Xenoblade 2 = 10/10 SJW tears and Chad boners

Holy fucking shit, those thighs, that exposed pussy.

They can't even censor it. They'd have to give EVERY character a burka.

Other urls found in this thread:


cue let me laugh even harder

We can only hope this game doesn't end up cucked.

don't jinx it user

Sure they can. Retexture the skin as black so it's a tight catsuit. Boom, done.


Black Latex body suit, essentially wrapping someone in a censor bar.
Boom, ccensored.
Still too much?
Slap 100.000 extra polygons the player model. There, can you fap with


There's a video of her 3d model moving.
As expected, 2d is better, but it's still good. High hopes for more devs going "fuck it" and just releasing the games as close as possible to the original vision.

The first game looked like an amazing open world giant mecha RPG and all i could hear about it on the internet was people roastin NOA for the retarded censorship
But that game had come out during the eye of the SJW shitstorm
now the sky is clearer and companies can more acuratelly tell where the wind is blowing
after seeing every game that tryed to pander even a little bit to SJWs fail so misserably, one can only hope that Nintendo has learned to erect it's middle finger towards the left

I hate this

T-those armpits, this body in general…. I hope we can join her side or she's on ours from the beginning?

Don't underestimate them censorfags though. Remember the SMT Persona cross. However, since Nintendo said their games will be the same for all areas as Nintendo parts all cooperate or some shit, this design must've been approved for all the versions. That makes me hopeful it'll stay this way.

Dude, you're thinking of Xenoblade X. That's not the first.

They're actually pandering to sjws with this game too. this nintendo try to pander to everyone with more diversity. As long as they have sexy designs and lolis I don't care if they add some sjws pandering but don't fuck dialogues with muh stronk wymn.

Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ you apologist piece of shit

Heres to quints



Back to cuckchan with you faggot. Also your nintenshill mod won't save you here fucko

I can tell whoever made that never visited a hooker

Nah it was treehouse's own decision to do what they did. Break the trust and know that I'll never buy anything from them ever again. Good thing censortendo consoles are the first to get emulated.

Switch emulator when?

I'm guessing its not too far off. Nintendo emulation always happens first, as well actually happens when you think about it.

After what they did with #FE I'm pretty sure they will anyway. Don't doubt the autism of censorfags

I preordered the collector's edition of XB2. Hopefully all will be well, but if it gets censored I'll have the artbook to see exactly what those Treehouse goblins did to it and be an eternal reminder to never, EVER trust Nintendo again.

It's the kind of retarded thing Mark would do but I'm not Mark.


Should have known

Probably dumber than Mark at this point, given nintendo doesn't even have a good track record. It's like placing a glass on a table with a cat on it that has a history of pushing breakable shit off it, it already broke a glass before, it sure as fuck is gonna do it again.

Is that a playable character or an enemy

It's a "rare blade", implying there's some grind/rng in volved in getting her.
One of the points being most advertised about this game is that they had a lot of guest artists to design different blades (characters that materialize a weapon you can use, and join you in special attacks), some being big names in the industry. Their twatter has been featuring them regularly.

At least post lewds you uncultured swine

It's a fluid marauder, that's all i know.

The last one was butchered with cut or altered content and out-of-character terrible writing shoved in so why would this one be any different?

Sorry, they were all [CENSORED] :^)

It won't, the shill just wants to generate hype because he's paid for it.

Don't forget they get to advise for the base game so even the japs get censored to fuck

Oh right, they were going the nexon way and censoring EVERY version of the game.

Guess it's a couple of years of video games I won't even be remotely touching anytime soon, since I'm not a eunuch that likes taking it up the ass.

I'm speaking about this negro design not anything more than that. Still if you read takahashi's wife twitter, she is crazy feminized trash and don't expect anything good from them. She even defended xeno x censorship. Unlike most of you cucks I only pirated xeno x and nigger music in town made me stop playing along with shit quest system / gameplay system. Video games are already censored / regulated and can't go for ao rating so it's losing battle anyway unless you can make stores and companies sell make ao games.

They get to do it in a way that people will never even know what is and isn't censored too

This is why pc will always be master race

I kind of want this to happen, but just because I know it will trigger a trainwreck. So far, even on the west, SJW pandering has been proven to be innefective in almost every case. Imagine someone actually try to censor something not only on international release, but also for the nips. They would flip their shit. And these are companies that take their home market more seriously than the international market, so maybe that would be the last straw in ridding SJWs at least from japanese games for good (or at least keep their shenanigans to western releases only, as it has been literally since forever, at least there would still be an uncensored version)

Nigger its Nintendo
Of course its going to get censored
Are you fucking retarded?

4 more months for Rance X.


They CAN'T censor it anyway. Don't you get it?

How would they censor it? Shrinking the boobs? BULL-fucking-SHIT. Then women with big boobs would feel oppressed.

Adding more clothes? No. Then whores would feel slut-shamed. Maybe if there was a little girl in the game of which we know the age, but that isn't the case so far.

It will be a 10/10 JRPG that will be pure ludo for your cock. Period. Be happy.

Do you think nintendo gives a shit?
Are you really this retarded or were you just born yesterday?
Nobody here is going to buy your dose of retardation.

Keep your REEEing about minor, insignificant shit to yourself. X focused 100% on its world and it had an amazing world, probably even the best fantasy world there is.

Not everyone plays with English text anyway.

So far every Monolith game is at least very good. Even (or especially) Baten Kaitos with such a unique atmosphere and art style. I actually wish we'd go back to that.

You realize they removed the boob slider from Xenoblade X? Fuck off shill.

I wanna taste a doodle -w-

Probably not. That's why they won't even entertain the notion of censoring it. This is your own retardation and you should keep it to yourself. Nintendo never downsized any character's tits. Zelda BotW literally has a mega-milk titty monster using Link as a dildo.

Your parents probably dropped you on your head.

Back to cuckchan boyo

And what does this have to do with Xenoblade 2?

Cool argument. Keep crying about one of 500 characters in a game with 50 books of test saying "SMH" in the English version.

Fuckoff apologist scum

Well, I actually tried to give his thread a chance
What porn should I dump?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

You will be more welcome over at cuckchan. I suggest you leave posthaste.

Are you retarded? It means they can censor it. Now fuck off.

Nintendo controllers have L1 buttons now?

I don't know I think is other 2-D anime fighting game


I feel like getting trolled by 12-year-olds right now.

Where do I shill censorship? I hate it has much as the next guy.

There is no boob-slider in Xenoblade 2.

Then go back to your shithole site
And checkem

Or you stop shitting up threads with your stupidity?

Are you pretending to be stupid or does it come to you naturally?
They came out of their way to remove features and change textures in order to censor XCX. Ergo, there is a chance they would go the same length to do the same with XBC2.

Why are the majority of human beings fucking trash?
4cucks was supposed to be a comfy board for a handful of autists.

So? Its still censored chucklefuck, Monolith themselves have confirmed this.
Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ OP you sack of shit

He is a shill. He has no principles or any values. Every time you refute him, he will ignore you or change his stance.

Funny thing, nearly all of the squares are actually valid arguments or true facts, and apply to real life. Makes it look like creation of some faggot who lost an argument and made a meme that implies that all of those are automatically wrong without burden of having to give as much as a sliver of reasoning as to why it is so.


Top shit

This is bait

Play japanese version if you hate localization and censorship, dummy. You're a huge faggot already for wanting it localized anyway, but if at that you want it uncensored then give money to those companies that make uncensored localization, and don't give to those that don't. Chances are (((concerned citizens))) will kvetch so hard that no uncensored localization will make it into the stores anyway; again, play japanese version.


I can't speak or read moonrunes, and for a jrpg that is pretty fucking important

Treehouse is working with Monolith to censor it in all regions you retard.
He isn't the one shilling for the localized game

I already play the Japanese versions. Doesn't mean I can't shit on localizers.

If you didn't give them money, your job is done.


Not until they are dead and buried.

Are they contracting these shills from India? What's up with the god awful grammar?

Except Nintendo is still censoring games. Keep your neurotic apathy to yourself.

I thought Xenoblade 2 was the one where you fly around on mechs, which was a direct sequel to the one where you run around on top of a universe made of giant robots. Except Xenoblade 2 was called Xenoblade 10 for some reason. So now we have Xenoblade 2 as the third game of the -blade suffix of the series.
I'm pretty sure Xenosaga was that interactive movie where you watch a bunch of blue-haired idiots run down cavernous undetailed hallways for hours.

I have absolutely no idea how the fuck the Xeno- storyline ties together. What's the continuity?
Xenogears - Xenosaga 1,2,3 - Xenoblade - Xenoblade 10 - Xenoblade 2?

I think we all know that's never gonna happen and for a reason, the reason is there is money to be made through doing this and therefore there will always be people to do this.

The absolute state of neogaf.

this board is getting worse than cuckchan Holla Forums

fuck off cobalt

Unless you're console warriors with an aversion for Nintendo and want to counter-market the game anyway, I have no idea what you would gain from that.

Yeah, I considered that here . The only character that was affected was Lyn, though, and that's because she is 13 and you can literally give characters thongs and bras that cover nothing but the nipples, which they considered inappropriate for the west.

My point is, at least so far, there is no 13-year-old (whose clothes we could change). Basically all the Xenoblade 2 girls seem to be of full age or comply with the "1000-year-old dragon" principle.

Of course they can do the exact same shit with mature characters, but why would they do it now when they didn't do it with X? There is no reason to assume this.

1) It's unlikely the Lyn scenario repeats itself due to the aforementioned.
2) There are no boob-sliders to censor.
3) There is a global release this time and it's unlikely they let Japs wait to cuck the western version.

It was probably my threat for the porn dump
Which still isn't shouldn't be fucking ban worthy

You sure you're not neofag yourself?

it was written by manchild gooks, there's no continuity, believable characters or intelligent plot

I thought it was Japanese and not Korean?

It's the same as final fantasy you retard. It's name is used like a brand instead of a continuous storyline.


Maybe in a few years there will be no game to censor either

One can only hope, all of AAA needs to die, including Nintendo.

Your point is that "one can hope".
But we always assume the worst. As we should

You do realize it’s a Switch exclusive right?


Holy shit, you guys are relentless. Please go back to cuckchan, or resetera, or even fucking reddit. You censorshilling is getting fucking dumb at this point.

Also, nice job ignoring what they did with #FE, I won't though, so youre shit out of luck. Face it nintenshills, we aren't going to pay a dime. The product will be censored to hell and back and no amount of your shillposting will fix it.

Are you literally mentally ill? You're a deviant. Shut the fuck up, you freak.

If I was a mod, I'd ban you, lift the ban and then ban you again just because it felt so right. And then of course ban you permanently.

I'm not a shill, I'm just bystander deconstructing your utter fucking bullshit regarding censorship. Now I'm not saying censoring things is necessarily good or even that (((censors))) don't abuse it all the time. I'm saying that all you do is reeing out the top of your lungs at the censorship while making absolute zilch worth of arguments, and when challenged to do so or met with counter-arguments, all you do is reee even harder.

I don't think it's 8-4's doing to be honest. They seem to only have censorship and meme issues when working with the treehouse. This same thing happens with namco bandai and square enix, but again, only when working with NoA


Way to prove my point you fucking imbeciles. Remind me again, what makes Holla Forumsirgins any different from neofags? Edginess?

I kinda hope the it gets the 3ds cfw or even psp cfw treatment.

The only thing that this one has that may lead to it not being censored is that noa is a fucking consultant for the project, but that means censorship in the design phase, and the text will be localized. This will not end well.

You forget that sjws and feminists hate attractive women dumbass.

Not an argument. You are both a shill for going "hey you should totally buy this game I already ordered mine" and a censor apologist, which there is no grey area for.

Have you completely lost the ability to express yourself like a normal human being? Yes, you made a point. I forgot about that interview. I respect and appretiate your point.

It's btw. a good thing Nintendo finally learned how to do shit simultaneously (localization, bug-fixing).

I still don't see a reason to be afraid they could censor Xenoblade 2, though. Of course they could still do it. Anything could happen. And if they did it (covering Pyras thighs or something, for example), no one here would criticize them more for it than I would. No one. But so far it doesn't look like it and I don't see a point in falling into a premature panic mode.

I was shitting on it and one of you retards came into my thread and dumped his degenerate diaper porn to get it deleted. Kill yourself, you stupid child.

The Switch is region free, just buy the jap version for your guaranteed anime tits. If you cry so much about CENSORSHIP I'm sure you've learned your moonspeak already, right?

There is an upswell in butthurt console war faggots using ~le ebin gamergater language~ that it is so over the top it is clearly people that don't belong here.

Either way, game seems to be shit OP and no amount of sexy will save it for me. I want my flying mechas damnit.

Well clearly calling them out on it doesn't do shit, as they continue on their merry way censoring everything into ultra-puritan mudslime paradise. That's because they make more money that way, not necessarily by selling more games.

Probably because no one cares about this shit game and this thread is about Monolith and Xenoblade 2.

No one here would defend what they did to that shitty game you mentioned, though. I'm not sure why you act like I or anyone else in this thread defends it. Probably autism.

Yeah, the game you know nothing about is shit because you can't fly a mecha, which isn't fun and completely ruined the exploration of X.

Did you even read what you quoted there? Why are you so obsessed?

That's not what I mean. What I mean is that I don't see any reason for them to censor anything so far, even if I hold them up to some weird SJW standards. Sure, #FE exists, but #FE isn't Xenoblade and X and the original Xenoblade already got a different treatment than #FE with women revealing a lot of fucking skin.

Work on your reading comprehension and stop shitposting. I'm sure shitposting like this is against the rules. You're literally just spamming.


So your talking point is that I get paid by Nintendo for saying I absolutely despise their censorship but so far don't see a reason why they would censor Xenoblade 2 (which obviously means I would despise their censorship even more if they actually censored Xenoblade 2 and gave them the respective shit for it)?

Do I get this right? I'm literally asking for science.

Don't get me wrong. I'm gonna play this shit and I'm probably going to enjoy it regardless. But XCX mechas were cool as fuck and their full potential was untapped in that game. I was really hoping the next Xenoblade would continue in that direction, by improving upon that, but instead their went into another one and I'm really disappointed.

Gee I dunno, maybe because I'm not a faggot who can't spare 2 seconds of his life to check facts?

Did you like Xenoblade X more than the original Xenoblade? If yes, you are in the minority and you shouldn't be surprised Monolith does what most fans want them to do. If the answer is no, I'm not sure if I can follow you. Sure, it doesn't have mechas, but it looks like a proper Xenoblade 2.

How is Xenoblade 2 censored?


Looks like CENSORSHIT, anyone got any news of switch emulation yet? Im not into being cucked so I'm not gonna buy CENSORSHIT for a garbage console

KEK. You really believe people like me are paid by Nintendo because we don't shitpost Xenoblade 2 to death for mistakes they made with X and don't faill into an irrational panic mode over nothing?

KEK. You really believe people like me are paid by Nintendo because we don't shitpost Xenoblade 2 to death for mistakes they made with X and don't faill into an irrational panic mode over nothing?

That's actually pretty based.

I liked some aspects of XCX better than the original. All the mecha endgame fuckery was very fun for me and the growing scope of exploration (foot -> land mecha -> flying mecha) gave the game a sense of scale the original couldn't match. But yeah, the original is still a better game overall. I wanted them to kind of mash both of them together in this one, but it is clear that they scrapped the interesting things about XCX in a throwing the baby and the bathwater fashion.

Maybe he isn't and he is just pushing against your fucking nonsense and wants to talk about a game he is looking forward to?

you distinguish between dog-shit and cat-shit?

OK, so it isn't censored so far and you are just trying to counter-market Xenoblade 2 because YOU are the shill. Either that or the most obsessed Sony/Microsoft/PC/whatever fanboy in this world.

There is no evidence of ANY censorship at all so far.

M8 you might be ill, upstairs, if you think that pointing out your errors is siding with your enemy. for what it's worth i'm a mustard and i ditched my ps1 the day i bought my first pc, never touched a console since

Just what went wrong in your childhood. Jesus Christ.

Only the cuckchan console war shitposting

So you ARE an obsessed Sony fanboy and probably a shill counter-marketing Xenoblade 2, huh?

You know NOTHING about this game. There is no boob-slider in this game because they go back to the roots and have an established character as the protagonist instead of some shitty WRPG editor doll. That's why.

If any of you faggots made any sort of coherent argument instead of just REEEEEing as hard as you can at anyone who as much as steps half an inch out of your line, this wouldn't have happened to you.

Gee I wonder who this could be.

stop taking the bait or you'll get a 2 hour time out.


Holy shit, all those goonposters getting nuked.

Censorship and jewtendo ruined what could have been the best game ever made.
XB2 isn't coming nowhere near XBX's greatness, censored or not.

Xenoblade X isn't a 10.
Also it made all the steps into the right direction and now 2 takes all the retarded steps to the trashpile that was XB1.
What a shame.

That would restore my faith in 8/v/. I just can't believe there are five people going apeshit crazy and insulting me and calling people shillswith an unfathomable obsession for literally saying "there is a chance Xenobalde 2 doesn't get censored".

It's about time all those underage shitposters, braindead Slavs, Sony shills and porn-dumping degenerates get purged. It's about fucking time.

a damn shame really.

Last warning, stop taking the goon bait.

It is the same butthurt faggot id hopping. He was talking shit using the same language in the Mario Odyssey thread. Just filter and move on.

fucking kike

Probably an organized group. stay frosty Holla Forums.

When will they fix the lighting of the Cemu version?

t-totally not nintendogaf guise

That could make it SJW friendly by giving a beard to such characters. That would make it trans inclusive and 'empowering'.

Gameplay is boring as fuck. I bet next Metal Max will be better than what square/atlus/monolith released in a long time.

Well NoE is behind the localization this time not 8-4 and looking at the western cover boxes and western gameplay footage and Pyra who was attacked by sjws appears to be untouched. So I figure if NoE didn't do shit to her then the game most likely wouldn't get censored, however we know nothing about the other blades or costumes in the game so there is a chance for other shit in the game to get censored.

Is there an uncensored ISO? I loved the original Xenoblade, but I hate how they ruined X.

6 months ago?
Yeah my screenshot is from the outdated build.
You can manually adjust bloom factor with dedicated graphic packs.

It was 10 times more fun than XB1 at least.

Well, guess even 8 Holla Forums is compromised. The shills are going to take over and neofag will be the new law. Been nice knowing you guys.

I'm not sure why people call Xenoblade 2 shit already while praising X. Not only because we don't even know that much about it, but it seems to be better than X in every single way to me. Except you don't have a mecha, maybe, but we don't even know that.

We already know we can ride Battle Cat, which I personally find cooler than a mecha. Mechas reduced all the exploration and scale of X to absurdity and made it feel like a Far Cry editor map.

And I love X. I defended it against many, many Xenoblde 1 fanboys already.

Depends on what you consider "uncensored".
There is a patch for restoring clothes on underage characters.
But nobody is going to retranslate the entire thing.

Good morning girls. Bought your switch yet?
I got fed up with mark's bullshit long ago, I rarely ever post here anymore.

Oh yeah, because NoA was behind fates and looked over atlus as they localized #fe and those were fine.

Wait a minute, no they weren't. It was garbage and all they've done is censor games to hell and back.

Fuck off, the game is going to be censored to hell and back.

Last time I played it it was already fixed. You can also add post processing effects like gamma correction and shit with you GPU driver.

8/v/ fell from grace

NoA is not NoE

But hey nintendo shills don't exist right?
Ban me too you cake jew.

How is anything here console wars? Its just nintendo being dissed. There is no war here, nobody is saying X company is better than Y company.

I'm not censoring discussion on the topic, I'm deleting shitposting from console war faggots and people who cry shill. The censorship of X was terrible and the possibility of censorship should be discussed. however everyone I banned was either shitting up the thread with console wars or was just shitting up the thread. Don't make this something it's not.

NoE is even worse. They completely changes the race of the girls in Style Savvy.

I mean, you literally have to be blind and retarded if you aren't able to tell Xenoblade 2 has a way better color palette and probably soundtrack.

Oh ok good shit.
I'm done, have fun licking jewtendo's boots boys.

Nigger you literally deleted every single post calling out OP and his blatant lies.
Fuck you faggot

Damn. That big huh? What's it take to emulate a Wii U these days?

With every ban reason being console war? Like I said in , how is any of this console war? Is dissing nintendo considered an act of war now? Are you really trying this hard to defend a company that has ruined games because they felt like it?

And if I am misinterpreting what you're saying, or what your definition of console war being, please inform me, because what is going on right now is dumb as fuck.

Jesus what's happening in here?

Mark defending his pet company shills the same way he did for Xenoblade X

There's a difference between shitting on nintendo, and shitting up the thread by calling anyone who disagrees a shill or fags that shit up these threads and dont even talk about the game.

This guy is a fucking subhuman and either a) the biggest Sony (or what-fucking-ever) fanboy under this sun or b) literally paid by some corporation to counter-market Xenoblade 2.

There is NO (none; zero; 0) indicator for Nintendo censoring Xenoblade 2 at this point. None. There are no flat underage girls in this game with thongs, there is no character editor and it was already playable in Europe many times.

If Nintendo censores it, we WILL criticize them for it. But there is NO POINT (none; zero; 0) to already whine about it now.

Shut the fuck up already, you obnoxious retard. Or at least post a picture of your ugly face while when your brain is malfunctioning again to help me with my neurologic thesis I write about the correlation between physiognomy and LTP.

Quality thread and vols Mark, truly

Mod releasing his inner nintendrone to help out shills in marketing the game. Probably tired of all the moderating he has to do now that there is actual traffic here. Fuck this, I'm gonna try my luck in normalfagbook, throwaway accounts aren't too hard to make I hope.

Dissing Y or X company instead of talking about videogames is clearly console war fanboy shit m8. The >muh censorship is all a convenient blanket for those faggots to hide behind and it is a moot blanket since the Switch is region free and absolutely nothing is stopping you from playing the original jap version. And, as I've said earlier, if censorship is such an important thing for you I'm sure you've learned enough of Japanese by now right I know I did? It has been over 3 years already.

tl;dr crying about censorship for an unreleased game you'll be able to readily purchase and play the original version without any hassle is obvious low effort console fanboy shitposting. stop pretending otherwise.

Hello newfag.

Its literally the same two posters repeating typical censorship apologist arguments. Don't think just because you deleted the posts they never existed.
You are fucking giving them warnings instead of banning them outright while banning anyone who dares to argue with them.

Look at this
He has been console warring since the first post but all you've done is warned him while you banned posters for calling him out instead.

We do it all the time for NISA or any other localizer you faggot. You're blind if you don't think Nintendo gets special treatment.

Mark was banning me for weeks several times because I made threads for the purpose of posting nitpicked OC Xenoblade and Zelda screenshots.

Doesn't really sound like a big Nintendo fan.

Maybe you guys are just fucking retarded shitposters?

I said OG ban, not VPN

Are you fucking retarded?
Criticizing shitty practices of video game companies is console warring?
Fucking end yourself

Sure thing buddy, whatever you say

And if he's against you, he's automatically a sonyfag or a "countermarketer"? Do you just bring things out of your ass?

Your blatant hyping and shilling is fucking embarrassing.

We came full round and 8/v/ is pretty much the same as 4/v/ circa 2014 now. Enjoy uncomfortable opinions being deleted.

I have this fuck huge pasta spoonfeeding everything, from getting pre-patched isos to setting up graphics packs and fixing glitches and visual bugs.
The last time I posted it, thread was shat up by I don't even know who really.
So I won't bother with copy pasting it and updating it with new shit and fixes and latest cemu versions that don't crash XBX. Look it up yourself if you must.
This place went to shit long time ago.

I don't like censorship, but the japanese costume of that loli doesn't look much better than the american version tbh.
I don't mind some sort of microbikini but the thing she's wearing just doesn't look cute.
More like a cut up sportsbra. Also the colour is shit.

It's like he has no idea how to structure his posts here and just copied an existing post changing minor details in Ms Word.

In other words, it's getting too easy to spot shills

Yeah, not really.

It really is Travis
Mark banned me for this faggot
Mark is defending this faggot
Welp, I'm done

of course