What are some examples of good videogames that are literally advertisements...

What are some examples of good videogames that are literally advertisements? I just read Pic related and it makes me want to see if vidya can do something as fun while still trying to shill me their product.
Hard mode No Burger king pocket bike racing
Impossible mode No Coolspot

I read that once. It was far too much commercial and masturbation about their slogans to be considered good. Felt like an advertisement with a story poorly tacked onto it rather than a story that also tried to advertise something.

Pokemon are technically advertisements for their third "better" version a year down the line.
A ton of JRPGs do it to.

If that counts as advertisement, then super smash bros is the king and tyrant of ad games.

Chex Quest?


Charumera is an officially licensed by some popular japanese company ramen vendor simulator for the PS1

Rent-A-Hero No. 1 is pretty fun and is just a massive advertisement for SEGA. If you've got a modded xbox you can play the finished but never released American version, or you could play the Mega Drive/Genesis fan translation.

Also of note in the same spirit is SEGAGAGA (Sega-Ga-Ga, as in crazy for Sega).

So does Chicken Colonel still sell chicken or does he sell Kentucky Fried Human?

Go suck cocks somewhere else, neofag.


Don't know, they sidestep that shit with Mash Potatoes and Green Beans.

This is so fucking great (read: retarded, meaning great). LEFtenant Sanders from Airstrip One, a time traveling treadmill, Anime Dyke Sanders, random upset nigger on the left side of panel 1 of page 2… Do you have a PDF?

No, I got the comics from Readcomicsonline.

Sneak king

This was a quite good 2D platformer.

every yu gi oh game

The Treasure Planet cereal minigames were actually pretty enjoyable, especially the platformer one.

Cool spot, Global Gladiators, M.C Kids
there was also a doom wad created by the US marines to shill joining the corps, never seen it though

I remember when this was storytimed on Holla Forums. One of the anons there pointed out something interesting: a goofy-ass advertisement was more entertaining than modern Marxism-infested garbage.

this is what comics were meant to be, really fucking stupid without trying to make much of a statement. cut out the advertising and you have a perfect comic.

Like Superman fighting gorrillas retarded.

Is there any fanart?

The last few gens have finally managed to have decent Transformers games.

For some reason other media have had better success with ads masquerading as other materials. Things like Transformers, GI Joe, Masters of the Universe, My Little Pony, all big multimedia successes that were made entirely to sell toys. But Transformers is the only one that has had video games that are even close to mediocre, even though you'd think things like GI Joe and Masters of the Universe would very easily translate into shooters and hack and slash games.

You are thinking of Marvel. Many of the most powerful heroes in DC are anti Marxist conservatives.

Good taste.

These games were decent. Though I haven't played the Tonka one since I was five.

Speaking of Hot Wheels, I remember Turbo Racing being a damn good game. I can only imagine how many of the unlockables would have just been DLC in the modern day.

Not a real advertisement, but the execution was flawless.

that Doom wad was made to train the troops in basic tactics and to reduce hesitation. You're thinking of America's Army

fun fact: America's Army was not created as a recruitment tool but as an anti-recruitment tool. Right from the start they actually wanted to weed out the hopeless cases who thought military FPS's were the shit and wanted to join for some action. To this end, it depicts genuine bootcamp life and actually has some very nice tutorials on how to dress a combat wound and other neat shit like that

and since we're on the subject, Full Spectrum Warrior

FSW was originally created as a team tactics coordination simulator. The military version is harder and tedious as hell, and can be unlocked in the commercial version

Played the shit out of this when it came out. If I played this today I would get raped in about ten minutes and then go back to Diablo 2 mods.

What mods are you playing, user?


C'mon, Holla Forums. Step it up.

Chex Quest isn't an advertisement you fucking dummies, the game came packaged with boxes of Chex.





Why was this one directed at me specifically?

Radical, thanks for storytiming user

Mah niggs


Not posting the sequels. For shame.



Next up, the Colonel becomes a member of the green lantern corps.




And that's all the ones I know about.

This game is on the better licensed games end. But it's still pretty janky. Story makes no fucking sense, protagonist is a living embodiment of ludonarrative dissonance.

I'd play the fuck out of He-Man Musou. By golly, the She-Ra ryona would be delicious, and itnwould be a thrill to play as Skeletor.

Probably all but one or two of them, depending on which company made it.

Wait a second, That wasn't kid flash's catch phrase…

why are corporate shill comics better than actual comics

Because they just made a funny story instead of pushing propaganda.

rick and morty reference

For the same reason toy driven cartoons are better than other cartoons
To sell something, you have to make it desirable. If a character isn't awesome, the action figure wont sell. If the Colonel isn't awesome, his chicken wont sell.

I wonder if there are any plans for creepy Japanese colonel's curse Sanders

Uh, they’re definitionally pushing propaganda. It’s just that this propaganda is not OBJECTIVELY, SCIENTIFICALLY FALSE and doesn’t fly in the face of natural law. Also it’s funny.

I'm absolutely fine with propaganda for delicious chicken,