Looking for a good MMORPG

Is anyone of you playing a MMORPG? I got into gaming because of them and no matter what I prefer MMORPGs over Single Player Games.

Was huge into Metin2, Maplestory and Tera, didn't play a MMORPG since mid 2014, can you recommend me some? I though about getting into WoW (couldn't pay those monthly fees back then because I was a young fag from a poor family) Is it worth it?

FFXIV aka the only good MMO on the market right now
are you even straight?

There isn't anything there. The MMORPG is a dead genre.

They don't exist. There is nothing good about skinner box grinden.

There aren't any good MMORPG's.

Just pick one with a theme you like and accept that it's shit.
I still play wow occasionally and you can easily pay the sub off with gold if you're actively playing, even with tokens at 170k+ right now

Yeah, you're not going to find any, bro. Back then it was already hard to call any of them really good, but these days there's nothing redeemable about any of them. I'm just waiting for the entire thing to crash at this point. Or at least for the gooks to lose interest in PC and move on to mobile forever.

age of wushu reporting in; still mostly but not completely dead

We've had this thread a thousand times. People always argue, but the end result is that either you should search one of the ones we're playing already(Elysium, Age of Wushu or that Sci-Fi MMO I forgot the name of)
If you don't like those, then a good MMO either doesn't exist or we haven't found it yet so stop complaining here and go contribute fuck

I've been playing a private TBC wow server for about 2 years now. I've cleared all content and now I just do 2s (arenas) with a buddy of mine. MMOs drain your soul man, I wouldn't recommend them at all.


FFXIV if you absolutely need an MMO to play. The story is pretty good for an MMO but the gameplay is shallow as fuck until you hit level 60 or so depending on the class you play. Look at video related and see if boss fights like these interest you. This is a level 50 boss fight but the higher level ones are about as hectic. Also, the music is 10/10. I would download the OST in general even if you decide not to play it.

Hah, you fags are still going? At least you're persistent. Maybe I would have stuck with it longer if my ping wasn't so shit. Probably not though.

Also since this is more or less the MMO thread, how is Conqure online? I remember fucking around with it and enjoying the game 8 or so years ago.

There are none.

well really its your fault for living in kangaroo town you ozzie fuck

But I live in yurop. Even from here you had a pretty obvious disadvantage. I never did try out the european version of that game.

Ah; i was thinking it was either Kackem or RedZaku. Ogagon? BillyHerrington? Daji? I bet i could go all the way back to Junkosama, but i'm not sure who else was a yuropoor.

FFXIV is pretty alright. Everything else is more or less trash at this point tbh.

Play PSO and forget this shit genre ever existed.

Just a random guy who came in when lodesadings was first created and sometimes dropped by in one of the later guilds. Never made my name known much, but I did hang around with the core group of those guilds sometimes.

your better wow experience basically at this point crafting and gathering is decent but I feel they need some much need new/life into them.
pve stuff is pretty good stuff not completely boring to do them
pvp starting to pick up a bit since pvp isn't ass to play anymore.
just get ready to put in a lot of time to do things.

Gold wars 2 the devs can't do shit right game still suffers from balancing issues still active despite the devs shitting on their community with ass choices and pretty much their focus is to get you to buy gems instead of earn gold for gems etc. the game currently just hits with you wall after wall of restrictions for expacs and choices.
meta somewhat enforced on "harder" content also condi is pretty much what your gonna be doing for most classes till they "balance" shit again and the problem with condi specs is the amount of money and work you need to get into condi builds over a power build.
pvp pretty brain dead easy for some classes
get gold = anything you want basically
pof so far aint to bad getting mounts doesn't take long actually outside griffon

TESO some reason still active play it if you want looks like ass runs like ass plays alright

Dungeon fighter online still gets updates and shit but you'll probably never play with another player

it really comes down pick your poison really


I dunno, that still sounds like Kaqem. You might be a mirror Kackem; a Mekcak, if you will. Also, of the maybe four-ish people from Holla Forums playing currently, none of them are form the dings/trabbu era, i don't believe. I know i'm not, at any rate; i'm the last of Toirneach's privateers.

I play Lineage 2 Classic because I fucking hate myself and it's a comfy grinder. It's pretty fun if you enjoyed it back during it's heyday.

Not right now it isn't.
Unless you really want to do "HEY GUYS REMEMBER NOSTALGIIIAAAAA also please buy FFXII remake" dungeons

I remember that cancerous fuck from Archeage.

May aswell play a private server with all the fanfic tier shit they added on to a LEGACY version of a game.

Also fuck the GE.

Also how that changes anything about the core game being the best MMO on the market

Okay what about the horrible class balance, the complete lack of a story, and the endgame being pathetically easy by MMO standards


well that's fuckin hot

I could say more but that one point destroys your argument
The mmo with the best core gameplay on the market is black desert online, unfortunately everything else other than the gameplay sucks ass


>giving a fuck about the rapefugees al miggers


I need to make some kind of picture one of these days, her cyber-stockings drive me crazy.

Nice going hombre.

Guild Wars.
No monthly fees - what you buy is what you get.
Only good MMO ever made.

It's pretty much dead as fuck though. You can do it just fine single-player, though, with how its designed.

Fuck MMORPGs, they're the reason we don't get normal multiplayer RPGs anymore.

I think I am about to try WoW for a month.


At this point people should play Runescape 3, which is a terrible MMO. OSRS is halfway to turning into the same game thanks to the cancerous community constantly voting in an RS3-like experience in a supposedly "old school" server.

Are you sure?

Ultima Online is still where it's at.

Do we count Guild Wars 1 as an MMO?

It's too late user, they've won, the building blocks of the universe are semitic.



Try a private server if you really wanna try WoW out. Has much more social aspects than retail does, since most of them dont have all of the tacked on additions that the later xpacs have.

The problem with MMOs is they rely heavily on community. I didn't get into the MMO scene when it was still in its early stages, but from what I've heard people would passively role play and spend more time hanging out rather than playing the game. I haven't seen people passively role play anymore, but I do know that most MMO players are social. I'm a bit too cynical to get into an MMO community, so I often hopped around looking for one to stick to until I realized people don't play them for the gameplay.

That's a Co-op RPG, not an MMO. It's still really good though.

Well I know when I used to play WoW most of my time was spent fucking around with guildmates and other in-game friends in the capital cities trolling trade chat. Once they started quitting I couldn't bring myself to keep playing either.

if FFXIV didn't have such fun bosses I would've dropped it a long time ago

Lord of the Rings Online. Shitfucknigggertons of content in a yuge lorefag world, mechanical depth, still active playerbase and F2P/sub hybrid system that actually lets you earn shit in-game if you don't feel like paying past sub fee - including expansions.

name of server?


how is this any more fun than WoW: Legion? It's the same shit, except with mechanics lasting forever, boss fights being absurdly long, and if anything, very generic mechanics.

Probably never. In my experience, you get a lot of recruits with a brand new game, since everyone rushes in to see what it's all about and also odds are there'll be a lot of similarly-minded people to fuck with at the time. As time goes on and as threads rise and fall, curious people go in, get their fill, and bail out; the pool of people who aren't sick of the game yet steadily shrinks, and all you're left with are the autists who may never leave and the holdouts that have finally given in for one reason or another. But, you know, hey: you make a new thread with a fresh, exciting OP, you MIGHT get a few dozen people in that'll stick around a few weeks before they jump ship to greener pastures. It'll never be as good as the initial surge, though, and i have through experience with that.

Too bad that's from the last expac and nothing in the new one comes close

You're well over a decade late to be able to find a decent MMO to play OP

Lineage 2 is getting a relaunch soon. La Tale already had its.

…well, uh, you didn't specify it had to be New 'new'

basically all the old ones I remember being worth a shit are reorganising and recoding themselves to bilk the normalfags on greenlight, after about 10 years of just holding steady in the fort.

Did they fix the fucked up latency?

Guild Wars 1 but it's more or less dead so bring friends.

This game was taken down because it was shit i wonder how shit the relaunch is gonna be

what do you mean lineage is getting a relaunch? Is it just an update or a new game entirely?

Play some Everquest Project 1999 OP.

when will you faggots stop falling for the multiplayer meme and just stick with singleplayer?

Anyone here play UWO? Haven't touched it since Netmarble imploded and I want to know how far OGplanet fucked it up

I was going to get into Guild Wars soon. 1. It's still up. Pay for the game, then that's it, no sub.

Well OP is a faggot, just gonna post some random MMORPG shill videos and Christ, the market is still getting them.






Overall, over-saturated, time-wasting, gimmicky, their own slice of the pie, demographics, and various niches. Good luck investing your time on any of these MMOs

best balanced major mmo atm by far. gtfo


Thicc kitsune lolis (that are 1000s years old) are a perfectly valid reason to play Tera

You can't have fun in tera. I got permabanned for saying 'kill jews'.

no content enjoy farming 4 bosses for 6months

Tera is fucking trash, I say this as someone who sunk 8 months into it with a higher tier guild, and played on both PvP and casual servers.

Because I want to play inna vidya where I can watch people go around and do shit, and actually form a community that isn't just fucking bots. Until AI in games is complemented with actual AI, the feeling will just never be there. You can't make a single-player RPG that feels alive, but you can make an MMO that feels alive if you give it an economy and enough reason to not be sociopathic. Like limiting raids and PvP to between-faction interactions, and not open world gank squadding.

Elder Scrolls Online is the only decent MMO I've ever played. You'll want a premium sub though just for the crafting bag.


): you hurt my feelings there

Tera with the newest update and gear overhaul has pretty much murdered Tera for me. The game has become Pay2Win so hard with gear requiring a large number of materials for a percentage chance and this was all flagged as being less RNG when it is.
Ultimately the new system is nice for new players who just reach 65 and the people who are paying out the ass for the enchantment material but the F2P mid-tier end game is ultimately fucked now. If you wish to make an alt, lets say your guild needs a tank for the high end dungeons then you can eat shit as you can no longer skip gear.

PvP is still broken as fuck with Mystics and Valkyries being overpowered as all hell. RK9 and TR were cool additions but overshadowed by Sky Cruiser still being there after Darkan has been in almost every update since the 65 patch.

Then you have the Pay2Win Dragons and now Phoenixes that offer a passive crit bonus to the player and now with the Phoenix giving players a free resurrect.

The Previous patch wasn't much better by having the final dungeon being piss easy if you played Sky Cruiser and Shadow Sanguinary, even Lakan wasn't threatening.

But what if you don't want to end game?
Levelling up is only 4% of the game and even then, queue times are long as fuck unless you're queuing as a tank-healer combo and even then, you're going to be matched with people who just want to bumrush to level 65 so any attempt at trying to learn the game is ultimately fucked since the 3 Valkyries you queued with will just insta the bosses before you can get there.

Tera was great at launch and during Queen of Argon pt.2 because it actually rewarded you for being good at the game. The hardmode dungeons were actually hard and the best way to make money was to do those and sell the loot for shitters that couldn't. It benefited both sides because good players had stuff to do and bad players could still get the best gear by buying it off other players. When the game went f2p they made pretty much all loot BoP so bad players could no longer get the BiS gear and good players had no incentive to keep playing after they got theirs. Not that there was point getting the BiS gear to begin with anymore because it wasn't an investment anymore. Learning the hard dungeons and crafting the BiS gear was expensive but it payed off in the end because you could then farm the hardmodes effectively but after all loot was made BoP there was no money in that.

Can I pay respects to a hot master who i'll eventually waif ,cultivate my qi to supreme divine realm and perform nine familial extermination if someone gives me some funny looks.

The MMORPG is a dead genre. Too many companies sticking to the same recipe and too afraid to take risks, too many companies relying on microtransaction trash to keep the electricity on, and a lack of interest from the general population. The only way a lot of MMOs stay alive is by appealing to nostalgia and even that is waning.

Ostensibly, except the waif will likely be a viet or indo dude, the cultivation only goes up so high and the really high stuff needs rare items that people pay so much for they're virtually unobtainable without going whale mode, you won't be able to beat anyone but weaklings for months if not years, and half the people you could beat will likely call a murder squad on you out of bitter vitriol.

But yeah, hey, if you really like the wuxia setting and wanna spend four days downloading this worthless bullshit, go for it; it'll probably feel less theme park-y than Blade and Soul, if nothing else. But, be forewarned: without 9 bux a month, you're a filthy peasant; you can still do a lot of shit, but you'll definitely be hobbled a dozen different ways.


pls respond

Hey don't worry, with the new system there's literally no reason to use the auction house as nothing you can sell (except costumes) are worth as much as the gold you spent buying it!