Spooky vidya stories thread

We all know how creepy video games can be, even unintentionally. We're creating virtual environments which are supposed to be as real as possible, following very strict rules of the game. No wonder then that when shit breaks down a bit, through bugs, crashes etc. that we can sometimes be creeped out by them as long as they don't make stuff really fucking funny and taken out of the experience. That and also the fact that many people are creating weird games just to fuck with others and scratch their own horror itch.

Let's share some creepy vidya stories Holla Forums, real or otherwise it doesn't matter as long as they're well written. On the topic, does anybody have the pictures of those terrifying body horror FIFA glitches where the characters became so weird that it resembled a honey cone?

Also let's get Godzilla creepypasta out of the way because everyone knows it already and knows how shit the ending was.

Other urls found in this thread:


I have never had real-life-tier vidya spooks. But in-game, Morrowind was pretty spooky at night once the dreamers and sleepers start showing up. Just standing around on back-country roads at night, knowing your name, telling you that the end is nigh and knowing they're right.

I was five when this happened, so I remember very little, but this stuck with me. My dad was playing this horror game on the Playstation, don't recall the name, though. It was Silent-Hill esque, but more generic, if I recall correctly.

I snuck out of bed at 4 a.m. and started up a new save file. There was a story cutscene that I don't remember either. I just recall that the game drops you inside this hospital room. I walked around a lot, through this dark hospital, waiting for spooky shit, cause I remember dad encountering monsters. I walked up to what seemed to be the exit, and this figure bursts loudly through the door, running towards me. I realized that I didn't have any weapons, so I just fucking ran like a bitch and hid behind the corner in the hall. Then adjusted the camera to see what was going on. The figure was talking to someone behind a counter, someone who wasn't there before. I couldn't hear them, though, so I just kept looking, hoping that he wouldn't come towards me.

And he didn't. He actually went down another hall, so I follow him, from a distance, thinking that that's where I gotta go. We run down this hall for a really long time. I kept hiding behind corners but he didn't seem to look back. Still was scared though, I was a little retard then. He stops abruptly and stands by one of the doors. Another figure walks out. Again, they talk about something. I was too far to hear what it was, but the other guy was holding something so there was no way I'd approach them. Both of the figures walk into the room. I wait for a while, unsure of what to do. Eventually got the balls to walk up to there. I walked up to the room and heard a woman sobbing. Immediately shut the fucking game off and fucked off to bed.
Didn't sleep that night.

I've asked dad about that game not too long ago, he remembers it but said that he apparently lost it while moving. I've never seen it since.

Too obvious, figured it out in the second paragraph.

>noob saibot appears in later games
The scariest thing was how stupid I was.


God damn, that is quality loss right there.

mr. mix

The ending of this one went a bit too far. Here is my advice to anyone writing such stories:

When you've stepped from the idea of "This could still be some dickish programmer doing something very wrong" to the idea that "This is definitely haunted and paranormal" then you fucked up because your story ceases to feel real. Video game horror stories operate on the idea that what you're reading might be real and that the game in question might be some obscure weird item. You have to hold the reader doubting whether the game has paranormal elements to it or not. If you decide to say that it indeed was paranormal you have to do it as subtly as possible, not many horror stories managed to pull it off and this wasn't one of them.


Once, a game asked me for the CD key, and there was no key.

You motherfucker.


I am still mad about how the guy who wrote the Godzilla copypasta dropped the ball so hard.


I figure Jvk deserves a mention. Although it also has a pretty shit ending.

You wonderful bastard

I just read it, nothing gets explained but I like the idea of an ingame event that is based on game's world astronomical event. It makes me think of some video game cosmic horror that communicates with players that way

Actually is there any vidya horror story that mixes vidya with Lovecraftian themes?

Years ago, I played a browser game on a website. One of those "play thousands of games" sites, y'know? Not a professional site like Newgrounds or Kongregate or Armor Games or whatever; one of the cheap sites. The game was pretty much the same; a cheap knockoff game that looked like it got churned out by some Chinese guy who made half a dozen games like it per day.
I'm going to be as vague as possible about the game, because I don't want to get on the THING's bad side. I don't want it to think I steered anyone toward the game. But I'm at least going to tell people how to survive encountering it. I just hope this doesn't tick it off. I'm not breaking my promise; I'm trying to keep people from bothering it, not cause trouble.
Anyway, the game itself was pretty simple. I think it had about seven levels that repeated endlessly. I played it for a while, and at one point I realized that the levels never actually repeated. The game was too cheap to have any kind of random level generator, and it only had seven levels, but I'd seen more than seven different levels.
I'd always been curious about parallel universes and such, going back to when I was a little kid and closed my eyes for a few minutes during a drive and opened them to see the gas gauge had gone up instead of down. I decided that this game must somehow allow the person playing it to move through parallel universes.
I started playing the game every day, just for kicks. At some point, I started getting a feeling like someone was watching me. This, I felt, must be some sort of quantum entity that had noticed me moving through parallel universes and started chasing me. But I could escape by playing the game; I'd start progressing through levels and the feeling would dissipate.
Until one day, it didn't. I couldn't get away. The feeling that some otherworldly horror was bearing down on me got stronger and stronger until it was overwhelming. I begged whatever it was to spare me, and promised that I'd never mess with things I didn't understand again. The feeling gradually went away. I've kept that promise ever since, and it's left me alone in turn.

I never told a soul what happened, largely out of fear that the thing would feel I betrayed it. But I guess it's alright to just let people know what to do.
So if you're ever playing a game that loops through a limited number of levels, and you suddenly notice that the levels are actually different every time no matter how long you play even though they shouldn't be, and you start to feel like you're being watched, stop playing the game and promise the thing watching you that you'll never do it again, and it'll leave you alone.

That fucking chinese website AI which shat out disturbing flash games for kids.

Can someone give the tl;dr on the Godzilla story?

No nigger, READ.
Or watch it on jewtube

Thats an actual game though, not a vidya story

The story is basically just "haunted NES cart". The "screenshots" of the levels and boss fights are what make it interesting.

guy finds nes Godzilla game
eventualy runs into sstrange monster that shouldn't be in the game.
You cannot fight, you must RUN from it.
Blah blah blah games start showing messed up levels and creatures that were not in teh original version, creepy shit.
Then theres this "Angel like" being tat gets torn apart over and over, turns out is Writers dead GF, and then it goes to shit

I hated Godzilla but now I feel it's so bad it's good and I can't stop laughing.


Shit ending but still worth a read

its starts out INCREDIBLY strong with a mysterious cartridge, and levels slowly going from kind of weird to downright spooky or depressing
then the bullshit where the game starts interacting with him begins to happen, which screws it alittle but eh
then the cliche "AND I PHYSICALLY COULDN'T STOP PLAYING" shit comes in later on which is fucking stupid and ruins any sense realistic immersion the story might have had
then it infamously shits the bed by bringing in a completely idiotic story about the characters dead middle school girlfriend and how shes trapped in the game and represented as some statue-like angel that sacrifices herself and uses the power of love to help defeat the big bad
it is absolutely worth a read, the levels and such are really interesting and spooky, just know that it'll eventually completely fuck itself over with cringe and cheese by the end

It's worth it just for the art to be honest

Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth.

Hope the game is going fine, It really ticks me off that this guys is going for yearly updates. Even more frustrating than jkb is with megaman x corrupted.
Cosbydaf, the author, has talked alot about how much he regrets the way he ended Godzilla creepypasta. I know he once mentioned a rewrite. Anyone know if he has made good on that?

You really should read it, dude. It's very impressive for a good portion of the story. Even barring the moonbeast, zenith and extus are dripping with sweet concepts and monster designs/fights.

Speaking of creepypasta shit, I did enjoy the new AVGN, even if james went just a tad too far on the ham.

most accurate tldr I've seen. 10/10

Completely accurate. The story would be mediocre to bad if it weren't backed up by the fake screenshots. Generic haunted cartridge shit that makes the critical mistake of trying to make the narrator into a character with a backstory that isn't explained until it's relevant (and the way that it is relevant is stupid as fuck).

Not sure if this is relevant to the thread. When I was little, this painting in the SM64 Boo level creeped me the fuck out for some reason. More than the possessed piano or anything. I don't know why, but I got an unsettling vibe from it and refused to go into the room with it unless I had to.

This was actually awful it had no tension at all. You could have at least inserted the half a press meme or something into it, that would at least have made it funny.

Completely relevant, also you've reminded me of something I've experienced myself.

Has anyone of you played Rayman 2: The Great Escape? You know this game is fucking terrifying at times for a kids game, it has that Cave of Bad Dreams place as well as some spider jumscares. But there is one place, in The Woods of Light that fucking terrified me as a kid. But what's hilarious that there is nothing really scary in that place. It is just a location with a large tree that you have to climb and on the ground there are a few of those shadowy centipide things that attack you. There was also a hole with wooder bars that spawned there. For some reason I was always scared of that part and what was interesting is that a friend from the internet was just as scared of this as me.

Anyone felt similar about that part?

i fucking give up just tell me

While not particularly spooky, there was one time something weird happened while I was playing Zelda OoT Master Quest on a friends gamecube.

When we went to the citadel of time as child link and pulled the master sword, the usual melody that plays during the animation wasn't present, but instead some song that kind of resembled it, but was notably different. We could reproduce it a few times while the game was going but when we restarted the console, it was no longer there.

This was before I had a smartphone to record it and I didn't find anything about in on the internet, so I assume it was just some glitch or something where the songs were mixed up.
Weird though, since it didn't seem to be anything I've heard in the game before and still similar to what it should be, but notably different.



I fondly remember the Goldshire kids from World of Warcraft. It's the little things like this that makes open worlds appealing - stuff that you really can only find out about by chance; nothing that the game throws into your face via quests.

What other games have stuff hidden like that? Remember Red Dead Redemption having some myths about some locations in the game.


I have this memory of Ocarina of Time where I got grabbed by a wallmaster, but it's really different. Instead of a floating hand, I remember it as a pair of giant, gorilla-like arms stretching down from the ceiling. They carried Link up out of the screen, and he screamed, and then his boots fell down to the floor, implying he got eaten alive. I have a lot of memories like this where things aren't how they should be, but in a weirdly specific way that makes them feel real.


Were they King Kong arms?

They weren't that big, they were the same size as the actual wallmasters. Also I think the part about his boots was conjured up from Crash 3, where the eels eat you and spit out your shoes.


user, getting inconsistent results from devices like clocks is an indication that you're in a dream, not in a parallel universe.

See: lucid.wikia.com/wiki/Reality_check

Here's the problem, you misaligned your QPU!

If this webm is anything to go off of, it wouldn't surprise me.

I know of a kind of indirect one from years ago, although I lost all my bookmarks about it in a computer crash. There was a guy that made stupid flash videos that got posted to 4/f/ now and then. I would have sworn they were called something like "retarded dragon warrior" but Google isn't turning that up.

Anyways, if you followed the link back to his homepage (which was very rainbow-colored), it started out as a "lol so randum video games" blog and slowly turned into the guy's life falling apart from depression and autism, and it was clear he killed himself after the last post. If it was fake it was an incredible amount of effort, and very depressing either way. Does anyone happen to know what I'm talking about and have a link to the site?

I can't speak to the overall design of the game, but the whole Ed Kann thing was a hoax.

I don't recall the name, but I definitely know what you mean. It jumped from some weird, but not overly strange webcomic straight into a suicide note. Try encyclopedia dramatica's webcomic list, maybe.

I think I might have found out about this on lainchan or one of the other obscure/dead imageboards like that.

I've heard the story but never seen it. You're sure this wasn't a thing on cuckchan?

There was a "Christian children's webcomic" that had its main character start murdering the other characters after its (fictional) author was revealed as a child molester, if you mean that one. Can't remember the name, though.

You might be thinking of "Poorly Planned Comics"? I found that one from here, although it was just in a footnote on a page talking about some other weirdo:
Apparently the site the comics were on is gone now. I remember the first dozen or so comics were just standard mspaint comics with 4th wall breaking, and the last dozen or so were long, with lengthy philosophical discussions with some sort of author self-insert and what appeared to be the results of various google image searches copy/pasted in.
The last comic was one character explaining that it had been uploaded automatically, and the author will have jumped off of the roof of some specific building by the time it appeared online.

Apparently the Internet Archive preserved the site. (Good thing too, because it's the kind of thing you need to have proof actually exists before anyone would actually believe it.)

One comparatively common rumor I remember back from WoW classic had to do with the so-called "Cutthroat Alley", a section within the Dwarven District in Stormwind that never saw had no NPCs or much of anything else safe for a two-story building in it.

Cf. wow.gamepedia.com/Cut-Throat_Alley

Now, the rumor went that, at certain dates, a NPC with the blonde human child model and the fitting name "Young Girl" would spawn and remain in the second story of the aforementioned building for a few minutes. Every player used to have his or her own theory just when the girl would spawn, with a popular example being that the numerical values of the date and the server time had to add up and produce one specific number, causing the girl to spawn.

The girl herself resembled most other child NPCs - same model, could neither be attacked by Alliance nor Horde players, had no voicefile and no text dialogue. However, she markedly differed from all other NPCs in the game in that she could be targeted by a little fun item - a kind of ball which players could throw to other players, removing them from their inventory and adding it to that of the enemy (sorry for no longer recalling the name, it's been a while). At any rate, this should not normally have been possible because (regular) NPCs simply were not an applicable target for the "active function" of this item and all you'd get was an error message.

Throwing one of these balls at the young girl initially did not have ostensible effect - the NPC would not even turn towards you. But it actually would cause a different NPC - a gnome merchant named Figerius Fizzlewicks - to spawn in what were thought to be one of three locations - the catacombs under the slaughtered lamb, those under the cathedral, and in an otherwise empty shop in the park (again, mind you that this was back in classic!)

Now, this Fizzlewicks fellow you could trade with; the odd thing being that his stock - judging by those who claim to have interacted with him - was more or less random. You'd have anything from consumables for players just out of the starting areas to rare weapons and armor that normally would only show up as world drops and were bound-on-pickup to highly sought-after stuff from the old Zandalari faction when Zul'Gurub still was the hot shit.

Some people on the realm forum claimed that Mr Fizzlewicks was a pet project by one of the game's coders, and that his stock actually consisted of copies made from items in the inventories of characters that were deleted after their players did the same to their respective accounts, but whether or not this is the case is largely negligible. What -was- interesting was a white quest object named "Prime Physics", which supposedly used the same inventory icon as the famed Gnomish Death Ray. And sold for the hefty sum of 10120 gold (which would have made Scrooge McDuck cream himself back when people endlessly grinded for their 800 gold epic mount).

Due to the short timespawn for which both the Young Girl and Figerius Fizzlewicks would be around before despawning, several organized attempts to raise enough gold and buy the "Prime Physics" failed short (and one guildmate of mine claimed there was at least one big scam resulting in many salty tears). I don't actually know whether anyone ever managed to get a hand on that item, but of course you had rumors built on rumors - that it was part of an ARG, that Blizzard would offer a job or lifelong free account subscription to the guy who used it, or that it produced a quest whose description actually was the address of a darknet side with godknowswhat on it.

As the "young girl" hasn't been seen since the launch of Burning Crusade (and trust me, there were enough autists camping at that spot), the general consensus is that she and the gnome were removed and likely were just a joke on the part of the devs or a beta leftover. Shit man, I don't know.

And let's not forget all the creepy stuff in Worlds.com, even if half of it was just autistic kids from /x/.

Running through the ghost town equivalent of a 3d chat only to pick up various clues and eventually get the command needed to teleport to a restricted gallery full of ballbusting pics really was quite interesting.

The many virtual tombstones and entire mausoleums users made for other users that had passed away were rather depressing though.

Has there ever been a real horror video game story that's not Polybius?

I know the guy had a garishly-colored website, it even had a forum. I wasn't able to join it though since the guy was gone and nobody could be added.

No, this guy made flash videos, I actually hadn't heard of that website. Thanks for the help though anons.

oh well im glad i dont need sleep today


Once during a trip around the map on final fantasy tactics i ran into an entire team of monks that were all at the maximum level with basically end game equipment.

Ya got me, user.
you motherfucker

The fucking mannequins in Skyrim

goddamn it




A Fallout 4 mod I drafted and then never actually made which was based around the premise of going out of the game's normal boundaries and exploring the game's development/testing content had an element in it inspired by the way mannequins work in Skyrim/Fallout 4. Mannequins in Skyrim/Fallout 4 are NPCs with scripting attached that's supposed to cancel their AI programming, but because Skyrim/Fallout 4's scripting engine is really horrible it's more than possible for that script to fail and for the mannequins in your house or wherever to break free of their normal confines and start wandering around by themselves, so in my mod there were to be these factions of wandering sentient mannequins who've broken out of their regular programming like that and have snuck out of the game world and into the game's development spaces.

Is this one it?

Good luck hunting a copy.

The game is really off.

Shit that sounds really interesting, MMO's are a great source of stories like that. Speaking of which, aren't there any stories about players in MMO's, haunted accounts and stuff like that?

Seems like those games would have stuff similar to this It's a nice creepypasta idea if anyone is interested in writing one.

I don't recall Galerians, be it the original or ASH, being too hard to find where I live (which isn't to call it common, just lacking in demand to get bought fast), let alone expensive. Or has some e-celeb faggot done a video/LP on them that's made them to spike the price/demand recently?

Wow I fucking hate you niggers. Stop sucking cocks.


>Playing Fable 3 with a friend
It's not much, but it spooked the shit out of me back then, it was like stepping on a spider only to be swarmed by hundreds of baby spiders

I vaguely remember something like this in a shitty korean MMO, Mabinogi. I don't remember it well but the entire thing revolved around Spiral Hill, which was in between two of the first towns in the game.

Normally there wasn't anything really there, I remember there being an in game book talking about it, a sign at the bottom of it, few basic mobs like wolves, and at the top of it there was this wooden 'fairy' thing. Basically a wood textured sorta human shape with some wings made of leaves. Now the rumors started with that book I mentioned since its a pretty tiny book and don't remember it being fairly common but it mentioned nobody knowing what was on top of the hill. In game it was easy to get up there, but people always wondered if there was a secret to the fairy statue on top.

Now in Mabinogi you could hit things like trees, rocks, statues, etc, and you could hit the fairy. Most of the time it dropped the same stuff as a bush, twigs and berries. But rumors got around that it sometimes dropped specially colored items (Or maybe just dyes) which were pretty valuable. But some people said they've seen a specially named with enemy spawn out when they hit it, "Fairy" or something. I never heard of what happened when you killed it/died to it, or even if you could interact though.

That's actually a pretty cool story, I mean generally when NPCs stop working properly it might range from hilarious to really creepy.

I've never played the game, but I know that kind of experience. This image. There's nothing scary about it, and it's even a bit funny, in theory, but the first time I saw it, I was overwhelmed with a sense of malevolent intent. It didn't go away the next time I saw it, either. It's become semi-popular to use over time, so I'm pretty sure that I'm the crazy one. The sense has gradually decreased over time, but I still can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong, or even evil about it. It never fails to make me uneasy.

I definitely don't get the same sense of evil at all, but it's an interesting reaction.


Capped for Posterity

Looking back at it now, it was probably the boo in the hallway, which is right behind that wall, maybe for some reason it's laughing activated, something to do with half a presses and quantum mechanics and all that shit. I remember how I almost shitted my pants, regardless, and I used to be a coward anyway.

probably a gameboy sp blue edition story, ended on a nice note.

Something about the music in Forest&Hills was unnerving to me.
Specifically, there was one area of the map where music would play. Every other area of the map was quiet, without music. But this one area had this unusual atmospheric music in it. There was nothing special about the area itself other than that it was wet, with an abandoned hunter's hut. It just felt out of place.

If you're not a coward as a kid, you're not being a kid right.