#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: VR Demon Loli Wants YOU To Protect That Smile Edition



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>Jed Whitaker booted from DToid: archive.is/r5rrW
>Mike Diver fired from Waypoint: archive.fo/wwwrc
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>A strange week indeed: archive.fo/Dzr3b#selection-3633.0-3633.12


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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I want to fug Aranon and send the aftersex pics to Mombot

Damnit, the wiki links are supposed to be .net, not .com.

Noted, fixed it in my template file.


Article about the firing:
He's anti-GG of course:
Post from when he left Gawker Media:




Why is this all happening now? I mean, not like a mind it or anything.

The Weinstein shitstorm is causing a "me too" chain reaction.

Weinstein being outed, most likely.

I imagine that the more of these people are outed, the easier it is for more of them to be outed too.
We'll probably keep seeing these more and more, at least for a short while.

Thank Weinstein for it. And prepare for more, since it'll definitely happen.

Of course. There probably will be false accusations among the mass, but we know that, thus far, all anti-GG accusations are probably true

They made their beds, now let them lie in them

Countdown until Burch gets outed bonus points if his sister or ex-wife come forward with it

no first for benis, therefore sage

That'll bring another reason to remember that you are not Anthony Burch.

Didn't BroTeam already get info relating to that?

Basically this. They're being mobbed by a bunch of unverified, borderline anonymous allegations of harassment, and being roasted for it - the exact shit they gleefully took part in earlier when it wasn't them.

You can be against the witch hunt going on for the right reasons while drinking deep from the well of schadenfreude at the very people currently being terrorised as the ones who built the social climate where it could be possible.

In short: get fucked journos. When you lay with dogs you get fleas.

she doesn't even sound loli

Didn't he already? I read something about how he promised women writer positions in gearbox for dates.
I bet he was too pussy to do anything physical though.

Someone needs to make a anti-gg/male feminist version of this already

VR game with the tans when

That was Randy pitchford, wasn't it?

I think a few of the are just scorned women finding a good opportunity to discredit someone they felt wronged them.


I'm bad at keeping track of which retard did what, so maybe.

I'm definitely not discarding the possibility that a lot of accusations that might come forward could be fake, we know how women operate, but quiet a few of the ones that happened already were confirmed.

this is a no nepping zone sister

brote has been saying for a long time that burch is a class-10 women respecter but without anybody coming forward nobody's going to bite

you have to remember burch is a big part of the dickhead game journo crowd, and nobody is going to disown him without firmer evidence

let me fucking post

Depends, a goony balding neckbeard?

Are you implying we were gonna be merciful?

Remember there's a thread for cataloging all the Airport Law's.

She sounds like an annoying cunt.


should we start thinking about a possible op against the ESRB soon? especially in the wake of the lootbox fiasco?

I'm afraid this is something I can't do. Neps are amazing for reaction pictures.

Good move pointing this.
This is important.


pedos raus!

That's a girl, right?

No. Hes an old man.

I'm worried that if it keeps spiraling out of control, we will see courts going for a "guilty until proven innocent" when it comes to sexual abuse.

well the picture was taken in russia, and if I remember correctly being a fag is illegal there.

trump supporters make better waifus than animes.

So even East Europe isn't safe from rainbow hair menace.

Weren't they like this already?
Or that was about divorce courts?

Is that a guy or a girl

Is there more? That's what really matters

That's a girl (male).

Definitely in Canada. They had court cases overtuned simply because feminists complained about the outcome as decided by a jury, declaring an accused guilty after being declared innocent.

Not only does Trump Jr. like mombot tweets he is also /k/ as fuck.

It's tricky.
As discussed in the thread on HQ ( >>>/gamergatehq/331196 ) it can go wrong many ways. Derailing all of GG into "We get specific mechanics out of games" instead of the quality of the industry as a whole. Fanning up the moral outrage to overreach. Further pushing the ideal that any fictional act performed just once can create a desire to perform that act IRL in the mind of sane person.

To add to it; ESRB don't care, FTC gave the CSGO Skin Lotto scam a slap on the wrist, and generally most orgs don't care since it's the same scam used by many gambling places to work around limits they have (give them something and it's not gambling).

Our options are (IMO):
- Meme and mock lootboxes. Imply that only low-tier scrubs pay to win or buy aesthetics to stand out from the crowd. The shitty brats (the target audience for this shit) who wants the E-peen then avoids it to be "cool". If we can break the reputation of Journos, we can certainly do it for Lootboxes.
- Disnod Activision. Ideally- force a situation where Activision holds the patent (so no on else can do it), but Activision can't use it (for fear of backlash and bad PR). Like with Sonic Mania over Denuvo and Ys over it's localization, you'd need large numbers and not call for a boycott… Just lots of individuals saying they're disappointed and probably won't touch an Activision game again. This does risk them dissolving the patent (can that even be done?) and letting anyone do it- so then they all do it (step out of line all at the same time) to enforce it as "normal".
- Disnod FTC/ESRB. ESRB are not our allies (we have HQ threads on digging into them, and in short if they don't support the consumer there's no real need for them with all the info you can get about a game online nowadays), and FTC tend to act only when it's anything that'd get someone on DeepFreeze. But if you are able to properly explain how Lootboxes harm both the consumer and the industry- we might just make an impact. That or drown them in emails until they submit.

I'm starting to think the trump family was raised far outside pedowood/deep state and was a fairly normal upbringing besides financial excess.

But are there more?

Which in turn made me think that (((Kushner))) married into the family to infiltrate and infect it.

If Trump's "Art of the Deal" is legit- he tried to learn something new everyday that'd help his business.
In big business you're gonna get kikes and scammers. Not saying Trump saw Zionist work first hand apart from none-to-subtly saying during 9/11 he was surprised how a skyscraper with steel on the outside and survived a bomb-blast in the lobby would have a plane plough straight through it, but he probably recognizes a lot of the tricks and traps used at a business level being scaled up and used in politics.
I dunno why he'd chose to be a politician (or let his daughter marry a jew), but if nothing else he's the lesser of many, many evils if he fufulls his campaign promises.

The Trumps have claimed their family wasn't welcome in "old money" circles.

I've seen plenty of women from good, traditional families do a lot of stupid shit with their lives. Sometimes a father can try his best to stop a daughter from doing stupid shit and it won't be enough. I've seen men from good families do retarded shit too but it's a less common occurrence and they often revert back to normal.

After all this shit, if I have a chance, i'd take it. The job would fucking suck, but someone needs to fix this shit.

Which has me scared about November 4th. Something bad is going to happen that day.

Are you into diaper fetish?

Please no, I thought that pic was cute but if it turns out she (male) is into shitting in diapers I can't look at it again the same way.


The cuteness in the original is replaced with memes and shit!

I was interested in this shit until it was translated.

I havent seen it myself but i heard * he* does that

Since she most likely grew up in the richer parts of new york, something like that would be inevitable.


look up warmfreshpaint

I think this is the best course of action. Social stigma is more powerful than some FTC regulation.

Can someone explain how exactly lootboxes are harmful influence on vidya industry?
I don't have any idea why it's the case.


I just posted on 4chan for the first time in 2 years That's counting the last time I went and spammed pony porn because they were spamming us, 3 years since I've used it regularly. and I feel filthy. I tried to copy and paste an image into my post and it didn't work. I forgot just how much Holla Forums can do that 4chan can't. It honestly felt like a broken imageboard.


In an old interview he was asked if he ever considered running for president and his answer was basically that he would consider it if shit got real bad.

Oh, so it's just (((publishers))).
I wonder how to explain it normalfags, that they will stop buying games with this.


If you just think about it for a second user you'd know why on the surface even it's a terrible fucking idea unless you love the idea of companies deliberately cutting and withholding content in order to RANDOMLY dribble it out to consumers if they cough up even more dollarydoos.

It's like Day 1 DLC except on steroids and constantly punching you in the face every time you play your game.

I don't totally disagree with them in F2P games, but it's when they enter shit you actually slapped down cash for that is a big fucking problem


Well, if you go by the ESRB and PEGI's classification of it "being a TCG," only TF2, CS:GO, and a select few others actually facilitate a secondary market where people can trade or sell items they got from the lootboxes. Otherwise, it's pretty much "pay for the chance of a good item." I have no problem with the former, but the latter is just stretching the "it's a TCG" claim. It's like if The Pokemon Company decided that every card you get from a pack gets registered to your TCG Online account, and if a card doesn't exist on that account, it's not valid for you to use in tournament play.





Sweet Jesus, aGG are the most pitiful fags around by far, and that's saying a lot in today's environment.

I know how to explain it now.


Well, I guess we just had to wait until EVERY anti GG gets in jail for the crimes they accuse others to do.

Does it include hivequeens?

Jesus, is there any end to this rabbit hole? If dubs, either Nathan Grayson or Ben Kuchera get outed next.


Next will be one of LITERALLY WHOS

Satan has spoken


God dammit, feel free to billy.

Thanks Satan, now I have to mentally imagine Literally Wu molesting a little child.

All while ranting about GamerGate.

Mombot is going to have a lot of updating on her hands for the where are they now twitter thing.

So, first you adapt existing memes (the badly drawn MS paint style strawman, the Virgin Vs. Chad, The guy looking at another girl while his GF looks on in disgust, etc) then see how it goes from there.

Oh hey Pence, just posting this for your viewing pleasure.


I like it

that must've hurt

He's a big snake

He had for decades talked about the possibility of it, since he was fairly doubtful of doing it and instead just chose to financially support his favoured candidate.


That snek died of some kinda tail infection.



So, for someone who hasn't been paying a whole lot of attention over the past year due to major life issues, just how many in the anti-GG camp have been caught in relation to child pornography or sexual assault?


Devin Faraci, and Matt Lees are some big names.

thank you. thank you so very much

Betas say they're a "nice guy" because they have no other features of their personality/themselves worth mentioning. That, or to cover up their sins.

SJW tell everyone they're nice people. Despite it being foul- they have a personality and traits/things they do they like to tell others about.
So if they're not saying they're nice because there's nothing to them, then…
Projection. Accuse your nemesis of what you are guilty of.

Oh man, I never liked him after that stupid video he made trying to shit on Suda51, what did he get caught for?

what happened with Matt Lees?

16 and if these allegations come back true we’re seeing a massive jump.

It's like Vox Day said, they always project. Look at that guy claiming to hate babies, then turned out to be a pedo. Look at what they say and it might be a clue.

Looking into Moviebob's twitter, just to see if I can find some clues. if I don't post ITT again, it's because i had a stroke reading these tweets.

if that's true then I will feel really sad

We have this >>>/gamergatehq/331250 but it's hardly everyone. And aGG is not just game journos but legit journos scared of similar calls for ethics/quality called upon them.

fug, wrong post

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:

In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Info & feedback welcome

Update the localization list


I find it so fascinating these people are so concerned about fictional video game characters yet they are nasty people in real life.

Give me the things I should Upload please?

well done user

nigger, don't be playing with me here. What's the story with him or have you mixed him up another faggy aGGro and got me all hot and bothered by accident

Suggested addition to the news section:

I hope these threads are still going strong in another year or so when I finally get my game out the door…
I keep thinking about how in the world I'm going to deal with the gaming press and SJW army when putting my game out there, but I forget that most of the gaming crowd, softer-spoken, really just wants some sane, un-tampered, comfy games to play.





Hell, they made a big deal out of the JP voices being available in TMS#FE, didn’t they?


And turned around and rerecorded a line where the Japanese character was saying 16 and upped the age to 18 in the new line.

Yes, and then Treehouse forced Atlus to change everything anyway, on top of having the seiyuu redub their lines to match Treehouse's meme-riddled script.

Japanese was the only voice option in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, which is probably why they had to get several lines re-recorded by the JP actors to fit their "localization" script (Mostly to remove any references to gravure modelling from an early story chapter)

Because it's about power, not about moral goodness. Shit like "muh racism" and "muh sexism" has from the very start been about shunning and emotional blackmail, which in of itself is an attempt to use the power of the larger group to force people under them.

because this is what happens when you try to virtue signal yourself despise being a shitty person


I'm not saying he DIDN'T do it, I'm just saying that they SHOULD investigate the accusations before publicly shaming and firing him. And publicly shaming someone while firing them can get you into a lot of trouble.

If he doesn't sue for defamation then he's a fool.


If he DOESN'T refute the claims or tries anything at all, it usually means he did the deed. I do agree investigations should be made, though.

Kotaku: Male Hearthstone Player Waves His Hand at Female Hearthstone Player, Sets Off Controversy


Call Of Duty: WW2 Edited In Australia Over Implied Sexual Assault Scene


i have a better question what is the concept of lootboxes?
i heave been hearing this from the past days but i have no idea what is it.
you use real money to buy shit that may be good or not?


You pay in real money or premium currency buyable by real money for some items.
Standard gacha rules apply, so majority of items in lootboxes is garbage.

Pretty much

What's next? A man breathes and that makes controversy? A woman gave birth a boy and that's controversy?

It's worse than gacha because at least gachas like the ones many Japanese games have are bound by specific laws. The recent wave of lootbox shit from Western devs don't have to adhere to such laws because the West doesn't have any.


Best comparison are the TCG booster/mega/ultra/deck packs you pick up an any store that give you in-game items/weapons/etc. Now, to be fair, the idea of lootboxes "in and of themselves" is not a problem as they keep a constant sense of chance and risk in the game that keeps the player coming back and playing the game longer. Where the problem stems is when you have companies charging real money for increased access to these items, and the recent leak of the Activision patent has shown that they're tailoring games to result in players have a greater incentive to buy these lootboxes.


You are gambling money on shitty skins. And in many cases, especially with games by Valve, the skins were made by the community for free and then sold for real-life money.

/zoo/ here.

What are those dogs looking at?


Have you teaken the knot yet matey?

They cant even handle that level of banter? Just end their fucking lives already


ok thanks
its not so far off from what the name suggets

Didn't they remove emotes from Hearthstone for that very same reason?

Cause they never had a real relationship in their life.


Japan even managed to ban item based gacha few years ago.
It's wikipedo article.

They look at you.

So do I, but whatever.

Don't forget to make memes against Lootboxes as well.

-Did you cum?
-Did he cum?
-Did it feel good?

Really? Well fuck I guess that guy will get banned from tournaments now




Only one type of animal has a knot user, that's canines



Any of these journos being outed now ever called Holla Forums as a den of harassment?

Try Dead Nation or Nex Machina. Avoid Mercenary Kings.

You met woolie

Post a pic of the dog.

She's like a thousand years old man, she ain't a loli

/zoo/ get out



Hilarious but at the same time, well, fuck. Reminds me of the whole "no clapping please, it triggers the hand-less" shebang from a few years ago. Guess this would trigger the hand-less, too? There is going to be a new term for this, isn't there. "Wave Rape"? "Handwave Harassement"? "The Male Greeting"?

I can't. I can't take these events, and these intolerant fucks seriously anymore. What's next, a player adjusts their glasses during a game and all hell breaks loose because of muh triggers?


Not a fan of any zombies that don't have enough remaining dick,unity in their souls to only pleasurably rape hot tittymonsters instead of killing them. But that Nex Machina name sounds interesting. Thanks.

He basically just got it for any console RPGs, west or east, he's interested in.

Also sadly desperately trying to save Digimon games. Cyber Sluts was literally the first thing he bought along with Bloodborne.

Thankfully, people are more openly mocking them. The further they push the dumber they look.
We showed them the emperor has no clothes, now we just need to point it out when they squat or wave their genitals around.

wow user please stop writing text it's very offensive to illiterate people.

Even the Kotaku article is saying that it's pretty ridiculous, while still managing to stay pretty neutral. I'm shocked.

Female dogs do this when they're in heat.

Posting with proper capitalization and punctuation doesn't hide you, Marche.

What's wrong with /zoo/?

I knew Vivian wasn't a cute 2D lesbian.

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, fuck that shit. This is on the same level as interracial porn.



I don't know who this Marche is but I can tell you is get a female dog that is at heat. They become sexually mature after 8-18 months depending on the breed. Before her first heat, I would recommend a minimum of sexual activity. You will notice that the entrance to her vagina is a 'Y' shape. The tail of the 'Y' points toward her front, and that is where her clitoris is. The lips are coated with a fine velvety fur. Don't stimulate her clit yet. Once her heat starts lock her up and don't let her get away so she isn't mated by other dogs. Comfort her and be a friend to her. During the early stages of her first heat, the dogs may become depressed, or even frightened by the sudden changes in her. After the first bleeding stops, her vagina entrance will have enlarged quite significantly. She may actively invite you to sex by turning her rump toward you, and flicking her tail aside every time you catch her eye. In other words, she is now horny, and it is up to you to relieve her.
Get naked. All the better to use you whole body in the act. Work with her as though she were human. That is, spend time caressing her, hugging her. Play with her nipples, which will have become larger and more sensitive with her heat. Arouse her as much as you can. When she is really turned on, her vagina will be well lubricated, and she will almost be begging you to make her cum. The best way to do this is to use one or two fingers. If you are a male, do NOT try inserting your dick into her unless she is one of the Giant Breeds, (or you have an exceptionally small dick). If you hurt her, she may become frightened of you, and will not enjoy the sex.
Move around behind her and insert one finger gently into her, slowly. If she isn't wet enough, use saliva or KY jelly. Don't use mineral oils or anything that isn't used for human sex. As your knuckle brushes past her clitoris, it is likely she will sharply hump her hips downward. This is normal. Slowly withdraw your finger, and repeat. She should start humping up and down on your finger quite strongly. Keep in time to her movements, pushing up as she humps down. Use your other hand to caress her nipples and stomach. She will cum fairly quickly and easily. You can tell when she is, as you will feel her vaginal muscles squeezing on your finger and she will start convulsively licking her lips. Try to sustain her pleasure for as long as you can; play with her clitoris. Generally treat her as you would a lover.
If your dog is one of the Giant breeds, and you are male, by all means screw her. Highly recommended in fact. She will hump your dick as readily as she will hump your finger. Crouch behind her (or have her stand on a slightly raised platform) and guide your dick into her with one hand. Her tail will probably get in the way, so you will probably have to drape it over one of your legs. Use your other hand on her hip to steady yourself. When you have your dick firmly in her, you can grasp her hips with both hands and thrust into her. Savor that warm tight pussy. I advise to bring her to orgasm by hand first, and then screw her afterwards, otherwise they tend to hump on your dick, and you will often fall out of her. Feel free to cum inside her. You will enjoy it immensely, and it is impossible to get her pregnant on human semen.
Don't feel constrained to wait for her next season for sex. Between heats, she will still be receptive to sex, but you may find she is a bit tighter. You will probably have difficulty inserting your penis fully into her. Don't force it; you don't ever want to hurt her, betraying her trust in you. Dogs aren't built for missionary style. If you try that be prepared for frustration. It is hard from what I heard to enter them from that angle.

that's some long spaghetti

Is this pasta?

Personal experience.

I put my thumb on the bottom of the frame and my pointer on the top, and sorta do a twisting motion.

Boy this sure is a pre bumplock GG thread alright

So interspecies with alien and monster waifus is 100% okay.

I don't know how sane people come up with these pasta ideas.


I put my thumb on the bottom of the female dog's vagina and my pointer on the top of her anus, and sorta do a twisting motion.

kill yourself my man


I never said that. I am not into monster girls or whatever the fuck you guys masturbate to.

I'll never understand male zoophiliacs. Literally nothing is remotely sexy outside western furry and kemono.

Hey, user, I cannot log in or make a new account in the GG wiki. Please help.

Wolves are sexy.

I sucked a dogs cock on multiple occasions; it's not that great. Dogs aren't into bestiality.

Yes, they are sexy, but not sexy in a sexual way you fucking faggot.

No, wolves are cute, fuzzy and Alpha as fuck bros.


It was made during the first year of GG

>• #GamerGate Wiki: thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php
This link needs to be updated to gg.goprinny.com/

Also need to remind the wiki admin to enable account creation
for the site.

Would I go to /an/ if I just want to shitpost about our mammalian and reptilian brethren?

Look it on the bright side.

If we endure this, we can endure ANYTHING.

Wolves will kill you. They don't care that you're a white supremacist; they care that you're encroaching on their property.


All political philosophy stemming from anything else is a mistake, and that definitely includes "ethnostate" bullshit.

All that matters is property and ability to produce more property.

Wolves also adopt humans in many cases.

Amazing how that parable could become so important in this modern age. Still, whether it's (somewhat) being mocked, this guy had to publicly apologize, just like that engineer who landed a probe on a comet. An insulting state of affairs.

That it is. That it is indeed…



Ethnostates have been proven to have higher cultural cohesion and lower crimes so there are pretty clear advantages to them.

Also we the

There's virtually no such thing as white supremacy anyways.

I should have also mentioned wolves and other predators are particularly fucking assholes.

What a thread this has been.

Right, well how about we talk the gaming industry deciding to ride the current HE TOUCHED ME wave?

Particularly how Jen MacLean of IGDA is using it to sell you pre-packaged Social Justice

Right when she started going off about things that have absolutely fuck all to do with the matter at hand, I began to think the whole article was a parody, but checking her Facebook, she's dead serious.

What was that screencap where an user said his daughter was sexily wearing more revealing clothing and trying to build up an ass around him because she knew he was an ass man?

You’ll never achieve real truth with all that shit, bra. Take the barrel pill, my man

When your enemies kill eachother, there is not much left to do. Just wait for the next salt and lol harvest.

Can we talk about greek mythology and how little people talk about Chronos and Ananke were the first gods in the universe that even created Chaos, the everything of all things?


Run dog, it's not safe for you here.

The part in that article with numale Mike Wilson is hilarious.

He does fit the profile of cucked developers such as Schaefer and Jaffe: middle aged, married, daughters plural. I.e. hormones are largely gone, won't someone think of the children please and oh my god, my kids are going to know I produced God of War better make the new one Dad of War. I didn't know 'plant medicine' would fuck you up so bad that you willingly want to cuckify your son from birth, though :^)

He's probably just looking for an excuse.
Weak men blame substances for their problems.

ive unironically been mostly a hermit for a while

i leave my house to buy beer and pizza. thats about it

I know something cuter than a loli, a French lop flopping down.

I think you mean its knot safe for you here

And solutions in this case:

Yeah, you go "healing" Mike.

Maybe it's a terrible thing but if I have 10 people who are equally qualified for a job I'm going to pick the person who's the most fun to hang around with because we have to see each other all the time. Or just as important is the least likely to start shit and ruin everything for everyone. I don't want to deal with a woman and her microaggressions, or a Puerto Rican with that shitty NY attitude, or a drunk who's stealing drinks from the bar.

Whoops, forgot to add the


Should transferring the pages across from the archive to this one be an OP?

This line alone works against them. "IGDA doesn't hire the best people for the job". You could also spread the list and meme it as "How to lose your job quickly." People like having stable income- especially now. Remind folk that constantly acting like you run the company and your boss is the devil is the fastest way to lose your job.


Oh who could have possibly seen this coming?

The girl he assaulted

See, this whole idea promotes hatred of three demographics, straight people, white people, and men. Straight white males are not to be hired, instead we should hire black lesbian, because diversity.

The actual problem with this whole idea is that it claims that "there are always thousands of candidates who can fulfill the requirements," which is untrue. But even if it were, why would you hire the bottom tier for the sake of skin color? Despite the agenda, this just smacks of racism and communism. Instead of making sure the company succeeds we should actively sabotage the company from within by hiring the least qualified and most objectified victims that we can come up with. Then if you fire them, that's a racism suit. Nevermind that the business is crashing and burning because everyone doesn't know what the fuck they're doing, and they're wasting company time on bullshit like arguing about how the company doesn't respect their particular brand of diversity.

We need to virtue signal and fuck the idea of hiring qualified individuals!

a what

Rabbits aren't cute, they're shit machines.

found your problem

What could be behind this?

Fuck off Val

It's the continuous work to promote weakness.

You should hire whoever the fuck you want for whatever reason you like.
It's just that if you value anything OVER qualification when hiring, you're making a dumb decision.


I dont want to derail this thread but i will bite with asimple reply to your comment.

Fire emblem warriors came out and I saw this little gem

You're not replying to val you retard. I'd know

So russians are how japs depict themselves in anime?

Let me reply to you too, even so i bite a bite post who bited a bait post, i hope it doesnt derail the thread

If these people are actually being accused of sexual harassment why are they never being put on trial or in prison?

A bunny with its ears adorably hanging down at all times, making it look much more innocent and timid.

Are you fucking impaired?

I used to think Nintendo was the only that absolutely knew how to still make good games and actual games at that years ago.

And I still never became this "Nintendrone" white knight shit.

It's pathetic that Hyrule Warriors whose base material shares the same three plot-critical characters is better represented on both base roster and DLC than Fire Emblem Warriors.
Even the fucking DLC has characters already in the game.

Cause accusing them is enough under the eyes of an SJW. The very accusation is damning under their eyes. Remember Anita's listen and believe shit? They really do listen and believe, they don't look for evidence, they don't need to prove guilt. Once your social circle finds out you've been accused, it's the same as if you've just been killed by an Islamic terrorist. They mourn your passing and then hate you forever.


Same I hope it becomes a copy pasta
much like the "to be fair" Rick and morty copy pasta


But why french, then ?..

French lop is the name of the subspecies.

Oh ! Had no idea. Thanks for the clarification.
Lolis are still obviously much better though


I can't believe such worthless pseudointellectual shit is allowed to exist by the universe. When I can finally make something, even just a little flash or RPG maker game that normalfags eat up, I'm personally policing the shitty "fandom".

I said they can act cuter, not be completely better than lolis.


Requesting a text version of this comment please

Cant you just google part of it and directly copy paste it

Check the IDs. He's literally retarded.

Just noticed he's a phoneposter

If it did happen:
- Some don't report (lack of evidence and/or fear of retribution before or after the trial and/or lack of finance to support an ongoing trial), but expose instead as the best thing.

If it didn't happen:
- Make it up for attention and/or to spite the person. They don't press charges because it's fake and they'd get their shit reemed (albeit minorly).

"Trust but Verify" applies even if it benefits us. Don't forget.

Problem is they have enough thirsty betas to fill the ranks when they cast off people.
We need to not only hound them with it, like they do with false accusations against others, but also spread the meme how every "male ally" winds up being a rapist/sexpest/pedo. Hard to stand with feminists to get laid when everyone says you're doing it to cover up for skeletons in the closet.

Phones are convenient, so who gives a fuck. At least they're an actual user and not some retard trying to fit in.

Wait until she misaligns her ass.

I don't know what that means.

Honestly, I have no idea how you intend to do that. How do you even get a beta to listen? Remember that you're fucking a white male guy? He sure sounded like he was listening to what the other side was saying, and not just trying to shut him down and deplatform him because he was a straight white male.

I don't mean you spread the meme to inform the beta. You spread the meme to inform the populous in general- then they put pressure on the beta's actions due to mockery & assumption.

Do I see the hint of a rack?

Up until you said that, I never really thought about it because she looks like she's 6 years old. The idea of a 6 year old with huge oppai is just .. no. Now you've made me aware of this.

Quality gam

If she was an alien or a recently born from a femdom'd sinful man semen demon, it wouldn't be awkward.

And don't fucking ever bully raccoons.

Raccoons are niggers though

He wasn't bullying the raccoon, the raccoon was trying to bully and kill his fucking dog.

Raccoons are literally just cute food thieves humbly content to live in shitholes that don't like the sun.

Oh. It didn't show that.

Very well here's the full comment

"Hey elitists. We get it. The newer games are shit because of waifus and waifus only and you hate that they shafted the newer games in Warriors because they were successful.
I may like the new games and i respect you're opinion. But don't bring other people who are excited for this game down just because you wish the newer games weren't a thing. Crying about it won't help. I know people and you wanted Hector, Ike, Roy, ect…, but screaming at Nintendo and Koei and TN won't help. It isn't YOUR franchise. Nintendo does what they want and if you aren't happy with what they give you, then respectively say it than just…
Because that make you look like a shitheaded elitist that no one would ever want to meet in real life.
But whatever, im not putting a gun to your head and saying to repent your hate on the newer games and this game. Im just saying that if you're and old fan and are upset with this game, respectively say it and move on. And don't bring down the people who ARE excited for this game, including me. Because that's THEIR choise. Not yours to say for them.
This series belongs to everyone, not just you older and diehard fans that wish fanservice and good sales didn't make its way into FE.
I know the games roster doesn't have everyone in the series. But did you expect anything else? The newer games did well and they still want to promote it.
But saying that this game is a cash grab and that no one should buy it is a little too far. If you don't like the game, thats fine. But again, don't discourage the people who like this game. Its not helping glue the divide in the series. If you go to these videos just to comment that this game sucks, get out. Let people have thier fun.
Just be happy that FE is getting this attention. The series could have ended at Awakening, but we're getting an abundance of games. Heroes, Warriors, and soon FE Switch. And no, im not saying Awakening saved the series, im just saying that this series you love COULD have ended there. So appreciate this attention to the series, even if it has a bunch of fanservice you don't like.

Thats all I wanted to say. If you don't like this game, don't pay any attention to it. Save your disappointment for FE Switch if it turns out not to your liking."

Here are some compilations:



Since the top one was updated a few days ago with Sam Kriss, we've had 3 more - in addition to the minor one you responded to there's Vox editorial director and former Gawker Media managing editor Lockhart Steele and GQ writer Rupert Myers (who has also written for The Guardian, The Independent, and The Times):

I don't remember one with Matt Lees, maybe that user is confusing him with someone else.

How the fuck did that pass nintendo's quality standards??

The promise of money can get you pass many things, user

Their standards when licensing their games to be developed by 3rd party devs differ from their standards for games they develop internally.
It also depends on the title being produced by said 3rd party dev.

The best example of this is with Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D.
OoT 3D was a faithful port of the original title, but for Majora's Mask they made several some good, some TERRIBLE changes to the core mechanics (Deku walking/running, Zora swimming, etc.)
I honestly just don't think they cared quite as much about Majora's Mask's remake as they cared about Ocarina of Time's.


fucking beautifull

I’ve been lurking around this board for awhile now and have found that the majority of the people here are fucking retarded. In fact, I know 99% of you have never owned a dog in your life and probably just wank to whatever pics/vids you can get your hands on, then claim as if you know something about animals after reading a few posts you saw on BF.

Well, I’m making this thread to clear up a whole list of shit that people here slings as truth but is in fact bullshit. Now, I’m most experienced with dogs, so I can’t weigh in one various animals, so I won't.

Spay females aren’t interested in sex:

This is a bold faced lie. All of my bitches are spayed and all of them are still 100% into sex, hell, two of them will rub against me at randoms times, either asking for the dick or me to rub them off. Now, my bitches were spayed after their first heat, some had puppies, others didn’t, some never even had sex, dog or otherwise. I cannot say if the sex thing is true with dogs that were spayed when they were puppies, however they still have a clit, so they will enjoy the stimulation regardless.

Spay females don’t have vagina’s:

I don’t know who the fucktard that spread this idea around but people actually think it’s real. They think that a vet will remove parts of the vaginal canal, meaning if you put your dick into your dog, you’ll tear her wide open and she’ll bleed to death. Well, this is fucking insane any way you look at it. They have to leave the vagina in because there’s a chance, however slim, that another dog could fuck your dog. If they actually removed the vagina and your dog died because another fucked her, you could sue their ass!

Spay females have tiny vagina’s:

This one takes the cake for most retardedly spewed “facts” about spay females. The fact is, YES THEIR VAGINA’S ARE SMALL YOU RETARD! The fact is they haven’t been having regular sex since their operation, recovery time and maybe even a few months after that. Even a human that forgoes sex for months at a time would eventually have the pussy of a seven year old. It’s simple science. Their body didn’t change, they didn’t get a pussy transplant because the vet knew you were fucking your dog, it’s just smaller from disuse… So take your fucking time and they’ll get loose eventually. This also applies to all sizes of dogs. A great dane with a giant twat can still be tight as fuck if they’ve never fucked before.

Neutered males aren’t into sex:

This is another bullshit thing people say but have no experience. You can get a dog interested in sex, male or female, regardless if they’ve been altered. The reason behind this is because they still have a tool that feels good when you stimulate it. I’ve had a neutered dog that loved getting handjobs from me. He never thrust, never came but he enjoyed the feeling and would wag his tail the entire time. His cock would also grow to the full length of any other unaltered male I’ve been with. So, yeah you might never get fucked in your ass like a bitch but guess what? If they feel good, then make them feel good you fucking prick!

I can’t think of anything else off the top of my head but if you guys want something answered, post here and I’ll try my best. If I think of more bullshit I’ve seen around, then I’ll add it to the list. Anyways, don’t listen to most of these fucks here, they’ve probably never even looked at a dogs pussy IRL because they’re so chickenshit.

Also, for your fuctards that take this post as the end all be all to advice… Get your head out of your ass. This shit is truly case by case. Explore how your dog feels and don’t just assume because it worked for me then that’s just how all animals are. Seriously, common sense could help a lot of you people.


jfc what's the wall of text for?

Just clearing up some common misconceptions Holla Forums seems to have about dogs.

You're disgusting. Get out.

And, you care why?


Perhaps because the majority of people that exist do not try actually fuck their dogs, holy shit.

At least backpack-cucking involves humans.


Also, TMI

Someone please tell me those are pastas

He's obviously spamming the thread with copypasta, we've had someone use that method before. Just report him.

Vox Media CEO Jim Bankoff on Fired Executive: "The Investigation Is Not Done"


The Escapist moderators announce that, to their knowledge and with exceptions, "all paid staff have been relieved of their duties" and they are unsure of the site's future


Doesnt do shit, I did it when he started this whole dog fucking thing.

Why are the mods letting this slide, yet were deleting all posts pertaining to Jews in the webm thread?

Hey, gamgergate!
What is our new target for false sexual harassment allegations?!

PC release, with subtitles when?

Would subtitles ruin the experience of VR?

Now, the $64,000 question: is dogfucker-shill a paid shill or just retarded and/or /leftytpol/?

Probably just some faggot fucking around

Couldn't the same be said about FPS games?

What I want.
Probably what he really is.

Wasn't there some gamerphobic cunt who was into dogs?


I very strongly doubt any of the people who fuck with this thread or even GG in general are paid. There's enough random anti-GG autists.



Autists? No, just fucking hipster retards.

Had to stop there. I could take no more.

I'm an idiot. please laugh at me is a fucking d&c meme but goddamn if this post doesn't look like it was written by one sick redditor with the godawful content and formatting

Looks like Mark filtered R*ddit Spacing without greentext, great.

You best be joking nigger.

I like more because it says "accused" rather than "found out". Remember, nothing has been proven. These accusations holding weight without evidence is something these very people enabled.

Not even the 3ds version with its low res can hide how shitty it is

Are you telling me they used this in multiple places and it's a lot more than just some shitty rocks in some obscure area of one map?

still amazes me how badly they fucked this up after hyrule warriors was really good
how hard is it to copy that especially given muso shit isnt exactly the most complex shit to fuck up

yet they did it

This game is magical
I'm amazed at how this game can keep on dissapointing
I'm shocked that hyrule warriors was the passion project

Senran Kagura: PBS does this sort of thing too in one of its stages. But Jesus Fucking Christ, they at least shrunk down the images so that they looked like reasonably-sized pebbles! What happened here?

This game is also a musou but barely has any enemies at all

It's endemic of the shift in video games away from the meritocracy effort=reward based structure.

Vidya Then: "There's only one ending, and only the very skilled got to see it. The game gets harder as you progress, and you must constantly improve to advance."

Vidya Now: "I got the best most fantastic reward, and all In did was login and shoot at random! RNG rules!"

It's amazing that people are defending this
The same shit they're giving capcom and ea shit for the same on disc-dlc and limited roster that they give those companies crap for I mean

Is a genuine comment

Why can't I find Senran Kagura anywhere in stores? Peach Beach Splash is the first time in my life I've ever seen a game in person.

Can't even find Valkyrie Drive in GameStop's Vita section or even the database. Does the fanbase buy that much the fuck out of SK while disingenous dumbasses don't care about full fledged yuri in their action games.

You have buy them under the counter like the creepy sex weirdo you are for wanting to play a games with happy boobs in them


I want to physically pick up and purchase my fucking games for the same paranoid reasons I refuse to buy anything digital.

The wording of this entire story tells me that they've already found evidence that it's an unfounded accusation story, but that they're going to pursue it anyway, in order to make an example of fucking men.

It was the deaf.

Report and ignore. Do not acknowledge.

It's called improper paragraph formatting faggot.

Been filtered for a long time newfag.

you need to find a better store user

Marvel vs Capcom barley beats this game in mediocrity but just barley
At least they fixed their shitty graphics

Did they now? So Dante doesn't look like a meth addict anymore while that goddamn Donte skin actually looks well-made in comparison?

bet that poster was made by pedos

They were probably gonna make Donte the main skin until they remembered no one liked him.

I'm suprised it was capcom that did not put on disc dlc

its cause in order to not waste money, stores purposefully order really limited quantities of niche products (it really sucks when you live in a crowded area). its one of the reasons why they push pre-orders so much. so they dont actually have to keep stock at their stores. its also why online sales took out a huge chunk outta brick and mortar stores. why go to a crowded store, waiting in lines only to be told that they don't have the new product that you want and that you should pre-order some irrelevant garbage when you can just sit on you ass and press button and have the thing you want delivered to your home.

I buy games online and have them shipped to my house
its amazing how that works


So, wierd thing happened.

At the beginning of GG, I made the mistake of telling my best friend about it. The next couple years, I pretty much lost him to SJW-ism.

After the shit with FBI-kun snitching that the Clintons and Obama were selling US Uranium to the Russians, he is trying to play like he was on GG's side to start with.

I'm really pissed off about it as he seems just to be on the "winning" side. What should I do?

Hell, with all the Anti-GG turning out to be sexual predators, we might see a LOT of people pretending they supported GG from the start….

suck his dick of course

I just noticed the new Holla Forums the musical is out.
Didn't hear it all yet but so far there's a lot of really good stuff and cute stuff ruined by terrible singing. There's a fun pardoy of paint it black based on the E3 reveals and this video that has Vivian in it too.

tell him to sort himself out.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but pic 1 makes me feel goddamn uncomfy, especially his mouth

I envy how all you fuckers have so much knowledge and memory while having the same silly and sentimental passions and emotions I do.

There's so much I don't know how the world really works that I can't because I just can't fucking remember the most intricate stuff and vital details. It's as if the memories I cherish and despise I can't let go of and my own imagination I have yet to put to paper or pixel literally maxed it out by 1000 more GB than was never even possible and now I can't fucking fit anything else.

Swing him far right with Eurobeat and Hitler memes.

I remember buying the 3ds and vita senrans at two different eb's. Both times served by chicks.


Valkyrie Drive was never sold in gamestop, you could only get it through Amazon, Rice Digital or Video Game Plus online.

The literal only other thing in Lima, Ohio is this neat little place called Cartridge Gaming I'm trying to shill.

They have just about literally everything from NES all the way to a small amount of PS4. Even fucking physical ROMhacks faithfully turned into reproduced cartridges.

And no statement? Just thought it wouldn't sell good enough for them?

recommended store for vita games: vgp, play-asia, heavy-arm

*online stores

Gamestop had nothing to do with It. PQube has done it before for their games, it's cheaper to just use a few online retailers for smaller/niche games especially for vita titles.
Hell they aren't the only ones that do it; Natsume only sells physical copies of the River City?Kunio-Kun 3DS games on Amazon and Video Game Plus. Or Video Game Plus usually gets reprints of DS/PSP/PS2 games exclusively for their site


I think some normalfag co-worker of mine wants my dick.

You know what must be done


I think you replied to the wrong post

Yes I did.

Does this bitch not know that To Kill A Mockingbird was written by a woman?

Your post absolutely does not help, Marche.
Drop your waifu or I will drop you.
And I'm not the only gookposter.



thats not me you slanty eye fuck

I busted few fake gook posing as me on Holla Forums before and it felt good.
How do we stop this imposter raid? I think they waging new tactics now. Until now they been posing Holla Forums and Holla Forums and caused shitshow and now they are posing random avatarfag anons and we have no measure to stop them. And he knows about Holla Forums too much.

shut up idiot


Andromeda dev chalks up some of the game's problems to a lack of diversity


Not enough spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and incomprehensible sentence structure to be marche.

hell am actual real gook, I like pizza and am very cute boi. Pls stop impersonating me

The same guy who wants to kill all white people and then when it was brought up everyone covers for his ass by saying he never worked for Bioware?

Well now I think about it, the imposter user trying to mimicking the grammar of Marche and Reanon. I think he's just a board user from this thread. At least he didn't do any significant derail or damage on topics. If you're reading this, you're a faggot, imposter user.

Amazing way to immediately drop the article from the first.

Am I going to have to post pics of electric fans and emus at you both until you knock it off

But user I'm a leaf

Emus are cute.

Everything about gooks are related with tragic history.

I find the fact the britbongs used Australia as their nuke testing ground infinitely funnier and somewhat explanatory

The British dumped their degenerates on a shithole island halfway across the world
Then they nuked them

Australia is the Brits designated shitting street

I get the emu's but not the electric fan.
I saw this in my folder and when isn't it appropriate to post something this funny

The Australian military never forgot the Emu war…

Anthony Fantanio's tour got shitcanned after fader published a hitpiece.
The article claims his second channel exposed him as a member of the alt-right despite it being a meme channel
Because of it, the venues and his booking agency dropped him.

What the fuck?

These people have been, and always will be, gigantic pieces of shit.

That's nice.

I detected new shill tactics on this very thread. >>/13612656
This fucking thread is goonshow shitfest. I suggest you to read this thread if you interest in goon tactics. First an user with Japan flag appeared and spamming the tread with nonsense garbage political shit that doesn't even sounds Japanese or even Holla Forums, the whole thread derailed the fuck out of thread then he disappered. Soon after some leaf flag comes out and declare the Nip LARPe has won and beaten anons down by blown the fuck out out. And fucking countless (1) calling each other Holla Forums or Holla Forums.
I will ask Mark to remove all the national flag on Holla Forums and implant ability to show the true nationality if possible. This is fucking beyond pathetic. They first posed as both Holla Forums and Holla Forums, PCfag and consolefag, trying to make console or political dispute BS and now they're using the nationality as a tool to derail non-vidya, anti-SJW threads on Holla Forums.
Note that these kinds of fucking derailing shitshow only happening on sticky, anti-SJW, GG thread or designated threads like Grandstrategy. I've seen them appear every single non-vidya, anti-SJW news threads on Holla Forums.
And now the leaf LARPer on that thread disappeared after I call him out samefagging.

And they saying Infowars.com is fake news.

His meme reviews were *delicious* as well.

fug i failed the linking bullie me

Memetano is friends with people like JonTron, Sargon and more, of course the nu-male journalists would try to destroy him.

Aside from in-thread drama spawning a huge amount of responses of "It isn't me", what is the impersonator actually doing?

Harper Lee was obviously part of the brainwashed patriarchy. After all, she wrote it back in the 1960s, so it's far from [CURRENT YEAR] woke mindset.

I wonder if that's because they don't even know who she is

The arms are a tad short.

Jesus, moot as a nigver is almost natural, he must have a little nigger blood in his pool.


If people cared they would be outraged how she's depicted as important as Yotsuba, but the people who get up in arms about GG don't know who Yotsuba is either. Everyone else just loves Vivian, sometimes qualified to their friends with a little "if only she wasn't part of GG/ a hate symbol" to keep up appearances.

I dont get it?

real chmmr hours
who the fuck up

The only way to get new content in Warframe is running void missions over and over forever for items that are like 2.5% chance to drop after 20/40 minutes. But to run void missions you need keys that only come from normal missions and you have to hope you get the right keys because only certain void missions drop specific parts of a whole frame/weapon.
In the end of the video he hasn't gotten anything he needs after like a hundred void missions and just has to pay a ridiculous sum of money. Warframe is a game where you can grind forever and get nowhere as they constantly nerf the most efficient levels and frames for grinding equipment or pay $100 upfront for Prime Access and play with the new stuff for a day or two before realizing it's shit mastery fodder and you go back to el tiburon or whatever OP weapon everyone uses.




Which is a shame since the Frames look so well-designed.

There was some fun to be had with the game once upon a time. Decoy/Switch Teleport exploits were the best.




I don't know how they get new players. When I played, the initial game was shit till I got a few frames, with help from friends, so I wasn't stuck with just the one frame. Plus, at the time they were really pushing going slow when the game was good for moving fast and killing things on the way. Though the game started falling apart if you started out pacing your teammates too much or just go too fast.




Goodnight gamergays


Game Blogger blacklists or in-game blacklists like steam or website blacklists? and what fucking e-celebs did he trigger? or are they blaming Brote for GG which in-turn brought about the jewtube censorship bullshit.

Umm hello?

Hey mister…



Pops told me not to go into unmarked vans with little girls.

No policing is allowed in the bathroom. Essentially, restrooms are international waters. Any degenerate can smear shit or wag their dick at children in the bathroom and it's totally (((kosher))).

hmm, would Vin know about gg being a huge nerd?

him and two other guys he streams with on occasions won a contest remixing a trailer for one of the Riddick movies.

ahh, that makes more sense.

Toilet Pirates ahoy!

Butt pirates


Since that faggot isn't posting it yet, I'll do it.


is that your issue with mixed gender bathrooms? Nigger don't fall for the fear mongering, pedos are a meme. Nobody is going to sit inside there waiting for a little girl so they can show her their dick. The problem with mixed bathroom is that they are awkward as fuck.


incredibly dead thread

This entire paragraph speaks for itself. Their absolute disdain.



And people are now saying TKAM should be banned because


Why the fuck you lying?
Why you always lying?
Oh my god!

yep, screenshot posted here

because it's the 40th millennium

Christians proving once again that they're the only ones that know how to review video games.

morality score 0%

Beautiful and whoever got those CCG ads for Holla Forums, bless you.









There's no breaks on this train.

So… Tim Soret shat on us once again? I should feel upset but I can't help but feel pity of the spineless cuck.

Forced memes.

I remember my time on KYM and how people shat on people for trying to force crappy memes.

The book review site Kirkus altered a review of a young-adult novel because SJWs complained about it having a Muslim character and white protagonist.

Apparently they've been SJW as fuck for a while:

Holly Green / Paste - "The Physical Glass Ceiling: When The Git Gud Mentality Turns Ableist"


There are cripples that make special controllers so they can still play
There are fuckers in the FGC that play with one hand
There is a blind fucker that beat OOT

I seriously hope those are false flag shills

I think Reanon has said that's not him. Gook got baited by the impostor.


I bet Ted Cruz is sweating bullets




As a non American, what's so important about releasing JFK files?

He'd be right if he meant that it was the white men in charge who should have replaced all the unskilled, worthless coders, modelers, and animators and replaced them with competent people. But of course, that's not what he means.

That doesnt make any sense and isnt an excuse

I'm not American, and assuming these files have something to do with JFK's assassination, surely nothing of any real importance will be released? Every other word would be blacked out.

I'm not american either

Will he ever stop?

Not until there arent any white men left

You know what we've learned in the past three years. SJWs always lie, SJWs always double down, SJWs always project. And worst case scenario that they have to come to terms that they're the reason their own life is shit, insist that it's always someone else's fault.

I was asking what the significance of releasing the JFK files was, and specifying I was asking as someone who isn't American, because I assume an American would have greater knowledge about JFK and could tell me why these files were significant.

Because even some 50 years later, there's still a lot of shit that's been redacted from official reports.

Even as an American myself, the only conspiracy theories I know of that surround the JFK assassination is the unknown reason as to why he was shot in the first place, the speculation that Oswald wasn't the real killer, and that they have JFK's brain stored somewhere in a jar.

Oh, so this is just stuff about the assassination. I doubt anything that gets released will do so without being heavily redacted then.
Then the other question I have is why is Trump doing this? Is it just a smokescreen?

But whyyyyyyy

I think it's an attempt to anger the fed, myself, and that the Don's doing this so as to get rid of the Federal Reserve.

Hm, okay. I don't know much about the federal reserve so I'll go and do some research.

Every president that tried to get rid of the central bank got assassinated, except for one: Andrew Jackson, who nearly neat his assassin to death and successful kicked out the central bank.


Also, despite completely controlling our money supply, the federal reserve is a privately owned, for-profit company.

To get almonds activating about what JFK opposed and how he ended up dead over it. My guess is he's aware of credible assassination threats against him and he's raising public awareness of it all to protect himself.

If Deep State is planning on taking Trump out via assassination, and media and internet is buzzing with talk of how JFK was assassinated, why he was assassinated, and the obviously messed up things about the assassination, it makes it a lot harder for Deep State to take out Trump.

And yet people think he's dumb. If Clinton would've won Trump and almost everyone else would be dead by now.

JFK's death was ordered by Lyndon Johnson, who was vice president at the time, while the official story is that Lee Harvey Oswald did it alone because he was angery. It's a good thing Oswald was assassinated before he could say anything, such a bad person should never be listened to no matter what information they may have pointing to their innocence.

I think I'm filled with too much hate. When I reach the point of wishing the dead of some kids because they are the beginning of regular street criminals I get scared of myself.

The worst is that I can racionalize that hating a whole population for their race and background is bad, but in my hearth I feel I'm on the right.

I find that unlikely. This is the presidency we're talking about here, not the throne of the Roman Empire. It seems more likely that someone wanted JFK's interests neutered by putting someone useless like Johnson in office.

LBJ had not only political interests in taking over JFK's place but also financial ones. JFK's corpse wasn't even buried yet and Lyndon had already overturned JFK's executive order to pull out of Vietnam, which is very convenient considering how much money LBJ's wife was earning through the war.

Take a break from the internet for a while.
Do something else, read a book, take a walk, play some vidya.
Go to church and make confession if you think it's that bad

The thing is that I don't FEEL it is bad. I just racionalize it as bad.

The only people who think all the races are 100% equal are sheltered people who haven't experienced the culture all races have created. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging there's difference between races, in general, and respecting them if they will respect you back. But as someone who has been fortunate enough to leave the internet echo chamber and travel the world, you have to be in denial to think that they are all the same.

The people who grow up on the internet and think all people are equal are the ones that end up dead at the hands of people they've defended on the internet.

Now I cooled down a bit I kinda feel sorry for them, being in a shitty gypsy family… or muslim, or whatever. Gypsies and muslims are starting to look totally alike.

I wonder if whoever made it knew that it's basically a game already

If you want to be angry about it, be mad at the people who tell you you're a terrible person for wanting to protect your neighborhood and way of life from something you perceive as a threat.


Hm… you know, thanks to feminism I don't know when sexual harassement is true or not.

If quadruple we get extra meme magic for our purposes.


On the one hand, I don't know if most of the women aren't just trying to steal money/fuck someone up by crying rape, on the other hand, every time someone gets outed as a rapist, it's always a socialist or a (((Hollywood producer))), so I could listen and believe it.



What if (((Hollywood producers))) are falsely frame like the rest of men?

Should we even care as they created this problem to begin with?

It's weird that it genuinely seems to be mostly leftists who get outed as being sexual abusers. Heck, if you filtered out the truly heinous criminal like the ones that rape and murder or rape random strangers, you might literally only get people responsible for our media that are sexual predators.

In my opinion I think it is a mixture of being actual predators and cuck faggots who doesn't even have a spine to defend themselves.

Unrelated, but it's about the UN. Remember them giving Saudi Arabia the human rights president seat?
How about going even further than that.

Literally what?

Well Obama got the nobel peace price, I don't think the people in charge know what they are doing.

Just in case

I think it's supposed to be "world health organization".

World health organization?

Literally who?


And who is Robert Mugabe? By the name I guess he is an african nigger who killed a lot of niggers from the wrong tribe and whitey?

He is a dumb nigger that threw out all the white african farmers "to take back what is theirs", and now its widespread famine because the niggers can't into farming.

Oh shit, I almost didn't recognize it was Rhodesia/Zimbabwe's dictator

My grandma asked me who WHO made a goodwill ambassador.
I said Mugabe as a joke.

I don't like this timeline anymore

OOOhh… him.

I hope all his country die of hunger.

False accusations are usually levied against people liberals don't like for their own gain. These people coming out, they don't have much to gain from coming out and saying they've been abused or harassed. I think it would even be bad for them. If abuse is widespread in show business, and you out yourself as someone who will tattle, all the other abusive higher ups in showbiz won't want to hire you. It's a good way to tank your career as an actor. And worst, it looks like a lot of these people who are abused or harassed end up with better careers because of it. It seems like some of these accusers weren't actually amazing actors, but they got far because they gave into jew pig's sexual harassment.

Removing white people is goodwill, according to UN.

So, he got the Nobel Peace Prize for condemning his country?

As if there was any doubt left that the UN is anti white.

More than antiwhite it is white guilt.

hmm, he can be a good candidate for WHO ambassador.

No, mugabe got a shitty participation award from the EU.

Fixed that for you.

When is the UN going to collapse?

It's collapsing right now.

It is going to die? Will it end in war?

There would be literally nothing wrong with Communism if it had plenty of food and worship of beauty, anime tiddies and pure love.

**It will most certainly die, but I don't think it will end in another european war.

Did nothing happen from the cp circulating in the UN?

All that is literally impossible with communism.

Dear lord do I want to lick her ears.

What the fuck did ableist mean again? I don't know this nuspeak.


Needs some archives thrown in.

It means you're not physically disabled. Even old people can play video games like kojima's mom who plays all his games no matter how much she died ingame and that other old jap man who played dark souls.

Ableist means discrimination towards the disabled. Usually used as an excuse to virtue signal or play the victim.

Ableist would mean pre-judging people based on their disabilities.I think.

That's not what "ableist" means. "Ableist" means showing prejudice, like sexism and homophobia, but towards cripples and handicapped people.
And as usual it's used to cry about movies because they're unfair to the blind or some shit.


That's what it means, yes.
But that's not what it ==MEANS==.

3100 files on the assassination have yet to be released and they could point to evidence that he CIA was involved in killing JFK.
These timestamps have the relevant parts of the linked video.

Ah fuck, forgot necessity of linebreak.

My favorite part of this is how she's all pro-drugs, toasted her hand eye coordination and then complains that video games are the problem.

I impossibly heard something about Shitendon't WANTING more violent and sexual waifu games on the Switch.

Is there any official source?

Nintendo, maybe.
Nintendo of America? HAHAHAHA!!

If Laci Green is slowly becoming unretarded somehow, maybe it's possible with women like Rapp and whoever else.

Worth a shot to try and subvert if you ask me.

Did I just fucking say that? I must have lost my mind.

It was in the WSJ

Wasn't she already shown to be a flip flopper and proof that "muh dick" doesn't cure crazy?

Rapp was fired from nintendo of america ages ago you twat. What does she have to do with nintendo anymore ?

Just pointing out she wanted to /ss/ and people clearly didn't care about how sexual she really was.

You want to?



Why wouldn't you want to? If crazy is cured, you may then have eyes on the inside of this bullshit that can leak compromising information, and you then have one more not crazy person who is essentially redpilled due to having witnessed the crazy firsthand.


I meant crazy in general. I'd want that in a devoted lover or a waifu. I already know exactly what I need to avoid saying or doing to ever make them go berserk.


Not sure if it's been posted yet. Just saw this in the Odyssey thread. Was archived 13 hours ago.


There's a dude that plays fightan alright with his face. Journos have no excuse.


Just off the site name and headline they lose any attempt at credibility

YA fiction is absolutely infested. If you think the video game industry is bad, its 5 times worse there. SJWs have basically won.

Nights of Azure is yuri and also fanservicey, which means I'm about to get a real fucking headache when it comes to retarded bloggers.

That's why you need to go to church



What a surprise, a bunch of retarded whites are going "hurr ur a rapist" or trying to call him "projecting".

Gods, I'm full of too much hatred and venom.

Unrelated question, but could you fly from a remote town of Alaska to Tokyo with a civilian airplane?

Trump pointed out the UK's crime raises annually due to radical Islam.


Ah ok, I was wondering if the fuel deposits were big enouth to get a small plane through the pacific.


Let's not forget the autists that try to make it about Hillary needing to be the president.


We are in desperate need of smug for this.
I miss my drives


Explain, i never gave two shits about them.

If neofag burns to the ground where will their cancer go?

Vice forums

To 4chan

Vice has forums?

Evilore was accused publicly yesterday of having sexually assaulted a woman
he hasn't called the claim false or anything (not like it'd help since neogaf is one of the big pertainers of this "women never lie" shit) and everyone seems to react like it's obvious and they knew all along
so now everyone's leaving and letting the site die off apparently, a fuckton of mods are quitting and numerous users are abandoning the ships

You're joking but there actually are a few of them talking about this very possibility


also I wanna fuck that elf when she wears that dress

Anyone have that old Nintendo Power comic where Luigi "substituted" for the princess?



It's back up already, which was bound to happen, it was just so funny I couldn't help but share this

>(((NeoGAF))) exposed

Have some smug chink

it never stops

After circling the city for 3 years their walls have fallen and the defenders are dropping like flies. They would have been untouchable if not for our Russian hackers and presidential connections.

It's a shame because Hyrule warriors was not a bad game.

it seems to be rapidly coming back up and then going down. DDOS?



I want you all to fucking suffer and know despair.

Know the emptiness and meaningless I once felt before finding my sense of and compassion for humanity

Reminds me of embed related

They have no idea how close they are to the truth

Get in here fags

Help, the Gamergate wiki doesn't let me log in. I even tried making a new account, but that doesn't work.

I bet the gamergays did this

That was Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

Is this a new viral marketing campaign for Death Stranding?


Nevermind, found it.

aren't feminists always against generalisation and shit like that? They say bullshit like woman not being bad at math when they clearly are but when a man does a mistake all men are to blame for it?

They're for generalization when it's convenient for them.

Just think; there are people out there with Neogaf tattoos

It depends wildly on whit "tier" of feminism you're talking about. Unfortunately around 20 years ago when "man-hating feminists" started showing up, they refused to point out they weren't feminists, because they wanted female solidarity. So now "feminism" is a huge broad spectrum going from reasonable folks to retarded tumblr cis-haters and everything in between.

they call it a cult for a reason.

neogaf is down again

How does it feel seeing NeoFAG implode?



Now would be a perfect opportunity to demoralize the fuck out of Neogaf posters by shitposting their board to oblivion,

Too bad /sp/'s not here to shitpost their website into oblivion.

You can only post on neogaf with an account, and you need special mail adresses to register, and then the mods decide whether or not they want you in, sometimes after weeks of waiting
good luck trying to start any raid
most people on neogaf secretly hate the place you know, so they don't need our help; only an occasion. Guess what's today…



>It's a furry

>killing yourself because NeoGAF's head was exposed for being the hypocritical piece of shit he is, thus wasting the $10 you paid for it or am I thinking of SomethingAwful again?

This retard bitches about GamerGate, anime tiddies, hating mudshits and Trump constantly, doesn't it?

The Weinstein thing really caused a chain of explosions in the SJW ceephouse, I want this to become a full blown mass hysteria that burns everything to the ground. Burn NeoFAG, burn Pedowood, burn journos, burn it all.


Who the fuuck is this faggot talking about? What's not naming someone going to do?

What's more effective?

webcache for the first screencap, since NeoFAG is down. I hope that faggot enjoys the hell of his own design.


Holy fuck. This is actually fucking hilarious to me for once.

Did none of these chucklefucks hear about the accusations against Evillore literally years ago?

Archive it then, you dumbass, so we can laugh at it as well.

☑ Burned down a bee-lieve hive by framing the owner for a paedophilia gaffe

Tried to and it just got stuck at the loading icon.

Nothing anyone can't humorously find on their own in a couple seconds, anyways. It's literally just typing all 4 variations of fuck.

I'd feel the same way about 8ch, to be honest.
Well, maybe I'd go to animebytes forum or something but I don't have anything specific



Peeled myself away from Yakuza Kiwami so I could enjoy the bacchanal.

I'm pleasantly surprised this hasn't become a small dance thread with sexy lolis.

Ah I now right, those pesky lolis. Im glad noone is posting them, grrr
You should be more subtle

This is all I have.

I was following this at work via Twatter. This is my smuggest Asuka, and her face could not better encapsulate how I feel right now, and have felt all afternoon.

Have the extended cut version.

Hello anons,
I've been sick as fuck the last 4 days literally everyday that I was sick some aGG jurno or critic got accused of some sex crime. but now a WHOLE FUCKING WEBSITE?

I think my sickness is not a sickness. It's the gods of vidya and anime tiddies taking my power to destroy our enemies.

Sorry for the blog post I'm high as fuck on meds.

Dancing, you say?

make sure to go to the doc and get yourself checked out. if it lasts more than 2-3 days it could be a serious thing.

So with neofag fucked what effect would this have on the industry, as it was the largest sjwhive in gaming? Hopefully this doesn't backfire on us like the tumblr raid did to cuckchan.

Dance Thread!
Dance Thread?

Wait a second, now that NeoGAF is burning down, what if the migrate here?

Don't be ridiculous. Neofags think they'll immediately be arrested upon typing "8ch".


We're still delisted from google. They'll never find us


See there's a group of girls that are willing to take one for the team and not complain about being molested by their producers.


Why would goons go where they cannot goon? No, cuckchan and SA are their next sanctuaries.

Gaf is burning!

Summon the drawfags to make better OC than I can!




Welp, this sure as hell will be used against him.

Literally impossible.

Good opportunity to remind people of Schereier's love of Neofag. I want to see him throw Tyler under the bus

with their favorite place down they end up having a lot of free time, and they will use that free time to piss us off.

Shut up, I'm not a lolicon.

I'm just capable of finding some lolis hot.


dindu nuffin




Which'll fail pathetically as we continue posting big anime tits and insulting retarded femishit cucks and hags.








Those doujins were hot. Shame no more have been translated for nearly a decade.

I want to smash your head open with a brick

Its beginning to look like Christmas
Neofags are triggered everywhere


Does anyone have that post of one Neogaf user saying how much he hated the site and as afraid to post because he got banned


If Neofag dies permanently, are we too "toxic" for them to come here.

Went through my entire EVA folder. This was literally the only genuine "smug" Asuka I have.

And there's nothing smugger than the "looking down with a shit-eating grin because my mosquito bites are bigger" smug.

Was this gamergates plan all along?


Not that one
There was another one
I saw mister metokur reading it on a stream he's doin atm


No, it is a happy side effect

Neogaf is back up
Time to raid, archive and screenshot

Brave anons identified Brian577.



Where will all those hack journalists go for news, I wonder.

I lost the better smugs I had, but these will do I hope.



GG pushed that first domino piece



Apparently halfchan Holla Forums mods are banning/deleting Neofag related topics.

Uncheck "Auto update tempestous and velocious threads" then


Use a chromium based browser. Unfortunately, any fast or large thread on 8ch will crash a firefox variant. Try Iridium or Vivaldi

Well your own fault then, since you are going to get leaks each time you update and that feature auto-updates in rapid fire.



the gift that keeps on giving



You mean Holla Forums

Reminds me of the screencap where a mod on half/k/ announced that gun control is not related to weapons and is therefore not allowed. But yeah, direct people to Holla Forums, I'm sure that will help to quiet the discussion about social justice down.


banning people for talking about neogaf

outside of this thread some people complain about politics too, they want to turn this place into halfchan.

I made a meme post on 4channit and apparently racism is now against the rules.

They set a terrible precedent by banning the GG threads

I'd never want to ban political talk, but we coud do with a bit less Holla Forums Holla Forums shitflinging

How about fuck you?



It is perfectly fine to complain about politics, since in many cases the complaints are absolutely justified (like a thread being derailed into talking about rape statistics or autists trying to bait inter-board shitposting). You simply have to tell the legitimate complaints from the fags that pretend they are against politics when in reality they are only against an X particular view.

We need an "as is above so is below" image to describe the parallel between holljew and vidya jew media.

I also love how they used fucking moot as the topic image. Last time I saw someone talk about what moot wanted, they got told "moot doesn't work here anymore" by the very same hotpocketeers trying to say "this is what moot wants."

That's a very old rule, just never enforced

Yeah, so it's essentially "we don't actually have anything on you, but we want to ban you anyway."

I drew this btw

If you wanted credit you should have posted it in twitter first, fuckface.
I like it

What the fuck am I looking at?

thx for this papadabbadoopoplocrois

She is cute. source?

no it was me

Net-juu no susume
Only 3 episodes aired so far

someone posted a reconstruction of evilores attempted shower fondle

Pretty much

And solo Vivian just for kicks.

E-celebs are starting to make videos about neofag.

no, it was me

Apparently gamefaqs users are telling the neofaqs to fuck off.


Whatchu gon' do 'bout it, NeoFAGGIT?



Bread Title: The Fifth Primarch Edition

Thanks. the anime of the season for me has been postponed, bkub

We're going to get constant raids and subversion attempts from now on. And an influx of cuckchan browsers.

The fuck? Make it about neofag, you nigger.


The Boycott/Support links are outdated (.com)
And I think the "Every time" line is soon going to get too long with the recent events.

Third, this is like the first and they are just crumbling down


I'm hoping we would be too toxic for them


GameFaqs isn't much better forum wise, but just by hosting walkthroughs, they are orders of magnitude less worthless than Neofag





Yes, the person that screen capped it original was also the person that posted in the gamefaqs thread as you can see by the delete button.
it was during the boston salt party and mods would delete all posts from users spoiling shit.

Last for benis.



I'll remind you of your Bruce Lee: "Use only that which works, and take it from wherever you find it."
I don't give a shit about the ideological bias of a site or clickbaity headlines if their sources are in order and the story isn't wrong. You can always lift the source and use your own words to explain what's going on.

Don't be some illiterate fuck that judges a book by it's cover, user. You're smarter than that.

In this case, we've got articles from National Review, College Fix, Northern Arizona University, on about "Culture is not a costume" nonsense – if this is so, then what's the fucking problem? Past that, if we carry this to its logical conclusion, every costume is appropriating from SOMEONE. No more witches because wiccans, nothing related to the occult because christians, no royalty because of royalty - get that? your little girl can't dress up as a fucking princess because YOU ARE AN AMERICAN - no frankenstein unless you happen to be what, a german jew?

And then a lovely article from the Daily Mail - grain of salt, I know - on how an elementary school in Massachusetts abolished Halloween in favour of "black and orange spirit day" because "halloween was giving some kids difficulty."
What difficulty? They have fun dressing up and get fucking candy. No reasonably well-adjusted child has a problem with this. The people having difficulty are the fucking SJWs on staff who will probably play with themselves later while reliving how they literally took candy away from small children.

And there's more, reasonably well-fucking-sourced points they bring up.
Don't be some fucking stooge willing to dismiss facts because they fell out of the wrong asshole's mouth or because they weren't phrased quite polite enough for you.