In light of Assassin's Creed going full We Wuz, I request games more grounded in actual history

As in:

Other urls found in this thread: EX v.1.0.0 + patch v.

Oh boy, this is gonna be a real good thread. No shitposting is gonna happen in here, no sir.


I'm genuinely upset that some anons in this board make it their mission in life to talk about anything that isn't video games.


Hello 4cuck. Are you a gamergoy?

speaking of egyptians, I was watching Dan Schneider's game shakers, where a bunch of successful black rappers peddle around a few kids to make videogames to make money off them, which reminds me of child labour or reverse slavery depending how extreme you want to look at it , which ironicly the show has nothing to do with videogames. but there was this specific episode where the rapper's black son who also fucks around with the group of kids making the videogame, go to a museum that find out the egyptian looks familiar to his dad (one of the black rapper), it strikes me really odd to paint egyptians this way, even going to the "comedic" lengths to get the rapper to faint at the sight of the egyptian they were showing off to solidify the fact that egyptians look liked blacks. I thought that was an interesting episode to share with you guys.

We already made it clear you neofags weren't welcome.


lol. We got some Ancient Egyptian samples from the Hyskos' rule to the Roman's and a reconstruction of a dignitary. They weren't Nigger.

Sorry user, if we made historically accurate games then people might be forced to realize that many of the 'evil' things that white Europeans have done with their 'colonization' are actually pretty much what everyone did throughout history.

He's asking a legitimate question.

You think Asscreed is going to depict Egyptians owning Jewish slaves?



Never forget the six million who were made into papyrus.

But what if they go full We Wuz on depicting the Egyptians? They have quite a conundrum on their hands. Will they appeal to the nigger community or will they appeal to the Jeiwsh community?

it's almost as if some shill is trying to play both sides of the field trying to make controversy fuel for video games journalists to virtual signal to the useful idiots to pay their shit or something. none that didn't happen FOR THE LAST FEW GAMES UBISOFT MADE WHAT SO EVER NO

Slightly off topic but are there any good
Ancient Egypt based games besides Pharaoh?

Does Pharoah have Niggergyptians?

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
Pharaoah Rebirth+/Return to Egypt


And this. EX v.1.0.0 + patch v.

Thanks for the Egypt suggestions. Now for the pre-Islam Middle East and North Africa.

I don't know why I thought this.

Why are there 3 Dantes dabbing?

They didn't, the guy has a huge shlong and looks arabic.
Still incorrect but at least not a nigger.


Learn to read faggot


Why not both?
The kikes are whipped into building things instead of destroying them and the niggers are whipped into picking cotton. The evil white overlords are shipping everything to their evil kingdom of Athens.

well pharaoh/caesar for one
zeus too, although that one falls more into the mythological eras


They sure as shit weren't WHITE, either.



Yeah they're a race that doesn't even exist anymore, The Ancient Egyptians were wiped out by Semite hordes and are a lesson to us that time forgot


What do you mean, they're not Blacks, they're not Arab, neither are they Jewish and they're not white either
They are an extinct race

hol up.. so you be sayin, you was egyptians and shit?

Not him but mind you what you mean by race should actually be ethnicity. There are three races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. Egyptians fall in the former. As for being extinct, not quite. Copts are still around who speak the current incarnation of the Egyptian language as well as being practicing Christians.

kill yourself /salt-left/
youre the reason Holla Forums and Holla Forums went to shit
you fags have to go on and on and on and on about your retarded feelings
now youre hear ruining yet another thread trying to unveil lies
i hope trump puts up bounty on you and your retarded idealogy
if christcucks and their retarded were right then you and every subhuman runing every board and the world wouldnt exist
you ruined everything for whites and now we have to fix it
every fucking time you ingrates chimp out and ruin everything whites have to fix it up again
i wish my ancestors slaughtered your retarded chimp race and any evidence that ever existed
stop ruining everything or i am going to show yoy the wrath of aryans

stop trying to defend leftykikes
egytians are gone and kikes killed them


What about Australoid and arguably Congoloid

You american negro, there are no such thing as caucasoid race.


There is. What label would you put towards people with a skull shape as ours?

I love you

You shit, its called Europid.

You're the faggot who thinks Aryan is a linguistic designation, aren't you?

so how bad is WE WUZ in the newest asscreed game? I wanted to pirate it at least

Literally the same thing.

Truly a winning strategy.

Nah, Caucausoid only includes Aryan derived peoples, while Europid includes pre-Aryan migration Europeans.




Don't mind me, i just wanted to use this mp4.

they were close

And yet, when we look at examples of both movies and games trying this strategy to market themselves, it simply doesn't work. From Bioware to Cisbusters, the strategy of "create a fake outrage by making a big deal out of people complaining on the internet" falls apart if everyone agrees with the complaints.

Especially if the complaints are part of a larger criticism ("this game is total dogshit, also why do they have to try and rewrite history by inserting black people into medieval Europe?") and you then get 200 articles calling the criticism "racist", the result you will get is that everyone will have HEARD of your game/movie, but nobody will actually CARE. The strategy outlined here appeals only to virtue-signalling SJWs, who will loudly praise your game online, but won't ever actually spend money on it because they don't actually play games.

Interestingly, a variation on this marketing strategy that keeps happening by accident is the Senran Kagura effect: make a game full of things that people actually LIKE (boobs, for instance), but SJW game journalists hate; get millions in free advertising from all the worst people in the industry loudly virtue signalling and saying that this game is just mindless "FUN" with scantily clad women and violence and no social commentary at all. Then watch them be confused as the game flies off the shelves. Gee, it's almost as if their opinions don't matter.

Actually, that's a good hint for the actual thread topic, too. If you want to find games that are historically accurate: look for artlcles complaining about them.

Comes out in 5 days

How long do you reckon it'll take for the Whitening mod to come out?

We have ID's you neogaf/cuckchan reject.

Feels good not thinking in extremes. You can actually see the forest from the trees.
Though if Egyptians are just another form of whites then it would shock absolutely no one with a brain.

And to say I contributed, a game based on acient egypt.
The Legend of Queen Opala

Kill yourself fenceshitter

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

I will right as soon as the DotR occurs.

It's like they both never wanted to sell their games.

Speaking of WolfenSTEIN 2, was there any merit to the rumors of the extra mode where you can gun down nogs as a member of notKKK?

I wish your mother dropped you harder when you were a little shit

Like I said, i'll kill myself when a DotR pops off. I'm sure it will happen around the same time as communism works. :^)

I wouldn't be surprised by this because Egypt was overtaken by Macedonians and Romans, though a lot of their evidence might be from pharaohs as they were well preserved, and that would most certainly skew results.

They were part semite, part european. Not that many people disputing that.
Not sure what you're on about here, other than trying to gloat for being the really smart kid in the class.

Citation fucking needed. Besides, are they actually part jew or were the kikes pulling the "We are all 5% jew, goyim! :^)" around the time Egypt fell?

I agree fellow redditor! Extremes aren't for intellectuals like us, am I right?

Semites are not only jews, my man. Part of the egyptian dna can be traced back to the levant and europe in any case. No idea if that is related to kikes or other people from the middle east.

Go be the lone wolf every kike is chomping at the bit for. :^)

Facts aren't gloating are you retarded? The upper class was distinctly White for most of Egypt's golden era.

Read my post, you faggot. I was talking to the guy, who was disputing that. I even quoted the article saying they were partly european.

Don't be sad the game was alright and the art pretty good, also has more than enough content to not to be a boring grindfest, which for being an RPG Maker game it's a feat.

I was mostly shitposting about that game. I have seen the art but there is something about the art that makes me wonder if Jab comics made that game.

Boy I sure love all these video games.

still better than 90% of art in western eroges

What did they mean by this?
Don't know why people are trying so hard to make them out as white. The line between whites and near easterners is heavily blurred. You still also have Copts (who likely weren't involved in the slave trade) to attest to how the ancients might of looked like.

Hello chink.
