
For those of you who don't know Banished is a game very similar to Simcity or Anno. You start out with only a three families and scarce supplies. At least if you play on hard anyway, and you're not a casual. Are you user? The goal if anything is to manage your ever growing township as the families raise their young and new settlers arrive, it's a pretty easy game for the most part but the music and atmosphere make it very comfy. While it does have a few neat features it's pretty bare bones, but enjoyable none the less.

This is my town, Menia. Known for it's lumber, cattle, and fine cherry ale. It enjoys the benefits of trade from merchants sailing along the river and has a couple small outposts consisting of lumberjacks, hunters, gatherers, and herbalists that help supply the two larger sections of the town that are separated by the river and connected via bridge.

Other urls found in this thread:,

Does the Merchant still act like a kike?

And this is the tornado about to fucking assrape everything that I've worked on.

There's no dialog in game but so for I've been able to trade fucking firewood for a ton of food and other valuables. So i can only assume that i am the one doing the kikery. Maybe the tornado is here to DEUS VULT me.

Always bothered me that there was no way to fill those back in.

To anyone playing, once you are comfortable with the basics of the game, I recomend the mod Colonial Chapter. It adds a lot.

OK, if you play Banished, the worst thing you can do is expand too quickly. You'll have food shortages and everyone WILL die.
So never, for the shake of God, NEVER acept inmigrants into your town.

See this pic? This is Borontiton. 700 citizens at its peak, all of them starving to death because I took in a bunch of immigrants (nomads they are called in the game). I had about 10k of food in storage, and in less than a year it was gone. All of it. I thought they would be a quick way to grow, an easy way to expand my workforce. They only were a quick and easy way to destroy everything that I had build.

Also, fuck those guys who store 500 food in their houses while the rest of the town is dying of hunger. Seriously, fuck them.

I tried hard to start with little numbers, but they don't work fast enouth and die too quickly.

The second worst thing is to not expand enough. If you aren't making babies, there WILL come a time when a dozen old farts will suddenly die all in one season, leaving you with a huge labor shortage, and then everyone starves.

Banished is a game much like Dwarf Fortress, except the only possible ending condition is everyone starving, rather than a tantrum spiral.

Did the devs abandon this or what? My only memory of the game is making a comfy little town then I expanded quite a bit and thought I was doing well enough to build a moderate sized suburb type area then everyone fucking starved or froze in the winter. The mechanics are there, the content is not.

Yeah it's pretty glaring but it doesn't bother me too much since it's kinda off to the side. Would be neat if I could fill it in with water and get an artificial pound of sorts.

Damn user looks like you spent a lot of time on that. Pity it's going to hell because of those nomads. Remember kids, close your borders.

There should be a way to only take SOME nomads, but it's always an all-or-nothing affair. I remember several times where I had a choice between not taking any nomads and potentially having too few workers, or taking all of them and having too many mouths to feed. It was a no-win scenario easily fixed if I could say "I'll take only ten of you."

It can be a difficult decision to be sure, but if you manage to recover from the food shortage you'll be in a good position with all those extra hands. Typically I only get 10-20 nomads at the most that want to settle and usually they don't dent my food supplies that much.

Like how Tropico lets you limit to only skilled workers.

I use a mod (realistic ageing) that make people age one year each year, instead of the five they do in vanilla. It helps with the problem of the population ageing too quickly (way too quickly). Children also get to work when they are 12 and marry when they are 13. I had a huge surplus of women for some reason and whenever a boy reached 13 in my town, he got insta-married to a 20-24 old woman. Some kind of weird shota fetish going on.

Banished can be stupidly hard, but you can adjust the difficulty with mods if you are a filthy casual like me

The thing is, nomads are sending us their worst people. They're sending us rapists and drug dealers. Next gameplay I do, I'm gonna build a palisade all around my town, and it's gonna be HUGE.

I have older saves from before I took the nomads, so I'll only loose like 5 hours of gameplay. Apart form the nomads, the problem was that, for some reason, the merchants brought no food. I ate slightly more food than I produced, but it was alight cause I bought tons and tons from merchants. Then nomads came and the merchants stopped bringing food. Maybe they both had a plot to destroy my society?

These are what killed the longevity for me. I still got I think 20 or 30 hours of comfy gaymin out of it, but once you stabilize your initial population and begin planning ahead, it becomes next to impossible to have a disaster short of a heat-seeking tornado.
I was hoping there'd be a mod that added some kind of mid- and late-game threat, like bandits or something, but when I checked a couple of years ago it was all just stuff that added production buildings and crops and whatnot, as well as a few QoL fixes. I doubt there's been anything developed since, either, the game was never huge and any modding community will be dead by now.

pretty sure there's a mod for that

boring game with no midgame or endgame and little diversity plus small map, stabilizing population is the first and only challenge in the entire game. Fuck off.

Are your citizens having any happiness problems? I planned these things carefully in my town, but it looks like I shouldn't have bothered.

Yeah that's one broken part, if it's not that it's fucking clothes rotting off people and not being able to get enough new made/bought so every nigger freezes to death instead or as well as starving.

tropico is better, that at least has traffic management

This game is worthless without the colonial charter mod

Gets boring fast.

Use the adam and eve start.

just because isn't exactly what you want it doesn't mean it isn't finished…

I'm torn.
On one hand, the creator seems like a really cool dude I would like to support.
On the other hand, I remember pirating it at launch and enjoying it for a couple hours before getting extremely bored.
Does the colonial charter mod help with that?
I could buy it if it did.
Or if it had windmills.
FUCK, does this thing have windmills yet or what?

Is this the pedo citybuilder where everybody marries children? Why don't the villagers look muslim?

Even with Colonial Charter, the core game is still the dull unchallenging mess it's always been. The mod adds lots of features, buildings, and bug fixes but it doesn't do anything to actually improve gameplay. Build the buildings when you have enough material, make sure you don't overspend, and bam there you go you've won the game.

user, this might come as a surprise to you but for pretty much all of European history 13-16ish was the marrying age.

any porn mods for this?

Holy hell i enjoy the game but it isn't worth 20 dollars. Like, 10 at the most. Just visit the share thread and grab the mega for it ye land lubber. No windmills, no buy.

fucking same. I'm convinced it's ingrained in the game because I've seen lots of similar complaints/praises.

Not today pedoberg

Dude, I'm not advocating it or anything, but it's some pretty fucking well known and documented history that you can't just pretend doesn't exist because 'no u'

don't fucking pay for it, most of the work was done by a modder, better donate to that if you have money to spend

Use the adam and eve mod where you get no seeds.

there are more females born than males

this, literally, and it was the norm until the last century
you're just really ignorant…

the game is worth if you get it on a sale,
but like others said, don't expect too much, its a simple village survival builder, nothing much than that,
CC only adds tons of content, much of which is only aesthetic

but considering the author of the game, its a cool guy delivered on his game, las I knew he was working on porting it to loonix
however best left until his next game or something else entirely

What if I play on normal, you don't have to play on hard to not be a casual.

Hard mode just reminds me of how much of a failure i am. Why does hard mode exist?

Wait a I…a normalfag?

Maybe I should play this game.

Normalfags don't play games like this.

Big mistake.
I haven't played this game in ages. I remember we used to have threads where we all used the op's post number as the seed and would post our towns when we built a town hall. Was heaps of fun.
Also fishing was really OP last I checked. The ring around it generates however much fish relative to the amount of it covering water. Put one on a peninsula into a lake and you could feed hundreds of people with just four fishermen.

The river jew will still gladly take hundreds of leather coats for a single cherry seed and pit all of his fruits.

it got a gog release.

the game doesn't have a difficulty scale, only starting difficulty, so easy has some buildings already there, while hard has less resources and nothing built yet

you will be disappointed, because
1. not really anything norse related, besides medieval wooden buildings
2. taking in immigration is actually really good when you can bear it (the work force is very much needed)

wooden houses are good only at first, but I sitll use them at fringe places
and its not that fishing is OP, is that its basically required for sustenance because all others sources are not as reliable
I never got it right either making optimal places for herb gatherings and hunters, even the fishery, they often seem to be more optimal with fewer workers

At least I learned my lesson. Send the nomads away.

There are some medieval and nordic mods. Not as complete as colonial chapter, but they are there.

About reliability… that's the worst part of the game: it's not consistent. In one town, a woodcutter may chop enough firewood to warm 30 houses. In another town you may need three. And builders… builders are the worst kind of lazy arses that you can ever imagine. Ordered too many buildings at a time? That's too bad, none of them will be completed. Maybe in a year or so they'll finish laying the foundations for the first house.

I keep a close eye on my builders and try to never have them do more than 5 buildings at a time.
Yeah no fuck that, I'd rather have a heat seeking tornado. At least then i get to watch the chaos rather than seeing everyone just drop dead from starvation.

Hunters just need empty land (no buildings, no water, no mountains) in their ring. They'll generate however much the limit is minus the area of the circle is occupied and then the number of workers is whatever proportion of that is utilised. Then any area of the ring that intersects another ring from the same type of building will have the resources gathered from that area split evenly between them. So a ring with 10% of its area occupied and 3 out of 4 possible workers will generate somewhere around 68% of the maximum amount it could make. Then if another of the same type was placed right next to it, both together would generate 34% of the maximum of one, each, to a net of 68% of the maximum.
What you should be doing is finding an area of flat ground and putting a forester, hunter, and gatherer (and maybe herbalist if you need one) in the middle of it so all of their rings overlap. Then never build anything in the area of their rings. That way you'll have trees, meat, leather, foraged goods (and herbs) without covering an obscene amount of area and minimising the penalties as much as possible.
Having houses near them (but outside their rings) is good too because it cuts the time spent travelling to work and back which lowers the time working. Like pic related.
You can also see them in the corners of my screenshot.

No, but the scenarios that happen are amazing porn plots.

I downloaded the game and set out on hard mode. I layed down a bunch of buildings and roads but the settlers only made the roads. Then winter came and everyone froze to death. I'm going to try again and see if I can figure out how to get them to build anything. Also, isn't there a way to move the storage wagon? I wanted to make my town farther away and it's pretty dumb that the settlers have to walk so far. It has wheels, they should be able to bring it over.

My dick would explode if such a game was made.

Start on easy your first time, if only because you start with seeds. Otherwise, you'll have to build a pier, wait for a merchant and then pay an outrageous amount of goods just to buy some seeds. That is, if he bothered to bring seeds. In hard, you have to so this in less than two years, before your food runs out. There are other sources of food, but they're not very good in maintaining your village.

Keep in mind that the difference between difficulty settings is only the stuff you start with.

IMO, Banished is the best of the modern city builders out there. Which is not saying much. The new Simcity and Cities: Skylines are shit. Haven't played Cities in motion, though.

I struggle to find a city builder that's at least as good as Caesar III

I figured it out. I need to make a stockpile and mark resources to be harvested. The settlers won't do it themselves. Let's see if I can make it a year without starving or freezing this time.

that was more or less exactly how I used to do it, sometimes I also get a few houses near them as it said that house proximity would help with job speed
but fuck is quite hard to place them, like in your picture, doesn't those hills worsen production?
and btw, I've also heard that gatherer's production depends on old grown forests for optimal spawn

banished has nice weather
cities skylines has realistic water
but fuck, if you could have real water and sewer management, plus figure out how to deal with non flat land only buidling, it would be pretty much awesome
hope the developer work on something like that next

Why does my school always have 0 students? There's plenty of children in the town. Is it because everybody is working?

The proper way to do it is to expand at a steady and even rate until you hit a population milestone where the rates of birth and death are matched relatively evenly and at a constant pace. This creates population stability, at which point the game becomes pretty much self-sustainable. From then on, it's watching out for natural disasters (if enabled) and carefully expanding as needed.

>Colonial Chapter Charter
This a million times. If you're new to the game, play the vanilla Banished as tutorial and then move on to CC as soon as you understand the game a bit.

Do you have a teacher? Also, children become students when they hit a certain age and only then. So children past that age won't become students retroactively if a school becomes available.

Can't believe I still have this. Does pic related still work?

The (((merchant))) wants 2,500 shekels for a single bean seed.

I got it working. Currently I'm trying to make bridges so that I can access more resources. My population is aging so I'm trying to get them to reproduce more. I'm also building all the extra buildings like the Town Hall and Hospital. I was about to make a graveyard too. Considering that I just picked this game up, it seems pretty easy. I don't think anything threatens my existence.

It has just begun, user.

I have a wood shortage. I got the bridge in the bottom left up and I'm getting lots of it from there, so it should be fine. I'm going to build up some reserves instead of using them as immediately.

My biggest concern is the aging population. A lot of my houses are abandoned or look like pic related. There's kids so I hope they'll be able to keep the town going.

Drop the poorhouse and the herbalist, getting firewood and food are far more important.

I'm trying to start an orchard. I have the seeds in storage. All the options are disabled. What am I missing?

I made a mine to get coal. The settlers are not carrying anything with them when they leave the mine. I'm not getting any coal even with 9 miners.

I just realized they're leaving the coal next to the mine. Maybe I need some laborers to bring it over.

Nice. Maybe they won't be cold anymore.

Burning coal for heat is the devil's work, user. Turn that shit off and start deforesting.

Don't do orchards until your town is well-established. They take years to produce any food, so it's more of a long-term investment.

Behold about 20 hours of autism. I'm nowhere near complete though.


This is true.

Did you do the tutorial? I know settlers will drop everything they're doing just to build roads but starving to death

Yes. Beans are OP as fuck. The settlers still harvest west to east, south to north, two crops at a time. That 4x15 layout really increases your harvest speed.
Just make sure your education level doesn't drop to zero or people will be too thick to pick up the harvested crops and eat them.

*but starving to death only really happens if you have no food production. You've gotta build those hunter/gatherer/fishermans huts.


Finally a game I could try playing,

Thanks at last.

You forgot to post the info hash

which megamod?
but impressive village
I wish, I could literally spend the whole fucking week playing this game and not even get near that

Why? Would it possibly be because, say, you have a job? Kinda like, hm, a productive member of society? Hah, that'd be ridiculous. Who would have a job? You don't, right user?

ha ha…….
I literally spend like the past two fucking weeks eating, working out, and binging on total war
I need hahlp

At least you have good taste.

The river Jew giveth, and the river Jew taketh away.

All he has is his fat ass, user. Good taste requires good games.


What's this single seed nonsense? Buying seeds gets you an infinite supply of that seed.


This mod is fucking great with content and just shit to build, but the problems of Banish are made ever apparent.

that takes me back. threads everywhere with comfy.jpgs
wat. felt longer
checking the dev blog
>This will likely be the last update of Banished, except for any major bug fixes. The OSX and Linux versions development has stopped, and won’t be released. Going forward I’ll be focusing on new games and projects.
wonder what he'll be working on.

Threads started with the game in early access

does food still last forever in storage? i remember starting with sheep and having a retarded amount of meat/wool/leather a few years in

I took in some "nomads" and got a famine. I knew I was low on food but I thought I could increase my production before my stockpiles ran out. The problem with famines is that once they happen, they're hard to get out of. I think that's because settlers carry a little bit of food with them to their houses. It makes them wander a lot instead of working to get more food. Even if all of the settlers are on food, the famine continues. I think I've managed to stabilize it. A big chunk of my population is young so they take up food, don't work, and need to be educated. I'd have to wait for my population to age before before continuing. I learned how to do just about everything in this game. I got all the high level buildings and planted crops too.

The town is over 30 years old and I've been playing for a while so I think I'll end it here. My biggest mistake was expanding too quickly. I got impatient since it always felt like I didn't have enough workers. That made me minimize my food production and to try to quickly grow my population. Big mistake.

It does last forever.

And yet you can buy beans from him that are all boiled and can't be planted.

As a general rule you want to build somewhere around the same number of houses each year. That means you'll always have room for new families and they'll grow at a reasonably constant rate. If you build a shittone of houses all at once then nothing, when those new families age they'll all die at the same time. Also setting all of the single elderly person houses to be destroyed and then undo it before they get started frees up the houses to potentially be claimed by a new family and the single elderly people might move in together, taking up less houses.

I had a bunch of kids starve to death and it made me sad so I stopped playing.

Yes. But it was the best place at the time.

Tasks are typically performed in order. If you give orders to chop down a ton of trees and then set build orders, all of your laborers are going to try and cut down ALL of the trees you designated before they bother to carry any of that lumber off to the build sites. Until then it will just sit in stockpiles or on the ground. However, if you set the Build order FIRST then tell them to chop down the whole map, they will only chop down the trees they need and supply the building.

They remember the order you set down the blueprints. Pausing a construction will make them skip it, but the moment it's unpaused it will return to whichever order you originally placed it.

Why is Firewood the best trade good in the game? Makes no damn sense.

Random bit of advice, keep fields single-farmer sized. Keep in mind that you can set the number of farmers to a field up or down from the default. Find a field size that a single farmer can reliably harvest and stick to it.

The farming AI doesn't cooperate very well on shared fields. Farmers will tend to take turns harvesting rather than doing it together, which is an inefficient use of time and often leaves unharvested crops to waste when winter comes. With individual fields not only can you harvest all of your crops, but you can do so with fewer farmers.

It also gives you extra protection from Infestations. A random event infestation targets a single field (of any size) with the ability to spread to nearby fields of the same plant. Losing a single 15x4 field is far preferable to losing a 15x15, you just have to be careful about placing different crops in adjacent fields so it can't spread.

You want to see Famine? Look at this shit.

The first decline is an aging population. I didn't build enough houses early on and ended up with no children, then the elderly died. I picked up a small group of nomads to replace them

The major population spike is where I built TOO MANY houses. I had shitloads of food going into it and felt invincible. Then the famine hit. Nearly half my population died in like 2 years, I haven't actually built any houses since then, just loads and loads of food production

The food graph is interesting because you can see where I pilled out the reserve to try and fight the Famine (I stash extra supplies in the trade depot). You can also see how hard I've bounced back. That dip at the end is me rebuilding the reserve (my Markets were overflowing)

fucking finally, any word on whats in the new update?

because every other thing is so damn valuable and hard to come by

been there too, the thing about famine is, that they end up in a vicious cycle where every little bit of extra food gets taken away by a starving house and they end up not working as efficiently

Anyway, here is my little village.
i don't see a changelog, unless the previous posts about modkits is what it is

What the fuck is going on?

Got lost.
It's a feature.
No really I remember there being something about people who get sick will attempt to get herbs for themselves in the wild and will get high on shrooms or something.

That's part of it. Logs are one of the most easily renewable foods next to crops. But that's not all. Each log creates 3 or 4 units of Firewood, and each unit of firewood is worth 4 while logs are only worth 2. You gain 14 in profit per log, it's ridiculous. Plus every vendor accepts Firewood as trade while almost none of them accept food or herbs.

Turns out they don't ALWAYS Harvest the same way. Sometimes they just pass through and take things on the way.

Anyone know any good maps seeds for starts near a lake?
I seem to always get ones that have lakes on the far corners of the map and only tiny creeks through the middle.

This game was great. Probably one of the best Indie devs in the industry (because I barely know anything about him and have no complaints). Any must-get mods?

Any mods that simulate crop rotation?

I got bored in like 15 mins, I did the tutorials and what not. I build like 3 houses, and a fishing dock, firewood station but then got lost what to do..

Holy shit the amount of back and forth the dev made on whether or not to have crop rotation. Following the development it was almost 50% "I added crop rotation then removed it because it was shit then added it again and then made all these ways of automating it because it wasn't fun then removed it because automating it defeats even having it" over and over again.

This game is amazing, I haven't played it in a very long time though

Is that one mod still absolutely required for this?

Would you rather have a tedious system that doesn't add anything but micromanagement, or none at all?

sounds like he is rotating his development features :^)

yeah, why not just do it yourself? it is kinda of a pointless system for the game
specially considering it takes quite a while to take on crops

and btw, how come no one talks about "life is feudal: forest village"
seems like a pretty close clone of banished, but working around its engine limitations, like a newer version of it (still from 2015)
I barely ever heard talk about it, but just saw on steam out coincidence, and thought if it is worth a pirate

ive seen it, but havent checked it out at all

well just got it out right now out of curiosity, (pirated of course),

Tornado kills half my population, I finally recover, a fire burns down half my houses and two markets, a second fire almost burns them down again while I'm rebuilding, and then as soon as they go back up another tornado kills half my population again.

At least I have plenty of food though.

It'd be cool if these events left irreparable scars.

Only in my population graphs.


I knew the game runs on toasters, but I didn't think anyone would literally play it on one.

It's odd that I have played Banished 171 hours but never had a massive disastrous fire. I don't think I've lost more than two houses in a single fire.

I haven't played in years but it feels to me the game can't be played past some point if you don't have the mod to make you mine have infinite resources.

Is that right?

fires can be devastating when you built too many wooden houses too close together
its a cool detail, like if there were slums

They were stone houses though. Pretty much all of these burned and had to be rebuilt.

its the high density, why the fuck do you have so many markets though?

can somebody share it?

The version on Nexus is old and out of date anyway. Get it from Steam or here:

fucking immigrants


why is fishing so fucking useless in this game

Colonial Charter or Megamod? I have 100 hours in this game but have played neither.

Fishing is only as good as you are. Read:

Colonial is more finished and has a Colonial ambientation.
Megamod is medieval.

Chose the one you like the most.

alright got bored with this already
is pretty much next gen banished, beautiful graphics
but extremely early access, should not be released yet
I absolutely love the terrain features and how you can work on it

That looks gorgeous. Hope it doesn't turn shit before the final version comes out.

seems like they "released" the final version of the game, but are still working on it
and this why the spurr of bad reviews recently on steam
but definetely, its not a finished game yet

Megamod includes an earlier version of CC and can be run alongside the latest version (there's a compatibility patch somewhere on Black Liquid).
In general, CC is better balanced and more polished, Megamod has more stuff.

I was told they were more efficient storage, but that appears to be incorrect and they are much less efficient than barns. My mistake

Markets should service multiple warehouses.

Yeah I made a mistake, but you have it backwards. Markets should service multiple houses (in their circle). They pull from barns everywhere on the map.

no you dinguses
markets are more efficient way to distribute goods, where as they will collect different stuff from every warehouse around (and they use a cart too) so they stock up on the most varied types of goods, and I think balanced amount in each market too
the citizen however, will grab whatever they need from the nearest warehouse that has it unless they are nearby a market,
therefor its more efficient because they only need a quick trip to the nearby market that is assured to be stocked with most needed goods

That's what I said. Workers collect from multiple warehouses and bring the food to a core housing area with a marketplace.

anyway, gonna try once again this game because now I know what I'm doing better
but seems to me they should drop the first person aspect and focus on the gameplay

I thought you meant like if the markets serve the warehouses, but its more like the other way around
anyway, never actually built so much that I needed more than 1 market, and I always plan it ahead too, so it sits right at the center of the village


fuck just re-watching these made me want to play the game again

okay, played Forest Village again and got quickly bored…
so just to sum up what I thought about the game and why

Its gives a feel of being very early in development, some thing are not well though over and properly balanced,
for example, there is a lot of small touches details, like the sea swell with storms, another cool touch is how vines seem to creep up on buildings over time
on the other hand there are some oversights, like everything insta freezing as soon as temperatures hits negatives, or how tree pop up from one day to the other

time scales are all over the place, a year can easily breeze by and nobody managed to building the couple of buildings you tasked them to
and sometimes the whole day passes and the person barely was able to walk to its productive task
there is no indication of what it is, the calendar, only what season,
so overall it seems that time passes way to fast with the exception of people actually being able do work during that time,

quick rundown, has a ton of potential, you can see the amount of detail the devs had in some aspects, and exactly the lack of the same detail over other aspects of the game show how it is far from done

me every fucking time with RTS games, not just banished


Strange how firewood is such a great resource for trade. Never really got that.

Wool Coats are another option.

I haven't been able to confirm the numbers. According to, Sheep Pastures MIGHT be one of the most effective food sources, or one of the worst. There are two conflicting numbers one says they provide around 1000, another says over 4500. Assuming the latter is correct, then you probably want to build a fuckload of Sheep Pastures anyway. Wool Coats are created at a great profit (especially when educated), effectively tripling the value of the Wool inputs. So you turn your free wool into free money without having to worry about shit like logs.

Speaking of education value, how much does education actually do for me? I always seem to develop a huge labor shortage whenever I build a school. And it doesn't really help in the first place if 2/3 of my pop become farmers anyways. Is there perhaps a mod or something that'll let me assign educated workers to the jobs that actually benefit from it? Is it in the game somehow already and I'm just being a tard?

The game almost feels like environmentalist/primitivist propaganda in a way. Maintaining forests brings in food, heating, building materials, medicine and a renewable trading commodity.

Pretty sure educated farmers also just work better.

It is a pain in the ass to be sure.

I know that education increases the number of products created for the same number of inputs, usually by +1. That means that an educated Tailor for example will produce 2 Wool coats for 2 wool instead of just 1, in the same amount of time. Effectively double the speed and half the cost.

What I don't know is which jobs are affected. Tailor, Blacksmith, Brewer and Woodcutter all benefit (finished goods). I don't know about anyone harvesting raw materials (farmers, miners, foresters, or laborers collecting resources). I would not be surprised though to find that all of those jobs produce extra resources when performed by an educated person.

Education lasts from age 10 to age 17. Normally people become laborers at age 10. I'm not sure if students are able to start families or not, I think not (10 year old laborers ARE).

Vendors will travel the map taking tonnes of items to the market from barns so you can have your barns right next to the buildings that produce things and have the workers not have to travel ages to drop off their day's work but still get the resources somewhere near the houses that need it.

Wool Coats>Firewood for sure. Right now I'm trading them at 4 posts in exchange for all the logs, stone, and iron I need. Much more efficient to dedicate land to Sheep than to dedicate it to Foresters, not that I don't have a couple of those too.

If you have the megamod, build the small school for 25 students in the first 3-4 years. It's the one with white plaster walls. All workers benefit from education and it's a 25-50% boost in their productivity, depending on exact profession. Builders do their job faster, meaning they will take less breaks when working on something that needs more than 40-50 work points. Gatherers also increase their output, be it specialized ones (like hunters) or simple laborers mining the rocks and iron deposits. A laborer will get more units of stone and iron out of every single node, which is crazy important unless you're using mods for growing new nodes or mines with unlimited deposits.

Has anyone tried the Yaoyao mod?

Woods can provide enough food for small populations, but only farming can feed you when it comes time to needing specialists for industry.

Less about specialists and more just space. Space is the only truly finite resource in the game. Gatherers are extremely efficient both in startup costs (building construction) and manpower, but everything you build in their circle reduces efficiency, ultimately giving them one of the worst per-tile outputs (hunters are even worse).

Farms and Pastures have much better per-tile. I'm not actually sure which are better. Pastures are extremely labor efficient though.

eh.. my complaint is that sometimes people forget how to farm. is it a bug? everytime i build a big enough town, it randomly collapses cause of that.

I have no clue what you're talking about. Any screencaps?

Trying to plant too early? Too late?

Are your farmers educated?

Don't do this

Will markets collect from all over the map and serve and house within their radius, or do both the storage barns they draw from and the houses they serve have to be in the same radius?

Just the houses need to be in radius. Vendors are people too so you might not want to keep things TOO far apart if you can help it.

Worth noting that jobs already try to be assigned to the closest house, so it benefits you to build market+houses in a variety of places as you start to need labor on more of the map.


You know, I resent the hell out of this assumption that "real" gamers don't play on easy mode. I'm not a casual! I'm just a pussy.

I don't think they're supposed to represent houses that are entirely made out of stone.

Is that a rape alley?

This happened to me too in early game. I'm not sure if it had something to do with the orchard gobbling up potential workers or if it was due to the lack of education at the time.

Do you think that the roof and furniture is made out of stone too?

It is made out of stone. There is no plaster or wallpaper to catch on fire.
The roof is made out of stone shingles.
It stills burns to the ground and sets other stone houses around it on fire.
My point still stands, stone houses burning down is gay

Son, have you ever seen the interior to a house of stone? Its got tons of wood in it. I bet you think castles couldn't burn down either.

It's the size of an apartment, mate. It might have a few wooden supports and a wooden floor but that doesn't melt stone bricks. If you want to be fair, maybe it should cost some wood to repair or something. Still gay

Even if there are only a few supports, burning them will cause the roof to collapse and the walls to fall down; whether the stones burn or not, the house will be completely destroyed and require being rebuilt. The shingles aren't made of stone, either. Since the chief purpose of stone houses in Banished are that they retain more heat, it's best to think of them as a wooden house with a facade of stone for insulation. If you want to be pedantic, since they cost more logs to build, it seems they have MORE WOOD in them!

You are correct that they shouldn't require new stone resources to rebuild (or at least not as much), though; that's an oversight by the creator, but should be easy to fix.

This game is emergently redpilled.

Speaking of retards, is there any way to solve this problem other than eugenics?

You fix the problem by building a school as soon as possible, preferably no later than second year. You keep the population growth slow and stable, then just wait for the dumb boomers to die off. 5-8 years later your literacy rate will recover.

That's not bad at all. Educated laborers get more units of stone/iron/wood when they clear designated areas. They're less wasteful with limited resources.

That's fine if they are cutting trees/mining rocks, but if all they are doing is hauling them it doesn't help at all. Laborers tend to cut first and leave the resources on the ground for a long time.

Late game it's best to buy all your stone and iron from traders (I buy bulk wood too). I find that textile industry, specifically Wool Coats are the best items to sell. Firewood is easy early, but it requires a constant supply of wood which you could use for other purposes. Wool comes as a byproduct of producing food, so if you raise sheep for food you will end up with wool whether you want it or not. In fact, there's no way to limit the production or accumulation of Wool (production limit doesn't work), so you have to dispose of it via trade anyway. Wool Coats are also more weight/cost efficient. Firewood weighs 4 units and sells for 4, Wool Coats weigh 10 units and sell for 15.

Avoid Quarries and Mines. Mines aren't as bad, since they have to be built on a hill they don't actually take up many usable tiles, but Quarries waste your strictly limited space. Ultimately, the size of your population is limited by space even on a large map, because space is the only truly finite resource.

I'm still not sure how efficient Pastures are at producing food, HOWEVER if you wanted to you could trade your wool coats for bulk food from traders. The raw wool (or leather) works too if you are desperate and don't have enough tailors. Either way you can supplement the food production in a way that makes Pastures easily the best use of available space if they aren't already.

Half my population including all of my students just died because I noticed the food shortage way too late and then struggled to manage it. I've always been shit at these types of games, but it's still fun so I don't really care.
It also doesn't help that it's my first game with the megamod and had a slow start because I wasn't aware of half of the shit that I needed, like melting iron ore into iron instead of using it as is.


I doubt it really would have saved anyone. The only way to stabilize a famine is for people do die off and stop consuming more than they produce.

It would have bought a little time at the very least to finish building another fishing dock while I had the manpower, and I play with the mod that makes villagers age by 1 year/year, so even if it saved 1 or 2 people it would have been good enough.

Life is Feudal: Forest village > Banished

Well okay.


My luck would be that retard becomes the town's only blacksmith for the rest of his long life.

I guess the wood used to build it just gets thrown out when it's done, right?

Calm yourself and read the replies, (1)

It horrifies me that your understanding of general construction priciples is so lacking.

Even the picture shows the wooden supports on the eves, let alone the fact you would need span bracing for the roof structure, struts etc…


I'm not (1), my IP just resets every day.

I always find it funny when tards try to act superior
He's being sarcastic, autismo

I'll try it out


Somehow my people keep crossing a stream and getting stuck on the other side. There's no bridge yet so they die of starvation over there. I want to know how they keep getting over there in the first place

If you destroy a bridge but there's still people with pathfinding that goes over it, those people will walk on the bottom of the river, through the water, to the other side. So they are capable of ignoring depths of water; they can't drown. I imagine the same bug applies in some specific scenarios regarding terrain- the pathfinding tells them to go over, they do, then when they do their task the pathfinding registers said body of water as actually being an obstacle and they can't come back.

There never was a bridge though. I had placed some building plans on the other side without bothering to check if there was a path, then I found the building half constructed and the builders starving with no way to get back home.

Yes, I know. My point is that people can't drown and there's bound to be some terrain pathfinding bugs, as there is when you destroy a bridge.

How about NO


I approve of this mod.

I built myself something that produces charcoal from logs and stripped the forest to the north and to the east. Now I'm rolling in logs and coal and using firewood for trade. Much better than the iron tools I was using for my main trade resource.

I wish there were a way to see what percentage of my total storage was full. Ideally separating raw materials and finished goods, maybe listing trade posts as a third category or ignoring them altogether since they don't take goods automatically.

Thought that sounded like a fun idea so I made my town with OPs id. I'm at about 250 population now. Had a big drop in population that fucked me over hard. Not sure why it dropped. There was no starvation or people freezing to death from no clothes/firewood. People just decided to stop having babies for a decade.

Obviously at some point you didn't build houses quick enough. Old people don't have kids, but they do still "start families", so if there are a bunch of old people who haven't gotten houses yet you run into an aging population problem. It's not really a big deal though unless it happens early and you start dropping below starting numbers

I tried Megamod, but it wasn't working out due to the resource caps. I switched to Colonial Charter after I learned that there were 10 more caps available in the newer versions. It's a shame, because I really liked the medieval buildings in Megamod, along with some of the row housing and the multi-storied buildings.

The game was left on default settings. I started out with the north and west being hilled off, a river to the east, and an open field to the south. I decided to build a town in that little space, and I think it came out alright. My main marketplace is here, and it services everything but my farm village.

I put an early bridge up across the river and started forestry operations. There are multiple roads splitting off leading to 4 other foresters out there. I built construction buildings close to the river to refine resources coming into town. I just recently replaced an excess sawmill with two stack burners to solve my ever-growing wood expenditure by switching to charcoal instead of firewood.

I also built an early tunnel through the hill to the north, which was my first major expansion in terms of housing. I built a lot of my more industrial buildings up here, such as my textile buildings and my tool development line. I've recently started weaving cloth, but I've been mass producing buff coats for most of the game. The industrial trading dock is also recent, as I finally stripped the surface of stone, and I needed a reliable source.

Once I hit a point where I needed more serious food, I started purchasing seeds, and then I placed a whole bunch of farms outside of the town. Further to the southwest is a small farm village to reduce travel time and expand my population. This village started alongside my first bakeries. Since I have plenty of both sugar and flour, they make almost exclusively sugar cookies.

Overall, I think everything has come along nicely and looks fairly attractive. I wish there were more resource limit caps, because having to micromanage workers to prevent things like lumber from overflowing is pretty annoying, and takes time away from developing and planning, but the increased cap makes this so much more playable. I just hate having to constantly check resources to see if I need to pause things like water towers and sawmills. I'd also really like to have a larger butchery building that can hold multiple workers.

Also, hunting blinds are ridiculously overpowered. I built a few to help with my feather income for producing bedding, but they ended up producing over a thousand food per worker, and they don't even have to find ducks, nor do they suffer for being too close to each other. I had to tear them down because I felt filthy. Who thought this was okay?

Are you talking about the limit that you can de/increase? I haven't had any issues with it so far on megamod because I increased all of them.

Pretty sure, but his problem seems to be that certain resources don't HAVE caps so he's struggling to manage storage space. Vanilla has that problem with textiles. There is technically a cap, but it doesn't work because Textiles are produced as a byproduct of food production and therefor can't be turned off directly.

Right I forgot about those. Kind of a shame that the game overall seems to lack tools to manage things easier. A list that shows the order of builder/laborer's jobs that could be rearranged instead of using that shitty priority tool would be nice for example.

The megamod lumps a lot of materials and half-products into material category. There's a dozen different workshops which produce them, so when you sit on tons of one material but want more of another, you need to manually shut down one workshop, open another, then redirect the worker. This game would really benefit from Rimworld's production system. Choosing to produce specific goods up to a cap or X times. I'd especially like to order X building supplies.

I have an even bigger issue with foods. Despite building grape orchard and winery in the same place, well outside of the town and with their own storage, laborers still carry half of the grapes to the town and market. People eat through half of my supply before a fully staffed winery gets to work through them. You should be able to just ban certain products from being used by the populace. There are small plugins which set specific foods to inedible, but it's just tedious. Not to mention that in case of famine, I would prefer to release unprocessed foods instead of turning them into alcohol. It's also plain stupid when a nearly empty storage stands right by the orchards, but laborers carry the crates to the other side of the map. Since the AI is acting all retarded, we should be able to designate what specific products are supposed to be stored in what buildings.

I'm only now getting into larger varieties of foods since fishing had been more than enough, so I haven't experienced too many issues with that yet.

Funny you mention Rimworld because since I started playing Banished I've been wanting to give that a shot instead. Banished seems unfinished in the whole managing aspect of the game and as I understand it Rimworld does it much better, it also has the bonus of presenting you with actual threats.
It's a shame how lackluster management is because the little frustrations take away from how comfy the game could have been.

It has a pretty autistic degree of management but it still benefits immensely from storage mods. In vanilla the only form of storage is creating stockpile zones and specifying which items you want to store in them; ideally you make a lot of smaller but specialized stockpiles. Stackable stuff tends to have rather low stack limits. You can manually ban your settlers from ever touching specific stacks and items (this one's actually featured in megamod/CC in form of resource depot). Storage zones and crafting benches also have priority settings which once set up properly, will afford you enough automation to focus on expansion, excavations, combat, you name it. Crafting benches in particular can be set up to have several active tasks ordered by priority, so for example the tailoring bench will produce coats, pants and hats up to set limits without you ever needing to manually switch between the articles.

There are storage mods which add buildable shelves, baskets, fridges and various other containers with increased capacity and predefined item groups for easier customization. I was about to shill for Skullywags expanded storage, but I haven't played since ver. 14 and apparently in ver. 17 his fridges don't work properly yet. Still, his mods are solid so new releases are something to look out for.

Sounds neat, I'll give it a shot after I get bored of my current town. Guess I'll have a look at his mods too and see which ones are up to date.
Thanks user.

Any mods that make this game more difficult?

made this template from some redditfaggots supposedly sustainable market town
I just lifted the buildings, added vertical and horizontal layouts, tweaked the animal pen sizes and painted out the whole influence area for the market
the trade post and the stockpile doesn't have the alternate layout, I got lazy

First, people can walk through orchards and pens. They have a little more difficulty with farms after planting, but the farmers themselves don't have any issue.

Second, the ideal farm is 15x4 (vertical) with 1 farmer. The reason for this is that when harvesting or planting farmers will work from bottom to top and can reach 4 tiles at a time, so this allows the maximum efficiency per person. Sometimes you can get away with larger (eg 15x5) but that depends crop type, travel and idle times.

I'm not entirely sure on the mechanics of Pastures, but I suspect they become more efficient the larger they are. Regardless, 10x5 is just WAY too small when you could be running 20x10 with a single person.

The ideal orchard is 4x15 (horizontal). This maximizes the number of trees per tile for one farmer. A 15x15 orchard is slightly more space efficient but I have no idea how many farmers it takes or whether it is reliably harvested at all.

I stuck with 4x12 farms in my template since that's the size of 3 houses which made them easier to fit when I was fiddling with the 3rd image in my previous post
as for the orchards, according to the image in max vertical is 13 tiles tall north to south

For orchards it depends on the mods you use. Megamod and CC introduced dense orchards with 2x2 tree spacing, so anything with odd dimensions is efficient. 9x15 orchards work well for me and a single farmer can harvest them in time quite easily; the yield is 1300. 11x15 would likely also work. CC and megamod also add the option of using laborers to haul the crops while farmers focus solely on the harvest.

Pastures all have the same efficiency with just a single farmer. Their size has to be calculated based on the type of animal, for example fresian (milk) cows need 20 squares each. My dairy is supported with a 20x20 pasture for 20 cows, which produces (annually) around 730 milk and occasional beef+leather.

The best Orchard in terms of food per tile is 5x4 (5 horizontal 4 vertical). This is fairly inefficient per farmer though. 15x4 provides the best balance of per-farmer and per-tile.

Technically smaller is better per tile, as long as the horizontal number is odd and the vertical is 4+3x.

Every screenshot of this game looks the same.

What a massive waste of manpower.

Any idea how many animals a single herder can reliably manage?

Any amount because they produce smaller portions of food all year round.

I've never had problems with one herdsman in a 30x30, but usually go 20x20 for space reasons. Herdsmen don't do much besides haul products and occasionally butcher. Also if you have a surplus of space and a shortage of workers 8x15 single farmer fields produce more food than the 4x15s, just have to make sure there's a food storage somewhere near the fields.

8x15 yield 840 units on average but it might vary between different crops. Wheat and beetroots are definitely 840.

I was getting 700-1000 on assorted 8x15s while getting ~600 from my 4x15s. This was megamod so the numbers might be off from vanilla though.

I'm using megamod too. Cucumbers could go into 1100s but I had to stop growing them after a while. For anyone interested in bakeries, two 8x15 fields of wheat are enough to keep the 3 person windmill busy all year round and support 2 fully staffed bakeries which can make nearly 2k bread/bagels or 900-950 cakes each. One fully staffed apiary is enough to support cake production and for bagels it's two chicken pens (the 4x3 blueprint that needs 4 domesticated animals).

8x15=120 and 4x15=60. You're getting 10 per tile in the 4x15 but losing a bit of space efficiency with your bigger farms there. Granted if both are done by 1 worker then you're much more efficient with the bigger farm. Guess it depends on if your manpower or space is more important to you.
All of my farms are either barley or beetroot and harvest by mid summer. Makes me think it's a bit of waste of man power and space to have them harvest that early then sit empty for 2/3s of the year.

After harvest farmers double as regular laborers. That's why it's better to split your tasks between farming season and the rest of the year.

These things are hilariously broken for using a single worker and space used. They were creating more secondary goods (eggs, wool, milk) than my filled 20x20 pens. I guess the trade off of no meat and leather/feathers evens it out though.

I play with the 1 year is 1 year mod so I'm much more concerned with maximizing manpower rather than space until around year 120.

The cow pen isn't that broken in terms of manpower needed. 20x20 pasture of milk cows produces 700-800 milk, 400 beef and 12 leather, while the small pen is 350-400 milk and occasional few scraps of leather. I haven't had occasion to test either type of chickens yet, but I suspect it would result in around thrice the output again.

I didn't have cows when I was playing around with them, but for egg and wool production they were shitting all over my chicken and sheep pens. I wish we could link buildings to storages, I'd like to connect some sheep pens to a single barn, then connect the barn to some tailors and shit out wool coats for trade.

I managed to bounce back with only a few starvation deaths, but it was touch and go there for a while.
The worst part about nomads is that as soon as you build houses for them 33 nomads become 66 new citizens within a year or two.

I'm worried I'm heading towards some serious starvation soon now that I've taken in 19 nomads.
Pic related. I'm building fishing docks and expanding my farms as fast as I can.

Is there a mod for this to make people age normally and not like three years a season?

Prepare to get shoahed.

Taking in nomads is acceptable after a disaster wipes out part of your population. Never at any other time.

You probably ran out of houses as people won't have more kids if their twenty year old kids are taking up all the slots in their house.


As far as I know nomads are always uneducated, so even this is debatable

Also if you wait too long it'll only be old farts moving in and nobody will be young enough to have kids.


You can check individual houses to see who is living there, their age, etc and if you queue the house to be destroyed they'll move out. Then you just need to stop the destruction and a new family will move in. Do this to all the single geriatrics and you don't have to worry about that. Just make sure you assign them all with time still going because the oldies will move in together if one single woman moves out and a single man owns a house.

anyone tried ukrainian banished (aka ostriv)?

It's almost like the game is set in a much older time where these things are entirely true. Hell I'm pretty sure most of those are still true today

Colonial Charter is top comf. Unfortunately, last time I played, I fell prey to expanding too fast.

I've got to check out Forest Village and see if there was any notable depth added.

Wait, so a quarry will leave a huge fucking hole in the ground once depleted?

What map is that?

hahahaha no

Yes so don't put it in the middle of your town. Same with mines.

details here:

What # ?

are you joking nig it's in the screenshot

It's a 3mb screenshot…


I've got to remember to save things in jpg. Sorry about that.

No problem. Thanks.


Better advice is just to not build a Quarry, ever.

Mines aren't too bad. They are half the size of quarries and half built into a hill, so they don't really take up much usable space. You should still avoid building too many of them. Space is the only truly limited resource in the game. Sooner or later you will reach a point in your towns growth that you seriously regret not having that land that is now a useless hole.

Trade herbs.

Wool coats.

Most traders won't accept herbs. They take a lot of land to grow in sufficient quantity and you need a lot of them to keep your health up. Wool is a byproduct of fairly efficient food production, coats are incredibly valuable in trade and purchased at full value by all traders.

Turns out that Forest Village is comfy as fuck. Newest version isn't on TPB, check for it.

Mechanically, so far it's a direct clone. Even the icons are almost the same. One major difference is that you can take direct control of villagers and get a few abilities - hunting animals directly, blowing a horn to speed up nearby workers, etc. There are a lot of QoL additions, like terraforming. It's definitely not as polished overall, though. There are some new mechanics like sending out explorers to get new seeds, and apparently they just added viking raids. There are also buildable castle pieces.

Graphically, it's much better. Buildings have lots of variations, and all look good. There's a day/night cycle that's incredibly comfy.

do they still update it often? I don't feel like getting fucked by an early access again

Looks like updates are monthly or every other month. Don't buy early access though - like I said, it's on I can throw it on a pomf clone if you can link me one that'll take 500mb files.

As a sidenote, I was pretty impressed that snow melts dynamically.

holy fuck man they give a great constant supply of stone that you'll need for literally everything and have a high death rate so you can send your new immigrants there without worrying about their deaths.

what's that

They give an extremely slow trickle of stone and then run dry. You are better off trading for stone and not taking nomads to begin with.

Also, you wouldn't want to waste your limited quarry resource on uneducated migrants anyway. If you were to use them (which I seriously don't recommend) you get extra stone from effectively nothing if your workers are educated

A steam hacking/cracking/emulation forum. It's the place you look for a game when it's too new or obscure to be on any major torrent sites, or you want immediate updates without waiting for dauphong.

the colonial charter mod allows you to reclaim the land if you upgrade it to max (you need lamp oil for it).

The tooltip is misleading. First upgrade needs candles and it refills the mine, buying you more time. Second upgrade needs lamp oil and it turns the mine's supply infinite. Works for the salt/stone, coal/iron, copper and tin mine. Maybe also the precious mine, but I never tested this one.

Also protip: don't upgrade until the mine/quarry is empty because it refills it completely when the upgrade is finished.

I believe it increases worker efficiency as well. My precious mine doubled production once I upgraded it.

I'll give it a try next time. I am about to hit the oldpocalypse in my current settlement, so all hands are dedicated to trying to ward off the inevitable.

This game is worthless without the colonial charter mod

Holy shit these fuckers. At least I know where to put the stone roads now.

stone house burning down was an inside job

The most realistic thing would probably be for stone houses to leave behind an uninhabitable ruin once they burn down that can be salvaged to recuperate some of the stone.

It's like you enjoy when your dudes idling around because they're unhappy.

Overall happiness is 4.5 stars, i doubt it's causing much of an issue and it's far more efficient for production.

That is what happens.

Yeah well I built the quarry before I expanded and didn't have enough space for a mass grave on the road before it to improve happiness.

Are they somehow harboring live mosquitoes inside of their bodies??

Happens with Dysentery too

I riek it

Given how hilariously unlikely it would be for a boy of 11 to actually be fertile in medieval times, I wonder if those ages are actually kinda fudged in the game. They do age like five times faster than normal people, per year.

Just become a civil engineering and go into city management or working with a DoT. It's what I did and I'm basically playing simcity but in real life and a lot more autistic.

Then what is the problem? Would you have people huddle inside a burned out husk with a collapsed roof while being snowed on. They'd probably be better off hiding under a tree.

I sure hope he brings a decent amount of stone.

That guy is just an autist. Nothing more.