Single player games are dying, according to journos

Tries to say that single player games are dying

Why are shills for multiplayer games getting worse lately?
Have they not seen that the single player games are getting better this year or are they just analblasted that shit games like Stillborn and Dealbreaker bombed so hard?

Other urls found in this thread:

I heard Dead Space 2 cost 60 million dollars.

Is there a fucking reason why a game is that expensive to make?

Pic related.

Maybe about 65% of a games budget or so is marketing. Another 10 to 15% is licensing fees for engines, IP properties, more for music, etc. Maybe only 20% goes to artists and programmers, everything else is bloat.

It's a shitty opinion piece by some irrelevant cocksucker, who give a shit?

Single-Player only game's aren't dying, Journos just don't know how to play good fucking video games.

Don't forget celebrity (subpar) voice actors.



What the fuck is with pretentious shits constantly using some variant of this phrase?

Of course. Most journos are mostly failed movie directors, actors, and musicians that care less about games and can't do much with their liberal arts degrees.

Even if single player games are dying, People in online multiplayer have begun to behave more like bots anyway.

It's all a wash.

It didn't

In 1980 you could get most games for like $10-20. That's what a game is worth as a product. Then Nintendo was like "hey, I bet we could charge these stupid gaijin $50 per cart".

If you check the inflation calculators you'll find that $10-20 in 1980 adjusted for inflation is $30-60 today.

Basically, they've started making games $100+ after DLC's and/or jamming them full of MTX's because they're not selling games for way more than they're worth anymore.

They want to force multiplayer so they can track your activity and find ways to trick you into buying more shit. The whole AAA industry is basically a scam at this point.


that's correct
It cost $120 million

Yeah. It was a mismanaged project from the get go.
For reference the original Gears of War cost 10-20 million in development. The AAA industry has managed to get 10 times more bloated in less than a decade

Journos are dying, according to single player.


Where is all this money coming from? Is vidya actually that profitable?

I mean it cant be all from investors or subsidies. I assume most of that comes from their war chest of completed games, maybe MTX too. This means that their profit margins on a game are extremely thin because they can't budget.

What I'm saying is that you could probably kill a studio in this climate by making MTX illegal or something.

10-20 millions to the bosses…

no way that was all in budget. DS2 had some big marketing though where EA dumps all its fucking money. shame they let that series and its studio die, it was the last IP i liked from them.

As for "single player games are dying" that's probably just corpate anger because its harder to push micro-transactions in single player games

From the same ((well)) that brings you bombing movies and propped up shitty music that nobody buys anymore. At this point the entire entertainment-industry is just a big money laundering-scheme.

Its a fucking side scrolling RPG, and not difficult on normal. All you have to do is stick with it past the admittedly bloated intro.

That would be investors, in a sense, as well as subsidies.

They say a lot of stupid shit. The trick is to ignore them and preheat the oven.

Even amongst normalfags journos are losing credibility, they're really just digging their own graves at this point

In reality gaming is what died and they are the flies buzzing around the corpse.

Cuphead really did a number on these bozos


Humans are awful, why would I want to play video games with them?

They're getting rid of yotsuba? She was one of the only redeeming features left of that old shithole.
What a disgrace.


Dead Space 2 sold 4 million copies at a budget of 120 million dollars.
If we assume 60$ for every copy then it comes out to be 240 million which is more than its budget even if you count out a 30% cut to retailers and console royalties.

This isn't even Japanese. They are beyond normalfag now.

can't monetize properly with a copyrighted character.

The agenda here is pretty obvious.

I liked Prey.


Are you fresh cuckchan refugees? How did you not know this already?


I doubt it had that much, but in modern AAA:
10 million for the game
20 million for voice actors
40 million for marketing.

I love games that actually try to be games. Your narrative-driven cinematic pieces of shit can jump in a dumpster where they belong. Good fucking riddance.

If we've been here since 2015 why would we keep up with what goes on in cuckchan?

Publishers want single player games to die so they can exploit micro transactions more.

I haven't been back to that shithole in years

I don't follow every cuckchan happening user, and I'm not always on 8/v/ either. I take breaks from imageboards every now and then, but I've been here since the first exodus.

m8 60 million was just for the game itself
They spent another 60 million on marketing

What? Why wouldn't a fresh cuckchan refugee know about this?
Why would we even know about this?

You can go back and stay there user.

I remember when consoles killed PC gaming and then mobile gaming killed consoles. Somehow I can play games on all 3 in 2017.

Why the fuck would I give a flying fuck about what is going on at cuckchan?

The claim is that the video game industry does "bring in" more money than the film industry these days.

In the recent TachRaptor article, the claim on the amount of money actually made off of each physical copy of the game is close to $27 once everything is all said in done. So, just on physical copies of the game sold, they made $108 million. However, I should note that we don't know how much money was made off of the digital versions.

Although, that doesn't excuse the fact that EA spent $5-10 million just for these ads, or that they "needed" to hire focus groups and "professional actors".

The file name was a joke, you kneejerk bandwagoners.


Go back

Who cares about that, it's time for cuckchanner flogging now.


Realized that I wasn't specific enough. I meant that EA spent that amount of money just for the "Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2" ads.



Thanks for the reminder.

The joke is that most people in the thread regularly visit 4chan but want to put on airs.

The filename may be a joke, but we WOULDN'T KNOW THAT because we don't know what the fuck is going on in cuckchan. And bf115c asking why wouldn't we know this already was not a joke, so that crossboarding faggot deserved every lick of flame he got. And your screencap of, presumably your own, ban, a mere 5 months ago is only proof you should GO BACK because the rest of us have been gone for fucking years, because we have self-worth.

This. Outplaying real, unpredictable enemies in hundreds of different ways is more fun than loading a save over and over to kill a few enemies, just to watch a cutscene a million people have already seen.

I sure as hell don't.
You have to go back.

We REALLY don't.
Then go the fuck somewhere else because you aren't welcome here.


How fucking hard is it not to browse a website, let alone one that has gone to shit?

I don't care, you're not welcome here. Find some other place to shit up then.

I'm surprised you're not begging us to come back like a lot of 4cuck anons come here to do. Its honestly pathetic.

Sanic Boom has no limits.

Please continue your image dump so we can permaban you here as well. I'll rest comfortably knowing you're too stupid to use dynamic IP or a proxy to get around bans.

Shit, I remember some shit ass article written by a cunt 10 years ago that said that laptops and tablets made desktops obsolete, and that no one used desktops anymore.


That's ironic in a way

What are the odds this shit-eater is a SJW agent here to derail our thread hating on their "singleplayer is dead" article?
- from cuckchan, SJW paradise as of two years ago
- got banned for kiddie porn, all SJWs are secretly pedophiles
- posting his 3DPD kiddie shit here now in hopes of nuking the whole thread, thus silencing our outcry against the article
- stupid as fuck

Anything is possible tbh

A few years back somebody tried "everyone has a phone and tablet now, laptops and desktops are dead!"

No u


Not that it matters anymore, since they realized that idiots will buy microtransactions even in a $60 single player game.

I honestly don't know what you are talking about. They changed the name of the software? Or they abandoned Yotsuba as a mascot, I'm guessing for copyright reasons?
I don't know because I've barely looked at cuckchan in the years since this all started. How fucking dare you call people refugees for not knowing shit that you had to have actively participated with cuckchan in the past few months to know.

You guys can stop now, the original was a (1) poster and the kiddie porn guy has been banned (or at least all his posts simultaneously deleted and then he didn't come back).

Its fun to see people bully the corpse.

Games are extremely CHEAP to develop.
If a big number floats about the internet, it's probably a straight up lie. Publishers tend to leak or release fake numbers to cement the lie of game development being expensive.

I tried Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice the other day, and it was honestly a harrowingly painful experience. If you had a stopwatch. If I'd measured the time, I would've had about 10% gameplay and 90% movie fluff.

I wanna know what he was talking about. What happened to Yotsuba? Was this image more relevant than I realized when I saved it?

The big number they say they spent on development usually includes the marketing budget, which is commonly (these days) 50% or more of the total budget. Like Halo 3's budget was 60 million but 30 million went to marketing. It's been like this since the cursed year. AAA game budgets inflating is due to all the marketing required to shove them into the public eye and trick people into thinking it's popular, so enough people get fooled into buying it that it actually becomes popular. That, and paying voice actors to do shit that could have been a grunt and a text box.

Yotuba's not the mascot any more, though she still shows up on all the 404 pages. Now it's Sachiko from idolmaster. If you want to fuck with 4chan make sure to write an email to Bandai Namco games telling them one of their characters is being used without their permission on a known hacker/child porn distribution site.

guy showed up with a stupid gif of a cartoon girl and said it was cuckchan's new mascot
several people went "what the fuck"
guy says "how could you not know this" and nonsensically accuses everyone here of being recent cuckchan refugees?
everyone lashes out at him telling him to go the fuck back there since he knows what's been happening on cuckchan recently and we don't
he tries to pull "it was just a joke relax fags" and posts a ban screencap from 5 months ago as proof he's not a cuckchanner anymore
this just ousts him as somebody who only came here because he finally got banned there
and his ban was for CP
and he was posting pedo child model pics here as he went

Has there ever been a more out of touch and irrelevant side industry than game journos? Other than tricking plebs that don't know better and pandering to social justice they do nothing at all, their knowledge of the industry is beaten by anyone who has played video games for more than 8 years.

It's obvious why kikes like multiplayer games so much.
Did I miss anything.

You can ban problematic players from your userbase without giving them a refund.

You can sell day 1 DLC. And in Injustice 2's case the DLC fighters can be top tier compared to the rest.

You can force people to pay money to get the same gear as other players.


"According to journos," well of fucking course.

I don't much care for people, and I'll be damned I'll let them waste my time on this earth. So I became a weeb. Plenty of single player games there, no?

Alternatively there are old games, open world games and indie games. No need to panic. Being a cantankerous antisocial weirdo will NEVER go out of style.

It's extremely likely that those people are 4cuck staff. The main reason why is that a large volume of posts on 4cuck are created by in-house bots. Similar to how 420chan has NetJester, 4cuck has had bot posts that are there to simulate real posts. This explains the alien, inane, and nonsensical nature of more than half the posts there. It incentivizes middle school kids to think that the threads they participate in are active when in reality aren't.

So why do they need us to come back? Because their posting system needs fresh new blood or it destroys the illusion. They need people to actively insert new content not only in the form of images but also in text. This text then becomes the new set of variables for their bot posts.

Now you know why 4cuck truly became terrible. They have been relying on bots for years. They kicked out several thousand of their unique posters and want them back.

We predicted this, remember?

Short Dev Cycle + AAA Marketing = Expensive mess.

The shorter the dev cycle is, the more expensive the game becomes as a lot of tech and dev shit must be outsourced to other studios. The more people involved, more fat appears which needs more production and managerial staff (which are the most expensive people $/hour) to, well, manage.

People tend to think only games that took close to a decade and spent years in development hell have insane unsustainable budgets, but the 1-2 year devcycle culture that the likes of Ubisoft and EA force on their subsidiaries are probably more expensive in the long run. And they have no choice, those companies mostly greenlight only trendy "checklist" type games that cannot be released more than 18-24 months after their conception because they have nothing going for them besides the "here is what normalfags want now". Now everyone is chasing the rabbit Activision caught first. I hope they all go bankrupt.

Underrated poses, I approve.

I'd have thought that, if anything, it would be couch co-op games that have been on the way out in lieu of forcing everyone to have their own system and a copy of the game, and even an online subscription in some cases.

It's especially shit when a game's marketing is four fucking times the actual development cost.


A lot of death talk coming from the jornos. Do you think it's a cry for help?

Jesus christ all that money down the drain

Was the marketing for it even worth half of that?

Meh, just shills trying to get the plebs to buy the vidya-kikes garbage. And best way to do it is to keep doing what they've been doing, astroturfing. Tell someone they want something enough times and eventually they will, same concept as what these fuckers are doing. Even the most pleb of plebs don't give a fuck about these games, they just wanna watch internet videos of other dipshits playing these games. They've taken the video and removed the damn game,

Double that number and add in 60% on useless advertisement and marketing, fucking Hollywood actors, plus cuts by retail and online publishers, and you got shit.

Just to add to this, it also doesn't help that somewhere in the past few years children ended up somehow becoming not only an audience for this type of shit but especially a core demographic now. Vidya sales are just a part of the shekel-train that has now had its brakes cut and is on a one-way collision to fucking up the finances of a lot of assholes

Video game media blogs rely on a constant stream of topics and content to generate hits and thus ad revenue. For single player games, that stream effectively ends when the game is released and the review is published. For multiplayer games, there is a deep vein of non-game clickbait waiting to be mined. Streamers, e-sports drama, updates, DLC, expansions, microaggressions, non-diverse portrayals, cheaters, etc. As long as people are playing the game, they can use it to crank out minimum effort articles or videos to generate revenue.
It's actually a lot like Holla Forums, except they get cash instead of (you)s for posting garbage threads about bad games and insignificant social affronts. The purpose of both is generally not to inform, but to outrage.

Another excuse to repost this.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. How the hell do you blow 5 million+ on such a simple video concept? Just get family members of the dev team, stick them in a room with the game and record the footage. Aside from gas money and time there really isn't much expense to that. I cannot even fucking comprehend how incompetent you would have to be to blow millions of dollars on what is essentially just a lets play.

What the fuck were they thinking?
It would be like this board adopting a Boat Slut mascot and tossing Nano away
I'm glad the scum that posts there is deviating more and more to what made the imageboard even worth posting on, but goddamn it still pisses me off to see retards being retards.

Son, these are the companies that pay thousands and waste millions just to fund shit like this for Silicon Valley graduates.


No wonder Lionhead went kaput.

But MP games usually have higher skill requirements. I mean, I don't imagine they will look any more competent playing a multiplayer game. The only thing they seem somewhat capable of puzzling through are walking simulators with no fail state.

Not anymore.

No, you need a competent playerbase first. Besides, single players games use to expect skill from the player. Since those games died around 2007 a game that requires you to have that video game eye to see where the safe spots are will be hated by the modern gamur who grew up with mulitplayer garbage. Humanity has regressed, so it's only natural that humans would hate a past time that requires a bit of skill.

According to "journos" gamers are also dead. Who gives a fuck what these retards say.

I'm sure the writers are anons.

What are people talking about? Yotsuba B is still Yotsuba B, the 404 Girl still appears and retards seem to believe everything they're told.

Hey did you know, gook-moot bans everybody who doesn't praise Allah 5 times a day?

Wow 4cuck really has gone to shit

Never heard that before.

They're already dead.

fuck off cuck

Hhhhhmmmmmm. What could have brought this on?

Pure coincidence.

Around 2009-10 or so I was hearing about how mobile would be the only gaming platform and console and PC games would just stop existing. The executives wanted that really bad so they could all replace their staff with H1-B Pajeets to shit out endless clones of Candy Crush and Clash of Clans where literally everything you do is a microtransaction. And games "journalism" was saying the exact same thing. The market said no. Mobile exists, but consoles are still here and PC is anything but dead. These people don't follow trends or do market analysis, they get their marching orders from the editor and then try to manufacture trends.

It's meant to try to convey a sense of demoralizing inevitability. Single player games are doomed, goyim, they're going away and there's nothing you can do about it. This is actually something they use a lot, especially about topics like mass immigration.

That would have been the best thing to happen, console games would stop being made because nobody would play them since the normalfag market has moved, then the few devs left make good PC games or die.

Pure coincidence indeed

Jesus christ this is all sorts of awful. Hell even cute brown girls would be better. Why can't western games have a brown girl without turning them into latashinana smith or something? Just make a cute girl, but brown. How hard is that? Hell the Nips have it down to a science. Just copy them.

Hmm I wonder (((why)))?

Because niggers are not cute and the closest you can get is a white girl with shifted color scheme, but then it just looks weird and stupid.

I strongly believe anything can be cute when you apply good aestetics to it. But these people seem to want to make them all look awful on purpose. Like it's some taboo to make attractive women in the west.

Making women attractive is basically rape.

Because if the kikes humanize niggers then suddenly everyone will have to think in terms that are not extreme opposites and wonder (((why))) the situation is like it is.
That said, there is a reason why niggers play the golem really well.



This is referencing something but I don't know what that something. I just know it's not Monster Rancer like my mind keeps going towards.

Monster Rancer golems are fucking awesome bros.
Kike golems are just souless husks that blindly follow orders or an idea.
Speaking of Monster Rancher, how well can you play a ps1 to psp version of that game? How the hell do you even get monsters when you emulate the game? I don't want to be forced to cheat and unlock all the monsters in the beginning.

Yeah same. Monster Rancher had a great gimmick that is becoming less and less and less viable. Someone would have to do a hack where you can open other roms or something. Or you do some bullshittery with virtual drives.

They are talking about how at one time, Hiro changed the 404's page through putting some video music aside to Yotsuba's 404 images. He didn't replace Yotsuba, he just added the video on the page, while Yotsuba was just moved down.

Besides that, nothing has changed, and I too have no idea what are they talking about.

The Golem is a Jewish fairy tale creature, a clay monster created to protect Jews. It, inevitably, turns against the Jews and kills them in droves.

Bitches leave.

This will always be the superior version of RoboCop. People who liked the remake should be barred from all forms of media until they pass a basic IQ test.

You need to stop saying "to be fair." Don't allow these people anything. You could use that phrase to defend literally anything.
Like come the fuck on.

It's not the developer's fault, or their problem, if the playerbase is too fucking stupid to reach the end credits. They just want them to buy the game, and if they can get 100 hardcore players who actually complete the damn thing and see the entire vision as the devs intended, they're probably happy at least somebody did. Destiny doesn't even HAVE an end and retards buy that.

Never say "to be fair." I have a friend who says that literally every time we're in an argument, and it comes out when he's in a corner and his ignorance on the topic has been exposed.

Because you can milk more shekels from multiplayer games and the industry is in increasingly dire straits, so of course they're going to declare singleplayer dead and say all the cool kids play multiplayer trash. But it won't save them.


You're a special case, I skipped rage and went straight to pity.

You cannot make attractive blacks because you always end up with a tanned white.

I miss when E3 was fun. Now I know what my dad meant when he said that I will grow up to see younger people ruin what I enjoy.

That's why he said "brown girl."

But then it wouldn't be a nigger and we can't have that now can we?

please god let the western industry suffocate itself with shitty multiplayer iron sight shooters, please god let this happen

What exactly are you trying to say?

Also, 2004 want it's wish back. :^)

Some anons are wise to see where things are going, even if the timeframe isn't entirely on the money.

Don't forget the rash of "why the git gud mentality in gaming needs to die" articles after that faggot at Polygon failed to showcase the gameplay of nuDoom in a competent manner.

That would be extremely racist and very not diverse. Are you some sort of bigot?

Only bigots would stifle an entire race of people just to use them as a barging chip at best and attack dogs at worst. :^)

Anons are generally more attuned to the gaming market than even the most highly paid "marketing" guy. Of course we can see these things coming.

Always amusing to hear a fossil's opinions on what is on the way out.

well at least he was wrong about PS3 being on top and the 360 having nothing but shovelware. PS3 ended its life with still no games (but plenty of movies pretending to be games) and 360 had the best versions of all the multiplats.

So they're doing better than ever/




What the fuck

Look I'll break down how to make an "attractive black girl"

There. Diversity points, while still being waifu-able. Tell the jews they owe me skekels now.

Who was this man? holy shit

but then it would no longer be a nigger.

He was also wrong about Comic Books, but even so there are things that are surprisingly accurate.

thats not a nigger

You realize black characters are all horrible nog abberations because the left is full of white supremacists that just feel bad about it.

And? If they complain, call them racist for thinking all black people are whichever stereotype is most applicable to their complaint.

Exactly! If you can't change the person, change the perception so that they want to fit it. Like that MGS thing about determining top songs by changing the charts to what you want.

Did people not read the article as usual? OP left out AAA single player games from the title. Even in that first image, it's like the guy doesn't realize what the endgame here is.

He's right about this. Companies like EA and Activision know that single player games don't rake in as much as multiplayer games. Even if a single player game sells more, you can rake in money from whales through microtransactions. They're starting to realize that giving player content through RNG instead of just simply buying it in game with points you earn gives them a chance to sell more loot boxes and such. Put everything behind a paywall but make most of it accessible through very tedious means. Battlefront 2 is a great example of this and the campaign is just to get casuals on board who believe EA can actually make a good story. Said casuals will invite others to play who may indulge in the multiplayer. All while shoving diversity down your throat because they think that's what sells games.

Battleborn and Lawbreakers are obviously not the norm and NEXON microtransaction formula before Bethesda even made horse armor DLC. They trying to combine the money mobile games rake in while still reaching out to an even larger audience with shiny graphics AAA games.

Literally no one likes the remake more.

And let's not forget the retards said that charging for horse armor in fallout 4 with swords won't lead to anything.

I should have proofread that.

I can't. I have a dream. A dream where western vidya will produce delicious brown girls that are both waifu-able and immune to tumblrisms.


That's why it's an appealing character.

because journalists are not interested in video games and they have forgotten that Playersunkonw battleground had pure luck on the side, with the endless trash that is survival PVE and PVP, you might find one or two that can get popular.

When it comes to OverWatch it's because of the Blizzard brand it became popular because they can't do no wrong, ect. And every blizzardfag has bought all of their games or tried them. So you get this weird data that shows online games are popular and you have weirder data when it comes to games like Dark Souls 3 where most people get into the pvp or the co-op part of the game when they've completed the main game to begin with.

SO the shilling for MP has not been worse it has been somewhat the same, I remember when the same journalists started to say that activision should split cod into 2 games and drop the singleplayer because no one is playing it.

For the exact same reason people won't acknowledge the fact you can be black and not a nigger, you will not get brown waifus anymore

Where have you been? He was not wrong about feminism/SJWs infecting comic books, it was already happening when that post was made and it's worse now.

Speaking of appealing charcters, where do main characters like CJ from GTA: San Andres fall into this scale? CJ is obvious a nigger but all of his dialogue is pretty good as opposed to the nigger in GTAV which sounded like a cuck half of the time. Meanwhile the player cheered CJ on because his fellow niggers went full nigger on CJ. Is this considered good writing because of the character or the world/story?

GTA used to be about being a piece of shit comitting crimes, CJ as a character was just that. They were already leaning towards the Nico style of character then though

He's apologetically so. He's not some progressive developer's moral wankbait. He's just a nigga that needed to catch a train.

"Journos" don't like singleplayer games since it requires you to actually beat the game to get the full experience necissary to write a review.
Much better if all games were online multiplayer only so any "journo" can drop in for an hour (preferably at some invite-only marketing event with comped hotels, food, bar, etc + some goodies to take home) and write their full glowing 10/10 GOTY unbiased review.

It's about integrity you see.

Yep, most games are well under $20 million. I saw a rumor a while back that the average Mario game (spinoff or otherwise) only costs about $2-3 million to develop, and I believe it.
Only time I believe it when someone reports an unbelievably huge budget is when (((Hollywood))) actors are involved. IE: MGSV, Until Dawn

Takes me back.

The curent one is still shitposting and memes outside of Holla Forums

You could make that argument but if it was just about the crime then there would be little reason for CJ to leave Grove street. At most it would be a better playing State of Emegerncy if they kept that element of GTA. The grey area that is CJ's character felt more like the gameplay was thought along with this because now the story can lead CJ around their sprawling world instead of creating excuses for him to leave his neighborhood. The Nico shit felt more like the story was the main concern while gameplay elements were slapped around the story. GTA:SA felt like it was designed the opposite way where the story was structured around the world and gameplay.

the journalists are simply a paid village boy to whisper fake rumors in corporates favor

What was it

Like another user said, CJ works because he's basically a nigger doing nigger things, and acting like a nigger fits well with GTA's anarchic gameplay. Where CJ goes wrong is when they try to paint him as a good guy at heart, a proto Nico, those are the moments when the narrative feels incredibly forced.

You don't understand user, the kikes want to push niggers. If you simply take a well-mannered white girl and color her brown then that defeats the entire purpose and doesn't bring western civilization any closer to collapse. The goyim are specifically supposed to worship Laqweeshadeesha and Traykwon.

Japan just pallete swaps to make good brown girls. Though I don't have a problem with this.

Sure, if you only play western games. The PS3 was the weeb machine. It would be like saying the PSP and Vita had no games because there were no western ones on it.

It just keep happening.

No matter how many times you explain it to some of these people, they will defend bullshit just to play 1 game. And it's even worse knowing that they'll settle for a mediocre AAA game when there are far better and cheaper alternatives out there. But it's new, and all their friends are playing it. So peer pressure gets the best of them. That's why these companies focus on multiplayer. It relies on peer pressure and the in-game competition is more likely to either keep people playing and buy more lootboxes to get that small edge.

He was a guy who would protect his family but I never got that he was a good guy. At most the good things he did was a byproduct of him not dying or fucking over someone that fucked him over.

>Help blind chinaman with his casino problems

I can keep going on but I never got good guy from CJ.

Compare him to the GTAIII guy or Tommy from Vice City. Those two never needed justification for their behavior, while the audience is supposed to feel sorry for CJ, his brother and his disgusting negro sister.



I call it humanizing the characters. Scarface wasn't a good guy but he was the main character and the story showed human elements of his character, same principal. That doesn't mean they are the good guy, just the protagonist. Besides, compared to the modern GTA games SA was far from liberal. In fact they painted niggers in a VERY realistic light all things considered.

Great thread, guys.

Infected? They've killed comic books already it's simply a rotting corpse in the US. I don't know about the EU scene but Marvel is completely dead when it comes to comics. But do you guys actually read any?

I mainly stick to manga but I thought The Black Mondays was pretty cool. It's about a group of wealthy bank owners using occult magic from Mammon to stay on top of the economic food chain. Then there's Corto Maltese which is about a brash, salty sailor going on adventures.


You should check out Image and Vertigo stuff. Vertigo deals with brit comics as well so that would be a decent publisher to check out if you want to expand your comic pallet.

lackadaisy is great

wot the fuck is this post

The only characters who didn't come off looking like absolute moral voids were the racemixing couple and the old hippie.

Don't be a triggered nigger

That's not how it works though.

Pretty much this. In 20 years they've managed to destroy an artistic medium it took over a century to build up. Last I heard retailers were begging Marvel to stop with the cunts, faggots and niggers (they explicitly used homosexuals and minorities) because the comics were selling so badly they were starting to lose money for simply shipping and stocking them.

It's all pozzed.

Fuck off faggot, white is the epitome of beauty


Only because the racemixing couple seemed like the only ones with fucking brains even at the end when people were rioting they were the only ones who really put two and two together to find out why the goyim were rioting. The old hippy was just /k/ and /drugs/ with a splash of Holla Forums. That mix made for a fun character that would allow the game to lead the player into more ludicrous scenarios for gameplay purposes.

Here's the rub, if the nigger becomes humanized then is it a nigger anymore? Was a nigger in the first place?
I know that's an odd question to ask since we ushering in the age of extremes but there always is a balance in these sort of scenarios. If not then Christopher Dorner would not exist.

You got balls kid, I'll give you that.

He should have been the protagonist tbh

Most comics shops have stopped stocking comics almost entirely. At best they pushed them into some deep corner to keep whatever pathetic human specimen still actually buys them out of sight so it doesn't scare the rest of the costumers. All they sell now is card games and /tg/ shit, thought the way things are going even that will become so poisonous within five years it will not be worth the paper.

Then it's simply a liberal fantasy of what they want the nigger to be but never will. It's the same reason attractive sheboons are white girls painted black, or why every nigger character in any entertainment medium acts nothing like a nigger IRL.

I do usually stick to manga. I'm reading Girls Last Tour, Blooms Into You, Grand Blue, and Master Keaton.

I didn't even mention DC. And I even said that it was the Marvel comic book scene that was dead but I can see how my second sentence was misleading. But that reminds me how I went into a comic store and 90% of the stuff there was just Marvel and DC. I was a little disappointed.

Thanks for the recommendations though. What are your thoughts on The Metabarons? I thought it looked pretty interesting.

All that shit comics had to deal with and the effort people had to go through to protect them. All ruined because a group of people who hate the stuff wormed into the medium and systematically cut it apart over the years.

Any color is fine as long as the girl is cute.

He was always a nigger and "humanization" is just a trick by the storytellers to make you give half a shit about niggers. Real life niggers don't humanize themselves. (((Movie producers))) do.

A nigger who stops being a nigger via humanization just becomes a black person. However they must be vigilant, lest the infamous nigga moment steal their blackness away

Your dad is Holla Forums?

I know right? Japs make the best furshit without a doubt.

Show me a single cute brown girl, faggot. And not a mulatto abomination, either.

You're only gonna see any cute from non-white girls if they're trying hard to mimic whites, at which point why even bother.

caring what journos write about
in the year of our lord 2017
They write these to get views and it looks like its working

Tanned white girls?

>using the same technique that (((media))) uses to shame whites but it's okay because fuck niggers! XD
A nigger is going to nig regardless but I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Besides, that's why it's a video game. It would be a pretty stiff feeling game if every character was forced to act like a stereotype.

Good. Fingers crossed it's tomorrow.


They don't get my respect until they earn it. Not gonna jeopardize my safety and culture for delusional "why can't everyone be good people" wishful thinking.
I also don't trust most white people until they've given me a reason to, but I trust niggers even less.

Oh, you're one of those people.

Talk about wishful thinking.

It's not about the cost of making those videos, it's the cost of paying for ad space everywhere to use them.

Asiatic insect-man detected


Nigger did you even read it?

We're talking about fiction here you niggers.

No, he just liked rock music and had some decent foresight.

That's just common fucking sense. You never trust anyone when you first meet them, doubly so if they are a nigger. That said, bolstering the number of people with common sense that will help you is a very valid tactic in this day and age.
Of course I can count the number of blacks I interact with semi-regularly can be counted on one hand. Guess why, kek.

I hope you're not talking 3DPD or saying that every anime girl is just white.

Fun fact: diversity = low-trust society. You're welcome, goys

Remind them about how single player games are dead when they start sucking it's dick for attention.

Game Journos should be killed

Politics is a pendulum fam. The harder it swings in one direction, the harder it inevitably swings in the opposite direction as a reaction. So in otherwords


How about you actually read the article? OP left out "AAA" single player games. The guy is wrong about some things but right that they're focusing on multiplayer because of lootboxes. To be more specific, it's western AAA studios. Eastern ones just focus on moba if they want a quick buck.

It means we will see an incline of single player games in the near future.

Well, user, this boils down to
In general, this tends to appliy into many things in life can work as a vicious cycle.

Tans are always ugly as fuck on white girls, only whores have them intentionally

A cute brown girl is too far out of reality for fiction, hence why you will find none, sorry.

The first one is ugly as fuck, the second one is barely brown, and the rest aren't.

Also, yes anime girls are white you fucking disgusting weeaboo.

Fake tans are.

user, if you wanted me to post more cute brown girls, all you had to do was ask.

Recommend me some games with cute brown girls playable. Preferably fantasy ones.

They Excel, even in degeneracy.

Post more user

No, all tans are. Fuck off kike.

Utter shit taste, especially when they have bright hair.

That's lawbreakers black female? I thought she at least looked cute on their twitter page with her heart hand pose. Not full blown afro but still nappy. Developers need to be reminded that there are black people with normal hair. We aren't stuck in the 60' and Blank Panthers are roaming around.

How do you spend that much money on a bad ad? Is EA just a front for money laundering or something?

You are thinking of Konami. EA is just kikes buying up IPs and bleeding them dry.

"Bleeding them dry" isn't really the right way to put it, more like "ruining them up until no one wants them anymore".

Memory Hole is specifically when they try to make you forget the old version ever existed, in their efforts to sell you the new one. See: EA Battlefront 2 saying features are "new" and acting like it's something to be excited about, when Battlefront II had them years ago.

Phantasy Star Online 2 and Etrian Odyssey V. You can make all the brown girls you want.

Post something you find good. I want to see how good your tastes are then.

This thread is already completely derailed but you ask pandemonium. Just visit /kemono/ if that's what you want. That way you don't have to search through a bunch of shit on Pixiv/tumblr to find something decent.

Try over a decade ago.

Why the fuck does anyone listen to these idiots anymore?

i think its meant to imply that strictly singleplayer games are dying and that when you add some multiplayer functions it gets better numbers. like i don't MGS5 would have done as well without FOB gameplay while the strictly multiplayer was a flop as well. passive multiplayer is the way to go right now it seems


But the kemono scene is small, at least.

This reminds me of how people cheered over the fact that you could play as a female in Fallout 4, as if it was a new thing.

Alongside MTs, look at Kangz Creed

He said that it wouldn't work an that the comic book capeshitters are stronger that vidya autists - which both turned out to be completely wrong.

You get the stupid award.

I guarantee he won't post white women trying to be shitskins

MT's need to die and we need to get people who buy them addiction help. a guy at my work told his wife bought $900 of MT in some shitty phone game and he didn't know until his credit card was rejected for something

Yeah, sure.

Retarded suits and journos have been saying this for ten years. It's never been true, and it never will be.

fobs would have been just fine without p2p interaction if you got anything truly meaningful from developing them other than more research. I never had even the smallest inclination to go visit the other shells other than for range trials. I spent more time on the wildlife platform.

Brown a cute.

is that the same blogger?

if only, user, if only

of course.
These people are failed humans beings. They are the gazelle at the back of the pack that get eaten. They are the predecessors of the movie Idiocarcy.

This is the best post in this thread.

silly, user, anime girls dont represent a race because they are ayyliums

What is this sorcery?
Kill yourself.

Because the people listening are also idiots, and they tell them what to feel so they don't have to go to the trouble of forming their own thoughts and emotions.

So something like pic related then.

Kind of, actually. Marina's actually pretty damn cute. A shame she's an octoling.

I think you mean half breeds. Also, that woman is German. She went through extreme tanning to make her skin black for whatever fucking reason.

I don't even see how this bothers people so much unless that game really does look that ugly. For many games, I stop caring about graphics once I'm used to them and it's usually good animations that impress me. A mechanically sound game pushes it way further than graphics ever could. The new Battlefront 2 prides its self on being unbalanced. Where you gain passives that no one can see (in a class based game) at random thanks to loot boxes. You still can't even land on enemy ships and attack it from the inside or fly from space to land. No bots or vehicles that both allies and enemies can get into on the field. You have to spawn inside them and that's all you can do until you die.

You do realize that certain artist only post on tumblr or twitter right? And even then it won't always be uploaded to Gelbooru, Danbooru,, Konacha, or Sankaku. Said artist may not have a Nijil or Pixiv account either.

Irrelevant. Stop being a lazy nigger and give what you download proper filenames.

Are you legitimately retarded?

Even then, you can browse tumblr and avoid all the cancerous shit by simply following artists. People who have just gone off second hand info from Holla Forums assume it's 100% a SJW whale shit hole when you will have to go out of your way to find that nonsense. I tried it out myself to see if what everyone said was true but found myself just looking at art instead. Have you actually been to tumblr?

Thankfully I'm nearly shameless. Cali or Marie, Pearl or Marina, they all get my dick twitching.

Easier for lazy game "journalists" to write up quick reviews for so they can go back to being cunts on social media and easier for shitty developers/publishers to push out and get that sweet lootcrate bux with minimal effort.

The shills are aren't being paid "which sadly, those exist" likely have brain damage.

I fucking wish. I used to follow a bunch of porn artsits and suddenly whenver something happened they'd reblog whatever issue was triggering them at the moment. One guy draws great stuff but rebloggs trapshit constantly. So I have to pick between getting his shit or seeing a bunch of weird hairless ladyboys every time I scroll there. It might not be 100% SJW shit, but it sure as hell can and will invade every possible facet. It's like a zombie plague; once someone's bitten they might as well be dead to you because suddenly you're going to be seeing it in their art.

You know damn well 2018's E3 is going to be the least fun, most cringiest E3 ever produced.
Why you ask?
Compainies saw the positive reaction to the devolver E3 presentation. So you know damn well the likes of Ubisoft and EA and maybe even Microsoft will try and adopt this wow so funny and quirky and meta approach to their presentations.
You'll rue the day you even mildly thought the devolver presentation was remotely "fun". Even though they're currently' 2/3 in shit games announced or showcased in that presentation.

Oh boy fellow Japanese lovers why is everything Japan makes so based?
Everything from Japan is superior to the West, even the food, I know because I went to Tokyo once, I already know all about their culture.
Even though I can't find the anything outside mainstream American sewage I totally know that everything the West puts out is pozzed SJW non sexual garbage, even the niche stuff I don't know about and barely touched because I exclusevely consume Japanese media.

Where are these faggots coming from?

They see a comment that triggers them juxtaposed with the OP, assume the worse and leap in the thread without reading anything. Like niggers

not all single player games,
Single Player FPS

Single Player games come from all genres and they are doing extremely well

Kat a sexy.

s-soon, it will totally make FPS games good again, right?
Seriously what the fuck is taking them so long and why is information so scare on their own goddamn site?

Jesus Christ that's horrible. I mainly follow JP artists or people who don't reblog much so I've never had that problem.

Tokyo Game Show feels like the real E3 to me. Just get up there, show some games, put out dates, and display some demos. Have they never considered that having a suit standing up there trying to sell you the game instead of just showing the game is a good idea? Even if it's just a CG trailer.

If it was his first reply in the thread and you're the only other person to say anything, then how is he supposed to have more posts? If he posted and then didn't say anything after many posts, then you can call him out for being a (1) and done.

How so?
I'm trying mocking said people

But I have

Stop replying to these people already


This sort of shit would get you banned in a heartbeat three years ago because it's a fucking lie and an obvious sign you're new as fuck.

Is truly sad what happened to comics, there's still some diamonds from time to time but most of the industry is already too far gone.
tfw the only comics you enjoy anymore is mostly furshit like >>13617240

What about the drawfags who post their shit on tumblr? Should they kill themselves?



Mein Neger

The indie game market is the only redeeming hope I have left for the industry. The AAA giants should all die, particularly the American ones.

Tumblr still has a shit layout, an even shittier mod team, and tagging is godawful.

Industry struggling? Niggerettes can help!

Good fucking riddance to the lot of them.

I've been here since the first exodus but anyone can say that. Now the main reason it's unacceptable to browse tumblr is because of the type of people it creates and the site is known for being a SJW incubator that breeds a horrible type of person. However, it can also be used simply to search for artists works who decided to move away from Pixiv while completely avoiding all the cancerous stuff.

Also imageboards are well known for judging posters by what the quality of their posts. What have I posted in this thread that is so ban worthy? If I changed the filenames just to appease some people, would my posts still be garbage? I also asked if anyone has been to tumblr and only 1 person said so. He did the same thing I did but made the mistake of following an artist who reblogged some awful nonsense all the time. It's like how you can go to Reddit just for Vita cia files and nothing else. Hell, I've posted many things in the Share Threads I've gotten from Cuckchan Voice Threads and people thanked me for it. What I'm saying is, is the quality of a post ruined simply because you knew where they came from?

Agreed. The tagging system is awful and the layout just makes your browser eat up a lot of ram if you keep scrolling. Not even going to argue that it's good or anything. Just that I have an artist I like there.

While I agreed with what you say, keep in mind that the indie market is not foreign to the leftist cliche that has affected AAA games and it's more I think it suffers more of the effects of this

It wouldn't exist in real life if it were perfect.

Out of the easily 20+ hours of cutscenes in total, that's one of like 2 cutscenes in the entire game that can't be skipped. And it's one of the first cutscenes when you start a new character. And the scene is only like 2 minutes long. That screenshot I guess could be construed in some negative way, but it's not representative of the actual game (FFXIV).

The game "disc" itself gives you a Mochi, and the market sells a few other monsters, so that at least is a playable baseline. In game events and items I believe will enable you to get other monsters as well.

A full PC emulation as opposed to PSP can be played to the fullest extent, getting monsters from CDs and even Blu-Rays.

I know it's not perfect. But they have some gems sometimes. They are our last hope.

Europe and South America still have some good shit thankfully, but many of is also unfortunately full of commie and SJW shit.
Either creative types are all fucked in the head or the publishing companies are full of kikes likely both

inb4 someone states indies are all SJW pixelshit
Good thing that thanks to shit like the stabilization of the market and digital distribution smaller and mid sized games are making a comeback.
7th Gen was fucking awful due to this reason, the 2007 crisis killed most of them, many of which were already struggling with production costs rising exponentially.
It just centralized everything towards AAA companies which would viral market everything into submission.

Get the fuck out


The SJW indieshit cliche was more prominent during 7th Gen and the whole Xbox 360 Live indieshit timeframe where the fags that would suck more would be the ones with more marketing money, why you saw human garbage like Jonathan Blowhard and Phil Fish on the headlines of journos and normalfags buying into it in an era where these blogposters were actually more relevant than Youtube Ecelebs.

That shit is all over now, SJW indieshit barely sells nowadays and AAA is pushing even harder on the SJW shit than these snowflakes ever could with garbage results as well.

Even if you personally don't like them, indie devs have made some really good stuff lately. Like Stardew Valley, Rimworld, and Factorio. So as long as innovative games like these keep being made, I won't condemn the entire industry. But the AAA garbage lately is terrible. I really wish all the pan-chromatic squirrelkins or whatever would just kill themselves and spare the rest of us their mental illnesses.

We could potentially turn this against them, though. Let's push to cucks and marxists the notion that characters such as those in are a new form of blackface, and if you disagree you're still a shitlord full of internalized racism and misoginy.


I'm not sure that is possible without getting the most agressive skin cancer the medical world has ever seen. More likely dyed skin or worse yet some kind of tattooing.

>Adam, known as “Martina Big” for allegedly possessing the largest breast implants in Europe and for her appearances in Botched, claims she’s well on her way to becoming a “black girl” now that she’s undergone a series of “tanning injections” to darken her skin, and has somehow convinced an “African” hairdresser to give her black, textured hair.
There exists something worse than a tranny in this world, there are trans-niggers. All that she's missing now is a lobotomy to become fully black. Then again, maybe there is no need in this case.

I'd take that over another E3 wearing pins and virtue signalling about feeling bad for the gays that got shot up by the friendly neighborhood Snackbar.

You really think someone like that gives a fuck about cancer?

To add to this. It shouldn't be a problem if people come from Reddit or Cuckchan as long as they lurk, don't type like a nigger, and make quality posts/threads. The problem is people refuse to do this, act like a retard, get called out for it, and then proceed to double down while proclaiming the person who called them out is new and what they're doing is the norm. Or they go into a shitpost frenzy to pretend that they were being retarded the whole time "intentionally".

Might as well stick to manga at this point. I would recommend Homunculus for people that don't want something full of moe girls but not HnK tier manly.

Tried playing Puzzles and Dragons once. Said to myself "this isn't so bad" and then I was told I had to wait before I could play again. I never touched the damn thing again.

There ought to be a compilation of Boom's "writers reveal their power levels" moments.

Nature always finds a way to exterminate the monstrous.

Didn't buzzfeed try doing this?

They should also be banned on the spot if they admit to using those sites

Then wouldn't 90% of people here be banned? You ban people by the quality of their posts. It's like all you want is people to pretend to be from here (aka saying only the popular opinion to try and fit in) instead of just being decent posters.

please stop projecting. I'd like to hope that number is far smaller. And people should be allowed to have their shit opinions, but admitting you aren't from here should get you the boot.

No one is as retarded as you.

Not projecting but I did misread "using" as "used". I seriously doubt many still go to Cuckchan or Reddit.

Shesh, if singleplayer games are dying then I'll go support indie games. It's because I never buy a game, unless I know there's a single player mode in it.

God damn. Vidya industry is a money laundering scheme. It has to be. There is absolutely nothing about Dead Space 2 that should have pushed the budget over 1 million let alone fucking 60.

Marketing and advertising should be illegal.

Big studio with lots of employees, voice acting, a shitload of middleware, accelerated development schedule with a lot of overtime, bloated marketing budget, likely a huge number of do-nothing pencil pushers and HR parasites will make budgets bloat very fast.

The gaming community is toxic nowadays

All these shit games cost this much money and have thousands of people working on them and the best games I've ever played were made by 6 guys in a room in 9 months.

They are not multiplayer shills, they are shitty games apologists. "No goy, it's not your lefty game the problem, it's the audience!"
[Spoiler]i liked deus ex mankind divided[/spoiler]

I love how cuckchan just outs tiself

Its just a filename nigger, take a chill pill

Unrelated, but it kinda makes me happy that even the veterans actually came back. I just had a match where a guy who hasn't touched to TF2 for year and he just kicks ass. The guy got no hats or shitty cosmetics, just stock weapons and he completely demolishes the other team's pyros. then again, i did pocket the guy

its as if you're resisting an old habit or something