Other urls found in this thread:
I admit it, I chuckled
I know that Zelda is a borderline-meme game at this point, but this infuriates me. I grew up on this shit, ALttP was the first game I ever finished in 1994 as a kid. OoT were some of the best memories I have with my brother and parents. I HATE the fact that it became the "Harry Potter of video games" and that it's the first (and only) thing that these degenerates piles of shit latch onto.
The irony almost points it self out.
You need to stop becoming attached to experiences that aren't strictly yours.
I'm attached to my grandmother's cooking and other people eat that.
Yeah but me playing the games in my room with my brother are strictly my experiences. I just lament the fact that the game isn't more niche.
The difference is that your grandfather made the food for you personally while Zelda was always a mass consumer product.
did you even try?
There are underaged boys with nicer tiddies than that.
I played the game personally and the ingredients she used were mass consumer products.
I don’t get it. Who are those people and why does some random nobody on Twitter expect me to think they’re important?
I'm inclined to believe the popular rallying point: gamers are dead.
We as an audience don't exist anymore. It's far more profitable to chase after the increasing crowd of people happy to pick up the latest AAA clone. These people accept any low quality game as long as a brand name is attached to it, then proceed to buy all the limited versions, day 1 DLC, multiple season passes and then pay into loot boxes.
You all cite Destiny 2 as losing people left and right, but it still sold 3 million units at least at full retail price - if not more for special editions. It probably sold a lot of season passes and loot boxes too… It's probably already made the money back.
Even good Japanese games are going the way of awful localisers who are more interested in chasing the normal market than the niche market that the game was intended for. Ys made the move to NISA, and the quality of translation was already obvious as mediocre.
We as a market, are dead. Why bother when there's a much larger market willing to eat up shit and pay extra for dressing the shit up? Gamers are dead, what's left isn't a hobbyist but instead someone who mindlessly looks for something casual to pass the time.
I'm still inclined to believe this was so they could get CS3 out as soon as possible via Xseed. Otherwise they wouldn't have pawned Tokyo Xanadu to a different company as well, but given it to NiSA as well.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you just flinging around terms you don't understand because you've seen them used to describe stuff that you don't like?
What in the fuck would make Zelda a meme game? The fact that normalfags love it? That's not what a meme game is you retard.
No, it's a game with memetic popularity, which Zeldo has. Image related.
We're reaching leftist realms of just making up fucking nonsense terms here.
Zelda is popular, and easily recognisable. I'm not disputing that. I'm saying that being popular doesn't make it a fucking meme.
A meme is a unit of information that is easily transferred, like a Triforce symbol. The fact that the cry-bullies in OP's pic have co-opted it does not make it a meme game.
i dont get it, whats the joke here? i know the exodia meme, but that is usually for some really graphic shit, the picture posted is just shitty porn picture. so… ?
He's not wrong. Zelda is now a "nerdy" social signifier. So you'll see hot chicks wearing Zelda and Mario clothes to appear "quirky". Saw one yesterday.
Exactly. So it's a meme game.
what happened to his dicke & balls
wow user how does an enlightened and principled being like you survive here?
That's Zoe Quinn. Of Five Guys Burgers and Fries infamy.
Masturbating often and piracy.
I was at work on a lunch break when I got this as a Youtube ad.
I mean, LOL
what the fuck is a meta
the guy fucking "his" girl
Sounds like that annoying blue faggot from rick & morty, at least they honest about know only retards would play their game
meta knight
like many things, this is a problem that properly applied violence can solve
Please tell me this is an elaborate cuckold fetish fiction.
The even managed to die in an attention whore way.
Truly magnificent.
Fucking topkek.
Normalfags are fucking vultures and deserve to be poached accordingly.
No, gamers didn't die, the corporate game industry did.
Zoey 101 has put on a bit of weight in recent times. Must've been all those burgers and fries.
Every person involved with that situation deserves to face a firing squad.
Hah, stupid whores.
god's gift to man indeed
those cunts survived unfortunately, this dumb spic killed her sister, her head is split open.
For some reason I can tell the Bull is white and maybe a "Bigit nadsi"
If she can't drop the thing even at a time of crisis then she really must be mentally handicapped.
More so than the usual woman retardation.
Those are also gamers.
What the "gamers are dead" articles talked about was the idea that you shouldn't need your product appeal to customers, which doesn't work unless you're not expecting to make money with your product.
Those games like Destiny 2 may be shitty, but they were made to appeal to customers.
Something more artistically productive to do is to consider that you don't need a large audience for your products. It's much the same as with youtube channels, in that you can have a product that appeals to just a few tens of thousands of people and that can be financially successful enough to provide you a living.
gee who would've thought
what the ever-loving fuck?
haha karma
You know maybe self driving cars aren't such a bad idea after all. I've never been a fan of the concept but they surely can't do any worse at it than these chucklefucks are.
More like Saudi driving laws aren't such a bad idea
Why not use public transport if you don´t want to drive yourself?
Also, this one gets me too.
Oh man, I feel my IQ growing stronger every second as I watch this.
It is him.
I have seen more graphic shit that this, but this disturbs me on a deeper level. There's not a single shred of regret and she seems completely oblivious to what she has just done. The words are there but they sure as fuck don't reflect her actions.
I don't want to click these webms you guys are posting. I want to start my day on a positive note
fucked up on so many levels. She must be really damn ugly so that it didn't make a difference or so hot that he would need other fetishes to get off.
She only cares about going to jail, sociopathic as fuck.
There's something terrifyingly sociopathic about this one. She talks to the camera about the death of her sister like she's reading off some script like a b list actor. She seemed more concerned about how it would come back to her or her image than the fact that her sisters brains we're all over the side of the road. Are all spic snapchat thots like this?
Please post more of these. It's always delicious when an "open" relationship backfires.
The "open relationships gone like shit" are my favourite screencaps from Reddit
Moar of these
Can it even be considered driving when they're not even holding the wheel?
Drop the whore and seek professional help, you're obviously mentally ill.
This shit makes me desire for torture laws against attention whore and normal fags
Here's a compilation of retards dying and putting lives in danger for social media attention.
That's are great, but check this out.
Why did you post it user? Fuck I need a beer now
it's physically impossible to take a flattering photo of Flynt, isn't it?
That's the joke.
He needs to kys.
They are literally whos which showed how fucked up gaming journalism is.
After that Gamergate was created to eject that kind of people from video games industry.
Do you want storytime, Holla Forums?
And for the anons who haven't read this masterpiece before, it is NOT porn, surprisingly. Although precisely thats what make this really disturbing. This isn't even explicit, yet this will probably make you cringe more than when you watched 2 girls, 1 cup.
Are you ready, Holla Forums?
Go ahead
webm plz
Age of consent was a mistake, public education was a mistake, not teaching women their place and helping them find a respectable man was a mistake holy fuck take the internet away from these people
Hitler dubs makes me not wanting to post degenerate shit…But gotta follow the demand! Besides, when was this posted the last time, i think I saw this in a LOL thread a year ago, but not sure.
I remember someone dumping this in November 2014.
This is the first issue of like 4-5 comics. yes, THERE ARE MORE.
I still can't believe there's an entire fucking mega-genre of comics just about "I'm a pervert!"
Issue number two. Starring a very close unicorn sibling couple.
this is an ad? seems more like a desperate cry for help NOTAKERS
End of issue 2.
Issue 3.
that's not a spanish word
End of issue 3.
This art's style reminds me of Bob's Benis
The most offensive thing about OP's pic isn't just the use of familiar game iconography to try and make themselves out to be the heroes, it's the fact that the metaphor is flawed.
Though not entirely. In fact, I just realized that the SJW indie/game journalism clique are a lot like Ganondorf: they WANT the entire Triforce, but all they ever had was Power (which they stole). And now they're losing Power due to the efforts of a band of plucky young heroes armed with wisdom and courage.
And Literally Who is currently transforming into some kind of pig monster.
Forgot to say that this is issue number 4
Oh boy.
You're deluding yourself.
Shitpussy is better.
a classig mem
End of issue 4. Will post the latest issue later.
Ah yes, here it is
SocJus and journalists are golems. Frankly, that you would commit such an amateurish mistake is kind of bizarre. The cutting of the chain can't happen at a lower level, you must either go for the top (which is unreachable by 99.999% of the world population) or at their weakest link, which definitely isn't Journalism.
Here comes issue number 5: The Electric Bogaloo. Hopefully this is the last one, unless the sickfuck of the artist stop shitting and dying of AIDS, and resumes torturing humanity again with this crap.
Hope you enjoyed one of the few things that made old Holla Forums in the times of the 4chan era say to itself "WHAT IN GOD NAME IS THIS CRAP?!?!?!?!".
Show me
Get Mark to show you his childhood photos
Frankly I wonder why no one thought of this earlier
Very nice bloodbornebox user.
That would imply that literally every game with an icon or symbol is a meme game.
I thought you meant twinks with perky nipples
What you said is MUCH more funny
kill me haha
Ebic memes xD
Is that a next level loss?
What a twist.
I'm afraid. But I somehow still enjoy this.
It's all worthwhile games for PS4.
not even the jews can make touching stories like this any more.
well they shouldnt feel any which way since all of this was kept in the dark, right? RIGHT?
I'm always glad when women encounter the fact that TRAPS AREN'T FUCKING GAY
comics are exhausted, post caps
Exactly. It's a meta loss, symbolizing the abortion that is the PS4.
Here you go, at least it's not useless.
First day on the internet?
Ys became shit two games before NISA.
what's this audio from?
git gud
You report political derails, not screencap them.
Git a dick up your ass. Ys Seven's only saving graces are the music and the dragon boss fights and Celceta is irredeemable trash.
what political derails?
It's a fucking marketing buzzword.
Or if you prefer.
Ys Seven was published by XSEED dumbass.
Forgot transparent background.
The party system without jump does suck balls though. Seven's better than Celceta though.
>Ys became shit two games before NISA
Dana's actually really good. Just play it in nip.
Looks like the only shit is you user
There are supposed to be fan translations so I'll wait. I'm on a falcom burnout at the moment.
They are. Just like you
God I wish the boyfriend leaked that fucking tape
That's what I would have done user, turn the cucker into the cuckee. Let the slut and her retard raise it.
I thought 'she' wasn't trendy enough to show up in any trap memes
I thought traps where flat. I can see some tiddy there.
I remember seeing this on the news, I'm pretty sure the she-spic in the video is in jail right now.
What are the chances of someone knowing the source of that catgirl?
What's this semen demon's name?
I think he's slowly coming around to the fact that his whore of a gf cucked him hard
She only got five years
Should have gotten the death sentence.
That loli is from a VR game called "No Heroes Allowed!"
Have fun~
Thank you.
Why do they always claim being a cuck is the best thing that happened to them, that liberated them, etc, when all the experiences they talk about are how absolutely wrecked their life is now.
Look at the chest, thats a girl.
Everyone involved with that story, including 2d6c81 who posted it should be gassed
You wouldn't have agreed to have an open relationship in the first place m8
i thought you where talking about the cat girl in the second pic
implants exist user
This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
Why can't all sadists and furfags kill themselves? This guy had the right idea.
Nah, the dude sounds like a kike all the way. Maybe a nigger.
She's hideous and deep down she knows it. I feel sorry for the kids, both of their parents are retarded fucking degenerates that only care about themselves.
No surprise there. Having a vagina is basically living life on easy mode.
Post the photo. I will send it to his parents.
You think they don't know?
Well of course they know about his interests, but I don't think they know about his "interests."
This is some beyond Robocop, beyond Judge Dredd dystopia kind of shit. Expect to see more of this as people are packed into tight cities with welfare but also 99% unemployment rate
Miss Wisdom here is actually kind of cute, especially when in the company of the other two.
They're genuinely not human, are they?
I love that he looks like he's on a green screen.
Serious question - what is woke supposed to mean?
Faggy lefty version of Redpill.
I feel genuinely sorry for the guy. He just got accidentally cucked.
That really is rustling me.
That Second pic. They could call it every chick flick ever made instead.
No, I get that. But what did it derive from? Bein Awake?
black people talk for bluepilled and proud
I recognize that page.
lol threads are only a testament on how many Holla Forums goers also browse Holla Forums, and a little excuse for them to show their true nature here.
what the FUCK
She's definitely on drugs. My bets are on methamphetamine.
That wasn't funny, it was just a sad mess.
He clearly got caught in the moment and didn't know what to do. His insecurity was egging him on, but he knew his heart or dick in this case, wasn't in it.
I can relate because my first time was awful and I felt nothing. Apparently my anti-depressents fucked my sex drive and made it impossible to orgasm. Having a death grip probably didn't help either. She felt it, I didnt.
Well user it means that… It's another false sense of superiority built to make people feel better about their opinions.
You can't make this shit up
Lol you mean close it? Morons.
That pic with the beastiality girl is just sad. No self-esteem or dignity.
never have I read such a compelling and simultaneously deeply disturbing piece of literature in all my life.
Only an onion eating, ex-cornholing, puff secondarying, car marsturbating, ice climbers main could come up with that shit
Anita looks like the most stereotypical Jew woman possible. The only reason she would look cute is that she's standing next to two trannies.
Poor guy. That would fuck with my mind something fierce. Hope he either dumped the chick or found a way to curb her degenerate ways. Though when I hear "bluepilled bitch" I get a bit afraid.
yeah, heard that shit happens. A friend of mine was on em for 6 years straight, and the moment he got off them and jerked off, he came so violently he moaned. Poor guy was pent up for six full years
I'm more confused by how it started with King's Quest V
The joke is that the PS4 is at a loss for games :^)
truly a cursed image.
That anti-climatic statement, fucking lol
Those soulless bastards.
It's like they're overly self aware.
Here's one with a happy ending.
Some dude reacting to Abigail reveal on Street Fighter 5
Unfortunately, putting a kerchief around a woman's head doesn't make her smarter.
I ain't laughing, that ones pretty fucked up.
I wish we could get Jared's side of the story. She must have been such a monumental cunt for everyone close to her to side with him instead.
No, fuck that bitch for not being faithful and agreeing to a threesome.
Are you niggers serious? Imagine that your girlfriend was distributing secret sex tapes of you fucking her for money. I mean I laughed because what a twist, but he used her plain and simple.
Jesus fuck Jared.
It's only not ok because she wasn't getting her share.
The only thing unfair about it is she didn't get a cut of the cash. She was totally willing to fuck random dudes she'd never met before, while still believing she was in a loving relationship? Stupid and slutty. Swinging/threesomes are just as bad as cheating.
Holy shit you mongoloid. She never agreed to to whoring herself out, and was under the belief that her boyfriend not only knew these people but was getting off to it. She was making accommodations for the boyfriend's pleasure, but in the end was unwittingly whored out. She has a right to be mad.
More like this please.
Holy fuck an actual cuckold on Holla Forums. Stop watching so much interracial porn user.
just admit that he's right and stop deflecting. It is a funny story but still pretty fucked up and abusive.
Consensually deciding to fuck certain people that your partner is comfortable with is different from randomly fucking people on the street, you inbred retard. You don't let random people show up to a party, but you let people in if a friend vouches for them.
Poor slut got burned for being a slot. I am literally crying rivers. Literally.
Kill yourself.
Ask and you shall receive.
Seriously, provide an argument for her to not be mad.
What about this shit is being a slut? She was doing what her boyfriend asked of her, thinking he was enjoying it. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Did anyone here catch the new Jojo OVA?
But that's what she was doing.
But he was vouching for them.
But he was enjoying it.
How is that actual cuckoldry, the chick got played the fool. Just cuz most women are shit doesn't change that what happened to her actually sucks for her and theres no evidence that she brought it on herself like these other stories posted. Imagine she was an anime girl and not a 3dpd and you'd be furious.
I didn't even make it past the fucking title of this one without cracking up.
The time she should have gotten mad was when he suggested fucking someone else in the first place. Any point after is bad judgement on her part leading to those events occurring.
Is this a different version by the same woman? I remember reading about something similar but she explained that the thing the guy lied about was that he was actually really fuckin' rich but chose to live humbly instead. Like the woman really wanted the guy to spoil her after finding out about how loaded he was but he didn't want to.
She was basically okay with fucking other people while in a relationship. The reasonable choice would have been to drop the guy and find someone decent, but obviously that's too much to ask from modern women.
Different cunt. Here's the one you're looking for.
He was lying about vouching for them, though. He had no idea who they were. When your friend vouches for a guy he brings to the party, and then that guy breaks all your windows before your friend admits it was some homeless dude he met on the way here, that's not ok. If the guy had been lying and it had been strangers for the sake of his fetish of her getting fucked by strangers, it would actually have been LESS fucked up. But instead he turned her into a money-making scheme and she didn't know about it.
Yeah, it was kinda weird though, the fucking kid's eyes. I wish they'd animate all the other Thus Spoke chapters too.
No, he was not. He was profiting. If you weren't a fucking yid you'd know the two are not synonymous.
I'll agree on that.
That's a little ridiculous. Everyone wants to fuck new and exciting people. It's not like a dude is going to complain if his gf is a cuckqueen. Just asking about it is harmless.
What's wrong with potato soup?
It's made by nazis
jesus fuckin christ
That's her problem, because even if he were vouching for them why would she trust a guy that was more than willing to share his girlfriend with other guys? Would you trust a cuckold on any matter?
The really fucked up thing here is that you faggots are defending this whore trying to make it look like it's not her fault. Thank God Neofag is going back only soon so you can fuck off.
Boo fucking hoo. Whore got a taste of her own medicine. Cry me a fucking river.
He's a smart man, you're an idiot just begging to be cheated upon. You'd likely take her smelly vagina back for some sloppy seconds.
What fucking medicine? Where did she wrong anyone in that whole fucking story?
If he just mashed up some potatoes and put it into water it could be pretty gross.
I've never heard of an open relationship going well. Sneaking in a kinky 3-way or some shit makes some sense for "spicing" things up but open relationship implies you're still subject to obligations as a boyfriend/girlfriend but while you're partner goes cock/clam sampling but with a safety net to fall on
I know of many, but plenty of them fail catastrophically because one of the partners is actually doing it so they can fuck a person they're ACTUALLY interested in and they fall in love. Those relationships are fine to have, but it's also often a warning sign that your partner doesn't want to hang around anymore sometimes.
Spoken like someone who has never had a long term relationship. If you make honesty a priority it will be much better for you in the long term.
If you say "no" and that's the end of the discussion, that's fine. If she keeps bringing it up, then get suspicious.
Uh, they're both by that into-the-abyss dame. Still, good stuff.
Is there a place your getting all these caps from or is this just your personal collection?
Now user, let's not judge women as adults. As we all know they have the minds of children.
Personal collection.
You have to be a specific type of person for an open relationship to work. 99% of people are not that type of person. That your dumb 25yo gf asks about it isn't a reason to burn her at the stake.
To say about that.
What kind of "gf" talked him into it or would talk their bf into this?
Christ that cap.
Brings a sparkle to my eye
These have been posted in Holla Forums and Holla Forums women hate threads for at least a few years now.
Now THIS is a dumb whore getting her comeuppance
I aim to please.
Holla Forums too, I remember Holla Forums had a few dumps as well when things touch upon the subject.
I've fucked uglier. Put a bag over her head and cut out her tongue and she's doable
Why did I look at the pictures?
I know you would
Why do you even bother?
Just so certain "people" don't call me a muh soggy knee here is one where this rare creature, the intelligent woman, dispenses redpills upon the unwashed masses.
God damn, I can't enjoy this shit. How fucking infantile does a woman have to be to ruin her fucking life over not getting enough sex? And she could have prevented it entirely if she just aborted the thing and was up front to the boyfriend who might have been more understanding had she done that. I mean I feel good for the guy because he covered his ass and gave her exactly what she deserved but god damn these people just make me furious.
Men do the same shit, but women have to potential to literally ruin their life over it. You'd think they'd be more careful with shit.
Why are you such a bigot? This is what nature intended them to be.
Check /r/cuckold.
to fap
Yeah men may cheat, but unless you're a nigger I think most men would take precautions, and if the woman you're cheating with ever says she's pregnant, no sane man on the face of the earth would ever think "let's keep the baby". It's just fucking lunacy.
Statistically, women do it A LOT more frequently. Men are romantics, women are opportunists. They cheat so much because being single is the worst thing in the world to a woman, so when their relationship starts to bore them or they find a better guy, they have to fuck that other guy to make it a sure thing BEFORE breaking it off with the first one. It's insurance against being single for even a moment. Or, they think they can just cheat forever and nobody will find out, using one guy for money and one guy for fun.
looks like the ravioli i just ate
Why the fuck did this thread turn into spoilered pictures of SRS? Jesus fucking Christ
And now we come upon the shocking realization that men and women are different. What other mindblowing truths might we discover in this thread? That the Holocaust isn't real? That niggers aren't people? That Holla Forums is modded by a fat man?
No one truly knows.
We're looking for stories of people regretting their experience, not reveling in their own filth.
This is all perfectly healthy and perfectly natural. If you stepped outside your mom's basement you'd get to see the brave new world we live in.
[citation needed]
It's part of the cult's prescribed activities.
All cults generally have these sessions where members talk about how bad their past was even if it was positive.
I know you're being facetious, but this shit is not the norm now. Most people are just ignorant of it, and many more are disgusted by it. Only in the very heart of San Francisco is shit like this the norm.
Somehow this may be one of the least disturbing images I've seen in this thread.
>a girl that i've been hanging out and hooking up with for like 2 months
Fucker brought it on himself. A woman who's willing to put out without any real relationship is a whore by default.
Now this is how you deal with a whore.
Bravo, Jared. May your days be long, fruitful, and lively.
If the bitch is loose enough to agree to a threesome, she might as well be a prostitute, you faggot.
Wait a minute
How the fuck did she survive the car accident but her sister who was in the back seat probably got her head split open?
Can anyone explain?
Only because the dick is censored :^)
If she wasn't wearing a seat belt it could happen. The front would have an airbag, but the back seat doesn't, so she would fly forward and split her head on the front seat.
Sister wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was ejected out of the car.
My sweet summer child.
I think it's a coping mechanism actually. When you've gotten to the point that not even your wife respects you enough to at least pretend loyalty and is openly flaunting her infidelity in your face knowing you will do nothing about it the only way the psyche can protect itself from total collapse is to delude itself into believing that you actually want this.
jewboy cant resist
I live in rural upstate NY where the most common vehicle is a beaten up pickup truck with no muffler, and there's maybe 1 nigger for every 50 white people. There's a state college in the nearby small city (no building taller than 4 stories, mostly retail stores). Just in my workplace, there is 1 tranny, 5 gays, 2 butch lesbians, and a rainbow haired retard who can't decide what it is and gives us different pronouns to use on a weekly basis (which we ignore).
This place is white redneck as fuck, and still degeneracy has a foothold. Mostly because of the college, but the "people" I work with aren't students.
Better censor his franklin douglas, it may offend some.
To be fair the moderation here is retarded, remember the whole shitstorm about posting that nirvana album cover of the swimming baby?
She has a point, it looks the women is just posing/faking living a perfect life and I don't know if it is just because I am jaded but I know women don't live that way anymore unless their husbands are millionaires and they can afford that lifestyle.
Doesn't make up for being a turbo whore though, 100 times over I would prefer though women pictured even if it is vapid and fake.
I would assume the sister wasn't wearing a seatbelt and she got ejected from the car when it rolled, which it probably did considering she was ejected from the vehicle. It looks like she smacked her head on something hard like a pole or rock, which is pretty much instant death at highway speeds.
they openly defecate like poo in the loos and sodomize each other as well, I'm surprised we haven't got mega aids from that place yet.
D-do you live in Canton?
Do you work for the government?
Dead niggers aren't offensive though.
The point is that the Jewish golem is losing her shit at an idealized display of femininity. The woman in the photographs never claimed that is what her real life looks like, she just display a photo collection of an ideal. That creature is so pozzed that this acts upon her like a holy cross would upon a bloodsucking vampire.
It's only a misdemeanor to willingly infect people with HIV. I want some brave soul to dump barrels of infected blood into the water supply and watch the fun unfold.
no to both
So…respectable, disciplined, and hard-working?
These people believe that shit like this is rainbow and sunshine. I partially blame the suppression of research intended to study and show the issues and negatives effects of such procedure, both physical and psychological effects, at least to alert retards/cucks like this guy.
user, I go to college in seattle and I've seen about 3 people who looked like trannies, and maybe 10 blatantly rainbow haired fags. Granted, I don't really talk to anyone so there could be more who are better at passing, but just observing others in the student body, it's still not that common. I might chalk your situation up to >college and the fact in a predominantly white rural neighborhood many college kids are being more rebellious.
Reddit is usually shit, but the top responses are pretty good this time (at least I think the top responses. The ones with the most votes aren't all at the top, but they aren't in chronological order. It seems they're pretty much randomly arranged with the top-voted ones weighted toward the top or something. I have no fucking idea how Reddit works).
I don't think they'd care anyway.
Scientific facts are a social construct, after all :^)
Do you really need multiple studies by leading medical experts to tell you that cutting off your penis is a bad idea?
That's a nice looking wrist rest
It used to be just getting a tattoo you'd end up regretting, I cant imagine getting your dick chopped off only to regret it a few years later.
When one lives in Weimar, is anything really a surprise?
Hey, I remember that Total War thread.
Op's photo is missing the dozens of neurotic posts the lardbucket made after that.
Thank you, you did a great job. Don't send your children to kindergarten.
Thankfully most of the mutants don't survive past the age of 40.
So much for the "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" crowd.
Apparently you do. Even beyond that, no one knows if hormone blockers and HRT is even safe.
She sounds like she's probably actually a manipulative insufferable cunt. She says in her story that their relationship was "great," but "Sometime I would be emotionally distant and occasionally he would be too affectionate." So she was was probably a frigid bitch that he had slowly grown to accept. And then she cheated on him, like a cunt. Having said all that, I think he went a little overboard (only a little), but the vengeance is sweet.
Why overboard? From the looks of it everyone hated the cunt and was just looking for an excuse to get back at her. When your own cousin, best friend and sister will sleep with your former boyfriend to get back at you you must be a pretty awful person.
Help i'm cring.
Yeah, its pretty telling that both their cousin and her best friend turned on her pretty fast over some (as far as they know) "fuccboi".
hoors gonna hoor
yea fuck this thread thats enough Holla Forums today bye guys
Don't let the door hit your flabby ass on the way out, faggot.
Spotted the newfag.
it affected her mother and father who are presumably innocent in all this, that's where i considered it overboard personally, fucking her sister/cousin/bestfriend just proves his game was strong
slut reeee
No user. You are just a retard, normalfags can be understood
My thesis and yours are not necessarily diametrically opposed. It is often the case through the army indoctrination program, for example, that recruits would find themselves attached to the army through a similar thought process.
Are there?
Maybe it's just bedtime for him.
Gotta get those good boy points, after all.
Well, there's no shame in being a spineless cuck if it's "who you are".
If if being a bigot is who I am?
I can't just deny my identity, man.
Sweet dreams are made of this
When I first came here, this place was known for it's edgy humour and rebellious nature, when I visit it now, I see nothing but misogyny and hatred that can only be beaten by Adolf Trump.
It's thamks to people like you that forums like NeoGAF no longer exist. That all gaming communities are Alt-Right hellholes which enforce patriarchal ideals.
I've had enough, I've written a sternly worded letter to the country hosting the Holla Forums servers, expect this place to be shut down for hate speech soon.
But bigotry is a social construct and being a cuck is not, checkmate :^)
Man, that new Silent Hill game is looking great!
ebin bost friend :-DDDD
Identity is a social construct :^^^)
I like how he felt throwing her sandwich in the trash was important enough to mention
She said, in another post user found she said her parents were very religious and flipped their shit when they found they had raised a harlot.
What is sure is that the whore will think twice about cheating again. She will remember Jared for life.
It's kind of fucked up leftists are using military psychological tricks to fool men into thinking throwing their genetic legacy down the toilet is the preferable alternative.
Here is a video full of cute kittens for you to relax with.
its like they dont do research on the consequences on an irreversible choice.
I never knew what a real stoning looked like, neato.
Now that mp4 is truly progressive
That pretty much says all.
Reminder that now its abominations are being brought up to the knowledge of people, after many years, but for subversive intentions like sob stories of "they were so progressive and "ahead" of their time, until the ebil natzes came and ruined everything sadly".
First the Pozz Law and shit like this, Cali is really outing itself each fucking day
This and they wont be able to cry out of ignorance, since it already a known risk.
People are retard, but could turn some people to fall to this trap.
Cute kittens are very progressive.
Is this imgur.com
Nope, but thank you for the reading material.
Is this a joke how can someone type that without connecting the dots
Jewish propaganda, that's how.
I don't think his game was strong. Based on the story, they fucking hated her enough that they wanted to fuck him for the same reason he wanted to fuck them. There is a lot written between the lines that indicates that she's manipulative and narcissistic, and they were chomping at the bit for an opportunity to make her eat her own shit.
Are those teeth in the third pic?
This one is pure fucking gold.
I personally like the one with the mudshark.
I'm feeling levels of smug I didn't think possible.
This looks like something from Warhammer.
Are you retarded?
Holy fucking shit, that last one is one of the best things I've ever seen.
You are way past that point if you're posting here, friend.
Spoiler that shit user
That's not wrong. Black people are actually ok for society….niggers and gangsta wannabe should be shot
thanks for the funny cartoon friend, have one in return
pls don't
I really like this place.
Can we talk about this
my email : [email protected]
Very close to it. I don't know how they're still in business.
I know, right? The balls on that woman.
I am now horribly depressed.
They are.
so why exactly where they cuddling this cute kitten?
Post more whores being dumped
dropped, fake and gay
Fucking Poe's law. I thought the first two were parodies until I read the third one.
SJWs really are slowly turning into more of a parody of themselves than they already were.
Also this.
Wait a second
Women, Jesus Christ.
I remember that one when it first made the rounds, she later admitted that she already planned to sleep around even if he said "no."
He made the right decision.
I love that show and have never thought about the genius of that line before. His favorite things are mutually exclusive. I thought the joke was supposed to be "oh, women will love even an inanimate object if it has the right message" but the real joke is "women are too fucking stupid to know what they want"
How surprising.
Of course she did. Anyone suggesting an open relationship is planning to cheat. If their partner says no they'll just add that to their excuses on why it's somehow ok for them to cheat.
but why are they stoning cousin it?