Tfw some guy drove a thousand miles to buy a copy of Super Mario Bros. 2
Vidya is truly powerful
The real question is, what did Joe do Jane?
Fucking hell these fags have been doing this even longer than I thought
Ah, think back user. Driving a couple hundred miles to the nearest city to get that game or console you wanted so badly. The ride was both glee and agony. The drive home was a lesson in patience.
I miss that.
Nintendo of America has been scummy since day one.
But user Nintendo saved the video game industry… for consoles… in America.
That means they are gods and can do whatever they want and have never done anything bad ever.
Dipshits like Mark fall for it pretty easily.
capitalists gonna capitalism.
Customers are cattle, user. They're dumb animals with more money than brains, and it's the capitalists' job to relieve them of that money.
The capitalists aren't to blame, though, the customers are. Being cattle is a choice.
They also ship in very small quantities so they can brag "Our product solt out it's so popular :^)" it's just a big marketing gimmick.
You are a smart man, user.
This is typically what the other board assumes when talking about capitalists. They didn't force them to buy, but they did persuade them, and they got big due to that willingness to keep being supported by the smaller people, eventually growing.
They didn't just magically decide to be rich.
It's simple economics.
The federal reserve is a whole 'nother story though
You get my jist.
it's not an issue with capitalism, it's the issue with the consumers
keeping hold of your families wealth throughout generations is what every family should be doing and the fact that alot of people don't bother doing it and then wondering why their family is poor is silly
Why can't modern game journalism be this good?
Well, for starters the standards for what is considered journalist work have been drastically lowered.
what does that shit tastes like anyway?
Ecto Cooler
binging with babish made a vid. ofc it tastes better because it's homemade with care
Upon watching the embed I realized this was the video that caused the cuck in pic related to whine about how evil lolbertarians are on the Retronauts podcast three years ago.
The best part is how game "journalist" Bob Mackey got completely triggered by this almost 30 year old news report, all because John Stossel is a lolberg. Even better is that Stossel actually admits to buying an NES because his wife wanted to play Tetris, while Bob spergs out about John somehow hating video games.
SMB2 is the GOTYAY after all
Where do you think that the game was made?
Please continue to pretend the UK home computer scene wasn't a trash fire.
It was kikes all this time
They wanted to controll it
Why are you acting like that was the only videogame scene unaltered by the American crash? The japanese home computer and arcade scenes were thriving at the time, even the American one.
Nintencucks think they have license to engage in historical revisionism because of the NES revitalizing one sector in the industry in one country
Uh, you do know that the American economy is much more vital to any business success than anywhere else in the world, right? Even China isn't as important due to their "economy" being their 20% of the world's population,
It was mixed bag filled mostly with shit, but it was certainly influential. If it wasn't for the UK home computer scene for example we wouldn't have had the mentality of being able to mod games, or games made by bedroom programmers/ indy developers. That's not even taking into consideration the ridiculous amount of programmers that started out in the scene and ended up paving the way for using Silicon Graphics workstations to make most early 3D games.
I mean, I still wouldn't recommend getting a BBC micro collection, but you have to admit gaming overall would be a lot worse if Nintendo had an actual monopoly worldwide
What is that first pic?
Isn't this the guy that had the shit slapped out of him by wrestler Dave Schultz?
When violent videogames were restricted they had good reasons to back it up, but "act like a man" and "let's kick some demon butt" sound pretty christian, unless he's a fucking kike like Saarkisian. Then nothing has fucking changed.
I think that user is alluding to the irony in that the west got a totally different version of smb2 than japan
wew i bet he is upset now
gr8 b8 m8 i r8