Best Civilization game for multiplayer?

What is the best Civilization game for multiplayer? A friend of mine really wants to play Civ with me but neither of us really know which ones are the best for multiplayer. It really doesn't help that I've never played the games.

Endless Legend

Civilization V with the Brave New World expansion

this.. lol

civ5 is horrible for multiplayer, don't listen to this newfag

and OP, if you really want to stick with civ, go for 4, its not dated as the others and has working mp

Civ 4 or Alpha Centauri.

Its a meme you dip.

Civ has always been beyond awful for multiplayer.

This one.

Honestly I'm mainly going along with it because my buddy told me he would play Advance Wars if he played Civ multiplayer with him.

Is this really good? I've seen it at my lgs and it seems neat.

Call to Power 2

Have fun falling asleep while he takes his turn. Jesus christ, what a horrible multiplayer game. It's way better to play one civ, and cooperatively figure out the best strategy to win. There's an unofficial expansion for Civ V that takes it beyond the other games. I recommend that. Don't remember what's it's called, but it shouldn't be hard to look up. Adds TONS of stuff.




that's my man

what? that civ5 is trash multiplayer? yeah sure

nice meme

whats going to be OP? let us know if our shitposting has any effect

Civ in general isn't really a multiplayer game I think. Just takes far too long to finish.

Go back to the shithole you came from.

If it HAS to be a Civilization game, then modded Civilization 4. If it can be a game similar to Civilization, literally any other game in this thread. Civilization has always been pretty simple and poorly put together from a technical standpoint.

How new are you?

Isn't Amazonian Warriors better?

What mods are good? I've been playing the game a bit lately, so yeah.

Fall from Heaven 2 is one of the best mods ever made

… which version/fork? I've downloaded Ashes of Erebus, from the Final Fixes forum page.

That's the most unstable and hotwired one out there

Fug. Any recommendations? Just the original Fall From Heaven 2?

I never said the hamsterfag made a bad mod, just that it's unstable like all hell. Fall Further or Master of Mana as far as I'm concerned.

Anything before Civ V.

ohhhhh…. wut?
literally never heard that one before

FFH is bloated and fantasy stuff (I think)
Rhye and Fall of Civ also huge bloated historic stuff
there are a lot really depends on your flavor

but a quick hint, lots of them have common modules between them so its good to look for revdcm+bug
tries to be alike an unofficial expansion, some new interesting mechanics and balanced without adding a shitload of stuff
adds a ton of stuff but really balanced and polished, its pretty different and comfy civ experience

pretty good Alpha Centauri clone for civ4 engine, very complete, only lacks the unit custom creation


Planetfall also lacks terraforming tile elevation, iirc.

Gods work user, you're doing it.
That said i might be bias as fuck since I grew up of AC as a kid and loved Civ4 when played it. Best game i ever pirated.

I wonder, is there a way to achieve the same look? I wouldn't mind modding it if I could replicate the grainy look and compress the shit out of cheaply made 3D environments.

Probably going to pick civ 4. This dude is hyper paranoid (I told him to download some emulator and wouldn't out of fear of viruses kind of paranoid) so mods are probably sadly out of the question. I don't know if he would be down with any of the other suggestions in this thread, I'll show this to him and ask him what he thinks.

I played it for 4 hours today