alright Holla Forums
fucking swedes and leftist scum stole BJ from us to portray him as some antifa savior
how do we turn Doomguy into 100% /ourguy/ ?
alright Holla Forums
fucking swedes and leftist scum stole BJ from us to portray him as some antifa savior
how do we turn Doomguy into 100% /ourguy/ ?
Didn’t Cuphead got attack for Christian for Christian symbolism and anti-gambaling message? Doom gets called Christian propaganda by SJWs?
This is a stupid thread and you should feel bad. Doomguy is an intellectual property owned by a company. If George Soros gives the company that owns the doom franchise X amount of money, the aliens in doom become nazis.
You are a single puny weak human with no financial power or physical power.
Work on fixing that before you say "hey guys lets take on the world."
Done. Where's my money?
Check these
Mr. Soros will contact you shortly
neck yourself faggot
all it too was a bunch of imageboard autismos reee gawker off the internet
No, it took a lawsuit by hulk hogan you retard.
Oi. You talking shit about mai waifu? Get the fuck off this board and never come back, you autistic furry-loving tumor.
No need for turning, he already is.
Perfect. All we need is some dubs and this thread's all wrapped up.
Gas yourself schlomo
Something about that music rubs me the wrong way, I can't put my finger on it.
Same deal with Killer Instinct, it's lacking something and I dislike it for it.
I want the controlled opposition TRSodomite shills & 4cuck to return and never come back
It's Mick Gordon
He's fucking trash
The faggot who composed the OST of both of those games.
I gave it a shot
they didn't steal him you gave him to them
Faggot in a literal sense?
Quake > Doom > Wolf
Please kill yourself.
I can't believe how hard you retards push politics on fucking video games.
Sam is /ourguy/. He's made by Croatians and those guys aren't cucks like the rest of Europe.
he had a cry about thunders design being problematic.
maybe when they make a good game they'll be worth something
Problem: they're currently publishing through Devolver who are intensely cucked and fuck up almost everything they touch lately.
The soundtrack is shit, it ruined the game more than even the pacing and level design.
Only autists like sonic.
Unless it was retconned relatively recently, and I remember reading up on this some years ago already, BJ has always been "American" with a (((Polish))) mother. I don't know what you expected out of a nazi-fash-bash simulator in the first place.
Trips confirm.
Intellectual property doesn't exist and requires force to enforce.
The man literally got famous killing illegal aliens
Holla Forums doesn't actually play video games.
Good thing that picture is from a video game.