Meanwhile at SCAMCON

Once again, Chris Roberts shows the world how its done. As per usual, it quickly become evident that the whole thing will be a massive shitshow, and hilarity (or misery, depending on your point of view) ensued.
Still waiting on Derek Smart to make a statement about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


oh shit they actually have Intel advertising linked to their scam now

So when do they sell jpegs of all the developers for quick cash?

It's almost like you don't know anything about investing.

This shit is just money laundering at this point, like modern art or soccer.

How is this shit still going on

Jews, as with everything else financial right now.


He actually said it.

This guy looks like a rabbi

People that still support this shit deserve to get scammed at this point.

I am pretty sure starcitizen is already a synagogue with very high goyim donation rate

The way I've always seen SC, if it works and comes out then cool if it doesn't I never paid any money into that shit. Either way EVE is a pretty good excel sim.

You can fly ships, shoot, board, do basic missions. NPCs are being implemented now, planetary landings are being implemented at the end of the year (after being set back due to bugs). Purchasing ships is optional. I'm not saying to buy it yet, but the game is coming along well (slowly). I hope it comes out and does well - I want a game where I can be a space pirate or burn up in the atmosphere of a planet for entering in at the wrong angle/speed.

You'd think after the Wing Commander movie everyone would've laughed this guy out of the industry permanently. We're talking about a film that makes FF:The Spirits Within look good.

This, the people putting thousands into this are fucking retards through and through though. If it comes out before 2060 that would be cool.


Why can't you use credits? Since you had to pay $$ to get them credits in the first place? Or are they so far in the place they need more capital injection to stay afloat?



meant to say "Or are they so far in the Black

You meant to say "in the red", actually, but it's okay. It's clear what you meant.

What was the bigest know spender's total again?

You're right that the game isn't a complete scam and they've implemented some impressive features, but this game is inherently flawed because of all the

Both the FPS and ship combat is mindless and they have shown no signs of making it anything but. FPS combat is typical hitscan shit while the ship combat is just "point your mouse at the red thing in front of the enemy ship and have a better ship" to win. If every feature was implemented in exactly the way the developers have envisioned it, the game would still be shit.

t. someone whose friend bought a copy for him since he has spent over $500 on .jpegs

Who is the market for Optane, anyway? Or is this just Intel admitting it doesn't know, either?

leddit thread on the planet shoop

The "gameplay demo" was essentially an 8 minute loading screen.
(((reddit space)))
What a great juxtaposition of the state of Shekel Shillizen, the "gameplay" is neglected in a corner and consists of 8 minutes of watching a ship jpeg while center stage is showing how they can make the game hollow and lifeless by building cities out of procedural generation rather than make actual content.

I'd rather go fuck myself

Probably never, unless they replace all the nerdy developers with some hot chicks on a move to garner those feminist shekels.






i get dibs on second from the right

WTF is wrong with the on in the middl? That smil and horse face. I feel bad for that "woman"

embed related

checked. Where is the version with the numbers so you can roll for your waif-
I'm sorry that might be a bit too harsh, but really where is the version with the numbers so we can roll which of the golem will make a wife for Mark.


Never mind found it.

I'm positive at least four of those are men.



Dubs are needed for this.

Those are some fine looking females user, but none can match the likes of pic related. I bet those women would be really jealous of pic related's huge khazar milkers and Ashkenazi IQ. Nice trips.

rolloing, give daddy an 8 please

shit give me a good one

I got Carla Tortelli

Why are these women all so fucking hideous? Only two of them could pass for "average" but then maybe I'm just being overly generous given the fact the rest look like a hell-spawned fusion of Literally Wu and a horse with down syndrome.

They are all jewesses user.




What the fuck is going on with the third from the left and third from the right, it looks like their brains are trying to force their way out the top of their heads.


Why did I do this

my sides are gone

can someone make one of those group pic edits where everyone gets a nickname? like "mary manjaw" etc

she truly is beautiful, only second to this fine maiden.

They kept raising the prices and stupid people kept buying the things. And depending on which rumor you believe CIG is either greedy as fuck or desperatly in need of more cash so they keep doing it.



checked and pic related.

I can't even be mad anymore since I never put a single penny into the game, though my friend did buy 100 dollars worth jpgs but thankfully he stopped that. At this point I want to see how far the shitshow continues, maybe they'll crown Roberts as the new Nigerian Emperor when the game finally comes out.

Some married orthodox Jewish women wear wigs over their hair because showing their hair in public is immodest. That's probably what's going on with the three in the middle and one on the left that look like their hair is on top of a really tall skull.

Enceladus is a moon of Saturn.

As far as I'm concerned the man's an artist.


You know at this point I'm operating from perspective that if a body is round and not made out of fire then I'm going to call it a planet irrespective of and orbital or co-orbital relationships.
Hell they've even managed to make a shitshow out of the hydrostatic equilibrium part or the definition.

The Star Shitizen audience is composed entirely of loveless, childless, middle-aged IT businessmen who earn far more money than they need for their studio apartment bachelor lifestyle. Instead of making investments and becoming truly wealthy, they just spend their 80k/yr on the most expensive computer parts they can find, simulator input devices, and spaceship JPGs. These people watch Linus Tech Tips spend $5,000 on a single component and unironically add it to their amazon shopping list, because they have nothing better to spend their money on.

Star Shitizen theme song

that would be nice, yes. but some of them aren't, like the goon whose wife divorced him after he dropped about $20-30k on jpegs of ships.

Well you can't accuse them of discriminating based on looks.

You don't know what money laundering is, you're just parroting it because you've seen the term mentioned when absurd projects were involved.

So, what? He was the one guy among them who managed to fuck some woman. He's still the same personality type as the rest and she was putting up with similar bullshit of a smaller caliber before SC came along.

The fuck is a JPEG spaceship?

A spaceship with compression artifacts

They draw concept art of a ship, give a vague description of the features it'll have when it's "finished," and put it up for sale. Anyone who buys it is buying a picture of the ship and the promise that one day it'll be in the game. They're literally selling jpegs. If you're LUCKY, the ship will eventually be a 3D model you can ogle in the hangar, but not fly. Only the truly blessed (or the people who bought the first 5 ships that were ever conceived) get to actually fly them in combat. And then the combat runs at 10fps no matter how good your PC is, because it's dependent upon their abysmal netcode.

Commie detected. KYS comrade

I mean their living expenses only add up to $1000/month because they're lonely cunts who have no reason to upgrade their living conditions, but they earn $5,000+ per month. So all that extra money gets thrown at bullshit that's expensive for the sake of being expensive, because some kind of imagined self-worth based on possessions.


30k$ is the biggest I could find.
It's problby higher by now.

IIRC there's people with multiple $10,000 accounts. They're treating this dumpster fire like an "investment" that will eventually pay off. So many autist suicides are in store in the next five years.

Rolling for the autistic one in a trenchcoat, fourth from the right

Re-roll because this matters to me

Where's the game Chris?!

Keynote was impressive as usual. Probably gonna take another 3 months to shit out 3.0 and it's still gonna be full of bugs, but at least it's gotten somewhere.
Likely story, every quarterly release will be 3-6 months late.

Whenever I feel bad about spending on something I just think about the people who fell for star citizen and feel better.

I knew a ShitterCitizen AND Elite Dangerous cultist back in early/mid 2014. He was constantly insecure whenever I questioned any aspect of the game's development and lashed out angrily. He told me these are going to be the best games ever and he can't wait for them to come out. It was really strange and I got the scientology vibe from him. Went around in circles, would never give me any ground despite me being right and so on. These people deserve getting fucked, I only wish more of them spent their live savings or kids' college fund so that they will forever live with a mark on their psyche. Perhaps even have to endure a forever soured/broken relationship with their wives and children. Schadenfreude does not get better than this.

It does when the guilt and shame eventually catches up to them (or they realize soon enough they fucked themselves) and decided to an hero.

They blew all the orbital mechanics money on shitter simulation.

I wonder which jewess I'll get.

Anyone else remember that guy who bankrupt himself on those jpgs and got divorced over it, I wonder what he's up to now?

I'm surprised this is still a thing. When was Elite Dangerous release?

Shekel Yidzen.

Yes i do, now shut the fuck up.

Roberts is definitely not his actual last name.

Being a terrible businessman, I can understand.
But being so awful at it that you can't even into basic jewing is beyond me.


It's not that I don't want to belive you, but I'll need a source for that. If it is true, this is the most retarded thing in vidya history.

For all the shit I give ED for being a boring turd of a game at least it got released and the devs added content over time.

I think whales are too fucking stupid and or addicted to even care about discounts. They'll buy shit for instant gratification as always.

who is this?


See, it's unpopular to point this out, but they are not jewing because they were dead-set on being the biggest jews they can be, they are jewing because fans literally begged them to jew. That's why they don't really do sales or barrage people with ads (for now).


That's a very shitty background jpg for a galaxy. There's so many fucking visible stars, it's like you're in the middle of the galactic core. There aren't even any stars in other colors, nor nebulas.

The webm is from like 4 years ago, I think it was before AC was released and you could hack your way into an environment that allowed you to fly ships.


what did you mean by this

I guess that makes sense.
If the fans want a barbed dick in their asses, why deny it to them?

I really want to see how all of this is going to end.

While I've paid little attention to SC outside of threads laughing at it, as I understand the process for a ship goes

I originally got hyped for SC when it was first announced, and I went ahead and convinced a friend to back it I have never forgiven myself.

I don't know if I should laugh about retards that keep on falling for it, or pity them.

Same. Yet part of me wants the scam to go on forever…

why did it have to be shit vidya though
why not finance your own game if you're going to start sinking that much cash into games

I still don't fucking know what this game is supposed to be, every time I hear about it, it sounds like a whole other genre was added. So it's a sandbox with procedural generation, it's a space flight simulator, a spaceship fighter, it has resource collection, it's multiplayer, what is it going to be next? A survival game?
I still know someone who is legitimately interested in this, and doesn't see a problem with this company selling concept art because buying a product that doesn't exist yet has never failed before! It's like if minecraft, no man's sky, and arma had an orgy and this is the result, all that's missing is PUZZLES and then I can add that shitty walking sim puzzle game, that I already forgot the name of, to the mix.
I'm not implying arma is a scam, just the most relevant example I could get to combat experience that is also boring.

You have no fucking idea.
I saw orthodox jews in real life, like straight out of israel jews, with the curly hair bangs and kippa, they had a child that I'm sure was still screaming from the circumcision and the woman with them looked like a literal goblin, tolkien-tier Hobbit: Unexpected Journey type shit. If she had green paint thrown on her you'd think she was a fucking gremlin.

that third pic

At least we've got the release date

For a few more million dollars, maybe, how much do you have in your pocket sailor? This game will sucky sucky you wallet long time.

Years of inbreeding. It's such a bad problem the Israeli government provides free genetic counseling to couples considering children.

They have so many endemic genetic (homeoteleuton [I can thank a Jew for teaching me that word] but w/e) diseases that I don't know why they persist this dangerous game other than blood and soil – the same cry of "Nazis" today.

I bet you faggots are all ugly.

Nah, I'm pretty good-looking.
Lolis often look my way, smile and say hello.

I'm pretty sure Evochron Mercenary hits all those points, plus racing, modular ship construction and colonization mechanics. It came out years ago and didn't bleed anyone's wallet for images.

Yeah I'm definitely not Brad Pitt. So I mask it with my cynicism and misanthropy. I think it's a fair exchange.

It'd be funny if it gets bought out by a publisher somehow.

Did they just blatantly rip offf Homeworld?

1 are 8 are the only fuggalbe ones

(((Chosen))) from the (((Promised Land))) here, I don't know a single person here who doesn't absolutely despise ultra-orthodox Jews. Secular people, non-Jews, left wing, right wing- they all get shit from Haredim. They're slowly taking over cities in Israel too. My old hometown has been overrun by them as of late.

1 is a golem that will do your bidding as long as you write your command on a small piece of paper and place it in it's mouth.
8 has an okayish face but might be preggers already.

Enjoy the enrichment.

Go away, kike.

Atleast now you know how the world feels about you.

people tend to walk the other way with me,how do you get lolis to say hello? or you just atractive enough

none of them work either and they breed like rats, they're kinda like muslims.

Are you a nigger?

no thanks god

I put on a smile and look them in the eyes.
Never have a beard.
I'm honestly sometimes surprised myself by the looks that I get.

Doesn't help much in the end, since I'm a KV.

Just being noticed feels nice, though, as rare as it is.

This fucking shit became a cult.


Shouldn't have worn bright pants.

1 is obese and has cankles, she looks like a typical mother past her prime. 8 is sort of cute but looks like she may be slightly retarded with that dopey face/expression.

What about 0?

this is the kind of humor i can appreciate :^)

First it was supposed to be a space sim where you pilot your ship directly. Early-on, they promised Oculus/VR support, so it was made first-person by default. When they got the first 800lb pallet of kickstarter money dropped at their door, they promised to add FPS elements, so it'd be the first space sim ever that actually allowed you to walk around inside your ship, disembark on planets and stations, and maybe even EVA in space. Just like your favorite sci-fi movie or show. Then when the money kept rolling in, people wanted to expand the FPS part so you can live the full life of a cool space guy- having han solo gunfights in bars, running and driving around planetside like Mass Effect, going into an actual representation of a store to buy stuff, and physically loading and unloading shit from your cargo bay like some kind of virtual UPS employee. Then people wanted consistency, so they promised the same mechanics would apply ANYWHERE you can explore on-foot, and it would all be seamless. And that's when the game fell apart under its own weight and they realized their engine of choice can't support this endeavor.

Didn't Werewolf Jones die


Does it still run on Amazon's CryEngine?

They also dropped the whole VR thing somewhere along the line.
We're yet to see that part, if 3.0 doesn't fix the horrible fps, then it will be true.

Basically yes, though with many many modifications.

Yeah but they've fucked it inside out with their meddling and I wouldn't be surprised if it's even worse than before.

This has infuriated me the most because it's the entire reason behind their persistent first person perspective and obsessive simulation of the human body in the player animations. And ED had it, and being able to look out your cockpit windows and see space in 3D with head tracking was magnificent. The only reason I backed SC in the first place was the VR part, and I sold my ship to a redditor when I realized this was never gonna happen.
I read something about cryengine being horribly inefficient at tracking objects in multiplayer and bogging down the CPU cycles and netcode with it. They exacerbated this problem by making ships explode into debris that you can collide with, so 30 seconds into a dogfight there's 6x more objects floating in space that the game has to track than when you began.

Wait, did they do that to themselves instead of keeping the first monies and trying to finish the game they originally planned out. Or was there always some ridiculous stretch goals from the beginning that idiots kept throwing money at to see how hilariously they can burn their money away. I thought I seen some feature creep in my days but obviously I thought wrong.

I want this shitshow to continue just to see how absurd it can keep spiraling out.

They did it to themselves. When they kept getting more money they had to keep inventing stretch goals and at some point started scrounging for any idea they could slap up there for another million dollars. Don't forget they only made like 2 million on kickstarter itself I think. After it ended they kept the fundraising going on their own site, where they made the rest.


I think they'll eventually (try to) do VR, they just probably decided that they have enough problems as is, without trying to run everything at 4k 90fps for next gen headsets.

I don't think they ever said they're not doing VR, they just stopped caring at some point and never mentioned it again. They're hoping everyone forgets so they don't have to.

A con-artist eh?

0 is decent. Pretty average, nothing terribly wrong but not much right.

Except the fact that her pussy produces matzah

but its a moon

David Pakman, a journalist who was willing to interview GGs side during the culture war a few years back.

Anybody else kind of sad that Derek Smart is the guy spearheading this anti Star Citizen campaign?

The man has no credibility, if it had been anyone else Chris Roberts wouldn't be making all this cash

Why are you sad about retards getting scammed? They couldn't have matched each other better. One is an incompetent dev way in over his head turned scammer. The other is the village idiot. Combined they are able to pull off the biggest heist of the entertainment industry yet. In fact, I am fairly sure it'd be way up in the list of most profitable heists in existence. People have stolen valuables and robbed banks less in total value than that fat sweaty fuck got in donations of the willing. I don't think you realize how truly remarkably amazing of a shit storm it's brewing up to be.

meant for


Second, you mean. The Precursors already has this.

Free matzah, oy vey! You godda phone number for that beautiful froy, fraynd?

And they're the fastest growing population too. Their welfare scams will eventually bankrupt Israel and lead to all kinds of fun times for the nation. How does it feel to be burned by the same poison you make the goyim take?

I mean sure, why not?

What about 0?

Just be really tall. Kids always pester me.

How the fuck did they think they'd pull that off past a bunch of space autists?

Most Star Citizen backers are of the "dude science lmao" variety. They don't know shit about actual astronomy.

The same way they convince people to spend thousands on .jpgs?

I find it entertaining since goons hate him.
And what magical scenario is this where the idiots falling for it would suddenly become smarter?

Sure, but they had to know there'd be at least a few genuine autists to call bullshit.

Because the one person being vocal about it wouldn't be a lying hack on the same level of Chris Roberts.

Meet a fan that killed himself after spending $30,000 on a scam.

I doubt most of the developers are in on the scam actually. The front men are probably just as clueless as the backers.

I have a friend who obsesses over space sims. He enjoyed No Man's Sky unironically, and I fear to know how much he's spent on JPGs. If he wasn't such a good friend I would mock him mercilessly. Probably still will when Star Shillizen shuts down.

What song is that?

If it was John Carmack or some other programmer who has a good reputation for making solid products who had written that Star Citizen is basically infeasible with current tech, I think a lot more plebs would have listened. Most people don't actually reason, they just listen to authority figures; in this field, Smart isn't considered an authority because he's a fucking hack, so normalfags won't respect or even consider his arguments.

You get what you deserve.

I don't think any reputable dev would write that SC is impossible with current tech because it's not impossible. Whether or not CIG is going to manage to deliver a working product is a different question, but I think even what they have now is fairly impressive. If only the multiplayer actually worked on the intended scale.

'Money laundering' implies the money was dirty *before* this process began.

Is Star Citizen the most jewish game every developed? 1/2 jew devs, frontman is a rabbi.

If it was going for this then shouldn't ship to ship combat would be virtually impossible at speed unless you were right on top of each other or had someone else managing your reverse thrust?

Needs to be redefined as: 'The devs are lazy cunts'.

Nothing good has ever come of this noise, just ugly, clunky disappointments peddled by bulshitters.

Uggo girls try to code to impress nerd bois. Doesn't work obviously.

She looks like Noel Fielding.

Looks like they discriminate against the pretty to me.

It also demonstrates a lack of understanding words. "Procedural" doesn't mean "random" but good luck getting the ring leaders and peanut gallery journos to ever acknowledge that. It's the same shit that happened to "app".

The initial plan was to completely block off planets from players and you could only access landing zones through a "masked loading screen", basically the ship being in forced autopilot for a certain amount of time. They started entertaining the idea of procedural tech only later on, then they decided to make more barren planets semi-procedural and fully open to players. This apparently worked well enough that they managed to make ArcCorp completely open too, which was the most difficult planet for this since it's covered in buildings entirely.
The important landing zones still remain largely handcrafted, and the procedural tech is also always combined with manual direction, much unlike procedural generation in NMS where it just shits out a gorillion planets. Obviously in SC you can also tell that it's procedural generation, but it's nowhere near the potato shit that you'd usually expect. Given the choice between no procedural planets with only landing zones accessible, this, and waiting fifty years for them to manually populate a 50%-Earth-sized planet tree by tree, what they're doing is easily the best option.

And "troll" now that I think of it. There's probably billion other examples and these kikes won't stop until we're reduced to speaking in binary grunts and yelps.

Chris Roberts, known for Wing Commander, a cool game where you kill space japanese cat aliens. A pity, what he has become.



Did they hire space aliens?

read that as discriminating based on hooks

They'd be smarter because Derek wouldn't be keeping all the Smart to himself

8 looks the most normal and cute of them all.

Hmmmm…. I can work with that I guess.


Fug, forgot to upscale.

That looks like benis.

Only because you got dubs of three. Here, new version out. Still better game than Shekel Yidizen imho.

I don't think I've even spent that much on video games in my life.

Literally children in Africa would have saved if those money spent somewhere else

Well you are deviously smart, satan.

Are you serious? How can they justify that? If was dumb enough to buy a $750 virtual spaceship I'd expect to be able to fly it.

There's heroin addicts that haven't spent that much on dope in their whole lives.

If you're dumb enough to pay $750 for a digital item you're dumb enough not to figure out you're getting scammed.

Wtf i love scam citizen now!

It's probably better if the money went to some scam than africa because those saved children would just have more children that would need saving too.

So, you're spending money on nothing or you're spending money on nothing.

No they wouldn't.

Well you are the lord of darkness, I'd figure you'd be pro-piracy all the way.

Still I get what you mean exalted one.

Africa is a fucking is a black hole for currency, you throw money into it and nothing changes except the black hole gets bigger.

Even putting Derek Smart aside for a sec, I would hope that most normalfaggots at least have enough sense to see that Scam Citizen looks like a feature creep monstrosity that gives them second thoughts.

But it's all just background art. There's still just that one landing zone, but now there's a massive amount of "city" you can't do anything with. It's beautiful but has no gameplay value. Basically, SC in a nutshell.

Normalfags were too busy being wowed and ultimately disappointed by No Man's Sky to even know this game exists. They probably think "feature creep" is some ASSFAGGOTS term too.

Some of them have started to realize it and express doubt, but the community then shuns them as 'trolls' and silences them. It's very culty.

A month ago they were mocking E:D as 'space trucking' and now here we are.

This is a fucking internet cult.

Never 4get

Now to get Mark to roll on it.

Not even C64 cassette games took that long to load.

They don't even talk about it anymore. I wonder how much money is clogging that particular toilet. It was the Wing Commander experience people originally wanted before the bait and switch, and is now an optional $15 addon to the jpeg ownership sim.


It would maybe make sense in Pixar Rendering Farm Simulator but not here.

Anybody who is a fan of "WWII Naval Battles But In 'Space'" is not anywhere near what I would call a "space austist."

The real space autists are playing Children of a Dead Earth, Rogue System, or even Kerbal Space Program.

I fucking love autism. Is Children of a Dead Earth worth playing? I mainly play Factorio and KSP in between doing gamedev stuff these days.

daily reminder that if your waifu's name contains alliteration she's low teir
get mark to roll this shit already

I knew people that was so desperate for any wing commander or privateer type space game that they defended buying Numalesky. Though not a huge suprise barely a month later they never talk about it again.

Yeah I heard about that. Might be that thing with people who have sunk a substantial amount not wanting to escape the hole they dug because that would mean admitting they threw a fair amount of money away down a burning ditch.

Next meta thread someone post it for mark to roll.

Their dogshit programming can't support this endeavor, the engine is fine. KSP does all of this while constantly running full physics simulation for your space ship, running at stable high framerate, and it's made in fucking Unity to boot.


I would this one if she lost the beer belly.

You must hate the real life caverns, mountains and forests and everything humans had created without planning well ahead, because it's the same random bunch of shit rather than well designed piece of scenery.

Pants on head retarded example, if you're looking for a setting to enable challenging and fun gameplay randomly generated shit is just that, random.
It has a great chance to be utterly shit and a low chance of randomly being good with the gameplay elements at play.

For a counter example say you want to go golfing, practically no area is suitable for it if it hasnt been tended to by humans. Or racing.

That's true but example is right nonetheless. It generates a planet that looks like a normal planet - primordial, arbitrary, with no rhyme or reason, built only by natural physcal processes. Just like planet Earth.

I suppose gamers had been spoiled with video games presenting very small worlds jam packed with features and things to do. Real words are monotonous, often barren, and devoid of distinguishing features and landmarks let alone fun quests.

Hey spoilers alert ya fug, some people still want to play shekel citizen fresh!


Space Engine exists either way.

Lurk 13.7 billion years before posting.

I went looking it up since I didn't believe it was real, it's still horrifying. It's got a description like "rabbis play in the ocean a dawn" or something. It's like a fucking fever dream, jesus christ.

Checked. Truly the most hideous race on earth besides niggers.

No one cares kike.

Dubs confirm. Israel will be the first nation to collapse.




Huh, first I've heard of it. Looks cool. Skimming it over at wikipedia.
Interesting if they follow through with it or get some deals with a studio that can create a good game with it.


The thing is Nature is not "Randomly generated" and does have a good degree of rhyme and reason in why it is the way it is. Geologists can explain most of that shit very easily. Not to mention, it looks a gorillion times better than the ugly mess that any procedural bullshit that CIG or anyone else can shit out.

You damn fool, you literally rolled the only one who looks decent on the bunch.

I will listen to your repeating digits.
I misread "shekel citizen" as "star citizen", my bad

This is like finding pictures of a hot chick and realizing she only does softcore.

Hmm, that would explain the high priced high grade cappucino machine on Chris's side of the office, if they still have that.
I just remembered they had or maybe still have that reality show type contest for the CGI ships.
The Next Great Starship
Not going to embed it, some other brave soul can go webum it if they want.

Rolling for a 8 or a 0

Hell I at least play it very so often. 3000 hours and counting somehow. That's still 1000 hours of actual gameplay of you remove the loadscreens, animations and supercruise.

Rollin for a kike to gas.

This isn't just gameplay padding, forumdad's ACTUALLY like waiting for "immersive purposes", elite didn't have to have the "countdown" for supercruise but forumdads fought for every second during beta testing so now I have to wait even longer for this shitty load screen.

In this SC case it might be the devs, but there's no doubt there are boring old nerds who just want to sit in a game that noone else plays because otherwise their influence is lost. I wasn't dumb enough to buy a game that had lots of promises from scratch nothing.

Rarely do those companies actually succeed. They always fall apart as the code complexity gets significantly harder and their intellect and ability is stretched.

I kinda understand where he is coming from but adding downtime as a gameplay element is definitely not the way to go. If anything you should mimic Euro Truck Simulator and give the player a constant but mild need for input.


I wonder if a publisher will step in if they see scam citizen tumbling down, for the IP or assets. Maybe just to get the furniture and coffee maker.

Margyrine Baker does not have that penalty though. Her penalty is she's limited to stone tools only.

that was glorious

Say what you will about the goons, but they've been on to this scam from the start…

Imagine being this retarded.

You've got a bright career in games journalism ahead of you. Choose wisely.

Hi Derek. You seem to be lost, >>>Holla Forums is this way. Also, is that really the best picture you still have of yourself? And the Coke machine says hi.

So how many jpegs do you own, user?

I am truly enjoying the show.


They are going to be adding a lot more landing zones that are less handcrafted and more procedurally generated. On ArcCorp it is just visuals otherwise, but on other planets you will have quests, exploration, mining, farming, so to some extent it definitely adds to the gameplay. But yes, it is above all about the visuals, I mean if it wasn't, you'd be getting NMS-tier planets.

As they said during the presentation, in the game you will never have 8 minutes of sitting around doing nothing in fast travel, it will be interrupted both by non-hostiles and hostiles.
I guess they could add some sensor work that would give you information on threats and areas where you can achieve higher speeds, and if the player wanted it they could swerve around to get to the destination faster.

They're not going to be adding anything decent (124), its going to be a fucking mess just like it always has been since the beginning.
It took them nearly 2 years just to get hanger mode up.

Every spesh game says that. E&B had interdictors, Jumpgate had troll asteroids, X Stillbirth had aggressive driving, etc. but it never ends up being more than what it appears to be. A loading screen.
And those were games with gameplay in them. We're 6 years into SC and it might go another year without even fetch quests. This isn't a developer we can expect to reinvent space gameplay.

Ex EA CEO would be proud

For better or worse they've been giving a lot of thought to gameplay, at least on paper, haven't seen that much of it implemented yet. In any case, it's not these things the game hinges on, it's the multiplayer performance.

Again, I don't really see any good alternatives. If you enable fast travel, then scale loses its meaning. Adding some more or less gimmicky shit to do while getting to your destination is about all there is to it, and hope that SC's brand of gimmicky shit will be decent enough. I imagine it's really only going to hit single players that aren't doing anything super important, thinking back to Pulsar before we realized we could just skip jumps, 2-2.5 minutes of waiting isn't that bad between encounters so long as you're in MP with others on board.

agreed, 0 is best 4 is also not bad

what the fuck is a KV?

There's no way, they HAVE to be in on it.

If scale is just going to be tedium, then there's no reason to have scale. A game with a 24 player limit really has no business aiming for scale to begin with.
Ah, 'fun with friends'.

As the leddit post said, the point of scale is so you can't just complete any transport or delivery mission at next to no effort and conversely you can't just reach anyone and attack them whenever it suits you.
That's a per local instance limit, whatever it will be. So if you get pulled out of fast travel, you enter one local instance, and up to X number of people might be there. Not a per system limit where the entire solar system has 24 players. But aside from that, it doesn't say anything about the amount of NPCs you can have in an instance, and you will presumably mostly be running into NPCs.
You have more shit to do when you have to coordinate with others and check on what they're doing, as opposed to sitting in your single seater and seeing every piece of information and being in complete control of everything.

You know if this game ever actually comes out could anons we just bought the bare bones pass back in 2014 get together and form a Nazi guild?

We could ruthlessly exterminate all non whites that we can from the game and cause massive butthurt.

Does anyone know what the Goon's involvement with this game is?

Are they planning on taking it over like EVE online?

I don't think there are enough people here who still have a ship to make even a half-decent org. It's probably gonna be gay furfags or nothing for us.

Fuck off faggot, SC ecompasses the worst attributes of the game industry, but let me revert my opinions because some anonymous faggot said its not that bad.
Also we can larp as NAZIS!111 SO KEWL!111

Maybe we could recruit some retards from TRS?

The success of Holla Forums has created a bunch of non user useful idiots for us to use.

Seriously kill yourself before you hurt someone

You think SC encompasses the worst attributes in the game industry because you can't be bothered to read anything but memes and funny image compilations about it. SC is plenty fucking shit, but it's nowhere near as bad some people make it out to be. I also don't want you to play with me, I don't know where you got that impression. Hell, I wouldn't pay the price they are asking for it now, some 60 shekels for MP only, 90 with SP.

Between that and halfchan, I'd probably rather take halfchan. Thankfully space related stuff still attracts some of the good kind of autists even there.

Fuck, I knew I forgot about something. Would've loved to watch this shitshow live.
>watch twitch stream

Anti-loli is a Jewish invention to get us to waste most of our women's fertile years and send them through schooling for a job since we have no other use for them young.

It was much more dry this year. No gameplay, no roleplay, and Intel ads.

Unironiclly kill yourself

We're already killing ourselves, user.

Stop projecting.

I apologize. I hope you and your three or more children are doing well.

Seek help dan schneider

I doubt he actually has any.

It's true though. When you're presented with a game with more or less realistic scale (e.g. Arma) you complain about bullshit distances between locations and completely barren land, even though that's the realistic way of doing it.

Maybe where they started constantly delaying everything to +1 years using excuses like "animation desync"
Maybe where they started selling JPGs back in 2015 for ships that are STILL not released?

Maybe their cult like behavior?

Naw man it can't be that it just has to be one big conspiracy against you.

The Jews know that little girls and racism are strengths. They convince you otherwise, so you'll die.


It's supposed to be shown at the end of ther year.
At least that's what the cult members keep on parroting.
I wonder what excuse they'll have when nothing is going to be shown.

They'll just put on a fancy trailer and end it with "Coming 2025" and their piggy banks will lap it up and give them another $10 millions.

Oy vey you can't do that, only "coming soon" is allowed


Oh, but you can, you just need to indefinitely say it's coming next year.

shekel citizen is going to be one of the biggest disasters of the time, and we get to watch it grow and eventually miscarriage like a baby except it takes ten years


Will the ride ever end?

I just wanted a shinier Freelancer. At least he never got my shekels.


You just reminded me I need to re-encode that for the new 16MB limit. Maybe. Also maybe fix the thumbnail by tweaking the length a bit.

Imagine being this autistic.

delete this!

They tried early in the dev cycle, but the devs btfo'd them. They're aware of Goons and what Goons do to games. There was a post from a couple of years back but I can't be fucked finding it. Some SJW bitch demanded a safe space for women and then REEEquit when she was told she can just make an Organization and only invite women.

I see you, Schlomo.

that gave me a good chuckle

I wish someone would make a VN where all the heroines are Semitic goblins.

>>>Holla Forums

Uuum, user. Didn't they say the game is instanced to like 12 players or somthing? No user swarms, no fleet battles.

What an amazing and irrefutable argument.
You use Jewish tactics while claiming others are jews.

That is pretty homophobic :^)

I seem to recall modded Freelancer could do better.

It's currently 24, in 2.6. They will be releasing a netcode patch with 3.0 and another one after 3.0, no idea how much it will improve things.

See that vid of the orthodox kikes spitting on the jew army woman?

Like Alfie by Incase?

Please be 8.

You could buy an actual real fucking ship for that much and learn to sail.

What actually makes my blood boil is that this man will """invest""" $30k into an obvious scam, but I'd imagine the thought of using that money to do some good in the world never crossed his mind.

The one on the left of the midget is pretty cute, the one on the right of it isn't so bad, either. I'd even bang the one with the excessive amount of eye shadow.

Off by one, you know what to do.
Buy some jpg ships. That new wife you rolled demands it.
