Is Unity the new Flash?

Is Unity the new Flash?


would be an improvement over flash, really.


I'm gonna go jack off now thanks asshole.

stream it and lemme watch

The streaming community?

is a retard who thinks art is somehow related to the engine.

HTML5 is the new flash.

All it needs is something to streamline shit

he might be talking about boobie physix

No, I don't think that. Try again.

the hgoty of course

what OP probably means is Unity being the new "babby's first game creation tool" like Flash was

Unity is a lot easier to get assets for and is free, so it's definitely easier to get into than Flash, but nothing can replace Newgrounds, shitty sprite animations, and Meet n' Fuck


Thank you for being the ONLY guy that gets it

I thought the only reason no one else explained it like did is because it was fucking obvious what you meant.

I'm a complete beginner with programming but I have experience with Visual Studio, C++ and Unity and the programming in Unity made the least sense to me. Simply moving an object is already insane enough whereas in C++ I could just use a library that makes you able to add or subtract a number to the x and y position of said object. The shitty interface doesn't help either.

Can you make edgy xiao xiao stick fights on unity?

Unity is the best tbh

A lot of engines can export to html5. Construct2 I think is html5 as it's central focus.

I wish having portals for this kinda thing were still financially viable.

UE4 runs better on my laptop than Unity.

No, it's the new shockwave, only worse because it's a huge piece of bloatware that will be entirely forgotten once the advertisement funds for it run out.

I'll miss vector-based games and animations easily shared in a file

Flash IS dead.

Unity had a web player that died before it was born.

I need a torrent of the second one. The demo doesn't allow changing into lewd clothing.

Mass produced one person titty unity games when?


And now the term "edgy" has lost all meaning. Thanks, internet.

That's some badly optimized shit.


to the average normalfag it is, a few artists still use it

Name me a few?
Hard mode: no porn artists

The meaning was lost a year ago when people started using it whenever someone had a non-reddit opinion

but it's all about porn user

Im fairly certain both engines can do stencil tests chucklenuts

where are you from? because it not here.


Yes, Flash is a resource sucking hog, but that's not the single reason it's hated. In the early internet, every dipshit that thought it was neat had animated graphics with sound on every little webpage. Dipshits had a center flash animation with navigation links and site info, instead of using an actual site with HTML pages. "WHIRR, TWIRL, BANG, BEEP BOOP here's my cool animation that lasts 10 seconds instead of the info you want!" It had security flaws out the asshole, but was everywhere. Unity games suck because the dev sucks. Flash was true abomination.

Thanks, reddit. get the fuck out really, get the fuck out.


Unity ruined porn games for me…

Like Steam?