SMT stream goes live in about 6 hours from now.
This is the big one. It could either save the franchise or sink it. Let us pray.
SMT stream goes live in about 6 hours from now.
This is the big one. It could either save the franchise or sink it. Let us pray.
Other urls found in this thread:
Neat, I just finished replaying Nocturne this evening
Expecting a SMTV announcement?
It's about the HD Project. Pics related.
I hope they don't go back to Law vs Chaos again. It's getting boring.
Is it that stupid "Strange Journey Redux" bullshit?
No, it's a Switch game, if they were talking about Deep Strange Journey they would have called it that.
Isn't it just classic?
nigger its a staple of the franchise
But I agree, they should try to do something to refresh the morality system. Its been fantastic, but too much of a good thing will lead to decay.
SMT is dead, I wish they would stop raping its corpse.
It's going to probably be a hint or an announcement of more SMT stuff while they'll overload it with persona shit. What would really stroke my defeatist boner is if they just did a bait and switch like the last time and do a #FE2 and claim they did it this way because "they're so endearing"
As far as I know, SMT and Persona always stay out of each other's livestreams. The closest they got was when SMT had Lotus Juice as a guest.
Their need to phase out everything SMT has been apparent with every single move they have been making in the megaten franchise. I'm not getting my hopes up.
No, it's dead and has been dead since Nocturne.
Strange Journey was the last good one.
Combat system sucked balls and SJ is more EO than it is SMT.
Nigger what? It had more in common classic SMT than Nocturne did, not that Nocturne was a bad game.
It had extremely little in common with classic SMT, besides fusion. The only previous games it had much in common with were MT1 and SMT:IF, both also being straight dungeon crawls, like EO1-3, whose engine the game was made on.
Nocturne was even further from SMT 1&2 than Strange Journey was.
They found a way to fuck up Strange Journey by fucking up the artstyle and putting a SUPER SPECHUL GIRL OC that just looks like a Persona (the tumor that ate the franchise) character for fuck's sake.
They're going have her lead to a happy ending where the Schwarzvelt solves enviornmentalism or something.
Yeah, and? The point isn't that being like classic megaten makes it good or not, the point is that SJ is only superficially classic styled. Same with 4/4A.
user please.
On the other hand, they might use her to shine a light on the perils of masonry, the way 4A tried and failed to highlight Jewish Physics.
But they won't, because they can't. ATLUS literally cannot do anything right but appease Persona fans anymore and it's not like that's too hard anyway.
The problem with the nuSMT team is that they keep shoving in the persona social interaction where it doesn't belong. Take out the party from SMT4A and you've got a pretty dank story about the Aryans gods (Mitra, who in the Vedas is closely associated with fucking Aryaman, Odin and Krishna) trying to unseat the Jewish demiurge, and 4 had the cool theosophy stuff that it did absolutely nothing with. They need to go more esoteric.
Spot on user, I haven't given 4A a try yet but my experience trying to get through IV was an absolute slog and the constant VN cutscenes where every character just reiterates plot points which have been made abundantly clear previously made it even more of a grind. Isabeau was just an absolute waste of space, however I did like the structure of IV to a degree (the hubs were nice, sidequest hunts and stuff were cool, the smirk system can die in a ditch though) and it does get less anime-y towards the bottom end.
Would you recommend 4A?
No, not even for free. It does a fairly good job masking the mechanical failings of the battle system it inherited from 4 for a few hours, but at the end game it completely falls apart and is somehow less balanced than its predecessor. It does actually offer a "kill all your friends" ending but it is too little, too late. There are some good religious/mythological ideas in the pair but they're obscured by the generic as fuck characters. If 4 was you exploring all the weird shit beneath the rubble dome in silence it would be awesome, but fucking Asami-robo won't shut the fuck up and ruins any atmosphere. It'd be like if Nocturne had Navi.
this is the one franchise that i absolutely cannot believe people here still care about. it's fucking dead. it's been fucking dead. it was dead even before the sega buy out. devil survivor 2 was fucking horrible, strange journey was released unfinished and easy as fuck ("b-but they're """""fixing""""" strange journey with a new casual difficulty setting you can change every time, """"""quality of life""""" AKA casual """""improvements"""""" and a HAWT new anime girl that didnt need to be in the game!), SMT IV was fucking the worst piece of shit I've ever played and then they released Apocalypse that trumped it and made the already braindead gameplay of IV even easier somehow.
how the fuck can any one of you care one fucking bit?
meant to say "casual difficulty setting you can change any time" not every time.
dont you just love that? such a great addition to these games guys i love not having to stress about starting the game over if Normal difficulty is too hard for me. if i see the game over screen, i get mad and write hate mail to atlus about how persona 3 is their only good game till they casualize their games for me.
It was? I'm not the biggest fan of the game but it seems fucking done. It's not like you could jam any more dungeons into it.
I feel it that would have been cool as shit.
I can't speak for everyone here but I mark it down as some sort of beaten wife syndrome. The feeling that "OH THERE HASN'T BEEN A MAINLINE GAME ON A HOME SYSTEM OR PC SINCE NOCTURNE, BUT IT'S JUST AROUND THE CORNER NOW, ATLUS STILL CARES ABOUT THE FRANCHISE" and I personally can't get over the fact that the fans seem to care more about mainline MegaTen than ATLUS at this point.
Honestly, with EO5 not being so hot, Atlus is dead to me. Might just be the first few strata not clicking yet but eh. They've become RPG nintendo, content to remake the same games over and over eternally.
did you ever see the chaos route lol. their writing team gave the fuck up. just took a huge shit. and the backtracking to get to the final boss you had to do was so boring i didnt even care to see the ending.
i'm glad we can agree on EO5 being shit at least. i'm seriously ashamed to have bought it but i'm too retarded and scared to hack my 3DS and getting a pre-owned copy would take months where I live.
everyone's sucking that game off so hard and here i am at stratum 2 and I haven't seen a Game Over screen a single time cause the balancing is so horrible that you're overleveled just from playing the game normally.
i feel like i double sinned giving these kikes my money cause it's not just atlus games that are godawful, SEGA is taking a huge shit on project diva, too.
everything is dead
Never really gotten into EO myself, I don't like the artstyle but I hear the gameplay is actually really rewarding and great dungeon crawling. I've tried a few times to get into the DS ones but it just hasn't clicked. Are the 3DS ones worth trying? Besides 5 of course.
Start with 3. It's a cool pirate adventure.
they're extremely minimalist. zero atmosphere, zero interesting design choices, zero unique mechanics.
i don't really recommend them to people unless you have autism and absolutely have to have a hardcore jrpg fix and have already replayed SMT several times.
i would recommend playing The Dark Spire first if you haven't. it's the same as Etrian Odyssey but they actually TRIED in the atmosphere department and made a really scary game. that's the only difference.
after you play that to death, if you still want more, THEN play boring minimalist EO.
This is actually really wrong. Starting with EO3 the games add tons of interesting interlocking skills. EO5's one saving grace is that the classes are pretty fucking interesting.
cool new names for buttons that make numbers appear on the screen
More like MtG style tokes and chain procs. So the sort of stuff you can do to actually add more strategy to a basic turn based system.
V is shaping up to my favourite in the series. They really fixed their shit after 2U.
So how many hours left?
What would you call FOEs, then?
I mean I like the art but you couldn't be more wrong about the gameplay in both games. It should actually be a crime to be this wrong.
a boss fight with a gimmick.
the gameplay is identical. you just like to have skills that have anime names like "Swift Ice Blade" and "Sailor Moon Scepter" instead of just plain Attack and Heal.
the function is the fucking same, they make numbers appear on the screen. the anime names in EO don't change anything fundamentally.
I miss muh boat gimmick, am I the only one? One big long dungeon nonstop gets boring, especially when the off-track "secret areas" are retreads of the last games where there's maybe one or two quests in there and then some big empty post-game boss rooms. The main climb feels too handholdy with all of the town NPCs telling you what to do all the time along with the "fuck you, go back and get a mission for this" stops. Great music and atmosphere after the first stratum, though.
Fucking kill yourself or just go back to NeoGAF, oh wait, it's dead. Why aren't you?
puzzles? in EO? ahha.a okay man.
try dark spire sometime instead of shitting on it just cause i like it.
You haven't done anything to convince anyone Dark Spire is worth playing and instead spent all your time bitching about another game. You also said yourself the only difference between EO and DS was the atmosphere.
Are you the muh difficulty guy from the Vita thread?
nothing i've said about EO has changed. they're the same games. one has atmosphere, one has anime buttons.
You type like a huehue subhuman, where do you think you are? Also, I finished it. That's why I can say it's garbage with authority. Now get out of this Atlus thread.
Dark Spire was made by Success, they usually release low budget releases with variable amounts of quality. You shouldn't be too surprised.
I wasn't surprised, I played it for the art on the back cover and that's all I ended up getting. What is surprising is that there's someone on 8/v/ right now stupid enough to think it comes anywhere near EO at its worst (pic related).
has the stream started yet?
starts in 40 mins. click the youtube link for the countdown
Eh I suppose Op was off on the time
The last good SMT was Synchronicity (and may be for a long time).
If I were in charge of Atlus, I would buy Ladybug and put them and the EO team in charge of the SMT IP, while moving Yamai's team someplace else like Studio Zero.
Blame YouTube, that's what it told me.
Now that's strange. Are they up to something, or is it just technical difficulties?
I saw that too.
Where the heck is the video?!?!
Oh wait, they just moved the stream to a new address.
For what purpose?
Who the fuck cares anyway, good looking out for the new stream, man.
Some dumbass over at Atlus probably clicked the "stop stream" button by accident and they were like "Oh shit, we gotta put it back up". YouTube probably doesn't allow reactivating the same address.
Might be nice if they tried doing something like Nine again.
where is stream
it'll be shit
Wait, that's it?
so it's smt 5?
seems like it
Wow, well good thing I only tuned in because I happened to be awake. If I actually tried to catch this broadcast I would've been perturbed.
I know right. Seriously with persona they bust everything out and for SMT they can barely trickle out any information.
Did all the gods dying in battle and odin being previewed mean were getting something like ragnarock
Was that it? Was that seriously all they had to show?
I should've known by now.
Modern Atlus at its finest, everybody.
From the look of the characters I hope Kaneko is back as the designer for V.
Graphics are nice I guess
That would be the tits, though. And it'll be something different than the usual plotline while not being a total faggot waste of time like 4A was
Choice to pick male or female protagonist confirmed? Will I finally be able to be a rabid cockslut for big demon dick?
Seemed more to me like the guy was the protagonist and the girl was some dumb bitch character that's going to appear in every cutscene and not do anything except be waifubait
Im not going to be impressed until they show actual gameplay.
Its supposed to be a videogame not a 30 second cutscene or a movie for fucks sake.
Its about time they stopped teasing the shit out of us. Fucking modern atlus, I have little to no faith in that company anymore.
Btw graphics looks like shit so far.
Can someone translate the trailer? Maybe there's any story details?
Soul Hackers had both a male and female protagonists who would always fight together. Maybe it will be like that to a degree?
I also saw some kind of energy leaking out of the demons, is it like the mechanic where you would spend points to summon and keep demons summoned again? I forgot its name though
it looks like they've "upgraded" back to PS2 models like DDS and Raidou
Yeah, coloring wise it reminded me of Nocturne, but who knows since they hardly showed anything.
No, it just talked about a new project form the SMT series. Unless there was something I missed.
Mainline SMT MC's have always had a heroine-type in the games.
You're thinking of Macca
cool, what shitty nintendo hardware do they want me to buy to play their disappointing game?
I think he meant magnetite.
Well, at least they finally confirmed it's SMT V and not some spinoff title.
Although perhaps a Synchronicity 2 would be preferable at this point.
No, he's thinking of Magnetite.
It's always nice to see they didn't give up on the main franchise, I hope now it won't be such an unbalanced shit fest like SMT IV where you get one shot killed when you begin, and then the game becomes piss easy once you have decent stats.
Also, here's better version of your pic
based atlus
Well, we might as well dissect this shitty teaser and recollect what we've seen:
The group of dead (or dying) demons shown in the tunnel includes Archangel, Oni, Forneus, Dakini, Kurama Tengu and Andras.
Looks like Magatsuhi to me.
Worst case scenario, depending on how much money they made on the cheat dlcs, we will get an unfair difficulty with lots of grinding. And if you want to skip that shit, just pay to get access to the cheat zone where macca and EXP are falling from the heavens
The fucking Switch. What else?
Shekinah is the feminine aspect of Yahweh that actualizes itself in the world as the pillar of smoke/fire.
May as well just release it on the ps2 for fuck's sake
I borrowed a 3ds to play 4, I won't make that mistake again. We live in the fucking timeline where persona ended up better than regular SMT
An interesting bit from Wikipedia:
No wonder I didn't recognize it. Well, I suppose one of the (very few) things I like about Yamai is his willingness to name (((them))) without hesitation. Good to see that hasn't changed.
>Well, I suppose one of the (very few) things I like about Yamai is his willingness to name (((them))) without hesitation.
SMT4A is literally Aryanists vs. Hebes, with glorious Celts coming out on top. Just like real life.
I can't believe I mixed up macca and megnetite
I liked IV tbh.
I liked the gameplay improvements in IV and IVA. Especially just be able to choose skills when fusing since before you'd just reroll until you got what you wanted anyway. My preferred solution would be only allowing a set number of rerolls though.
I mean yeah, you never get the game over screen in IV.
because its objectively better to just restart than sit through that long-ass cutscene
For what purpose user? If whatcha said is true then why? Just as a casual-deterrent?
To make the game less easy to cheese.
*in one of the worse ways possible
Plus it would just end up with people restarting a lot to save rerolls anyways
Ideally the game would save after each fusion or at least save your demons.
But how would it stop cheesing?
More often than not I would be able to steamroll with the new skills I get from fusion to begin with?
What if you made magnetite compendium only currency and had the demons permadie after after a set number of KOs? It would encourage you to resummon/fill in party, rather than rely on a single lineage.
Would they be unable to be summoned from the compendium after permadeath?
Make it so you can't update it except when you fuse them and have the cost still be crazy high. Balance restored.
Imagine had the best iteration of skill inheritance. Along with magnetite, alignments, the moon calendar and many other staple features. If Atlus were smart, they'd be taking notes from everything Cave did right.
Speaking of, I hope the private server's making some progress. Last I checked, it needed some work.
Right now it's a case of attrition. Any and all features/questlines/NPC-convos/shops being added will have little bugs added to them, and when they are found they will be slowly removed once they find a solution.
Questlines and object NPCs are translated. Right now we're working on human NPCs and negotiation lines, and the amount of dialouge that was not used was a bit of a surprise. It's amazing to see what unimplemented content there was even in MMOs.
Oh hey, welcome back. Thanks for the update.
On a related note, Imagine finally got some official recognition. It's insultingly small, but I suppose it's better than nothing.
I can give more specific details after I'm out of work, but for summary, I know they're working on the main acts, as well as the first instanced dungeons. I want to remind also that the person running the Re:Imagine server isn't officially part of the team, but we thank him regardless for putting in the resources to let the players have something to play with while we're still on development. Although, I think he still needs more bandwidth, as none of us thought there was going to be that many people on it.
Yeah, I've been reading the chat from time to time and some guy says the server got over a thousand accounts in just a few days. That's pretty insane if true.
Anyway, I'm fine with you guys taking your time to get things right. It's best not to rush things. Better safe than sorry, I always say.
They really hate mainline don't they? Why is it like this?
Could be worse. At least it's not a PS3 game with a slightly enhanced PS4 port.
I was hoping they'd finally make a PS4 game without being held back by needing to baby the PS3 version. Instead we got something less powerful than the PS3
the trailer or teaser for smt5 for now it's only on Switch.
Well, not across the board. It has its advantages and disadvantages. But I do wish they had made a dedicated home console rather than a hybrid. Oh well. Nintendo will be Nintendo.
I watched it again it said "open a path to heaven" and "We will create a new legend'. Not really anything to get from it honestly. I missed every line of dialog other than the final screen the first time around, that's pretty bad.
I get that the MC is going to look like as much of a jackass as Flynn did
I have SMTxFE vibes from this. Especially from train station.
don't worry user, if Sega and Atlus is publishing it they are not going to be able to fuck it and rape it, it's only if Nintendo is publishing they are able to fuck it up.
Well, as usual for Atlus, they're going to have a magazine article closely following their teaser.
Where did this meme of Atlus being good at localizing came from?
The only arguably good localizations they made were P3 and P4 and that was probably because of sheer laziness.
Have you seen the rest of the localization scene?
They're less shit than most of it.
Where did this meme that P3 and P4 had arguably good localizations come from?
No one buys the damn things, mate, simple as that. People like to shit themselves about how great the Gamecube was but people just don't buy Ninty's consoles and they know that. Sony pretty much quit the handheld market, so Ninty's gonna be king on their own, whereas Sony and Microsoft can fight it out in the console race.
The only good translation I've ever seen from Atlus was Odin Sphere.
Less shit than most is still a far cry from good.
They had arguably good ones because barely anything was butchered. Magatsu Mandala didn't become Weird Zone and Yosuke didn't become a nigger.
What's specifically is so bad about Atlus localisations? aside from the dub of p5
The original Persona 2 was localized by them.
Then there is Etrian Odyssey and Trauma Center on handhelds and the most recent Persona 5 shitshow only shows that their acceptable translations were only a fluke.
I'm not arguing that they're good, I'm saying why many view them as good
When all you've got for reference is shit, and that doesn't have much chance of changing any time soon, less-shit = good
The thing is, there are people who think that Atlus and Working Designs were gold standard for localization. Its not purely about being relatively good, its about shitters enabling these shitty translations.
Better than Treehouse and NIS
After playing the english version of the game I looked at the threads for it here and they seemed to be okay with the localization. I'm curious what the most atrocious errors were aside from Futaba's dialogue change from a 2ch meme to an English imageboard one.
So 4 shit localisations out of like 30 means that all the localisations that weren't total shit are the flukes and not the 4 that were?
That's not what I saw, mostly people were shitting on it. I didn't play it in English though so I really can't vouch.
Explain? Have you even played it or are you crying about 2 questionable screenshots cherrypicked from an 80 hour game? Kotaku kikes cried about the localization so much that obviously Atlus did something right.
user did you not know about the drama surrounding P5's localization?
Be very very fucking glad it ended up the way it did compared to what it could've been if Connor Kramer and his greasy little clique of localization gatekeepers had managed to get ahold of it.
Well, start translating them yourself or promote people who you think are good for localizing or fanslations.
At this point I'm content with Atlus doing the localizing. It'd be nice to have some better translators and localizers working on it, but I'm not going to hold my breath for them.
How esoteric we talkin?
fucking finally.
I would be down for an SMT mormonism.
Its an unholy hybrid
It means we're going to have more sympathetic nationalist Chaos faction ala SMT1.
The switch itself is the chaos route
Atlus should have went with pc, the law route.
Isn't that just persona 4?
God damnit user.