Let us discuss wakfu and dofus
Real debate time
Are ouginaks furry?
Let us discuss wakfu and dofus
Real debate time
Are ouginaks furry?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dog girls are pure.
Quick, someone post that image about everyone not being a furry but actually a human with a lot of good boy points for their gods!
Basic rundown
He is just ecaflip larping as a doggo worshipped by savage plains niggers
Comes off as just stealing from Sacrier
Where'd you ever get that idea?
Bad games good porn.
has a pretty decent cartoon and animated films as well.
just post porn already, damnit
is it worth playing nowadays?
It even sounds furry.
when you put it that way it's pretty hilarious.
I heard there was some drama between ankama and japs. Can I read on it anywhere?
this is my thread everybody get out
Youre not me
Super cute, sadly, fools need to wank to everything and boast about it.
eh, the French definitely drew Lilotte to be a tad lewd in the Dofus movie so you can't really get anal about it.
though personally, I'd never fap again if I could gain understanding of the French people's grasp on art and animation. The fact they use flash and somehow achieve the quality of animation they do astounds me.
it's also sad it won't be around much longer as they are being subverted and replaced.
Mark fuck off
Rule 8 faggot
Stop trying to shit up a thread
>>>/fur/ is that way buddy
One look at this thread and all the unfunny cringey shitposting in it tells me all I need to know about this shit franchise
Why must this series about hips n' ass be overtaken by furfaggotry as if that's the main focus?
Must be all the furries. Get better art
The furshit is tertiary.
Because cancerous communities like furries always flock to stuff like this.
You brought this upon yourself.
‘I will watch over you, witch,’ Kallrick forced confidence he didn’t feel into his voice – another gift of political officer training, and one that had sent many men to their deaths in the past. ‘Your transport arrives within the hour.’
‘Perhaps so. But it is not my destiny to be collared by the mon-keigh for long. The river of my Fate will flow into a new stream.’ She seemed irritated, as if he was at fault for missing the significance of her twisting words.
As she spoke, one of her long, pointed ears twitched slightly. Kallrick narrowed his eyes. When her left ear twitched again, she blinked and wrinkled her nose as if uncomfortable. She noticed his scrutiny and lowered her amber eyes with a smile.
‘My ear itches.’
Kallrick breathed slowly, hoping the witch couldn’t sense his heart beating faster. He could just reach out to her, scratch the itch, ease her twitching ear. His hand froze halfway to her face. What was he doing? Touching the prisoner? Did he even care about some petty discomfort she might feel?
Her gaze met his. The inhumanity of her honey-gold eyes both enraptured and repelled him. He could read some emotion there: her shyness at admitting to the itch; her curiosity as his hand neared her face. But so much remained unreadable. Her expression was almost human, but the daemon, as they say, is in the details. That one vital detail.
Almost. She was ‘almost’ human.
‘You look at me as though I were a beast waiting to devour your hand,’ she said softly.
Her eyes never left his. Her angelic face was still formed into a delicate expression mixing both coyness and…something more eager. Did she want him to touch her? Kallrick drew his bolt pistol with his other hand, keeping it clutched in his fist. ‘If I do lose my hand to you, witch, it will be the last mistake you ever make.’
She didn’t answer immediately. Her nose wrinkled for a moment as her left ear twitched again.
‘Your prize is collared and bound, mon-keigh. Your threats to me are meaningless.’
The commissar cast a final glance at his pistol to be sure it was ready to fire if needed. Then, with his cheeks burning, his eyes flicked to the closed door. Above the arch, the red bulb glared dimly. Still locked.
So he scratched her ear for her.
The whisper of leather gloves on naked skin was barely perceptible. Fingers sheathed in rough leather stroked from the base of her ear to the pointed tip. Kallrick swallowed as his fingertips slid along her pale flesh, teeth clenched as her ear twitched under his touch. He heard her let out a shivering breath, and their eyes met again.
‘That does not help,’ she said in her alien accent. ‘That only… I do not know the word.’ She stared into his eyes, licking her blood-red lips to moisten them. ‘Liasha, in my tongue. The touch to make laughter.’
‘It…tickles?’ Kallrick swallowed, feeling his skin crawl at her use of a xeno-language. Yet he didn’t pull his hand away.
‘Yes,’ she smiled like a little girl given a new toy to play with, and rolled the word around her mouth a few times as if to taste it. ‘Tickles. It tickles. Yes.’
Kallrick stroked her ear again, this time more firmly between his thumb and fingers. She exhaled another soft, shuddering breath, and bit her bottom lip.
‘Better?’ he asked. Her answer was a breathy ‘Mmhmm’ and nothing more. The commissar stroked the tip of her ear, noticing she’d now closed her eyes.
‘Cease now,’ she said after the third stroke. ‘Please.’
Kallrick clutched his pistol tighter. ‘Why?’
He didn’t obey her. He stroked her ear once more. To insult her? To show her who gave the orders? Just to keep touching her, even through his sense-stealing gloves? Throne, what would her skin feel like on his fingertips if he touched her ungloved…
‘My ears are…’ she trailed off, shivering at the touch. ‘They are very… I do not know the word.’
Kallrick smirked a little, gently pinching the tip of her ear and rewarded by a soft ‘Oh…’ and a stream of whispered xeno-words that sounded suspiciously like curses. Her eyes were still closed. Kallrick looked down her face to her rising and falling breasts.
Now her bodysuit showed twin nipple bumps capping her large breasts, jutting proudly from the silky alien material. The commissar took a deep breath, watching them poke out more noticeably as he touched her.
Almost human, he thought again. The notion was maddening. Just look at her. Almost human…
‘Sensitive,’ he finally said. ‘Your ears are sensitive.’
She got no further. Kallrick heard a sudden sound and he shot to his feet, pistol aimed down at the witch for several heartbeats before he realised the noise was his vox-bead chiming.
‘This is Kallrick,’ he said, once his breath was back. He listened to the other speaker, and nodded curtly. ‘Understood.’ The link was closed.
Their eyes met again in the near-darkness.
‘Your ride is about to land, witch,’ he said. ‘Your escort to headquarters will be here in five minutes.’
Kallrick hit the door release and stalked from the tank, hating how hard those words had been to say, and hating himself for looking back at her as she sat in the APC. She was staring after him silently.
It took several seconds for the commissar to break eye contact, and several more to commit to walking away.
He had an escort to meet.
Get your shit together faggot, there is enough of everything to go around.
OP doomed his own thread to shitposting hell. At least some good porn might be posted.
From now on, all Ankama threads are Marche threads.
Отличная анимация. Жаль игры полное говнецо, хотя я и не играл в дофус.
You'd get ass blasted too if you've seen what even one of those faggots can do to a community.
Exactly, there is no difference between a person in a fursuit, and wakfu.
I don't know man, we've had quite a few furfaggots here and back at cuckchan for years, and they seem far less disruptive than other people as of late.
everything in the game is a furry
try hanging out in the goyimergays thread if that's what you think
Whats the big deal about marche?
literally nothing
Just spergs that think Miranda is furry
You guys are pathetic
Xelor seems like the only god who actually has his shit together
I don't know, and I don't care. I'd still fuck them. But I think that'd go for pretty much any species in the universe.
It's not that I'm a furry, it's just that I have an insatiable dick, so I'm down to party with pretty much anything that has a hole.
The only thing I know about these games is from watching this episode called 'noximilien l'horloger' years ago, which was really good. It looked nothing like the pictures being posted here though, what the fuck
that would be the Nox special
Season 1 Revolves around Nox
t. manchild virgin
Oh. Is the rest of the show worth watching
Season 1 of wakfu and Treasures of Kerubim are. Maybe Julith movie.
The rest is DBZ clone power level fuckfest.
Too bad he's all out of time to do anything besides running maintenance and keeping shit running.
Is this the Terraria thread?
give it a shot, first season starts kinda eh but picks up
Season 2 is basically fanfiction writing expanding on lore and a lot of wanking of fan service for people who played the MMO but has some good parts
lol faguettes will never receive nippon honor
No, I'm just a fucking degenerate.
I hope there is news soon on more dofus movies
Ankama work so fucking slow even for lazy frogs
go away Cleophee
People complaining about furries are, 9 times out of 10, more disruptive than the furries themselves.
this is a lie perptuated by furries to justify them shitting up threads, fuck off.
t. furfag
It's something that I've seen again and again and again.
I never said or implied anywhere that I'm a furry and you have zero evidence to the contrary.
New bane of Holla Forums?
This is just a thinly veiled /fur/ thread isn't it?
It's pretty much the perfect boogeyman since Mark bans it on the basis of being furry alone
Yep by attention whore named Marche .
If you have to ask, the answer is most likely yes.
inb4 "are humans furry xD"
He is shocked this thread is shitpost HQ
Isn't that one of that fag Vals alt identities?
it's been months since I heard that name
Probably because hes been too busy as marche.
Youre an idiot
My favorite passtime is to sneak into Bonta's territory and destroy their ecosystems by taking away all their trees and spamming fauna everywhere
Their governor is already on suicide watch its hilarious
You need to get bashed.
I'm curious.
This also reminds me of a guy I was trying to hack and got lots of info on including a password he used on many websites such as reddit and facepunch(I don't use these websites). One of them was unironically e621, he was some kind of Pokemon fetishist, is there a way I can see his browsing history on the website?
Furry is a specific niche fetish much like scat. You should realize that this makes it off topic to a video games board. t. hotpocket
but loli isn't?
>>>/fur/ is that way mah boy
Explain this to me, anons that know their wakfu lore:
Why is it land of twelve when there are clearly other races?
Do races like the ouginaks, shark people and bird people and minotaurs just have no gods?
If they do have a god, why aren't they acknowledged in the world's name and events?
What when ouginaks get added to the roster, does it get retconned to land of thirteen or there's an explanation in the lore?
It's not niche here
Come now, this place is full of trap and futafags but they still get bullied.
There aren't actually any gays here. It's all done ironically.
For ougy see
Rogues are an offshoot of Sram
Masks are a bastard child of Sadida
Froggers are technically godless but basically are under Osa
The reason its the world of 12 is just that nothing else has ascended to god hood
The gods are a fucking mess of lazy shits that no longer really care or play part in their world so they wont really ever let anyone else ascend anyway.
Hell Rushu cares more about the physical world
are you retarded?
But user, even if it was unironic it still wouldn't be gay.
And I didn't even post the smutty version.
user, I…
look @ this
This was probably before she got brainwashed.
do I want context?
He uses positions to make Miranda forget he is the black crow
It's pretty self-explanatory. Think about the "ten years ago" part.
Not really, he says he doesn't have any more of that miracle aka amnesia potion.
Ye thats what I mean
He didn't brainwash her, he just makes sure she forgets about discovering his secret hideout under their house/store.
Read the comic about how they met, it's pretty good.
I would be afraid to even touch a furry. Just use a flamenwuffur.
Looks like I have to step up. Thanks for the template.
Threadly reminder that Nox did nothing wrong
He let his family die.
This image pisses me off, and not just because of marche. Why do people always fucking put letters over a picture?
That shits almost unforgivable. At least the realization of what he had done drove him to madness, a fitting punishment for a horrible person.
They are 200% humans, aryans for being blond haired and blue eyed.
Nigger, the OP himself was inciting shitposting.
A cat is fine too.
I was going over to your board to tell you to fuck off, but I noticed you nuked it, so whatever.
Shame all those mahous are going to go without their masters.
Vanilla and a side-grade of vanilla
Basic /monster/
/kemono/ in a nutshell
It kinda is.
Post more already goddamnit
I get that 4/5/6 might be the most common,but theres always a niche about fucking animals with some level of rationality at leastthat shit about fucking mares that talk and some other shit.
Fuck, i am not a expect on this but ive saw some shit.
Yeah what he said. Let's get with the Miranda.
If you guys watch the third season, you will know that he was actually manipulated to find and dedicate himself to the cube.
literally everything bad in the universe happened because of Oropo.
Even fucking Ogrest's Chaos.
Fuck I hate the ending of s3 it was such bullshit.
(try not to spoil shit, user)
>reason a character is created is because another character had to fight an enemy
>the character then goes back in time then creates that said enemy
>blames the gods for not taking care of the world by letting stuff like creating that enemy happen
S3 was alright.
the first half was okay, but there wasn't a single good episode after she went into labor.