Speedrun thread

NASA is having a Halloween Marathon right now.
Also post your favorite speedruns

Other urls found in this thread:


streamlink.exe twitch.tv/nasa_marathon best

Their summer marathon was pretty nice. No donation or tranny cancer.

Should TAS be allowed? Or speedruns that use glitches to make bosses easier or various parts easier?

are (you) retarded


Call us back when linux isn't a massive pain in the ass

89IQ detected.


Streamlink is licensed under BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License. It's free software under a FSF approved and GPL compatible license, you baka.

Nowadays, games just have different categories for people to play through. The most common, Any%, includes sequence breaks, Morrowind-tier exploits, and glitches out the ass. 100% is the same except getting all the golden dildos the game has to offer. Glitchless is relatively glitch free. TAS isn't considered mainline speedrunning, and is in a class of its own.

I've been found out.


The difference between speedrunning and tool-assisted speedrunning is comparable to the difference between acting and screenwriting, or between playing and vidya development. It's nowhere near just speedrunning with cheats.
By its nature, it's also impossible to compete in events like NASA.

This game is boring as hell with or without speedrunning it. I'm appreciating the lack of facecam and nonstop memespouting though.

I would say the difference is more like between acting and claymation

speed running is a shitty meme

It's not just hard to use. It's purposefully inconvenient to use.

No, lets plays are the shitty meme. They just had to take the concept of a speed run and then shove in their personality to get famous off playing a game and spouting memes.

Yeah, it's fitting enough.
I guess the discipline just picked an unfortunate name. Any old uninformed dude will look at "tool assisted speedrunning" will just assume it's just speedrunning but with save states or some shit. Too late to change names now though.

You could have made this thread 3 days ago and said BestOfNes was up, but that doesn't give as much ad revenue now does it?
Sadly they end about 12 hours from now. Pretty good runs all around.

Day of the Rake can't come soon enough.

Stream muted, this is fucking awful.

Well YOU could have made the thread and I would have watched it.

Yea, but speedrunning is now litered with "Randomizer" and "Randomizer Races". Feasel gave up and gave in to the whole faggot ass speedgaming. Whatever, I am bitter, all the games I use to run are now infected by trannies, dudebro faggots and beta white knights.

Thank fuck it's over soon.

The problem is that ,for most, only the WR matters, yet only a single person can hold it at any given time, and there's only so many categories a single game can have before people only tune in to your "%" run to meme in chat.
Randomizer runs are the logical outlet for 90% of runners of popular games who don't have the willpower to even try and come close to WR but don't want to feel like all that time sitting in front of the game performing the same inputs over and over again wasn't a time (it was). So they resort to randomizer hacks that replace part of the skill with luck.
I can understand being enamored with the game you run, but anyone with half a brain would have deducted that, if a game has so many guides and so many pointers on so many glitches and speed techs available, its because the current record is so optimized no mere mortal can expect to beat it anytime soon. Anyone expecting to become the next ALttP sensation topping SRL with 1k+ viewers deserves everything coming his way. That, or having a huge rack, that works too.

Yeah, I guess. I just find it that almost ALL wr holders for games hate randomizer and don't participate in it. Playing Randomizer races isn't speed running, but once again normalfags flood in and ruin another hobby. Also, humans don't compete agains't TAS categories.

I bought one for the team