4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite game thats less than 3 years old?

Other urls found in this thread:


Persona 3

Kill yourself.

Fuck i mean 5. Im tired today

Morning everyone, Ritsu here

Parents leave in a few hours then I'm free! Even convinced mum to leave me a little money so going to buy some beer to get comfy on halloween with. Any recommendations for common stuff thats good?

Hoy Cunts

hey lads
i'm comfy in my comfy setup in comfy pajamas, drinking tea, smoking a cigarette, listening to comfy melanchonic 80's style synth, windows open with the cool night air occasionally breezing into the room, lit only by a string of christmas lights and a salt lamp.

comfy as fuck my dudes.

pillars of eternity is the first game to come to mind, but it could be that or wasteland 2. maybe just because i was playing them recently.

UNIEL. I'm waiting for UNIST to get a PC port though.

Persona 3 was 11 years ago, user.


Witcher 3, Persona 5, or Yakuza 0

It's ok, we all fuck up.

I recommend not shitting in the shower and killing yourself.

Im being retarded today.

How goes user

Whats new cunt

Whats good in the hood monica

Box wine, it's easily the cheapest
If you have to get pisse than get VB or else you're a seppo faggot

Double shift at work. Got Mario Odyssey. Haven't had much time to play it.

Bayonetta 2, Mario Maker, Doom 4. Those were my last 3 GOTYs.

Not much, kinda wanted to drive to the beach but it was cloudy so I decided against it

I got persona 3 on the brain after debating myself whether 3 4 or 5 has the better soundtrack the answer was 3 overall with 4 and 5 having some good tracks that are better than 3's

Going to a yardsale tomorrow that is selling old vidya. Gonna snatch that up fast.

What brand of cigs you smoke fam?

The fuck is VB. And I'm in the mood for beer. Fell in love with beer while in nippon.

What you think of odyssey so far?

Would have been even comfier with the clouds

Work was more of the same today. It felt like It was going to last forever though.

I legit don't even remember today.
I really fall apart when I get to be a neet

For what purpose, you know right 2016 had Jeb Bush's Clapping simulator

Ohhh know what kind of games?

There is no worse feeling in the world than that

What you drinking?

I think 3 overall is the best, and now I'm starting to feel 5 is a bit overrated.

Tell me if it's good or not.

Nice Mitsuru.

If I smoke cigarettes they're handrolled. I use bugler tobacco, but I'll smoke american spirits if someone has them and I'm hanging out with people drinking.

He said GB, SNES, genesis, ps1 and ps4, and probably more. Guy said it was a collection.

Whiskey. Not in a bad mood or anything I just wanted to drink liquor.

Always was too lazy to roll my own. Probably would have been smart to do while NEET and broke though.

Wew hope you get there first before its picked through

Alien isolation because I can't think of any others. How's everyone tonight?

Fun. Should have taken the day off to play it or some shit. This may surpass Galaxy 2 as my favorite 3D Mario game.

So far yes. Been looking forward to this since they showed off 5 seconds of it during the Switch reveal trailer.

Nigger speak English.

The last hour went by faster, mostly because me and some co workers were all waiting for phone calls to come in and we all just shot the shit while waiting for calls.

I dunno, 5 in isolation is amazing because of the jazzy OST, but i think 3's ost brings out the game a bit more. They are both very good and 4 is the black sheep of the 3 games.

I've had those days. You have any reason to live besides work? If you found one, it might not fuck you up so much when you get off work for a bit. Doesn't have to be anything special, just has to be a focus for you.

i don't like filtered cigarettes. and rolling your own is fun.

i am comfy my dude
how are you?

We're making sure we get there on time.


I'm just talking overall games. Even if 4 is a bit too much like 3.

I feel like I shouldn't be enjoying it but I am.

get out while you can.

Rolling your own has the health benefit of avoiding some chemicals put in the pre-rolled cigs.

What's the best to try if you have never drank achohol before?

Why the fuck do you have shit taste in gaming?

Gameplay goes 5>1>3>4>2
5 was so good gameplay wise.

I never can drink hard liquor that much. Always had a weak stomach

Was pretty usual for me. A little bored though.
How goes user

What are you doing here, go play

Do you like your coworkers? Ever hang outside work?

I don't have a preference either way. I'd like unfiltered more if they were really long. I only get to smoke half of them because they'd burn my mustache otherwise.


Ironically it's probably the only MMO out besides GW2 and LOTR:O with a focus on people being together in any sense. It's themeparky, sure, but you still get the fags around who actually talk and become a community, instead of the usual wasteland MMOs have become.

Pretty much nothing. I don't think I've played a game that recent.


Oh I get that, but why is 2 all that way behind. I'd switch it with 1.

How goes anons

Whats the division about?

Listen to
Find a hobby or some shit

I might go into my christmas money with this yardsale if there is anything particularly good.

I am preparing for novermber fourth incase burgerland goes kaput and ww3 starts.

Why don't you just pirate games? I'll even spoonfeed you, you sad fuck.

No clue tbh.

I am.

Maybe A soft White Wine, goes down easy and is cheap as shit

They're not bad people, except for maybe one guy who comes to work referencing 5+ year old memes with a deadpool necklace talking about MLP.
No, not really. My schedule is mostly:

2 was just complete shit gameplay wise. I never had any fun with it. 1 atleast feels like a SMT game with the dungeon crawling aspect even if the dungeons had too many dead ends. the later ones were good

Nurgle trips confirm you've got no clue

Roommates are throwing a party today, don't wanna get involved so i'll just be going out to drink somewhere and negate needing to be responsible for any of it. hopefully something interesting happens out in the world

it was kinda annoying that they hosted the event up on facebook before even running it by me
yakuza 0

I'd love to be able to go through a ps1 collection if they prices are decent. Just hope this goy didn't go on ebay prices or something

I can't really play anything while the threads going because I reply too much so didn't even think about that

Its that shitty Ubisoft game that was super hyped up

I'm just not interested in anything thats came out, f-faggot

i can't grow facial hair beyond that of a middle schooler, so i stay clean shaven so that's not a problem for me.

nothing's gonna fucking happen, I'm going into Chicago for a concert on the 4th and I'm not worried at all.

Woke up about 3 hours ago. Might take a peck at my anime backlog later.

Spiced rum, coolers, whiskey probably.

fuck I should've spoilered that.

If he was going ebay prices he would sell on ebay, plus i get to barter. I think ive leveled my merchant skills enough to get a good deal.

where is the nudity though

You only ever eat breakfast?

Make sure your room is locked
Hows your day going

I don't pay attention to modern gaming so

My beards at like 6 inches long now. Record for me

Anything good on it? Any all girl SoL?

danglin' nipple

2's the best one.

Since shaving my facial hair is a bit thicker but i still cant grow it how i want so i just shave it. but i look 15 when i do

idk prolly the phantom pain despite everything, am2r and persona 5 are close though too.

I'm a student, not working. Got a girlfriend but I'm always miserable anyway. I've lost a lot of jobs just because I have weeks where I can't even bring myself to get up out of bed.

I dunno, I've been a hard drinker since I was 14. I drink weaker stuff if it's given to me but that's about it. I had these things taht supposedly had vodka in them but just tasted like citrus-y soda pop. Smirnoff something or other. Someone left a 4-pack in my front yard a while back and I drank them. Soething tlike that would work I guess.

I got a stomach of iron. I don't throw up unless I eat something WAY bad or if I get sick and have one of those real bad coughing fits. Last time I threw up I ate chicken at a restaurant that wasn't cooked right and I wa shitting blood for a week straight. Constantly shitting and puking, too.

I have hobbies but they're more fun when I'm drinking

2 only has the best writing, everything else was awful.

Nah, that's 1.

I love haggling. Always get good prices on the rare chance I do flee markets.

How goes monica

Did you sue?

there's my lunch as well, but depending on what time of day it is, my lunch and dinner are pretty much the same thing. It's usually at the halfway mark of my shift.

1 was amazing.

You're not missing much tbh

1 was shit.

I don't have a proper lock unfortunately, I trust my roommates to keep people out of it. I don't think it'll be too bad a crowd but its people it's mostly their work buddies and i don't feel like chilling for it

long day at work and i have a bit of a shin splint so i fucking faced 2 glasses of wine and took a power nap after work. then played siege all night

i'm alright fam how are you doin?

The flee markets now are like 70% mexicans and 30% old dudes selling old shit. Last time i was at one they had a really nice antler knife that i should have bought.

That's a "Cooler" user. You can also see stuff like "Hard Root Beer" and stuff.

You're waifu a shit

mah nigga

nice. i have a friend who had a full mustache in the fourth grade and a serious beard by middle school. he's basically a dwarf.

i feel i look better clean shaven than I would with a beard, so it's not a big deal to me. beards are uncomfy.

I win.

I eat like 4 meals a day so thats insane to me. Surprised I'm not fat

I never am

The fuck are you doing

Do anything fun today?
I'm good. Trying to decide if I want to stay up and go shopping when my folks leave or sleep instead

Here's your (you)

If i could get a full beard i would grow it, but all i can get is a goatee so im avoiding facial hair.

I can barely eat 2 meals a day.

no, I shat blood for a week and then decided to never eat there again. The best part of that week was when I went to the hospital and they let me sleep in an empty room for about 12 hours, hooked up to an IV of saline, an IV of meds to make me not shit or puke, and a painkiller because I was in intense pain from all the dry heaving i'd been doing

I don't know what that kind of thing is called. I either drink hard liquor or I get a mixed drink if it's at a family dinner. I don't go out of my way to bring that sort of thing into my home.

Honestly I eat so little I'm surprised how I get by without starving all the time. My supper is usually something cheap at mcdonalds or leftovers from some meal that the rest of my family made.

i'm saving these just fyi

naw just tryna finish xenogears finally it's the worst rpg I think I've ever played in a lot of different ways

The one closest to me is actually pretty nice. No mexicans selling though a lot buying. And its all indoors with mostly established shops that have been there for decades practically.

Mine was really nice when I was a lad too. My beard's hair is all straight so even when it was tiny it looked like I really trimmed it all good and shit

How do you live

I was really hype to finally get a mainline game with playable goro and it fucking delivered

Being the biggest guy in the house that's what. I was going to install a brand new knob system but that woulda involved cutting out more shit than i wanted

also I do have a ghetto lock for it, theres a trick to getting it to turn from the outside because its janky and old and i decided to keep it that way for the time being

I have a theory that im actually dead since ive put up with so much fatal shit.

I might watch some retroshit or digimon or something. Closest thing to SoL I have is Moomins.

Ritsu you should be learning how to survive on a bare minimum of food for the upcomine shitstorm. If you can't go based on 1 meal right now a day you are fucked. Especially so if you aren't growing your own food yet.

I can't imagine that shit. Glad I never have gotten that sick before

You probably are starving. Its why you get so depressed. Eat more

Whats wrong with it?

Aren't all door knobs the same size though?

We all died. Thats how we ended up in this timeline

I tried watching digimon a couple of years ago and it was hard

Oh same man, it was fucking great. Wish we could get more of him tho. Sad that we will never play as Saejima again.

Reminder that your body can actually try to kill you until it feels that you are in a prime position to stop being murdered by it.
t. man who lost 100 pounds in 4-5 months doing no exercise whatsoever.

nope, theres a billion different varities of knobs/locks/etc and they're one of my least favorite things to install most of the time

It was pretty bad. Ruined most of my underwear because I would leak red for a while after shitting. Couldn't keep anything down, solid or liquid. That's why I got broguht to theh ospital. They were worried that I was dehydrating adn going to die. Not the sickedst I've been though.

That would really hurt. I can't remember the last time I was actually hungry

When I bought my lock and key for my room I accidentally bought a like outdoor knob and it fit perfectly. Guess I got really lucky then.

I can go on just a bottle of water and survive fairly comfortably for a few days. Food is only luxury to me.

This turned out to be a fairly ok timeline

Maybe my auto immune disease is my bodies way of telling me that i shouldnt exist anymore.

How so?

the battle system tries to be innovative but it's not it's really one dimensional. the gears lead everything from one extreme to another. I'm at this part where you have to pick four people to fight individual battles in sort of scripted sequence. I do three of them, then one guy gets one shotted. I reload my save and upgrade the guy's robot and he takes literally no damage and the fight is just trivial.
It's really poorly designed. And for that bit of maybe 10 minutes of gameplay that was significantly higher amounts of dialogue.
Basically take any issue with a standard jrpg and exacerbate times a million. It's premise for the story is cool but the story is, so far, shit. Some of the music is cool though.

Reminds me of the week when my meds stopped working. I kept throwing up absolutly everything i ate and drank.

Whats the sickest you've been then?

Its pretty damn comfy.

Just bored me mostly. Its a kids show afterall. And not in the fun way that some of them are

It will be even comfier when the civil war comes.

Does anyone have a high resolution image of the 4chan partyvan? Can't find one on jewgle because (((reasons))).

Water > food

I can't stand jrpgs anyway so that sounds awful

Hopefully I'm in nippon when it happens so I can try to become a rapefugee there

Its supposed to happen on the 4th so good luck.


Yeah, that was me for that week.

I think I've told that one. Bad infection I got as a teenager, over Christmas break.

How did you know I feel depressed almost all the time?
Eat more
I get full pretty easily. I might order some pizza on my next day off and see if I can prove myself wrong.

no sawwy

I thought the first two seasons were pretty good, did they ever pick that specific story line down the road in any form of media?

Whats going to cause it?

Oh right CANADA

Eat the whole thing in one day or the experiment is meaningless. Also get some breadstix

Antifa riots + militaries shutting off electricity to invade what's left of white america from the entire world. Worst case scenario tbh.

Sounds like a fun time.

When i eat i feel full for like the whole day.

Antifa is gonna pull a nationwide riot and also mass fire white people to plunge the country into economic hell.

Really? I've heard it was good or something but this bad especially coming from somebody who likes SoL.

I haven't watched any of it yet.

Will you be ready to fight back in the worst case scenario?

Fuck off (you).

Why would they shut off electricity because of antifa? And antifa isn't really big enough for that kind of response anyway

Seems like it wouldn't be a civil war at that point. It'd just be white people doing a slaughter

Yeah it had male characters so it was shit

In a worse case senario im running as fast as i can to the east until i hit the woods, then im gonna survive until this thing blows over. Maybe i'll rescue a cute girl to survive with.

Nice try, CIA nigger.

fair enough

Are you Jewish?

Not even a drop

In that scenario, it would be a outright silent war against white americans. Invading their homelands with the armies of ZOG worldwide. Electricity shutting off would be so antifa, as canon fodder for the ZOG armies, can start trying to kill people in riots before whites get organzied without electricity. It's just a second to worst case scenario though. The worst is yet to come and it's only a possibility.

I actually think i might have a little jewish in my bloodline, probably from the portugese side.

seems far fetched

If he was Jewish, he wouldn't be making these threads, he'd be trying to ban the them.

What is absolute worst? Nukes?

I've been fapping to Rise a lot recently. Never played P4 but the only thing I know about her is that people who like her have poor taste in women.

Rise is best slut but worst girl. but seriously shadow rise is some boner inducing shit

Might work in cities but in mostly white rural communities that wouldn't work. Doesn't take long to form up millitias in that scenario and we got tons of guns.
Whats the worst possibility?

Nice armpits there

Probably one of the 2hu releases in that time period.

Nuclear bombs aren't real silly. Worst case is antifa tries getting all white americans fired/distracted so a light show in the sky can trick everybody else worldwide to invade america, and or also happening to america too. But I doubt the kikes are that desperate yet.

Shadow Rise is pretty good, I'll tell you what.

How goes user

Well, yeah. There's most likely a central conflict so that would necessitate a male to take charge.

This pic is probably the best you have.

Ain't that the truth.

It should have just been cute girls in the digital world with their pet monsters.

Good. Many things passed customs, now I get to wait a few days.

Im heading to bed. Night.

anyone play these yomawari games? they seem cute, old school and spoopy at the same time.

Are talking best Rise pic, or best overall pic?>>13683967
See you tomorrow.

Not illegal things I hope

Cya next time fam

the "After" for that one is the best rise porn pic, i got it somewhere but i don't feel like digging it up

haha u dumbfuck-anons have literally nothing original to say! i used to wonder y a so called controversial chan site hasnt been taken down! now i understand y - u bastards have nothing controversial to say. fuckin anime jerk-offs! whats the worst u damage u imbeciles r capable of anyways?! :D

Why is she giving a ghost a blowjob

You thinking about this one?

Not in the least. If I wanted thing I can't have here I just gotta slot the neighbors when they're around, not like they come about anymore.

Yeah, no. No SoL will ever top Moomins anyway.

Well have you met Holla Forums's local Separdic Clown called Mark maybe you can get along with him

Do you think ghosts can experience a blowjob?

no, she's still in uniform in the one i'm thinking about

what did he mean by this

Does that have to do with cowgirls?

mark is jewish?

No, Ritsu.

I guess I'll have to look for it sometime then.

Yes. Check the nose.

Yeah, hes also on my office door.

I've got brown terr's that live on a res fairly far from me but they like to come out and pillage when their gibs are gone.

Would be a sad afterlife if they couldn't

why live

i don't believe it

found it

I have no idea what you are talking about

That's mark. Believe it. Go check the /hwndu/ archives for more proof.

oh, looks like I already saved it. I even posted it as well. was the post.

slotted GI's/Japs. Slotted folk don't object to their misgotten goods taken.

Are you serioulsy this new
We weren't joking when we say Mark is a Jew

Personally I'll be alright.


where r da proovs

Are you a time traveler?

It's all in the nose.

He's talking about natives coming over and harassing old people once they run out of fire water money.

Be careful, you might've find a waifu without knowing. Or you're just horny.

oh shit get me my mammoth

There might be a /cow/ thread on mark too for even more proofs then the /hwndu/ archives.


Definitely horny.

Shit I just realized I've posted almost my entire Rise collection in this thread alone.

idk if you're horny you'd get over after a few days.

Trust me, it's horny. Or I have shit taste in women and go for the sluts.

I thought you guys didn't let them out of their concentration camps err I mean reservations

Japanese brand of KFC


This might be it.

Oh, that one got me. I'm crying in real life now.

That's how it used to be. Nowadays the liberals give them free education, hunting rights, license to poach whenever the fuck they want, tax-free living and a bunch of other shit besides their government reparations bullshit.

I guess I keep my standards too high for what I will save and what I don't save.

I'm not sure if this guy just waifufag or not. Can someone help with my studies on this?

They should just cut them loose and let them be free. As in give them a chunk of land and declare themselves a separate nation

I'm the same way but I go through so many pics that my collections get huge

That was the original plan. See, when the french and british left the Americas to their own devices, they expected them to genocide eachother, not form a confederation. It was agreed that one side would be assimilated, and then they'd genocide the natives again. Didn't happen.

Try anyone living in the woods. Nothing like seeing a hunting camp burned to the ground with anything worthwhile taken.

You are a normalfag then. There's much much worse stuff out there on 8ch if you lurk moar. You should leave now


Are you autistic? I was making a joke.

Where do you think we are?

I'm in a 4am thread.

I think I'm gonna go to bed. Or find more Rise porn, whichever comes first.

Cya next time fam

I hate working night shift. Oh hey, looks like I'm late.

Don't have one.

I just got several hundred thousand in inheritance money.
I should be happy, but I'm not…Because the past seven years have been absolutely miserable for me.

My mother went crazy on depression pills,
my brother punched holes in walls and broke down doors when I wouldn't go see my crazy mother when she came back a year later,
my stepmother built up a grudge against me over 6 years for a bunch of tiny, insane things, some of which…Her date with my father getting ruined, for example. Well, that happened because my brother ditched me on the side of the road, again over my mother. For whatever reason, I called my father to bail me out rather than a friend. And she hated me for years over that without saying a thing, until I once said "I'd like to get some fucking sleep" to my father at one point and she just completely lost her shit. I guess the word "fuck" was just too much.
I worked at a big company in a good workplace, terrible work and higher-ups for a year and a half, got full-time position only for a SJW to file a complaint saying I had thrown "something like a stapler" across the office. No evidence, fired nonetheless.
I tried to help my grandmother by moving in with her while working on game dev, only I got no work done, partially due to her poor health and partially due to her poor attitude towards my not attending college and doing game dev.

And now she's dead, leaving me with a stack of cash…
And I've just grown so physically weak, so traumatized from all of this, that I'm lost here in a 4AM thread.

Another year or so and my game will complete and ship hopefully, and then perhaps things will finally start to change for the better for me…
But if a pile of money falling from the sky doesn't make things better…What will?

Pic related is old screenshot of WIP character model for my game. Old because I'm in bed on mobile and too tired to walk to PC.

Kick that depression in the butt and go for a hike. Walking off into the wilderness and staying there for an indiscriminate until you have to go back to work amount of time seems to fix my problems. Or you could always just play video games to numb the pain like most NEETs do.

You can send me the money if you don't want it.

I was thinking about doing that a little bit myself tbh. It makes for a cost-effective vacation and doubles as physical exercise.

I was near penniless just before I got all of this money out of nowhere, so I know how you feel.

Well, don't spend it all in one place and try to do something with it later, if you develop useful skills. Maybe invest, or make a business, or coast along it while going to higher education.

It looks like Ritsu is dead, and therefore the thread will be dead in a short amount of time, so I think I'm gonna hit the hay.

You'd be surprised by how much physical activity lightens your mood, especially after being on the computer day-in and day-out.

made a vid yesterday
sucks that my timezone is off. it's only just now 4 AM and thread's dead.