Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game made in the 80s?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game made in the 80s?
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom
your mom
Easily bosconian.
Double shift today. Back still fucked up from shoveling gravel yesterday. Work was too fucking busy. Playing South Park still. Easily gonna be in my top 5 for this year.
Super Mario Land.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Watched Terminator 2 this morning. I forgot why both of these were some of my favorite movies of all time. Got die hard lined up for today. Recommend me more 80s/early 90s action flicks. My minds blanking on them at the moment even though they are the only movies I ever really watched.
I haven't played enough 80's shit to give a proper answer, but probably Mega Man 2.
Watch Highlander or RoboCop.
There's a lot more 90s shit I remember.
Zork. How's everyone tonight?
How goes user
Whats bosconian
Is the south park game actually funny
Whats good in the hood monica
Yes. It's on par with the first game, if not funnier.
I'm fine, might fall asleep or just ditch the thread for some wrestling.
Good video games were only made in 1995 - 2007
And traps aren't gay
Its an old as fuck space shooter from 81. Ive played it so much i can keep going forever without dying. Its my most favorite arcade game.
I decided to come back here. What is wrong with me?
Closest I can think of would be Ultima
Tired, bored and somewhat lonely. Thinking about playing a shitty game.
Everything you just said is completely wrong
why dont you autists get your own private place to circlejerk instead of making a shit thread every single fucking day that does nothing but take up a spot on the board
Go slower and lift with your knees. You are lucky to have any work to begin with.
How can you forget the arcade games of old like pacman, space invaders, and others?
what level of brain problems am i on
So how bout them there TLC lineup.
I always do.
I've never actually seen highlander despite loving the cheesy tv show Saving that for when I get really drunk some time. Robocop is a good one thanks.
Woke up to gunshots outside. Probably drunk neighbors.
How are you doing user
Ahhh nice
Ay yo whats a weird pizza topping I can through on this plain pizza in a bit?
How goes user
Ohhh nice!
At least the jews in the 80s knew how to make good movies
Today was a strange day. I found a copy of VF4:EVO for $5, I spent most of the day driving other people around, and at one point my truck cut out on me while it was moving, and I had to restart it while it was drifting in the middle of an intersection. Thank fuck I didn't get hit.
you felt the need to blogpost at the cost of a good night's sleep.
Is there no early risers from Yurop here?
Yeah. But that's nothing new.
Struggling to get myself to actually study but then when I do I make heaps of progress and feel a lot better. The problem is that feeling better about doing something makes me complacent and not study.
Probably galaga.
Everything. Only cure is to drive for 4 hours and have between 1 and 24 beers with me.
highly responsive to prayers how ya'll doin
Pineapple. Or artichoke idk.
I want Angel to take a shit on my face.
Did you miss me?
Shoulda went for it brah
You gotta believe in the me who believes in you user
Uh you should probably get your truck checked out.
We used to have a lot more eurotards here
How goes user
I'm good, hungry though
How goes user
Im still playing EO5. So far ive gotten to floor 20 but the game really branched out since i got the magic key. Now every stratum has more to every floor and some of those new monsters are terrifying. Also floor 19 was a fucking bitch to finish because there had to have been like 15 teleport crystals all over the place. im loving this game so much
Because it annoys you.
I said Pacman nigger.
Keep your mouth shut next time.
Saw, just wish there was build up instead of just using it as a replacement.
Watch it. It's not cheesy, the first movie is probably the best thing in the entire series, and it goes downhill from there.
Here is what i typed up today
ape escape 2 - 20 ape escape 3 - 15 arc the lad - 5 bully- 5 clock tower 3 - 25 devil may cry - 5 disaster report - 30 fatal frame 2 - 35 god hand - 50 GTA games - 20 jak and daxter -5 jak 2 -15 katamari - 15 killer 7 - 10 MGS 2 and 3 -10 okami -25 onimusha 1,2,3 - 20 RE: CV and 4 - 10 timesplitters 2 - 5 twisted metal black - 5 valkyrie profile 2 - 20 vewtiful joe - 15 yakuza - 35 yakuza 2 - 60 460 total offer 300
I'm alright. Awaiting the fall of burgerland still. It can't come soon enough.
It's called not being manly. Get /fit/ and confident faggot.
i'm good man busted out some mad push ups tbh
You would have had all of them trying to get you into her pants and you decided to smoke outside alone instead.
What are you studying?
Who the fuck do you think I am that I have a pineapple or artichokes sitting around
Sounds fun! Do you get to go back to lower floors and reexplore with this key?
I like cheesy movies though. Its why I like 80s/90s stuff so much
Highlander is fucking great. The series was only okay. I think you'll come to understand that.
Yep. Extra stuff to each floor now. Im too scared to go in because the first encounter i had was with a grasshopper looking motherfucker that counterattacked the whole team each time it was hit. I almost got wiped in one turn.
nah my brain just shuts down in those scenarios.
tht's the plan
i've been working on the first part and my gains are starting to show but theres something in my head that just keeps telling me not to embarrass myself
its like that dog chasing a garbage truck line, i wouldn't know what to do if i got that far at all
On one hand, cool yay BC vs. BC match, on the other hand, this'll probably lead to Angle jobbing to Roman at a later date when his fuckatitis wears off.
Okay fine Pop-Tarts and bong water. I don't know what you have in your NEET lair.
I never speak unless spoken to and it works for me. Just try doing that.
Doesn't sound comfy
Sounds tiring
I'm sure I'll like the movie a lot but the tv show was amazing nothing will change that
Damn seems fun at least
Just play the strong silent type. Your girl friend coulda worked that for you dummy
Not really.
I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow. My next shift is in 5 hours and weekend shifts do nothing but kill my sleep schedule. I got from evening/night shifts during the week to day shifts on weekends. It doesn't make any sense to me.
I find the puzzles to not be as good as persona q's, but its still probably the best in the series. As much as i absolutly hated EO4, the 3rd stratum in it was 10/10 in terms of puzzles.
Pop tarts are disgusting tbh
Tell your boss to shove it with the weird hours
I fully understand you. I don't think I have ever had a proper conversation with a girl in my life. The thought of even flirting with one is an alien concept to me. Not that I really want to fuck some pubslut anyway.
Highlander made the tv show basically. The show took shit from the movie.
Biochemistry. Exam is in 13 days.
They would have been coaxing you though. That would have been the best time to find out what to do because they're all there as a safety net.
Also protip from someone who was a chad: just shoot the shit and talk about stuff that interests you. All you have to do is hold a conversation. That's it.
Maybe. I should go to bed really.
If I had the car and money I would, faggot.
Not a big puzzle guy. You either figure them out easily or you get stuck and are forced to look them up
Duh. But there was a yuge difference in atmosphere between the two
Uh huh sure whatever you say
you just gotta trick yourself into thinking accomplishment is worth accomplishing for accomplishments sake
I asked about the hours before and I learned that my schedule is computer generated a least one month in advance. The only thing I could see working is swapping my hours with someone who's willing.
Treat girls like you are their father and they are your daughter. Most girls if not all are childish manipulative fucks. Don't even bother with them if they can't be reasoned with to submit to you. Don't be a giant cuck either.
It's only uncomfy if you aren't prepared.
Yes, one was simply great.
I dont reall have too much of a wide range of interests, so even if i was in that situation all i would have to talk about would be vidya, religion, and knives.
Thats the thing. EO just released and there is barely any english documentation. I have to figure this out myself.
so what happens once you meet that girls parents?
I can do puzzles all day
Damn it's too bad you aren't the girl. I'd be into that. Tell me about your knives, user.
Thats why I play video games though
Wew well make sure your boss knows to fix that shit when the computer shits it out for next month.
Yeah the tv show!
Sounds miserable
No, the movie.
How do I get good at puzzles? I don't know why, but I can't think outside the box when it comes to puzzles until after I discover the solution, and look like a dumbass for not knowing the solution.
Act manly like a father, but still semi-polite. Don't cuck, don't ask for their blessing but listen for implications of it or of not recieiving it. Be assertive in taking action first in coversation such as saying hello.
No ur mum
I found a butterfly knife in a ps2 box last week. That was a fun find. My favorite is my foot long bowie. Its a huge fucker but i need to find one of those velcrow lock things.
Nothing is particularly bad so far. Worst case senario you kill the FOE you're trying to avoid.
I've always been told to not talk about yourself at all when it comes to women, that they aren't' interested and you gotta keep asking questions. I've tried that too and it just makes me feel like an autismo.
trying to play the game sucks man, most chicks know that if you're talking to them as a strangers its just cuz you thought they were good looking so you instantly get a bad start
makes it worse for me mentally actually. because then if i bomb out they all fucking witnessed it
Yes (you) could. Now fuck off.
Theres nothing more to life than pleasure and having fun user
Talk about yourself but build yourself up. Don't talk about your video games and shit.
Start with some easy ones. Play some minesweeper until you can do it on hard, then move to picross. Maybe branch out into word puzzles or maybe physics puzzles like the incredible machine. Depends what you like.
If i do start talking to women im just going to own my specific brand of autism and see if it works.
They are essentally minibosses that will chase you or follow a path. You do not wanna try and fight them until you finish the stratum and are trying to prep for the boss.
i've been wearing the same pants and nothing else for a week
kill me
Clean your room and work out.
Too bad vidya is the only thing I know and I'm not smart or social enough to have in depth conversations about other topics.
uh why don't you change?
What in the actual fuck is that picture supposed to be?
I could probably have a good conversation that doesnt involve vidya. I was able to talk to the priest at my church and not sperg out.
Morning, 4am. My chair fucking asploded yesterday because it was like 8 years old and I hadn't exactly been kind with the piece of shit, and now I'm sitting in a wooden dining chair.
My boss has proven himself to be an even more gigantic fucking sperg than I had originally anticipated along with making my life hell, but at least he's gone for now. Yesterday, as I was cleaning up the shop and moving furniture, a customer came in who wanted a quote on u-haul deals and what not. They got talking, and, eventually, my manlet sperg boss starts yelling over the customer when he's asking questions to answer them, basically inexplicably, and this goes on for 5 minutes. The customer eventually just straight up fuckin leaves, and the boss is all confused, wondering why buddy just upped and walked out. Meanwhile, I'm busting my ass trying to be a decent customer service person while lifting shit in the front. Then a lady comes in looking for the refinishing job's progress on a desk she brought in, and I bring her to him in the workshop where they stay for about ten minutes. I'm being all stewardly and "may I take your hat sir" bullshit is in my system, you know how it is, and ten minutes later I can hear him loudly yelling about how he likes trump and how he's gonna drop those media guys to this obviously shaken and uncomfortable woman who is trying to get away as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the fucking allahuackbars I'm leading around to look for newer computer desks and bedroom furniture look over their fucking shoulder to see if they're going to be fucking deported by some spergtastic french manlet, and it's only been worse from there.
If it wasn't bad enough with the old-world bullshit, the inability to be pleased with anyone's work, and just putting me under the fucking microsope all the fucking time when I'm actually working, he has to do this to actually ruin business for himself.
At least he's gone for a week so I can actually get work done alone and make 400 dollars or so without any of that bullshit.
Just treat them like you would niggers if you lived in the 1800-1900s. "Always the master, never an equal." Clearly, not as an extreme a definition as you're used to, but that air of superiority and knowledge and knowedness you must maintain, which isn't all that hard to do since, being male, this will come naturally to you in most conversation if you're not a fucking cuck and you drop your worries about giving a shit.
Because I would have to do laundry.
Someone in cosplay drinking a beer.
My room is clean.
Did you talk about the Bible? Hook line and sinker tbh.
Why not?
Buy a psp and set it up to pirate shit or something
Best to stick to questions then I guess
Yes, the economy of my country is fucking shit and i become a NEET.
Ghosts 'n Goblins
Not him, but I've been thinking of moving some shit around in my room. The problem is that I don't have a place for my tv and I can't find the tv stand. Plus I don't have the muscle to move some of the heavier stuff myself, and everyone else is either too busy, lazy, or unwiling to help. I'd get /fit/, but I can't find time to build muscle.
That's a lot of money to drop when i probably wont use it once my 3ds is back
Nig, do the laundry, you lazy or something?
Welcome to my life!
Maybe you should be the boss
How long you been NEET user?
Aren't they only like 50$?
10/10 bait.
How can you do this if you can barely hold a conversation?
even I know that, too many of my hobbies are reclusive stuff so i'm at a disadvantage in casual talk. This is the second time I've done this shit to myself where some one trys to wing a girl in my general direction and my response is to make myself scare, i must be fucking retarded
yes. why else would i wear the same pants for a week
i have never seen a psps for less than 150 canadian
Confirmed for being a useless fucking idiot neetsoc who has never done anything ever.
No, mostly about the history of the orthodox church and the separation from the catholic.
Get /fit/ so you dont die on november 4th
I'll just say that i almost got wiped trying to kill an foe that was supposed to be easy.
I dont even have the space to make my room dirty. My desk is in the fucking closet.
why would i die on nov 4
Does anyone ever miss you? Like, did you ever have any person in your entire life so far say "I missed you" unironically?
There is gonna be a huge nationwide antifa riot. Also soros just took out a huge amount of money, 18bil, and put it somewhere that isnt america.
What are your other hobbies?
All the time
Antifa/communists are going to try plunging the USA into a civil war by mass firing whites with jobs across america who aren't justcuckmyshitup tier extreme leftists.
Because it doesn't matter. Like, literally it does not matter. Just profess information, remain in an air of confidence, put on that small, stupid smile, and sit on a smug sense of accomplishment and dismissive mindset maybe in the form of a black BLACKED pillâ„¢ about existing so you can do anything without feeling like you're losing too much, because, honestly, you're not.
How big is your collection? Sounds like you've got an eye for exotic ones but I bet you're more into quality over quantity.
The trick is to keep her talking about herself. Find common ground and go with that. Talkiing about things you're interested in helps you flow a bit better because you'll at least be confident in what you're about to say. She won't be interested in most of it but she'll present a moment where you can direct the conversation into something she does care about (even if it is just herself).
holy shit like webm related?
The giraffe FOEs have an attack that hits the whole party every 2 turn and it hurts. I didnt have the team required to bind the arms do i had to just tough it out.
I'll get anything that looks weird and deadly. I have a couple switchblades that i probably shouldnt have. Im looking to get a karambit too, but i want a fixed blade.
Here's your (you)
drawing (recently picked up), gunpla, working on trying to get more lifting in and started adding cardio to my routine
Oh right: my collection is about 15 right now. I think 7 of them are fixed blades and the rest are pocket, butterfly, or switch.
Yes. Just like webm related, but I was lucky enough to have taped the fucker up so it just sort of exploded sideways and not anally impaling me like a sharp chinese dildo for gweilo.
No, the 60 year old fucking saint who has ostensibly worked there as a contractor for longer than I have and knows how to do everything and in fact actually does everything since the boss is incompetent should be the boss. When the boss isn't spending his clearly valuable time at work shitting on everyone else's work, he'll be hounding the shit out of that guy who doesn't really take his shit since he needs him as he's the only one that actually tends to know how to do anything.
The fuck kind of enemies are these
Go with the drawing. Do a little sketch of her or something maybe. Might come off super autismo though
Going to bed. see you guys tomorrow.
Might? it definitely would. especially since i'm a beginner in that field
npot american
Later user, I want to find out where you get those stocking pictures but I'll just reverse image search em.
Thanks for the lewds.
Nice fail there (you)
At least you only got another week or two
Cya next time lewd user
Eh your stuff isn't too bad though. Just do like a basic outline of a hot girl she'll take it as a compliment
There are "squirells" that look like jellyfish. Also the 3rd stratum consists of nothing but skeletons. Most of the enemies are mutated wildlife.
Then you'll be fine, canada will fall right after america does so you have time.
Nah i think that would be way autismo if you tried a power play like that with some one you just met. I don't exactly carry a pencil and pad to the pub either
If you live in chinkland, europe, or australlia you best be worried too. In chinkland nationwide riots will occur when they stop making stuff to send to america. In europe they will be even more so invaded by africans once america's status quo falls. In australia they will be invaded by us chinks.
i'll die as i lived\
drunk, wearing dirty pants and hoping to get head
It wasn't my webm related, it was his webm related. Can you stop shitting up the thread with your spergtastic Holla Forums retardation every night? Shit's tiring.
6 months
Wrong priorities m8.
Not what I expected honestly.
Depends on how suave you are. I think I could pull it off if I drew. But with your lack of confidence maybe you are right.
The first 4 years are tough, you'll get there some day though kiddo
if we dont die i want to knock her up like 5 times
Tbf, EO is one of those series that has the whole "its medieval but also in the future of a fallen mankind" kinda thing so it makes sense
Got REALLY lucky & bought like $1400 worth of Neo Geo Pocket games recently. I wish the system wasn't so hard to collect for.
I don't know neo geo though, get anything cool?
Why is "its medieval but also in the future of a fallen mankind" such a common meme
Thats all I wanted out of life, thanks user
Good. Hopefully the world doesnt end up in nuclear flames.
Did you spend 1400 or get a bargain?
Because its the best way to make magitech work.
Don't care much for NES games.
wtf happened to you?
82-07 you mean. Games becoming shit is directly tied to everyone getting the internet on smartphones. I don't even buy new games anymore. There's no point.
das it mane
Why is megitech such a common meme
How goes user
They want both magic and tech in their games. It works for EO because you dont really play it for the writing.
Oh ok, carry on then. Have sad Yosuke.
79-07 you fuck
It's going okay. I was playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon but I got assraped by a monster house so now I'm trying to finish OOT.
How far are you in OoT?
Which mystery dungeon? Red rescue team or explorers of time?
Go play some vidya you faggot.
The boxed black & white system is the rarest thing there, but I really bought it for the boxed european copies of Puyo Puyo & Sonic. Those easily go for $80 - $100 each . European releases came in these nice hard plastic boxes like the SEGA genesis, so they're more desirable because of that. Probably going to piece 70% of it out.
$200, which is a steal for that many games. Metal Slug 2nd is SEALED Can't wait for it to all come in. Might send the B & W system out to be backlit since that's possible now.
I already did.
I mean, VNs are played inb4 "played" for the writing.
Damn. I would have loved to pick that up.
How the hell did you get such a deal?
Go play some more.
I would say that persona 3-5 are basically VNs.
oh, have you seen big trouble in little china?
I can't visualize myself being suave even in things i'm confident in. Its this odd thing that like if i think about myself doing something slick even outside of trying to chat up girls I just see it as cringey in my head
silver lining is it keeps my from doing cringey stuff
I hate persona games, you should know this user
Nope thats actually something I've been meaning to do, thanks
Better to try and cringe than not try at all
Even if i wanted to pick up chicks i would still be massively afraid of stds so im just gonna avoid going that route.
ive played persona 3 and 4 4 times eachive sunk close to 1k hours into all 5 combined
Lucky I guess. Hoping I can sell enough of it to get a High End Laserdisc Player. there's one on ebay at auction ending tomorrow that's at $1000 right now I really want but I just don't have the money to make a bid.
I just finished the child Goron dungeon.
Explorers of Sky.
a sound fear to have, but it's still helpful to know how to talk to new people
I thought the whole reason autists liked laserdisc was because of higher quality. And how hard would it be to change the laser in a cheaper model?
Its your own fault
You're in a good spot, though. It's not imagining yourself being suave, it's literally all just not caring about the result of the conversation. You're there for you, not to bend to her will, you know what I mean? You're picturing things from the mind of some cuck faggot because that's the modern process, but it's actually a lot more natural once you actually go and do it. Try doing it after peak exhaustion, the endorphins will make you more sociable and you'll care less about managing yourself, so you'll stick about even if you fuck up. All that matters is experience and confidence, since confidence enables you to not give a shit, which is all that matters.
Is there any reason why you wanna watch a movie on lazerdisk?
I cried at the end. Its so good.
I can practice at the church.
Im a friendless weeb and the games made me feel good inside.
Nothing wrong with breaking a few rules for something you enjoy.
Stylish. You get much use out of those things?
Etc etc. Enjoying talking about this? Even if it's passable level of mild interest that's all you're looking for. Hope you liked your introduction on how to talk to girls, even if you played the part of the girl.
Knives are fucking cool for real though. There's something just so elegant about them. I do archery and love all the different kinds of broad heads that are basically just knives on the end of a shaft. Also I'm one of those fags that unironically gets off to cutters so take it or leave it. Hope you have some more confidence next time you're handed a chick.
But I'm your friend
maybe i'll workout before the next time i go out (showering too of course)
Yeah but you're still a faggot.
Try cold showers, also. If you can get through them it'll be a test of willpower which will let you go do stuff.
Technically there's a way to take one of the $600 models & add a red laser to it, but there's like 2 people on earth who know how to pull that off. The main reason I want it is because Pioneer inspected it. They're really prone to failure at this point, & having one I know works would be worth the extra money. There's another one at auction right now but it's untested from a metal recycling plant.
Anime, horror movies, & live concerts mostly.
Its not illegal to own any of this, just illegal to carry outside. Doesnt matter since i kinda did anyway until i got a proper smith and wesson pocket knife.
I could talk about this all day. I dont have many interests but the ones i have go real deep.
This was like 3-4 years ago
I'm your friend too
>Also I'm one of those fags that unironically gets off to cutters so take it or leave it.
This is not at all surprising. We're gonna have a nice discussion about how you're a fucking faggot when I get some alcohol.
Don't mind a cold shower too much actually, i take one after a workout usually, getting chilly out though so they'll be a bit unpleasant now
I need a good fixed blade knife
I take it back!
Whats this
How many house plants should you have? It's getting cold & I think I should stock up for Neet winter.
You can get some good ones for 20 bucks on ebay. Im thinking of getting a really nice one at the mil surplus for like 120.
Im heading to bed. Night.
also I thought you already knew.
Night dude who posted 34 times.
Get some aloe plants. Parents used to always keep those in the house, was comfy and actually useful. Especially or the young pyro me
Cya tomorrow fam
dunno much about how many you should have but having a few does help improve the air in your home
Aloe makes a lot of oxygen I hear. Plus you don't have to water them much right?
I guess. I'd play it on the wii if it wasn't fried, and my computer is barely an option because POORLY CODED N64 EMULATOR
I've been spoiled on the end of the game but it's still good so far. The Wigglytuff episode managed to make me feel bad for a criminal so it must be doing something right.
I already knew vaguely but I didn't know about that specifically. Although it's not that much of a leap in logic. I was actually about to close the tab and decided to scroll down. Thanks faggot. Now I have more ammo to bully you with.
They are basically nothing but water so you either rarely water them or water them a lot, no clue.
You aren't playing on handheld are you user
Huh, neat.
I am.
After thinking about it, they are cactus so that makes sense
Hoy Cunts, what is a food you can batch make, store in the fridge and eat for dinner after reheating
Most Casseroles, shepherds pie, egg salad, rice, ground beef, tomato sauce, peas and spices.
Breakfest burrito mix though its only good for a day
How goes user
Why are these threads not banned yet?
You throw a lot of stones for somebody who lives in a glass house.
Sick meme, braindead cancer.
Right I suppose Casseroles and Shepards Pie are things
I don't really like burritoes
Long Story
tl;dr you won't be able to get rid of them
Thats because nothing can hurt my feelings
How is that even possible
BBC- Big Black Cock
No honestly, I thought it was decided in the last meta thread to git rid of these along with LOL and GamerGate threads?
Do you think it's a downboat or something? You've demonstrated your stupidity enough as it is.
wats a downboat?
I don't like the bread in it, besides making a burritoe is too much work after I've done work, it's shit I just want to put in a bowl, slam in the microwave and eat
Mate do you know how many times that 4am threads have been banned, but to come back the next fucking day
I take threats of 4am doing with the same level of give a fuck as North Korea saying it'll nuke us
i should really get my gore folder back, get rid of these threads the old school way
Its simple
He thinks just because a few autists said it should be banned that its "decided"
who said i am a fucking he you weeb faggot
Not even commies are this delusional.
Issue is that is too noisy to be doing since I often come home very late
Mate seriously try that, It won't work, it's about 2 and a half years now and the amount of shit that's been tries has at most gotten 4am banned for a day
Eh, I will probably get banned again, kike and his spic/nigger mods are boring. This place sucks now, I miss cripple dude. At least he was interesting and active.
le ==haha= posting
I know but what can you do
kill yourself, learn how to use a cooktop.
I don't even understand the point of a microwave. Just get a little toaster oven.
Nothing, go play video games and watch stupid fucking shit. Which I am going to go do now.
You're so stupid you don't even know you can't redtext regardless in filled lines ==like this==
not that it matters.
have fun
Mate I don't have the luxury of being allowed to cook when I get home
Fucking roomate shit
Sure, she may be a little lacking in conversation skills, but that's OK. Unlike you, she doesn't need to explain why she still wets herself, then falls asleep on our floor.
Is it even good to refry already cooked shit like that?
Granted, the flavours will mix together making the thing tastier but it doesn't work for everything. The burrito idea is probably one of the few that actually work.
Buy a house.
Ha, I will enjoy the one hobby I have left. I wouldn't call it fun.
You're not even getting my (you)'s lmao
Look if some non chef is going to go out and buy a really nice knife you look for a German one
Mate I'm Australian that is off the table or at least until I finish my apprenticeship and move somewhere rural
What the fuck do aussies even do?
Put the (You)s in the bag and nobody gets hurt
Ride Kangaroos and Shitpost on Imageboards
Puukko is Finnish. Solingen steel was good ages ago, not so much in this day and age.
Ah Ok
fried foods should be put into an oven, you could probably add butter.
your roommates won't let you use the stove for 5 minutes?
It's a case of one who gets angry over nothing, and doesn't have a job