just finished this for the first time as a gangrel, perhaps a class too combat heavy, specially on the last areas that ended up being a bit of chore, but it was nice overall, it still felt as unfinished as people say it is, and I felt too railroaded into working for Lacroix until the choices at the end

I want to do a malkavian or nosferatu run just to see how much they actually change the game

oh god my eyes

You haven't played this game until you finished it with Malkavian. Fuck off until then.

To be fair the game is pretty much a product of its time

you can make a pretty model in any gen

They give an ingame reason for why you work for LaCroix the entire thing. You will do what he wants whether by your own will or not. The faggot can't even control his own goons without Domination

Seconded. I never understood people who complained that class was too hard to play. You get a free/super effective (and God damn hilarious) mental dominate ability right at the start, giving you all the more skill points to put in combat/stealth.

After playing through a few times I suggest looking into restored content mods as it really improves the game's lifespan, like they do with STALKER or KOTOR2.

Yeah your character says something to the effect of "you cant control me now" or something like that

Kinda sad that every time I went to jack and the anarchs I was just told to stick close to him anyways. Rendering the mind control aspect somewhat moot

Do I need to know the prequel's story to enjoy this game?
I played it as a kid, but I don't remember anything about it.

I had no experience with the other game but I didnt have trouble understanding anything about thr setting

I'm doing a Brujah Anarch run right now and I think it's hilarious how the Che Guevara wannabe will only like you if you say the right things. Can't fuck up once or else she hates you forever, literally. At least she admits Communism can only work in Vampire society because everyone is powerful enough to defend their own.

fuck off to /a/ weebshit

Nah, the game was my first and only foray into Vampire the Masquerade and I understood the setting well enough. You're neophyte vampire anyhow, so they explain shit to you in-character. Though, a lot of it isn't directly spoken, more on the level of things you pick up from context.

Which only makes the rise in power all the more satisfying.

I played this in 2012, never had the chance to play it before then and my God, I felt the same amazement I did with so many other good, older games. Finishing VTMB just left me with a feeling I thought dead to me; the bittersweet feel of a good game finally ending and wishing it didn't. I never recapture the same feeling I did the first time, but it is always so damned good even with its flaws. It's a blast from the late-90's/early-2000's past. If you look past it's flaws and bugs, it is magical.

I want all normalfags to leave.
Also stop using terms you don't know the meaning of.

You can try and break his domination earlier might need high persuasion skills, but it doesn't work.

Anyone got the chart?


Nope not that one. The one that said "dont open it" in the tips


you need help man

Thanks m8

Dang. To think I missed that because I murdered everyone like a werewolf wannabe asshole

A malkavian doing this part should be fun

Nosferatu is fun, doing that run now. Most humans won't talk to you so it changes a lot of conversations, sometimes makes things easier though. It's fun as a hacking lockpicking ultimate stealth class. Malkavian has entirely new dialogue written for every choice, and often different responses from that dialogue, also a good stealth class.

By restored content mods do you just mean the plus patch?

There is no prequel, the other game is just another game in the same setting.


this, pretty much. the game is railroad city and, compared to other RPGs I was playing at the time, always left me feeling like this one just completely missed the point. and the godawful, retarded combat system. it really didn't go anything right except for the writing

The game lets you make whatever character you want and respond to the world however you want

But it is fairly appropriate, given the setting. Being a vampire essentially means you're always a bitch to something.

you bought the entire Telltale collection and loved every second, didn't you faggot?


Who is coming by the way? The antediluvian? The cab driver? Jack?


Go back to Skyrim faggot.


not even what's happening, holy fuck

VTMB fans are clearly this moronic that their entire arguments are based on conjecture

Why play a game you dont like more than once

What a massive faggot

Do tell us more about how not mad you are.


Welcome to Holla Forums.

Also best class is Tremere, always have fun with blood mage runs.

VTM is a pen and paper game like Dungeons and Dragons. There is no video game series of it, just several other games that are just other RPs of the Masquerade.

Probably Caine, who isn't the Cab Driver by the way. That's just a Malkavian who thinks he's Caine. Canon-wise this game occurs before the Time of Judgement setting, during which Gehenna occurs and the antediluvians come back and conquer earth.

Jap shits fine but their art style has no variance when it comes to anatomy, facial especially. Occasionally I appreciate seeing a face that doesn't look like an ayy.

And after that SJW's took over it. Do we have a cut off date for when the lore took a nosedive?

I didn't know Todd Howard was in VTM:B

Also could be God. In fact for anyone who wants to know more about what (may) happen after the game should pirate and read the book.

I'm more a shadowrun3E fag so I have no idea. Still, at least we got full on Gehenna. I'll have to run that at some point.

Now you know.

Not really; it was always full of shitty proto-SJW liberals; it was just more hit or miss until after 2nd edition.

Mage and Werewolf were always the most SJW-infested splats.

what mods should I use for a second run? I used Vanilla unnoficial patch, is there more cut content restorations besides unnoficial patch plus?

it seems to me that I should check the final nights or clan quest, since clan quest seems to add unnofficial plus on top of it and I have no idea if the final nights is compatible with my current (vanilla) install

Nobody aside from wesp restores cut content. Wesp keeps in touch with some the game devs (like Mitsoda and Schaffer) and recreates most stuff based on their unpublished design docs and leftover files. At this point he exhausted nearly all resources. All other mods are just content never planned for the game and its specific scenario.

You have to play a malk with low humanity if you want the whole shenanigans though, otherwise it's just a different font instead of the crazy interactions.

how low are we talking about? 3 points, 1 point, 5 points?


He truly has done godly work.


Really? Well damn.
It should also be noted that White Wolf was purchased by Paradox and they're probably working on something but they've been radio silent ever since the purchases from CCP.



What are you a kike?

I was just doing that with the latest plus patch and the Warewolf got stuck in the ground before he could get to the opening. If that happens to you just quick save and quick load and he should unstick.

This would be so much better ending if you weren't aware of the other endings and what's actually in the box.

I want this meme to fuck off already. The game is utter shit after sewers.

There's not too much competition for it. How many other games do you know in which you can play as a lesbian goth vampire?

VTMB is literally not a game. it's just source shitposting. and as such does not belong on Holla Forums. delete this thread, and your accounts.

Okay so I'm going to reinstall, but I can't recall, wasn't there a reason not to use the gog version? anybody have a good link?

unless you dont like the poles as company there is nothing wrong with the gog version, it comes with the latest unnoficial patch preinstalled

in wich case you pirate, as you should because fuck Activision

I went with tremere and I don't get why everyone treats them like shit. Strauss was actually a pretty stand up guy and not some power hungry backstabber like they're all portrayed as. Also they have the comfiest crib.

If I recall correctly their founder was a backstabbing asshole and nobody will let that go

Yup. The original Tremere was some human wizard or something that killed off another entire clan and their Antediluvian to steal their vampire-ness for himself. That's why Tremere are wizards. Runs in the family.

Now let me teach you a little bit about white wolf lore.
Tremere (the guy) was a mage from the order of Hermes, a mage in WoD being something short of a living god. Since their immortality potions weren't working he decided to use Life magic to transform himself into a vampire by some magic memery. When you become a vampire your avatar gets destroyed (avatar being kind of like a STAND that you get when you "awake" as a mage, it's the source of your magic), since his avatar got destroyed he was rendered unable to do actual magic and had to settle up with teaching the infinitely weaker version of Life magic known as Thaumaturgy or Blood Magic.

Have in mind that he had literally no reason to do this, rule and lore wise, an arete 5 mage can teleport Caine into the sun without even batting an eye.

Hell, an arete 5 mage can teleport the sun into Caine while sleeping.

So in short, Tremere (the guy) was a massive fucking retard who exchanged godhood for immortality, which he didn't really need.

People really hate the end game of Bloodlines since it's just non-stop combat. But I really love everytime absolutely destroying everybody in your path.

It's a good feeling after having taken so much shit from everyone that you then annihilate them all.

The World of Darkness as a setting doesn't really fit together very well, from what I understand. For one thing, you have power level bullshit, but also how some of the threats don't make as much sense when you include the other stuff.

Indeed, for example the existance of everything but the Technocracy and maybe The Council make no sense.
Technocrats are not only super jews that control the world but they also want to exterminate everything paranormal. And I can assure you, no matter how many werewolves and vampires you throw at a single high ranking technocrat he's still going to win (ayy lmao I warp reality right here and summon a gate to the Umbra).

Tremere take care of their own, but are giga kikes to everyone else.

Old World of Darkness was pretty goth and goth was slightly leaning left because of not wanting to be associated with 'conformity',

New World of Darkness after White Wolf fold their printing game and revert to only selling their IP became shit because it was SJW (Onyx Path) that bought (rent) their IP. The even try to call out GooberGate in their fluff and calling themselves (the deviants, Beasts) a "misunderstood poor creature born with something special and the body they do not identify with a nd everyone do not understand" (i.e. I have to torment people, but it is my schtick, shitlord).

The Onyx Path was not only pozzed to the max, but hostile to retailers because they are fucking incompetent in business and cannot speak with normal people without sounding like a fag they are and shitting on others without reasons and only sells through PDF to their SJW drones. To the point that my local hobby shop and other hobby shops banned nWoD.

Goth had a shitload of fascist undertones tbh.

No undertones, just aesthetics.

Back inn the 1990s, they were more about raging against family values as opposed to international Jewish bankers.

Yeah, but let's be honest here, the "family values" they were raging against were pure baby boomer cuckservative garbage. There is literally nothing wrong with shitting on the Allies 1950s post war utopia, becasue it was all built on (((lies))) and dead german lolis.

I often see this game brought up positively. Why? It is broken shit, full of poorly acted verbose tedious dialogue, awful animation and mechanics which do not work.

Come to think of it has there ever been a game on source that wasn't trash with retarded cult fanbases? Half Life, Portal, VTMB, EYE nad L4D

The ghost in the hotel. He's behind you.

Be careful.

You can say a lot about the game being shit, but the acting is great and features a number of seasoned voice actors reading solid meaningful dialogue. Please, show me an example of the writing you have a problem with, or bad voice acting. Consider this a challenge.


Oh boy, I hope you all bought the new interactive fiction 'game'.

Pretty sure the GoG version comes with an outdated version of the unofficial patch and might be annoying to swap between the basic and + version. Also Valve are at least as much to blame as Activision, not only did they have an embargo like in picrelated (ignore his bitching about Activision, Cain and co are notorious for poor time management and didn't really understand the time it takes to get things tested and physically shipped out) but they refused to answer any requests for technical support with the Source engine.

no no no
welcome to Holla Forums post 2015
there are people on this board that unironically want 4cuck rapefugees to come here.

Now to on topic
Started ventrue fem with clan quest mod, dominate to max and hopefully i dont get raped in the sewers

I recall that Wesp's patch gives the option to bypass sewers.

At least I was smart enough to save a different file before doing this. But dang.

The plus version does indeed add a shortcut that makes it much more bearable, but again: only the plus version.


If you really can't stand the sewers just use sv_cheats and noclip. Frankly I never got the complaints, it's nice to have a bit of combat and the game repeatedly warns you beforehand that you can't just talk your way out of every problem. Hell it'll even give you free combat skills if you don't have enough.

Is this the Hollywood sewers that everyone is talking about? I don't like it because of how fucking long and confusing it can be.


Is Redemption worth playing?

I like the Warrens. Played it the first time as full melee Gangrel with Prothean and Fortitude up the ass. First time I ran into one of these beauties, I was pumped as fuck, went in Disciplines roaring and had myself a good RIP'N TEAR time. Won the fight, healed myself up using one of my few blood bags(dumb as bricks Gangrel; poor as fuck so only like two or three with me) and then started looking for what to do next.

Dropped down the shaft into the no-return sewers and turn the corner, only to find another one of these beauties staring right at me. Almost shat myself. Had to resort to eating rats for regen, while running around fucking terrified of all the enemies. Had the time of my life.

Next playthrough I realized you can just backpedal with a shotgun and make short work of them. Kind of killed that experience, but oh well.

Well you can actually duck out halfway through i.e. after you've escaped from Andrei's basement but before you enter the actual sewer proper, there's a door that leads back to the main sewers and from there you can go stock up on stuff or take a break and do side content.

If you're desperate for more of the universe or you want a new RPG to play and have done most of the common recommendations then maybe. It's not bad, just largely forgettable. Friendly reminder that we're sitting on 3600+ active ISPs instead of the standard 2800 because of a halfchan rapefugee influx, ignore bait and call faggots out so they'll lurk or leave.

It's a pretty fun little RP game. I don't thinks it's classic or anything but for the kind of people that browse 8ch now it really hits home. It's not the only game like this either.

For me, the game fell apart once you hit Chinatown. Completely loses the feel it had up to that point and all of the endings are utter trash. Felt rushed as fuck.

This wasn't in the original game?

My first time was with WESP so I just thought it was.

Yeah it was.

How so?
Chinatown wasn’t my favourite area either, but if it didn’t fall apart during the Warrens, it sure shouldn’t come apart at Chinatown. It did suffer from a lack of quests though.

Up to that point the game really had a consistent aesthetic and feel. For me the best thing about the game was the sense of atmosphere, at least in the first two acts. It was already starting to fray once you get to Hollywood, but once you hit Chinatown it went from mysterious and intriguing noir to a cheesy b monster movie kind of feel. And all the endings reinforced that feeling, rather than the one you had in the first two acts.

So these VTMB threads are pretty common on Holla Forums. Got me thinking.

I recently got into a V20: Dark Ages game, which focuses on the creation of Clan Tremere. The game happens once a week normally, on Saturdays. The ST is supposedly a history buff and is using that to keep the game going, since its set in the 10th century currently. Do you guys want me to record the transcripts and turn everything that happens into Greentext stories?

Normally that stuff goes on /tg/, but that board is dead. You guys seem to enjoy your oWoD vidya, and its tangentially related to the vidya (history of a playable clan in VTMB, from its inception to Gehenna), so what do you think?

If nobody is interested, I’ll fuck off, no worries.

I'd be interested for sure.


what did he mean by this?

Do eet and play as a tremere who is secretly lawfulgood report the results

Weebs complained this game wasn't Japanese. the thread told them to fuck off. Kinda rare.

So do I download the quest mod and add it ontop of unnofical patch or what

So before we begin, best to do a quick info dump for reader context.

This game I’m recording the events from starts with house Tremere, not clan Tremere. This is important, because it means that none of them are vampires yet. They are all still all mages at the start of the game. House Tremere was one of many houses in the Order of Hermes, which was like the darker, interdimensional Hogwarts of the oWoD setting. Of the different Mage traditions, they are the ones who practice Hermetic magic (Which is the kind of magic where you can get repeatable results by following magical formula. Eye of Newt + Soil from your birthland, ingested at midnight while upside down and reciting a latin chant = cure your hangover, with the same result no matter who does it, as long as the person doing it is a hermetic mage). Hermetic magic takes willpower, knowledge, and components (material and non-tangible both) to activate.
And like most other types of magic, it’s failing. Magic is getting weaker year after year in the oWoD setting, and that means that the legendary Potions of Immortality that the Order of Hermes uses are getting weaker. At the rate they are depleting, they are estimated to be nonfunctional within a thousand years. For those Hermetic mages who DON’T want to die, this is a big problem. And the mages of House Tremere (the shady fuckwads of the Order of Hermes) are looking for a way to survive the failing of Magic. That brings us to the year of our lord, 973 AD. And the beginning of the greentext story, of Bandit-Chad, the Mage turned Vampire.










So yah, that was session one of the House Tremere game. Do you guys want me to keep posting the sessions like this as they happens? I can keep doing so as long as VTMB threads keep going at least once a week.

Character and Player names withheld to protect the innocent.

I'm interested, but I'm also a tgfag so take that at face value.

Sure go ahead I also enjoy /tg/ shit, besides its in season so fuck it

Definitely, user.

You mean a couple shit posters did some baseless whining and it was assumed they prefer japshit because of their reaction images and complaints, then they left when they weren't paid attention to

Okie doke, I'll have session 2 up probably Monday, after its happened.