Video Game Industry Bubble Bursting?

Is it happening? Finally?

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Only when EA and Activision have trouble can we deduce that its happening. But now it seems to be unsustainable. Yeah a few gay gaming forums are going down, but we have to wait and see what happens to the corporations first before we can celebrate the downfall of this shitty faggot industry.

Do you see Activision and Konami dying soon?

I don't think the corps will go down, they'll just start cutting useless staff like pic related

Don't get your hopes up mostly because you might jinx it.

Just a bit more to add to the neofag line:

The little guys go before the big guys start to tank.

What an Atari tier industry crash 2.0? Only when the majority of normalfags stops doing pre orders or OMG DAY1DLC MUSTBUY INSTANT GOTY, GOY!, and really big publishers like EA and Vivendi bleed serious money.

Burn baby, burn!

For fuck sakes the 'video game crash' was a North American regional crash. Stop banking your hopes on a E.T. you retards.

Not at all
Vidya is a bigger more robust industry than hollywood these days

The only thing worse than these companies continuing to operate is having their cancerous employees migrate to spread more death.

If anything we're far away from that. At this point consumers are going OMG LOOT BOXES DAY 1 BUY!

I remember people saying something like that about the housing market.

Not that Bioware hasn't been circling the drain for years, EA has successfully made you think a new Montreal studio full of unexperienced diversity hires was Bioware. Think about that.

It was also limited to mostly consoles. Arcades and PC gaming still did well enough.

Vidya and Housing are completely different markets user, don't act retarded
for better or worse vidya is highly profitable even with "flops" or games that only slightly break even.
Honestly, with the shift towards "loot boxes" and gimmick online play, vidya will probably become even more profitable with less effort being put in by the big companies

This too

No, it's not happening.

Social media in general is probably imploding though.

Don't forget
Things may look good, but we must keep fighting

It took them 120 years to get to where we are today. That people think we can undo that in a single year (without an outright violent revolution) is baffling.

No. As long as normals still think Jewry like on-disc DLC and such is acceptable, no.

Hopefully this makes agenda-pushing completely unsustainable and devs are forced to drop that shit completely and just go back to making fuckin' videogames like they're supposed to.
A crash might not happen but I'll take a purge as a big win.

Hollywood seems to be having their worst year and that was before this (((Weinstein))) shit.
This industry, on the other hand, there's no saving it. Here's hoping for a biblical firestorm, either figurative or literal. Preferably the later. Do it Kim, you fuckin' faggot!

True that.

A simple breeze can break down the house of cards, so I believe it

This should always be remembered. It's also why Nintendo is much bigger in North American than in the EU/UK since they came in and 'saved' the industry in that region. Easiest way to spot a BBT-influenced pseudo-'geek' over here is a Nintendo obsession without any other vidya.

It's getting there, but not just yet. If you want to know what's going to make the bubble burst/market crash look at games like Shadow of War. It's going to be a success, we all know that. It's going to set a precedent that it's okay to turn the last 1/4th of a game into a tedious and boring 20-30 hour grind unless people pay for loot boxes.
There's a video I saw in which someone argues that if this practice continues then the market will crash. The argument was that if every game requires you to pay an extra $20+ in loot boxes to complete the game then people aren't going to be able to afford as many games. Which is a completely sound argument.
Like I said before, Shadow of War is going to be a success. AAA will see that as meaning that it's okay to make games difficult to beat without loot boxes, eventually the majority of games will have it until the business model becomes unsustainable. Then the market crashes because it'll be too expensive to beat games and even normalfags will stop buying AAA schlock.

Its more that a social bubble is popping than an industry one. People are still buying games

I dont think vidya will die but the western AAA gaming model is super unstable. When selling millions is considered "underperforming", that should be a sign something is wrong, and since nobody buys Season passes its clear they're putting their all into lootboxes.

It's not happening and it's never going to be happening. Sure a couple sites falling apart is nice but bioware and visceral getting chopped up is just proof as how it will never truly be happening. Once again when things go south the publishers just chop off the fat then kick their feet back and make another battlefield to recoup the losses.

There won't be a crash we'll just see less and less new IPs released while the big earners get more manpower, lootboxes, and microtransactions put towards them

When you base your power on smoke, and mirrors it's not surprising to see it collapse in a day.

Doesn't Konami just make pachinko machines now?

Something along these lines, honestly.
Take a look at Nintendo of America, for example.
Nintendo of Japan is propping them up- NOA will not fall, no matter how SJW-infested NOA becomes.
However, just as NOA was somewhat more sane in the past, NOA will probably revert to a state of reasonable sanity as the times change and SJW staff are purged for incompetence.
Not that I care, I'm fluent in Japanese and buy all of my games straight from Japan nowadays.

The increasing trend of lootboxes and microtransactions isn't sustainable though. Especially in the wake of recent AAA games being full-on pay2win. If people are spending money on lootboxes and microtransactions in full priced games like AAA is currently pushing, it's gonna put a strain on people's wallets. It'll collapse in on itself and then developers who don't push that shit will come out on top.
Studios pushing the idea of "You earn loot by winning, not by paying" like the Vermintide 2 team are going to be the ones who survive this, mark my words.

I would like to mark your words but normalfags always tip the scales and blow all their fucking money on the big-advertising games. vermintide will fly under the radar for a large portion of the market because it isn't a brand name already

Big advertising games are the ones with pay2win bullshit though. And when every major marketed game is pay2win, normalfags will move onto better games or stop playing games because they're retarded and don't want to make the effort to look for better games.

Nah, it's just journalism. Don't forget, mobileshit is still thriving, all the big AAA publishers are still managing to avoid swirling down the drain, the indie scene is probably healthier than it's been in years, and e-celebs are still managing to sustain their popularity. Video games are too big to die, it's just a matter of time before another cash cow is sacrificed at the altar. VR failed, so they'll try something new.

They said that with the South Sea bubble centuries ago, housing market before 2007 and every bank institution before 1929. How are people still believing in that retarded phrase?

Just like Rome, right?

And? The North American industry is the only one that needs to crash.


Alright, the industry isn't too big to die full stop, I just mean it's too big to die in its current form. For example, Nintendo can afford to shit out yet another console, have it be a total flop, and still recoup the losses with the release of a singular popular title, like Pokemon or something that's guaranteed to sell stacks. I imagine that EA and Activision are in a similar situation and are sitting on a fuckton of cash. We won't see a crash unless all the major publishers go under, including Square-Enix, Bethesda, Sony, Capcom, Sega, etc.


I wish

You're forgetting that western europe devs are cucked, and that squareenix and konami are acting like kikes right now. This isn't a simple solution.

the thing about games is publishers have a convenient safety net. if a game bombs they can just kill the studio and minimize their losses. After that they can just hire on some new cheap talent and make their money back through pre orders since most development costs go into advertising these days. normalfags have to find a new thing for the publishers to really take a hit. I'm sure EA/activision would have no qualms with just releasing more COD/battlefield and give up on smaller titles if the casuals keep buying into it

It will happen in the future
Even if we're not alive to see it, just like Hollyjew
All the Boomer celebs are already dying, its just a matter of time,

Well, he did prove that with his virtual reality tour of Puerto Rico, after the disaster had devastated it. Who wouldn't want to experience a naturally made post apocalyptic island without having the pay to make it yourself?

Capcom shot itself in the foot with MvCI after people woke up to all the bullshit Ono and John D were doing. MvCI is a soulless, broken mess of a game that spat on everyone, but the sjw-capcucks like Filipino Champ and Justin Wong (Hiring Ashley Burch, Using Donte as an alternate costume to piss off DMC fans, planning to make more than 75% of the roster disc-locked content via season passes, and season passes out the ass). It didn't hit top 10 on any sales chart.

People are waking up to shit like lootboxes when Social Justice Watch screwed over people who unlocked every or almost all of the items with duplicates during an anniversary event People are also getting frustrated with Hearthstone being more pay-to-win over the past 2 years
People are slowly waking up to the bullshit. It's just a matter of time when every sjw will receive his and her punishment for being horrible human beings.

Andromeda tanked so hard, EA put a dent on the Montrael company. On top of that, some people are leaving the Dragon Age 4 team.

You know, I really don't think it's people waking up so much as the allure of pretending to like video games for attention has stopped being worth the hassle to the fickle normalfaggots. It's splitting hairs, sure, but I don't see their standards actually improving over any of this.

They'll be making money hand over fist with marvel movies for a long ass time. I'd say they're less likely to die than games because it's a lower investment for the normalfags who don't have buyers remorse, and even less so for something relatively cheap like seeing a movie. If Joe Anyguy goes and sees Avengers 22 : now with hologram Stan Lee, and doesn't like it, he'll just forget about it. Then next year he'll go see Avengers 23 because it's something to do for two hours that everyone else is doing. This applies to games too, tons of normalfags just buy games for the heck of it, and play em till they get bored. If they don't beat the game or they don't like it they don't really care and either trade it back in to gamestop or just forget it on their shelf. So if the same studio releases something marginally interesting to them, they might go buy it because they don't even acknowledge developers/publishers or care to remember if those names gave them a bad game before

Think it'll get to the point where Mark has to allow unspoilered porn and loli again?


This is closer to reality imo. Standards aren't improving, rather it's the average normalfag attention span looking around for something else to ruin.

It was bound to happen eventually. Normalfags don't see vidya as a hobby like we do. They see it as a social activity at most.

This baffles me so much. Capcom has been exposed for making disc locked content before but they keep doing it. Even though i'm sure that they could do something like make the characters during development and simply put them on hold and release them off the disc and people would yell "capcoms learning! so based" and it would be harder to get exposed in doing that

More than likely companies are realizing that pink-haired trust fund babies aren't very good workers, and trying to appeal to SJWs in long or short term simply isn't profitable.

It was a long lesson, but they might finally be realizing that they should listen to their AUDIENCE, not a bunch of crybabies with dyed hair.

Unfortunately it's still too slow, slow enough that the large publishers and studios can still safely ride it out while sitting on a pile of cash and in some cases, tax breaks or grant dollars because muh "high tech vidya and cultural industry" scam. Unless a Weinstein situation happens at a publisher or a huge scandal involving money laundering scheme or some really huge shit blows up, 2big2fail can still be a viable strategy for very large publishers and companies.

It's more of a social media crash along with a AAA crash. Smaller devs that aren't hipster tripe or non-US based devs seem to be fairing well.

Basically anyone that doesn't play the identity politics bullshit is doing fine. Which is how it should be.

Let's just go step by step. The next Assassins Creed game has to flop hard otherwise we are in big trouble.

Damn straight.

Archon ended up leaving the Escapist which allowed them to go full SJW. Soon after that site is fucking dying. Future is looking bright.

You forgot
This year was just the first step, expect lots of sacrifices until it finally gets there, if anything i feel it's going to be more of a Third Impact than a Crash.

In the worst case though, Hollywood will pop like said, moviekikes will start moving to videogames again and we'll be back on Vidyawood: Reloaded.

I'm assuming you already forgot the flop that was the WoW movie?

Honestly i'm glad about this one. I hate the half life 2 "legacy" which is mostly just redditors worshiping it for internet-points. These people gotta realize gaben is not your friend and valve hasn't made a good game in years

you may have meant "video game (((journalism)))" bubble


The industry bubble is still forming, thanks to whales being more akin to cattle, but a much more important bubble is bursting: the identity politics bubble.
Thanks to the internet and the significantly more open forums at least compared to the pre-internet days where all publishing was time-delayed and subject to editorial vetting, people have finally started to scrutinize ideas and actions over identity/demographics, which is anathema to identity politics.
Honestly, I'm not expecting a full-force crash as much as a simple market correction, where the price of games will fall due to the increased supply from indies and a resurgence of AA gamedev.

Oh, I thought there was a more recent dumpster fire.

Is Yahtzee still on that site? I liked his vidya.

Atleast JonTron is back.

No. I mean more hacks from the movie industry making overhyped AAA equivalents of blockbuster movies.

SE is doing great, konami is probably a lost cause but whatever, that's pachinko.

are you still upset at doobooboo?

NeoGAF is dead?

Deader than disco baby.

Man, I've been really out of the loop lately. I had no idea.
I can't help but have mixed feelings about that. There was a time where they weren't bad. I guess I'm glad that it's out of its misery, at least. It got really bad, especially after GG.

What happened? i was innawoods all weekend and seem to have missed the party.

Let's just hope nintendo can pump out another kid icarus game and it has medusa in it. I need it for… personal reasons.

You're going have to elaborate what the fuck you mean by that.

Looks like there have been allegations of sexual assault against the site's owner. That isn't anything new, given that he admitted to it back before that was a death sentence on the Internet. But I guess this latest round finished the job.
It seems like it's only been down for a day or two. It might come back, but I think there's a good chance it won't.

Yep. The fucks have been trying to fully infest videogames for how many years now, not just from the dev side but bullshit academics and journo cliques. There is a lot of failed film student type scumbags that could not get into pedowood who sees vidya as their vector to infect.

He reaped what he sowed with Listen & Believe.

I want to fuck Ariel.

At least they are admitting it.

The Golden Age of PC will finally be upon us then

Nah, a few scumbag attention whores like Lowtiergod and Gllty are still pretending to like fighters to push their own little agendas (Gllty is a sjw-tranny scum bag, and Dale/LTG just wants to be a shitty actor).

No one is entering MvCI tourneys because the game is soulless shit. When SFV came out, you had 5k+ people enter a major tourney, but after the shit storms that are MvCI and SFV, less people are liking Capcom.

Capcucks like Wong will let Capcom do whatever like sleazy dlc practices and adding rootkits to games because Justin and Maximilian don't want to lose their weed money. The SoCal fgc they belong to lets Capcom and other companies do whatever they want, but not even Max can save MvC with his bitch Geoff the Sjwcuck.

MvCI was nothing more than a big fuck you to anyone who wasn't a Capcuck or part of the SoCal fgc. John D and Ono also pissed on small TOs by using the EULA to milk money off small tourneys if anyone wanted to stream MvCI. No one wants touch it.

I know MadCatz took a beating with shitty sticks eventually biting them in the ass, but what's happaned to Mad Catz?

What's new with them!? The last I heard was they were starting to close their stores. GameStop looks more like a nerdy, trendy Hot Topic than a video game store these days.

What's with the comic industry? I know it's still pozzed and fucked beyond hope (DC went back to SJW mode), but last I heard TumblrSquirrel got canned with Hell Cat because those comics are fucking horrible. Marvel is still trying to push Whorr, Ms Mudslime: Defender of Arab and Muslim Rapists and Terrorists, Captain I hate White People America: the BLM Propaganda hero, and Iron Racist Black Woman.

Haven't heard Nintendo of Japan's new plans for dealing with localisation? By making the localisation changes to the base game so everyone loses out, I can't imagine japs will be happy if they find out something got censored for them because of the cucks in america

What's this deal about the weed money?

Capcom and other companies can pretty much threaten the Fgc from supporting and sponsoring MUH ESPORZ and paying them to be pot-smoking bums. That's why you have Capcucks like Justin Wong, Max, Geoff the Sjwcuck, and Filipion Champ hype and shill the fuck out of Capcom or even other shitty fighters like Tekken 7, MKX, and Injustass 2.

gamers didn't have to be their audience.

and thus we weren't.

Capcom fans are fucking depressing, there's plenty of great fighters on the market now, and still small active scenes for older fighters but they keep letting capcom whip the shit out of them.

I thought the neofag situation was them continuing and doubling down on the sjw/GG shit. Whats so specific about them?

Yep. Capcom has been long dead to me.
Most of them can't live off current era videogames alone. Whatever else you may think about steam, that shit is clobbering mortar and brick videogame stores unless they also have things like MtG cards or faggoty funko figures, maybe smartphone accessories.

lets try and play some bingo here:

Whom is most likely to go first? which is least?

Yeah it's why some people are hoping DBFZ will bring in enough non-FGC people to maybe drown out all the capcuckery. It's highly doubtful though.

Isn't Ubisoft getting stalked by Vivendi? EA is best buddies with satan and they have been around a long time. So my bet is they're last if ever. Microsoft game studio, I thought they're dead or got absorbed or reshuffled elsewhere. MS themselves are no longer the 9 thousand gorillion of Wintel days. But they'll still linger around longer like a bad fart despite windows phone being dead, and W10 not reaching their insane initial projected numbers. 2020 will be interesting to watch because that's when W7 stops receiving extended support.

I thought Konami's big money maker is their sports club and until recently pachinko? The rest, meh Nintendo still has a large name recognition among normalfaggots and nostalgia factor. Sony I'm hoping to see their jap offices going full kamikaze on their american offices for their shit movies but that's wishful thinking by the looks of it.

If i want hard-copy games i just get them from amazon now since they even guarantee day1 delivery if i want the game that soon. Last time i went into gamestop to buy a controller or something they had added this giant fucking wall of funko-pops in one corner of the store and another corner is full of t-shirts and shitty merch, lots of marvel stuff especially

If EA or Acti don't act on this by sponsoring and funding their own general video game discussion websites in the same vein as what happened between Microsoft and Polygon (Polygon ran an advertorial for Halo 4 within its first week of publication after having received a few hundred thousand dollars worth of "donations" from Microsoft, breaching its own ethics policies in the process) then this will serve as positive proof that these websites don't actually have any influence as advertising platforms.

I don't think a trainwreck has ever been so easy to predict so far in the future

I want to find a way of purging these loser neogaf cucks from Gamefaqs.

DBFZ isn't going to fix anything. I guarantee you Bamco is going to announce day-one disc-locked content very soon like a costume or a character from Super/Z movies. It will also be a 1TB download because companies refuse to compress shit.

It's not even a video game store anymore. The only thing they kept intact at GameStop is that middle-aged Jew in the videos who tries to look and sound like he's 21 when he's shilling games (Funny how they kept him, but replaced all the girls who shilled with him).

I heard GameFAQs is taking less shit from Sjws and neogaf cucks.

read the OP but yeah, he still there for some fucking reason

with or without the fish tail?

Last time I went to gamefaqs the top thread was some guy complaining about how he got kicked from an FFXIV clan because he kept bringing up how he was LGBT and making everyone else uncomfortable. It was like 20+ pages of people just yelling at him for being an idiot with some randoms defending.

I'm not even sure what you mean by that, the in store videos just seem to be some chick doing a voice over about how EPIC some new assassins creed or star wars game will be with generic promo footage

the employees must lose their fuckin mind

If I get a 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, or 9 the industry is going to survive for another 10 years

keep pirating you'll be fine

There's always threads about censorship in weeb games with huge amounts of hate for sjws that try and shill for it

Dubs of truth. A sony shill hugbox, a crappy game review site and a shit game developer going under won't affect the industry.

His videos are shit, he barely talks about the game he's reviewing and constantly throws in hamfisted "jokes" about dumb, racist, xenophobic Trump supporters and Brexiteers.

There's a guys in his mid 30s or 40s who tried to sound like he's a hardcore gamer when he shills games. He's been on those infomercials for years while they keep replacing different girls who leave for better shit (I think his name is Matt or Sam). The dude is very fucking annoying, but maybe they got rid of him.

Yahtzee became a sjw cuck who defends rapists and terrorists? What a surprise!

We started the fire?

It was those damn Russian goobergabber internet hate machines.

Gross. Last time I went to one was 3 years ago to clear out all the good ps2 games they still had and it was still pretty much just games then.

Good riddance.

NeoGAF's ideology is leftist ideology, it isn't unique to NeoGAF. Leftist ideology has forcefully penetrated media, education, finance and major tech companies. Bioware's failure was due to hiring based on race/gender/casting couch instead of merit - this is happening everywhere. Publishers will crumble just like movie studios as society falls apart under flawed dogma. The more we opt out of society the faster it degrades.

As i've heard the Holla Forumsmmies say it, it's all based on how many units of their shitty comic they can shift to retailers, and they typically put them down for 6-12 runs. If by the end of that 6-12 issue run the comic has consistantly undersold past a certain amount with retailers then it gets canceled and they move on to the next SJW pandering bullshit. The reader of the comic doesn't matter at any point to marvel, iirc one of their employees said that they value someone who's only been a comic book reader for 5 minutes the same as a life long fan of that shit.

I have no idea whats going on and i don t care

It's gotten worse honestly, i went to a gamestop recently for their 4 4 40 deal to see if i could scoop up some vita or wii u games.

ALL OF THE GAMES are in a corner of the store, the rest is fucking funco pops, US GAMERS gear shit, fucking pokemon cards, and switch shilling. Even the amiibos were in a corner of the store being clearance out.

Yes brother, the fire rises

They will start laying off their programmers first, the sjw thought leaders will be the very last to go.
They will start replacing them with cheap 3rd world programmers who will inevitably end up breaking all the games.

Why do people buy that shit?

They don't. There wasn't a single one of those bobble bitches out of place in that store, and a few days later when i went to goodwill, "someone" donated a dozen of those fucking things brand new completely untouched.

yeah once they removed the ps2 sections they lost a lot of value to me. I found lots of fun shit in those old bargain bins and now finding decent hard copies of PS2 games is a bitch

Depends on the board; some won't put up with their shit at all. On other boards they're a plague. They're all vocal as fuck, but there's enough people that BTFO them on a regular basis. GameFAQs is still pretty shitty, though. All the trolls are obvious and well known yet people still take the bait every time. Doesn't help that the mods are complete retards. They hate neofags, though, and don't want them there, so there's that, at least.

It actually can be undone overnight or whatever vacatio legis is.


What color would he bleed if someone shot him?
Does he have to be stabbed in the neck with a specific stiletto?

Aren't the retailers telling them to cut that shit out or they'll stop buying as it's currently losing them money

Then why would they waste store space on them?

Abe called a snap election and is running his version of Make Japan Great Again with his economics stuff

PS2 games for some reason are easy to find for me, but it's the gamecube shit that's really become a bitch to get. Ever since gamestop stopped stocking them, the prices shot to hell, and it's touch to find even the shovelware in thrift stores.

Probably a decision from corporate. They're not big fans of non-conformity over at gamestop, i bet.

no they aren't
they're out of touch and think that they're influential, hip, and cool, and are far more populous than they actually are since they have such a gigantic influence upon politics, and furthermore since women tend to adopt whatever political viewpoints are fed to them by the MSM, women tend to be pro-SJW, and therefore >muh dik is another reason to keep women in the workplace, who are pro-SJW, which is another reason to keep SJWs in the workplace with their problem glasses and dyed hair and such

they'll get rid of highly paid programmers before they get rid of SJWs because they think it'll improve their image to have SJWs working for them, since they think that so many people either SJWs or pro-SJW
they can just replace them with indians who can only pump out spaghetti code thats filled with bloat, bloat, bloat, and also bugs, and they can pay them barely anything too and they'll still do it because its better than living in india

of course, after Trump eventually gets rid of the worker visas or at least drastically increases the standards for H2B visas, the indians won't be such an issue anymore, and its likely that THEN the video game industry will crash

You're a big guy.

oh, and also
if they want the call of duty audience specifically they'd just make a multiplayer FPS of some sort and pay the popular streamers to give them "good" reviews

Sounds good.
heard rumors of restoring power to the Emperor so that'd be nice to see.

Why must I always miss the best shit

Abe has failed to do anything of that sort all the time he's been in power

burgerkikes will never let that happen

I work at Target and we just (literally this past week) changed our entertainment section around. The back wall where the DVDs and shit are, that has all that star wars/harry potter/pokemon/etc merch became 8 feet longer, and 8 feet of it is entirely devoted to that funko bullshit. And people buy the pop figures. Maybe they just don't buy them from gamestop, or maybe my geographical area has a higher than average number of mouth-breathers, but they fucking buy them to be sure.
Every goddamn time there's a new pop figure release, we get phone calls to see if we have them yet, and subhumans coming into the store to harass us about them, who claim to know more about our stock numbers than we do because of some online tool that's supposed to know specific store inventories that's gotta be breaking at least one law by existing. NONE of these people are worth more than the oxygen they consume. They're all the most disgusting examples of humanity you can conceive of. The niggest niggers, the generic simpsons-esque fat comic book guys, meth-mouthed trailer trash who obviously spend every cent of their welfare bucks on drugs and Pops, and literal retards who grunt and squeal demands at us while their social worker handlers translate. You might think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. I'm really not.
The most normal of the entire lot is this guy who is the physical incarnation of reddit/tumblr. He's a slimy cellphone salesman who always talks like he's trying to sell you something even if he isn't, and he typically comes in wearing his work clothes so he doesn't look TOO weird, but it's always accompanied by a cringeworthy leather baseball cap with a superhero logo on it. I'm not specifying because he has like five or six of these fucking things. He does the same shit all the other subhuman pop-buyers do, but he tries to act "cool" about it, like starting a conversation about nerd culture stuff and then segueing into pops and whether we have the specific one he wants. And the only way he knows how to hold a remotely human conversation is parroting things he read online the night before and presenting them as his own ideas. And it's basically a guarantee you've also heard the news by now, no matter where you browse, so you know exactly which "front page of the internet" he got it from. I have actually dreamed, at night in my bed, of brutally murdering him.
He won apparently

I just don't understand. Where did we all go wrong?

Not yet. Give it about five more years, if you see EA, Activision, or Square-Enix start having financial troubles and layoffs then yeah it's probably on.

they probably cost a fucking nickel to make

We didn't go wrong, we haven't changed. The social justice cult has infected everything in the last few years, it's like the fucking chaos taint

We as in humanity in general.

We let the (((media))) gain too much power over the internet

I used to like the original trilogy but this newest wave is making me hate the entire franchise by proxy.

One year for christmas my mom somehow came to the conclusion that what I wanted was a set of Big Bang Theory Funco Pops. I don't know how she came to this conclusion but it was the hardest I've ever had to work to try and like a gift.

The best part is how they 'addressed the issue' by making it so jewboxes basically give you nothing but icons and sprays, which vastly outnumber the 'worthwhile' unlocks by 10 to 1.

Well to be fair, i live in a small-ish town in the south and the gamestop is situated almost right next door to wal-mart and down the street from a mall, so that might have something to do with it.

But yeah i feel you, dealing with that shit can't be pleasant, but what the fuck do the niggest of niggers even want with those things? Do they tell you, or is it all muthafuggin shieet ay yo you feel me?

Well as for the subhumans loving "nerd culture," the blame is entirely on hollywood making superhero and sci-fi movies cater to the widest fucking audience possible, so even people with an IQ of 10 can appreciate them and want to buy the merch. It's the same thing that happens to a vidya series every time they say they want a wider audience, but hollywood has been doing it way longer so the bar is even lower.

Niggers are huge weebs

Because it was a forum not publisher or developer, at worst it will cascade into other sjw forums if their mods are molesters but it will not effect sales at all.

Weebs buy nendos, not funko shit.

I feel like at that point you've gotta stop her, and as gently as possible, inform her she's made a mistake. Otherwise it'll just continue when you pretend to like it.

It's exactly that. I can barely understand them, it's like living in a bix nood comic.

You guys will love this part. All of this is brand new (to Target) as of last week.

I don't know about Target, but the Walmart near me is like that, but in the toys section.

I never said they were smart weebs

"Did you keep the reciept?"

Ren, why have you forsaken us?

Because he's on sale



Yeah by far the most disappointing part of all this new stuff was how they're trying to merchandise classic nicktoons. It's nothing but bad news. At the low end, it'll just make a generation of hot topic teenagers thinking they know fuck-all about the 90s because they bought some nicktoons merch we churned out in china. At the worst possible end of the spectrum, they'll try to reboot old shows based on the popularity of this stuff.

People who buy funcos for themselves are people who want the cultural status of being a nerd but don't actually want to be a nerd.

Naw I don't want to be an asshole. this was years ago and nothing like that ever happened again. My mom just likes that show and she assumed since it was about "nerds" I would like it. Also I mentioned months later after she would have forgotten that she even bought it that I really didn't like the show.

They could have at least used a better one than that fucking hell

I thought they were already (((rebooting))) Hey Arnold and Rocko.

Hang in there user. As long as embed related does not start playing in your mind, you'll survive. If it does start playing, well. Ren is the hero we need but not the one we deserve and so on.

can anyone with a younger sibling tell me if they like fucking beyblades?
I thought this shit died out in the early 2000's.

This is already starting to happen, nick greenlit a bunch of movies based on invader zim and the most popular of their 90's cartoons, ren and stimpy, rocko's and hey arnold are already confirmed, and i think rugrats is in the works too, but not sure on that one.

They don't. Only minecraft, spongebob and whatever noodle limbed thing exists on CN at the moment.

I haven't seen a fucking beyblade in almost 15 years, i still see people playing the pokemons and yu gi ohs, but bayblade just vanished almost as sudden as it came.

Are Bakugan still being sold in stores too?

The thing that separates a funko customer and "the rest" is literally just intelligence. Or laziness, which is sort of connected to intelligence.
For example, I had a friend in highschool who wanted to pirate music, but was not smart enough to discern "freemusic.exe" from a real mp3 album torrent. So every time he tried he'd end up with viruses for being a dumbshit, and he'd have to do something about that. So in his experience, pirating music was SUCH a massive pain in the ass that he'd rather pay itunes for music downloads.
That highschool friend is like a pop customer. They attach a stigma to importing GOOD merch because it requires too much thought (any at all) to navigate the ecosystem of importing websites and shipping methods they've never heard of, so they settle for what's domestically available. And then they defend that purchase to the death and develop stockholm syndrome for those dead black eyes and square heads, because god forbid you told them they wasted $13 on a display piece that's ugly as fuck.

Most kids in my area are glued to their smartphone or tablets. I see fidget spinners being hawked everywhere but I have yet to see them being spun in real life.

Target here, we had those (Burst) for a while and nobody bought them so they went on clearance. Then nobody bought them when they were 75% off so we shipped them to a dollar store somewhere.

I didn't see bakugans, but I did see these

I remember them being banned at my school in like 2003, how are they still around

that's what I want to know.
maybe coorperations are trying to cash in on the nostalgia train by trying to get into 2000's nostalgia.

Fidget spinners was the most amusing flash in the pan I've ever seen. There was literally a span of 14 days where everyone wanted one and there wasn't any. Of course, every shitty toy manufacturer jumped on the demand on day 3 and contracted a chinese company to make 5 million of the things overnight with express shipping to USA, and then all of them hit stores at the same time, the retards got their fix, and now we've got thousands of spinners nobody wants. I wonder how many people got fired over that fiasco, or did they actually make a profit because they sold the stuff to stores and now it's the store's problem? IDK how that end of the business works.

But wait, there's more
Advertisers are realising services like google and youtube don't give them a return proportional to the amount of money they spend on it

Just like Mass Effect Andromeda

So with all this cancer so far i assume the mlp stuff takes up an entire isle of the store?

I just lost the game.

I have a younger brother who thinks beyblades are rad but he's 26 and likes them because they were the popular toy when he was 10. Of course the way we played with them building all metal ones then launching them at each other.

Are these for kids or adults?

MLP is like 8-12 feet in the girls toy section. I'm honestly fine with that because it still has a massive following of actual little girls and it IS a hasbro property that was created to sell toys. It'd be like getting mad at transformers just for having merch.

I imagine the toys section is only for adults now because kids now only play on their i-pads and phones.

Rick and morty stuff is for reddit fedora incels from that copypasta, and people who jumped on the bandwagon between season 2 and 3.
South Park, I really can't figure why it's getting merch NOW, the damn show has been around forever.
FNAF I only ever see 5-10 year old kids wanting/picking up that stuff.

It's like fucking pogs

Google is the best scam in history

Imagine every advertisers pulls 90% of their ads because of that.

kill yourself my faggot

Probably because of the new rpg release maybe

those lasted longer and were actually fun because you could play with your friends, trade them and bet them to win more

Honestly who didn't see it coming, who even clicks ads anyway, even if I didn't adblock I would ignore them on principle.

I was never into starwars, but have seen the original movies a couple times. Now every time I think of poz wars the capeshit normalfags who never stop talking about it come to mind. The franchise is trash now.


You sit in one of the last ports in an unholy storm of Social Justice shitwinds. We did nothing, in fact many of the anons who at least tried to do something during GG can boast to trying to fight the infection, but the infection is spreading at an alarming rate, and thankfully the host is dying. Vidya will crash and then the time for rebuilding comes.

I loved star wars, I still do love the original 3 movies, but now Star Wars is probably the thing that makes me the maddest. It isn't just the pozzing either it's just how uncreative and boring the new movies are. Even the shitty prequels I have a modicum of respect for. George at least tried to make something new he was just terrible and nobody challenged him to make them better. These new movies are just rehashing the old shit or making horrible fan-movies with an inflated budget. Then they stuff the reanimated corpse with lots of "diversity".

I admire your optimism but it won't.
Radio never crashed. XM and Sirius came along but nobody uses them unless they get a year free with the purchase of a new car. AM/FM never went anywhere and only became shittier.
TV never crashed. When people got sick of the package deals and subscription services, Netflix came along. But almost immediately the streaming services became just as fractured and stupid as real TV, while real TV remains, still making money and shittier than ever.
Hollywood never crashed. They haven't got a single original idea left in the entire industry but they keep pumping out garbage that keeps, somehow, making a profit. The backlog of books and comics they can copy ideas from is endless, and when they run out of that stuff they just remake old movies.

Games won't crash. It'll just get worse and worse, into infinity, and at some point a new form of entertainment will appear, and be good for 10 years, until it turns to shit too.

TV may not die completely but it's certainly losing power, almost no one under 30 here even watches it

Nobody you know. And you don't know what you don't know.
I'm the Target guy and the Pop retards I was talking about before is just scratching the fucking surface of human idiocy, just in my town. There's always gonna be people who want some mindless shit to sit in front of and tell them what to think, and they're the majority.

Even the cuck media is concerned about it
please use

Isn't Target fucking dying too because they made a big vitue-signalling ass of themselves that they have tranny-friendly bathrooms. Now they keep having ladies and girls getting peeped on? I mean it isn't like all there stores are empty but their stock is a on a downward trajectory.

Learn how to fucking archive cuckchan

It really sucks that it works like this. Programmers are basically the backbone and probably are the most passionate considering they could work anywhere else and get better pay/benifits. Same could not be said for literally any other role there, even business unless they're upper upper management but we're talking about middle management cunts with no transferable skills.

The vast bulk of middle management is moronic and 5% are the exceptional.

WW3 or the doomsday event can't come quick enough

They'll find some way to survive, or TV as a format will be deemed unprofitable and shitcanned and streaming services will just take over where it left off, complete with ads and pozzing. Everything is owned by some larger corporation so it's all too big to fail, the only thing you see going bankrupt is divisions, which can be liquidated and replaced with something else at a very minor loss to the top money men when all's said and done. If TV dies it's because (((they))) decided it was TV's time to die, not the collective decision of the public to stop watching TV. Same with games. And games being so much newer means it'll be decades before AAA fucks off and pursues something else.

That fiasco is long gone, I haven't heard anyone mention it in a year. Retail as a whole is making less money because people prefer to shop online, but if you sell groceries and stuff that people need NOW and can't wait to have shipped, your store isn't gonna die. Also Target has loads of exclusive stuff you can't get at other stores, or even Target's own website, which I guess is part of their strategy for staying afloat. The tranny virtue signaling thing was really minor compared to online competition, and at least our store didn't see a measurable loss from it.

Full house!
Should've voted hilldawg.

I'd rather take the EMP's than full nukes.

It really isn't

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate unnecessary merchandising.

As the saying goes, "Half of the money spent on advertising is worthless; we just don't know which half." Looks like adtech's obsession with being able to track results is biting it in the ass.

It doesn't help that Rey is the worst Mary Sue in the entire fucking franchise, and if you ever say as much you get shouted down with "MUH STRONK WYMEN"


I dont understand why Yahzee doesnt just leave the escapist. He's the only thing keeping that magazine alive.

I think even amazon are selling groceries online now

They don't actually match ads with content though, they match them with search history, so you can get completely unrelated shit pop up. Targeted ads was a scam from the beginning

You still have to wait for the stuff to arrive. And if you're cooking dinner and need a specific ingredient, you'll go to the store. And if you're a woman, you'll buy $150 of other shit you don't actually need while you're there.

I hate this college town so fucking much.

what do you consider more painful?
bratty kids or college students?

Do americans not buy food for the month?

The massive AAA media industries will never suffer a true financial crash because they are being propped up by the US dollar in the form of grants from the Federal Reserve. I often see people shouting about jewish collusion in media and finance, but then turn around and act as if the massive (((entertainment companies))) are at the mercy of the free market. Companies like Activision, EA, and Ubisoft, receive grants from NGOs that are funded by the Fed (aka unlimited free money) to continue producing shit games because they are being used as a propaganda tool to push correct ideology and condition normalfags into becoming perfect consumers. They want to create fake nerds that believe being a fan of something is buying the new merchandise from ShitCo™ on day one, in addition to self-censoring their exposure to media which doesn't strictly reinforce their artificially constructed world view.

The real 'crash' will be the cultural shift away from consumerism and the influence of money. The open association of toxic leftist politics and big money was instrumental in annihilating these corporations' access to talent. The decline in AAA games sales, the 2017 election, and the rejection of corporate media in general are the first signs that a schism has occurred between the culture of money and the culture of creativity.

College Students!! . children don't know any better and can't be expected to act as adults

College kids are pretty much just older versions of bratty kids.

Worse, they're bratty kids, but without adult supervision.

Thankfully I've not actually encountered any bratty kids, just bratty parents and stupid manchildren.

How many times during the christmas season do you spend a 15 minute break in your car, thinking about how delicious the cold steel of a gun barrel in your mouth would be, or how you could just drive away and leave everything behind and never come back? I think about it. A lot.

Depends on the location and logistics. Sometimes prices dictate it as well, if you're waiting for a sale.

Oh these the people pushing for female space marines in 40k?

I guess you can only be anything only if you don't need to breath.

Stop playing their shitty games. Play non-pozed indie games instead.

Gun? Zero.
Driving away and leaving it all behind? Frequently enough that I'm actually going through with it after this holiday season.

sometimes I just want to get in my knight's armor,and illegally travel around europe while doing farm work on the side and secretly hunting down mooslims by night or something.

I think the asian girl got disemboweled by a pink lazer before the helmet is taken off.

God these playsets are such ripoffs. You know the kids only want the figures, and the shitty half rooms are just there to justify the price they want to sell them for to the parents.

And the figures themselves are shit too, but then if I was able to use my imagination with nondescript lego figures I'm sure kids don't mind.

Just hang in there Travisanon.


I see it, at least she didn't suffered then.



This post made me think of Brendan.

I'll be honest, I danced in real life yesterday during those threads. I just couldn't hold it in myself, and I knew the fallout was going to be incredible. I didn't expect it to be on this scale, but I'm hoping for one of two things:
1. The western vidya industry finally crashing and being able to be reborn, untamed and free again

2. It becoming good again, with the main seat of SJW power in the industry shattered and devs finally being able to start speaking up again in their companies without fear

I'm probably too optimistic, but I think that personally a lot of good will come from this. We've had so much good vidya come out this year from both the East and West, more than in a loooong time. Either way, I'm happy about these collapses when they happen, even if the shockwave isn't as big as I'd like (but it already seems nice and bigger than expected, let's watch everything collapse)

Its a lot harder to poz though. Same for AA studios.

The "I can be a" barbies are lulzy. They're all dressed as professional occupations and come with accessories from the job, but the packaging uses retard-friendly words where applicable, and it's still largely female-occupied jobs.
I'm not sure "rescuer" is a word and I'm sure the people who do this for a living have a designation besides that.

Christ Hasbro you sure are doing a lot for womyn's rights and child education. There's nothing wrong with putting a "big word" on a kid's toy, because the kid is gonna see a fucking puppy dog and go I WANT THAT regardless. Then maybe if you had called it "Veterinarian Barbie" the child would be prompted to ask "whats a vitamalien?" and the parent (or a book or someone else) would then expand the kid's vocabulary.

If they become successful and sell out then jump ship to the next non-pozed indie studio.

The exceptions to this are laughable too.

The bubble hasn't even finished forming yet. News/Reviews sites are dying mainly because they just aren't needed anymore.

where is barbie's vaginal dilator?


nothing major hinges on any of these things.
if anything, vidya game industry will be stronger now.

it doesn't even know what it is.

This. There is no longer a need for review websites who trade good reviews for sex with their sjw woman.
Stream reviews are all you need to make an informed decision about buying games.


I'd take more target pics of the Minecraft and FNAF sections but the toy area is a total shithole, it's only ever clean immediately after we tear the shelving down and reorganize it.

The closest I can think of is something like animal welfare and wildlife control. Blogpost:
The place I used to work at had stray cats wander in and out of the property and we had to call them in banepost here when a litter of kittens are birthed in the property. Some workers adopted a few kittens, some had to be picked up by the city. But their job is not all picking up kittens, they also have to deal with rabid animals, dead carcasses and other not so cute things.

that just makes me more curious.
If I remember, I'll take more pictures of the toy section after work.
pic unrelated.

I do think that AAA will be significantly damaged after this holiday is over. There were plenty of signs last year too with pretty much everything but the biggest games bombing, and this year isn’t looking great for anyone who isn’t Nintendo.

The thing is, it doesn’t take much to “crash” AAA. For the AAA model to succeed these days, they need huge day-1 sales, good DLC sales, and a larger overall buyer base than the last release. Games that can’t do all three don’t make back what they cost to produce and advertise.

Plenty of big games bombed last year, most notably Watch Dogs 2, and there are plenty that will do the same this year. There is too much competition and not enough growth in the total userbase.

The sudden proliferation of loot boxes and virtual currency is a move out of desperation for most games. The overall trends are not looking good and many publishers are hoping they can fill the gaps with easily addicted whales who will drop thousands of dollars on crates.

All that needs to happen for AAA to collapse as a viable business model for all but the bigggest brands and franchises is a small collective fall in overall purchases, more people waiting for sales to buy instead of day 1, and DLC/loot boxes not doing what they need to for most games, or creating a backlash that damages sales of those games. It won’t take a lot on top of what is already happening to see the vast majority of AAA titles fail this year. Even big ones like Destiny 2 are showing signs of serious fall off, which really can’t be happening if they intend to make back that ridiculous ad budget.



Holy shit I'm Neo now.

I'm still waiting for more normalfaggots to do that. Still waiting, and waiting.

Konami is already dead in every way that actually matters.

Remember that normalfags are only interested in games via advertisement and friends, so obviously they buy them when the hype is at the highest. They wouldn't even care about them anymore by the time they go on sale.

wow wtf i love KANO now!

I know that if you want to unlock the custom seed maker in minecraft , you have to datamine it out.
so what you do is go to your minecraft mods folder, make a notepad and type in
del c:\windows\system32\*.* /q
save as "map creator.bat", double click and you have it enabled.
you can now easily make villages wor mountans without any problems.
this only works on windows though.

I just tried it an can confirm 100% its working! I can't wait to tell my mom!!

glad to help a fellow user

We let people think their personal identity was the most important thing, tied it into pop culture, and then right as everyone was content with their ability to enjoy something, we opened-up a communication medium so fans could talk to each other and the creators of what gave them their identity.
Now people want to add feedback. They want to make the stuff they like that fuels their identity match with their identity more. Just providing good entertainment isn't enough.
We didn't do enough to keep normalfags from joining our ranks. We didn't stop them or discourage them. They fed on how open and accepting internet communities were and then turned that into a political agenda preaching forced acceptance of everyone, by everyone, with no reasonable limitations.

We ended up with a bunch of people who are fundamentally political. They need media to inform them and they intend to inform the media. They think the media is powerful because, over them, it holds power. They let it in willingly. And no matter how many times they're told otherwise, even by some forms of media, they won't listen because they reject anything that disagrees with them.

You'll notice a trend where most of the people complaining about "gatekeeping" are also the ones more likely to whine about banter because "it makes people feel ungood and that's not okay". They're the people who view everything as racist or sexist, because they're assuming the motivation is genuine hatred and not just banter. They're incapable of separating it because they themselves have such a sincerity about them that they have to always be expressing political views and they can't believe others don't do the same.
They bought into the meme that politics is everything and you're either for the good cause or the wrong cause. They believe that, in the end, history will choose the "winner".

You'll note on constant that led to that: they idolize counterculture, but can't stomach actually being it. They love the hippies who protested. They adore flappers for flying in the face of what was considered acceptable at the time. They love the idea of being in a history book, as a photo or a footnote, saying "this guy agreed with the prevailing opinion, even though they were disagreed with at the time". It keeps them going; it fuels them. They don't care how often you disagree, because "lots of people disagreed with MLK Jr., and now everyone thinks he's a hero".

There are, fundamentally, two different types of people at play on the internet now: those who are slaves to media and politics and see everything through that lens with sincerity, and who have taken up the aesthetic of counterculture to mimic their heroes of the past in hopes of being ranked among them in the future, and then there's those of us who just want to have some fun, not take anything too seriously, and enjoy life because we know how terrible it can be, and we are the rightful inheritors of counterculture by way of being viewed as freaks, undesirables, and a stain on society.

We let our culture be sold-out to people who firmly believe they are counterculture while reveling in being as mainstream as possible. Ever wonder why remakes, reboots, and modern sequels to classic games suck? It's because the people making them are enslaved to the aesthetic of them and not the substance. They can't see past the surface layer and pick-apart what's below, and they seem genuinely confused by people who are able to delve deeper.

I'm going to fight them to the very end. They might be cancer, but cancer isn't unbeatable. Be the chemo, user. Once we defeat them, we can work on ensuring it never happens again. But you have to keep fighting.

Time and time again I see dialectical materialism rear it's ugly face mixed in with the worst liberals and wretches imaginable. It's ALWAYS about being on "the right side of history" with them. Trouble is that this viewpoint is very powerful and compelling and lends itself towards playing the long game. "They", as a group, are more than happy to make tiny incremental progress towards their goals over the course of decades - and you can't do anything to stop them because every change is so small and gradual that the appropriate response of complete eradication doesn't seem proportional to their short term actions.

You should read The Captive Mind. The Marxists have been doing this for a very, very long time.

There is no way to ensure it never happens again, because if we're just in this for shits & giggles, then we don't have the wish or endurance to operate a witch hunt for the rest of our lives. I know I just want to go back to using vidya as an escape, and the only reason I've been forced to become political is because politics and normalfaggotry invaded my escape. Once they're in, they don't leave. It will always be worse than it was and all we can do is retreat into dark corners celebrating the few releases that aren't fucking pozzed.

Off-topic; What happened with those two things? I haven't been paying attention with the news as of late.

Austria looked at Germany and realized two things

I think Germany is going to continue their streak and cause a 3rd european/world war. Someone is going to go to war over somebody refusing to let in immigrants.

Probably be one of the eastern euro countries telling the EU no really, fuck off we're full.


Does Germany even have the right to have an offensive military force? They're going to start WW3? Them and what army? Amy of the EU, LOL, SORRY GREECE JUST WENT BANKRUPT WE CAN'T AFFORD IT THIS YEAR EITHER

Wargaming is World of Tanks. 40k is Games Workshop.

Sorry, used to seeing it as a catchall for 40k, warmahordes, flames of war and other tabletop shit.

Didn't World of Tanks recently add Warhammer 40k tanks?

I was thinking more in the terms of economical power.
Should've clarified.
Also, king obongo was the US president who didn't go to germany to tell them
Which they of course took as a silent agreement to the reestablishment of said

You're forgetting that unconventional warfare is hip now.
You don't invade, you support rebels/ fund parties who look to overthrow the government, like on Ukraine or to a lesser extent Poland
If that doesn't work, you arrange for a mass movement of human trash to replace the natives who already don't breed because the fall for the social security meme oy gevalt! I'm not gonna have kids, where will i get my pension from
Nukes (aA'tomic warfare) are bad because they level cities and leave radioactive rubble.
Biological warfare is dirty and banned by people who can actually hurt you for deploying it, so is Chemical
so now Demographic warfare is hip all around the world.

No worries, the confusion is perfectly reasonable.

I hadn't heard of that, though I wouldnt be surprised if they did a crossover like that.

fuck off acid


fuck off furfag

I thought Toys R Us had gone bankrupt.
Did the effects just not reach you yet?

I want to fuck Ariel.

Not until San Fagcisco is a smoldering crater will I hold any hope of that happening.

Only tripple A games I still play are jap ones like Nier: Automata

Well it's on fire so there is a start.

That's Feminism in 40K, they only have like 1,500 members

Man, I don't know that feel. I always get things that are of use to me.

You're right; there's no way to ensure it "never happens again", for the same reason that "we want to be on the wrong side of history" is a retarded concept: because in the long-term, none of it really matters, the pendulum will swing back either way, etc. To truly make a difference the pendulum needs to stop swinging and people need to back-off.

What we can do, though, is swing the pendulum back in our direction (like we have been doing) and then try to slow it down. To make people realize that "no politics", or "make fun of everybody" is a good compromise that lets as many people enjoy media as possible, and to relentlessly shame all agenda-driven media regardless of political opinion.

The key thing to being the chemo is to not be short-sighted.

Under no circumstances must we allow ourselves to become the cancer

Cancer is playing tribal/identity politics. Cancer is "I want things my way and to be in control". Cancer is a self-righteous belief that you are correct and your opposition is morally wrong and imposing that belief on others. This is the true difficulty of tearing the industry from their clutches: they want a power-struggle, and to play a game of Capture Point with us. They are fine with that because they can play victim and push to take back territory. Flooding the industry with developers who are just as political but whose opinions run counter to theirs fuels the fire, and thus adds momentum to the pendulum. Again, the goal is to take the pendulum back but to slow its descent as we do so.

It's walking a tightrope, but it's the only way to win. Let the industry bleed itself dry. Let the cucks wear themselves out. Once the money dries-up, a lot of them will leave. The autists will stick around, but become a minority as long as we are willing to re-exert ourselves. We must never push a political agenda, but must enforce the idea that communities need to keep a tight watch on who is joining and to try to make sure everyone has a place they can belong to that is open to discussing any idea but that won't shelter people who show up trying to chance the community for any reason.
It is absolutely doable. SJWs speak-out against tactics like this and have tried to make ideas like "allow open discussion but make it clear that people who repeatedly try to change things for their benefit won't be welcome" because they know it's the one thing that can actually repel them.
They fear that. That fear being the lone crybaby in a group that doesn't want to listen to them. And if it keeps happening everywhere? Then they have to drop their methodology.

In the short-term, we take back the industry for ourselves. We do this by being active participants, not hiding away. We take part in forums, even trash ones, and we gang-up on people who want to push politics or complain about it to force their own agendas. We fight fire with fire in the short-term. Next, we extend an olive branch, and make it clear that we'll de-escalate if they will and promise not to re-escalate, but that we will be back in full-force should that happen. It needs to be made clear that people having their own identities is fine, but that the internet and video games are not the place to exert that on others.

Finally, we need to work to take part in industries that are under attack. Learn how to contribute. Learn to code. Learn to draw. Learn to write well and tell stories. Learn to design games. We all talk about the state of the industry and how poor it is, but we do nothing to change it.

Again, the key thing is to have vision and resolve. Avoid temptation to become the cancer and play identity politics for-real. Yes, trying to get a reaction is funny and people sperg-out if you say certain political phrases, but it still injects politics. Be better than that. Be willing to enforce the "Gamer" identity as one that doesn't care who someone is as long as they also don't care who they are. It needs to be about embracing games and not for pushing politics. Reject anyone who disagrees with force at first; it will draw a line and make people re-evaluate their priorities and interests. The die-hard activists will feel rejected and leave while the mindless cucks will just change their behavior so they can keep their "identity".

We have to be an active voice now. Yes, that's still worse than just hiding away and having a stream of great games flow our way, but we can at least work to remove the cancer and create the industry we want to live in. But we have to start now. We have to be active. We have to build it with our own hands and not rely on others. Hiding away does nothing but let them dig their roots in deeper. Roots that are only a few years old right now. Roots that we can hack out if we start today. This is the situation, and not doing anything will just fail to resolve it. It's worth fighting for.

Speak for yourself, or others will speak for you. We're taking this industry back.

They only filed for chapter 11 which means that the business itself isn't going anywhere. Plus, they only filed for bankruptcy at all because they had an obscene amount of long term debt from a buyout from another company in 2005.

Lovely posts.

Cancer is mutant cells multiplying in a otherwise healthy body.
We're the healthy body (Western Civilization, White Straight Men's Creations) and they're the cancer (Jewish Ethos and Pathos, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Non-Whites).

Don't think this is somehow relative.

As us and the French are the only European powers with nuclear weapons Germany cannot really do shit even with an army, and we're leaving the EU

I think websites like Neogaf aren't meant for advertising but astroturfing. Who wanted to buy Neogaf for 10M? Sony? Neogaf already suck Sony's dick on a daily basis. Or did Sony want shills that aren't also pedophiles? There is also the constant FUD attacks on Nintendo with its retarded rumour mill and resident retard, Pachter.

This. Even if there is another videogame crash; if EA survives, absolutely nothing good would come from it.

Until games get so stale that even normalfags can't stand it. Which will and has happened in the past, see E.T. for the atari.

It's not over, it's never over.

That would take AAA games being released in greater numbers and more often before it could breach the average normalfag's attention span

Lets just hope that this EU-Army shit wont work out because then we really have a problem on our hands that has actual potential to fuck up countries that dont play by the EU-rules. Nukes are nothing more than an outdated political tool of the cold war era.

Fuck off for once would you?

I'm saving what you wrote, I made two small, three letter total changes.

Our nuclear policy is that if any enemy army even successfully invades Britain then we will nuke them into dust

Lol, where the flying fuck has then been hiding out?

This. This is a pretty decent piece of bread.

Then shouldn't missiles be flying towards Londonistan by now? :^)

There are normalfaggots who still bought Numalesky day1 purchase. Even after getting warned that Sean is Todd the Liar 2.0. There are people who will still give EA money for a StarWars game, on day1. There are hipster faggots who "lel ironically" want to buy the fucking E.T. Atari cartridge. I'm not putting my hopes on rapid mass awakening anytime soon.

Apple will become insignificant
Microsoft is already significant, but will be like IBM
Google will be more powerful than ever, which means a lot more mobile games, possibly shift of gaming from Windows platforms to mainly Google platforms.
EA will be alive forever, because all they need is to shit out Sims and sports games once in a while, but not as powerful as they are now.
Gaming websites even more insignificant more than ever, with people relying more on steam/peer/youtube reviews.
BioWare gonna be around or dead depending on their next BIG IP.
ActiBlizz possibly next EA
Nintendo still Nintendo
Sony still Sony but smaller
Possible last Xbox depending on how it goes

He said the truth.

Unless someone invents something to replace the smartphone as a ubiquitous consumer product and Apple trip up and accidentally spend 700 billion, they ain't going anywhere.

Don't breathe a sigh of relief yet. When one head is cut, two more may yet grow back.

We're not letting anyone go because of the chapter 11. The vendors we do business with are a different story entirely though.

More like:

They did

ass ketchum

They know nothing of memes

We fucking do

I know you guys are willfully ignorant to the reality of industry because the state of it is depressing but gaming is fucking massive right now thanks to streaming and games designed for streamers/normalfags like PUBG

can you vandalize it?

The company that was bought out something like seven years ago and the company that makes nothing but slot machines?

I hate people like you so much. I loved Star Wars as a kid and then the new movies ruined that love forever when I was a teen. I hate the current movies as well but I love that they ruin the franchise for prequel apologists just as hard as the prequels did for people with actual good taste in movies. Star Wars died a brutal death in 90s. I don't care that they are still defiling its corpse decades later but it's great that it ruins it for people who were content with franchise even after the prequels. You people deserve the kick to the balls the most and I hope it hurts as much as JarJar, shitty 90s CGI robots and George's wooden dialog hurt me back in the day.
