Losing control?
Whats your favorite game that you feel like only you played?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite game that you feel like only you played?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was this really good game on the ps1 that i can not remember the name of.
Akuji the heartless i think is the name.
There's not that much here on Holla Forums. I do remember playing a shitload of demos from the Playstation mag.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
I'm sleepy because my sleep schedule is wonky the last couple of days.
Going to try to get some beer when my folks leave the house and get max comfy. Watched 6th day today for my new movie morning ritual, always loved that one.
Hey guys.
I played some more of AC5 today. It's shaping up to be a good game so far. I only have a few questions. Is setting the voices to english, playing on normal despite this being my first AC game, and having the normal controls instead of the novice controls all good things? I don't want to make the experience too easy for myself.
There's at least one other user on here that I know have played it, but it's certainly not one that's been played much in general.
How goes user
Whats good in the hood monica
Coffee > Alcohol.
Posting here isn't good for you.
What happened in the last couple of days?
Isn't that Metal Gear?
They're both trash.
Dont worry, it gets harder. You can always replay it on a harder difficulty too.
Going to retake the math test tomorrow. Hopefully i get math 070. I was only like 2 points off too.
Fuck the cicadas on F28. Instant kill on the whole party. Im not dealing with that shit.
Tea > all
Sailor moon fighting game on the 3D0. That game was ok until you his the super moon fight.
This is a modern woman, very typical of what I have to deal with at work.
Terminal Velocity
Tea > coffee
Nothing matters anyway
With my sleep schedule?
I often fall into a nap routine where I can't stay up for too long because I only had a nap, and I can't sleep very long because I napped earlier. The last couple of days I've been not napping but still only getting a few hours of sleep.
Morning friends
Leg pains are gone, just the lump where the clotted vein is and some mild discomfort at this point. Work is boring as usual.
ritsu who is that faggot in the duel links campaign
Urban Chaos. Very fun to cook people with tasers
european extreme is the hardest difficulty in MGS3, isn't it?
Not much. Found a complete copy of Gradius V today and got it for about $15, which from what I've seen is a pretty good price. Seems a bit odd that a Shmup averages like $35, but that's what I've seen it go for in the past. Not sure if it's a game that didn't see a big print or just one people tend to hold onto.
This guy gets it.
cosmo's cosmic adventure
Feel like? That one source engine mod about being random and racist. I forget what it's called but I think it's named after a drug. How's everyone tonight?
Looks like biomenace.
Morning lads, how've you all been today?
What are you all playing currently?
I'm started Fatal Frame 2 and picked back up Valkyrie Drive tonight. Also playing some Crimzon Clover World Ignition on the side.
There's two in particular:
I bought it used at GameStop as a kid on the cheap, had never heard of it and thought it looked cool. Got stuck at some part eventually and just dropped it all together.
rented it from a CineMagic as a kid, never heard anyone EVER talk about it. I never beat it either, since my parents hated renting games because they were so much more expensive than movies. It wouldn't be until years later that I discovered it actually had something of a cult following.
mornin ritsu.
6th Day? Never heard of that one.
I just watched Blade Runner (Final Cut) for the first time today though, I loved it. I can't believe I waited so long to watch it.
Dubs of truth lad.
the only acceptable way to drink coffee is black
Is 070 the not dumb people math?
How goes user
God I hate working with stupid people more than anything.
How goes user
Some GX faggot. I never watched that series so dunno. His cards seem cool though and luckily I now have enough cards to build a farm deck so I'm pretty happy.
Was it called Crack Life?
I was a NEET before I joined the military. After getting out I'm a worthless NEET again. Been a NEET now for 6 months and it's like being in Limbo in Dantes Inferno. Someone put a fucking bullet in my head because I lack the will for suicide.
I hate that shit, it's what my schedule was like for a while.
You gonna be ok now?
Went back to Witcher 2 to finishe Iorveth's side of the campaign. Fucking hell I'll always hate The Endless battle.
070 is one class above the lowest. I was never good at math anyway.
This too
Kill yourself
Nice for you that the pain is gone.
Its because those games have a distinct group of autists who want to buy them with small runs usually.
yee das rite
How goes anons
Haven't seen blade runner in a decade or so, will add it to the list. Where da yoza booty at
Bought some movies today for cheap. Still waiting on my 3DS to come back from getting fixed, and on the computer part I need. Very boring not being able to do most of what i want to do. Movies are
I've seen a few anons bring it up. Actually picked up a cheap copy that's on my backlog. Without saying anything as to the quality of it before playing it myself, I'm actually kind of surprised Sony saw fit to give it a digital rerelease, given how it doesn't seem to be real popular. I mean, they sure didn't do so for Tsugunai, (which SCEJ owns the rights to in Japan).
That has an even less played sequel, Forever Kingdom.
Unless I was misdiagnosed everything's gonna be daijoubou
if rather get some more destiny hero's as they seem pretty cool though
Ive been listening to jordan b peterson's lectures while playing my games. He has some good shit.
After having two days off in a row, I begin to realize how much I miss NEET life. That pain usually goes away after a few days of work.
Yeah, but it still seems odd that a single, apparently seven level, scrolling shooter would go for so much. I mean, at least with Metal Slug Anthology, that might be like $40 for the PS2 these days, but it's at least a compilation of seven games.
Well just found out jello pudding contains GMO ingredients. Thats got me pretty confused since it is pudding not some extremely advanced pre made thanks giving turkey meal or something. I guess i am not really that surprised though.
Get a comfy security job with your military experience. How long were you in user?
It happens to me for months on end and its sorta comfy but also miserable
Better than nothing
Which dredd?
Destiny hero plasma seems badass.
I'm hoping the god cards come sooner rather than later. They will get powercrept too bad otherwise.
I quit a 3 month job years ago because I got 4 days off in a row and couldn't go back to work cause of it.
Gradius is pretty big name at least
I cant stand the neet life anymore. After a while it gets boring.
The newer one with Karl Urban. I've seen all of them I bought before. Bought them because I like them
You're much better off, trust me.
Well, I hope good things happen to you from now on.
I fucking hate it, ruins a lot of plans.
All i need for my major is math 070 anyway. Having a school teach retards and mexicans it working out really well.
Isn't everything you don't grow yourself GMO these days?
Why buy movies though
Start getting ready for never getting a job while you live ever again. Join the permenent NEET club with ritsu.
I know of the feeling.
What does that mean you are learning? Calculus? Statistics?
morning everyone, maganon here. just got done shooting some videos and I'm feeling kinda weird. can anybody recommend a comfy movie to fall asleep to?
I feel like I'm the only person who LOVED Super Godzilla for the SNES. I still think it's a great game, but it's really hard
Basic algebra.
Yeah, I'm going to be honest that I'm not regular looking at NES games so that might explain why I never see I and II around here much (assuming they were for that system), but I see the III and IV PS2 bundle occasionally, and V even more rarely.
how do you neets do it though. It's hell. Then again I just play vidya all day like a worthless faggot. Balance in all things.
the only thing I disliked about that game
It's pretty great. I finally understand the whole "tears in the rain" bit now too. I'm dying to see the new Blade Runner now.
you're so needy, go buy a ps4 and peach beach splash for yourself. I'm done with Senran Kagura for a while, now that I've beaten it.
you and me both, I figured that would've been preeettty low on their list of "PS2 on PS4"
never knew it had a sequel. I'll have to pick Evergrace up again and play it sometime.
me too user, but having money to support my hobby is pretty nice
because i liked them
Yeah, it fucking crashed on me during there. Fucking rage quit. I'll go back to it later.
Good thing I'm a NEET whos only daily plan is 4am.
Ohhhhh nice. What other classes you have to take like that?
Feeling weird how?
Don't collect NES stuff at all?
Mum's been asking what I want for xmas, I have no clue what to get so maybe a ps4 will be a good thing. Will hold me over til I fix my PC anyway. What games are good on it?
Adventures of Cookie and Cream.
True. and who know when some family member is gonna throw some debt on me for something I did years ago. To be honest, If I ever feel suicidal enough and I'm ready to die, I'll just barricade every entry way to my room and let myself die slowly from starvation or dehydration. Whichever comes first.
So today I dropped the wrong class that I needed to graduate from college. It won't be offered at my college until next fall and I am unsure if it will have enough students at another college in the spring at some other college 45 mins away. I can try to get it replaced with the class I am taking but I doubt it it would be replaced.
Why not like download them and buy merch instead
How goes user
goes well fam, just wanted to get that off my chest
It was something like that I think.
I'm ok.
Gotta put that kosher poison in everything (((they))) can.
Escape inna woods already then.
English 101, which is the highest i could test into. diversity studies. And some humanities which is some kind of secondary language and i dont think they have jap there so im just gonna take spanish so i can trash talk the peruvians online.
don't know if I can describe it, ritsu. kinda proud and kinda embarrassed and kinda worried
get a night audit job, I NEET it up on my days off learning useful shit like how to cook and on my work nights I just shitpost with anons on cytube
because i liked them
Do you think i could survive in the woods here?
Ask for a fixed pc.
Do anything fun today?
See if they have something like russian instead
Did you do porn mag user?
I don't really know what parts broken and am too dumb to figure it out and also too dumb to replace the part and it'd be a waste to get the wrong thing.
>going to (((college)))
Stop that.
Is that a job where you can avoid human contact completely? I want something like that.
At least Wild Arms 3 got a rerelease on the PS4, though that's honestly not a rare game at all. Would have been nicer if whoever was doing the spellchecking for the text on the PSN description hadn't typoed "drifters" and "drivers", because that's by no means a racing game.
Never had an NES myself, and most of what I'm interested in playing on it didn't see a western release anyhow, older systems being prone to having fan-translation scenes.
they're good movies
Oh same. But there's some things I just delay because of that shit.
They might have russian and it would come in handy to trash talk the russians online or when the civil war comes
no but I made a bunch of terrorist threats and basically revealed my power level on camera
Pretty much every sound novel on the SFC and PSX. I was blow away one time when some posted a picture of the cover art of 夜想曲 on cuckchan one time but I soon found out they didn't speak Japanese they judged played the game anyway. How the fuck do you play a sound novel if you don't understand it? I guess the artwork is cool bu it's all story you need the cohesion of artwork and narrative to really get the experience.
I need details.
there's that new k-on game on ps4, I don't think it's getting translated though.
You're a fucking idiot.
What nip games you like on it?
What makes them good movies
The only time I have to do anything really is go buy snus once a week, and I just plan my naps around that
Oh in getting a job as a hacker for the next election
See you in the fema camp user
I realised why the cianigger A.I is obsessed with lain. The implication being that 8ch and Holla Forums hating jews as opposed to (((kikes))) was planned out 20 years in advance. Not a very fun day for such.
Where's "here"? If it's not a desert you will be fine as long as you prep for winter properly or stay close to a city/town to dumpster dive.
You are pathatic. Improve yourself already faggot.
high quality
To be honest, I just wanna keep making money at work until I get let go for one reason or another. Then I'll just live off that money until I need another job, or I could just kill myself and hope I don't reincarnate upon death. When I die, I want my own personal place in heaven with all the vidya, food, and waifus. It's all that matters now.
Nah, if the russians invade during the civil war i could actually communicate with them.
Im in a literal desert.
You dont go to heaven if you kill yourself.
I played a little OOT, it's decent for playing in the background while watching something.
What? Are you thinking of the ps3 game cause I haven't heard of a ps4 one
How goes user
And what else
You've been warned. He knows about this place. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pain, or pity, or remorse. And he absolutely will not stop until you are dead.
What's even your hobby?
quality that is not low
Well shit.
You best be getting out of that hellhole, or you are fucked long term unless you survive soley on scavanging or stealing.
God is a faggot for not letting me murder myself.
Some iraqi ps2 demo disc, I mean I can't remember it for shit other than potentially frying my memory card.
I don't want to tease it but basically it was for a few really dark comedy sketches. I think they'll be funny but I don't like being publicly mean
I hope not
That first half is what I do, its max comfy.
The second part would be really nice but sadly probably not going to happen. We can all dream though.
I don't think anyone would invade during a civil war. Americans are too crazy to try to hold the territory after, like the middle east 10x.
They'd probably just send supplies to the rebels though.
God I love OoT. I played this summer? Last summer? Recently. Would play again soon though.
oof, my condolences
Buckle up amigo, I got a list:
sounds like there's a rough story here…
That's pretty much what I'm doing.
doesn't work that way muchacho
playing videogames, spending more money than I should on various things, like adding games to my collection or commissioning art, and watching movies.
Im gonna stand my ground until the nukes fly.
God wants you to live.
Literal shit fetish. Pussy > ass
Alright about to sleep soon I didn't even realize what time it was I was listening to a podcast about the History of English language and playing Deus Ex and wound up turning off the podcast to get a good listen to some of the music which is mostly generic Unreal sounding shit but there are a few good tracks.
I dunno, where the buffalo roam perhaps?
I can help you with that.
Can he be stopped?
How goes user
If they give us old consoles to play split screen on, it'd be fun
Cya next time user
Awful pic. Still too much assholr plus the latex is digusting.
programmer, but you still gotta communicate by email and phone
Talking shit about persona 5
I can't imagine being that devoted to a 3D Zelda.
Oh yeah, I forgot the reason I showed up today. If you ever end up getting on PC for any length of time, or just want to bidya for the sake of it, we can vidya again. I am now disappearing from the thread.
I spent like the first 6 years of my life playing OOT. Its some good shit but not the best game ever.
das rite
Its not one of my favorite games or anything, but the two n64 zelda's have such an insanely comfy atmosphere
hung out with my mom a bit, now she just texted me about 10 minutes ago at 1:20 am info on a city job that only requires a GED and starts at 53K
Fuck off (you)
tl;dr parents forced me into uni and then dropped the student loan debt onto me. Now it might happen again with the last time I sent my truck in for repairs despite the main issue not even being fixed.
what's wrong with Persona 5
sounds good, do you have my steam? I'm on a PC gaming kick now that i'm done with Senran Kagura.
Well, I've been meaning to give Lagrange point a go sometime, as I've heard the unique audio chip it has makes for a unique experience (seems silly Konami would have one made and use it in just a single game). Just not sure what emulators are actually equipped to emulate said audio chip.
Seriously, the only things you're "driving" are horses and your sandship to get from town to town and hunt hugeass dunesea monsters with. Also maybe Lombardia, but I don't thing a dragon, even a biomechanical one, would take kindly to be treated like a car. No racing. But really, it's not like I expect Sony to give a fuck a this point. After all, they deemed the series no longer fit for their line of systems and have exiled it to mobile reboot hell.
She cute brah?
Weebshit needs to burn
I have no clue when it comes to that kind of stuff tbh
Im Thinking of getting some light and dark blue body paint and going as demi-fiend for halloween. Good idea or bad idea?
what did he mean by this?
Waiting for a shipment. Cant sleep
It's a me, that one faggot.
t. Waifufag that has an anime waifu from a weebshit nip cartoon
I'm fat tbh
I haven't watched that in years. good idea, user
will you play gunstar heroes with me in hell ritsu
lets say she may be over 50 but I'm glad I got some of my genes from her
Here's your (you) ritsu. 10/10 bait
The problem is that's it's not even weebshit it's just a mediocre game that has cartoon style graphics. I always like the older games where you only had one character that could use the personas but it still has sailor moon tier personas. Also I have let played the Japanese yet only the English as the coice acting is so annoying. It sounds and kinda looks like that Carherine game escort instead of solving blocks puzzles in your underwear you're some faggot version of phantom of the opera beating up people with your slaves
I still can't get over this, no matter how many times you say it.
Go jerk off to your cartoons you bunch of nerds!
What'd you order?
Never played
Hows the foot game
I do it all the time ;^)
Anyway, that shit I got written up. Proofreading now. Also throwing things off of a roof has to be one of the more entertaining things in life.
Ammo and a crate of guns.
What guns?
oof. That's pretty awful of them, just plain wrong. Forcing you to go do something you weren't even sure about doing and then kicking you in the dick for it.
That all sounds pretty awful user. How many years of Uni did you take before stopping? I hope it wasn't many for your sake…
I haven't played any of the Wild Arms games yet.
a fate worse than death
I knew it was YOU I couldnt' remember your steam tbh I'll add you.
yeah agreed. And really looking forward to reading it. You ever drop a light tube off a roof? they powderize
it's class man, I'm tellin u
I just have a general dislike of jrpgs really
How do you order a crate of guns to your house
here spider, have a you, good luck fam
K-on is the undisputed intercontinental world heavy weight champion of anime
She got cute feet or what brah
Persona and SMT in general are better about the JRPG gameplay tropes.
at least someone cares
Fancy things I'm going to chop up according to ATF rules so I can give them the 922r treatment only to hear endless bitching about why they ain't working right out of the box.
By having money and the clearance for it.
Yeah, I've shot boxes of them. Not too healthy for anything near it though.
It was only about 1 year, so I'm kinda safe. It could've been MUCH worse.
If you like JRPGs, they're quite enjoyable, and have very good music. Actually a bit surprised Sony let the series go on for as long as they did, given how prone they are to abandoning franchises after anywhere from a single generation to a single game.
yeah fam
no idea
Im heading to bed. Night.
Absolutly disgusting
Atleast im only going to a 2 year college with a grant so no debt for me.
I stole your (You) again… damn…
Gunstar Heroes is a good game tho
what do you think of lucky star
I used to let people break them over my head on camera in highschool. probably why I'm so retarded today
Do you have an FFL? Do you own any cool shit?
Persona really shit in SMT's cereal. Its why I dislike it
Cya next time user
Lucky channel is the only good part of it
Yes, and Yes. I've got all the shit great gramps captured from the Germans and other parts of his collection sitting back home. Fuck the NFA, the GCA of 68 and every other cancer than came after it. Nothing like being six and being told to tap the trigger on a fucking flamethrower.
I'm never gonna use my phone to post on here again because I'm so spoiled by Adblock on my computer.
I downloaded a bunch of games once and didn't pay Apple so now i just keep the games on a backup and refuse to pay ten cause fuck Apple
Sent from iPhone
I'm legit triggered.
Translation: It's really-well-known weebshit
Ah I only did that myself 1 year plus a bit of interest has me up to $12,000 in debt. Fucking kill me. I haven't paid a dime of it yet either. It's on forbearance until February. Then I'll have no more forbearance. Dunno what I'm gonna do; guess I'll be seeing what kind of things I can do for loan forgiveness or something.
I'll have to emulate the first one sometime on my RP3 then. Another one for the backlog…
Dude nice. I've always wanted a flamethrower. Really should get one before they end up banned at some point.
You know it to be true.
Its fame dies down more and more as time goes on sadly.
Believe it or not flamethrowers for the most part aren't regulated what so ever due to them being out of the publics eye.
Fuck off.
Oh I know. Thats why I want to get one before some idiot like pelosi decides to bring them up. Or somebody does an attack with one.
Now that's an amazing (((coincidence))) if I ever did see one.
it's just frustrating that people feel the need to use the tools of our enemies tbh
I don't think (you) understand how fucked you are
Its good when a show is popular in nippon. It means you get more OVAs, merch, figs, games etc
But it doesn't mean there's good translation unfortunetely.
are you the SJW like?
Why do you guys keep living? Sometimes I find myself asking that after a bad day at work, and wonder if I really wanna keep doing this for the next few years. Do I really wanna spend the next 40-50 years of my life working a job I don't like?
in japan sure, anywhere else fuck no
killing my self at 30 tbh
Thats why I'm NEET and will probably die when I can't be anymore.
Just keep hoping you find something you like/win the lottery/die in a random car crash on the way to work
Thats one great thing about anime is for the most part it caters exclusively towards the japanese market
I'm new. Not familar with your kikery terms yet. Fuck off cianigger botnet.
Apparently, some people have no brain and can do that stuff no problem. Other people get fucked up, and end up going there anyway regardless of how much they hate it, and they repeat this for years. They'll complain about it a fuckload and then go back to it the next.
what happened to the last guy like?
What did he meme by this? I haven't changed as a person?
nigga (you) changed mayne (you) changed
What are you working for in the first place? Do you have a family to support or something? No. You have nothing. You should probably just kill yourself since the novelty wore off of the entertaining things you thought you liked.
No not really. Same person, just not wise to your kikery yet, you faggot cianigger A.I.
same gay* tbh
I've been working at a call center helping people with their internet problems.
Honestly you might be right. I can't think of any video games that I've poured a bunch of hours into in a long time.
Just, like, read philosophy and achieve higher purpose lmao
Interesting timeline.
no u tbh
Every time I read philosophy I find myself getting confused and trying to undertstand what he meant by this. I'm not exactly the brightest person I know when it comes to philosophy.
Several reasons:
1) My family, more importantly, my little brother and sister. I know they will both need me after my parents pass, I'm sure. Plus I'm the one my parents will be trusting the main part of assets to. My dad doesn't trust my older half-brother, who's proven himself a lying scumbag. My sister on the other hand, while no such thing, is too emotionally driven.
2) My hobby. Despite all the things awful with the world, I can always escape to games. And if/when I finally ever tire of the new stuff coming out, I have a hell of a backlog to go through.
3) I simply could never kill myself. I'd sooner just live and suffer rather than kill myself. Even if I'd lost all meaning in my life. If all of my loved ones had passed and if I became blind or paralyzed, unable to enjoy my hobbies, I would still just continue on. I'm banking at getting my wizard powers in 7 and a half years though tbh
Here's a tip: Fuck all is meant, how can you take whatever is measured and apply it to people you know? How do people you like act? How do people you dislike act? Under the scope of philosophy, it becomes clear that politics should be viewed under a transcendental lense built on the foundations of philosophy. This is the starting point at which you can begin to find meaning in life. No, it's not picking a political party or anything like that, but rather, finding out why you do what you do and how to find things that will keep you sane, fulfilled, and away from normalfags.
work at a job you like retard
Sounds better than my family. Everyone hates me for one reason or another, my younger sister is more likely to get any assets if they die, my sister constantly tells me I'm an asshole, she starts screaming like a banshee if you call her out on her bullshit, and resorts to violence if that doesn't work. It's like your modern leftist without actually being a leftist.
That's much easier said than done when you're an autist with nothing really going for you in life.
user I make 18K a year spending 3/4ths of the night shitposting with anons 4 nights a week and I don't want to change to the job my mom just texted me for 53K
you can find a job you like more than money
It's not something you just read caually. If you don't understand why Socrtates was asking the people of athens things like "What is justice?" then theres no hope for you. And if you uncritically read and agree with contemporary (((philosophers))) like Noam Chomsky then you're just as hopeless. Philosophy isn't some linear progression like a movie. We moderns take the history of philosophy for granted since we've condensed the big ideas into TV friendly slogans that help us rationalize our unsustainable consumer culture. The truth is Philosophy took a wrong turn somewhere, and that the entire so-called Enlightenment was based not on truth and reason but on sophistry and human desire for what we wish was true. Philosophy is a lifelong pursuit with no conclusions that can't be summed up by anything some dude said in a book somewhere because just like everything else in nature, our perception of truth changes as we find that what we once thought were true no longer are. This sounds like it legitimizes post-modernism, but post-modernists have decided to reject the idea of an objective truth entirely, and that's just insane.
That won't happen. They're rare enough as is.
Also this.
To spite all the assholes who wish to see me dead and scattered to the wind, not to mention I've got a few people who I honestly give a damn about and I sure as fuck would like to grow old with one of them.
I'm going to bed. See you guys next thread.
get a job you like user, have a good ngiht
night fams