Just played a round with blitz, and holy shit the sprint make s a world of difference. You can really come down on people now.
Noah Perry
I thought he was criminally underrated before the update, but now he's definitely spooky now.
Anthony Johnson
not sure how i feel about new kap
Jeremiah Jenkins
the thing about kap now is that you need to hit two traps to kill, so basically you need an outer and inner perimeter of traps. And being two speed doesn't help that much when you now have almost twice the amount of traps to set up, and the deploy speed isn't any faster.
James Clark
How much damage does the trap do now? It kinda sounds like they're just an annoyance at this point.
Oliver Edwards
60 damage, so you need to go through two of them to die now.
Ryder Hughes
they were always so obvious that really they were only an annoyance anyhow. any time you die to a kapkan trap it's because you weren't paying attention. i don't really get why they decided to nerf it so hard; in a game that pushes situational awareness and observation as much as siege it seems really counterintuitive to get rid of one of the things you need to be paying attention to
Christopher Ross
It's a weird kind of situation kap is in now. Before the traps were only useful for killing rushers far from objective, but now if you want to kill they need to be hurt, so now they need to be on objective or close to accomplish anything and the 2 speed is redundant. I just want them to revert the trap changes and keep 2 speed.
Justin Morris
yeah i've done a handful of rounds as him now and you still have to scramble back to obj to get your armor and reinforce with no time left after placing your traps. This probably makes Frost the best trapper now because she's the only one who can incapacitate with a trap. A calm player can still shoot through an ela or echo blast
Hunter Perry
Why would they take away one of Ela's mines. They're not strong in the first place.
Daniel Perez
probably because you could use them like ghetto grenades
Anthony White
Depends on the armor of the person going through it. 60/50/40 for 1/2/3 armor operators.
Jose Brown
Are you kidding? That's even fucking worse.
Justin Cruz
I'm on the fence about the changes. On one hand you would only ever get a kill or two maybe once a game if you're lucky. With the changes in place it makes the lasers invis so now I would expect a lot more of his traps able to go off, and while you might not get a kill right away you're still able to do damage, and it acts a kind of sensor if you know where the traps are.
James Lopez
The lasers aren't even completely invisible, though admittedly much harder to see, and the pack of explosives is still extremely visible. And I like the fact that all the other trap operators had to sacrifice lethality for utility. It made kap being able to kill very important, and he was able to not worry about where his traps were. The new changes are a straight up nerf too, even with two more traps his potential damage is so much fucking lower now. All he needed was 2 speed and maybe a little less visible laser, but now he's even worse off and the only people who will ever die to the traps will be the most braindead ash who trips it twice.
Dylan Foster
Once again these changes feel like more of a way to get IQ pickrate up rather than making preexisting operators have better or more balanced tools. of course IQ still has the jankiest gadget in the game so people would just rather risk empty thatcher throws than using that gadget to find lesion/ela/kapkan traps
Logan Rivera
Are you sure? I could have sworn it said they were completely gone. That's the thing though, how often would you even get a kill with his traps before the change? I have 46 hours and 130 kills with traps, granted I don't have much of a comparison so I may as well just be a shitty kap player, but I imagine the kill ratio with his traps are going to remain roughly the same with the benefit of at least hurting someone and possibly know where they are at the time. I do agree that the changes should have been just to his speed and laser visibility, maybe making window traps different in that they aren't fucking useless if you put them on one, but I don't think the changes now are too bad with a first impression.
Julian Campbell
is slower to deploy because it have double the traps and they do less dmg and the traps are now invisible This shit that someone is trying to push for IQ more and more is getting annoying as fuck. As a twitch main I'm wasting both drones in clearing cameras, valkyries, kapkan and bandit-jager with Ela. And all this if I'm lucky no one is shooting me down
Fuck me he is scary, he have a small hitbox, perfect aim hipfiring, quick asd and now it's even faster movement He need a fucking nerf. Infinite invisible sticky bombs that take 10hitpoints each time is just a meme now They really need to find a way to not let teammates get pumfed He needs more than 3 'Nades or a bugger area of effect Since now there are so many traps and invisible stuff I throw one at the wall to help thermite but keep the rest Fucking put him a stronger dmg because now I need 4 shots to down a bandit god damn it and reduce the fire rate to avoid him become a cqc fag if you really need to
Caleb Torres
Whenever I deploy one as kap I can still see it, but maybe that's just for defenders and enemies can't. And I could get kills fairly often. You just need to anticipate rushers and put them far from obj. He really wasn't too bad before but now you're just gonna get a few assists at most, and TTK is already pretty fucking low that being 60 health lower doesn't matter a whole lot, especially considering that on 3 armor where you need that damage on early if you go for body shots, it does reduced damage.
James Jackson
whats frustrating is you can't use him as a shield killer anymore, drawing mont into one while he has his shield up was always a good way to get rid of him
John Hughes
That already bit me in the ass. I was kap and hiding in the bathroom on that one biker map. A blitz came running at me and ran into a trap but he barely flinched and came and fucked me.
Jayden Hernandez
Right, which is what I do most of the time and get most of my kills from, but with a plethora of angles attackers can come from it's a bit unlikely they'd set one off. Not even mentioning that they were easy to spot especially on night maps. Bummer. It can certainly make the difference in a lot of scenarios. With that logic you might as well never run Rook on your team since what he does is effectively give you more health.
Jack Bennett
No no its a bug. When deploying you see it. Then when it's there it disappear check it, I thought that too but is just a old bug
Hudson Moore
That's bad user. I use kap as main and usually I had 3/4 kills per game fuck even more if the enemy was dumb and kept rushing
Ryder Russell
It matter more for rook because defense tends to be restricted in terms of angles of attack, so you won't get as many damage free kills off unless you're roaming. Also it helps against fuze and frags, attackers don't take as much blind damage.
Well that's good to know.
Ethan Barnes
Do you play against Bronze players?
Blind damage aside it's still better to fight against an opponent who has less health than you. Not as good as outright killing them beforehand, sure, but my original argument was that you will probably get more traps set off with the changes.
Charles Morales
It just won't ever be as satisfying as sitting in the opposite corner of the map and seeing the kill feed light up with some dumbass who didn't watch their step.
Colton Wilson
I know, user. I'm just finding the silver lining. Hell, might be even more satisfying to get a kill on a rusher who ran through two traps in the same round.
Blake Cox
Between gold 4 and gold 1 Don't know if higher it's different because i don't like rank with randoms because idiots drop out and TK are everywhere and not always I find someone to play with
Gavin Wright
Asher Perry
Changes are balanced, when checking a door someone could be waiting behind a corner to blow your head off but it's just another attempt to have people play IQ which is why Lesion's spikes are invisible. There is nothing wrong here, he was underrated and now he has a special trait. That bitch isn't nerfed enough, she was made for eSports fags to wank off to, what's the point of playing Echo now.
Things that need changing though are how everyone looked in Red Crow, Bandit no longer has autism and Twitch looks like a bloated peach rotting in the sun, everyone's skin is made of clay. 2nd pic also needs updating.
Glaz is already an OP point-and-click nigger, they could balance him out with a non-replenishible battery.
Drop your ID, ranked is funner and has less retards as far as the past few weeks go.
Jace Stewart
Anyone playing this on tuungle? Downloading the recent CODEX Blood Orchid, can anyone confirm it works on LAN like tuungle?
Andrew Wilson
Wait, there's a way to play without jewbisoft?
Landon Russell
CODEX just recently released the newest version and people on (((leddit))) are saying you can play on tuungle. I just downloaded Tuungle and there's around 100 people playing it right now. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with tuungle.
Caleb Diaz
I have no idea what tuungle is, but I can guess from your post. Holla Forums siege night when?
Xavier Brooks
last image needs so changes now
now monty can just laugh at the nitro even if it lands directly on his shield. needs all the new ops now too
spends half the match tracking down roamer, never uses it to scan the anchors on obj friendly fires you if you ruin their mira-trick placement, but doesn't tell you where she's putting it either dies before he can place all his traps boneless fuze peek-hungry waifufag
Tyler Wright
tuungle is some sort of LAN network like Himachi. Only servers though i could find were in EU, so it might be around 200-300 ping who knows.
Gabriel Flores
Mate glaz it's perfect now because you can kill any spawnkiller. But it needs less RoF and more dmg so you will actually not try to peek out and he can't get inside in cqc
Lucas Perez
Shit posted without adding You need 4 shots to kill a 1 armor operator….half the mag to down a rook with plates it's fucking more useful to keep people out of main corridors or if you are a headshot beast
James Myers
Even with three guns exclusive to her one being the highest RoF machine gun, the ability to be armed with gadget, being able to detect Pulse's Thinkpad, and still no one likes that bitch.
Higher ranks are ascending.
Ryan Parker
her gadget hogs FOV and despite being a wrist-mount takes longer than one would like to deploy. No one wants to watch her ass while she scans when thatcher can destroy all those things from audio cues alone and from a safe location
Logan Wilson
Well his gadget is basically useless now so there's that And overall he just got a massive nerf.
Dominic Johnson
2speed might be considered a buff for him since he can slink around and try to get a nitro into some ones flank a bit better but 5 traps just offset making him faster. As said earlier by the time you set all traps the setup phase is ending or almost ending.
Least he still has a nitro and a solid gun to use so he's not an obsolete choice
Jonathan Wilson
The traps got made completely useless, and his guns are mediocre. Overall he's worse than he was before. Muh 2 speed doesn't really help when anything below 3 speed is basically the same for offensive advantage.
Kapkan serves absolutely no purpose because the punishment for rushers is basically nonexistant now.
Jacob Brown
frost traps, ela traps, lesion traps, and his new piddly EDD. devs are trying to punish rushers just not very well
Colton Johnson
its very frustrating, i just feel like lesion while using kap now
Michael Robinson
Very good idea, have two different types of trap configurations: plentiful but underpowered or limited but powerful i.e. 5 invisi kaptraps that take off half your health or 3 instakill ones.
Samuel Bailey
thats too simple for the devs to actually do
Parker Collins
I'd rather the traps be consistent, but that could actually be a really good idea. But the lethal ones outside for rushers and leave some non-lethal inside for injured enemies to walk into.
nice trips.
Jaxon Williams
I don't get it, it's two panels of a wall with no visible obstructions.
Gavin Price
3armor fatboy
Evan Roberts
He's making a joke about kapkan's camo.
Adam Bell
How do I use these.
Cameron Rogers
Don't honestly. Shield ops need a spammable pistol, so only 6 rounds won't cut it.
Like a normal automatic, but now you spam the fire button.
Aiden Kelly
You only get one type no mixing.
Spamming doesn't hit shit past the second shot their recoil is too high.
Blake Brown
Do you have a foregrip and muzzle brake?
Ethan Kelly
all GIGN get to use the skill cannon, except as rook/doc/twitch its more for dramatically executing people you down
what if you could place two traps on one door making it lethal?
Aaron Brooks
Then who would ever just place one?
Cameron Edwards
to weaken guys and reveal entry points i guess
Thomas Edwards
For all my guns and the shit just bounces everywhere but my target.
Jaxon Reyes
make your small bursts smaller, even 3 armor is pretty low TTK so you should only be firing full auto for suppressing fire
Matthew Hall
actually let me change my own statement, and also to blindfire people through walls and then get called a nigger in chat
Jaxon Baker
Parker Wright
I've been using the revolver almost every time I play the gign, I usually get at least one kill with it a round. I find if you double tap while aiming at the chest your second shot should line up with the enemy's head. Just today I clutched out 1v2 against a blitz and a thermite as rook with the good ol skill cannon.
Cameron Roberts
My favorite part is how they were too fucking lazy to re-do the explosion effect. You'll have a Montaigne walk into a doorway, he'll fucking explode to the moon, you'll lose track of him because of the massive fuckoff explosion obscuring half the screen, then the screenshake will fuck you, then the dust will fuck you, and he'll lose just 8 health for it.
Oliver Jenkins
Every other fucking match 3 or 4 people are stuck on one side of the map walking where birds shit with no thought of flanking the enemy or using suppressing fire, I'm fucking sick of this shit does anyone wanna play.
The 417 and SR-25 aren't as bad as they used to be before Health/Orchid and I've been pulling off one shots with the revolver, truly it is the best sidearm.
Thomas White
At least there's no way they'll ever nerf Frost's traps. Right?
Jayden Mitchell
See, this is what Ubishit does.
Jacob Martin
1: Slow, controlled shots. 2 & 3: Muzzle Break and mash left mouse.
Hunter Gutierrez
Do you mean the amount you gain after every game or the chances of getting rare items? I still haven't got a legendary from an alpha pack.
Luke Perry
Oh joy.
Dominic Price
Never played Siege, is it also full of third world motherfuckers? I assume there are less compared to cs:go and dota since this game actually costs some money, but form what I see these kind of games attract the biggest retards.
Luke Myers
Anyone retarded get shunned or gets mad and uninstalls it, I've only met one Ukrainian, one nigger, and two monkeys after 242 hours of playing. The game will also go on around the next update which will be December at latest.
Xavier Cruz
you living in the usa or eu? Because there are a lot more retards in the eu. Sometimes I wish someone would nuke all the poor third world countries.
Charles Allen
Why the fuck are there so many low level newbies these days? Until a couple or so months ago I usually got put in teams full of lv100+ against a team of generally the same levels, now it's nothing but sub 60 shitters and I'm consistently the highest level on my team.
What the hell happened?
Jayden Cooper
I haven't seen any difference in attitude and skill between the two besides Brits, this chart is still accurate.
Austin Lewis
The game is now 40 euros.
Nevermind, Japs and Chinks are horrible at video games
Connor Garcia
Can confirm, you'll get a diverse group of retards playing on EU. Third world shitters aren't even the worst, though still bad. The Germans probably take the cake in my experience. Something's messed up with them. Lots of fun to hear them rage, but not very fun to have on your team if you actually want to win.
Christopher Foster
Would that really make that much of a difference? It's almost like all the 'oldfags' left simultaneously.
Sebastian Morris
It makes a fair difference even $5 makes and breaks for low-priced games, it's ratios. You can only play a game for so long until it all starts tasting the same along with the shit service Ubisoft provides.
Isaiah Nelson
It got popular and the matchmaking is grade-A shit
Blake Ramirez
My friends and I only seemingly run into the same 2 or 3 teams of level 150+, although we're probably a different region to you.
Yanks or canadians (can't tell between the accent unless they say "about) are fucking cunts whenever I run into them. They usually start telling other people what to do or start belittling the team. Also australians need to upped by a few annoying factors.
Aaron Russell
They reduced the percentages you get after a match.
James Hughes
She's been untouched for ages so i wouldn't worry. Considering that you can shoot out traps that are in vault zones if you're reflexes are good players have to keep getting clever with the placement anyway keeping her on edge
Ryder Lewis
its a good thing the cosmetics mostly suck so I don't care too much about the packs
Ian Powell
This right here. Frost is in a good, balanced, spot. In the right hands she is a menace. Also one of the best combinations right now is combining a frost trap with a lesion trap. First the attacking operator gets downed in the trap and as they lay down on the floor their body goes into the area of the Lesion trap and activates that. Instant death.
Cooper Smith
I've seen that work with Ela's mines as well I think. Doesn't work if the mine goes off first though. Making death traps like that is pretty nice.
Levi Sanders
You never play in EU server. Frogs thinks they are hot shit and try to play this as if was pro league, 80% of the clan fags I saw was always French at least Germans try to play tacticoolunless underage them is cowaduti with teamkilling Tbag
Henry Reyes
nigga I live here. And surprisingly, as much as I dislike frogs, I haven't been bothered by them much. I'd like to keep it that way. Germans are, when they use their mic always talking in their kraut language and whining about their team. Though the latter can be said of every shitter in this game.
Julian Rivera
The frogs also don't speak fucking English, or if they do, they sound like they're gargling 45 baguettes while they're trying to speak.
Luke Wilson
You are the only one talking shit on Germans. At least they try go back to honhonhon
Justin Thomas
Bong here, Americans range between stereotypically arrogant, self ignorant and shit, to focused, collected and calm. The former is definitely in the minority though, but that's probably just because of the games I've been playing, and the fact that I'm not in the NA zone anyway.
I like to think that the brit problem isn't so bad if you're not playing on a console, otherwise you're going to be playing with loads of angry chavs and jippy ten year olds who got an xbox off their mum for christmas. I like to think the problem isn't so bad on PC and such, but outside of my personal experience, I can't really say for sure. Also there was one time in an online game me and a friend got spared specifically because we were english, but again, it was server centered in Europe.
There's some halloween headgear, uniforms, and weapon skins for some ops. I'll post them here, but they're pretty expensive.
Aaron Brown
Meant to post more than one.
Connor Gray
Cooper Roberts
Gabriel Cook
hibana one isn't bad but i'm not about having BRIGHT WHITE headgear on most maps
Carson Watson
I will never not find it funny that, for most cosmetics, having a skin on will actually make you worse at the game. It's like pottery.
Bentley Jackson
Except for buck and that other leaf operator.
Angel Jenkins
Nicholas King
Oh good, IQ fag is back.
Camden Taylor
So the developer? Otherwise why keep pushing invisible stuff
Elijah Cox
The type of Americans you get depend on region, southerners and northwesterners are fucking fantastic to play with charisma and skill-wise.
Liam Mitchell
maybe they should change her gadget to emit some kind of sonar ping for gadgets so maybe people will use her
Isaiah King
Nah, Ubifags have a hard on for Twitch, since they remade her face five times.
Zachary Rodriguez
Jaxon Ross
Jack Hill
Not normal waifufags. French waifufags.
Hunter Clark
twitch is the developer waifu, she's gotten the most facelifts
Zachary Adams
Twitch looks like an angry penis in a black condom.
Joshua Rivera
a very smug penis now
Isaac Rivera
Twitch looked best when she still had her lipstick
Jordan Ross
Or give her a special scope like glaz so people will use her with the rifle and not a shitty handgun
Twitch should get a buff for the drone, either some shield for it so will need 2 shots to get destroyed or more zaps because with all those traps and cameras 24if you don't get shot down fuck even a echo mimetism when off would be fine it's becoming more and more a need
Charles Bell
IQ should just have it built into her visor like jackal. That way she has full awareness and full access to weapons, but also some dumb filter to make it a little harder to see. And Twitch is perfectly fine as is.
Evan Davis
Tell me how I know a faggot made this pic.
Austin Taylor
Fuck off nigger, go ruin some other thread.
Anthony Morris
Why do the devs hate Kapkan?
Nathan Rodriguez
Cause they are pandering to compfags, so he needs to be fast and punish people who only play fast. Cause this game needs to be CoD.
Grayson Gonzalez
At least Kapkan is an easy ride to topscoring now. You'll get two assists per round minimum.
John Hughes
he's just lesion now with less options save for having a nitro.
Camden Reyes
You also have a slightly better gun than Lesion, but you're absolutely right. I played Kapkan to get that satisfaction of squatting in a cupboard, and seeing the killfeed light up when some dumb nigger didn't see the bomb. They should've just made him a two speed, and replaced the laser with a harder to see fishing line, like his icon shows.
Gabriel Long
His guns don't seem near as good as lesions. His shotgun at least can't compare to lesion's.
Grayson Wright
The SMG is better than Lesion's, but the shotgun can't even compare to Lesion's.
Aaron Anderson
Not when playing games it is, when you need to cooperate with your team and the slanty-eyed dipshit on your team refuses to go along it ruins matches. The Japs I met in Siege however are just fucking retards.
How does a nigger boot up a computer and download a game on it let alone acquire one.
Hudson Lopez
He lives in Germany, he can buy a computer a month with his amount of gibs.
Xavier Bennett
Skinny ass motherfucker looks like he'd snap in a breeze. He'd probably bring like 10 other guys though.
Brody Cox
did kaptraps always have an audio cue? I just noticed they make a little humming noise now
Logan Butler
Joseph Torres
New Blitz is like being the monster in a horror movie.
Parker Rodriguez
Is anyone else having absolutely abysmal ping now. Mid-match is skyrockets to 2,000 and then back to 45 then I disconnect. They spent an entire season fixing this fucking game and it's worse than before with this new update.
David Price
I went from 40 ping to 9__
Kevin Collins
I get 42 ping, but now that they've added those connection issue icons, those flash red every 40-50 seconds.
Jacob Miller
Nope, sorry. I've been actually getting better ping. Perhaps its an issue with your ISP or your computer's connection to the internet. (Via chord or wifi)
Leo Hughes
I'm having the same issues since this last update. Westus for me, my isp is a huge cunt and its making the game near unplayable.
Xavier Brooks
Ryan Nguyen
You reckon? I main twitc and with if the defense is ela-lesion-kapkan-jager-Valkyrie two drones do jack shit with all this gadgets and good aim people have to shoot the drone and considering that lesion Ela and kapkan now have 100% pick rate it's fair to give her more zaps
Liam Thomas
I don't know why you're seeing kapkan picks period, he's flat worse than he was before the patch. Not to mention the damage on his traps is horribly inconsistent, to the point of being useless. The range of damage is absurd ranging from fucking 60 like it's supposed to do against an ash/capitao to literally 14 or lower.
Zachary Morgan
I'm telling you lads, Kapkan is an easy ride to first place, because any enemy you don't kill yourself, you'll get an assist on, plus 30 points per trap placement and explosion.
Hudson Lee
Who in god's name cares about points?
Adam Wilson
Faggots and butthurt Krauts. I just noticed that because I played a lot of krapkan in the last two days and I constantly got first place and ten or more assists.
Nicholas Morris
You can top scoreboards just by sitting there and scanning for the whole round on a drone, it's not a measure of usefulness at all
Hudson Ortiz
But tickling people with Kraptraps is a more fun way to be useful.
Thomas Green
I meant useless.
James Lewis
It kind of removes his whole niche though, he already was an arguably worse frost, but now he's just one of the worst ops gadget wise. Gun wise his pistols are good, and his SMG is decent. his shotgun is awful but lets be honest shotguns are pretty much praying to RNG half the time anyways.
They killed his gadget basically entirely, and now he's just "decent gun man"
Jaxson Ramirez
Well on piss4 after the update lesion and kapkan are 100% pick rate for every match. I agree with you that his traps now are useless because it actually doesn't punish should ops and only give a free explosion for fast cunts when before whoever was if he stepped in a trap was a 4v5 match
That's even worst than caring for k/d ratio fuck I would even understand w/l ratio for support main like echo or glaz but score is just a filler
Cooper Morales
*shield ops fuck me im tired
Leo Wood
He's useful until you go up against a team that isn't retarded and finds another way to deal with the problem, Capitao is also a hard counter against him.
Gavin Rodriguez
I don´t know why everyone is complaining about new kap so much. I have played him a lot before and now after the patch he feels way more efficient. Yeah, he does less damage, but has two more traps and they are now completely invisible, so i at least for me, it feels like i´m getting more kills with my traps than before the patch. Also, changing him a two speed operator made him much more mobile so you can actually roam with him now.
Gabriel Cooper
biggest gripe is that the additional traps counteract the 2 speed so it still takes all of the set up phase to plant them, and he just feels more like leison now. I still like using kap but i don't feel the changes optimized him
Christopher Diaz
I almost feel like they could make the traps lethal again. To date I don't think i've actually run through any kapkans since the update, the hum seems way more noticeable now.
Carter Diaz
I've run through a few near the end of matches when i'm trying to do a quick flank or something, issue is half those times it doesn't kill me so i still succeed in the flank. I feel like in those situations i still woulda ran into the lethal trap too
Brody Barnes
I like to cover all entries to the obj room with traps now that they do less damage. You can easily plant them all on most maps and still have some time to get out or reinforce
Chase Watson
because the trap damage is basically zero depending on how RNG favors you. It doesn't kill and still causes the giant fuckoff explosion, all that just leads to the traps being completely useless at their intended purpose of punishing rushing
Bentley Jackson
type 89 might be my favorite gun in this game, but i wish they would fix that issue where if you fire her last volley the launcher automatically unequips and you have to bring it back up to activate it
Robert Lopez
Scraped together another 25k. I can never decide what Op to buy next. I'm torn between hibana, ying and valk
Jordan Williams
What's the fastest way to earn renown? Also I would pick Ying
Sebastian Cruz
Dunno, I hear there's people that autistically play lone wolf terrorhunt and say it's the fastest way to earn renown, but that's no fun. I just play on casual most of the time and do the weekly challenges.
Xavier Wilson
I'd recommend Hibana, Cav or Blackbeard
Levi Torres
Not if you're fast enough. Just don't set up in OBJ, and wait until the drones are destroyed. If Cap tries to cook you just pop him, he'll either die or misfire and cook himself. You have the most powerful gun in the game. If you have an unbreakable wall at your back you can't die without taking 3 people with you.
Austin Myers
as said, if you play casual and do the weekely you end up in half a month with a new op
Evan Wilson
I just reached 25k renown again. Should I unlock Jackal or Caveira?
Levi Rivera
Cav, that bitch can turn the tide of matches.
Bentley Reed
I have both the leafs already though.
I'm gonna say Jackal cause his guns are great. Cav looks like one of those operators that can either be completely useless or really damn good depending on who's using her.
Camden Lopez
ying is fun, but hibana and valk are more universally valuable.
jackal has the most fun loadout options in the game with a sidearm shotgun option. A good cav play will get your dick so hard if you succeed but you'll want to practice your pistol shooting a lot
Chase Bailey
season 4 teaser up on rainbows goybook page.
Robert Lopez
Oh god, I hope this doesn't bring in a bunch of gooks.
Camden Rivera
I didn't ask for this boner
where can I find more
Angel Lopez
its already confirmed that this season is korean special ops and the remaining GROM op though. or did you mean gook players?
it's from the offical facebook page, nothing else has surfaced yet but i imagine they'll do teasers soon or leaks will happen soon. they have some tourneyfag shit going down at the end of november so they'll probably dump all the info then and try to get a fucking release out on time this time around
Parker Davis
Meant players.
Thomas Cruz
examine my post a second time
Jordan Howard
If we call the Chinese Chinks and the Japanese Gooks, what do we call Koreans?
Landon Wright
Gooks are Koreans user, Japanese are japs or nips.
Christian Bennett
Oh fug. Sorry, English is not my first language.
Joseph White
oh sorry, misunderstood, I dunno where that pics from
Jason Powell
They wont look anything like that sadly
Carter Johnson
none of the new ops have masked gear save for frost and echo, it sucks
Josiah Lopez
You had one job ubishit.
Asher Garcia
As fun as that would be, cmon man.
Jacob Reed
It's not like they'll be playing on any other datacenter but their own.
Jeremiah White
imfdb.org/wiki/Daewoo, expect all if not most their weapons to be Daewoo but I think there was a sniper rifle silhouette in the season 2 reveal.
Jason King
Do they even have a special anti terrorist task force?
Kevin Perry
I'm sure they have some form of secret police that handles everything.
Isaac King
hopefully they come up with good gadgets cuz these guns don't stand out much
Gabriel Hall
I think the defender will get something called a CornerShot which is a mechanism platform for pistols to be mounted and a camera on it to peek corners.
Jace Evans
But itsn't that just defense blackbeard?
Parker Wood
hopefully it can be broken with gunfire or that would be really annoying really fast
Aaron Peterson
It'll probably be really inaccurate, like hip firing.
Gavin Gutierrez
or so I thought, I thought it was going to be a little glowing tachanka helmet but its actually a shitty little pumpkin head
Ethan Lewis
probably susceptible to EMPs too if it has a screen
Liam Miller
god fucking dammnit, why are shields broken by melee? They are closed range equipment, you're supposed to fucking stay back, why the fuck are people rewarded for rushing a fucking shield op?
Adam Roberts
15 headshots lmao for a char you will never use
is there any retarded idiot who is going for that shit?
Luis Sanders
OPERATOR LEAKS Ching chon nip nong John Lennon is one of the SK operators. Tacticool cunt is Ela's big sister.
Luis Young
Oh man tacticool cunt looks fucking amazing. Zebra bitch I don't care about
Zachary Mitchell
Overdoing it. They're turning this into Rainbow Six Waifu.
Dylan Cox
You're forgetting something even more important.
Jack Collins
Also, I didn't notice that that cunt looked like female Kaz Miller when I posted that image.
Cooper Campbell
I'm not too concerned with that as there's little to no women in special forces either way, so the games never tried to be too realistic about that. I just don't want them to create more waifubait and turn Siege into some girls club.
Bentley Parker
We're kind of past the point of questioning that. I mean we have Chinese, Brazilian, Japanese, and navy seal women.
Owen Howard
We still aren't near the point of having more female than male ops. The base ops have a male to female ratio of about 3:1 with each ctu having one woman except for the Russians with none. And the DLC kept it as 1:1 until now, so even with this additional female op, we still have way more men than women. And we don't even now know if they'll do a year three, so as of right now I wouldn't be concerned. And this is Ubisoft, I don't know if they even have a concept of waifu pandering.
Brandon Williams
You know what is the really important part? Over twenty five operators. Just two niggers, and they're both absolutely dogshit characters.
Kayden Gutierrez
is it too late to get into this game? i bought the starter edition when it first game out but the shitty netcode and server selection made me quit after a few days.
Angel Lee
No, there's more shitters than ever.
Isaiah Morales
Oh boy. You're in for a 200 hour ride to unlock all of the base game characters.
Colton Wright
I don't know why, but if you ever check into one of those "pro-league" matches, you see a lot of people use Castle for some reason.
Chase Bennett
Who's the nigger other than castle? Capitao?
Dominic Nelson
why do i need anything more than sledge/mute?
Jaxon Moore
Because castle needs mute to push his wheelchair if he ever wants to be useful, but pubs don't think. Also, if the enemy team picks Sledge, or Thatcher, which they will, you're fucking worthless.
Because there's four other people on your team and they might pick Sledge or Mute.
Lucas Gonzalez
If you get outplayed in close quarters while playing Blitz or Monty you have no one else to blame but yourself.
Blake Gutierrez
No, it's stupid.
Brody Ortiz
That’s impossible when you’re all supporting a shit company.
Liam Rivera
You're ~200 posts late, my friend.
Brody Sanders
He's just booty bothered because someone mentioned siege in the titan fall thread.
Lincoln Stewart
Brody Ramirez
might as well activate it because there's no way you won't get 15 headshots in 1 week
one of the left is aight although i'd prefer a GROM male, one on the right is fuckin bad and i hope its a fake leak
Justin Walker
Headshots on all operators count towards it though.
Joshua White
i think he meant "charm" not "char". I'm addicted to unlocking shit though so i'll have to tough out using echo this week even though he's my least played for his dogshit medallion like all the other dogshit medallions
Justin Davis
If your shield gets knifed you can turn your camera to have your shield facing the enemy and I think they can't knife you again.
Isaiah Lee
You realize that you can hit with your shield too right? If they get too close, just knife them before they kan knive you. They should be blind from your flash anyway.
John Morris
Are you fucking retarded or something?
Andrew Johnson
I´m not the one here who is clearly retarded mate.
Jacob Morris
Because castle is FUCKING GOOD
The idea behind his doors isn't to make the site impenetrable, it's to either
A: Provide cover for yourself/teammates by shortening long sightlines, or otherwise changing the layout of the area's "Doors". Examples include the exhibition/Work office bomb sites on Skyscraper, where you can deny, say, blackbeard from using a window to gain a HUGE sightline by castling a double door, and making a rotation hole in the wall next to it with your impacts/shotgun.
B: Slowing enemies/forcing them to use gadgets they otherwise wouldn't (Even sledge is somewhat affected by this, by forcing him to be literally right next to the portal you're opening). A grenade, or Ash/Hibana/breaching charge used on a castle door is one not being used on something else.
Castle is seriously fucking strong, people just don't use him right.
Carson Powell
SAS don't either. The only basegame female ops are Ash, IQ, and Twitch.
Jayden Morris
Incidentally all three come from their respective country/language's name.
Chink (Fairly obvious)
Nip - Nippon - Nihon, which is Japan in Japanese.
Gook comes from Hanguk, which is the Korean peninsula in south korean. (Choson is the Nork term) (Country technically, Both South and North Korea consider it one country, but they're currently two)
Jace Diaz
UMP is no slouch either but he is more versatile than given credit for
Aiden Bailey
One simple buff they could give to him to make him 10x stronger would be make his doors melee proof. The fact anyone can get through provided they smack the door long enough is stupid. If only glaz bullets can penetrate, then your fist shouldn't be able to.
Jeremiah Butler
I've never seen anyone actually break them that way tho, seen it tried a few times but both times I got free foot shots and they either died or ran away.
Matthew Stewart
I do it all the time. you don't even need to be in line of sight to get smack and open it.
Jack Flores
it takes roughly 12 smacks to break through the door with melee, that wastes a massive amount of time and is likely to expose your position so i wouldn't change that
Asher Wright
Post your most played operators and be judged. I was expecting my k/d to be lower on Twitch, but her gun is great, so it's not too strange. I really like Mute and always thought he was a necessity to have. I don't play him too often nowadays though. I really don't like the MP5 much, I feel very outclassed whenever I play him in terms of guns. I'm not very good at defending in general, to be honest.
Brayden Wilson
I do this a lot, with hostage castle is my main
Yeah, castle is top tier if used right, even secure the obj is good to slow down the enemy or cut they escapes for them, plus castle+mute is god tier in a window based place like Hereford or house
David Davis
funny enough second most played for both sides had better ratios than my most played
Jose Flores
Is it still possible to fuck people over by throwing deployable barricades in front of castle walls?
Nathaniel Hughes
Only if your team doesn't have a sledge, frags or ash. I think of it as semi-necessary considering just how weak his ability is in general. Sure, it has its uses but he's extremely niche outside of 3~ or so points due to how many operators will expend little to no resources to get past them.
Easton Collins
Yeah, he needs to get a buff to keep being picked above the new operators otherwise he will end up slightly better than meme hell similar to chankathats because he at least have some moment worth having in the team….upgrade his barricate up to at least 2 sledge and can't be smack? Make him have more walls?
Josiah Mitchell
I'd, personally, suggest changing his walls from acting like single, solid slabs to a wall made up of several overlapping rows of bulletproof scales, sort of like how the wooden planks work for regular barricades but better.
I feel like this would allow designated breachers to still retain their usefulness (breaching charges would still plough right through it, and sledge would still have an easy time tearing them apart) without rendering alternate breach options like grenades, glaz shots or melee completely useless, I also think it would open up the possibility for some interesting defensive setups using impact grenades or melee to only remove certain rows.
Anthony King
That's actually kind of neat and I'd like to see them test it out.
Nathan Wilson
I would like this.
William Allen
Capitao isn't a nigger, hes a mud monkey. Get it right.
Parker Fisher
That's terrible, then it's better to keep 12 and slow them further otherwise you end up with a peekhole protecting the enemy and that you think it's safe if you make 12 smacks for a row at least you know what time you are wasting for a peek hole as a defender Same as above, it takes almost all the bullets he have to destroy it, pre-nerf was ~8 so if you make it again as pre-nerf and takes a row I would like to see that That's perfect, it makes it as a wall that you need 2 to avoid vaulting Still better than all the damn door out I guess 7/10 needs to be work on but I would like to try it
Jonathan Bell
Gook is typically a slur towards Koreans, but can also be extended towards most south-east Asian countries like Vietnam and Cambodia.
"gook" as a slang comes from "migook", which is Korean for "America". American soldiers in the Korean war heard the locals say that a lot, possibly misinterpreting it as "Me Gook", and it eventually turned into a slur.
Adam Edwards
One change I'd like to see is Bandit with leads or something. I hate how the batteries will sit in the middle of barb wire, leaving it completely defenseless and exposed.
Nolan Gonzalez
Indochinks and island Asians are referred to as jungle gooks.
Evan Hernandez
I just assume that method is just for getting drones and then you get the battery back to put on a wall or bandit trick
Jace Lee
sounds boring, but since previous leaks were pretty accurate (pic related) and ubi running out of gadget ideas i wouldn't put it past them
an op with a grenade launcher would just be another form of ash though.
Aaron Baker
If you're right I hope the invis is attacker and and launcher is defense. That way ash isn't redundant, and the cloak could hide you from valk cams and echo's drone.
Isaiah Williams
Well he already had a buff of the battery, before you could jump quick in and out without problem. Now it's insta destruction for the drone
Grayson Adams
That would be cool for forcing the mic talk rather then sit there and ping people…probably will be timed like cav The granade one hopefully will be a localizer or some kind of ping, I don't see actual 'nades for defender be suitable they already spawn kill if they get a granade I can see matched end in 10sec each time
Anthony Powell
I've been playing lesion more and trying to find the best use for his traps, placing a bunch in a hallway seems good for annoying the fuck out of anyone approaching but maybe a larger radius is a big idea
Elijah Wood
Lesions traps are still bullshit with their invisibility. I'm so sick of stepping on a random one to take that much damage and having to take the time to take it out. They say they're invisible to up iq's pick rate, but it's like they think there is a five man stack on every door or something. Anywho, how would you guys improve Tachanka? He's fun to play, but way too vulnerable.
Cameron Flores
change the tripod to a bipod so you could deploy/dismantle it faster
Ryan Watson
Bipod you can place on any surface.
Joshua Gomez
Let the LMG be mounted on his deployable shield, and add more armor to the glass.
Cameron Moore
Fuck that's a stellar idea. You sacrifice so much vision setting up the shield in front just because you can't put it close to the shield. Ash could screw you over, but Jager could be an easy counter.
Hudson Myers
Agree they should make it only 7 and can't recharge or let him start with even few if you want to be infinite ones
Ryan Richardson
I kind of like the charge system because it means if you kill him sooner you have less traps to worry about, or if you're playing well you have more traps to work with.
Thinking about it if the rumor for the defender being "drone invisible" it might be another fucking push to get IQ pickrate up by making their cloak detectable by her gadget
Jordan Baker
I doubt it. Assuming she can attack while cloaked, then that makes her as dangerous as trying to take down pulse as IQ.
Julian Cruz
I was thinking more in the sense of lets say you drone a room and obviously don't see in her hiding in it, but IQ would pick up their silhouette or something. It would still absolutely not increase IQ viability mind you. Ubi won't bite the bullet and just change how her gadget operates to get people to actually want to use her instead of some one like thatcher when it comes to dealing with enemy electronics
Ayden Richardson
Am I the only faggot playing this on PS4? I have no friends and am sick of doing solo ranked.
Henry Lee
Chase Brown
I mean, if there was ever a shooter that would work well on console, it's this. Aiming isn't all that important.
Nolan Russell
Honestly his traps work better as grenades then they do as traps. I can't tell you how many people I've killed by chucking a poison trap out a window after someone got lit and then they step on the trap or the trap hits them and they die to it.
Cooper Ward
Nigga I can't tell you how many times I've destroyed c4 when people tried to toss it through a hole in a window or wall and it gets stuck on the wall itself. Aiming is very important in this game because if you know how to toss shit properly you can do all kinds of stupid ass shit.
Charles Roberts
was it ever confirmed if unifroms (not elite) are in alpha packs? i have a bunch of renown and would like some of the blood orchid colors since they're the only not-shit uniforms
Isaac Williams
Helmets are, not sure about uniforms.
Hudson Taylor
post psn user
Ian Flores
for a moment i thought it had nice wooden furniture then realized they slapped fucking flames on it
Aiden Smith
literally 90% of the skins in this game. Ugly as fuck and impractical to boot.
Blake Miller
Yeah, you can.
Michael Wilson
Kill yourself tbh familamadingdong
Luke Bennett
waifus 4 laifus
Jace Hill
I hope you really like her guns and aren't just being a waifulord
Daniel Carter
PSN: Yaseetheo
Benjamin Baker
giga hard on for her G8A1 since its just and HK21, also she is a super cutie
Ryan Morgan
How does one git gud at aiming and general skill things like game sense and reaction times? Never played much shooters cause I never found them fun Is it just a matter of experience or is there a trick to it? I'm also frustratingly retarded when it comes to processing things It takes me a fucking long time to realise what I'm looking at is an enemy (except when I play Glaz) even when people are screaming to me where it is
user the charm is the skull in the top left corner not the pumpkin
Cooper Scott
learn2pre-fire If your reflexes are on par with that of a snail then you should learn to predict where the enemy is going to peek from and where their head might be and fire right before you're about to peek out so you get the time advantage
contrary to popular belief you don't need to super-high reflexes and accuracy in Siege to succeed, simply outflanking the enemy through maneuvering around the map or setting up killholes from ugly angles nobody expects is a more reliable strategy in terms of catching the enemy off-guard and not getting damaged in Border you can actually climb on the servers in the server room facing the closest entrance to the building by breaking the trapdoor above it and falling on top of the servers, almost nobody will think to pre-aim on top of the servers
Andrew Ross
The first three one are actually some awesome skins…
Andrew White
since they don't make the reticle red anymore you're gonna just have to work on your identification skills, maybe put a suppressor on your gun and take pot shots if you're uncertain. Enemies won't see a fire direction marker when you use a suppressor.
Adam Murphy
god i hate loot crates
Adrian Morales
Is there a possiblity to play with a 3 minute timer instead of four in casual ? I don´t play much ranked because it´s stressful and random teammates are dumb, but i really like that the matches are one minute shorter there. The one additional minute in casual just kinda feels jarring and needless because everyone kinda goofes senselessly around the first minute anyway.
Nathaniel Collins
Fuck pubs
Noah Cox
Only excusable, honestly, if someone on the team is being a total shit about it.
Anthony Powell
that poor mp5
Dylan Ortiz
Every time I look back, that place descends even further.
Evan Garcia
Yeah and then I want an operator that can have a Jetpack so I can fly in the spawn zone before the timer goes off. And another one with a infinite fireball power so I don't have to carefully check before wasting a granade, and also a operator that can phase trought walls! is that a fucking kid? Doesn't he get that this aint overwatch and tries to resemble real life operators?
Jayden Nguyen
They're half quality, like the chan they reside from.
Josiah Hill
So tell me what you think:
An Attack operator. She can climb and scale fairly rough terrain and squeeze through small holes, especially those made by other people. A blow hatch above? A hole near the roof from Hibana or Buck? No problem, she'll fit. It takes three seconds to squeeze through, and then she's off. An infiltrator of particular renown, and to tie it off, a member of Splinter Cell.
Next, a man some some power. A defender without hesitation nor remorse. A man with a machinegun, he gives no fucking fucks. He wants you DEAD, or in a corner cowering. He fires an LMG that supresses you, rendering your vision blurred as he tears through walls and doors alike. No fucks given. This asshole hails from the Ghost Recon group and finishes the circle.
Ayden Martinez
Made me laugh.
Gavin Cruz
When the fuck are they actually gonna put time into optimizing this piece of shit? I have a i5 4590 + GTX 1070 and I'm dipping past 90 FPS on 1080P. This shit is fucking unacceptable. I hope these cunts all get put on to a improvement plan and fail it when Vivendi buys them out, that way they can fucking lose their pensions.
Brandon Flores
suddenly Xkairos, black mirror, and the screaming roomba don't seem too far fetched anymore
Dylan Sullivan
Everything about that image is hilarious for a number of reasons.
Jace Taylor
I haven't played this shit since the Spaniards came out. Is it tacticool again or is it still 3 speed ops rushing eavh other to die in a hail of gunfire because peakers advantage ending every match in 15 seconds?
Leo James
I don´t like you. Faggots like you are the reason why we have a trap meta nowadays.
Brody Brown
Sometimes I wish we had a shield op like Blitz who could sprint, but instead of a flashbang on his shield he'd have breaching charges attached to the front of his shield so he could literally rush through wooden walls with proper detonation timing, and maybe directly kill ops by jihading them like a headless kamikaze with a riot shield. It'd be hilarious, too bad that'll never happen with the current trap meta.
Bentley Reed
Ela is the worst thing to happen to this game, if it continues like this with worst Korea I'm uninstallling.
Kayden Clark
The two new trap operators completely fuck over anybody trying to Ash rush the objective. The problem though is Ela's Scorpion EVO has a 50 round magazine for no goddamn reason.
Nolan Brooks
rook and doc get 50round mags with thier p90s but they're fatboys so they can't pull the stunts ela does