New webm thread.
New webm thread
where they find this guys?
He does have autism.
Whats the music in the Dilbert one? I can't place it.
gotta be a shitty troll
Of course, how could i forget.
Whens the next AoS game night?
sauce me you fucking degenerate
I don't wanna deal with moonrunes
Then I guess your erection isn't that big a deal.
Whats up with shitty pop-music in trailers that don't fit one bit.
Don't asnwers, I knows its nu-males cool pop-culture doods
What movie's this from?
Want better music?
Reported for spam.
it's worse than that
it's germans
You're just reposting unedited promotional videos. It's blatant spam.
Yes, these are promos for the same Game over and over again.
You must have reading comprehension difficulties.
it doesn't make the actual game any kind of good,so if he's a shill he's the most retarded shill to shill in the history of shilling
>the marketing intern gets asshurt at being called out, but continues to post promotional videos from the same game because that's what he's paid to do
Promotional videos rarely make shitty games look good. Nevertheless the nature of what he's posting is blatant.
Well. At least now i can pretend i am proud germanic aryan.
I'm pretty sure dicks don't flail around like that or do a kind of wave. Or at least I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to. Is that a side effect of hormones?
Also top kek at all the blood on the guy's dick part way through.
we'll probably rotate back to it sometime in the next year, too many games on the schedulehowever that doesnt rule out offweekends
i can beat that :^)
Holy shit that's awful.
Time for bed, shill!
does anyone have that webm/mp4 of warhammer 40k guy talking about the wolf clan and keeps saying "Wolf" over and over again? vague i know but f you do…
anyway heres one of my from the Ravedj threads we used to do.
some oc converts
As in
thats what I was going for
Do you love your station, Holla Forums?
Meat spin it was limp though. This was almost like it was prehensile.
I really fucking hate you. Every fucking time i find myself new fun video game and want to share fun with you, you go "no fuck no Holla Forums is not video games board". And you go crying at how video games and industry are bad, when industry is growing right before your eyes into something beautiful and new.
pure cancer.
I can even share with you something funny.
That's not funny that's just terrible.
Unless you're a German, of course. Nu-Germans have a horrible sense of humor.
I like this and it's probably because you can't hear any Rick and Morty joke.
why are gooks so disgusting?
Okay, have a boring video again, because you're a boring person.
you dont like chocolate user?
you have already it was this post
Elaborate troll or shill new to the job. I suggest a ban for his efforts in either case.
Protip: Don't spam the game into the webm thread. Make your own thread for it. I tried the same with a recent remake. Almost no trouble and the webm thread didn't lose any won't lose posts inside the bump limit. Also, good lord. Elex looks like bullshit. I knew Piranha has declined since Jowood made them rush Gothic 3. I didn't expect them to make something that looks so crappy. Maybe I pirate it and then check it out.
Jesus Christ, man! Its glitching out. How much do they pay you that put up with us and take a shot at humor?
How original
no, but i did get a boner the first timei watched 2girl1cup
No, semen.
No one likes to watch 10 webms of the same thing in a row. No matter what it is.
user do you have the full Holla Forums directed porno?
True enough.
gets me ever time man
no,but i have the gamergate directed porno
here you go
Here's the real challenging gameplay on ultra difficulty recorded by russian woman just for you.
Re-did some shit.
more Holla Forums gondolas
Kill yourself shill.
The dreaded Bosnian wizard flute. May cause sudden conversion to Islam, unexplainable hatred for Serbs, desire to operate artillery guns. Viewer discretion is advised.
I legitimately can't tell if that's a shitty horror scene or a snuff film.
If I close my eyes, I can pretend it's spider porn, so that's something.
what a strange coincidence fellow user
I wouldn't even pirate it.
Holla Forums is for vidya, not viral marketing, shill.
wait a second that voice
The "boku" should have been a hint, but I thought nothing of it at first.
so, is that the best or worst romances in the game?
That guy's face is too small for his head. And he's fat. Actually, his proportions are all kind of fucked up. Were his parents brother and sister or what?
The same errant signal bait I've been seeing for a year now. :^)
I really need to get around to seeing the full vid. So good.
Damn, Vince's teeth were fucking horrible.
Damn I forgot about that cg, good shit
I fucking love my station.
is there a place were i can get the originals of minus8 videos? i can only find them in pornhub and shit.
swf chan, I suspect
Really cooks your noodle.
well, MGSV officially has more balls than Skyrim, and most other open world games.
Sounds like an opportunity to me
You get a game over if you kill kids in the base game, it's a mod. You can beat the shit out of them however.
getting a game over is perfectly understandable. I just don't want Skyrim's answer of "kids are literally invulnerable for no reason"
I got most of his original flashes, they aren't video's. Also that Kopa one he didn't do I don't think, someone else did.
before that you need to stop posting soundless shit
Or I'll post another one and you can add your own music or whatever.
Reminder to not actually buy video games, or else you support capitalist exploitation of labor.
Good job using those 4 extra mb to make a lower quality webm than the 12 mb one.
Reminder to not actually allow the government to set arbitrary limitations on things, or else you support communist exploitation of the people in general.
That's corporatism though. Hyper consumerism at best.
Democracy is the worst government system other than everything else that's been tried thus far.
Capitalism is the worst economic system other than everything else that's been tried thus far.
This is my fetish. Fitgirls!
Why are they so rare?!
or you can just fuck off back to the cuckshed or wherever
Because being paid to do a job you want to do is so much more exploitative than forcing people to work under threat of summary execution.
How many women do you know who have even half the measure of self-control to do ny excercise whatsoever? Fitgirls are the unicorns of the shittier sex.
Or you could stop being autistic.
Because they barely qualify as female.
Then go for that perfect communist utopia that has never been done before. Or just go to Chin- oh wait, those fuckers are now in the business of global acquisition of all property and means of production. Whoopsie!
It's a hard choice between them, but red and purple are definitely more fuckable than the other two.
Why bully? I just wanted power fuck someone who a rent annorexic or fat. Is that a sin?
Most likely Naked Gun, no clue which one though
Don't get me wrong, I think communism is cancer. It's a great system in theory but the practical application of it has so many problems that I could spend all day listing them out and not have gotten to them all. It's a system that literally cannot survive in reality.
IMO the best system of government is responsible anarchy, but that's almost as much of a pipe dream as the idealized version of communism is, and falls apart at the international level. Honestly, the best we can hope for is a benevolent monarchy, but actually finding a benevolent monarch and getting them into power is the impossible part there. I think we're stuck with capitalist democracy for the long haul. The system isn't perfect but dammit, at least it's managed to ward off most major human rights violations so far.
I'm just saying they're a rarity to the point of legend. Women typically will not reach that point of tight perfection.
jesus dude, benevolent monarchy sounds more plausible than that
No duh it's stupid. We're all human, and if we're able to take advantage of anyone, we will.
but still more plausible than idealized communism.
That's the type of autism that cure's cancer.
Different version of this year's E3 webm that was posted earlier, aside from a different intro I think this one has a few different drawings in it.
These OC collabs are the best.
user your ideals are dangerous and destructive for our future development as mankind as a whole.
I'm definitely not complaining
Full retard
That's what women who don't exercise say too
Believing I won't be taken advantage of by anyone but the people I love is fine with me. I understand not trusting everyone is asinine and destructive, but I will not, for my family's sake allow myself to be deceived and be ruined.
The only people we should trust is ourselves and the people who have stayed with us and love us for who we are.
can you upload them in a mega?
Not everyone is jewish.
They're my favourites too though for some reason it always makes me a little sad when I watch them again a few years after they're made, I think it's because the music tends to be sad/nostalgic
why even live
woah woah woah buddy, don't even try to imply that I think there's either musclebound amazonians or curvy stinking fat whales among women. Those are extremes and I like my women with nice hips and flat stomachs. Nice cans don't ruin the deal either. I just want a decent and at least rational woman. I know there are ones that aren't full on insane, just with quirks, but fuck me are they hard to find
Is there more of her, my guy?
I feel you, bruh
I didn't realize having standards made people autistic.
Caligula wasn't Jewish
reverse image searched the first frame and found it, it's ChataeuKitten from
Almost forgot this one.
did the trump sign have something sharp under it or was it electrified?
Thanks, friend. I'm sorry I didn't think of reverse searching and asked for it, usually I never find source on webms with reverse search.
He got zapped by Mike Pence.
The C&C one is fucking perfect.
First webm was one of the funniest parts in Watamote, but sadly they never expanded on it. I would loved to see more passive interaction with the parents. Maybe a short 2day family trip to a relatives house. Or some changes in the house that would require Tomoko to say what she wants to her parents.
Is this a joke? Voice acting is pretty good but who wrote this shit? just imagine those voice actors reading the script for the first time. It has to be hard to realize that it's too late to back down.
ayy, when the hell did you guys create this one?
previous webm thread
Re-encoded some remakes I did a couple threads ago.
16:9 ratio, and using the full 16 MB.
Was UT2004 the last good arena fps?
fit girls are a shitty meme, and if you like them you are gay
UT3 is not as bad as everyone says.
How does anyone legitimately think this is good music. It almost physically hurts to listen to. You can't even give me the >hot opinion meme, the voices are so high pitched and grating I don't think it's possible for humans to like it.
Has a VR Webcomic been made yet? This video makes me think it could be a good idea.
this one was a bit of a pain to encode. ended up just burning the subs into the main video, then doing the webm conversion.
Haven't heard of anything like that, but it sounds like a neat idea.
now for some new stuff.
Last I checked Holla Forums didn't allow embedded subtitles into WebMs anymore, so making them actually part of the video is fine.
>search "__ time lapse"
TF2C was so fun before the drama
Here are some examples for how to encode subtitles into the video. First pass only.
ffmpeg -y -i "Stranded on an Island with women. How fun is that. Actually it's horrible.-tqfAt7TshLw.webm" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 77k -vf subtitles=subs.vtt -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 38k -ac 2 -metadata title="Stranded on an Island with women. How fun is that. Actually it's horrible.-tqfAt7TshLw" -f webm -threads 4 -pass 1 -an NUL
ffmpeg -y -ss 42:31.256 -i "abyss.mkv" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 331k -vf "scale=-1:540,setpts=PTS+2551.256/TB,subtitles=abyss.mkv,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 55.5k -ac 2 -metadata title="[HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 13 [720p] - ENDING" -to 254.713 -f webm -threads 4 -pass 1 -an NUL
ffmpeg -y -ss 26:27.543 -i "abyss.mkv" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 423k -vf "scale=-1:540,setpts=PTS+1587.543/TB,subtitles=abyss.mkv,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 62k -ac 2 -metadata title="[HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 13 [720p] - Mitty Set Free" -to 206.373 -f webm -threads 4 -pass 1 -an NUL
ffmpeg -y -ss 7.000 -i "[gg]_Anime_Mirai_2013_-_Little_Witch_Academia_(BD,1080p)_[FB8F8A1E].mkv" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 674k -vf "scale=-1:540,setpts=PTS+7.000/TB,subtitles='\[gg\]_Anime_Mirai_2013_-_Little_Witch_Academia_(BD,1080p)_\[FB8F8A1E\].mkv',setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" -g 9999 -pix_fmt yuv420p -colorspace bt709 -speed 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 6 -quality good -sn -c:a libopus -b:a 61k -ac 2 -metadata title="[gg] Anime Mirai 2013 - Little Witch Academia (BD,1080p) [FB8F8A1E] - Chariot's Show" -to 2:16.309 -f webm -threads 4 -pass 1 -an NUL
the problem i was having is that i was clipping from the middle of the video. this retimed the frames, which would necessitate retiming the subs, which i couldn't figure out how to do without screwing up the typesetting.
i saw this when googling, how does it work?
No idea, it just does. I couldn't find a good explanation when I looked around either.
Fuck me, 2nd WebM is the wrong one
This series reminds me of Etrian Odyssey.
What's the first webm from? It's for a friend
RIP Stufff3.
Just run the whole thing through on mega high bitrates on a speedier mode, then take that output and cut what you want out
Somewhere out there is a TF/fusion fetishist jacking off to this shit.
Just wait until it gets to the sex scenes.
You can make that face too if you take a dick in the butt.
Something tells me you'll need more than that.
A responsible anarchy cannot pass the test of time.
There will always be those who do not get with the program, and even if, even if you manage to have an era of peace under it, as soon as the old guard dies what is passed on will be corrupted and changed into something worse without any sort of rule.
The irony is that all change in history has been determined by a few powerful people, elected or not, in charge of systems of government. So unless you can find a way to make people agree, all at once, in a even a single country, to all just live in peace, anarchy as a peaceful solution is impossible.
And for that matter how would it be enforced? How would it survive those who would twist it and warp it for their own ends? There is no such thing as a responsible anarchy in the long term unless the group you refer to is anywhere from 16 to nuclear family level small give or take a few.
Capitalism works because it takes advantage of human desire and ambition in order to function. What you have to understand is yes it's not perfect.
What you really have to understand is that
nothing is perfect.
Some people are afraid to comprehend the full meaning of that statement and cannot make peace with it.
You'd be surprised how good anal can feel if you prepare your anus correctly.
And on that note that the ideal "perfect" or close to perfect governmental system is one that is not naive enough to only be based on good intentions or stupid enough to be based on evil intentions, but one that takes the whole of the human condition into account.
Altruism, selfish desire, every single damn concept on top of those that embodies the human race must be accounted for, analyzed, and acknowledged as who we are. Every single human being on this earth has the capability to be a saint in a world of sinners, and a sinner in a world of saints and everything in between.
If parts of that are not accounted for or mitigated, and must include good concepts like altruism (lest a country be bled to shit by welfare and handouts such), then the system will fail.
Tried before with a dildo. Cleaned out first, used lube, went in slow, got adjusted, slow thrusts, went at it a while before speeding up. It just felt really weird, always wanted to go too fast which was uncomfortable and made me feel like peeing, and was unsatisfied when I came (which admittedly only required a quick dick grab to do so).
Anarchy is just a rest stop on the way back to monarchism.
You're a real piece of shit, you know that?
What FO4 mod is this?
Fuck off
Jesus Christ, they hired decent voice actors and then had them read utter fucking pigeon shit.
Kill yourself post haste.
Just made this one.
Talk about padding
I watch this and all I see is the materialism of the woman. Are women truly evil?
Yeah and that song has been used for every boss so far, still it's sold for a movie game.
This game is badass.
Modern society has traded the deep fulfilling social interactions of small tight knit familial and peer groups for the vapid substance-less mass socialization that comes with social media. The former develops good character and strong bonds. The latter narcissism and group psychosis.
he's severely autistic and also has a genetic disorder that fucked with his hormone production really bad. he's got lactating man-tits and a literal micropenis.
Sorry, I'v never been that great with the spelling and the grammars.
I wonder if people made porn of watergate.
Will you show me?
There's gotta be. The informant called themselves "Deep Throat". It'd be too easy.
Seconding this
that makes him a chad for going against that law
did the whoever made this had a stroke?
i know where this shit is going
one job
can i have a 40lb box of rape remix of this?
Never gay up.
Jews would have you believe that women are evil. In reality they are simple creatures driven by pure survival instinct who will stop at nothing to make sure they have the best possible environment in which to raise offspring. The problem is that the kikes have perverted what is seen as the best possible environment to such a fucking twisted Satanic degree that women have reverted into a batshit crazy bare minimum survival instinct and therefore are not to be trusted or relied upon in any sane way.
TL;DR It's the fucking kikes m8. Whites need to fucking purge these goddamn kikes from the face of the planet in order to regain our women.
F*males are not white.
this game looks cool from the webm's you posted but their are alot of negative reviews. I know WayForward is very hit or miss. When they are good they are great and when they are not its mediocre lazy and disappointing (even when the aesthetics are often nice). Whats you take on The Mummy De-make?
To all ya niggas that have contributed
exactly 0 to the thread
This is a webm thread so here are your options:you can contribute with something more than your shitty opinion that nobody asked for ,you can all lurk some fucking moar until you are able to do so and none of that soundless shit your picked up from >>./cuckchan/ on your way here neither or you can fuck off back to >>/4chan/ or >>>/4am/
This ain't your fucking personal blogpost were your braid each other's armpit hairs and talk about your feelings
Shut up, retard.
Everyone just has to accept that life IS anarchy, and there are no systems that will assure safety from corruption. Life is competition, and you have to promote your vision for the world harder than everyone else if you want it to exist.
This is not webms.
I love you user!
pls work on your formating
best OP coming through
Source pl0x
I swear you can randomly pause it and have a smug every time. This girl has resting smug face.
how the fuck do you even manage to edit it like that without going insane
Reminder that just because we have a 16MB limit, not every webm needs to saturate the filesize
Does the Mob Psycho manga go full shit like OPM did?
ONE's OPM is still pretty good. Murata's is the one getting too drawn out.
Mob gets better and better, though it's gonna be ending pretty soon.
What a miracle, every time you pause she has a smug face. Nigger, she isn't real, she was designed to look like that… Holy shit you 2d fags are retarded as fuck.
delete this!
Go away 3d pig.
Get out """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Henry"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Apparently, the thing the negative reviewers are crying about is "the game being too hard". Fuck those pussies.
I'm currently playing through it. It's nothing ground breaking but it's fun enough, and the death mechanic intrigues me.
Hey, Moshe. Because of you I'm never buying Elex. I'm a whale too. Blatantly advertising and "hurr hurr i'm only pretending to be retarded" method of trying to fit it in makes you unwanted.
The latest metal gear game.
17:22 hours to the bump limit. How many until the next thread?
Anyone know the music for the second one?
That's some meta shit, right there.
These shorts shouldn't be work, but hell they really do!
Nothing takes you back to 2006 faster than PP.
Good post.
Jesus fuck the stamina needed for that is insane.
and all of those kids got molested
God whoever this is fucking sucks at drifting.
his recent videos except the shitty PUBG and southpark shit/other shit games are watchable.
yo that game looks like total cancer, who the hell would buy that shit?
PUBG/south park or the VR? Only those who are retarded and have money to burn I guess.
Is this the second coming of A Good Day?
There's a difference between posting video game related things and posting the fucking trailer.
what are you going to do?
call the police?
Pretty much
Still doesn't hold a candle to Commodore 64 version
Wait, so they took the justice league and fucked it the same way as teen titans go?
Does anyone have that one FEAR webm with the melee ass kicking?