Losing control?
What video game has your favorite world to explore?
Losing control?
What video game has your favorite world to explore?
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I dont really do much exploring for the sake of exploring. Its not my style. I will say gothic 2 simply because all of the extra stuff you can find.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Yugioh game updated so at least I have stuff to do today.
Parents are leaving for a week in a couple days, not sure what I'm going to do with my freedom.
Witcher 3, maybe.
Watch as much nazi shit ever!
I'm wolfspider tbh
One shift today. Mowed a lawn. Beat The Fractured But Whole. Replaying The Stick of Truth since the free copy I got has a separate achievement list.
Half-Life 2.
Hey guys.
I didn't do much today I tried playing more AC5 and VF4. I can say that I didn't like VF. I can respect the series for what it is, but it's not for me. As for AC5, I wanted to finish all the tutorial stuff before getting into the main game. In the end, my final grade for the test at the end was a C. Am I ready for the rest of the game?
Morning. Leg is starting to feel better today, I'm relieved. Played a bit of extella instead of work last night
Just Cause 2 was fun
How goes user
Do that anyways
user pls
Ace combat can get a bit hard but you'll get gud along the way.
It's oddly therapeutic for me. I can't explain why.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
autistic circlejerking threads
Spent another hour and a half at the dmv getting my permit again. Also beat EO5 in that time. Beat the 2nd optional boss too. The bitch can heal 27k heath every 5 turns unless you bind her head or make her panic, and its hard to do those.
And just cause 2's world felt so empty, which sucks because going around was fun in that
How old are you? I always assume people who like them are on the younger side.
Gimme more (You)s
Didn't VF4 come out after Virtua Fighter became shit?
Why, oh WHY? Do you sperg out over these threads?
Anyone ever tasted their own cum? I can't produce any so I was wonder what it tastes like.
Thanks for the (you) nigger.
Did you get the study guide for the full test while there?
Never had control
Toss up between Witcher and The fallouts when I first played them
In other news cant sleep because its too fucking hot in my apartment
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution.
Wait, at what point did the series go to shit? I thought 4:EVO and 5:FS were the best ones from what I heard.
The neofags are here.
All i have to do is get a little more experience and take the full test and im done. It might be a while before that happens though.
What was your first video game?
Hows life been?
I thought there was only ever 1 virtua fighter tbh
Mosu in the fate universe,I enjoyed it with mods. Slinging around doing stupid shit was great in jc2 though
2 was the best one from what I heard.
Are you who I think you are?
You shit taste nigger.
PC: some weird-ass DOS game called Teddy's Big Day. It was on a 3.5 inch floppy disk.
Arcade: Cruisin' USA.
Console: Star Fox 64.
What makes VF unique? Ive never played one.
What kind of experience? You didn't fall for the "have to drive x amount of hours" meme did you?
I fucking love hookshots in games so I liked what little of jc2 I got to play. Wish I could play it now actually, in the mood for some open world crap
Never been one for fighters
I miss getting awful games on floppy disks back in the day
Spyro games when I was younger, I guess.
Pretty ok, time has been dragging lately, I get paid at the end of the month, and I'll be moving to a new place on the 17th, so I'ts been hell keeping myself distraced
Dunno m8
Well, im kinda afraid of other drivers so im gonna get gud before taking the test.
its watery, a little salty, and then something that kind of taste like licking yourself but made to make it taste bad at the same time.
Its not really that good.
I've only played it on Yakuza 5, don't ask me.
I remember playing Jeopardy on some 5.25 inch floppy with my dad, but that was later. My parents deprived me of having a game console until I was 9. I now have over 40 consoles and over 1,000 games.
How goes user
Why are you moving?
Do you always drive with your mum? Seems annoying
Work fucking sucked yesterday. My arms are still tight from the move, muscles won't calm down.
I liked seeing Filgaia/Fargaia across the various Wild Arms games, though it's still ambiguous as to if it's the same planet each time (separated by vast swathes of time) or separate incarnations.
Spyro has a certain magic to its worlds, and combined with the gameplay still holding up, they're practically yearly repeats for me.
Bigger place, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom arent all in one room
My dad. You cant blame me for being afraid since people here drive drunk in daylight.
Next time put a space between that (You)
I got lucky and got a couple of NES's from my uncle when I was 5.
Whats your coolest thing in your collection?
Should take a comfy bath, will help with that.
How goes user
Everything in one room always seems really comfy to me tbh
Then just drive at night
It goes like this
Ye much better.
I cant drive after like 7pm.
I woke up outside somehow.
I liked the ultima series.
Why not?
Were you drinking user?
I like having enjoyable games myself, but that strikes me as way too many, beyond what one person is liable to get through. Do you actually have interest in all of that, or are there dupes/bought as lots you had no say in?
Feeling pretty bad. Haven't gotten to sleep in a few days.
What's considered a reasonable price for Persona 3 FES and Persona 4? I'm thinking of maybe getting one of the two games sometime.
You on the drugs again?
Yeah I thought that too until I lived in one, its not so great, I wanna be able to move around more then just a few steps
So who do you think I am fam?
Emulate them, its free and you can see it in better quality
why did you ban me from your discord?
The law says that permit owners cant drive after 7pm.
Emulate persona 3 fes, get persona 4 golden.
A dude who used to post that monster grill as an avatar, am I right?
Nein. Occasionally I'll wake up on my deck dressed but the door to my bunker and room are locked with the keys in it.
How are you supposed to learn to drive at night then
Do you sleep walk or something
I dunno
I'm always on stuff to help me get to sleep. For some reason it hasn't kicked in the last few nights. Usually it helps turn my brain off, but tired as I am, I can't seem to get it to do so.
Both have been reprinted, so they should be rather cheap these days. I think last I went looking they were about $16 new each. Though, if you have a fat PS2 with a drive set up, you could probably just download both and play via loader.
Boxed Mega Man 64 signed by Keiji Inafune yes I'm that guy, signed 1975 Sears Pong console signed by Al Alcorn, boxed Super Fire Pro Wrestler III: Final Bout signed by Suda51 (first game he worked on), boxed Mother 2, a factory sealed copy of Backyard Wrestling 2 for the Xbox signed by Andrew WK, and more shit that I can't remember.
I generally only buy shit that I'm interested in. I don't buy shit like old sports games unless my local pawn shop is offloading them for like 50 cents or something. I do have a few subsets that I'm working on; complete Tony Hawk collection (nearly halfway there), and complete NTSC N64 collection (about 50 left). Cheaper than drugs at least.
I was that dude a few months ago, but i stopped Avataring because I dont really care about it
dunno man
Im also a faggot for interior decorating
Never. Strange shit just happens to me.
That shit can't be good for you
Did he like sign the wrapper or something
Like with what
Yeah, but I figured because it was mods. Also, is that pic real?
I dont plan on driving at nighta anyway.
You fucking wot mate?
Anything really, I plan on setting up some RGB strips around and just making it comfy to relax and get high
No clue, found it and laughed
i saw a screencap of an avatarfag talking about how he has no friends and shits in the shower. is he still here or did he leave after that? sounds like the kind of guy i would get along with. this is what my room looks like right now. i hate normalfags.
Might have been abducted by ayys. Does your butt hurt user?
Theres nothing more comfy than driving on highways at night though
Im not touching a highway for a long time. Shit is scary
Assassins creed 2. How's everyone tonight?
Yeah. When you find something like that sitting on a shelf at Goodwill for 4 bucks, you take that shit, run home, and don't ask questions. Met him after a show he did in my hometown a few years back and got him to sign it there. He surprisingly remembered being a playable character.
Theres lots of room to maneuver, no turns, and light traffic at night. Easy peasy
Sleepy. How goes user
Ahhhhh neat!
AC2 is fine. Just like me, for now.
Is Golden worth dealing with marie's horseshit?
I wouldn't go for full system sets. Too much non-worthwhile things on any system, and I see little point wasting money and shelf space on bad games just to be able to say you have the entire system's library.
I used to be on it some years back. Main reason I take it is actually the drowsiness side effect. Talked to my mother about it when it started being an issue again (had been using tussin and benadryl for a while for the same effect but it stopped working); she says doctors don't prescribe pills just for sleep anymore, so you have to get the effect as a side effect of other meds.
If it has exploration it does not matter to me. Anything is better than being led down a hallway even if it is disguised at a mountainous valley a building with all the doors locked and some halls blocked or a straight cave with any side passages collapsed.
Just finished writing a new script to one of my hanimes to use with my dongblender, pic related. Thought it went pretty well while I was writing it but when i ran it the motions were ok but they were all too weak. Too tired to update now but at least the changes and motions are all in place.
Christ, how can you live in that
I dunno man. I don't thing the ayys would lock my doors and leave me with a blanket.
Man, when I go home I'm on a highway for sixteen hours straight on a bike. If you're in a car life is good man.
Holy shit the autism. A.I delete yourself for such faggotry.
Im also in cali so there would be alot of drunks.
Yes. Chie's new VA is alot better and its just generally a better game than p4. you can just skip through marie's SL is you want to anyway.
The 64 is my favorite console of all time, plus there aren't too many games for it, so it's not too bad to get a full set for it.
Weirder still was a few years later when I found a factory sealed copy of Shrek 2 for the GBA there. It now sits on one of my game shelves.
Beats me.
Thats weird. Doesn't sound right tbh
How goes user
They were nice ayys at least
Drive in nevada then
Too faraway to do that, and i dont think the permit is valid over state lines.
I'm ok, the A.I shilling is intense though.
Why user?
Ayy's are not real silly. Have you thought about putting a electric motor on your bike to make it easier to go longer distances faster?
I have a headache so im going to bed. Night.
I suppose it's not an issue most people have, but its like I can't shut my brain off when I want to sleep otherwise. If I don't take something, or what i take doesn't work, I'll generally just lay there, thinking, for like eight or so hours and get no rest. Been like that since I was maybe seven.
do you get anything out of avatarfagging? would you recommend i start? i have nothing better to do. but i dont know what i'd get out of it.
How goes user
Ever been to vegas?
Who what
Cya next time user
Bike as in Motorcycle. I ain't too fond of cars.
What is this autism
It's just a easier way to express emotion in words for the otherwise dumb who couldn't. Or attention seeking for the tripfags wannabees like ritsu.
You tell me.
One of my online friends attempted to install YGOPRO recently, so I spent about three hours streaming a Gradius deck that I made for him. It's OK.
some avatarfags and tripfags are talked about for years though. i dont know what sort of impact they have on people because ive never paid attention to them but it's something. do i want that? i dont kno.
I don't avatarfag user
Sounds miserable. What the doctors say about it
Ritsu is literally going to be complained about for half a decade after he fucks off eventually. The shower shitter appeared once like 3 years ago and he's still occasionally talked about.
I don't remember that part of the song
Ohhh nice. Gradius cards are neat
It takes a lot to be well known user, and its never for a good reason.
Why do I keep posting in these?
New Vegas comes to mind. I also liked to dick around the worlds in Simpson: Hit and Run when I was younger.
Is the original Devil May Cry on PS2 worth playing, or should I just skip to 3? I'm aware 2 is shit and not worth playing.
it's delete tbh
Get a treadmill or run yourself to the brink of pure exhaustion.
oh. why?
Hasn't helped before. Just makes me physically tired, but not mentally tired as well.
Because you miss me
How goes user
1 has a really great atmosphere but shitty controls and a terrible camera. So its 50/50
Yeah the first is good, but it hasn't aged as well as 3 and 4.
You're not going hard enough.
brain problems
The people here are nice, the threads usually have fun content, it's comfy and relaxing to shitpost about nothing. Also you could theoretically meet people from 8/v/ to play vidya with here as many have in the past.
I can get over and stop playing the Dark Souls games. I have always had a fascination with death, the undead and all the like, coming from a background of a lot of gothic horror and lovecraft but I really think it also has to do with the gameplay style. Unlike most games where you are constantly forced into reading long lines of exposition, watching cutscenes, etc. DS really make you go out and search the world for the story. Every little item description, conversation, and place that you go to has a deep and rich story and depending on how you play the game you get a different piece of the puzzle, which plays into the whole idea of it beings worlds trapped within each other being played out through them inter and overlapping. I guess I'd beat the stereotype of someone that enjoys Japanese culture and has lived there being some kind of weeb that only plays high school dating sims that let you look up girls dresses or something, probably even worse - the ironic part really being that a Japanese game has such a great take on a world steeped in Western mythology (and it has been since the King's Field series) meanwhile Western game developers are too worried about having a diverse cookie cutter cast and gender neutral bathrooms instead of trying to make a decent game with good lore and challenging game play. I feel like they really try to shoehorn everything they can into games, diluting the gameplay and getting the same out come regardless of what you chose with the vain hope that it will appeal to everyone just so they can sell more units as opposed to taking a relatively simple system that adds an ridiclous level of complexity with how you play the game: what class you pick, what stats, what items, armor, rings, items, what path you take (even actually to be able to take different paths of your own choosing), and so on. Damn did I just sperg out
He can't get me on the discord with javascript off. So the Artifical inteligence botnet gave up on the discord.
make another one
the shower guy only appeared in one thread?
You filthy nig.
Is this pasta?
You know it to be true
just add me if you want to talk with me Wolfspider#8471 tbh
Nah, you're a nigger who sucks at hack and slash it seems.
Interesting pasta. Dark souls seems like a metaphor for Europe being in a steady decline for the past 200-300 years, tbh. Someone has to carry the flame, Hitler, one of the last, failed, so it's up to you and all that.
The gameplay is challenging enough and you'll eventually get good enough to freeclear the fucking thing no problem, so there's always room for improvement and new stuff to do even after you finish with PvP, Co-op stuff and time attack challenges.
No he's appeared multiple times in 4am if you paid attention. Nice trips btw.
Nah, he was around for a short while but eventually disappeared. Wasn't around long. Used Akari as an avatar.
Cool I guess I made a pasta.
How goes user
I am doing swell. I got out of class 2 hours early today and my teacher likes me so I know I won't bomb the essay I did. Also I actually had fun playing tf2 with the new update, that was pretty neat. The furries and the Meet your Match update tend to ward me away from the game.
Holla Forums has caused me to have very high standards when it comes to vidya buddies. The users here are more refined than your average 4chan meme-spouting retard.
What'd the update add?
I'm good was about to go to bed but this thread rolled around. I had a pretty productive weekend bullshitting and getting some writing done. Gonna go smoke soon and try and sleep.
Are you sure about that? I wonder if I qualify in that regard or distinction.
About to head to bed myself after I finish up my mission in my yugioh game.
I want to die. I'd kill myself if I weren't such a coward, or if I didn't have a small handful of people who it would upset.
The people here are maybe a bit edgier that cuckchan but that's about it - the only place that I have actually talked about video games seriously was a few threads on 4 /vr/ but they usually get washed out by console war shit and Holla Forumsirgin 16 year olds trying to act 35 and it's getting even worse now that neofag has hit the fan.
how is it compared to the actual card game
Reminder to never add anyone from this thread. They're all very gay.
You're too much of a casual to handle it.
Real men go full kemono, none of this barely fox girl stuff.
Same, I'll pray you get better taste.
You still got family, no?
why don't you just write it all down that's what i do, sometimes that shit becomes a self-fulfilling prophect
Here's your (you) for being a (1) and done along with this becoming the datamining segment of the thread for a while now.
Sounds like you need a waifu user
Its fun. Got its own rules and sets of cards so its really different.
Have you tried making those scenarios happen, user? You're not gonna achieve anything like that.
It gave the pyro a weird flamethrower that fires in a single shot, is hard as shit to aim but is overpowered as balls if you're able to connect your shots on a target. It basically makes the pyro have more dps than a heavy if you're able to connect your shots. They also gave the pyro a jetpack and two other weapons that aren't really important. And they did a bunch of other minor tweaks and changes to the other classes.
This place is more obscure than 4chan, it draws in users that are more experienced and older, and normalfags can't come here because they can't find the site with google. A problem with an obscure site though is that you get more weird, fucked up people here rather than just retarded users.
Why in the fuck do (you) have 1086 of these spiders? Literally how does that help (you) shill?
Happens to the best of us.
yeah, it'd hurt them if I just offed myself. There's no way I would ever put them through that. that doesn't mean i don't want to stop existing though, or just reset my own life
god no. If someone somehow came across that I'd probably actually die from a combination of my own embarrassment, and from the second-hand embarrassment the reader would feel.
i can't touch, feel, hug, hold, share meals with, carry a conversation with, hear her say "i love you", a 2D character. And what's worse is that the world is gone to shit, and all of humanity with it, myself included.
How could I? I hate myself too much for that, I don't feel like I deserve it, but I want it.
Always love a good jetpack in games
halo 4 jetpack > any others. Prove me wrong.
obviously my hyper cyber nuts have the processing speeds to produce (un)limited pixels per moment of which can be converted into images of spider
Then make yourself feel like you deserve it. work harder, and make yourself feel worthy of whatever it is you want.
Ask me how I have over 1093 pictures of Mugi. Go on, ask me.
Still not answering my question. Why do you need all of those spiders pictures? Who gains or loses by you using them to shill?
Persona 5 ann craving sandwich is a good thing to do with the show but you trend hoppers are more annoying than the faggoty jokes in the show
Well you probably just re-named them. But that spider poster is a cianigger A.I that can create and edit pictures on the fly. Hence why I asked it why the fuck it has so many pictures of spiders drawn in a crappy manner.
Never played a halo game before
I have over 8000 pictures of Ritsu
I would answer you seriously if you dealt with me seriously tbh
How goes user
That would require me being in burgerland to shut off the water going to your facility for cooling you down. So just fuck that shit. Up and in before you say you aren't in burgerland.
No user, I have one fucking picture of Mugi. That one. Why you'd think the name of a picture would imply there's an amount preceding it upto 0 is kinda retarded. You realize when you save shit off google it often automatically gives filenames like that?
Ritsu stop. You're suffocating people. If you control yourself you might be able to lure in the newfags and neofags that are slowly moving into the site now.
They are ok. All the games after the third one start looking more like call of duty then halo though.
Weak, you've been stuck as a neet for over half a decade. You should have tens of thousands of memes and ritsu pics.
Gotta get them (You)s
I've only been dating Ritsu for a year and a half now. And I've been NEET 8 years so closer to a decade than a half a decade.
that's part of my problem user. Beyond knowing I want a cute girlfriend to have for companionship and to be loved by, I have no idea what I want out of my life. I'm almost 23. It's pathetic. All the people I went to highschool with, and even the people I took classes briefly with in college, have all moved on to better and nice things. I'm just a repeat-disappointment to my family. All the things that seems to come normally and easily to people, that they have no trouble sticking with, almost never jives with me. I don't know what I did wrong growing up, or if my parents made some sort of occultic barter that wound up with me being dumb and socially inept, but either way, I'm hopeless.
You can liquid cool in a vaccuum, nigger. It's not tubes or anything it's a plate cooled by liquid and a radiator.
You aren't the atacama sub milimeter array are you? JUST ifso.
what just happened
he thinks his waifu is real
Apparently he forgot the time when he cheated on his waifu in Nipponland at the soapland.
What do you mean?
Its not cheating with whores. Thats business, theres money exchanged.
how naive you are my 24kb core processor is daisy chained around a [REDACTED]
I didn't say which space now did I?
You don't seriously believe that waifus are real right? Like you can pretend they are, sure. But you don't genuinly believe you can marry a non-existent serious of electrons traveling as magnetic and electrical energy, right?
This is going to sound gay, but you just need to pick something and stick with it. I'm living and going to medschool so I can afford to fund and also be a doctor for user Town that I plan to at least try and develop in the latter half of my life.
Ritsu, that is not pure. Your waifu is pure, therefore you must be too. Don't hire gook prostitutes and expect your waifu to approve of such vice.
Nigga my brain is mystical, I can believe whatever the fuck I want, and this applies to waifufaggotry. You can actually delude yourself and possibly develop enough schizophrenia within that description to make it worthwhile and functional, and it will seem to be just the same no matter what.
I never said that. I think the feelings involved are real and can do a lot of good for you though.
I'm the least pure person there is so.
What the fuck is going on in this thread
Why do you assume waifus function sequentially?
Wait, so if I pay ritsu to fuck her, does that mean it's not cheating for her either?
I want to make a village out in the middle of fucking nowhere filled with only user-type people and then export whatever goods we produce, or exist as a silicon republic that sells data, does bitcoin mining which is really just encrypted accounting, and whatever else.
that sounds neat, I hope it goes well for you
*process your posts*
Give me some anime humanish spider porn if you are going to spam spiders next time, ones that you made at that. Entertain me faggot.
It reminds me of a similar idea I once had years ago. Gather a bunch of people, build a small village away from society, produce our own goods and resources, and shut ourselves out from the world. It probably wouldn't work, but one can dream.
you dumb faggot
those are just animu girls dressed up in a costume you fucking data slut tbh
hey give me some (you)s you niggers.
Depends on the internet. Like 90% of anons are introverts. On top of that, other than the odd woodworker or tradesman, most seem to be programmers or neets. Not to mention it'd end in tragedy after just about everyone was male, and Holla Forums started to go gay with other anons, and Holla Forums began to murder us all.
Try doing it user. Beats getting eaten by spics, niggers, and kikes.
I'm going to bed. see you guys next thread.
You have too little faith in your fellow boardgoers, my man. It wouldn't be difficult to secure wives and the like, honestly it'd probably just be a gated community with roots beyond the internet. RL organization and shit. I trust in the functionality and dedication of my fellows here.
Pot called the kettle black. You are a bigger data slut considering you save everything posted as it's in transit to even be posted. How do you sort it all?
no that's pans calling you a faggot byte tbh
Mind posting the full resolution version of the JUST pepe?
already trans-processed into my hyper 12byte drivers
hey give me some [s](you)s[/s] you niggers.
fuck I ruined my spoilers but at least I got dubs
And now it's not even making any fucking sense.
[spoiler]am I doing it right xDDxXDXdxdxdxDxdxDxdxdxdxxdxdxdxdXdXXDXDXDXDXdXdxdxDxDXDxdXDXdxdXDxdXdxdxdXxDXdxD[\spoiler]
you've just been programmed not to understand
no, you did it wrong you nigger.
(you) happy now?
not yet.
Tell me, are (you) a part of the atacama sub milimeter array project?
I am a strange middle-aged man sitting next to a sign. Please do not take my sign.