One Punch Man VidyaGame
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Emulators were a mistake.
man, it really is the reddit race.
Honestly if you were going to reskin a shitty game for 1PM it should be Saints Row 4 or something.
People could really be pushing to mod this game into something really cool. Instead it's being used to meme and not even in a very creative or fun way.
Yeah, maybe they could add dungeons.
This mod is fucking garbage, they could have at least made the punches not feel like dogshit. I would have been impressed this mod if the punches carried some weight to them, or at least have the enemies blast off when hit or something. A single texture swap as a mod is just boring, anyways.
You were saying?
You don't know how this works do you?
A single texture swap as a mod is just boring, anyways.
Not on an emulator
Not without microtransactions behind
Thats nothing
How would someone make a good One Punch Man game since it takes one punch to take down an enemy with one hit without it being monotonous? One hit for minions but for mid to high level bosses, you have to build up the annoyance meter by dodging attacks to fill up a one punch meter. Maybe have a multitude of dynamic death animations. Maybe switch between many characters within the Hero Association to act as decoys until you bring in Saitama or any of the S class heroes to intervene and stop the major threats.
user it's a joke about the game's paucity of dungeons.
I am sure you will love this.
Is that an actual boss fight in breath of the wild?
Also that's nothing compared to that one oblivion mod
l o l
to be fair I find this to be a microcosm of the zelda fanbase
it the cyclops
The game would be reliant on a timer.
You have one hour to defeat as many monsters as possible and make sure you buy all of your groceries when they're on sale.
Like pottery
I've heard someone suggest Reverse DMC where you get points for holding up the enemy
do we really need to play pretend? It's not a competition, it's a diagnosis.
an opm game done well would essentially be a singleplayer city of heroes type deal, where you make a new hero of your own choosing and attempt to rank up to the top of s-class, competing against other heroes for kills and popularity.
multiplayer content lets you form hero teams for raid events like the monster association, including things like unwinnable fights where the goal is to keep the monster contained until saitama bumbles his way to the scene and splatters it
does reddit need to ruin eurobeat now too
I bet that none of these normalfag redditors making the "epin eurobeat memes" have ever read the Initial D manga.
One Punch Man is gay.
Normalfags/redditors take over everything. Name something you like, I guarantee you normalfags also like it.
Objectively speaking Mob Psycho 100 is a better story.
Prove me wrong
You must be a very special kind of retard to believe any shitty modder could come up with something remotely as good as the four dungeons there are in this game.
It could also work as a management game, where you have dozens of heroes, and half a dozen of cities(each with different sectors) that you have to manage and protect. When there is danger you need to decide how many(and of which rank) heroes you send, as during a mission, another emergency could pop up(so you can't send them all on one mission). Heroes can also die during missions, they can also level up, you can recruit new heroes and you can also train them during break(levels them up but increases stress which will negatively affect their mission) or they can relax(the opposite). You also have a budget, and the better you do the more money you gain(among other things). The difficulty would be in managing your budget/reputation/heroes/towns as there can be more monster attacks than you can possibly handle(so you have to pick and choose your priorities). Think of a more in depth X-COM management, but without the turn based combat(it would be all automated by dice rolls).
Adolf Hitler?
You're a little late. They've been retreading early cuckchan memes for a year or two now.
There was this thread a few months back in our Holla Forums about typing ooga booga and other stuff in Google Translate using somali. Lo and behold, I ran across reddit posts and YT videos about it a few days ago, they are constantly lurking these places looking for whatever is trending.
r/nationalsocialism if it's still alive
Oh my sweet summer child
I chuckled
It is gay too.
They probably crosspost on cuckchan and decided to spread it when they saw the image.
And you also don't understand a thing about level design.
About all the past 3D Zelda dungeons are utter trash compared to the four titans, albeit being a bit short (not as short as people make them out to be, never factoring in that you can move much faster and there are no loading times; gates and padding enemies).
kill me
This shit is reddit/cuckchan/kikebook tier
Do normalfags watch bizarre artsy animes?
Considering what people have done with fucking Morrowind?
That animu was recently popularized by vaati, who is the epitome of reddit, so yes.
Oh boy.
Can't stop fcuking it up today it seems
I've already seen those cancerous top 10 lists with Angel's Egg in it so probably.
Well shit you got me there. Dubs and baneposting might be the only 2 unpozzed forms of art left in this world.
>Jewish, fags & CIA run the (((alt-kike)))
sorry to break the news
Does Reddit enjoy obscure tabletop games from the 70s?
I'm still mad
ytmnd is the only thing they'll never be able to get to, at least I can take refuge in my ancient memes
It really depends, normalfags can play off the plane scene but they can't trick people into reciting it
It's a VN in which you deal with a bunch of villains and the usual shit like getting groceries or going out for a jog. There's sometimes stuff like giant spider shark men trying to get in your way though. It plays like a regular visual novel only that there's always the option to WAN PANCH whomever or whatever you're paying attention at the moment. The objective of the game is to get through the day without getting annoyed too much or causing a ruckus.
Don't pay them any mind, they're just hipster faggots who can't enjoy things other people do.
t. redditor
this is what animeshitters actually believe.
Is this your first day on the internet, newfag?
lucky me, most of my favorite things feature lolis which redditors can't appreciate.
Nice argument. Tell me how saying something is shit, solely because of the people who enjoy it, is a valid criticism.
Too obvious 0/10.
Oh shit, thanks for reminding me of that tranny fucker.
The fact that it attracts those type of "people" says something about the game/anime/movie/whatever.
Then why not just attack the thing directly dumb ass? If it attracts people because it has some flaw, then surely it would be easy to point out that flaw?
I was thinking a mix between yakuza and edf with various playable characters, namely pre-bald saitama and various side characters (genos/mumen/sonic/garou/etc).
Bald Saitama can have a bonus time-attack mode.
It seems to me like you wanted to quote me.
It's not a flaw per say, such as bad gameplay mechanincs or horrible soundtrack or bugs, it's more subtle, it's about the "feeling" or "aura" if you so wish to call it that, that the game manifest in order to attract cancer. For instance, take a piece of shit, there is nothing wrong with it, it will ferment the land so that new life could grow out of it, but it also attracts flies to it.
That's fucking hilarious. I want to see this next.
madman that kown shit about physics
Oh cool, so you're just saying you can't actually make an argument or criticize it properly so you just resort to mocking the fans. Nice to know you're retarded. And that analogy was awful and doesn't work.
But I like (You), user.
What the fuck does a "aura" have to do with? I'm so sorry this video game doesn't open all your chakras
Take Undertale, namely it's story and artwork. The story has no plot holes(and if it did have, it would probably be part of some meta joke), it starts well enough, has one or two touching moments, and it ends nicely with no cliffhangers(except the genocide one). it has no immediate flows, it might not be the best story, some will call it shit, but it's above average. The artwork, is a bit more subjective, but it's colorful, and you can easily tell what x is and what y is(besides the chink main character which I guess is a girl). These things don't have flaws, and yet they are the main reason why some "people" latched to it and created the Undertale fandom. This is the aura of the game, the essence of it, the full package, whatever you want to call it. The creator of the game might not have intended for it to have something like that, but there it is. It is the light that attracts mosquitoes, but not bees, the smell that attracts flies, but not ants. If you still don't understand what I am saying, then you should go back to school faggot.
Fucking kill yourself. It's incredibly easy to pick apart undertale and you're just too stupid to. The music all chiptune for no reason, there are gay characters, the pixel art is pretty fucking atrocious at times, it has a "power of friendship" theme., I could go on. That's why tumblr likes it. You're just embarrassing yourself.
yeah well you see I sometimes operate on autopilot & assumed no other user would be dumb enough to not know the origins & properly use the "t." meme. Think about it, you have a redditor who lets a "community" ruin fun . I suggest you should work on integrating by lurking more. This is not Sweden refugees are not welcome.
Then for what reason is it chiptune? And there's only like 3 tracks that aren't.
It's not all chiptune, that's what I was trying to say and even tracks like Megalovania use midi instruments (EB soundfont)
There is nothing inherently wrong with that.
My point being why make majority of it chiptune if he can make it not. It doesn't really sound any better.
It's bland to say the least, and it didn't have any other unique points to prop it up beside "muh meta" which is also done quite frequently.
user it wasn't ruined by normalfags, its just once normalfags got a hold of the game is was a mirror of yourself. A reflection of how ugly your soul is. It was a shallow gimmick with a shallow moral dilemma and quite ugly art. the music was comfy but that was the only redeeming quality
its time to stop
Only a handful of tracks are actual chiptunes made using famitracker, the others have lots of backing midi instruments.
Because the game is more than inspired by Cave Story which has a chippy OST too.
Never did I actually imply that. I just said that there were no immediate flaws, but contrary to popular belief a flawless thing doesn't mean that it is good.
Then why not conversely go all the way and make it all chiptune like Cave Story?
Because he didn't want to?
user is right but he is shit at explaining himself. Every game, anime or piece of media with a fanbase that is considered cancerous has a certain element or combination of elements that attracts the cancer. At first you might be able to ignore these elements but when the cancer crowd arrives the flaws become more obvious and more annoying.
Say FnaF for example. Around the time the first game was released we had at least 6-7 threads about it here and yet, when the normalfags started gathering around, the game's flaws became more apparent. The cheap jumpscares became the biggest problem because those were the reason the game shot up in popularity amongst streamers and their underage audience.
Fast forward to today and the general Holla Forumsirgin will autistically screech at it's mere mention.
A piece of shit has no flaws, yet it still attracts flies.
That just makes for inconsistent design though. He made everything else pixel art, why have some songs chiptune and some not?
That's\still bullshit. The flaws were there from the beginning, but because everyone had to be a big fucking hipster they now couldn't forgive those flaws anymore. That's the fucking definition of being a hipster, you only started disliking it once other started liking it, the flaws made no difference in your enjoyment.
You know, I was humoring (you) because I sometimes actually like to talk about video games. But then you had to go and fuck it all up.
by what standard do you measure shit and conclude its flawless. Veterinarians and Doctors can tell alot about health by a stool sample.
You are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever seen on this board.
Do you consider SNES games to have pixel-art? Those don't have chiptunes with some rare exceptions, take this song for example. It is the only chiptune track in the entire game, is that inconsistent game design? How is it any different from Undertale having only3 instrumental songs?
I'm not too versed on video game music, but that seems more because they had the technology not to, rather than intentionally limiting themselves like undertale. But I will concede this point to you because I honestly don't know enough.
Everything has flaws. Needing something to develop a cancerous fanbase in order for you to notice the flaws just makes you fucking ignorant.
It's like those idiots who believed Jojo was above having a cancerous fanbase just because it was relatively obscure for the longest time. In the end all it takes is for something to become popular. And if you're going to refuse to enjoy anything that becomes popular you are by definition a hipster.
Hipsters can only be leftists.
No, stop bullshitting yourself.
To be honest, i could not care less about being called a hipster. I can only speak for myself but when something i like gets a significant increase in popularity i don't do a 180 and start hating it, i simply distance myself from the fanbase.
I very much prefer to discuss these things when they aren't overly popular because it means i don't have to deal with posers and normalfaggots that have no idea what they are talking about.
Make it a Musou, only difficulty is determined by the character. Saitama is piss easy/god mode, Mumen Rider is hard mode, adjust accordingly for other characters.
there is more to the definition of being a hipster then just "not liking popular things". A big part of being a hipster is being a huge liberal/communist beta cuck.
OPM was a mistake.
OPM is satire of the current anime industry and all its cliches, I would understand why weebs with low taste would hate it.
Either or
Saitama is purposefully OP, so either make the game rely on OCs or give other reasons why you can't go all out on the enemies. Stuff like a reverse Rampage, where you win missions and rank higher the LEAST amount of damage you do to the city and the most lives you save.
nah, series loves to poke at older series and cliches too.
It's the only manga I read nowadays
I can't think of anyway to do this that wouldn't be very obtuse, but it'd totally work if you simply played as the other characters. Of course, they could always just nerf One Punch Man, and make his titular punch just the finishing move- they always pull this kind of shit when adapting stuff into videogames.
It's boring as fuck to be honest.
it's a show you need a truly high IQ to comprehend.
Doesn't playing tabletop games imply you have friends making you the normalfag ?
What if I play alone
then you play crpgs instead, it's just tabletop for people with no friends.
I have literally no problem with this
Saitama mode
Genos Mode
Mumen Rider Mode
Maybe Tornado for lewd appeal.
Mumen Rider would be the only right run
Congrats, you're huge faggot. You could just choose to no associate with cancer people, but no you have to be a retard and hate it too.
By who's fucking definition?
Yes, what do you want? I already conceded that point here
Mostly played as a joke, with only the lizard and fish being played semi-serious, but even their 'date' is used for comedic purposes and ends with several punchlines.
every one
Would you like to make a fucking point instead of just greentexting at me?
They are still there and are viewed entirely normal. The jokes do not diminish homosexuality or play it off as something bad. That entire section with the two guards is about you coercing them to fuck each other.
Hi, self-denying leftist hipster.
Scary Movie does the exact same joke (with just one person). Is that supposedly promoting homosexuality?
Yes, kike media is promoting homosexuality. Thanks for proving the point.
Show me the clip
People not recognizing his skills drags on for too long even after the tests, people die because the MC is "muh humble noble pure stupidity" DBZ tier cliche.
Its decent, overrated as shit though and pretty much no one of the normalfags that gathered around it gets that its trying to make fun of said cliches because it also embraces them and keeps embracing them even more in subsequent chapters.
Prologue shit bored me to tears and is unimaginative as fuck trying to preach something thats not even taginble with shit tier comedy.
Gurumin, a Japanese game has a blatant gay fish character who wants to fuck the villain prince, does that make the game bad?
And he's an obnoxious faggot you're supposed to hate (as far I'm aware).
I don't see normalfags caring about lolicat girls the /f/ meme. For that matter, normalfags never appreciate things for very long.
Yeah, you are not forced to like Undertale's gay fish woman either, you can just kill her.
Scary Movie was actually making fun of Brokebacks Mountain shit writing and propaganda.
Guard shit happens later if I remember correctly
I'm not talking about the fish. There are two guards in the lava zone or whatever, and the way you beat them (without killing them) is to get them to fall in love with each other.
I'd just like to interject
the only place they deserve to be is ether on a boat back to africa or thrown off a rooftops.
Hopefully this is just a cancer that works itself out quickly. I'm expecting some pony shit since for some reason they still exist and haven't and a few other cancer's before people hopefully start working on the the game in a better direction, good dungeons, new areas, maybe quick little story games.
But then again, my experience with game modding was STALKER, so I'm not quite sure how long all of that (not including actual dev time and coding) would take, but you take the good and bad
You cant because the show is shit
Did we actually get an influx of people? I doubt we got many new people and it's just Holla Forums's own community shitting on its self demonizing anything that slightly annoys them as being from another site.
These movies are fucking garbage but they can still get some chuckles out of me
Not at all
its cuckchan refugees because 4cuck shit the bed again deciding to sensor neogaf threads. We've have at least 500+ new IP's in the last few days. Its hwndu 2.0 pure cancer.
Its not as bad as that one, this time most seem to be contained on the cyclical, still, more shitposting than usual.
Well shit. Time to actually play some video games then. Talking about them now is nearly pointless.
And now all the faggots that stayed there are bringing their "Holla Forums culture" over here. No wonder things have gotten so bad. Hopefully it'll only last 2 weeks this time. Time to catch up on some shows or games.
its worse then hwndu, at least hwndu provided some HeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHe's
Not really no, this time its much more contained, its vidya related and affects many more and more mentally ill people.
at least its not the US election
Unironically looks better than the actual game.
At least it's actual Holla Forums culture and not just bonus Holla Forums crossposting for once
If you count nazis themselves, after 1933.
So, normalfags dont like Hitler. One thing that they wont touch.
It's ok not to like things everyone likes.
That makes everyone wrong but you, am i right?
You can't add dungeons by swapping models, this would require tools to be made specifically for this game or for the SDK to be leaked, neither of which are likely to happen at all.
pic related
Nazi Germany was protestant/athiest
Not Catholic.
jesus what's that code from
Herro fellow airyans
if ru do not rike this comic then ru are niggrer lover
yandere sim I think.
That's not what I was saying. I was just saying that they could something more productive than meme modelswapping and fiddling with numbers to obtain god mode.
nice revisionist history shlomo
user, hwndu went away as soon as the first installation was taken down. This new refugee crisis is here to stay. therefore its worse in my estimation. Demographics are destiny!
There's exceptions?
Do you even pay attention to history? Mussolini and Hitler had a huge falling out because if Mussolinis failure to make his country an independent economy like Hitler did.
All of which doesn't change the fact that GE post warsaw was largely protestant not Catholic.
But what do I expect from a glorified larper?
Its actually not, Lutheranism, after the selling of indulgences led to the spring of Lutheranism the Catholic Church said "fair enough"
Especially when they had a saint who was considered holy for pushing in the soft spot of babies heads.
Its like I'm talking to a 16 year old with only the bare Minimum of historical knowledge, BUT HOW CAN THAT BE POSSIBLE YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 18 TO POST!!!!1
It's too bad the modding community is mainly full of memes and dumb shit from current year, and current year +1.
Do you understand how modding works, like the other user was trying to explain to you retards, the mods are limited by the tools the devs give.
Modders are fucking genies that grant you magical properties to allow mechanics the game code or engine doesn't support.
I meant like changing the particle effects when you hit an enemy.
It's already a thing, user.
I hope this is possible
I'm not asking for a complete entire fucking rework here.