Saw some advice from Black Pidgeon. It's nothing new, but I think it bears repeating.
He sucks at redpilling normalfags IMO (he's too bitter), but it's good on those who are already bitter as he is.
In short, Read Rules for Radicals. "Out-Alinsky" the SJW via their own tactics.
1) "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."
People are boycotting NFL and Hollywood hard due to political pushing waking them up to overpaying for poor quality goods.
Basically, he says boycott & vote with your wallet. Which we already are. However, it could be taken further. Boycott people who advertise on Youtube due to what they and Google do. Boycott anyone who does anything you don't approve of. And while he doesn't mention it- TELL THEM. DisNod gave the illusion of a larger group due to a glut of emails. Doing so every time you drop a brand can send shock-waves (more if you organize and do a weekly email goal). And never make boycotts public. Tell people why you don't suport a brand, but don't try and draft them into your own war. It makes them more likely to join in, and gives less fodder to the enemies- making industry choose between those who boycott or their replacement. Feel free to support and spread existing pubic boycotts of course.
GG kind of has "the power they think we have", we're a boogeyman. But we need to back it up with action more often. More Disnods against big orgs like Google, UBM, and IGDA.
tl;dr - Do more Disnods of brands, email them and tell them why you dropped them.
2) "Never go outside the experience of your people."
BlackPidgeon basically says "women follow that which is socially acceptable". Hence why women follow SJW- since it's the "default".
He basically says shill for women and minorities who are articulate and explain well why SJWism doesn't work. Not so much that they'll give the women/minorities and epiphany, but that they follow suit with "one of their own" when they suggest something rational (rather than the "call to arms" of SJW- people prefer peace over action, especially if the call to action is a wild goose chase).
On a personal note- it also kills the SJW argument when the women and minorities they're trying to protect tell them they're being lunatics.
tl;dr Use NotYourShield style tactics and share out women and minorities who speak out, along with men.
He skips 3, and says 4 is tricky ("Make the enemy live up to the book of their own rules") since the SJW don't care about hypocrisy and logic. Outsiders do, and showing outsiders they are hypocrites is golden. Which ties into rule 5.
5) "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
I don't even need to go into this. After a few years, normalfags are mocking game journalists. Specific SJWs have become memes. Trump won by nicknaming his enemies (Low-Energy Ted, Crooked Hillary, etc). Even the Simpsons in it's shambling zombie state mocked SJW in an episode.
They are so emotional that mocking them drives them bananas.
Don't just make fun of them here. Keep making jokes on social media. Make OC, no matter how poorly you draw it. Graffiti on a wall or pen on the back of a toiler door can still generate a laugh, and MS Paint somehow makes the mockery even more painful- that such a low quality piece of work still has iron-clad words.
tl;dr Don't stop memeing.
He skips a ton. Might look into them and see if we can learn from them.
11) "If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive."
Despite the fact violence and harassment is driving people to the right- the video claims SJW know that the person on the offensive in politics usually wins (I assume through the effort of offense vs. the effort of defense means you wear down the defender quicker).
He goes on and says in summery: "don't try to convert SJW or protect yourself from false claims." SJW will warp logic to fit their stance. They're children playing make-believe, and their imaginary weapon & armor are declared as always unstoppable & unbreakable. Further looking into the childish mentality- they are driven by malice & anger when told "no" like a spoiled brat.
We've known this since day 1. Even Holla Forums said not to waste time defending yourself from claims that hold no weight. Don't try to win on their terms. "Defend only when you absolutely have to, but make sure most of your time is spent attacking. Relentlessly and ceaselessly attacking."
tl;dr Keep attacking. If we're not thinking of someone to mock or Disnod- we're doing it wrong. This is not a social club.