My Friend Pedro

Was lurking around Twitter and found this neato game, looks pretty fun, still in development though, but it holds potencial.

Other urls found in this thread:


Not as shit as your post goy

Hola ese.

Enemies look a little incompetent. There were times he was right up against them and they didn't even hit him once. Not to mention they apparently don't react to their friends being killed in the same room. Super stylish however, could be an interesting take on the "puzzle game in disguise" formula games like hotline Miami have


I dont think so spic

What the fuck?

¡Viva la Raza!

Might be entry tier levels though, wouldn't mind seeing this shit scale and we get something like this.
also done by a spic, stay triggered faggots

what is that guys name?

never go full shill, user.



We don't allow spics here
>>>Holla Forums

Beefing Budsworth? Salty Sal? Raging Roger?

Old build
They have some gifs showing showing its way faster

Mp4 related
How so?
The mixed faggots don't go into my country to rape pillage and deal drugs and some can actually based like the guys that made Fight'NRage.
Not my fault you live in Burgerland Cali

Holla Forums is mostly comprised of shitskins anyway just like Holla Forums is mostly composed of literal fags and trannies.

Angry Joe, thats why his show is named "Angry Joe show" you dummy

Tienes que volver



2014 was top tier

My favorite is "Shitty Thread Fred"

Te tienes que regresar, Juan.

There no "Te" there
Its just

Shit thread friendo.

True, no effort, but the game isn't out yet
It just looks neat and wanted to see if anyone would be receptive to it before the shill accusations and shitkskin accusation.

Its kind of sad though, I could only talk about Furi here almost a year after the fact


I remember playing a flash version of this several years ago, never thought that the guy would keep doing this shit.

What is the point of a slow motion mechanic if the game already looks slow as it is? Doesn't look like nothing impressive, also.


They put an actual Finngol in the game, the absolute madmen.

Kill yourself you subhuman shitskin

WASD movement with mouse controls in a platformer just scream indieshit at me. I'm expecting the full game to be segments of jumping and aiming at targets without any interesting cross-dynamics between them or essentially anything worth using both hands at once for.

I know exactly how you feel
Fucking Seraph, how did they fuck it up?