The Last Night The Journey to One of the Most Beautiful Games of E3

11 minute video about the creator talking about what inspired this gaem; The Last Night

Hooktube link:
Thoughts? Might be good for my next cyberpunk fix since Ruiner and Blade Runner 2049 just got released.

Other urls found in this thread:

More like the Cuck Night because the dev apologized live on stage for daring to ever support gamergate.

Won't even pirate

Well for one I doubt the decision was made by him.
second, you obviously weren't paying attention during Gamergate. Had he not been advised to bend the knee by, the journos would have colluded to bury his game and the social media apparatus of SocJus would have worked together to drag his name through the dirt ensuring he would never find a job in the industry again.
It sucks that he had to compromise his integrity as a developer and as a person, but that's the reality we live in. You have to play by the rules they make, or you're done. The indie cartel is very serious business now, even moreso than it was when Gamergate brought them into the spotlight. Your game lives or dies by their decree, especially if its a game with any sort of message or allegory in it.

but you don't understand,it's part of his culture

Daily reminder that the game is made by a pathetic cuck who publicly apologized to the leftists after they unearthed a tweet he made years ago.

tbf, that's all western games now

And they're all shit.

goes without saying

I don't know much of what happened, but as an /agdg/fag I thought about something like this before and came to the conclusion that if you do anything like that you basically cripple your career. The SJW cult will never let you live it down and they have way WAY too much power in the industry. If you work for a publisher or some sort of suit has power over you they exclusively listen to journalist and will force you to apologize. If nobody has power over you and you're on your own, you better have some sort of magical fountain of independence like a massive fanbase with undying loyalty or fuck you money. Otherwise you'll be shunned out and be starved of attention unless a streamer or something spreads your name.

Once you are basically forced by the SJW lynchmob to apologize, you might have a small minority of people on the internet mad at you, but it beats retiring. Really the best course of action is to say absolutely nothing and do absolutely nothing unless you somehow end up being a massive franchise. It's kinda baffling no one else on this board realized this is how it works.

They have no power in the industry, that's the fucking point you dumb nigger. They don't actually buy or play games and all they can do is whine about things on social media and shilled sites without any actual influence on anything as long as you yourself don't get terrorized by them. Just ignoring them and doing what you want is the magical solution.

Oh yeah, you're the one who figured everything out. Kys.

When you apologize to an SJW, all you do is opening up a wound for them to salt upon. Devs are for the most part awkward nerds which is why they get pushed around and bullied easily.

Cyberpunk is for leftists faggots, it's the quintessential jewish dystopian setting.

Unless you happen to be a burly, bearded Slav that has no shits to give.

Is this the closest we're gonna get to the point and click Blade Runner game?

This is just Flashback: Cuck Edition.

You mean they have no power over games with their name out their already unless a suit is in charge. They still control how much exposure devs get. I don't think there is a single studio in existence that did any wrong-think BEFORE it was already successful.

The Hatred devs played the dumb Marxists like a fiddle to market the game for them.

That is true, but then they became irrelevant pretty much immediately. Even their next game which was about killing the religion of peace didn't catch on nearly as much. It still doesn't disprove these fags aren't the gatekeepers.

Cyberpunk is going to be the new fad at this rate. Which is a shame as cyberpunk is meant to be depressing fiction of a world we should do our best to avoid, yet we're charging headfirst into it. But people don't care about that, all they care about is the ebin neo-80s soundtrack and cool robot arms.


Which is dumb as shit. The types that were crying about his support of gamergate are the types who won't forgive him anyway. So he pissed off the people who were defending him, while also gaining nothing. Bravo cuck night dev.

That was because their game outside of its controversial elements was a 7/8 out of 10 at best on its own

this behavior of yours gives them the power they need. This is kindergarten knowledge, come on user.
"IF" but in this case it is not the case. On top of that, the publisher will have to go the way of ME:andromeda, where a good game turns into shit and the fanbase will stop their support for the IP. More publisher need to go this way so they understand that they just can't replace the original team with a divers fuck up. Let it happen, grow some balls. Nobody said the gaming industry is candy land where everyone sucks your dick
this does not exist, either you do good work and get enough money so you stop to care for muh.feelings shit or you just do it for fun. aka. notch
Listen you fuck, since when do you care about attention? First thing on why you liek your job is not because of attention. Get rid of this retarded "namefag" believe.
you forced yourself by letting it happen.
mostly bots and media insiders and their friends.
NO! Listen you fuck, the best course of action is to say fuck you, as loude as you can, and make sure of it that you said it as loude as you can, than repeat it just for the sake of fun. dickhead.
being a massive franchise doesn't make your game any better, get this in your fucking brain you retard. Show me one AAA past 2007 that lives up to its hype? Only a handfull of gems can do this. So fuck the dream of massive franchise and do it for the love of video games.
It is just you, andn devs like you who cutted their balls and try to explain it in a way just so they don't have to recoize themself as massive idiots.

The point is that these dipshits still control what game does and doesn't get popular. Even if they got outsmarted into accidentally making a shit game popular.

they don't
The best they can do is muster a mob around their glaring incompetence like Cuphead. Even then it was something unexpected for them as they all started scurrying to defend themselves.

They don't. The only power they have is from fags caving to them. If you don't fear them then they can't do anything to you.


They only do if you let them
The main problem right now is that devs are unaware how much more power they have than they realize.
All they'd need to do is get a popular you tuber to like their game and they already have enough strength to bypass the clique entirely. Even fucking KiA can accomplish that just fine.

So you wouldn't be stressed out or nervous presenting your first game before millions upon millions of people for the first time at the largest vidya event in the western hemisphere?
Fuck off fag

It's not so much about getting massive and being popular as it is getting enough money to do it full time while still paying for food/rent/etc and actually running the studio.

user implyied the bulling , not the presentation. Keep spinning user, maybe it will make your opinion stronger. retard.

Oh right, I forgot you could divorce the two because it didn't happen anywhere near the time of E3, how could I forget?
Keep trying, retard.

No, because I'm not a faggot who gets triggered with mean comments on the internet and even if i did I know how to turn off my damn computer.
Now again, fuck off >>>/reddit/

oh fuck off, i hate this apologize opinion. I grew up in a time where shit was made for free just because we had fun to do it. We didn't care for money. Making Video Games is not about making money, it's about dedication for this hobby. If you do it only for the money, your game will have no love, and people can see it. Everyone can see it if a game was made with love or not.

Is the dev your boyfriend or something? Go cluck someplace else.

Sure are a lot of non-arguments I'm seeing here
Inb4 I'm Tim Soret

yeah, sjw had to use this event to megaphone their bully tactics. But being stressed out because of a presentation and being stressed because of bulling are two different things.


user, remind me again where he was when this 'bullying' started?

I thought this guy had to fold because he had a publisher behind him who was also going to fuck him over if he didn't apologize for gamergate comments

You never are, you fucking imbecile, you're supposed to double down on whatever you did that angered them, bonus points if you reach out to someone like Cernovich or whoever who'll not only show how deranged leftists are but you'll get free shilling

Good should've found a better job.
Now he will be a a pushover cuck, and might become a drone at ubisoft or EA, what a life!

no, you absolutley wrong here user. How do you even know if i had a job at all? You just impyed that so you could get an argument against it. If it makes your viewpoint stronger, let me tell you this, you are full with shit.

Is this a pajeet or something?

No. Not at all. I made my thing, they can fuck off or like it. You're a huge queer.

Perpetuating the cycle isn't going to solve the problem.
If the publisher would've dropped the game then he could've found another one or self published the title. It only shows that the game he is making is compromised at the source.


Look at the statistics for fears of public speaking in the U.S. user.
You can talk tough on the internet all you want, doesn't necessarily reflect on you in real life at all.

Money + Dedication + Time > Dedication

If you do it shoved off to the side it'll always be the thing stalled by life, where as if you could do it full time it could rarely interrupted because it's literally your job (unless you're surviving off goyims's patreon bucks like yandredev). If you truly cared about the game you'd dedicate your all to it instead of doing a half-assed attempt.

And like usual the lefties still hate him, they were flipping out on neo gaf for even showing game footage.

Wait a second

Is that you gyspyfag? Have you come to this thread to have me laugh at you again?

I'm betting since the scene is so incestuous the publishers would learn about him through other publishers and still not get another publisher even if he tried, but I don't know shit.
I doubt if he was self publishing the title he would have gotten a stage presentation. He shouldn't have expected to make a serious income from a game or invest in what ever he was planning on investing from the profits of this game with an industry that is as easy to spit you out as indie development.

Are you the faggot from the 40k thread from yesterday?

Because hardly anyone understand what is an apology.
It's an admission of guilt.
Telling someone "apologize" is an attempt at humiliation

I think it's gypsyfag user, next he'll be telling us how we're all virgins and how much he loves his beautiful wife I'm almost certain of it.

no, absolutley off, english is just not my language, actually japanesse here.

Whatever you say gypsyfag

for the record his wife is just fine

the dev is a coward, why are you paying attention to this game at all? the story is going to be just as gay as he is and it's not like this ebin retro art no-game has anything else to offer

this. if its shit it wont get many fans, if its good it will prove itself over time

What does the fucking game even play like? And from what I've seen from this year's E3 this game isn't even close to being "beautiful". The sprite work is on par with The Way, which also looked like garbage. Is this also gonna play like The Way? A failed attempt at making a cinematic platformer because modern devs have 0 concept of what weight is?

He's also an egalitarian retard

The sprites look mediocre on their own and like complete shit compared to metal slug.

Not a single shekel from me.

Even more disgusting.

sperm quality start dropping after your 40s, a 60 year old might be able to knock a girl up, but there's more chance that the kid's is going to have problems

Compared to impossible or high risk of severe retardation with a 60yo mother
I'd take kid like Barron over a vegetative retard anytime.

This guy's ethos needs ramming down the throat of every mewling twitter cunt out there. Want fags niggers and trannies in games? Well since they're so competent they can fucking make them themselves.

That would be 'being empowered' and when they fucking tank like shit perhaps they'll learn no-one want's them in any walk of life.

the direction is nice but im not impressed since i just know they did this in unreal and smashed every shader button and called it a day

He didn't have to, he chose to and spinelessness is deserving of a kick in the face.

Please remember, that unlike what you hear from human rights groups, human dignity is rather fragile and can be lost extremely easy with no way of getting it back.
Tim Soret being a prime example.

This entire thread sure doesn’t prove that this place is full of people who act the same way as SJWs. Nope. Not at all.



You are correct, sadly the goal isn't to make their own stuff, but to ruin things white men enjoy. The cries for "representation" is merely a smokescreen, just like whining about "diversity" is a way to shut down anyone pointing out the ongoing white genocide.

We didn't make him censor his own game so I fail to see how we are alike.

this is why i cant enjoy modern games tbh. nothing is about having fun with a video game anymore, it's all identity politics garbage and autistic engine/console wars. even as an apolitical indie, just using the wrong engine will get people to complain that you're a nazi communist out to do terrorism or w/e

you refuse to buy games that are "SJW" and also complain endlessly on twitter

Yeah, it's called a free market. I am not obliged to pay for anything I don't want. He should have thought about his audience and how they would take his capitulation before he emasculated himself in public.

I don't even know how to use twitter. All I know is that EmptyHero uses it to deliver bantz.

SJW's, AND NAZIS TOO! also breathe air, I think you should stop, lest you become just like them!

bantz aside, most gamers are actually like that, and will be unwilling to play most games just because "dem dasterdly nazis play em too" or "omg sjw developer lookit dat blue hair"

And that's fine. Like I said, it's a free market. The problem is that leftists can't grasp this simple fact and will go out of their way to slander and pressure a developer into doing their bidding. If they made it clear they won't buy a game for one reason or another developers would be safe to ignore them and make vidya with good looking women and white protagonists.


I thought it's my "right" to run my business my way?

I was planning to purchase it until then. I do not support people who buckle to those assholes. Never have, never will.

sounds no different from Holla Forums

Good luck actually selling any of those games, retard. People don't buy things to be preached to or propagandized at, and as soon as your game falls under that umbrella, prepare for the flood of 0/10s

This, more or less. Pic very related.

even worse user - the people that pretend to be empowered by regressive socjust pandering don't fucking buy games period because they don't fucking play games, they just bitch about them and talk about playing zelda as a kid on their brother's console

the crash will happen when AAA and indie developers alike that have become bloated and infested with HR and diversity initiatives start shoehorning in political crap in such blatant and annoying ways that even the dumbest normalfag notices it and for the first time, decides not to slap down their $70 dollarydoos on the latest half-assed over produced abomination.

After that we might get lucky and see an era where even the loudest of clique voices like Chelsea are ignored because companies listened and believed… only to see their bottomlines drop the fuck out catering to the exact opposite of their target audiences.

He tried to warn us.

This is actually fair, even though I disagree with it.

The word cuck here is the same as SJWs use of the word toxic. Both are used in reference to things you don’t like. If you dare disturb the hive mind of both here and tumblr/reddit/other places you get called toxic or a cuck. You’re the same at this point and it’s hilarious how you can’t see that.

Most of Holla Forums hate video games, they also have no influence on any of them and these people do.

i dont care how many baguettes you ate making the graphics, give me G A M E P L A Y


Wasn't one of the points of The Last Night where progressivism is victorious and all-pervasive, making the dystopia that much worse?

Exceptions do exist. They're very rare, though. I'm starting to theorize that a companies are looking at how merch sells, given that SJWs will drown themselves in it for "nerd cred".

That said, from a company perspective, people who don't buy nor play games are roughly similar to those who play, but don't buy games.

The word "cuck" is something people just laugh at. The word "toxic" and related terms are things that carry real-world consequences. Good fucking luck keeping a job after being labeled racist or sexist.


if they have no power, then why does nearly every AAA title have a "strong black woman" as the main protagonist

share holders mate, they hold AAA makers by the balls. they want to appeal to feminist audience,lgbt whatever, because it increases income.
tl;dr: money

Who the fuck here uses twitter? besides mark

I think its because most video gamer players dont really care about superficial things like the race of the protagonist.

But SJWs really really care about that stuff deeply as if its a huge part of the gameplay experience.

If one side doesnt care about a particular aspect of the game and the other side does then you may as well make the side who cares happy.
Arguably the power of SJWs is having a lot of time on their hands to complain on twitter.

This is correct. Every time SJWs claim that white men don't want diversity because they want to play as characters that look like them, they're projecting to the highest degree.

This, also muh PR.

it has to be mild in order to please both, one side will be happy because its "progressive" and other because its not "down your throat"

Because AAA development is run by suits who don't know the first thing about games or gamers. They just try to appeal to everybody at once.

Dream Daddy is not a game though. It's just a visual novel (emphasis on the novel part) for disgusting fujoshi.

I use the term "game" very liberally, in this case. Point is, it sold reasonably well, despite the blatant SJW pandering.

user, read pic related. Also, devs better start pandering to me, a white man, because I'm the person that is buying their games.

It sold by not being a game. If you want to pander to these animals just make something as little gameplay and interactivity as possible. Being given a choice and being allowed to make decisions confuses the Marxist, he is so used to the beatings.

Yeah. One reason why a lot of media seems to be similar is because corporations choose strategies they think will attract the least controversy.

For example they dont put real children in kids TV shows anymore because that would attract SJW controversy. Not enough girls, Not enough trannies, too many whites etc not enough obese kids, not enough disabled kids
If you make something completely crap and indistinct it cant be criticized with identity politics.


Nah not just white men's enjoyment, though that is one of their biggest daddy issues. It's to ruin everyone elses that isn't their clique. And the fucks don't even like vidya or any other medium they try to infect and infest.

The creator bent the knee for literally whos.
Unless someone was holding a gun to his head and family, he still had a choice. It would not be an easy one to make, but he chose to give his power to the corrupt clique that is only as powerful as you allow them to be. And the dude capitulated to them thnking what, he dodged a bullet in the short term for himself and his game? Nope, he just fucked himself further.
Yet another nu-retro pixel shit that the marketing cocksuckers try to shill as a "beautiful artstyle". It's not the most horrible looking as far as sprites go but that nu retro bullshit with bloom is already stale at least 3 years ago.

What's the context for this picture?

Play-Asia tweeted that some doa release was negatively impacted by sjw faggotry. Sjws got butthurt and promised to boycott p-a.
Nothing happened apart from everyone shitting on and mocking the lefty scum.


The correct way to deal with SJWs

Or maybe stop acting like a superstar/social icon jesus christ, you're a developer
If your product is good, people will buy it
With SJW the best movement is to not play: don't post anything anywhere concerning something unrelated to your game, that way they can't use shit against you

Or go full Salted Earth and intentionally piss them off like marketing a spree shooter game immediately after Sandy Hook.

You deserve all the hurt you WILL inevitably receive

And in the meantime, the part of the PC indie game scene that actually makes real games will continue as normal while the rest of the industry burns around it.

Hy friends of mine

I live in africa and i want to say this

I really really really hate it when there no diversity in video games

Everyone is just black

Everyone! Not one divers person with a different color

They all look the same so the game looks boring and black

I want to have more sjw in africa so we get more diversity in our games, more whit people


It's okay user, being retarded is not your fault.

relax user

Thanks for your input africa-user

Look user

Many many man ynew people are in this thread

People who do not know about the chan termonolgie or what is ok to use

Look how i use plebbit spacing. And nobody cares

I want this for africa chan too

More divers people who chat with you insteed just black people

is like you havent learn anything this past few years, get out, cuck

good thing they will learn the hard way.

I miss playing games with my little sister.

We dont have money for cameras

I got laptop from UN

For money i go to germany, lots of dicersity there

Or i go to america for lots of diversity fighters, sjw

I like diversity fighters, africa needs diversity fighters too, white people too the power of africa

Yes, diversity fighters lost power over america the past years

But here in africa we still have room for white diversity fihters

Give gay diversity fighters, please

Make africa white again


Its an 11 minute video

Finally a cyberpunk game without a shitty thing.
I want it now.
I want Cyberpunk 2077

This, was snail about to handjob arararagi?



He is racist

He posting on /blackpol/

Diversity fighters will bully him, if we had diversity fighters

this isn't even a game

This. I won't support a traitor. Fuck this cuck and his stupid voxel game.


git gud like

fake news

remember to use only ffmpeg, you have to be a fucking retard extreme to use xmedia recode, thank you for listening.

kek, newfag

Visually interesting aside of the characters being your typical pixelshit design, too bad that the dev decided to cuck out after the tumblr faggots call him out for not following the template of "ebul capitalist" that pic related shows and he instead wanted to explore another kind of setting.

He went on twitter to clarify that he won't be changing anything about his game, user. Socialism still killed the world and led to the dystopian future.

Stop lying cuckdev, go back to Holla Forums where you'll be more welcome with the other traitors.

It's based on a game jam thing from years ago and it's literally a 2D walking simulator:
The only decent thing about it will be some screenshots you can take of the game which will probably be used as promotional material when it comes out so you don't have to play the game.

fake news.

I for one welcome our franco-slavic benefactors.
I can't find the exact archive for the first article. Suspiciously, the other two have been deleted.

I want more Ruiner.

Jesus Christ, if he took that story as a positive world to live in, he's beyond fucked.

Devs like Warhorse, Larian and CD Projekt doesn't belong in the same sphere as the west coast cucks (not the same press, publishers, events, language, etc). Its the same deal with the Japanese. It's easier for them since the faggot in power around here can't touch them.

I always wonder what kind of harrassment or blackmail these sjw send to the devs?

Where exactly did RWDS Entertainment go?

I still have some of his rarer tracks if anyone wants me to upload them, as it seems that some have completely disappeared from the face of the internet.

Is that the same guy behind blink1488? Voice sounds familiar. In any case would be nice if you could upload them.

is there a 3dpd woman hotter than dylan ryder?
i think not

Justice triumphs in the end.

Didn't the leftists love it Wall E did this because hurr durr amerifat overconsumption?

Is this the game made by that literal Nazi that agreed with GamerGate about something one time on Twitter?

Is he going to fix the fucking script?
If not theres no point
Also, he apologized on stage he could have settled with a Twitter post but he did it on stage at fucking E3.

You idiots know he probably apologized because he was forced to, right.

Don't doubt it, the publisher is Swedish and has ex DICE devs there.
But nobody would make him do it on stage
Hes a flip flopping fuck and he'll flip whenever its convenient.

I might buy it just because I like Lorn.

Yeah but instead of buying it you could just set it free

oh yeah, i forgot it's a single player game with no online.

for those of you that didn't used to go on /f/
please use archive.is2014/6/30/5856806/play-this-the-last-night

How about paying attention?
His apology wasn't actually an apology, but rather regret that people that associated GG to the degenerate propaganda and disinfo linked all that to the game.
Read this hilarious interview where this SJW keeps shitting on him on his comments, it's pretty funny.
waypoint.please use

Oiiii justice, will he recover from his cuckout?

>>>/cuckchan/ and stay there

Yeah, I forgot about the direct linking, but I'm just stating facts, It's pretty clear in the interview that he's not backtracking and that it wasn't that kind of apology.
Anyway I don't really give a shit, you can pirate it when it comes out, or not.


He did dun goofed in apologizing.
He probably was scared as fuck. And thought it was doing damage control, we all know it ends up making more damage.
I'll buy if he didn't censor it though.

This song is so true it hurts. I have fucking hated the 'enlightened moderate' people since first listening to George Carlin.

They tried that, Mass Effect Andromeda was a disaster.

This. I'm not buying his game. He can go fuck himself.

eat shit and die you unprincipled fuck

threadly reminder not to support cucks or their cuck games

kys faggot