Does this game suck?

I see world of tanks advertised all the time on websites, so I just assume it's shitty like those mobile games advertised all the time. Is it a good game?

It's undoubtedly a mobile-tier game full of cancer and cash shops, I don't even bother to see into it.

Pure cancer marketed to stupid people.

Is the gameplay itself good?

Well, it has warhammer tanks now.


they blitz only which is the mobile port

Oh yeah, sure, delete my posts and not that cancerous shit thread WHEN WE ALREADY HAVE A FUCKING TANK VIDYA THREAD




There's your problem, you're consuming advertisements like a good goy. Install an ad blocker.

It's possible to git gud and win, but you'll still be dragged down by the 14 paint eaters and BRs on your team. Worst of all you can't even chat with the opposing team anymore so there's no tears or autism to harvest.


But yes, it's pretty garbage even before considering it's pay2win (premium ammunition l a m o) and generally full of microtransaction f2p cancer

some games were always like this but it seems like the (((player toxicity))) meme is really ramping up the player-to-player communication sabotage lately

It's healthbar tanks, so it can't be good. For all its huge list of faults, at least war thunder has proper component damage.

This is the same argument that newfag enabling ledditors used back in cuckchan. Kill yourself.

I'm not the one who's aggressively trying to backseat-police an image board on the internet. I actually live a fulfilling life.

You're the one who is one negative life event away from hanging yourself.

nice argument

This had better be bait

And what are you going to do if it isn't?

Quit acting like you have any sort of power to do anything here on this board.

Judging from afar how much a gigantic faggot you are? Isn't that we are all doing here?


Advertised all the time on websites? What the fuck are you talking about?

It's the 9gag of tank games.

Well, this is apparently a thing:


That's like saying Street Fighter is shit because it has healthbars and UFC doesn't

That would be OP as all hell.



LOL I knew it

What do fighting games have to do with tank games?

they're games

If you are going to play a WG game World of Warships is the best out of them all.

Not at all good.
Game is somewhat fun with the light tanks since you can stay invisible the easiest and go the fastest.
The game is terrible because of how spotting works.
It is possible to get decent levels without paying any money. The game is built around "pay to grind less" and any money only items are statistically worse than in-game currency grindable alternatives.
WoT is a huge time sink that at most times you won't get as much out of it since it is a f2p game.


I wanna fuck a tank

It's a big tank

once upon a time you could unlock an engine in the T-50 that allowed you to drift everywhere, and it was great
they removed that like 4 years ago

it's shit
don't bother


Is this game overrun with cyka blyats?

She looks like a fat piece of shit in her avatar but the video shocked me at just how fat she is

A really, REALLY big tank with lots and lots of guns

It has its own separate Russian server, so no

What do you think?

You can buy them with credits now actually

and they do reduced damage too (only on Blitz)

But i got those tie-in tanks from Grils und Panzer in less than a week, and they were viable too

The main problem is that the devs have no idea how to balance the game and creat decent maps.
Obj.140 buffs, Maus buffs, fucked up arty rework and now the S. Conqueror. I dont think they even play the game.

Maus got fucked over when they started bringing in all these ridiculous tanks with pen or at least thats how it used to be years ago.

Yeah it got powercreeped hard but then got buffed everywherr(armor, gun, dpm) so people would grind/rebuy the Maus. After that the jap heavy buff because goldround HE guns are fine in hightier battles :^)
I just wish they hire some competent devs and dont invest all their money in blow and questionable eastern european hookers.

It's so pay2win that they sell some premium tanks that actually try and match you specifically against lower tier tanks. It will match your free tanks against higher tier tanks and then remind you that you can't damage them unless you spend real money (or the in-game currency that you will never have enough of) on individual tank shells that can actually damage these tanks.

It's beyond cancer. If it wasn't, it'd actually be a fun game.

Dunno, but I sure look forward to the Let It Die collaboration.

It's shit.

Gold ammo was always purchasable with in-game credits and they are not any different than if you bought them with real money.

The tanks featured in GuP are surprisingly viable. They really are just another tank to play tbh though.

Prem tanks suck dick and MM is just that bad. Usually you can pen any tank in the right spots even if there is a 3 tier difference.

In what content could they crossover together? In shitty grindan?

user, that was never the case for the game. Premium tanks or no premium tanks, the game is just dogshit

I remember I used to use a skinpack that colored where the weakpoints were on the different tanks and like one of the big premiums at the time, the lowe had like this huge issue where it had a flat part on the front of the tank that anyone could pen and a hatch on the turret as well. Gold Ammo though wasn't always purchasable it wasn't until a little after CW came out that they made it so you can buy gold ammo with credits. The economy was also shit in the game and you would have to play like hundreds of T5 matches in order to make money.

Oh forgot to mention they updated the game near the start of the year. Turned a lot of players off with the changes.

Suddenly they are selling new premium tanks every week.

Now the US servers have been merged.

Population of the game is down worldwide.

I'm guessing they'll probably have promotional decals and limited-time quests, similarly to the Gravity Daze 2 collab.

There was a cap a few months back of their community manager openly calling for harassement and doxxing of right wing players. Prior to that that same community manager was caught "drunk typing" on Discord how one Yputuber who criticized their new pay2win tank is a retard or some such. If anyone has archibes I'd be much obliged.

pls no bully


It's okay until you get to about Tier 5. Then you can enjoy being matched up against whales who you cannot deal damage to in every single match. Wargaming's modus operandi is to make the early parts of the game interesting and then force you to grind out of your capitalist American pigdog ass for the rest of the game. And, like Gaijin, they make the Russian equipment overpowered and simply don't care because SLAV STEEL STRONK

which comm manager europe or america?

american probably, americans are more easily radicalized