
Just started playing Daggerfall and I am enjoying it quite a bit.
Anyone else played it recently?
Or maybe you would prefer to share a story that you have about your time playing Daggerfall?

Feel free to share you characters!

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kill every rednigger you see, they bring pestilence and poverty everywhere they appear

I start a new playthrough every couple of years. Last time the mages guild bugged out on me and kept kicking me and re-accepting me over and over. Then the dark brotherhood started to do the same thing.

I'm thinking of downloading it from the official Bethesda page.

t. todd howard

guess we should start rollin

Which faggot was it then that made Khajit cat people?

Michael Cuckbride, the same guy behind Morrowind's nonsensical subversion of fantasy elements and meaningless metaphysical sub-plots. The Khajiit were rumoured to have cat cousins in Arena and Daggerfall, but that all changed with Redguard, Todd Howard's game, which started the furfaggotry.

Another point of interest, Daggerfall changed the design of the Argonians to that of the lizard men in Arena. In Arena, Argonians were blue, scaled people with quills and somewhat regular faces.

Probably the same guy who decided that Bretons shouldn't be tall and noble but the shortest motherfuckers around.


You don't know shit user. You. Don't. Know. Shit.

C0DA says its canon.

Have you ever been to e621?

Morrowind is singleplayer Second Life.

The humanoid shape of Argonians in Arena might have had something to do with the look of the NPCs in Argonia.

I can't help but laugh at the 3rd pic.


I think it's just a reinterpretation. Until Redguard, the Elder Scrolls games were based entirely upon the internal D&D campaign at Bethesda. It is likely that they just thought the green, humanoid dinosaur look was cooler than scale people. It's not that large of a leap to be honest, as both are obviously reptilian.

I doubt it's the same with Khajiit though, I really do. Redguard was trying to be the next Tomb Raider so it had to appeal to as many people as possible. That means no painted men, only furfags. Ironically, Redguard was a failure and a piece of shit, and it would have still been unheard of if they didn't change anything.



don't want to be a nigger rerolling



Imagine being this much of a faggot that you unironically post this.

Khajiit in Arena/Daggerfall depictions were presented as descendants of cat people, and thus maintained certain cat-like aspects. There's literally a book in game which makes abundantly clear that male Khajit have barbed cat dicks.

When the PGE was written between Daggerfall and Morrowind, the Khajiit were reclassified into different types. Some of them are basically human, some of them are basically elves, and some of them are basically cats, with members of the race taking on every form at any stage between those. The ones in Morrowind onward have been the "cat-man" hybrids, sitting at about the mid-way point.

Daggerfall is interesting, and certainly fun enough to play. The amount of customization you can do character wise is reasonably impressive, which is nice. It certainly has more than its fair share of problems, though, with the largest being its quest system, which is only a few steps better than Skyrim's Radiant bullshit.

In essence, Daggerfall sits at the intersection between dungeon crawler and open-world RPG. It has some of the good parts of both, as well as some of the very obnoxious parts. The fact that you actually swing with your mouse is a huge plus though.

>not playing on your Windows 98 desktop with CRT monitor


I always get lost in the fuckhuge dungeons.

also, when I was young I used to jerk it to the naked female character model.

except in lore they have no fur on their faces. they paint their faces. Close, though.

This just renewed my hatred of furries for another decade at least.

I say this over and over and I'll say it again: Daggerfall is a dungeon-crawler, not an open world exploration game. The overworld is so large to give a wide variety of options for where to buy a house and match the wide variety of builds to can make. You pick a city that has the right combination of guilds you want to advance in and you set up your bank account there. You really only need to travel outside your home province for the main story, in which case you would take notes from the bank, plan a journey, then return home. Now, if you choose to play an outlaw, the size of the overworld serves a different purpose: to give you plenty of places to go a lay low while heat dies down.

I see a lot of people expecting the game to be an open-world exploration RPG because they are coming backwards from Morrowind or Oblivion. But the bulk of the game really is mean to be spent underground just like with any open-world dungeon crawler. Keep in mind, Daggerfall is hardly the first game to do this and so it is inaccurate to call it that liminal game that straddles genres. Look at ADOM, Ultima 1, Tales of the Unknown 1 and even Arena. These are games, older than Daggerfall, which give you a rather bland overworld to travel across and most of the meat of the game exists underground.

Dungeoning is nothing but finding for that one secret door, knob, lever or button disguised as a skull you have to hit in order to get to the objective. Also you'll randomly fall through the stairs into a void, especially if you try to sneak.
Dungeon design is awful, automap sucks.
Most builds are useless, save for that one cheese tank mage. Bows are useless, good old fireball style spells are useless, as they knock enemies TOWARDS you.
There's also 9001 bugs.

Puzzles and secrets in the dungeons are underwhelming compared with competing franchises like Beholder and Wizardry, but overall you talk like a person who has memorized a lot of complaints but hasn't really played the game much. Falling into the void is not as common as you make it out to be and it certainly isn't random. It tends to happen when you try to climb up a seam and fail. Bows aren't useless and fireballs do not knock enemies towards you..

I enjoyed it the last time I played, games just keep getting worse.

Second one just makes me think 80's and early 90's cartoons. It's also probably lore friendly, as many forms of Khajiit there are.


Are there any waifu mods for daggerfall? I wanna be able to marry my waifu

Skyrim is also a dungeon crawler because every fucking quest is in draugr dungeon.

You could make this argument. It's basically one long run through a big dungeon, above and below ground. The game is linear enough. You really couldn't call it an open world RPG like Morrowind. While it appears open world, many gates and doors are impossible to unlock until you reach a point in the story. Guilds are just straight runs through a linear set of quests.

It's true though. Cuckbride is a stoner loser who desperately tries to make everything seem deep and complex. Before him, The Elder Scrolls games were good-old generic fantasy, they were gameplay>writing. Lore is for faggots.

Someone post the screencap of user explaining quest design in Skyrim.

Been awhile, roll time.

Life must be bliss when your brain is this low-functioning.

Don't download these instead.

That's part 3 of "The Real Barenziah" (that was later censored in the game universe)

The elder scrolls series used to have balls until Bethesda decided to jump to a larger audience with Morrowind.

How is the lore not for faggots? These people, "loremasters" as they call themselves, they don't even fucking play the games they fawn on about. If they did, they would realize that everything after Battlespire is utter, irredeemable shit. Morrowind is at the center of that shittening, it's a horrendous, monotonous mess which misses the point of the first two games. How many dungeons are there in Morrowind? How much combat is there, truthfully? 65% of the game is meaningless dialogue, 20% is going from point A to point B with your 100 jump spells, 10% is meaningful dialogue, and 5% of it is combat. Todd Howard has never made a good game, Morrowind is no exception. Michael Kirkbride is a fucking hack. Fuck Morrowind, it, along with isometric faggotry in the style of the Infinity Engine, were what ruined computer RPGs.

It could not be more obvious that you never played past Balmora in Morrowind.

I'm pretty sure you would recommend playing Gothic1/2.


Check out Daggerfall Unity, it's a remake and it's almost done except for spells and bugs

This dog has no idea how ridiculous it looks.


I tried it some years ago and was disappointed after realizing that the surface is fucking empty. Not even randomly generated enemies on the surface, at least I couldn't find any. All the monsters are inside dungeons. Wouldn't even mind otherwise if it wasn't for the fact that the randomly generated dungeons are fucking horrible and very often you can't even reach the target monster you're supposed to kill for a quest because it's inside a room that can't be accessed.

They should've had some random encounters or at least an occasional bear or whatever you fight against. Would've made a huge difference imo. Either that or better designed dungeons at least.

This was the only Elder Scrolls game I enjoyed. I wish it had more non-random quests and more interaction with people though

You sound like you gave up after a short while because you sucked at it. There are random encounters on the surface but you're not really meant to run around up there. And it's not so much that the dungeons are horrible. It's more the fact, probably, that you just suck.

Well I'm certainly not a pro but I thought the game was a bit too easy if you picked the ebony dagger in the character creation. I couldn't find anything strong enough to kill me, even the guards at the cities died like flies if I went rampage which I found quite disappointing because I was relatively low level and a noob who didn't know what he was doing for the most part.
I know what you mean by that but you're incorrect in your accusations. Some of the dungeons just were broken and there was nothing you could do except jump to the next quest.

Well the main reason I say that is that most of the time, when a person can't find their target, it isn't inaccessible, they just overlooked something. There is also the key combination to jump you through the target locations. This is how you can confirm whether it was a broken dungeon or if you just couldn't find the target. I doubt you ran into a legitimately broken random dungeon more than once or twice through your playthrough (assuming you played through it). There are a few of them and I'm pretty sure they're listed in the uesp. I'm sure you know, also, that the main dungeons and cities of the game were hand-designed.

You can definitely take out a good amount of guards before they swarm you if you were smart in character creation, but they're not even close to the strongest enemies in the game. Are you telling me you were killing daedra at level one with your ebony dagger?

Yeah, I know you meant that and that's why I said you are incorrect in your accusations. I didn't play it for very long simply because I didn't really like the randomly generated dungeons. I got some giant or ogre or whatever glitched inside a wall once and many times I dropped into an area that can't be escaped without mark/recall or maybe some levitation spell because the trap hole was in the middle of the roof so you couldn't climb up. Those latter cases are probably not "broken" dungeons to some but I just found them highly annoying and half-assed enough to consider them to be broken. I'd rather get dropped into spikes or something that kills you instantly than to a large area that first needs to be explored in order to realize you're trapped. Some might actually enjoy that kind of stuff but it's not my thing. Find me any fan of the game and they'll tell you to use the teleport spell to mark your position before entering any dungeon because you might get trapped.

No, I'm not even telling you I was killing those guards at level one. I'm telling you that the reason why I didn't like the game is not because I sucked at it but because I found it boring and frustrating.

This is what RPGs used to be like, kid.

Or you became bored and frustrated because you suck.

Dude, Daggerfall was the fucking shit back in the mid/late 90s.

I've sunk so many hours into that game as a teen, I loved it. So many people wank over Morrowind but they owe everything they think is great about Morrowind to Daggerfall.

I would love for a game to match what Daggerfall created for its time in relative terms, it is most certainly not any of the Bethesda rpgs of late.

I know those feels, user. Despite the bugs and all the things missing, I still love that game.


About half the time it's relatively close to the entrance. So sometimes I just give up the quest if not locating the quest item within the initial 20-40 minutes, since that means that even if I explore for the next 3 hours I won't find anything ‒ and even looting loses its appeal by that point, since finding your way back to the entrance to drop freight into your wagon takes increasingly long, hell even with the auto-map it can be a challenge sometimes to find the entrance. Once you learn some of the dungeon designs then you can find the quest item more quickly. If you don't want failed quests tolling, then one approach is to reserve one save slot for quest-giver, and save there prior to speaking to the innkeeper or whatever. (Another slot for dungeon is helpful, before entering the dungeon).

What's a game of similar era to DF but weighted more on the open-world side?

Yeah, I like those kind of games. Daggerfall, however, doesn't fall into that category. It's more like those games that are filled with bugs and you need to save your progress frequently just in case something unexpected happens. Instead of being prone to crashes or bugs it just happens to have a shitty random generator.

Nice argument faggot. I bet the reason why I don't like call of duty is because I suck at it too, right?

Basically I said that Daggerfall would've been better imo if the surface wasn't such a missed opportunity and if the random generator for dungeons wasn't such a mess. Do you honestly disagree with that enough to take it personally? Fucking fanboys can't take any criticism even if it's completely valid.

The open-source Unity port has reached a new milestone. They still have a long way to go, but most of the difficult work is out of the way.

Isn't one of the reasons to remakes something to get rid of bugs? Why would they try to recreate them?

Pretty sure he meant bugfixes. Some people just can't into English.