Nintendo Switch 4.0.0 update has added GameCube controller functionality
A lot of people like the Gamecube controller. I personally prefer a diamond layout for ABXY. Shame that didn't carry over from SNES.
Isn't that the adapter they made fuck all of so it's overpriced now?
This has nothing to do with Gamecube virtual console or Smash Bros coming to Switch in a Christmas Special Nintendo Direct.
Source: My uncle works for Sega.
It's because they are going to release Smash 4 Deluxe morons.
Yeah, they're probably stupid enough to announce that shit on Christmas while everyone else times their releases at Christmas.
I got one for sub MSRP about a year ago. There probably aren’t many, but I haven’t seen high prices.
They just upped my chances of getting it.
There's a fair amount of third party options as well
You know, I'd believe it. Like they'd act as if that's their Christmas gift to the audience.
If all the DLC isn’t included, no one will buy it. If all the DLC is included and there are even MORE DLC characters, they will literally be able to get away with not releasing a new Smash Brothers for the Switch.
They've already released ARMS and Pokken. They're probably planning to release Sm4++sh, now that it's release won't overshadow their other fightans.
All the DLC characters, with two new roster additions and all the 3DS stages ported across alongside Smash Run. Then we'll talk.
I'm okay with no new Smash for Switch. Not because I'll buy it again, but because that should hopefully mean that Sakurai isn't chained to the series anymore and can finally work on new IPs. I'm still holding out for a good reason to buy a Switch anyway.
Reminds me that I wish the Hori SNES-style Gamecube controller wasn't import only, and that the third party SNES-to-Wii adaptors weren't discontinued.
Just wait till they start charging you a fee to play Cuckcube isos in a shit ass emulator.
the newer gamecube controllers aren't that good for only one reason
At least think of a better insult user, this one doesn't make much sense at all
Even "gaycube" would be better.
Can someone explain this maymay to me?
Even the Wii U and Switch Pro controllers were better. I never understood this obsession with the GC controllers, outside of Meleefags who wasted their lives on that game.
Smash autists.
Will only include Ridley as a new character. Think the fans would buy it?
Pro controllers go for 80 bucks
GC ones, even when scalped, go for 60
And cheap third party controllers go for 30 and are still better than the GC one, mate, price is not an argument in this regard.
Underage bents who grew up with the Gamecube instead of the Playstation 2 or Xbox
Dual stage triggers. As far as I know only it and the Steam controller use them. It's a great idea that should have caught on.
The layout is perfect for Smash Bros. Pro controller never felt quite right.
I dunno user. The left stick feels great, I like the button layout for the games I played on it, and the triggers had this… strange satisfaction to pressing them.
Exactly, third party GC controllers are still better
Where do you people live? I can get them from memestop for like 15 (and they used to be around 10) each, for genuine 1st party ninty controllers
You're too young to understand why they're good controllers
Case in point
Yurop has them at 30 to 40 haji poundings
Latin America has them at 50 buckos
Don't know about Australia
And i mean new ones, in which case i've seen them at 20 to 30
Scalping, much like jewry, is global
Holy shit REALLY? I can finally use my Nintendo™ Wii-U™ Nintendo™ GameCube™ Controller Adapter for more than just Super Smash Brothers™? I can't believe it!
Fucking niggers, I get more use of it with my fucking computer than the WiiU, they can suck my nuts.
chill out man, it's just an adapter. here, have a dog
Only need one.
When you have two stage triggers.
Oh fuck…
Two stage shoulder buttons, really comfortable to hold, and a practical face button layout. Nearly every console game has one face button you press the most, so they made that button bigger and in the center, with the other buttons right next to it for near instant access. The only real downside is that it makes pressing certain combinations of the outer buttons, simultaneously, a bit difficult.
That's not to say I don't think it has issues. The c-stick is great for quick flicks, but sucks as a second control stick. The d-pad is decent, but it's way too small. The lack of a left bumper is just baffling. So is the lack of the select button.
Japan time never ends
smash 4 ported to Switch
Smash bros for Switch, ultimate edition
Yeah, so it's not practical. Nobody had any problem with the Super Nintendo controller, but Nintendo has just been dedicated to fucking it up repeatedly until the Wii U.
Did you grew up with a Gamecube?
Please tell me how many games have controls that require pressing so many combinations of face buttons that the gamecube controller would be a legitimate issue. There's still four combinations of two buttons you can easily hit simultaneously, which is the same number as the standard diamond layout.
Kinda sorta. My first console was a Genesis, followed a few years later by the N64. My family got a ps2 and a gamecube around the same time, but the ps2 was the earlier console by a few months. I had plenty of experience with the standard diamond layout of the ps2 before using the gamecube.
Used playstation controllers most of my life and putting my hands on a gamecube controller the past month, I have to say it is comfy as fuck. What's your beef with the controller anyways?
Guys, what if The gamecube controllers will be used for a Switch F-Zero GX remake?
They're gonna pump out a Smash Bros for Wii U DX for the holiday season that bundles all the DLC.
They'll do it to bait in people before they start charging for online.
The GC triggers were awful. It felt like squeezing a sponge with a slightly firmer sponge inside of it. Absolutely no feedback.
I don't remember having any problems with how the triggers felt. Maybe it's because I haven't used them in years.
The tech behind them is what makes them good. Push them all the way and they click, which can do extra things in games.
Super Mario Sunshine used this for the water gun. Soft press to run while spraying, hard press to stop. Luigi's Mansion let you fire blasts with a quick hard press.
The Steam controller uses dual stage triggers too. In FPS games you can bind soft pull to sprint and hard to jump, or soft pull to aim and hard to fire. In racing games you can bind soft pull to accelerate and hard to boost. There are so many ways to put them to use but for some reason they fell out of favour.
Because regular triggers are better.
But the gamecube controller is objectively shit. Why not the infinitely superior N64 controller?
Why would removing a feature make it better?
How is having one button serve two functions a feature? The only reason it would be useful on the Gamecube is because of the lack of buttons, but now most controllers have four trigger buttons and two thumbstick buttons.
I was pretty lucky, I found a Japanese one for 10 buckaronis when I went to the local swap meet once. Worked perfectly, too.
Nintencucks who who bullshit themselves into enjoying controllers with fewer buttons, shit second analog stick, and a shit dpad.
A lot of console games don't bother with analog triggers and just use them as buttons. Shooting games tend to use them for firing guns and aiming down sights. Action games use them for dodging or targeting. For these games, any press beyond the threshold for the trigger being on is wasted. It makes rapidly pressing a trigger harder, which puts you at a disadvantage.
Modded controllers solve this by adding something to physically limit how far you can press the trigger. Dual stage triggers have the solution built in, where you just press the digital click to fire.
How is having a tangible feeling of pulling the trigger fully versus partially a bad thing? The "click" not only feels good, but it gives you more feedback than the triggers of modern controllers.
That's like asking how having analog buttons on the playstation controller is a feature. It gives you more control with no downside.
For their target audience of 5 year olds and autistics
Nigger, there was no instant access hitting the X or B buttons
So it's not practical
So it's not decent
Actual fighting games.
Tell me about those easy B+Y and X+Y combinations. Oh wait, you can't.
How does
Serve any practical purpose?
If a game requires repaid presses of the triggers, the GameCube controller won't serve me any better in that regard. It will take me more time and effort NOT to try to exceed the first stage than if I were just to press them all the way.
Honestly think the Xbone Elite Controller is king for this reason. All it takes is a flip of a switch to change the amount of travel the triggers have.
Why are Nintencucks so delusional?
The face button layout. The thing that was being commented on.
Are you even trying?
And people call the Gamecube's analogue shoulder buttons pointless.
The Gamecube triggers are a bit stiff for that use. I use the Steam controller for Gamecube emulation because they keep the dual stage design but the triggers are nicer. I just wish dual stage triggers survived a generation or two more before being ditched. Even analog face buttons lasted longer and they're even more gimmicky.
It's nice to hear that the X1 elite has a built in solution for rapid firing. I just figured it was an X1 pad with swappable sticks and dpad.
I didn't know adding support to an accessory that would otherwise be useless, would make people so upset.
It wasn't unusable, just didn't feel very good.
Was that their excuse for the buttons feeling like they'd fall out of the controller at any second?
Play super Mario Sunshine and you will understand.
There are also some neat implementations you can do with it on the steam controller, like stage one aims a weapon sight while stage 2 fires in FPS games.
With the same unlocked roster and more unnecessary shit.
Because on the Wii U it didn't work for any other game, not even the Wii's assbackwards compatibility.