
Post your fucking gamer fuel right now!

Water. Popcorn if I need a snack.
I hear how fat you are OP.

Can you smell it too?

Cheap rum. Lots of cheap rum.


As usual, I prepare my own pasta, my own tomato sauce and a sizeable amount of meat and veggies. Snacks are for fags.

Also the picture isn't mine obviously, that gnocchi looks uncooked and there isn't enough sauce.

I love fly eggs.


Orange juice and a buttered bagel (I slept in today)


Green tea.

What the fuck is with everyone's autistic hatred of water?

Main course, a tasty beverage to drink it down, and a treat to finish it all off.

I'm 24 and I only now had my first pickle
I think I found my new favorite snack. This hits all the spots and it's also cheap as shit.

My nigga. Cobb salad is also a good quick alternative.

Wait, how the hell do you only have your first pickle at 24? It's pretty common in hamburgers, potato salad, tuna salad and a bunch of other common dishes. Unless you're from a non-hwite country that is.

I've had slices of pickles in burgers, never on their own.
It's just not a thing in italy as far as I know

I got a footlong the last day, it was ok, but I usually prepare my own food.

Black coffee and water are the only real options if you don't want to become a fat fuck.

As for what kind of coffee:
Turkish>filter>>everything else>>>dogshit>>>>>>instant

What was in it?

That makes sense. You spaghettiniggers make some pretty good food all around so it's understandable why you wouldn't have had the chance to try it when you have a constant flow of pizza, frittata, lasagna, and a bunch of other delicious shit.


You've taken your first steps in to a larger world, user.

Chicken, spicy pepperoni, marinara sauce and melted cheese.


The french are fucking weird.

I don't really eat while i'm at my desk, but I did just have one of these.

lemme guess, american?


Meatball-based or bust tbh.
Meatballs, onion, old english cheese, chipotle sauce, and pepper (on Italian Herb or Honey Oat bread). That's what I get with my good boy points.

Worse than French, IT'S A FUCKING LEAF STORE.


Kebabistani, actually.



you must pirate all your games

Enjoy your diabetes.

I just ate a hamburger patty that I had baked and put a small bit of A1 steak sauce on it alongside a side of green beans with bacon and butter. I cook something with beef basically every day right now, because I've been on a low carb diet. I've done it for the past 6 months, and I've dropped 96 pounds (4XL to XLT). Cow, pig, and chicken.

When playing vidya, I've been mostly eating peanuts. I've just developed a new favorite, though. I buy a massive fucking ten pound package or something of Kraft Deli Deluxe. I take a slice, half it into 2 pieces, half those into a total of 4 pieces, and then microwave them for 50 seconds on nothing but a square of parchment paper. They come out like big white trash cheezits. I usually cook 3 slices of cheese and then whip out the pepperoni, and eat a slice of pepperoni on each cracker. I mostly only put pepperoni on the crackers, because I buy giant bags of pepperoni that last me a whole month.

Before I started the diet, my favorite gamer fuel was fucking J Higgs. Don't even need a specific item, I just like literally everything in the brand better than the alternatives, and it's cheaper. The cool ranch dorito knockoff, party mixes, and funyun knockoffs were some of my favorites. If you have a Save-A-Lot nearby, go buy some cheap chips that actually taste better.


Time to take your shit taste and leave maybe.

That's not far from the truth.


Reddit please.

I understand you are fresh off the neogaf boat but you need to understand what manner of humans you are dealing with here first.

The kind of humans that disrespect fucking ribs by eating them processed and packaged?

Vegetable juice and peanut butter on celery my dude.


No joke though, the continental breakfast is the best breakfast, fuck all who disagree.


Fuck me with a chainsaw


If I drink 2 god tier beverages and 1 faggot tier does that make me high tier?

good fucking LORD

I knew the OP was bait, but the mere thought of any so called Holla Forumsirgin getting suckered by Mountain Dew GAYMER FUEL, BRO! ad campaign is infuriating.


So many plebs in this thread.


I'm just talking about what food I eat during videogames you disgusting, foul, easily aggrivated contrarian.

You replied to the wrong post you dolt, your post makes zero sense.

chips, burgers, soft drinks, fries, chicken, cheetos, chocolate milk/milkshake. Suprisingly, I am still kinda skinny, I eat junk food like that on a daily basis and I am still pretty good


Water. No joke, once you try it you will switch all your fluid intake to just water

Hey that's not a picture of weed and Johnny walker black label

All I drink now is water and Gatorade, its taken me 2 months to get through a 6 pick of Sunkist, after going two and a half months without soda it just doesn't taste good anymore.


I started about 3 months ago. Now the only time I drink anything else is if I get food outside, and I don't even drink all of it. Not sure I feel any healthier.


Same with me, but I've been doing it since last February.

Turkish coffee has the worst taste. How do you guys even like it?

Thank fucking god I was born in the NE and wasn't shat out as some trailer trash shit that puts ketchup on macaroni


how are you such a pleb?

fuck off lahey

Shit cheese noodles are better with ketchup.


anons plz no bully I am just curious how do you like it? I don't know how it tastes to you but this shit tastes like a dirt to me. It's ok tho, everyone has their own tastes right my friends? Be nice to me guys

maybe someone fucked your cup up my dude
search out a good cup if you ever get the chance, and if you can't, gig gud and make a good cup yourself

Sorry that you're Bernt out from Hilldawg losing, bro.

too soon

nope, I tried it like 100 times, I haven't made one of them myself so it was other people's coffee. It's just, bad man. It was so hard to drink.

Maybe you just don't actually like the taste of coffee.

Maybe they were pouring the coffee grounds in due to being shit at decanting. Try and make it yourself sometime. There are plenty of guides on how to do so. If not that, try making greek coffee, don't even need the turkish pot and it's the same process.

100% pussy repellent

*distant bagpipes*

I've always wanted to have some, but I've never been able to find the ingredients around here, they're about as rare as a fucking factory error kookaburra. Ian Bru was pretty good the last time I had it though even though it's almost 100% pure glucose with a hint of orange.

I never watched Trailer Park Boys. I might start later today now that I think about it.


Who do you think invented it user?

The fuck did my brain just do to irn bru?


Sweet chili-flavored rye chips and mineral water


Just once I'd like someone to post actual Japanese or rare country snack foods.

If you can find it get that tinned haggis in the picture. That's what I always get here in NZ because there's some stupid rule about using offal here so even butcher bought haggis is fucking shit. Grant's Haggis is great.

I'll be on the lookout, thanks man.

Do you even fart?


Black coffee and a little kringle. Goodshit/10.

I'm not even Slavic/Baltic.

Slightly off-topic but my tiers for fast food where I live:


>Five Guy's insert whatthefuck'sthatcuntsname that did Depression Quest and initiated GamerGate here




polish dills are your next stop

Here's some other shit that I dig.

Those pasta bread bowls are good shit nigga (pretty fucking fatty though).

midwest tier



A glass of Orange juice with a tablespoon of Cherry juice mixed in and some home made Masa chips.


Broth and gween tea, in separate cups. Confusing the two can lead to strange but usually welcoming surprise.

Is the god tier milk supposed to be whole milk, while the high tier milk is reduced fat? If so I can sort of agree with that.

I've never understood buying anything but whole milk. You're mostly buying water, just like buy condensed milk at that point.


fucking hell

Putting ketchup on macaroni is disgusting, but
There's a reason why people have been moving westward since the founding of this country my man

Also, god tier snacks coming through.It's really too bad that Knockout energy went out of business

The only thing about that chart is remembering trying to fit my benis in a Sobe bottle and it not working out. There isn't even V8 there in the high tier. Bunch of fruit sucking traps.



Domino's pasta is good enough that I still eat it after it has given me horrible diarrhea EVERY GODDAMNED TIME

Hey, it shouldn't have looked like such a slut.

Your arse has Stockholm syndrome.

Their chicken carbonara is my fucking ass-based kryptonic

the last person I saw eating like that got a section of his guts cut out. Enjoy your surgery op.

water, meat and leafy greens for me.


Enjoy shitting your pants.

Filters are fine, provided you arent a fucking weak ass faggot who adds way too much water. Its the faggots who dont grind their own coffee who are the problem

Now it's either beer, cheap chips and candy, and a cigar
Whisky or rum, leftovers or a home cooked meal (which can mean just about anything - including noodles and pizza), and any chips and candy for long sustenance. But pics related? Sustenance.

I wonder how much worse American A&W is compared to Canadian A&W. Yes, they're two completely independent chains.

Its boring and the people who like it tend to sperg out at everyone who doesn't drink water
I think its okay personally

your list sucks tbh


Only a few of you niggers know of the true god-tier that is Wawa.

I hate you so much right now.

Who vomited over your fries user?

In-N-Out Animal fries are fucking delicious though. It's just fries with thousand-island dressing, cheese, and grilled onions

I ain't dissing in-n-out, shits good as fuck. I want some right now but It's the middle of the fucking night right now.


I have never seen anything so horrifying in my entire life

what the fuck is wrong with you? Just get a hot pocket at that point.

That actually sounds good.





This is what happens when you live in the South you assume that everyone in the north east is from New York or some shit

Yeah and look at it now the west is still a barren ahit hole filled with retards

There's so much salt in that shit you're gonna kill yourself.


Pretty average but their floats and root beer itself are alright.

I refuse to bump threads that call food gamer fuel. Your suffering will increase according to your foolishness.


pathetic. glass, carton or maybe even metal containers, otherwise get the heck out of my face.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit niggaaaaaaAAAAaAAA I haven't had one of those fucking things in

The A&W that used to be in the strip mall about two towns away served some pretty good burgers. Nothing like Five Guys or Hardee's, but they were better than McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's by a pretty wide margin.

If you live within a day's drive of St Louis and haven't visited Fitz's you have not fucking lived


Is that fucking ice cream on a beer glass?
No wonder you people make some of the shittiest tasting weak ass beers in the world.

The fuck is this, Fecesbook?

Enjoy your ✡poisons✡.

This is metabominable.

i always go for a cheese sandwich

Spotted the newfag

I'm surprised you have internet in dumbfuckistan


I go for the cheese pizza


Literally end yourself!




There was a store near by that imported Irn bru, I bought one and it tasted like liquefied 80's candy, in the best way possible.

How can it be toilet paper if indians don't have toilets?






Pic related, and the Holla Forums special.


==enjoy your kidney stones==

fugg :D :D


Hi, neofag refugee. It’s time for you to all die.

Never understood burgers, but oh well

Then it's not coffee

Smh tbh fampai.

Brings back memories. I used to chain drink those things and stay up 24/7 while raiding in hardcore MMO guilds. Now I'm a balding wizard.

I'm currently water fasting so my fuel is mostly fat from my stomach.


How white are your teeth?

Stop half assing it user. Shave it off and be done with it. No point in half measures.


Don't mind me, just keeping it simple.


It's recommended for men to eat 2000 calories a day. Unless you're a woman, but you aren't, are you user.


People who live the longest and healthiest tend to edge around 1300 daily.

I want the sauce for that. Gib.

If you're just indoors playing vidya all day, you'll get fat fast on 2000.

Yeah if you're a manlet.

It was some shitty pro-fruit vegan blog, probably just a shill now that I think about it. Fuck fruit, sugar makes you gay. Weston A Price's stuff is reliable.

A man of high class I see.



I'm not a slav

i want kikes that sell me scam products off this board

For a modern man that doesn't do hard labor all day, that's a lie that makes people fat. Drop that down to 1300-1600 (depending on your overall stature) and you'll be much better off.

You only go above that if you naturally have a very high metabolism, or it you are actually doing something for hours at a time. I could walk crops for 11-14 hours a day on 1900-2100 kilocalories a day and maintained my slight overweightness (walking doesn't actually use much energy if you are in decent shape). I only started losing weigh when I dropped below that.

Why does anyone keep pet hissing cockroaches?

It's well established that if you cut a mammal's caloric intake by about 30% it will live about 30% longer. However seemingly most people aren't willing to be malnourished in order to squeeze out another ~20 years.

Roaches are pretty cute.


That's a lie. Unless you're a skeleton you're going to burn quite a few calories just walking for extended periods of time.


Your metabolism is basically a ticket to the grave depending on how you treat it.

Water/black coffee for drinks, carrots/peppers and pita/naan bread with hummus for snacks.

mon nigger

My grandmother is Italian, and if her recipes are anything like what I'd be eating if I lived there, I'd be a fat fuck in no time. Also that cunt introduced me to cannolis and for that I can never forgive her.

That's not how you spell french press. Get the fuck out of here with that Durka trash
We're still friends though

underage ban

Real talk: I was a colafag for years. Then I got kidney stones. Believe me: addicted or not, it's not hard to quit anything when the alternative is kidney stones. I drink mostly water with the occasional black coffee now. I only have cola when I go out to eat sometimes, and even then I pretty much have a bottle of water with me at all times now and just give my cola to someone else or leave it behind.

Colafags, don't learn the hard way like I did. Drink nothing but water for a week and you will see the difference.

Canadian here who crosses the border from time to time. American A&W is exactly what you'd expect: greasy, low-quality dogshit with no flavour or really any redeeming quality at all. Even the root beer sucks.

Most other fast food places are the same: they are much nicer in Canada. I remember trying Wendy's over the border once, jesus christ… not as big of a quality difference, but it was so greasy. Even the bun was fucking greasy. That shit right there is why Amerifats are so obese.

When my friends from New Hampshire came here, they noted that even the McDonald's here in Canada was significantly tastier, and it's funny because I consider Canadian McDonald's to be bottom-tier food. What the fuck is wrong with food standards in America?

what is that?

It's root beer aka cola/soft drink/whatever, not actual beer. Though you're not wrong about American beer sucking dick. Ever since the Americans started buying up our breweries they have gone downhill too. I stick to local craft brews (with the exception of Rickard's Red, which is fucking tasty).

They wipe with their hands you uneducated nigger

American wheat is poison nowadays and vegetable oil clogs your fucking arteries since none of it is saturated.

Most people addicts/hedonists.

That's a very kosher choice, user.



FDA regulations allow for 15 fly eggs or 2 maggots per 100ml of tomato sauce. This is because flies absolutely LOVE tomato sauce as a breeding ground and trying to keep large scale production of it 100% free of infestation would be borderline impossible. Two of the pizza places I used to work at actually had a mandatory fly egg check for every pizza before we sent them out to customers, all because the fuckers love the tomato sauce base and would zip in, drop their payload and be off in a blink of an eye.

You learn something new every day


Free protein.

Just 2 years ago you'd be shit on hard for saying anything but water, tea or coffee. Current year thread is now filled with soft drinks and alcohol. My has this place gone down hill.

San Pellegrino tastes terrible, it has way too many nitrates my man.

What about the day rates?

Tears of rage.

You fucking bastard, i was discussing with my grandma on the phone and she was talking about illness and stuff, then i see your post and i burst out laughing. My grandma must think I'm a fucking asshole now.


Is milk even that good for you? Where did people get their calcium before milk was popular, were people all fragile midgets?

Health-wise, milk isn't all that great, it's certainly not poison like some insane vegan hippies will suggest, but there are certainly better fluids out there. The best thing about milk is it's ability to be processed into cheese.

Leafy greens and nuts have a small amount of calcium, but bones were by far the best source - stewing animal bones, or eating certain types of fish bones whole, was a great way to get your daily dose of the stuff.

Oh yes, there are.

Boiled sweets, crackers, chocolate fudge, peanut butter, coffee instant


Could you get those out on a tray?



Why is she drinking from a fucking perfume bottle, doesn't she know perfume is toxic?

in a world of tastes why is the most important thing for a human being tasteless?

Just because you got used to your local water supply doesn't mean it doesn't vary heavily by area

You know how when you buy fruit, and eventually see fruit flies around? They likely aren't coming in from outdoors, they are coming from eggs waiting in the fruit itself.

Now here's some men that know what's best for them.

They expect you to eat at most 2000 healthy calories. 2000 calories in apples is different than 2000 calories in Doritos, and much more filling. Unless you're a big and healthy 2K, you shouldn't be eating 2K.

I like sweet iced tea with lemon and Mexican candy from the local dollar store if I'm feeling peckish.


Bodybuilders scare me.

How do you even eat that? Divide it in half like an open-top sandwich?

From what I saw, he took off the top bun and just went to town on it with a fork. At that point he was actually just eating like three pounds of greasy meat and cheese.


good show. stopped watching after season 7 though



Sugar, fructose, fiber, barely any vitamins, possible cancerous pesticide depending on where it's sourced
Aged poison

Better off being picky about what you eat as long as it's nutritionally dense and halfway healthy. Having a good stomach helps.

Maybe you should do more eating.


Your stomach doesn't care, it'll digest those little fuckers no prob.

Maybe he dabs himself with Eau du Pénis every morning.

That's not a burger. If you can't bite through it without cutting it up or dividing it up, or even be able to hold it in your hands, then it's not a burger.

why is this so dumb and disturbing at the same time?


Because fur on a burger is an insult to life itself.


We didn't. Theres lots of reasons our original natural lifespan was not much more than a dogs. But then the ice age came and it was drink dairy like a newborn or starve to death. The ones that could stomach it due to a mutation in the gene designed to wean young off the teat by making milk become unpalatable survived and bred and the ones without the mutation died due to lactose intolerance that was once a staple of our species but is now a rarity unless your ancestors were extremely isolated during that point like the native americans. That huge influx of calcium and protein lead to harder hunters that dominated all the weakened former super predators as the ice receded and we hunting all competition and in turn introduced far more meat in our diet and a cultural idea of rearing livestock and keeping them close rather than subsisting solely on hunting.


Do you enjoy eating pure garbage?

It's just refreshing, user.
If you'd really need something sweet, fruits and berries are really good. If you need something savory, hummus goes with pretty much anything. I go with greek yogurt and honey for the former and with carrots for the latter.

Having a snack between dull moments is fine if it's something like walking between destinations, or if what you're playing is cutscene heavy and you can't skip them.

Man it's been forever since I've had that.
I preferred the roast beef flavored one, but it's been years since I even touched one from a dep.

Black coffee with cream. I think anything else but coffee, tea, or water is pretty degenerate.

Enjoy your vav vav vav, I guess.

Definitely. Anyone drinking garbage like soft drinks and cow's milk to me is a giant manchild. Men should only drink water, coffee, tea, or alcohol (in small quantities). Those types of drinks are usually for children to begin with or should just be avoided at all costs (energy drinks).

That explains the 17th and 18th century theory of spontaneous generation, at least. Fuckers didn’t have microscopes.



You sound like an effeminate untrained lankletboi.


NYC in a nutshell?


an old classic

Aside from the beef jerky and espresso… and potato chips… and soda, you have exceptional taste.

I prepare and eat everything made in this cook book every day!

espresso is an aquired taste, potato chips are trash but i love those specific ones, and coca cola is comfort for me especially in winter. but not liking beef jerky? wtf is your problem. have you ever had good beef jerky? or are you limited to jack links type dog food and think all beef jerkey is like that? because beef jerky is amazing, especially for eating while you play.

btw i have a recipe for those potatoes. takes like 20 minutes