Twitch has lootboxes now

Twitch has lootboxes now

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That picture looks like parody

gee that was a surprise

Okay, but why would I use it in the first place?

You're surprised?

Lootboxes are gambling.

Remember to report Twitch to your state's gambling commission


No it's not
You don't even need a jewish lawyer to prove this
It's like saying that a pack of baseball cards is gambling
You are right, but it's still not considered as gambling by the law


You also have lootboxes.

So then meme it and set a precedent. Lootboxes and MTX are two of the biggest revenue sources for gaming.

they are going to be swiming in shekels

Welp, time to find a new hobby

Meme magic can do wonders, now with shadow of war we can do it. I believe in you faggots.

embarrassing, those kikes have no shame.


Key difference to remember is that the baseball cards are transferrable property. I used to pay for my Draft MTG games by always looking for high value cards in my packs and drafting them to pay for my week's game. Card shop owner wasn't terribly thrilled, but he got his money one way or the other, and generally made more money reselling the loose cards I'd part with than he would have if I'd paid cash for my boosters.

You can't do this with lootcrate shit. Hell, you can't even TRADE most of the time.

That only solidifies an argument that it isn't gambling, though. By contrast, steam items can be converted into steam credit which is fucking taxed.

Twitch is having problems because the U.S ad regulators are viewing twitch players who receive free game as advertising, which incurs tax and legal penalties.

Please be fake, shit shouldnt get this cancerous not that i really give a fuck about twitch, but hate the trend


It's not a bad idea to make some extra money and draw people in.

But why the fuck did they have to use ecelebs?

These people are hideous.


I've been doing it since 2007 on 4chan, and I'm not going to stop just because some nigger made "reddit spacing" a meme last year.

Suck my balls you faggot.

The only faggots that defend lootboxes are shills or a kid with mommies credit card.

Eat shit, kid. Oldfag habits die hard, who the fuck complains about easier readability?

Lurk more and fuck off.

can it be nuked yet?

It needed nuking a while ago.

the ironing

I like to watch a stream every now and then when I just want to wind down, but holy shit. Sure it's more money but a Twitch chat lootcrate is pretty fucking gay. It's Twitch though, we all know they're a bunch of faggots, so I'm not surprised. I still haven't grown up to the point where I don't laugh at the rapid emote spam of Twitch chat. There's something so brainless about it that just has an appeal to me.

Only faggots post images of that degenerate whore.

I actually agree with this. I'm glad more and more people are starting to tell the paranoid faggots to fuck off. I'd blame it on Holla Forums since they have such a livid hatred of absolutely anything that isn't them and think they own the website, but I'm not one to jump to conclusions.

How are Jews and communists "everyone"?

I wasn't saying it's gambling. I'm saying you get less than fucking nothing out of these things, and we should figure out a way to meme this to the normalfags so they stop buying this shit.

I miss that doggo people would spam everywhere, second only to kappa. Haven't seen it on a large scale since 2015 I think.

how long till they and AAA companies get into gambling lawsuits?

Holla Forums wouldn't like lootboxes either
either way, >>>/shill/

because everyone who says anything is Holla Forums
Someone disagreed with Star Citizen being a Marx plot, as its a scam, and screams of Holla Forums insued.

Before that it was correct the record.
Before that it was Jidf.

I disagree with the faggot on Twitch lootboxes, its fucking stupid but so are the people who actually spend money on this shit.

give me my fucking JTV back

Can we not do the whole Holla Forums, Holla Forums thing this thread?

CTR and the JIDF were actual things, now its shareblue
also in reference to that picture, I'll point this out partially because 4chan and maybe neogaf and the escapist refugees are looking here; since shills are paid to make a certain group look bad, they can pose as that group and type stuff that makes the shill himself look bad, while masquerading as a non-shill native
perhaps halfchan is more to the liking of whoever took that screenshot


user, that "shill" in the image still posts here. With any luck, he'll show up here.

To be fair, CTR (now Shareblue) is a real thing, though to what extent they're actually guilty of what Holla Forums says I can't say. Otherwise you're on point though: Holla Forums is a hugbox.

It really sucks that he's dead, I liked the music he started producing near the end of his life,




Yeah I'm not denying they are/were real. Especially on 4chan where before the exodus and probably still after was the top 100 sites in America.

However shilling like marketing is exposing the greatest amount of people to a certain message.
8ch is like going to a small pond, with a 10 fish in it and trying to shoot them with a pellet gun.

Meanwhile actual shilling like what occurs on Yahoo
Is hunting in a fish farm with dynamite.

Shilling isn't solely used to convince people but also to demoralize them, convince them they are on the losing team or outnumbered.
Its why to many Trump winning was mindblowing except for those who actually tracked the election beyond MSM and popular news sites.

That's fine by me. Idiots are free to waste their money however they like. I don't even really read chat most of the time anyway

So you're a fucking retard which believes paying ESL indians to astroturf on sites and make a couple shitposts per hour on 4/Holla Forums is expensive and nobody would do it.

Oh yeah, niggas who can't even make coherent sentences.

.t reddit

Have you guys seen the Yugioh Marathon, and how they are literally plays 3 minute ads, every 3 minutes?

They would play Ads before the credits, then play them AFTER the credits. it makes a 20 minute episode into 40 minutes

Packs of baseball cards should count as gambling too, there is no reason to defend that shit.

top zuz

Which does what?
Is someone going to read a copy/pasted qoute about Hillary and say
Or are the few posts that are pro-hillary that aren't bait going to demoralize the board?
Oh wait we already know the question neither happened.

Did your mother drink when she was pregnant with you?

What a fucking cesspool.
Hopefully this doesn't go unpunished, the anti-lootbox sentiment is speeding towards critical mass thanks to EAFront2 and Shadow of War.

That's the least green Ork I've ever seen.

>Oh wait we already know the question
How inbred do you have to be to fuck that up?

Typical tricks merchant.

Based esl retardbro, maybe if your father dropped the coonshine bottle and picked up a fucking book you wouldn't be shitposting for cents.

If you're not getting an asset, what are you paying for?

Yes of course nothing makes a more solid argument by crying shill or Jidf at someone who just pointed out many newfags here scream the same thing at everyone who disagrees with them.

You proved my point and you're too stupid to realize it.
Top kek.



Maybe if you're a cancerous phoneposter.


If pixels can't be sold for money, how are normalfags buying them en masse?

tbh your argument was pretty shit, so you were giving him very little to nothing to work with.

Explain nigger.
My argument was that not everyone posting on an imageboard is secretly a marketer trying to convince them of something.
His counter argument was that I was in fact a marketer, after he claimed that Indians are the ones doing it.
Seeing as I'm responding dynamically and have a grasp of the English language and not shitting in streets, I would say he proved my point.

But if he can claim I'm a Jidf/Correct The Record/Leftypol/ I can claim you're him just using a dynamic IP or proxy.

why would you even bring that up?

You niggers don't get it
They have lootboxes for emoticons for a chatting service on a streaming platform
This is actually the ultimate form of cancer


If loot boxes aren't gambling because you can't win real money, then surely virtual nudity doesn't count because it's not real tits?


Hey, if loli isn't pedo then bara isn't gay. That's how it work man.

Well of course user, why do you think loli drawings are legal and camgirls can make cash? Because our standards are inconsistent? Perish the thought!

Gaming as we knew it died years ago, even before Gamergate. I would press F to pay respects, but that would be contributing to the problem.

Didn't they have lootboxes already? I remember reading something like that


Emoji is a Japanese word coined in the 80's that roughly translates to "picture character".
It's unrelated to the word "emoticon", it's just a coincidence that they're similar words for similar things.

We are talking about people willing to pay 5$ to have their fake friend read their message.

One or two good games come out every year and there's still hundreds of games to emulate yet to be played, I'll be fine up until my deathbed.

People will actually pay for temporary emotacons?


You don't know how inflation works right?

We're reaching levels of jewry that shouldn't even be possible.

Wait, you can seriously get (presumably useless) duplicates?
Oy fucking vey.


In the case of a Magic: the Gathering draft, you're paying for an experience. Assuming everyone at the table knows what he's doing, you get 3-4hrs of fun for $12 Canuck bucks. I'm not a fan of drafting, but the experience is decently priced.

How about you keep that shitty excuse to threads where it actually is brought out out of the blue?


Not sure if this is a joke but less than 1% of the Earth's water is drinkable.

Will you stop because it takes twice as much of my screen space and makes you look like an attention whore? Or will you continue to be an objectively awful poster?

It's a black Orc, the biggest and meanest of the Greenskins. Orcs grow darker in pigmentation as they age and an orc who survives to old age is very dangerous indeed, not to mention respected by its peers.

not him but this reddit spacing meme is the most cancerous shit since reddit itself came into existence. More cancerious than Guy Fawkes masks.

If you're so buttfrustrated about the spacing go use your fucking white male agency and write a browser extension to remove it. If you can't code, go hire someone to do it for beer money. But for god's sake cease your incessant whining.

I don't typically initiate the whining, I'm just pointing out that there is actually a reason for it and it's not just a stupid meme. His post didn't even have an image attached so your point is questionably valid.

Of course it isn't. You blew him the fuck out.


They already have several ways to do that, one of them being access to in-game crates. This shit is somehow gayer

That's not what Black Orcs are, they're purebred Orcs created by the Chaos Dwarfs to serve as slaves. And they're not black.

What the fuck do you want me to call a Unicode code point that renders an image instead of a typeface then? The concept exists; you need a way to refer to it somehow.
Your objection is like if someone decries the Soviet Union for being Communist, and you responded with

Yep, 100% useless dupes.

Full-body CHECKED

Even ignoring the Reddit spacing, you're still cancer.
How the fuck is a random lootcrate going to draw in new users?
The emotes are zombified versions of emotes that have existed on Twitch since practically the dawn of time. Some of them aren't even ecelebs; the Zombie Lord Kappa is based on John Kappa, a former Twitch employee.


I severely doubt this is the final form of cancer, it always gets worse.

why are people so fucking pedantic about everything? you fuckers will take any goddamn opportunity to jump on anything besides what a person actually said. a tumblr filename, "reddit spacing," even fucking grammar mistakes like pretentious 15-year-olds in youtube comments. can't you fuckers just respond to a post instead of finding every little irrelevant thing that's "wrong" with it and wasting everyone's time by yelling about it?

It sounds like the owners of Twitch just became Trillionaires.

I just realized what's going on. It's like tha comic strip about the degradation of communities. When we first got here from halfchan everything was great, we were motivated and everyone knew the rules or at least quickly adapted to them. But over time, more and more Redditors and the trash of cuckchan that came over later and refuses to integrate have been growing in number relative to our original population. We're now getting to a point where there's enough Redditors and refuse that refuse to honor the way we do things that shits starting to fall apart as they stick together and try to change our home into more like their other sites.

More like regression toward the mean, or mainstream in this case. Imageboards are mainstream and no longer niche. It doesn't attract a certain type of a personality. It attracts pretty much everyone. In a niche community you'll communicate with people who are most likely similar to you but in a mainstream big phenomenon that is no longer the case.

His complaint about taking up screen space is retarded though.

You have to go back.
When someone is being a faggot, people are going to call them a fucking faggot and often tell them why. Get over it and/or leave. Preferably the latter.

Still a less cancerous business model than advertisements.

im honestly surprised that reddit doesn't have lootboxes

That was the timeline we don't speak of, user. The timeline where Reddit Notes actually launched, and Reddit was something more than just a puppet of (((Conde Nast))).

you know what make it happen while your at it make 8ch SHITBOXES that when you open one you can unlock things like green text or red text or hell unlock the isreal flag then have a gay made up currency for trading with your friends MAKE IT HAPPEN

Kill it with fire and don't waste money.

The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Adapt gambling laws to include gambling in video games which targets children.”.

Government responded:

The Gambling Commission has strong powers to regulate gambling and is monitoring convergence between gambling and video games closely. The government is committed to protecting children from harm.

Protecting children and the vulnerable from being harmed or exploited by gambling is a core objective of the regulation of gambling in Great Britain, and a priority for the government. The Gambling Commission, as the regulator for gambling in Great Britain, has powers to regulate online gambling, and is committed to using its powers and expertise to contribute to creating a safer internet.

The Gambling Commission released a position paper in March 2017 detailing existing protections in relation to virtual currencies, eSports and social casino gaming. The paper can be found on the Gambling Commission’s website at the following address: gamblingGambling

Where gambling facilities are offered to British consumers using in-game items that can be converted into cash or traded for items of real-world value, then such activities must be licensed by the Gambling Commission and adhere to strict requirements for the protection of children and the vulnerable, which include measures to prevent underage gambling. It is an offence to invite a child to gamble, and where there is a failure to prevent underage gambling, the Commission will take regulatory and/or criminal action.

Where the facility exists for players of video games to purchase a key to unlock a bundle containing an unknown quantity and value of in-game items as a prize, and where there are readily accessible opportunities to cash in or exchange those awarded in-game items for money or money’s worth, then these elements of the game are likely to be considered licensable gambling activities. In contrast, where prizes are restricted for use solely within the game, such in-game features would not be licensable gambling. The Gambling Commission is committed to working with the video game industry to prevent gambling-related harm related to their platforms.

Consumers are also protected by the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. This includes a requirement on businesses not to subject anyone to misleading or aggressive marketing practices, or, for example, direct exhortation to buy products, such as games content, including in-game purchases such as loot boxes. The government is committed to ensuring that consumers are properly protected and that children’s vulnerability and inexperience is not exploited by aggressive commercial practices.

The Video Standards Council (VSC) Rating Board is the designated body for classifying video games, and applies the Europe-wide PEGI ratings to video games supplied in the UK. The PEGI criteria currently make provision for games depicting simulations of traditional gambling, and such games would generally attract a minimum PEGI rating of 12. The VSC Rating Board is discussing these issues with the PEGI Council and its Experts Group to determine whether any changes to the PEGI criteria need to be made.

The Gambling Commission monitors the participation of children in gambling through a range of data sources including complaints, academic research and the annual Young People and Gambling Survey, which in 2017 included specific questions in relation to eSports and video gaming. The results of the survey are due to be published soon. The Gambling Commission has also asked the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board to examine the wider relationship between children and gambling.

On 11 October the government published the Internet Safety Strategy, setting out plans to make the UK the safest place in the world to be online. The Strategy outlines how the government will work with online platforms, game publishers and game developers, and with agencies such as the VSC Rating Board, to continue to improve online safety in games. This includes promoting further awareness and understanding of PEGI age ratings, parental controls and advice on safe gaming.

The government recognises the risks that come from increasing convergence between gambling and video games. The Gambling Commission is keeping this matter under review and will continue to monitor developments in the market.

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

'As long as the kids don't get anything of any potential monetary value out of gambling opening crates then it's fine, so just make sure that nothing is tradable or convertible in any way'
Thanks britain, can't wait to let kids into my new 'crate opening parlor' where they can give me money to get random pictures to pop up on my slot 'fun machines'.

Isn't that the case with Steam, given that you can spend money to gamble a lootbox drop, which can then be sold in the Steam Market, giving you Steam Wallet fund that can be used to purchase actual products on Steam?
Steam doesn't just sell games and software, but also sells hardware. Hardware is clearly an item of real-world value.

This is probably the only reason they haven't had their cratebox business dismantled

Good thing there's plenty of other not-rated-M games with lootboxes then.

I'm guessing nobody stepped in is mostly because everyone's too fucking pussy to set a precedent on this stuff. And also because lazy.

I love JoJo!

So each Twitch lootbox costs 250 bits, which is $3.50 worth of bits.
Assuming each twitch crate is totally random and you can get duplicates, the median number of crates it takes to get all six emotes and thus unlock the permanent emote is about 13 crates.
So the median cost to unlock the ONE permanent emote (remember, the rest are temporary!) is $45.50.
$45 for an emote

50% of people will end up paying more than that.

The problem here is that 90% of accusations of reddit spacing are for the second example post. It's too overused by retards trying to shut up opinions they don't like to be a useful "way to tell".

I'd argue that Steam's model of randomness/lootboxes is more consumer-friendly than e.g. Hearthstone's. Comparing it to a trading card pack is a useful metaphor: you can buy a random chance through a pack, but since there's a secondary market for trading cards, there's still a deterministic way to get the card you want at a reasonable value-determined price. Further, you're not tied to the game and can "cash out" if you so desired.

I've seen at least 5 different posters today alone that use the third method of spacing, and if you believe or >>13646920 are not using it I encourage you to browse Reddit in the future.