing keeping them from being lynched en mass, started to break down months ago.
Maybe EA are adding their own servers soon that's why their shutting down the fan ones.
Nah, who am I kidding, they're just cunts
Can't even use the forums. The kikery is off the charts.
I can see it happen
But this isn't about zenimax
Zenimax isn't a third of an inch as bad as EA
Not yet anyway
Dunno about that user, they seem to be on par
i'm so mad now you cannot imagine, i didn't even get to take part in it
Yeah, they are. Horse armor, buying and killing off devs, shit games, lowest common denominator.
Doesn't give them an excuse to pull this off you weebao faggot
You'd think it'd start to kill them but it hasn't.
Oh well, have fun waiting for the gaming industry crash, doing nothing.
Were they losing any money at all from this? For fuck's sake, how fucking spiteful can you get?
Not yet
You can still play 2142 online. I'm seeing the server list right now and theres a server with 60 people on it (EU). Revive Network
Yeah, already.
Not losing.
They can't lose money that they wouldn't have to begin with.
Just potantial customers who would rather play the old, good games, instead of the newer, subpar versions.
They didn't shut it down, but the sharing of the files is gone and so are any updates to the service.
What's your solution?
So let me get this straight: Disney hooks Battlefront 2 Classic up with an updated server browser that replaced the GameSpy one. The reception for that was record numbers. So EA's conclusion was that they needed to C&D a GameSpy replacement?
its not spitefull, user, it's power. They are very insecure about their power ,and thus capacity to keep making money, consequently they strike down anything that they feel is taking away from them, taking their thing and running with it, even if it doesn't harm them or is even benefical.
Don't underestimate the need for power, control by most CEO's, and from the leaders it flows down into the system of the company. You see the same with Zenimax and trying to monpolize modding, get the power to be gatekeepers. Power is an addiction, and throwing your dick at weaker people around feels great.
Denuvo and other protection materials are all about letting upper managment keep a sense of control and power. They cant steal from us, we're protected. When you pirate a game, or enjoy somethign they can't nickle and dime you on, they clamp down, hoping to divert people onto their own games, where they can nickle and dime them with microtransactions and so-so gameplay intent on keeping the hamster weel running.
Fundamentally when you have fun with a game but they can't make money off it they feel so insecure that they lash out, halting anything they dont like. Check the pattern, user, it happens again and again.
People pretend as if humans are so very very rational but in the end emotions, only partially or sometimes not at all justified by rationality.
TLDR: The people in charge are insecure and addicted to power, this results in them lashing out at anyone they feel is undermining them, it doesn't matter if its true or not.
who fucking cares? Don't pretend arena shooters were better back then or that this is bigger than most because it isn't any more and really hasn't been even when it was current.
You would be surprised at how fucking inconpetent and out of touch these kikes are.
Wait how is classic only playable if they showed darth maul and mary sue as playable characters?
right in the feels.
Its Nubattlefront one whats its in the graph.
kill yourself
Nigger fucking read it again
EA wasn't making money off Battlefield's GameSpy replacement, so it had to die. They probably won't make their own replacement, either, as that would cost them money for old games they can't put microtransactions and DLC in.
Whatever they're paying you it's too much
The chart on the left should probably be updated. Vehicles are practically in a worse state than simply not being playable.
Oh yeah
Is there anything similair to wake island on the pc?
i smell a contract cancellation after battlekangs 2. disney seems to know that the star wars IP is valuable and wants to build goodwill, and EA is basically the opposite of that
Disney is going to be more concerned about the fallout from episode VIII than DLCfront 2 this winter.
They have the same mindset as Blizzard when ti comes to legacy servers, if they're not making money from it then it must die.
u srs, Higby doesn't pay me enough to shill his shitty bloated shooter any more.
This is EA's nostalrius.
When will companies learn to let fans live in fucking peace?
If we got rid of "intellectual property" and copyright in its entirely, how would you stop someone from copying and selling something you made? Or someone being like sonichu, blatantly ripping it off and just changing a few names.
How many shekels has EA paid you, shill-kun?
This is why the japanese videogames industry is superior.
I just asked a simple question, it would be great if you could answer it.
they're going to do that anyway. the trick is to make something so well that an imitation can't do it justice. you can go to china right now and buy a "genuine Rolex" for ten bucks, but it'll crap out after a month, whereas a real one will last forever and has a warranty in case it doesn't.
Not now weebfag, we're in mourning, go curse the roundness of your eyes somewhere else.
lol no
Your question was stupid in the first place, seeing as how that still occurs all the damn time, Shill-kun.
never heard of a similar situation with any jap game so I can't say I agree
You've got to be fucking kidding me. There's not a lot I enjoy about life, and I just lost one of those things I do.
Bullshit, they're just pissed off because EA is just mismanaging the IP and not giving them more revenue, the Mouse was expecting EA to pump out at least 2 games per years since they have multiple studios on their payroll.
What the Mouse retard executives didn't know was that EA is a shit company that only knows how to market shit and kill anything else, they mismanage their studios all the time and funnel money from one project to another if need be.
So they make only one Star Wars game 2 years after being handed the IP whic hdidn't reach expectations since EA didn't flop their dick around it, had a 2 year break before the second one which is now getting bashed hard in the Beta and according to non Patcher tier analysts isn't doing so good in popularity in comparison with the first, now they cancel a fucking Star Wars game which even makes their stocks go down by several million as some investors pull out of their retarded fucking management, so yeah, the only other thing they've made with the franchise has been a mobile game thats no longer doing good because the fucking whales are moving to yet something else and their pay model is so fucking shit that another company owned by the Mouse, kiked less and is doing better in terms of revenue due to that.
EA is incompetent as fuck, they are where they are because they are the sleaziest fucking kikes there are and dump everything into viral marketing and shady deals like exclusive rights to sports shit killing any other competition while using other brands and labeling it "free use"
Anything else is secondary
6 more years to go with the normalfag Sci Fi franchise.
4 fucking years
And still nothing to show about it
Actikike and Zenimax are fucking sleazy and disgusting as shit, but not even them are this incompetent, when you hear "too big to fail" thats EA, they are nearly Microsofts level of capital.
Interesting point, I agree.
It's only a stupid question to you because you're a stupid person. I just wanted to hear an argument about what if people would blatantly copy and paste music or a book for profit.
The entire gaming industry is pretty shit now, including Japan with their millions of jRPGs. But in the 90s-early 2000s, the west was king tbh.
Forgot to add, the Mouse gets a cut of the Battlefront sales revenue, undoubtly so, they wouldn't agree to such agreement if not so.
If they just stop distributing the game and instead only make it so that people who own it already can play, they would legally be fine. There are plenty of other multiplayer revivals out that do the same thing.
But goy, we need you to play our latest release after buying it again.
And again.
Will you do what Ren did not?
Will you be the one to bomb EA to Kingdom Come?
That, AT-ATs are just glorified turrets on set paths, and air vehicles are so removed from the infantry battle that they barely matter.
That just makes grabbing the IP back from EA even more important. Getting goodwill on the video game front will take off the edge off the fallout from VIII.
You mean where Nintendo shuts down fan games, Squenix copyright claims any youtube video with certain cutscenes from their games, Capcom releases unfinished games and on-disk dlc, and Konami inserts microtransactions into Metal Gear?
Oh, you thought you actually bought the right to play the game?
You're paying for the PRIVILEGE of being able to use the service to play these games. You don't actually own them, silly goose. :^) :^) :^) ;^) :^)
You all just got memed on
How so?
How bad is it?
Is it bad enough to turn off normalfags and chinks?
Bad enough for it to not reach a Billion?
many of the people that make nintendo fan games, if they were serious should actually make the fucking thing and release it so it's out there and will spread about like wild fire. The ones that announce, show preview vids, and etc. are just asking to have their work taken down because it's free publicity for them for a career opportunity.
Fan game developers being retarded does not excuse Nintendo's bullshit.
I know who the fucker is from the GG generals
There are people here who actually believe this though.
Some are so delusional that they pretend like the Japs can't be subverted, when proof that they can is balant.
Finn and Poe are confirmed gay in episode VIII. Chinamen don't like blacks but they usually put up with them if the movie is still a CGIfest, I kinda doubt they'll put up with gays being in their movies.
just fucking kill this industry already, crash it with no survivors
You assume:
1. Chinamen will know about the faggotry before they buy the tickets to see it.
2. The faggotry will be present in the Chinese translation.
3. The chinamen will notice anything in the movie except the pretty colors and explosions.
EA hates shekels
Got any other examples of delusions like these?
Nothing, but copyrights laws need to be changed especially these about DMCA.
In terms of gameplay quality, story and graphics yes.
In everything else FUCK NO.
Ps. Don't use thread specific memes in another threads. Thanks
Fucking disgusting, I would rather they sent a completely soulless c&d. At least that would have a degree of professionalism to it instead of this insincere attempt to pretend they are human beings.
It doesn't, however you cannot leave out that element of detail. Otherwise you imply that every dev making a fan game are uncriticable creatures.
Come on now
I know this is an old as fuck game, but still, thats disingenuous-
We need to send Cena over to EA to overcome all the odds against them.
How's about you fucking kill yourself.
Well apparently they just told them not to show EA logos and not to make their game available for download. That's it really.
Yeah but they took it all the way and shut down everything. We need to make them know that they can keep it running as long as they don't distribute the game.
Weebs will always justify everything japan does, even the slave mentality of working till you kill yourself.
Don't forget the 3D remake, still sucks they shut that down.
Its disgusting tbh.
I saw when the yakuza defense force came out in that screencap; that wasn't the only retarded user who actually unironically believed the yakuza was okay
There was another who was like
Like what the actual fuck?
Why dont we get more shit like this?
Why is everyone such a no fun faggot nowadays?
I mean, these were the reality show days and we still got shit like this.
user, there were two others
Yakuza commit murder, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, gang warfare, vandalism, and whatever acts of violence they feel like. But that's okay because they're japanese and morality is like in anime where you're still the good guy no matter how bad you act because reasons
You forgot human and organ trafficking
But that user totally met a Yakuza in Tokyo and he was totally polite.
This is the word "weeaboo" used right for once
Fun is no longer profitable.
Their problem is that they're comparing disorganized street punks to the organized crime equivalent of big corporations that know when to keep their nose clean to stay out of unwanted trouble. Yeah, Mr. Musashi of the Yakuza who lives down the street might be a generally respectable individual most of the time, and he may not even be involved with most of the bad stuff the Yakuza do, but that doesn't mean his bosses aren't responsible for terrible things.
Why would a criminal be antagonizing and rude towards a random person? That gains him nothing and will only make the authorities react.
user, what do you think the words Organized Crime mean?
I've heard the police sometimes don't intervene because they're scared of what the yakuza might do if they react.
According to (((them)))
You are a Grade A retard, you know that right?
Second quote was supposed to point to
that guy's a fag, but I come from a part of canada where the hell's angels are virtually everywhere and run extremely numerous businesses, not to mention they have a stranglehold on the drug market (they only allow coke and heroin in my hometown, for example; some Russians showed up once and started pushing heroin and the angels burned their house down and killed them). they are to a man polite and respectful, you know, like any other stranger on the street. it's not until you start working with them in their "industry" that they start to act like a gang, and it's for the exact reasons said - why act like a fucking criminal to everyone you meet for no good reason?
meant to say "coke and marijuana"
Fucking garbage ass EA disrespecting the fans again
I also think the idea of the "noble" criminal comes from the knowledge people have that criminals and crime will always exist, so if the choice is between a bunch of chimping niggers and spics that act like animals, or bikers and Yakuza that at least try to give themselves a veneer of respectability and abide by some sort of rules, it doesn't take a genius to see whom people will prefer, and oftentimes idolize.
Zenimax hasn't killed off OpenMW project, yet…
No one gives a fuck about that TF2 knockoff Heroes crap. But I guess this means this whole time EA has had the power to stop the Revive network from keeping BF2142 and BF2 alive and they haven't done anything? And yet they somehow care about their shitty TF2 knockoff nobody gave a fuck about?
I don't know you're complaining about, it's not like this kills their servers. Go install it and play already. BF2 still has tons of players and I'm sure people are playing 2142 too.
I bet they're pissed Disney reenabled multiplayer on Battlefront2.
Well apparently I need to read the thread better. I was just getting ready to binge BF2 hard again soon. Burn in fucking hell EA.
Neck yourself faggot
You can still play it though
For now
EA sells electronic point of sale software. Why would they continue distributing actual video games that compete with their microtransaction stores?
How could the EA legal team get "nostalgia chills" when they "boot" those games if there are no servers anymore? :^)
They get chills whenever they boot up the games, see no servers and remember how the let the Gamespy hosted online service die with no replacement when even Bungie fixed fucking CE.
An older game with even less people on it
Yes, many. It was extremely fun, I did since 2010 until it shut down.
You heard wrong. They aren't. The game wasn't that profitable because they shot themselves in the foot by pissing off their player base.
Shut your stupid whore mouth right this second cunt. Battlefield Heroes was no TF2 knock off and played completely differently.
I think the best we can hope for here is that some retarded lawyer new hire at EA decided that this was stepping over their rights and sent them a C&D, and that this will be reversed after the higher ups feel the PR pain.
He's talking about what's essentially like a mafia to a horde of thugs.
Of fucking course a gang of thugs is going to be filled with violent idiots.
My point was that by saying organized crime, you have already established that they operate like a corporation. All organized crime is like the yakuza, cause their behavior is the definition of organized crime.
How would you stop them with the system we had now? Disney or EA could steal an idea of yours tomorrow and you couldn't do shit about it. What are you going to do, sue them? Their lawyers will eat you alive.
They wont get away with it again.
>had fun, dropped in on other serbs, was going to suggest it on /radcorp/ for the next rotation
Do you need a copyright longer than a human lifetime?
Does this mean project reality will get shutdown soon?
How do we smear EA further?
Or rather, how do we get normalfags riled up?
If PR gets a C&D like revive I will be very happy. Fuck that fucking game and that fucking shitty community.
These faggots need bullets in their heads.
The West is the Best.
git gud
Someone screencap this!
It looks like we're still good if we can acquire a copy of the revive-compatible game anywhere though there might be an issue with server files.
Seems like they only wanted them to stop distributing the clients and using their art?
Couldn't they still host the server emulator?
Did you expect anything less? Now go buy their latest game for $70 :^)
Asian crime gangs have a rule about acting nice and polite to everyone at first. Doesn't mean they aren't violent fuckheads, it just means they act nice and polite until they want something.
Indeed, it is a sad day. May EA be punished for their sins
By the way all that Revive really does is replace the Gamespy master server list with their own and modifies the executable to find said master server list.
Every time someone says the worst vidya company is something other than EA, they are wrong. There are no exceptions to this rule.
What even is that supposed to mean in that context?
It's trying to sound human
All good points, but Japan still has the upper hand because EA, Bethesda, and Blizzard are such kikes.
So are they being forced to shut down the entire Revive project? Can we not play 2142 anymore?
Read the thread motherfucker.
welp guess it's time to die now
way to be a STUPID little nigger.
Battlefield vietnam was good shit.
I wonder if they'll ever realize that acting hip isn't an acceptable substitute for gestures of good will.
But they will. This is it anons, they are finally turning against the very community that keeps their games alive. Just be sure to remember to never let the people who caused this in ever again.
end me fam
Copyright law is the most jewish thing to hit civilization since the talmud.
Hey, fellow gamers, ME TOO likes to hate on that one company, but was it really not justified?
I mean, were they really distributing whole games instead of installation tools that would modify only the original game™? Also, what are ammo crates and how is it problematic to get rid of someone else's trademarks and logos from the site/service?
responsible for xbox one/kinect/windows10, part of prism, ruining halo, taking over minecraft, xbox online shop overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago)
helps the nsa backdoor everyone's computers along with microsoft
ask Holla Forums (unless they ban you instantly for no reason at all for talking about Holla Forumsnology just like /a/ for talking about /a/nime)
forcibly inserted into many different linux operating systems that would otherwise be 8/10 as some kind of linux coup.
responsible for iphones, part of prism
took over and discontinued countless video game companies, microtransactions, dlc, season passes, full of sjw's who claim sexism and muhsoggyknees because people don't buy the game when really the reason is because the game is broken and low quality and they don't want to take responsibility for that.
gives ea whatever they want. ruined knights of the old republic, ruined every mass effect after ME1
responsible for battlefield
does similar things to ea and activision
microtransactions, dlc, some of the first people to release the cancer of microtransactions and dlc into the video game world.
responsible for leaving microsoft because they didn't like what they were doing to halo, and then doing the same things as them by making destiny
really dumb customer support, not a whole lot of good games, added paid online to ps4, online shop overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago)
very small amount of games worth playing not counting old eshop titles, added paid online to the switch, eshop is overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago), eshop lacking some of the best old titles from n64, gamecube, and so on. infuriating artificial difficulty in some games.
responsible for gta5, microtransactions, dlc, shark cards
responsible for skyrim, fallout 4, (what else did they make? it's so shitty I can't remember)
microtransactions, dlc, digital rights management hell, always online, get banned and lose everything you paid for
responsible for borderlands2, microtransactions, dlc, season passes
You should start listing modders they killed as well.
Probably a lot more.
Can 7 be completely uncucked?
can confirm
Modern version of the browser toolbar
It might just be a coincidence, but it sure is interesting enough to keep an eye out for more coincidences.
mah nibba
polite sage
No they won't, there've already communicated about it. Don't spread FUD for no reason
I am IRL friends with the guy who runs revive and he's fucking pissed about EA's kikery
Are there plans to keep it going in another form?
Nigger pretty much every crime organization has shit like this.
They are still scum, but are a step above common thugs and if need be will do something thats nice.
The music industry, film industry and definitely idol industry are fucked, weebs just refuse to admit it. It's fucked that I despise idols, yet obviously I care more about the girls safety than some autistic fan who doesn't even acknowledge shit like ex idols going into porn and saying this shit happens.
I'm surprised they didn't talk about how Yakuza are honourable men following bushido.
The worst thing about weebs is
I'm glad in a way, I'm sure they would ruin everything like casuals and games.
Nah it wasn't just YIDF.
Remember the one?
Fuck these people, organised crime is objectively bad. But nah fuck that, one member said hello so everything changes.
Monarchs are so lame compared to their ancestors. Its maximum cuckoldry to be a king and let other groups take all the power in the country you inherited. Especially when less than 100 years ago people killed themselves screaming how glorious you were.
I thought it was just sex, drugs and white collar shit? How does Japan have an insanely low crime rate with murders and gang warfare?
I can't imagine that's profitable when competing with the CHINESE GOVERNMENT. Or even feasible. You need people and hospitals, and I can't see the Yakuza pulling it off. Like how? Do they kidnap people outside Japan? Because I can't imagine them getting a steady supply of "donors" in Japan, obviously they need medical staff and other shit.
Are there vids on the subject? Because I know China does it, but it's government run with huge infrastructure and resources, prisons, hospitals, etc. I can't see gangs being that advanced, or do they somehow have their own hospitals at this point?
Having grown up in a shitty ghetto neighborhood before. The way black thugs control things is always through intimidation and threats, I remember when a shooting happens they would stand outside and watch everyone as the cops were asking questions making sure no one talks. But this always winds up biting them in the ass because nobody likes their asses and sells them out first chance they get if they know they can get away with it.
Usually people who leave the neighborhoods and know shit will sell them out.
Your post is a hell of a newfag detector and the volunteers should take notes on who responds to this negatively.
posting OC in a sad thread
never forget
Any anons who still don't know the pure cancer that is EA's business practices, look no further than this thread.
not him but my plan would be exterminate normalniggers as a demographic
hopefully soon
Could someone explain to me what systemd is and why it's bad? I only use Windows so I don't know anything about the Linux ecosystem.
offtopic sage
Top lel, halofags will never learn.
Oh look, another AMDkike shill.
The takeaway of your entire post is "never buy or do anything just kill yourself nothing is good and everything is bad ASHES AND ECHOES all is lost". Leave.
Have a (You).
Also bumping because no one answered my question
good. I hope EA loses money. FUCK NEOGAF and FUCK these KIKES.
as i understand it it systemd replaces some older system and process management. the main problem i hear from my friends who actually do programming is that systemd flies in the face of the unix philosophy, instead of doing one thing well it tries to to everything.
Although I actually find the Unix philosophy quite nice myself, not a lot of GNU programs really follow it well. The bigger problem with systemd is it's fucking huge and shit keeps adding it as a dependency despite GNU supposedly being about software choice.
Thanks for the answer. I get what systemd is now, but why is it bad enough to be grouped with Nvidia, Intel, and AAA studios? Is the dev pozzed?
I don't know dick about programming, but I think this quote from the guy who heads systemd sums it up:
"Also note that at that point we intend to move udev onto kdbus as transport, and get rid of the userspace-to-userspace netlink-based tranport udev used so far. Unless the systemd-haters prepare another kdbus userspace until then this will effectively also mean that we will not support non-systemd systems with udev anymore starting at that point. Gentoo folks, this is your wakeup call."
In essence, the team developing systemd also maintains a device manager that distrubutions that may not use systemd at all use, they update the device manager to not work with anything but systemd, and the guy who's been pushing systemd anywhere and everywhere he can more or less says 'systemd is inevitable, now bend over'.
They can't kill it. Reverse engineering is legal. OpenMW isn't packaged with the assets of Morrowind.
systemd has a huge undocumented code base and tons of bugs that the developers refuse to fix and in some distros is a dependency to a lot of programs for no reason. Red Hat wants to control the user space. Also the NSA forced them to code in the inability to turn off logging.
It was a question of time
Thanks for these answers, I understand now.
Has Science Gone Too Far?
w-what? source on that gif please…
neato thx.
Learn from my mistakes, anons. Play these games while you fucking can, because kikes are not only taking the future of gaming away from us, they are actively niggerstealing the past.
why does EA even exist?
fucking evil company