#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Help Fund The Creation Of GECs Edition



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Gamergate has NO BENIS edition


Catgirls are fucking trash, one step below furshit.

Archive of previous bread

Just thought you could sneak that one in huh

Catalonia is about to burn.

That will be a fun time.

Current Tasks need to be updated.
1 needs a harder push to get a result, or dropped.If 1 is dropped, move everything up.
And OP Goolag needs to be moved up to above Timber IMO.

You can not escape the benus weenus, even if you hide in the shower.

Why do you fucks always show up with suggestions like 10 minutes after the OP asks for them before making this thread

Kill yourself faggot.
Unlike furfags, animal features aren't the primary focus of catgirls plus there is no fucking snout.

Is thing really still going, don't you realise you have lost

Can we spread EA killing old Battlefield games?
It's hey to kill 2142


Animal girls and animal features are just fine, it's only furfag culture that's a problem.

its always the "culture" surrounding shit like furfaggotry, LGBT bullshit and Weed culture thats the bigger problem.

I only just got on.
At least we can discuss:
- Do we need to do more with reporting Polygon to the FTC Yes, nothing has happened
- Whether OP Goolag or OP Timber is more important.
- Encouraging OPs to be done, and keeping shit on topic.


Then why have them at all? Pretty stupid logic.

Well its true.
Personally I think attraction to monstergirls is far more closely related to things like dominance than furfaggotry.

That's pathetic.

I doesn't look that good when even the MC looks like he doesn't want to be there.


Then why do all the monstergirls rape the MC and forcibly extract semen for various purposes?

I think he meant getting dommed by them

I see


Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

It thought we made him rape


I'm legitimately sad about this. the first three titles were solid but now because whoever was in charge of the marketing campaign fucked it all up and the series will probably end here

It's annoying that people don't seem to realize the pushback against "the only good nazi is a dead nazis" is because a huge portion of the country is being lumped in with literal nazis by the left. Joe farmer from Louisiana is probably concerned about people wanting to kill all Nazis when he keeps getting called one.


Trump met with news media's kids for Halloween.

It turns out that campaign was a desperate attempt to disguise a turd, like Ghostbusters 16 was. Game's six hours long and half of that is cutscenes. The writing and mood of the game is really really cringe - they went for blaxsploitation B-movie and failed hard.

It's not just the marketing that was fucked, the game itself is utterly shit as well.

This being looks just like Wojak.

What a horrible racist monster. How do we stop this terrible person? This would never have happened if Jeb Bush had won

That's actually some pretty cute and funny bantz. Surely they'll find a way to take offense


calling it now

Are you a time traveler??????


Nah that is most likely the "grab them by the pussy" shit.

I think it's less time travel and more like SJWs are such shallow people that their responses to things are painfully predictable.

Why does each Xenoblade thread get shilled hard? Is (69) back?

They are all palette-swapped clones derived from soy and made in a factory in San Francisco


probably not worth the waste of time, if half the game is cutscenes, if you want to give recommendation for Wolfenstein game, recommend them RtCW
>much more challenge are the enemies piss easy on the game? haven't bothered checking the game

His head looks like a benis

Because naivete. and I want to bet on it being a neofag.

Game Informer - Single-Player Isn’t Dying, It’s Evolving


Waypoint: ”The new South Park game claims a progressive streak, but really offers the same tired transphobia”


Tauriq Moosa / Guardian - "Nazis as the bad guys in videogames? How is that controversial?"


The Collapse of Visceral's Ambitious Star Wars Game


Sargoy is streaming the new Wolfenstein. He's terrible at it but it's 90% cutscene anyway.

RtCW is a little bit dated but still perfectly playable.

Cause two threads talking about if it might be censored got full of metafag posting and (69) tier shit. For those who don't remember (69) was this shill who would shit up each xenoblade x thread and was pro censorship.

I remember user, I am attributing stupidity to it, until malice is more or less proven.

Goons go after any "anime" game thread, but this time I think its either because the sjweebs and goons failed to get Pyra censored or its a neofag trying to start shit.



Given what we have seen so far that is one of the worst sayings you could possibly subscribe to

It feels like the censorblade X threads all over again.

Also S'arais is back shilling Evolve.

This is going to sound kind of embarrassing, but can any of you take a look at my first "sexism" argument and tell me how I held up in it?

Are you talking about finding your specific post about sexism on all of ResetEra, SocJus hivemind?

No, it was an argument about Cidney's design.

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:

In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Info & feedback welcome

The funny thing about the Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolf 2009 in the setting was that you are OSA agent with mission to uncover the experiments, and sabotaging them, mostly being otherworldly shit. I haven't touched the The New Order and Old Blood so i know jack shit about them, but to return to those two, only Wolf 2009 had some emotional shit regarding with the Kreisau leader near the end, and some chitchat with npcs. And none with the RtCW.
It just seems swedecucks went too emotional, especially now with Trump election "triggering" them, and thus their writing sucks BBC and can't distort reality, history and fiction anymore. also, that last webm with preggo chick giving kickass, i guess what they were attempting, and emphasizing attempting, to do, but the delivery just made stare and say myself "really?" I really should check someone playing through of the game for this time to see trainwreck, pirating it would just waste my time
probably should have posted this in Wokenstein thread but whatever

The only problem I remember was those fucking forced stealth missions, luckily it was only two of them. and the endgame enemies are fucking pricks, but that depends on your attitude to the game.

Also fuck those fucking jumping jacks, scared the fuck outta me

Joke's on them, Nintendo won't change it due to the game being a single version and it follows Japanese laws.

No idea what they tried to do, they tried to make fun of sjw's or the other side but that south park game just felt awkward.

I'll link the exact start of the chain if anyone's interested in giving a young fellow user and gator constructive criticism about arguing.

If not, I'll just leave be.

If it's on ResetEra, then you might get banned just by linking your account here. If its another website go ahead.

If they did change it, the Japanese would be pissed because they got an inferior game thanks to waito piggu.

Today is a interesting day TD stuff is starting to pop up, S'arais comes back and neofag is still being raped in shitpost.

Okay, here goes.



I believe all Japanese companies' trailers do this.

just fucking kill me already
Didn't FEW sell horribly both here and in Nipland?

I think they all think/realize that a huge negative reaction (ghost busters) would sink their product faster than the titanic.

I'd bet those idiots would slobber all over a male character in speedos.


Also, autismbux finally came through.

Do any of you fine wizards and autists know what laptop would be best for a humble RPG with music this good or at least a 2(.5?)D action game in a 3D space?

I knew as soon as I finally got approved, 8ch and my brother are the only ones I know can give me the answer I need to finally get started. Him and my roommate called me insane for wanting this kind of music quality all on my own. But I need to be able to achieve this level of mysticism and wonder.

They do, I am see faggots on Twitter happy that Yuel's new event unit covers more skin in gbf whilst blowing their loads over the shota boy that also appears in the event.

Is this the same person who "fixed" the outfit in xenoblade chronicles 2?

You could try suicide you piece of shit

no, this one is an american fujo.



I'm not sure but all I know is this faggot needs a rope.

Tranny detected.


Just one more reason to immediately dismiss the pretentious bullshit.

How many cock loving characters made by women would immediately say to fuck off to any retard getting asshurt about their personality and choice of clothing?


sometimes if marketing says the direction of a campaign is going in that way the publisher will obey probably without questions, and given it's Teh Todd I wouldn't doubt something's happened to the original script of the game

I've been noticing a lot of people defending this kind of shit have pop team epic avatars lately. I remember a few months back two anons arguing over whether tumblr would latch onto like jojo. Looks like they are.

It's clearly because she's a loli, which is a whole other headache entirely.

"SJWs" don't give a shit about "pedophilia", that's just retards screeching over typical "underage" characters even if they're fully developed.

What are the other games coming out now we can meme as pro-nazi for diverting normalfag sales from Wokensteinberg II?
I mean just look at these shitlords glorifying white supremacy!


please no

This really just symbolizes how white men (specially Italians) don't want immigrants from outside of Mushroom Kingdom in. Mushroom Kingdom should have open borders and Princess Peach should not push traditional stereotypes of white male + white female. Princess Peach is also fat-shaming Bowser. Bowser is HAES and just because he's larger, doesn't make him unattractive.

What is this? A downs syndrome rat?

Of course.

they only go after lolis, shotas seem to get a pass.

unless its americanized loli or it harms a boy.

one of them was probably me, and They will latch on to it and call it problematic at the same time, fucking sjw weebs.

marche, go get blocked telling >she that they had shirow masamune, whos ass they would be unfit to even wipe.


a muslim would say

How is 16 "still pretty sick"? I'd fuck a 16 year old girl if she w as down with it in real life, let alone masturbate to a shitty drawing.

12-16 for muslims = "a young boy or goat is fine too"

The worst thing about this is that apparently these assholes are sending them their "fixes" to the artist.

Retarded moralfaggots legitimately call anything culturally "underage" pedophilia and bitch about how sick and ebul you and other societes are for finding women sexy.

They get all their love interests turned into life-long friendships. Thanks again treehouse.

I hate these subhumans. They've become the moral puritans of decades past.

fixed that for you anons.

Tumblr was shocked that pixiv utterly raped them when they tried colonizing it.


call them 90's christians and watch them squirm

Blame California

Does he have social media?

I honestly want Tumblr sjweebs to try shit with Pixiv again especially with how on edge 2ch is with the Olympics coming up.

He looks like those skull the people claim are alien but are really just people who had their heads deformed because of some stupid belief.

Reminder we still have 2 full years to prepare nips for the final triggering.

The closing thing to this happening is anifem's upcoming attempt of getting a foothole in their "community".

I remember looking at his twitter because he put the art he did for the game but I forgot.

meant closest.

What the fuck did I miss?

Please share.


Sadly there were no archives, but this is what I've been told.

We need to find this somehow and spread it.

Found it.
It's also funny how most characters in the game have more lewd-looking damaged art but Nowi here looks cuter.

Tumblr once tried setting up shop on pixiv and it being 2ch territory things didn't go so well for tumblr.

They don't want retards from overseas fucking with their culture and trying to make them change to appeal to the rest of the world.

The art sucks but there's no need to post somethin like that. Besides GBF is hardly original.

kek, well at least the nips keep their shit clean from tumblr.


most of the western comments are good but then there is this faggot

You're supposed to argue about how if all females lack agency no matter what, it shouldn't matter what they wear regardless, because no matter what they're dressed up in, it's still someone deciding for them. To argue that it's "more right" to dress them up in conservative clothes is to assume that all women in real life should be dressing that way.

What kind of monster girl (?) is that suppose to be?

Just fuck off and stop trying to censor everything! These cunts always bitch about how women or they can dress up how much they want usually with skin showing yet this triggers them.

Sounds like they argue far more for women to be told what to wear than not.

These people sound identical to white suburban soccer moms.

Maybe if you weren't such a misogynist you'd realize the difference between a real life woman choosing to wear a burka and a pretend girl being forced to wear demeaning and slutty outfits by the sleazy men who designed them.

It's not any specific kind of monster–it just is.

Is that good or bad?


Just 14k is pretty bad for a AAA game.

Let's just say that even with an added zero it would still get the same reaction

Just for the Pc release, though, Console players tend to eat up whatever is thrown out there, we don't know the sales figures yet.

What's the original?

It looks pretty terrible so far.
From what I remember, previous game sold something like almost a half-million physical copies for PC because of preorders.

Namely that NuDoom demo, which they locked the trailer for away in order to hype that up as well.


I just don't see it that way and the only thing I'm concerned with is myself or another person drawing a big titted girl skilled at fighting in a bikini or getting fucked by a clearly stronger opponent isn't "oppressing" or "victimizing" them.

I actually kind of liked nuDoom, not as much as classic doom but it was jolly good fun. Shame most of this game is cutscenes.

How bad is the AntiFA propaganda?

I think new doom had pretty good pacing and I liked the secrets, but the enemies felt like bullet sponges at times and the weapons weren't especially satisfying to shoot.

no first for benis, therefore sage

Stupid question, does anyone have webms of this music program that you can feed lyrics into and they churn it out in the fashion of some popular song? I think one of the them was a fun cuck song I never got a chance to save. Only asking because I saw it in a gamergate thread. Here's some stuff I saved in return

I had sonic carnival act 1 playing in the background unaware while this was playing and it ended up being even more hilarious

Nowi is a running gag in the AZ forums.

Kill me

I wonder what would've happened if they had managed to push through with the pedophilia agenda that they had planned, it'd be so awesome to see these people shift and squirm as they have to put up with more cognitive dissonance.

Why are all the video game comic artists super left anti-anime? They say they like FE but want to kill Japan's characters because they aren't what they want.

The original comic was funny. There's nothing wrong with laughing at how Nowi is loli-bait and how that would come across in the united states. It's a problem if you try and pretend that isn't the case in the game by censoring it.

No, it still sounded fucking obnoxious and moralfaggy the way it was worded.

Can you guys stop being wrong? Here, read these comics and learn from them.

Fucking pathetic and beyond saving. I wish only death and suffering.

not sure if bad writing or mocking feminist attitudes.

I paired them up, he had no problem with it.

this is chris-chan levels of comic narcisism. This is a poe, right?

Where is the porn?

Is this an LOL thread?

Retarded cunt doesn't deserve it.

l-lol poor Bob

That shit honestly never seemed funny and I never understood any shitpost images cropped from it.

It really just looks obnoxious.

these can't be real right?

Retards think screeching about how horrible it is to find big tits and women in general sexy or liking any fun things somehow looks "mature" or "intellectual" and it's the easiest pretentious shit to rip apart.

I can believe that, these people are fucking arrogant
>tfw this exact tweet showed up on my feed because an artist I like and followed when I found their twatter liked it



I kinda now that feel.

If the internet back then was considered a "wild west", what would it be considered now?

CWC reminds me of MovieBob. Or the other way around. Either way there was a time where I actually thought they were both the same.


If he liked Mario instead of sonic and hosted a few internet shows from a real website, he's be Bobby. Well, then again, while Bobby has diabetes, Chris Chan has kidney stones and an infected "new Vagina" so he's probably worse off all things considered.

Mad Max?

Why would aliens have anything even remotely resembling a human skull? Even the most basic amount of logic disproves so much stupid shit people believe.

Why the fuck is there a shower head above the toilet?

It's a bidet.

This is a most amusing satire of feminists is it not?


Cause maybe we were made in their image.

How is this retarded shit even a meme?


You need an high IQ to understand humor as subtle as pickle rick


It's a smart show, you wouldn't understand

I don't think anyone other than autistic fucks actually like it. You have to realize that there are a shitload of legit autists in this world, like, really low IQ retards.

But I thought having autism makes you smart

Also bidets don't have the back part to that stores water for flushing or an extra showerhead high above your head, since the whole point to them is that it's a sink that's low enough to wash your ass with after taking a shit, not to finger your asshole in a glorified chair while having a shower.

It really doesn't. Autists who also happen to be smart are able to hyper-focus on their smart-person interests (studying a topic, running hundreds of tedious experiments in a row, etc) and achieve great things through inhuman perseverance.
But plenty of stupid autists exist who hyper-focus on stupid shit instead, like minecraft and memorizing movie quotes, and they don't get anything meaningful done.


The Time Machine, with a bunch of illiterate androgynous faggots only interested in playing with bubbles and thinking happy thoughts up top, and monsters actually running the show inches below, ready to devour them

Just use flushable wet towelets.

Has Eltonel drawn any lewds recently?

He's working on the E4 comic, but nothing particularly lewd in the pages I saw.



I'm glad feminism is finally liberating women so that they know what they should be wearing.

As always, it's only a problem when the girl in question is attractive. I'm sure I've seen landwhales doing non-pants Cammy cosplay posted here.


Tumblr artists are still sticking around pixiv, but even though they're going the websites rules, there's a good chance one of them is going to sperg out during or before the olympics come around.

I hope one of the old guard notices.

And 2ch keeps an eye on the site while keeping their edge toward foreigners especially tumblrtards and sjweebs.

So this happened on Reset Era just now. None of these users were anons, we've confirmed they had NeoGaf accounts they suicided in anger.

good analogy.

Let's hope they snap.

They really are like their predecessor.


I really want them to snap as well because it will be glorious.

Does this mean nyaa.si bad? What's the cartel-run cancer? Is it nyaa.si?


Whoops, guess they got too used to not being banned for wrongthink in the past few days. Luckily the thought police are there to make sure they learn the value of the absolute control they actively sought out to be under.

Transfaggotry is manifestly a mental illness. And that's the polite way of saying that trannies should be confined to rubber rooms where they can't hurt themselves or others.


How come the pros of using pantsu over nyaa were taken off?

Pantsu has no ads, was made by Anons, is open source, and isn't run by faggots


Except a surprising amount of physiological sex differences are decided by hormones rather than the presence or absence of an Y chromosome. Really the only physiological thing that is purely decided by genes are the gonads themselves (that means the testes for males, and the ovaries and uterus for females). Even the outer sexual organs (penises and vaginas) are decided by hormones.
It works out just fine in the vast amount of circumstances because testes happen to produce more testosterone and ovaries more estrogen, but the process can and does fuck up occasionally.
There's a condition known as Testosterone Insensitivity Syndrome where an XY fetus fails to pick up on the testosterone signal and produces what appears to be physiologically female, but has a pair of testicles where her ovaries should be and no uterus. The balls will never drop as there's no scrotum for them to drop into.
There's a couple of other intersex conditions with things such as ambiguous genitals (things that seem to be stuck in between being a penis and a vagina and thus dysfunctional for procreative purposes). These beings tend to report being caught between being a man and a woman mentally as well.
There is the possibility that at least some of the reported transsexuals have a condition that is genuinely based in a physiological condition, but the problem is telling them from the scores of perverts, nutjobs and malingerers who are just looking to score oppression points. And the present day political climate is not exactly making this process easy (or even possible).

Lel, this guys name is German Hacker

Sauce on third image?


isn't she the mom of some character in "My Hero academia" also theres the name of the artits on the image file

This is ironic, right? The girl looks decently hot if drawn right, when do we give her the (((sarah andersen))) treatment?

[current decade] = [current decade internet]

Most people that want to use that line are fucking landwhales that do no physical activity.

I worked with "fat and fit" people, they do exist, but they are not all to common. I worked with this fat mexican guy when I was building Telecommunication towers, and he climbed up like everyone else, might of took him a few mins longer to get to the top, but he got up there on his own. I would consider him "fat and fit"

Zydrunas Savickas being the prime example

wew, this is gonna be fun.

Where's the cute girls?

I'm right here user~ ^w^

Sorry but this one recently got married


Just for you

No fuck you. That logic isn't sound at all, here I posted some tits does that make me a girl too?
No it doesn't. You're a fucking cunt, now post some cute girls as a good looking male or you are dead to me.

I'm going to get fucking blitzed and play FIre Emblem 8 all weekend. What movie do I wath first while I play? I don't ike Fire EMlem 8 so I'll nly be halfway paying attention to the game.
I've eesn most of these already but I need a movie to watch or I start thinking too much. I also have Stange Brew somewhere which is probably a good drinking movie.


But user I am a girl and I post girls :^)

That's not how it works.

Yes it is :3

My father=on-law is fat but fit. He always did really physical work I guess so he's at but could probably break my neck with one hand. He deosn't really like me either. NEver has and I've known him since I was a kid.

who is that semen demon?

Go fuck yourself quads-man.

Now that I think about it you would probably have to be fit first tobecome fitfat, right? IF you were fat first yhen tried to get fit you would just lose weight. I hear really fat people have strong legs if they're not always using those scooters though. They say every day is leg day when you're a fatass. I used to be friends with a fat guy and he told me to squeeze his calves once and compare it to how a fat person's fat feels. His calves were rock hard because he was carrying around all that extra weight everywhere he went. But msoto f these people are just fat, and not even hard calf levels of fit. they just sit in computer chairs and whine.


That what I'm saying, most people that use the "I'm fat but fit", "I'm fat but healthy" are just lazy pieces of shit. As noted, most fat people that are fit, is due to physical labor, so they are active.

Explains SJW landwhales.


People who are fat but fit are too busy drinking whiskey and chopping wood to talk about it on the internet to be honest.

i hope theyir chairs explode into their assholes


Except none of those are girls. Checkmate faggot.


same thing i was thinking when i typecd it.

i am serious i need ti be told where to start ot i neer will

They're all male.

Saki actually is a bro in woman clothes, all the times he has helped Makio in SideM make me see him as this.

why the fuck would I care?
No man should wear womans clothes. If he does, he needs to get a refund.

Guys how do you report bomb something? I need to do a thing today that need this.

There is no women's clothes, just clothes.

Yeah, I got three penises.

Then explain unisex clothes.

Anybody can wear anything.

Dindu who gay, oy not.

Except that's a female.

Nigga das a cat

Used to be human. It's also a rabbit.

Is it? I will never be Japanese enough to know if Nanachi is a girl's name.

I've come to a conclusion while thinking about stuff.
In any argument with two sides, if one side actually understand the other's point of view and how they came to have their belief, while the other side doesn't understand the opposite view (altough they might think they do), then the side that accurately understands the opposite view is more likely to be right.
A way to test this would be to have each side play devil's advocate and argue in the opposite side's favor and see how good they are at it.

what's going on with /x/'s google mongolian translator?

It's not just that but the rabbit is confirmed female in the series.

It's rated teen.

The name for this I've encountered is the "ideological Turing test".


Something to keep in mind is that, while understanding why the other person believes what they believe is important, on average a lot of the time knowledge of another's beliefs is going to be affected by which view is more popular or widely-publicized. If one view is mainstream and the other is niche, the guy with the niche view is probably more familiar with the mainstream view than vice-versa, regardless of which is right.

I wouldn't say that the side that understands both is more likely to be right, but I would definitely agree that an inability to argue for the opposing side demonstrates a failure of a human being.

How will you goobers recover from this?

I didn't know there was an actual term for that, that's great.
It's funny because it applies very well to politics but I actually thought about it while arguing about porn.

Everything turned out better than expected

Got any saved?

Absolutely nothing of value was lost

It's the age of consent in a bunch of US states.

tfw no galko gf.

There were esport players who couldn't get their visa to the US during Obama's presidency but I didn't see anyone bring politics into that

how many other outsiders got a visa for this tournament?

Here's the source that the frightful feminazi didn't link to archive.is/L1ZTK, Chink Team didn't expect to win, had 3 months to prepare, Blizztard organizers didn't help or even coordinated with the teams outside the US, Apparently it's all Gamergate's fault that they didn't prepare adequately or beforehand, it was also Trump's fault that during the time of Obango's presidency that several Starcraft 2, LoL, and Dota 2 players couldn't compete because muh visa!

Poe's law is strong with this one.

Speaking of,

Yeah they can stay out.
I might actually care if they were from Taiwan.

Archive of the chink statement archive.is/sEDyy , oh and for some reasons, only Starcraft 2 got athlete visas, and it only took them 3 fucking years after the game came out in 2010 to get Gook SC2 players to be recognized as athletes and e-sports as a sport in 2013, dunno why the fuck Blizzard didn't prepare adequately if they want along with Valve and Ubisoft to get gaming to be recognized as a Olympic sport, kek.

☑ Denied the Chinese their Overwatch tournament victory

clearly blizzard was too distracted fighting gamergate to actually organise an event. We made them do this to themselves.

Implying they'd win

Somebody edit this for the Neogaf debacle.

ass tto ass and I wanna fuck that.

Here's another example that went up recently >Dota 2 Player Barred From Entering U.S. for The International 2017, Exposing Fuzzy eSports Visa Laws

This has been going on for years in the e-sports faggotry scene, Polygone blamed Drumpf but it's a problem with e-sports and gaming being new and not being taken seriously and consulates and laws/rules are interpreting the reason why they are in the country as something else, this has been going on for years, and Blizzard, Valve, and Riot can't seem to get their shit together and get proper visa rules, but nah, lazy shits.

Post the updated sphaghetti dick one.

Was checking on Digimon stuff and saw Censored Gaming vid, dunno if this was already posted, but why now? there's been religious digimons in the past.

Christians are used to it but SJWs can't deal with seeing christianity everywhere

Maybe it's for the best user.

That's probably it.

Some new Usher
Poor Biodrones, even their SJW queen says, fuck off to defend Andromeda


That's the face of a woman who raped a whole kindergarten school.


I strongly believe that games should end when you run out of content instead of having tons of filler, but isn't that too short for a game you pay $60 for the license to play, not even own? And that's before the cost of the season pass, DLC, micro-transactions like in-game items/timers, or loot boxes.

is that some gender bender or brit?


If I'm going to be playing a game, it better give me more time than a minimum wage job.

Actually, that's pretty fucked up, now that I think about it. A minimum wage job respects your time more than the AAA game industry.

I didn't read past your first sentence and don't need to. Gas yourself.

it's all the 1-2 hour 'artsy' indie games watering down the standard.

We're talking about triple ayyy here.

That and 8 hour movies like The Order

You're retarded aren't you user?

yeah but triple a looks to the whole gaming landscape to determine what would be acceptable. If people are buying 1 hour indie games, then they are more confident with getting away with a 6 hour game.


You mean a 6 hour interactive "cinematic experience". Oy vey goy what a bargain, buy it or else you're a nazi.

4am, please

I hope you fags are watching Garo Vanishing Line.

>in the shower

But how's it supposed to go down the drain? You taking rabbit shits or something user?

From what I remember he stomped on it until it finally passed through. Also stop replying to 4am cancer.

I think he shits in his hand and then drops in the toilet.

I'm back, bitches!

Updates! Give me updates!

Guess what happened? Pro resu a shit :^)

Can someone post the s4t "DON'T FUCK WITH MY DIGS JOHN" webbum? I need it.


The move is done. Finally! Please, give me what I missed for the past 2 weeks.

I believe at least 3 anti-gg folk turned out to be rapists, and neofag burned down because the site owner is a perv.

From what I can tell, nobody really likes the new wolfenstein.
So much so that even a streamfag stopped playing it.

You missed a lot user.

Twitter needs to fucking burn along with Shillicon Valley.




Lose an election, double down and use your scapegoats, fucking hypocrites.

Neofag burnt down, Evilore has a fetish to NTR women in the shower while they're vomiting, and apparently the girl in question broke up with his boyfriend and got into a relationship with the Goblin King, mass exodus of the cancerous neofags and janitors, Journos are shilling the narrative that it was only the Gardener that was Evilore that destroyed the Tree that was Neogaf while the Apples like the users and mods dindu nuffin. They are currently in their new shithole called ResetEra, viola, new shithole same as the old. Apple isn't that far from the tree.

These games are out, they're all doing shit, but compared to Wolfenstein 2, AssCreed WE WUZ KANGZ and Shadow of Retcons are doing miles better.

post cuphead's stats

Released at the same time as Shadow of Retcons, it pretty much fucked over it on sales.


Oh, and it got a million sales in two weeks, Warner Kikes are still quiet on Shadow of War's overall sales other than saying PR shit like it broke it's Triple-A billing

Anyone notice the absurd number of Wolf 2 threads lately? Are we being raided?

Might be, but it's mostly retard OPs who can't fucking use the catalog or search for the Wolfenstein threads.

It's easy b8 for both Holla Forums and Holla Forums.






It's a good reminder that Cosby and Weinstein were pretty much good and pure in the eyes of the Libtard Demorats, look at how fast they fucking turned over them. As for putting GG in there along with those two, remember that she's a sad sack of shit who is trying to bait people.

I miss you people. 2 weeks have been agonizing without you people. It's been REALLY hard, man.



Appropriate. They've been injured.


So after most of their other divisions are bleeding money, they go back to anime, wonder how the animation studios that Sony owns will feel about this.

Literally what they should have done.


It's almost been a year already and they're still salty. Can they just let this go?

How is that last on not a girl? The rest have boyish looks except the 4th one.


Does having new statues being defaced even get the news?

Every trap in anime is basically drawn like a flat girl with a dick anyway.

I thought the last one looked like the literal faggot from steins gay

They think they are leading the revolution.

November 4th hype?

Well they are revolting, can't deny that.

She(♂) has a benis

It looks more like random acts of vandalism than a "revolution" to me.

That image makes me sad for some reason.

That's who it is, better not be talking shit about best girl


They use all sorts of rationalisations for their crimes. For example among anarchists within antifa you see a lot of them justifying stealing because they see property as theft. So if you mug the elderly or steal public property then it's ok, since you are just giving it back to the proletariat, which is quite conveniently you. Among Communists you see the justification for being hypocritical that it's simply dialectics and that their hypocritical behaviour is therefore justified, since it is a necessary step in the goal towards Communism. All dialectics means is "X thing happening makes it easier for me to get Y to happen", whereby they take Hegel's concept of it (which, due to the scope it lies in, is applicable to in theory find metaphysical truths but in practice becomes victim to the same stagnation philosophy has suffered) and then pretend they can apply to politics, they use "dialectics" when referring to dialectic materialism and try to pretend they have Hegel behind them to convince the uninformed that what they are doing is philosophy and not politics.


apologies for even more twitter caps


Another one? Unsure of his relation to GG but he was at least a "gaming journalist". He deleted EVERYTHING and stuff is difficult to find.

this looks like it's sarcastic but you can never know


Not your therapist.
But if I were, my prescription for you would be a bullet to the head.

Any one have a good phone number/sms site? Somebody must have been salty over my shitposting on twitter, now I've been put in the phone verification gulag, and can't use twitter at all. Even creating a new account immediately puts the new account in the gulag.
I tried a bunch of numbers off sites but now twitter says I tried too many times and have to wait an unspecified amount of time.
Ha, I hadn't even said anything offensive, I must have pissed off the faggot who drew that Nowi 'edit' because I told them to stop appropriating Japanese culture.

That new "games" forum looks like it's filled with the best people from neogaf, amirite

I'm hoping this is a poe just sent in there to stir shit up.

Dude, this is precisely stuff no one'd be surprised to find on neogaf. Just take a look at the admin/mod teams, you'll see the worst offenders of this type of bullshit; why would it be weird in any way to find this kind of retards ?

Because my mind continues to believe that no one is this retarded.

Mark has some 'splaining to do

Not enough chins

that was just re tweeted by broteam and she's a friend of his

so it is parody right?

Yes, Mark reproduces by budding.

Cosby's thing is till going on if I recall, and note she did not add hillary, who was found guilty of projection colluding with russia.


Rules for radicals

Yep. I am curious what corpses are in anitas closet, I suspect assault and maybe shota rape


Is it just me or are big AAA games having troubles selling lately?

and here


When games cost 70-80 and the economy is tanking in large buying areas like canada it happens. I hope AA can revive again. I miss you midway, I miss dark legacy

textnow.com worked earlier this year

Seriously? You can't even make a screencap, instead you want me to go on the twitter honeypot?

They're literally banking on things that annoy the fuck out of what was formerly their most loyal demographic. And then publicly insulting said demographic when their own failures are made clear.

Ubisoft complains about bad sales since Assassin's Creed 2, don't you remember that cancer drm they had in ac2 and how long it took to crack it? Was a big deal back then, people used AC2 as an example for DRM not increasing sales.

Also I hope the AAA goes straight to hell.

Yeah, 80 canadollarydoo for lootbox infested games is excessive. I'm far from having money problems but in Quebec the sales tax is around 15% so a 79.99 game is in fact 91$, almost a 100$ for some shitty 8h game with a tackled on multiplayer which will be dead in a month.

I'm seriously having more fun replaying Morrowind now than any of the latest release.

I feel like this is mostly a problem with western games and Japanese games/companies that try to emulate western games/companies. Though I'm not sure; I always see a lot of big Japanese games as lower budgeted games than what the huge million dollar games that the west puts out.

No it's fine. Probably all that bagged milk going to your head.

Thanks, but I tried to sign up and it's giving me
I'll try again later.

It's the small things.

NS has that too. AndI finally figured out how to get witcher ee to run well on my toaster, so I am gonna do that. Games at 80~ average is a bubble ready to burst. and since vidya is a growing industry in canada, or so it has been claimed, thats another hit to our shambling economy, harper called out the nafta thumbsitting of the liberals, the went "we dindunuffin" and they think they can play chicken with trump, who holds all the cards, and benefits from nullifying it as the states has a small debt to canada still that will disappear because of our shenanigans. Trudeau hired stupid people for the job because he is not a politician but a hollyjew wannabe, and everyone I mention it to agrees. Someone from the states tell hollyjew to give him a job to get him away from us.

It was inevitable given that they kept raising the prices with endless limited editions and DLC garbage while providing less and less content. You can get away with it for a little while, but normalfags do catch on eventually and are now voting with their wallets.

It's really bizarre to watch everything people on Holla Forums have been saying for over a decade become justified and shown to be correct over and over lately.

Yet smaller games like EO5 have amazing soundtracks. There is no reason to buy AAA games in current year.

Seems like when JP games are tighter with budget, they can produce some pretty good stuff.


That would be the best, Current Year Man probably won't be reelected if there isnb't any jewry, I travel around Canada a lot, and most regret electing him. Compared to Trump, Trudeau looks like some yes-man submissive cuck.

What was the Dragon's Crown budget again? 10 million yen?

Holla Forums and /pol are always right.

I dont think i bought a single western game this year except for grimoire.

I heard it was something around 1 million US.

Me neither, I'm still playing Nier Automata and I'll get to P5 after once my sister is finished with it. I'm waiting the dotHack GU remake too, I liked those games, played them a lot when I was a NEET.

I am waiting for .hack gu to be cheaper, I recommend watching roots before playing if you are new to GU. and read legend of the twilight

I still havent gotten to neir yet. Waiting for more money to come in. So far persona 5 is my GOTY with EO5 coming in close second. i just remembered that sonic mania is technically western

Same. Though all the games I've been interested in for the past few years have been mostly Japanese games.

Yakuza, Dragon's Crown, Persona, Nier Automata, Nioh, Etrian Odyssey etc

Though Japanese games have their shitters too. Thank goodness I bought FFXV used. It was a ton of retarded fujobait characters, wasted potential and poorly executed ideas. Even with the fujoshi bait you could've made something memorable but it's probably one of the most mediocre "attempt to please everyone and we ran out of money" game I've ever played.

Did you read the original concepts for vs? They raped the game to make xv its bad when the free 2d beat em up is better.


they are not just pandering to a demographic that doesn't buy video games but also actively antagonizing the ones that do. coupled with the collapse of the credibility of the video game press (who are in turn are staffed with people that quite visibly don't buy or play video games and also antagonize those that do) they cant convince people to purchase for these large yet mediocre games anymore nor build any hype for them. with the rise of streamers, youtubers and other influencers supplanting the press, they are forced to rely on said influencers but being independents, the results are hard to control and the influencers will often inadvertently tell it like it is especially through their lack of enjoyment, or by shilling so hard it removes any interest in the title.

in short, if they keep doing this shit AAA are gonna crash so hard.
the secret to success is to just make good games and don't insult your audience.

also i miss the days of B-games. like games that weren't AAA but weren't completely indie and had a bit of budget. that entire side of the industry just died sometime during the ps3 era (especially the japanese side). i liked them cause they would always have some great ideas or gameplay mechanics even though they weren't the best games but since there was a budget, they would be more fleshed out than what you would get in an indie game nowadays. to use a food analogy, it was like finding a podunk middle of nowhere diner that serves a great burger. not dining at a fine restaurant nor buying food from a shady hipster with a jalopy food truck.

That's not even half of it. They didn't add a proper dodge until FAN FEEDBACK told them to.

Tabata directed this. The same guy who directed Type-0, which had fairly decent combat and diverse fighting styles. Also the ability to switch between various characters on the fly, each with their own abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

Like fucking how? I could think up ways to use the control layout better for everything that an action RPG needs, and not sacrifice shit like spell variety like what was done in FFXV.

FFXII is miles ahead overall of any other game SE has released recently. From completely customizeable AI to the ability to pick and choose what skills the characters are able to have next to a degree. IZJS/Zodiac Age is probably the best thing they've done in a while.

This is a sad truth. And I used to fucking hate XII.

12's only real flaw was van, and the story could have easily be rewritten to make van's brother survive but be scarred and soft amnesia pertaining to just who he is, but have ended up in the same town you start off in having been found and brought back to health by penelo. Hell,it would make him more relevent to the story.

I think it's also the publishers going "what will sell" instead of focusing on fun.

Penelo wasn't any better though. MC should have been Basch and the story simply stay about the Empire annexing Dalmasca.

I dont disagree, but what I wrote would give penelo relevence as van's brother's savior.


it's just fluff, just use a proxy

PC Gamer Beseeches Blizzard To Hire People To Censor Overwatch Community





Yes, they keep listening more and more to SJWs and leftists, specially because they feel that video games are a means to fight against Trump. And the fact that people play video games to escape reality goes completely over the heads of SJWs, who think video games shape reality.

How generous :^] tell me that when sweden, when britian and even spain's parliments are mostly men again, and when men cease doing things because women demand them to.

Screencap the article titles and watermark the archive links in it.


Disgust. And women today are the equivalent of dark age men who call all women devils who should be enslaved lest they kill everyone. It was idiotic and harmful then, and it still is now. someone should post a archies weird mysteries webm for the holiday.

user you had one job

Disgusting 3D.

They don't want love, they want money. Those women are money seeking whores just like Afton Smith.
I'd better settle with an office lady, at least we would both have careers.

The site where this come from is for whore (there user) who wants sugar daddys or mommys, it is not a dating site. Men have to pay 10K to be a member and browse.

Knew a guy who used this when he needed to appear with a woman in public since he wasn't dating anyone. They are a desperate lot. He would never pay them and once stranded one in some European shithole country I can't remember. Anyway it's a long story.


So it's like findom but you actually get to meet the whore your paying for without having sex.

That explains everything. Point still stands, though, they're here for the money.

Guys this is really autistic as fuck. You are looking at some trash women and then you blame all of them. Decent woman exist, no idea why this has to be said.

I was kinda refering to article 4 of with the latter part of my comment.

3D is always PD.

Fuck the internet for ever making me find effeminate anime boys getting fucked hot.

There is no fucking other side. It's facts, nature and intelligence against pathetic, pretentious insecure pseudointellectual retards.

Say user, do you have the webm version of this? I can't play this format on my browser.

Twilio gives you a free trial of a custom phone number that you can receive texts with. The problem is that I think Twilio itself requires a phone number to sign up. However I've heard Twilio doesn't blacklist nearly as many numbers as twitter, so you can probably use one of the better/newer phone numbers on those sites to get a Twilio account, then use Twilio to get into twitter.




Thanks user, I'll check that out later.

This is pure clickbait brah.


I wholeheartedly agree, women should be the ones working while men sit back at home.


She's really going all out with this narrative.


Fat-but-fit only applies to fat muscular men with the bodies of lumberjacks. A more accurate, but gay term is bear


Good luck to burgers at 4th November there will be country scale riots at this day.
Be prepared, just in case.

Are you still surprised?
Majority of them are cancerous faggots.

I got an idea how to help women. Don't engage with them, simple. How she still can spout her drivel around is beyond me, her creds should have been burnt by now.

Can someone explain what the fuck "template thread" is supposed to mean?

It means you should lurk more


It means you have to go back

Shit-tier threads made by newfags and/or redditors.
Console wars and another crap that nobody here gives a fuck about.
Pure waste of board catalog space.

Sounds like nobody has a clue what the fuck it means.


Although the first three replies aren't answering your question, however is. A template thread is a low-effort and low-quality thread that gets posted in the exact same style at such a regular basis that they are banned to cut down on cancer. The fact that you don't know what it is makes it clear you aren't a regular user, thus leading to the first three non-answers.

I've been on the darknet since 2006 you n*gger.

Sure you have

By the way, what happened to the pornstar supporting us?

PragerU Goes Into Detail About their Lawsuit against Google; Alan Dershowitz is on their legal team


The UK Government responds to the Loot Boxes petition. Apparently the Gaming Commission have the power to step in. At least for the lootboxes that peeps can exchange for cash.


web.archive.org/web/20171028161224/https://www.please use archive.is/en_uk/article/gyjvkm/right-wing-newspapers-are-a-threat-to-free-speech-at-university?utm_campaign=global&utm_source=vicefbuk

She's still doing her own thing, really busy. twitter.com/themercedesxxx

That gif shouldn't make me laught so much, but it does.

Mercedes Carrera ? Still doing her own stuff I guess.

It should be, but it's now uncommon to see women who don't listen and believe, aren't materialistic, care for something other than themselves. Even you must have known people who are like them and unfortunately, they are the outdoorsy ones and most visible/popular in a group.

Oh well, I eventually had to make the jump anyway.

user, she's been doing a lot of kinky porn fetishes before she entered GG.



I hate to defend him, but a girl travelled to a different city with him, got a hotel room with him, got smashed with him, and then decided to take a shower with the door open in their hotel room. Awkward fuck tried to jump in the shower with her, was told no, left the shower, and was surly the rest of the night. After this incident - or maybe before, timeline unclear - they were fuckbuddies.

In order to disavow this not-entirely-unreasonable behaviour, NeoGAF essentially virtue-signalled itself out of existence.

Kill them, KILL!

I don't know in what kind of a niggerhole you guys live, but no, I don't agree with you guys here. For ever shitty woman there are 5 decent ones, good people are clearly in the majority. I don't know where you guys spend most of your time, but neither in my workplace, nor in my school back then we had a shitload of shitty women. This may be the case for high school dropouts who work as burger flippers all day long, but if you have a decent education and okay job you will work with decent woman around you.

I can name you a shitload of decent people, but I have a very hard time naming bad woman. Friend of mine met a girl in a city far away, they liked each other so much that she moved to his town. They have been together since 2 years now, still happy. There was a polish girl back then in school, really sweet girl. She always helped everyone with their homeworks and shit. And even thought she had very good grades she wanted to work as a nurse because nothing makes her more happy than helping other people. That said, I also met a guy from Ghana there, same class and he was just like her. His top priority in live was to help others. Also had very good grades but now works in a pension because he likes nothing more than to help people who have a hard time in live. You just have to focus on the good things, hiding in your parents basement wont get you anywhere in live.

Let them, these people are their worst enemy, this is why Trump won.

My dad used to fuck those girls. It was amazing to me how hot these women were and they were all willing to fuck him for money even though he was fat, balding, and approaching 70.

Now that's desperation.


And when they DO cover it, like when Elijah Wood came forward with allegations, only Fox News gives him a platform, and people collectively go "EWWWW, FOX NEWS!"

Wasn't Washington actually a romanticized ignoble dick who just played armchair general?

I'm almost certainly confusing him with someone else, but thinking of him vaguely stirred that suggestion. Memory is fucking weird.

I just want to preemptively apologize right now for even mentioning such a thing about our first fucking President and Founding Father.

Anti-GamerGate retards are officially the most pathetic fucking excuses of human beings literally ever.


What really gets me is that she's trying to say that this is an inherent problem with men. Yet just about every time someone tried to expose the rampant sexual abuse in Hollywood, it was usually men, who ended up being mocked and silenced. Hell, according to someone on KiA, Barbara Walters tried to silence Corey Feldman when he tried to speak up about the rampant sexual abuse because he was "damaging Hollywood culture."
So no, it's not a problem inherent in men, it's a problem inherent in rich assholes. But they don't want to hear that, so they'll blame GamerGate.

When was the last time those idiots didn't blame us?

Well, if you ask them, we're responsible for The Troubles and the Holocaust, so really, never.

Conversion therapy does not and has never worked. If you like seeing boys get their asses fucked, it's because YOU ARE A GAY.

I can't be gay if it's literally only that little bit gay that appeals to me and the other 99.99% of my sexuality is tits and ass and blatant sexism towards men for all the retarded cucks and insecure repressed degenerate cowards they're polluted with.

I'm factually not even bisexual, you stupid fuck.

Are you Holla Forums or just a feminist?

I never said that all immigrants are good, I am just saying that good people exist everywhere. I don't believe that the worst white person is better than the best black person. But why dont you talk a little about yourself? What kind of a shitty job do you have right now?

So, any interesting news? I just have to wait a little longer until Catalonya burns and I need something to distract myself with and can't play videogames now.

Why do you keep calling this shit stupid, idiotic or moronic? This isn't ignorance we're dealing with, it's straight up pathetic deliberate mental impairment.

This subhuman shit might as well be going "hurr durr uggh".

Because that's the definition of an idiot or a moron?

We could call them retarded, but that's an insult to all mentally disabled people.

I want to add a new definition to retarded then.

Or even create a new term from an intelligent majority that actually accurately describes something beyond stupidity.

There is already. Leftist.

That won't catch on properly and just be more "political" shit. All you'll get is more up its own ass "hurr both sides r dum" bullshit.

"Left" is supposed to be the balance to "Right" and liberal is supposed to fucking stand for liberty and yet the worst authoritarian for the pathetic reasons shit comes from "Democrats". Unbelievable.

Can't "voluntary retard" become a new term? The equivalent of noncoherent mental impairment by unsympathetic arrogance? Some people seem to like the idea of it.

Something you must understand is that there is nothing you can do to convince normalfags if it isn't come from themselves. Any word you make will be automatically turned into something bad because it came from the 'right'.

For fuck's sake, they didn't took long until they got Snowflake and make up some shit about that being some term used in nazi germany to refer to jews incinerated.

Neofag died in a shower of shame.Black Science Man got accused of Rape.Steam got bullied because TechRaptor was in a promotion for the curator stuff or something.Wolfenstein has a preggo action women in it for no reason.
A few more Male Feminists got accused of being creepy sex weirdos and rapists. s4t chimped out and patricided the frick out of his dad for being a "leftist paedophile".

Willfully ignorant?

Deliberately wrong?

They're called AA games

I thought that definition was disregarded even by normafags and what they chose to believe was when the author of fight club said he invented the term because one of his villains used it to refer to his brainwashed followers.
God damn it normalfags.

I know all of that, I was hoping for something new.

8ch ate my image. Fix your shit codemonkey.

Even now "feminists" and "liberals" are constantly commenting, saying they don't want anything to do with that pathetic insane "SJW" shit and just want to help people.

"SJW" is a grave accusation because the very fucking name makes a retard embracing it look bad. Impotently screeching about being transparently threatened by or jealous of sexy ink and pixels of women isn't remotely "justice" and nothing about these pseudointellectual, edgy wastes of life spoiled beyond rotten bloggers are remotely "warriors". It became an insult because you all and eventually I as well made it only collectively associate with unbearable pretentiousness that impotently screeches "sexist" and "racist" to ironically try to hide how unintelligent and obnoxious it really is.

"Liberal" simply does not bring to mind that kind of arrogance. It makes you think of the word "liberty" and by extension more freedom for people to enjoy life in peace.

The fuck?

Where does that come from? why nobody denounced that cultural apropiation?

No shit

What amazes me is the incident were he sexually harassed a woman was actually a LOT WORSE. He grabbed a woman's ass after she asked him to buy her a drink because, in his own words, "I wanted to make sure she knew I was in charge." Autistically misreading signs and going for the naked man play is pretty fucking light in comparison in my book.

Tim Schafer is a fag, but you can own one of his games without giving him a dime. (Or a bunch, if you pay on Humble and give it all to charity)


I swear there's times where I just want to somehow drive my own self depreciation and humble sense of insignificance into every single one of these smarmy, insufferable sounding pieces of shit America and Europe are now infested with.


Is Kotick a faggot or does he still shit on this pathetic retard?

He's never rescinded his comments on him, as far as I know.


Doesn't retard sound more insulting though? We associate obnoxious gibberish with it except this can't be helped whereas the metaphorical equivalent of this is a s straight up choice, just like otherwise normal homosexual men and women who become straight up pride fags and retarded man hating bulldykes.

"Ignorant" just sounds pretentious and "wrong" even more so. Like you're condescending just as punchable.

The fuck did Teddy do to deserve this

Hey, thanks a lot user. I've been trying to learn more about adventure games and this one looked pretty neat in this video about puzzle design.

You're welcome. I've been leaving keys in other threads, and another in this one. 3 more to go.

He was a rich dude who marketed himself as a man of the people, just like Drumpf!

He has a statue of himself, so that's enough for the cucks to hate him.
Seriously, if there's a statue that is not Obama or Hillary, they will vandalize it. I'm actually surprised that they didn't bomb the Statue of Liberty.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is what they planned for 4th November.
I wonder what kind of crazy day it is going to be.

They'd have to get pretty desperate to do a thing like that.


I thought I noticed a SJW infestation at Urban Dictionary.

I have literally never heard of someone described as an "incel" unless it was some feminist chastising someone for "being a virgin loser."

I don't know much about explosives, but it looks like the statue is pretty big and hard to hit, so I don't think those guys would go around searching for bombs to put in the statue without an exterior entity issuing the hardware.

Fedora tipping m'lady type redditors adopted it and go by it

Why isn't that place burned to the ground?

Or maybe some shit forced meme like the milkshake duck?

He was a manly man with a big stick

Well, I mean, the top definition is basically a three paragraph essay about how much they suck, so I'm probably going to go with that.


Goons used that website to write forced memes and change slang for few years already.
With various effects between milkshake duck and snowflake.

I know they are unable to do that.
However I saw weird smug Holla Forums thread on Holla Forums about what is going to happen during 4th November, so I am little worried.
The thread was deleted after ~40 posts.

I dont think anything big will happen on nov 4th, it will just be on a later unanounced date.

Here's a possible copy of the shitty men in media list


I wish they would try some stupid bullshit that will turn the entire country against them but it will probably amount to nothing.

Maybe someone will tell them Le Not Misremembering Mask Man Day happened on the 5th

Like bombing the statue?
I know what to meme tonight.

I think american antifa is larpy enough to try and stage a "revolution" of some kind.

Probably, you right.

Too bad.
Some days I wish for it to happen.

Just in case they will stage it Commieformia or Jew York.

Is that real or fake? How do we know this isn't some fake appeal to emotion? A plant to make the trump camp look bad?

dammit, miss all the goodies. Regarding the game, was there any "changes"? Not in graphical way.

look at what other things that guy posted. He's either a troll or he's paying likes just like literally wu about her dog.

about his* dog. fuck.


Is this netflix "anime" shit something to worry about?

As long as it's pathetic retarded anti-sex cuck shit that inevitably gets memed to oblivion, no.

Castlevania wasn't bad.

I call bullshit

Yes, you should. It will give Netflix, and by extension Soros, the ability to say

Crash and burn.

how were you able to translate an appeal for distribution of food/water an attack on trump? Because the latter isn't doing anything about it? I only listened up to when she asked the US to do something.

My advice to them: clean up their own mess. It's their fault that they voted for their government officials.

do we know how successful neo yokio was ? I figured that this would end up with a hoard of low quality garbage like the oelvns on steam.

All the lewd artists and directors are all we need to kill off any pathetic attempt at cucking the anime industry.

Does 2ch know about this?

From what I hear, it was a "Tumblr thought it was trash, but they kept watching it to be offended" deal.

Since it's an anonymous source, it's not exactly something you can verify, but from the situation in Puerto Rico it sounds plausible. They have over 70 billion dollars worth of debt, which is fucking huge considering the fact that they have a population of 3.6 million, in other words that means if you divide all of the debt equally then every single person in the entire country (including women, children and the elderly) has $20,000 of unpaid debt on them.
Their economy is getting fucked by negative growth of almost 2% per year, they have around 25% unemployment rate and they have negative inflation. In other words, they are in a deflationary spiral and will most likely not solve it any time soon, since they believe that they will be allowed to become a US state and thus get magically cured of their debt. They have GDP(PPP) per capita of around $16,000 (which should give perspective on how bad the debt thing is).
42% of the population are below the poverty line, while Detroit has only 25% in comparison. Oh yeah and did I mention that the relief that is being referred to in the broadcast is to do with the recent hurricane? The entire island was without power or water, along with having dwindling food supplies, for almost a week. The fact that EVERY SINGLE party within Puerto Rico is either leftist or left-leaning doesn't send very good signals when it comes to the government distributing aid, especially when the country is so deep in debt.

How does puerto rico having massive debt make the governor and mayor literally starving people by withholding US aid more plausible?
I'm genuinely curious.

Most still don't have electricity. I haven't had power since Irma, and that one didn't even hit us.

What should we do with this? Cross-reference it with the Deepfreeze journo list to find any matches, then take it from there?

It means two things: corruption and severe inefficiency. For corruption, there is a very high possibility that resources will be first given only to those that will be the most likely to get them re-elected, friends/family/associates and government workers to ensure they don't revolt too much. And on the inefficiency, they will do lots of stupid shit if they can't function properly even when everything is still going fine, lots of groups providing aid have stated that the rate at which they can help people has been severely bottlenecked by bureaucracy within the Puerto Rican government. So if you have resources that are being bottlenecked then you end up dealing with limited resources in contrast to other disasters where you are dealing with limited outreach possibilities. Combine that with the corruption and you have a Venezuela-level shitstorm waiting to happen.

That was over a month ago, no wonder they want to join the US fir that sweet Federal Money.

They're "on edge" for the imminent retardation they'll have to deal with for a few weeks before saying to fuck off.

I see Vice wants to play the game reviewer game, with bonus slandering the new Wolfenstein's critics as alt-right nazis:

Reminder that basically every word for "idiot" was once a medical diagnosis or retardation, but each one was taken into the common lexicon for "stupid." Dumb, idiot, incompetent, and moron are all words that at one time were official diagnosis for someone not having a fully functioning brain.

I've literally never heard that word before in my life.

They're just making shows to cash in on western anime fans, because Japanese anime is becoming shittier and shittier over time. Plus, anime is insanely cheap to make, so I don't see how this is really anything other than a reasonable business move.

There's been a ton of praise that it was the perfect level of "So bad it's good." No one I've seen thought it was a good show, but at the same time everyone enjoyed it. I did too Webms related.

Yes, it was. A lot of the effects were nice, but it was still shit in terms of writing, characters, and even monster designs were not as good as a lot of the ones from Castlevania, even 3D. They looked generic, while older games had clear inspirations.

Yeah, there was supposed to be a restructuring or something that was going to fuck over Puerto Ricans worse due to the keys being in the hands of various banks or the like. Unless I am mistaking things, anyway. That seems to have been swept under the rug since that was when Obama was in office.

There isn't a push on the statehood/independence change, or at least I haven't heard anything here recently after the hurricanes.

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification.

So… shitposting time?

Is anybody playing For Honor?

I assume some people are.

It is fun.

Yet it gets old pretty fast.

Play the superior version

562 replies and on page 10, still some room and time remaning for non shitposting.

It is just that I prefer shitposting about stuff I'm interested about than start getting fucking Namis.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

I don't even have a fucking idea what that is.

I guess a touhou?

It's newfag

To be honest, I've been seeing that since it appeared and I had no fucking idea what it was, yet never asked because I didn't want to be shamed.

60-90$+ dollarydoos depending on where you are and taxes. Studios and publishers keep wanting to make games into "cinematic experiences". Claims it costs more due to high quality hypersuperduperphotoreal assets. Marketing costs are increasing because you need socia media influencer numedia as well as old. You need high quality Voice Actors such as that squeeky voice manic then exaggerated low voice actress\activist\quirky2the max e-celeb, actual celeb VA from the latest HBO series to do voice work.

Make lootboxes and seasons pass on single player games, declare singleplayer games are dead. Make sure you shit on your former and potential customers on social media with the help of your game journo buddies. Make sure your art team creates the most visually unappealing character designs, make sure to put dated memes and inject obnoxious politics and slactivist elements into games.

Yeah, I hope it continues to go well for triple Ay.

Wolfenstein 2 is only 6 hours and apparently is more cutscenes than gameplay.

And that's the reason most smaller games are actually being successful.

Because Rimworld, 7 Days to Die and other true indie games that aren't hypster shit are successful, right?


The cancer really is spreading outside of modern gaming, and of all subjects too. Getting desperate and have to look elsewhere.

Bass mint.

I avoid Ubisoft shovelware as a rule. I'm replaying Morrowind now.

Aren't they?


AAA gaming can't crash fast enough.


That's why I asked!

Why even bother with mostly cutscenes when you can go on youtube and watch them all?

I have not played those titles and have not looked at any numbers on them. I just stick to my personal guidelines of never doing pre-orders and day1 buy bullshit, the highest $ I would spend is 30 clams on any title I'm interested in. And right now I only have a few titles that caught my eye, and I can wait for sale on them.
Battlechasers, Hand of Fate2, and another title that is taking it's sweet ass time porting to loonix but that's about it off the top of my head. Everything else has not caught my eye this year.

Is vivendi still stalking ubisoft like a hungry wolf.

More like Wolfenstein: The New Order 1886.

This is why the "B" rank games died dueing the PS3 era.

2D and lower-end 3D graphics can be done on a budget that lets a smaller studio still pour their hearts into the game itself. But when major publishers like Sony won't license your shit unless it has a Star Trek holodeck for a graphics engine (remember, Working Designs died because Sony refused to let them bring several 2D SRPGs and JRPGs to the console, even after localization work had already started, because MUH EMOTION ENGINE had to be shown off) then it starts a sort of vertical progression of graphical power.

For a long time games were ranked first only on "how good does it look" with the remaining scraps of the development effort being divided between all the other parts of the game.

This has seemingly changed in more recent years, with people like Atlus bringing over more Disgaeas and the like, but it seems to have remained the status quo long enough to kill off any "B" game ambition that the Western vidya industry once had.

I wish, Carlos.

I wish.


One game I am looking forward to is iconoclasts (SJW devs aside, it looks fun).



It's basically a shitty movie with bonus interactive parts then? Wew. Good jeb on becoming the next hollywood WF3. Good jeb.

One trend that comes back often is that excluding the ringleaders, most SJW are broke as fuck eternal students with no real careers and infinite student debt. They must not buy a lot of games. They have to pay for their macbook pro to write their communist drivel on it afterall.

They talk so much about humanity yet they behave like aliens.

A good portion of that "gameplay" is walking around too.

I thought you were being sarcastic. Those are like hugely popular games with over a million people who bought them and a million sales of something like that goes much further than Assassin's Creed or Hellblade. Or like Player Unknown's Battleground is a networking accomplishment but otherwise everything in that game is bought straight off the Unreal assset store so all those billions of dollars are mostly profit.

The audacity of these cucks


Who said that?

It's the newest narrative the game journos are pushing

EA cancelled a single player star wars game in development. I can't remember if polygon or EA then came out and said single player games aren't a good investment for tripleA game studios going forward.

This is a plot made by the chinese MMO overlords to fill the market with shitty MMO clones.


Please let it happen, I want to see you burgers finally get rid of the commie faggots that are knocking statues down.

How likely is that going to stick? oh well, the only ones who will fall for that are the shitty companies like EA and Ubisoft who take their word for everything.

To be fair, unturned only looked like Minecraft.
It's actually a DayZ clone.



It becomes even sweeter when you realise Euro Truck Simulator 2 was released in 2012

WOOOW online nazis.

There are more people playing Skyrim than NuWulf. Why Bethesda even try to make a new game when it won't even beat a nearly 6 year old game they made? That seems like such a waste of time.

Either that or it just shows how far Bethesda has fallen from Skyrim, maybe they were just one-hit wonders?

If that's true, then Wolfenstein1 on DOS may have more actual gameplay than the latest version.

Should I buy this


Todo lo que esté al vinagre está delicioso.

Bethesda published nuDOOM too. But lately they have been pissing me off quite a bit, not at EA levels but getting there.

It does, why would that surprise you? Original Wolfenstein takes like 7 to 10 hours to beat, and it's all game play.

they sure throw the word nigger all willy nilly

It looks like a extracted animal vagoo.


Sounds like it could be tasty but two olives are too many.

Do what you want

I was expecting some Gilda bullying, what a disappointment.

It doesn't. I'm expressing weariness from the "vidya is all about narrative, we want to make games through the hollywood lens" that reached peak stupid during E3 this year and hasn't stopped slowing down. Ren pussied out, and vidya suffered. :^(

We don't need a reason to bully you.

Compras en el mercadona al fin y al cabo.

It's not specifically that it's single player, but that it's single player with no multiplayer. Which keeps getting telephoned by "journalists" that single player games are dying because how can you feed your wife's children without selling loot crates and other pay to win items that people will only buy for multiplayer? Seems to have started from An interview with a Wolfenstein developer stating that they aren't as retardedly lucrative, and then snowballed from there.

At least as far as I've seen, anyway. Every time shit like this springs up out of nowhere, it's a hazy, drunken mess that never makes much sense.

Uho no jfoubadw ad vuds0 cudwiuwoj uwuad?

I said some GILDA bullying, not bullying ME

I'm sure that soon there will be journo articles on why long games are bad and shorter games are better for the modern gamer player. They'll probably bring up how Persona 5 was too long to get another jab in on that heretically translated game

They already did that years ago.

When FFXI wrapped up, there was a lot of talk about how modern MMORPGs are all "theme park" style, with dungeon finders and cash shops. The journo excuse was "people don't have the time to play long, involved games like those old MMOs anymore. :^) Short, pick-up-and-play games are where its at!"

He posted a spanish product from a spanish supermarket. I'm justified to speak in taco.

Shhhh… don't worry.

Eat some banderillas. Swallow that pickle.

And it's a stupid argument because none of these single player games with shoehorned multiplayer are really that successful. Bioshock 2's multiplayer was actually really fun but it was impossible to get a match and it had even less players than Anarchy Reigns. Nobody went on to talk about Infinite's failure because it didn't have an amazing multiplayer mode.

Gilda bullying days are over, she is the most popular tan and gets all the newest art

What's their excuse?

The suits are chasing the fairies called becoming the next League of Legends or what have you, and the journos are getting paid to shill that narrative even though at this point it seems pretty clear that it really is just fairies.

Gilda gets most of the art from one or two artists.

In all honestly, it's most likely because it's a broken piece of shit that crashes so much you cant get past the very beginning of the game.

But that's kind of what happened. World of Warcraft started hemorrhaging players and games like League of Legends or Heroes of Newerth got super popular because people wanted the experience of playing an MMO distilled into 20-40 minute games.

Writing about vidya in an ironicaly ironic way. It's just a stepping stone for their cinematic career any day now. It's a way to start a conversation about the plight\oppression\microagression of [ blank ]. It's not about playing vidya or reviewing vidya at all, it's really a revolving door system for PR and advertising between publishers large studios and payola takers.

Wait, no the last one is not true at all goys, disregard.

Being shitty at videogames?

I was hardcore into FFXI at the same time I was a full-time college student. I went to call my classes and still managed to play an average of 5-6 hours a night, 10-20 hours on the weekends. I don't remember it being hard, apart from those few memorable occasions of "hey, after 9 hours we finally have an alliance to go do Promyvion in La Thiene. It's 4 in the morning, but fuck it I need this quest!"

But at the same time, it was that sort of investment that really set the old MMOs like XI and vanilla WoW apart. You had to invest yourself in them, and those who did reaped the rewards. It was pure meritocratic teamwork. The will to win and put in the effort and time was what separated scrubs from good players. Which is exactly why their noodle-armed, pink-haired, faggot asses don't like games like that.



WoW started dying because of a mediocre expansion that was too much more of the same shit. They lost their hardcore demographic, but managed to replace it with an infusion of casuals with the great revamp they did.

XI, on the other hand, started bleeding people after SE introduced Abyssea and tried to casualize the game like WoW did. I and everyone I knew quit when the level cap was raised to 99, and the grind became so easy you could get to 75 (a feat that once took a year+ of time and hard work) in two days. The game started to coddle us, and as a result lost every single ounce of its charm and challenge. People quit and SE pulled a plug within a couple years.

I know, right? Maybe there are some who evaded bans but got banned immediately after responding ITT.

That's a really bad feeling. Same thing happened to Eden Eternal and The Secret World which used to be pretty chill experiences hanging out with people and grinding away plus some actually challenging spots that required you to know your build/talents inside and out. Both of those are super casual garbage now, you can run into a group of 8 enemies and leave with more health than you started with. And the very end-game content is still challenging but because nothing else is up to that point it was super hard to recruit players who actually had any idea of how to play their character.


Any baker standing by?

Sorry I'm playing video games

Good morning faggots!

God, I feel good saying that after 2 weeks of being gone after the big move.

Needs more trademarks




What game user?

Also Painful chain sounds rad.

It's Elona

Reroll one more time

K. If no one else is baking since it's now 650.

Next bread at 700 or page 13.
The Silent Fury Edition

No fans of untimely sex?
Not even with purest male ally background?

Prepare yourself for some ntr user

There is a cuck quest in the game.


Puppet of Slaughter sounds like a death metal band name, Id go with that.

God, that's a completely accurate assessment.

Western piggu artists got lazy and forgotten how to do bucktooth cute.

re-roll everything?



It's fine user.

Put the archive links into the screencaps user for easier sharing.


Josh hates buttons on controllers. He'd be triggered to death by KB+M since that's the domain of the Master Race and so on. So does he like only wagglan controls?

Share away

Anyone remember this chick from early GG days? She used to have this huge knot on her forehead, but I think had a surgery to remove it or have it reduced in size

Pretty sure the one on the wall is an enlarged model of part of the recovered cyberdine chip.



Actually, the liquid inside those containers are piss done by a tranny Trump dissenter.

It seems that that thing got stuck on the passive anal stage. That could explain why that tranny has that gender dysphoria, never solidifying any aspects of personality and getting so fucking messed up that she things that she is a man.

In that case, I should contact MOMA on the existence of a brilliant art piece called "trucker bombs thrown from an overpass#7".

I need to sleep.


Just asked on the Neofag cyclical but it doesn't hurt to ask here too.

Does anyone have, or can make, a soundless version of this webum so it has a small file size? I already have a small gif of just Vivian dancing but I'd like the background too.

And where will you post that webm, user…

Clickthirsty faggit.


I don't intend to post it on cuckchan, I just want a smaller filesize. The gif with just Vivian is just 46kb so I figure it won't be much bigger with the background included

Nice, if not perfect. Thanks, user. Have some vidya ass.

sure user

Only 10?


You know, it's really sad that someone happens to have less tact than Anita when it comes to trolling for "harassment."

How would the kid version of you react if you told them in 2017, Communists would have enough of a US presence to make this controversial?

Omg both sides of the same coin!!11!!1

Well they wouldn't if people like you shut the fuck up about them for 3 seconds. Seriously everything Nazi related these days has only happens because the left replaced the words "people I disagree" with Nazi.
If they shut the fuck up, their problem would fix it'self because what they think is a problem doesn't fucking exist.

The same way the adult version of me reacted when >she told me that moon rocks have the energy of hundreds of nuclear bombs.

Fucking seriously, it was proven in the 1970's that they lose all the power they have if you stop freaking the fuck out and just openly mock them.
But no, all these bastards need to pearl-clutch about "MUH NAZIS, MUH KKK" and lash out violently.

And now they have memed nazis back into reality, this time its going to be worse though. This time their enemies will actually get gassed.

I just wanted to play video games.

May I ask what the original scene of that pic is from? I don't recognize the movie.


It's the filename, worth a look because its a decent sci fi movie.

Infini, is a movie

Rolling in an almost ded bred.

Oh okay, thanks.

Decent flick, but overall average, but this guy is fucking Holla Forums incarnate when he doesn't fucking give up.



Try that again


That was quite the FAIL user.

I gotta get some sleep



Ya took me 3 tries to remember. BRB, one way trip to gensokyo.
Last for SINEB

Kansas Territory