Zombie Master: Reborn
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So, you're playing as a wealthy hebrew banker?
It's a HL2 mod where a person controls and spawns zombies. The survivors have to finish a map without all of them dying.
It's shit. Go shill somewhere else, schlomo
It has more than thirty maps.
get me a dwink bahtenda
Did you get upset because we made too much fun of you when you were trying to play? You make the same posts every thread.
I'll pass the casual trash until they're ready to make a real FPS shooter.
to install this, do i need to own half life 2 or just have installed any source game?
No, you just need to have the Source SDK Base 2013 installed.
So the update for this came out yesterday.
That said, are there any servers for it?
I don't know, zombies being real is about as realistic as a nigger teaching someone about biology.
Yeah, the developer server is the go-to since the developer is the only server runner that cares enough to keeps his server updated.
Does he use any custom maps?
like tennis, random, redqueen?
Shills gonna shill. Daily reminder that the dev:
Even fucking Cucky B's Nexon Zombies F2P garbage is better than this pile of shit
er, I mean tetris
I'm gonna need your sources for that.
Bad king urgain isn't even working on this anymore tho
You niggers still playing this piece of shit?
And what are you playing? Destiny 2?
Man, Tutrle Rock is desperate today.
Didn't think I'd ever have a reason to share this
Good shit way back when