The question is whether or not we will have another Wolfenstein, but how awful is this one is going to be.
Tfw remember about the Darksiders franchise
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It was either gonna be Fury or Strife, and we've already been using Strife's guns the whole time. You'd either need to do what they're doing, change the game completely for a guns only style, or just play as Death or War again. This is pretty much what anyone would have expected.
SJWs confirmed.
Not every game with a female protagonist is leftest propaganda you dumb nigger.
B-but user, the neofag and gamer gate generals told me so!
take it and go away
You poor sweetheart.
fuck off to cuckchan you fedora wearing, 10 bux paying, undertale loving, 3DPD bonering, SJW cucking, nigger watching, resistfaging, myers, gaming journalist, 13 game over, ball licking son of a whore.
Are you seriously gonna try and use the realism argument in fucking DAKRSIDERS?
It's a fantasy game about a horseman killing demons you faget.
Games still need to have consistent logic to them
And besides, it took place in a post apocalyptic earth, right? That means it was supposed to be "historically accurate". So wheres the females in armor and military before CURRENT YEAR, hmmm?
It was always a woman. Ever since the first game.
I take back what I said to the other user, YOU need to go back.
She's not human you cock gurgling retard, she wouldn't be in the human military.
I didn't play the first two so how could i have known that? Also why are you getting mad at me when it was someone else that raised the issue to begin with
You seem to be talking out of your ass user. shut the fuck up and lurk more.
Then why the fuck are you posting in this thread? This isn't Reddit, you can't just walk in here and expect us to spoonfeed you, back you go.
This. I'd say that Fury being the protagonist, when everyone already knew she was a girl, is the last thing you should worry about, but rather
These. We'll have to wait and see if the execution is worth critiquing, but the premise is lore.
what exactly do you mean by this?
No issue with a female protagonist but she could've been prettier
This is what Fury was supposed to look like before the current year.
Pretty hot. Would hatefuck
Oh. Then there are legitimate reasons to be fucking mad.
Oh and for comparison this is a closer pic of the new woke feminist Fury.
Except it was already confirmed long ago she was meant to be the protagonist of Darksiders III, even before THQ went bust.
wewow my duderonis
i hate SJWs so damn much.
Looks like Briana Wu character model.
You're assuming darksiders III doesn't let you change your armor.
Then you have as much validity to your claims as a literature major going into a physics lab and saying atoms aren't real would have to theirs.
Looks like a rejected character from Reboot.
fuck off you retard
also she appears to be fine, boobs and all
I hope Lilith comes back
Maybe it's the tism speaking but I find it more egregious that not one says a word about "Fury" and "Strife" being fuckin' Horsemen. Or that Joe Mad is the western Nomura.
Honestly the gameplay video that they brought up looked like garbage.
hooktube embeds when
I wish it was strife instead of fury, but at the same time the shooting segments of both games sucked utter balls and I don't think they could have pulled off the stylish gunslinger TPS I dream of.
I also hope they change fury's design to be more like lilith's because she looks terrible.
She will. As a gender neutral demi sexual transperson of color.
I've played the first one all the way through and a touch of the second one. What are some of the big improvements in darksiders 2 if any? I have heard good things about gameplay but the story and setting dropped a bit.
Darksiders 2 expands a bit with the combat system which is nice, however the undead world has some horrible padding making it way too long and the angel world is painfully rushed and empty. Final boss is also a fucking joke, he is supposed to be intimidating but you absolutely wreck him.
I preferred 2 over 1. Upsides
Downsides include
She was always going to be the main character of a game, though that doesn't necessarily mean they don't current year her up. In the trailer she was a huge bitch to War for no particular reason. I do suspect she wouldn't have been written in quite the same way if it wasn't the current year.
You're absolutely full of shit. It was fucking stupid. Oh boy I found a chest, now I'll get something ne-oops actually just the thirteen hundredth pair of boots worse than I already have. The new gear and all the RNG bullshit associated with it was a disaster.
What the hell are you on about? What the fuck does that even mean? War's just close to perpetually angry, which makes sense considering he's War and also the youngest and most hotheaded of the bunch (aside from Fury, apparently). He also doesn't exactly go around making random references or crack jokes. Might have made a sarcastic comment or two but that's it.
Also, let's not forget that the game runs like absolute shit. I have no idea how they managed this. Darksiders 1 runs really well, while 2 is borderline unplayable even compared to games that are more complex and that look far better. To even get 60 FPS ever was essentially unheard of when I could run 1 maxed at a stable 60.
It's always the small steps and the ignorant fools like you who lead to the huge downfalls.
Atoms don't truly exist. They are a social construct.
What we refer to as atoms are actually a collection of subatomic particles that are collectively called an atom; that is, there is no such thing as an "atom", but what we really mean is "a group of protons, neutrons, electrons, and other quantum particles"
jesus, please save us from this kind of faggots
you know I'm thinking there's some kinda counter shill op to get as many actual gamers out of the medium in hopes that faggots who don't play games will come in
I sexually objectify as a proton after reading this
I really want Strife's game, and I really want it to be Stranger's Wrath with demons.
At least it isn't a she-boon.
As long as its an actually attractive design I don't care, but if they try to make it a "realistic body image" I'm gonna be unhappy
Much better music, excellent graphical designs. Dungeons are still great, the world is pretty linear but does some extra sidequests to go and do. Combat is okay, loot and rpg systems are okay but they aren't the best and might annoy you.
There's nothing wrong with Fury as the protagonist but the redesign fucking sucks and it could be a sign of SJWs fucking around. And I'm pretty sure the dev team is in the US, THQ Nordic is just the publisher if that's who you thought was developing it.
As if darksiders isn't normalfag as fuck.
Why has Holla Forums been so shit lately. All you faggots do is bitch an moan like a bunch of women.
It was always going to be a chick. You're dumb
As society crumbles, so too does the internet.
See and
Only faggots complained about the woman part, the problem is how they changed it because, and this is just an assumption, muh sexualization. It would be nice if you actually read the thread before being a faggot.
You know what is the worst about it. It's that I could put up with the new design. It's even cool, not bad per se.
But I know
>I just know
She will say something stupid
Some quip about smashing the patriarchy or some shit.
And that is what makes me backflip outof anger. Because it could be good, even with the new design.
that shit looks like fan art
any facts to back that up?
they should remove her face paint, looks retarded.
We've known who the four horsemen were seen the first game. One of the games was always going to have a female protag.
She's based on myth. If you want consistent historical examples than Athena, the Valkyries, Medusa, etc.
It's old concept art from the previous games nigger, try google image search, you'll find pictures of the old designed mixed with the new one.
Another one.
Sure is cuckchan/neofag here.
Comics and concept art.
There's literally nothing to be outraged about yet. Fury still looks pretty sexy. They didn't flatten her chest, and make her wear boots like the women in Gears of War. Odds are you'll be able to change outfits too. So far it still looks like Darksiders.
If they start disparaging men, or the ad campaign pulls some "hear me roar" shit, then yeah, meme them to death.
I liked the idea of Fury using the whip to move around the walls and ceiling during combat. Strife would probably just be slower Vanquish mixed in with some Gunslinger from DMC and a bit of melee.
She looks really cool in that first pic, reminds me of Witchblade. Why couldn't we have had that design instead?
The thing that should be pissing you off the most is that she's named Fury. Not Famine.
Yes there is. It's the slippery slope. She used a lot of revealing outfit in the concept art and the comics, why not here? Even if it's an equipment system like death, it's too much clothes.
Fuck that shit. She does look good, but she doesn't look like she is fucking supposed to look like.
They fucked up that one from the beginning.
Because it looked shit?
Simply throwing floppy titties and a chrome gstring on something does not make it a better design. Her newer armor set looks better than the early concepts, if anything because it looks like they spent more than 5 minutes blocking out basic anatomy and calling it good.
Could still retain the old bodies physical assets, and her designed head. It's not like armor for these peoples really makes a difference considering their powers.
but didnt they change the artist for this game?
I didn't said better design, I said original design, which should be fucking respected.
They changed everything, same with 2 anyway, which is why it felt almost like a completely different game and not a sequel.
1st one was meh.
2nd one was dogshit.
Also they went bankrupt after each one.
How the fuck they keep making this turd? Who's paying for it?
Who's the target audience for it?
Any chance that it's going the Darksider II route of equipment that visually changes what the character is wearing from the default look? Just a thought. I admit I haven't been paying that much attention to DSIII's development.
THQ Nordic is the publisher, while Gunfire Games is still located in Texas the way Vigil was prior. Though, that's not to say that publishers can't force devs to make changes.
THQ went bankrupt once you retard. Also Nordic something bought some of the THQ games and created THQ Nordic and are now re-releasing its vidya catalog and making sequels
Her armor looks like shitty wotlk armor from the lich king raid or one of those pre raid shitty brown and silver armor sets. How uninspired.
Okay the armor is one thing, I understand that the publishers wouldn't let her have big fat tits.
She looks like a greudo
hell hath no fury like a ___ scorned
fill in the blank tard
Okay, I should have made myself clearer. I said the upgradeable weapons were a good thing about the loot system, not that the loot system was a good thing - it really wasn't given how they implemented it. I know it's Death's thing to have his scythe morph into whatever weapon he needs, but they were lazy about it.
I meant that it's not the type of quip-filled humor you see out of shit like Deadpool and such which HAS become the trend. DS2 has good dialogue and the VA absolutely NAILS the protagonist. So basically I'm agreeing with you, no need to fly off the handle.
I got 50-60fps on my old build (Radeon 5450, 4GB RAM, i3-2310) so I've no idea what you're talking about.
Freindly reminder that Darksiders 1 is allot more fun if you know about Crossblade canceling.
She actually looks like a fountain fairy.
oh shit
Hell hath no fury like an otaku scorned.
Why is this allowed?
I wouldn't mind female protags as long as i can customize them and has upskirts.
Theres nothing wrong with a bit of fanservice
well she certainly don't need no man, what a proud independent fury
Fucking weak bait, we got newfag niggers here who are trying too bad.
Played the first one for less than 20 minutes, felt like a generic 3rd person hack n slash with biblical lore for an edge.
3/10 game and the series didnt save THQ anyway. Was the franchise really successful enough to warrant a third installment? Shit id rather see Yoda Stories 2 over a third larpsiders.
Let's hope they're just playing it safe for advertising purposes, while actually allowing customization in-game or through mods.
To be honest I am mostly annoyed that her eyes aren't pure white for some reason. Both death and war had blank white eyes so why doesn't she? even if they explain it I think it would look better without the pupils.
it was supposed to be edgy LoZ and it was exactly that, I don't know what you were expecting.
Darksiders is anime but made by retarded Westerners.
She is one of the horsemen of the fucking apocalypse. She isn't fucking human, you nigger.
The garish makeup, face paint and hair cut make her look like a goth version of those troll figurines.
They should've just given her a mask or something to obscure her face. Here's a quick shitty edit.
God damn, Strife looks fucking sick. Why didn't they make a game about him?
Looks like a fucking tranny. I swear to Christ it's like devs these days all signed some kike agreement that any female characters they make must not be more attractive than the most attractive female that is working in their company.
That design is nice, I love masks
Gunplay like vanquish + WH40K space marine with zelda dungeons killing angels and demons and shit
Yep that already looks better
To be honest Xena type chicks make my cock solid. I'll play the fuck out of this.
Joe Mad isn't on it so looks are going to change. I don't think its being made by swedes though it's being developed by gunfire which was founded by ex-vigil staff. Swedes just bought the THQ IPs. What I'm more worried about with this game is the budget I don't think THQ Nordic is exactly flush with cash. Plus we don't know who exactly from vigil now works at gunfire. So the game might be really unpolished and kind of boring. However it might also be good they might have the right staff and it isn't like Darksiders had a giant budget anyways.
Is it gaseous, otherwise?
Oh fuck, Strife looks cool as shit.
I'm a huge fan of Darksiders 1 and 2, but I'll be passing on Darksiders on the sole basis that the main characters looks like a fuckin' league of legends reject.
Give me good design, goddamn it. Darksiders OOZED it.
Dropped like is hot.
When they put an attractive female character into the game.
I didn't like it. It sounded like a bunch of rejected themes from Jesper Kyd's last AssCreed game (the one where Ubisoft assigned another composer from Remote Control).
The AssCreed Revelations soundtrack was a nightmare to listen to. You could hear the difference between Kyd's tracks and those composed by Zimmer's drone.
Why do you care so much? A whole main game is very different from being a side character in comics and concept art. They don't want it to look like a fucking porn game, so they put her in armor. She's wearing unrealistic titty armor for SJWs to complain about, she has hips, she has normal /fit/girl arms instead of going full Zarya, she has nice hair, and she's not even ugly, given Darksiders' style. All the faces in this game look bad.
Because Famine and Conquest are concepts that are harder to build characters around. I guess Conquest could work in an RTS mode or if you added squad level tactics to the game, but both would require a substantial rework of the game to the point that you'd be better off making a spin-off.
Famine, though, is fucking useless. Oh no, now I'm fucking hungry. Wait, most enemies in Darksiders are demons or angels so they probably don't even eat a damn thing.
Also darksiders games always had alternate costumes since the first one so her look may vary she might have one that covers her face