Can this be modded?

theHunter: Call of the Wild has the perfect engine for a zombie survival game.

Reskin some of the animals into zombies, add visuals for a nuclear fallout atmosphere and make a system for a shelter builder.

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You know very well the first mod that would come from here would be the player turned into Moonman hunting gypsy jew niggers through the forest.

God damn. Have you actually played this game? How does it run? Is it good? It looks far better than I usually expect from hunting simulators.

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Don't you have enough of this shit being 20% of all available vidya in current decade, you cur?

Please, someone answer. I always wanted to go hunting but it's illegal in my country. I've tried some gaymes about hunting, and all of them sucked.

It's kind of sad the the goyms destroyed a genre that basically never had the chance to exist because early access.

Just took a look in a trailer video, it looks like shit. The tracks glow on the ground and you have map pointers, fuck those mechanics made to autistic players.

What country?

Stop making me feel all moist down there!

Speaking of survival, especially zombie-survival games… is there even any decent games in the genre?
Havent really tried any survival games because from first look most seem like they are built with multiplayer in mind or just fall flat in atmosphere'n shit.

State of Decay, gameplay wise, came close. But the graphics are shit.

No. There is no zombie survival game.

Doesnt look too bad from quick look on steam page, worth 10-15dollaridoos on sale?
I just want a zombie-survival game with slow as fuck zombies where weapons, guns&ammo in particular are fucking scarce and none of this shit where you are drowning in bullets and the zomboids are on steroids'n meth.

You can turn all that off.
But tracking is practically impossible without the glow since the normal tracks disappear into the ground 70% of the time.
It also still has annoying bugs from launch.

What game today is worth more than 10$? Download it for free until there comes any mod

This can only work if there are other mechanics in the game. It must a better looking Fallout, with zombies.

I've been playing New Vegas these past weeks and it's pretty damn neat on hardcore when modded up a bit.
Kinda shame the series future falls solely on Bethesda's lap now, not saying Obsidian is much better as it isnt atleast not anymore but it'd be perfect setting for an autistic survival-game and they even have the engine that's… well decent enough for a survival game even if it's kinda shit.
Really most they'd need to do is to just create a neat relatively realistic map, copy-paste NV's hardcore-mode+JSawyer's autism-mod and resist the urge to populate every other location with Raiders and Super Rai…Mutants and sell it.

I fucking love how in this game there's so many small details around the forest, making each location extremely unique looking. And that amazing sound selection when you can hear branches breaking below your legs. Amazing game audio-visually. Shit gameplay though, animals sometimes stick in environment because its poorly mapped, completely killing immersion.

I'd be willing to pay for that

How about paying with your life and going after rich jewish bankers irl? :^)

in the trash, get in faggot

You don't fucking belong here, its been along time since I've wanted to throw up this badly holy fuck. Get the fuck out jesus chirst. Go back to my fur affinity or where ever the fuck you hell spawns come from. Get the fuck out.

7 Days to Die is pretty good.


It starts good, but there's too much grind.


Level up, gamer.

Project Zomboid.
The game is pure autism that even keeps track of your calorie intake, a single bite will get you infected, zombies can be pretty sneaky and durable, and there is this doomed desolate atmosphere to it.
I recommend you play it without reading amy guides or wikis or anything, because once you actually git gud and learned all the tricks to survive indefinitely the game turns into boring routine, the fun is in fucking up as you learn the game and get surprised by autistic details and mechanics.

I hate how Pedwood turned this smug loli into an insufferable dyke.

This thread reeks of cuckchan and reddit. Times like this makes me wish we had Holla Forums's mod so we could keep the place clean.

Its really good imho. Got some issues but if you can get past them its really satisfying.

First off, the game is hard and unforgiving. The first few hours i tried running around trying to find stuff and go guns blazing… that doesnt work.. these fucking animals will hear you all the time. When you do figure out how to actually find stuff you just need good shot placement and it will die really quick (spine, lungs, heart or brain) .. if you dont hit any of those… good luck finding the shitter and enjoy getting almost nothing for it. The graphics are really fucking good for my taste, and you get a real taste of beeing in the woods. The sound and atmosphere is spot on (i grew up around the black forest).
The biggest flaw for me is the sometimes stupid and really slow leveling, it's like this. You need to git gud with the basic stuff to unlock higher tier guns (bigger caliber and such) BUT, its fucking slow and if you mess up your shots its even fucking slower. Some of the skills dont make much sense to me either, like for example the "skill" to zero your rifle (most do 75m, 150m,300m and thats it) but you can get used to just aiming higher (theres a shooting range to learn). I cant understand why it's a "skill" to be less visible in the fog… but meh.

BUT !! you dont need the higher tier rifles, shotguns, bows or revolvers. I manage to kill everything with the starter rifle just fine (just dont use the free ammo and buy some of the good stuff (penetration is more important than expansion)) you just miss out on a few points because you didnt "kill that grizzly with the right rifle for its size) but thats ok.

The new map is really fucking good, the base 2 are too much alike for my taste and are basicly just to get you some different animals. (I hope they will add africa or some cool shit that would be awesome.)
The tent/atv dlc are kind of required if you dont want to waste a lot of time walkind (which can take FOREVER, the maps are HUGE).

Its a nice game after a long day of work when you just want to relax and turn your head off for a while. Easy to loose a few hours into tracking a few animals and then coming back 1-2 days later and keep going.
Dont expect alot of action.

You must live a pretty easy life if that's the worst you've ever had to deal with.

A few more pics.
The one with the many deer was a bug, it spawned them all into one corner of the map.

forgot to add, the ones in european area are from an early build with shittier graphics, it all looks as good as the snowy ones now.



What a fucking limp-dick faggot you are. Pretty much everything in the game is common knowledge.
Now fuck off. >>>/4chan/

A fallout map in a nuked city where you hunt zombies and mutated animals.

you don't need to have ever hunted or even played a fucking cabela's to know going "guns blazing" isn't how anyone fucking hunts

It's surprisingly comfy. There are some bugs still and lookouts are only in certain areas.



Fuck right off

There are a lot of insufferable faggots in this thread but holy fuck you take the first prize.

Supposedly the game runs off a modified Just Cause 2 engine. Considering the modding community for that game is mostly reskins and value modifiers I'd doubt you can do anything too wild .

It can't be modded.

Is it worth putting money into?

I plundered it to see if you're full of shit or not and the first thing I notice is that the mouse look is choppy as shit regardless of framerate, the only way to play this smooth is to use a controller.

Why not just pirate it and try it? I've played 26h of it and I plan to play more. It's definitely not a game for the average person who likes to run and gun.

Haven't had that issue. Do you have vsync on or something? I'm sure you already disabled any sort of mouse smoothing and tried messing with the sensitivity. The mouse aim in general doesn't feel like a normal FPS because it's "realistic" and heavy because of that but it shouldn't be choppy.

Fuck zombies, I want some Exclusion Zone innawoods /k/ shit with less jank.

Check out Escape from Tarkov


OP pic reminds me of savage sword of conan where he had to fight giant elk-man god and **lost his beast pupper who jumped in the inferno that killed it*

Project zomboid but is getting into autismo territory

Mmmmmmm no thanks

State of Decay is Project Zomboid

No it isn't, dumb ass.

You didn't look very hard if you found nothing. Get back to it, you lazy nigger.

Other than the fact that you want a goddamn DayZ ripoff on this engine, this seems pretty cool

Oh man this takes me back to Cabela's Hunting Gaemu days. I played the fuck out of Alaskan Adventures, makes me wish to dog sled again

Nope. One is a shitty game that the dev cheated his way for money and cucked his customers glitch the game to force them to by the (((HD))) version.
The other is an autismo game where even the grow of your nails impact the gameplay for zombie survival and it's stuck forever in early acces hell after the 3 hard disk thief

>>>Holla Forums

The hunter is a shit game made by jews where you can't kill anything without buying a license and a weapon that FUCKING EXPIRES. As is it probably costs less to buy an actual gun and go hunt actual animals.

Game is okay, WAY WAY to grindy. I would prefer for more guns just because I like that. Pretty good realistic hunting experience

This guy is essentially right

Different game, thats the free to play one.

I would enjoy a game more based off the Roadside Picnic book, less about the dangerous monsters and other people but rather just watching out for the dangers of the zone

Can I use a tacticool MSR in this game? SKS? M1?

Yes, please.

No not really. The most operator it gets is a 45-70 lever action.

So redesign the entire game from scratch; got it. Fuck off, idiot.

They already can put houses in their game editor. They can modify that.