what did blizzard mean by this?
Makes several sexy as fuck skins for a midget
Other urls found in this thread:
It means they like midget threads.
what did dubsman mean by this?
what did op mean by this?
It means they are trying to capitalize on the perversions of video game players instead of making good games?
It's only dubs if it's at the end of the number you fucking inbreed mongoloid.
Oh, and by the way. If you're the guy who keeps making these thinly veiled shortstack threads why don't you go to, >>>/vp/, the only shortstack thread I knew of was on /3dpd/ and that has never come back. Why don't you people ever post your stuff on these boards? That's what they are for you know.
They get off on others noticing their fetishes
See Holla Forums.
user, ignore this guy: , he's sending you to mass graves.
/tg/ is where it's at for shortstacks with our regular Gobbo threads, open secret love of InCase's Alfie and constant debate over Halflings, Kobolds, or Goblins.
/tg/ is nice, but it's not solely for goblins, and the like. I don't think they will take to kindly to a 24 hour shortstack general.
Nah, just make sure It's in the designated thread:
60% /monster, 30% Green Girls, 10% Furry.
There is literally nothing attractive about that.
there is literally nothing wrong with that picture. HOWEVER, shortstacks are great.
gobbos are the best, a kobold is fine too. but i perfer fur over scales.
i like all of those things! where are the amazonian snu snu monsters with really muscular thighs and six packs?
/aco/ has a shortstack general, its a magical place
musclegirls invariably fall under Green Girls. They tend to go hand in hand with us.
He must be one of the gaf refugees
Why are they not called GAFugees?
They're called neofags.
by dubs they will be from now on!
the only thing better than a dominant muscular orc girl, is a dominant muscular orc girl with a nice juicy thick futa cock :3
begone sex goblin
Is the fate of every game to just be fuel for porn now?
Rule 34, tried and true.
Jack off to it,
and it'll never fail you.
Some like them short,
some like them long,
some like them tits out,
with their anal retention gone.
Whatever your fetish,
whatever your kink,
Rule 34 will sexualize anything,
and start with the kitchen sink.
just as bad as autistic lulu posters