Warframe - How are the fish catching edition

Plains of Eidolon is here
Catch fish, mine ores and shoot some other resources

Hunt the Teralyst
Big fucker spawns at night. Get DPS Chroma, Bless Trinity and preferably a Harrow for optimal Eidolon shard farming
Webpage to tell what time it is in the plains and possible Riven stats for weapons semlar.com/rivencalc

We got a mumble for audible shitposting and strategizing co-op misions
swamp.li port:64738

Got questions, but don't want to speak in your feminine voice in mumble?

Other urls found in this thread:

warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Riven_Mods#All Weapons
multitwitch.tv/weebology/kingwolby/lok_king_macho/inaliz/juicesoar/frozenballz/Lunskee/ iFlynn/x3lplive/staywildly/HashtagMEcrew/LunaPeruna/ Exuhz_/Makarimorph/FearTheCrows/Khaljiit
multitwitch.tv/kingwolby/lok_king_macho/inaliz/juicesoar/frozenballz/Lunskee/ iFlynn/x3lplive/staywildly/HashtagMEcrew/ Exuhz_/Makarimorph/FearTheCrows/Khaljiit/tygastripe

is the game fun yet?



Wait what? Are you talking about lenses or does it give you focus?

If you have a nezha frame, you can throw the discus at like a 80 degree angle up against the phase wall near the entrance to cetus. You can then run around to the river behind cetus and run around underwater fishing flying fish.
Fun, but ultimately pointless because you can't use bait there, so you're stuck with nothing but the shitty common night fish.

r8 my tenno. Anyone know of any good faces or are they all trash?


… Gurgi?

They're all trash and look weird in my opinion as do literally all of the human npcs

that one looks ok actually, which one is it? let me guess it costs platinum

But then I can't wear my stupid ears.

You get the mask from baro for 500 ducats. He has it right now but hurry.

worse, ducats.
And I think Baro'kteer is already gone.

I meant the actual face, not the mask. I don't bother with customizing anything to do with the operator because it's literally the most worthless thing in all of warframe.

I'm pretty sure it's stock because mine looks very similar.

it's a blend of two of the stock faces, yeah.


If I rub that off, will she die?

My operator looks like a retarded sjw lesbian, nothing I do changes that either. I must be cursed.

You can rub me off instead.

gays not welcome

No, that's just 99% of the faces and hair, it's not just you.


Thanks for the laugh. Thumbnail looked like a cross between a surprised Tommy Weisau and that frog girl everyone keeps posting.

Pick one.


as opposed to meaningful and important mmo work?

As opposed to expanding on the core gameplay loop that made the game even slightly fun to begin with.

fuck if I know what faces these are, but they look pretty good.

Do you think someone would just go on the internet just to tell a bunch of lies?


All the hair looks like low poly wigs to me. Shaven doesn't look too bad in the end.


As if they weren't forced down our throats enough, holy fuck.
Also, if InfinityGrind is still around, throw a reinvite at Corner_Dweller
Normalfag clans are too cancerous, can't take it.

What did they add which actually complements the core gameplay rather than some dumb grindshit you can find in any given generic mmo?

if they add another faggotframe I'll officially stop playing
the fishing is fun so far

what did you think the core gameplay of warfarm was?

Why does everyone hate Nezha?
He's really fun to play.

Cause he's just a shittier gay rhino

But hey! You can fish! Surely that justifies this huge waste of time they call an update right?


How? Because of a wall that can be shot over, or the mirrors? Sorry m8, gara's trash. Also how has energy regen not been kicked in the dick?

gara's wall is now fucking massive, 12m tall I think. And they buffed zenurik. At max you get 5 energy per second and a discount arcane energize effect.

Is it true that I don't hve to wait 3+ minutes to activate focus passives anymore?

naramon is ded compared to shadowstep, but zenurik and madurai are both still strong. instant activation is a huge boon.

does she actually deal damage? i'ld rather bring frenchie.

yep, no cool downs either.

No, she's a tank with minor CC. A sidegrade to frost imo.
who? Mirage?

Rhino isn't nearly as fast.


I see you've never built range on rhino.

I forgot he had that helmet.

his name didn't ring a bell?

Is vauban a french word? I think bastille is, but vauban?


Huh, you learn something new every day.

Not gonna lie, got this game finally for the robot ass. That Saryn. That being said, I'm working on building my Trinity to max level so I can be support. Though I do want another good female frame. Suggestions?

Valkyr is a good frame, I don't enjoy her personally but others do. Good survivability too.

Just look at all the warframes, and whatever tickles your fancy get them, as every female frame is useful in some capacity.

POorfag here, recently started playing this with a friend.
Do you guys have any advice for a newbie wanting better gear and warframes early on without spending money or much resources?

I've thought about getting her, though her skills seem more tuned for close combat.

Don't ever buy platinum. That said, just complete the star chat and you should have some pretty good gear after a while. Just know that mods are the way your guns get good, so max them when you can. And I hope you didn't pick mag.

If you want ranged frames, try mesa (though she's a bit of a bitch to get) or banshee.

mesa a cute.
also she does gamebreaking levels of damage and doesn't take any damage. not much of an ass though.

farming for the early planet ones isn't too bad.. equinox and onward they can be kind of a bitch though.

But that's a girl warframe, user. I'm not a girl!

We want good ranged and melee oriented warframes, what are good noob friendly(in terms of aquiring it) ones?

Also it's really hard to know what weapons to choose, I have no idea how they will work.
I like ones that explode on impact and damage multiple enemies, any good main weapons that do that?

buy the most expensive platinum choice when you get a 75% discount and payday more like

Tonkor is good for that, not sure about mr requirement though. Go through the wiki for all the weapons, you can probably sort it by firing mechanism or something

Get loki, he's the only frame you'll ever need.

You haven't noticed Gara's bulge?

Took a few screenshots. It can block off a whole room though the height might let osperys in without activating in the air/ higher elevation. As a bonus it can also stop capture targets, though that isn't saying much.

All frames are useful in some capacity. When you find your inner Jew and make enough plat to buy more slots it's worth having all of them.

I main Valkyr here's how I use her abilities:

excal and excal.
frost or ember could both be a fit for range


Good idea, actually.

Ah, what do I do with my mods?
Upgrade even the damaged ones?
Save for points for when I get really good ones?
Turn the duplicates into points?
Do that 4 duplicate mods for a maybe good one?

Upgrade your non damaged ones. Anything that gives multshot or damage is first, then elemental mods. Break down your extras into endo, unless they seem decently rare and you want to sell them. But you won't get any like that for a while.

Upgrade them.
Until you get their proper version, yeah.
Well it's not like you get anything from maxing an ammo drum.
Only when you have nothing better to do with them or your money or have everything you want from Cephalon Simaris (second floor of any relay) and want to buy a bunch of transmute cores.

turn duplicates into endo. transmutation is for getting some annoying rare mods when you have piles of credits.
damaged flow is good, even when you have the real version it fits into unpotatoed builds nicely. you'll be stuck with the damaged ability strength/duration mods for a while, so upgrade those too. you can ignore the rest.

I'm also lost when it comes to "Standing".
I noticed you can get daily conclave standing and the plains have separate standing. But what are those even for, and where do I check how much I have of each?

You can always checked all your standings in Menu>Profile>My Profile>Syndicates.

Of the six syndicates you can easily raise two or three at a time. I have 4 maxed, but beyond that requires a lot of micromanagement and autism. Go by this pic. Pick two that are adjacent, but not connected, to raise.
Ostrons, Cephalon Simaris, Conclave, and The Quills are all neutral and seperate from everything else and each other. Conclave is PVP and can be ignored. The Quills don't unlock until you've completed The War Within quest.

Wait that advice was retarded. Viable pairings are Steel Meridian/ Cephalon Suda or New Loka and Red Veil for example.

you pick either the 3 on the left or the 3 on the right of the syndicate screen. you can do 4 technically, but it requires autism and only gaining rep for 2 of your factoins

Not in the slightest. You can wear the SM sigil to gain RV standing and the RV sigil while doing Suda quests to negate the standing loss. Or take the hit and grind it up again later. 4 is perfectly doable and trivial to maintain. 5 is where the autism starts.

Does anyone unironically pick the Perrin Sequence? Do actual jews pick Perrin?

Ok, but what's all that for?

first, that is autism. second, it's going to eat into your daily standing cap pretty badly. it's more productive to stick with 3.

it's currency for buying things that they sell.

Oh I see.
I probably have to reach their map to access their shop, then.

user, you just focus on one at a time. You raise SM, which also raises RV, then when both are good you raise Suda which also raises Hexis. The fact that you think it's so difficult is telling me you're just a lazy nigger.

You can access their shops from the console next to the navigation console.

the madman.

It's that I'm not an idiot user.


There's no opposition when you're doing 3, you can run all 3 sets of dailies.
When you add in a 4th you're down to 2, and the veil sigil/suda opposition eat into your daily cap.

Also I own and use more than one frame.

that should say.

How the fuck did you get her nose so small, I wasn't able to get anything other than a giant nigger nose.

Doing all three sets of dailies is a lot of up front grind. Two sets may be more in the long run, but it's spaced out.
Not really.
I admit that part is a little tedious, but what's the repercussion? You hop on a frame you haven't used in a while and accidentally gain/ lose a little bit of standing you don't want? This is why I said you just focus one at a time so you're not constantly flip flopping sigils.

I'll admit it's not for everybody, but it's not nearly as hard as you guys are making it out to be.

i've got 10th on the first face, and then 2nd from the last on the secondary face has a tiny nose.

Who thought it was a good idea to lock blueprints behind the clan system?

The same people who thought to lock custom weapons and potato weapons behind fishing.

If you want the BPs without any clan drama I can invite you to mine. It's just me and a buddy, we keep to ourselves, and have everything unlocked except for the Hema and Knux.

Mine had this as a default look when I first did that quest, which I thought was decent.

Thanks for the offer but I have one, just find it really silly that they would lock simple stuff behind it.

I don't get it either. I think we've all complained about the Archwing Segment being in there was fucking dumb, but I was also annoyed to see the Dual Krohker BP got put in there for no real reason. I know there's a precedent with stuff like that with the dual cestra, but still.

I just use this as my potato face.

hood up or fuck off you fags

user I just paid 500 ducats to put stupid ears on my tenno, I'm gonna fucking look at them.

clip them through the hood then

I don't think that works.

try anyways you homosex

It has got to be a thing where DE intentionally made the kids look ugly as fuck so people buy a bunch of cosmetics to try to make them look good.

Use the Asian face
Also the the launcher mods from the last thread if anyone wants to try it out/improve on it.

i hope those were on there just for the grineer space program and not for fighting.

I soloed most of the game with it
Every weapons seems kinda boring when you can launch niggers into the ionosphere

Don't be so harsh user, of course he doesn't use that only for the space program, you can even see the end of the line on his shotgun mods showing everything.

Well a blunderbuss on a strun is not going to help you a lot with it's measly 7.5% Critical chance, going status is better, using another elemental/chance mod is better than shotgun savvy, and disruptor is a poor's man choice of trying to switch status chance to impact damage to give it more proc overall others kinds, but impact is not worth the proc. Just put more heat and cold mods there, like scattering inferno, incendiary coat, chilling reload and chilling grasp.
And you can finish all of the starchart with a potatoed weapon and mods on it.

that's true.

well now i feel bad, i only looked at the top to see that it was a formaed strun and thought he was styling.
somebody should really put together a pastebin on basic modding. most builds posted ITT have trap mods on them.

I tried Warframe for the first time the other day and I was wondering why enemies my teammates shot seemed to vanish

That is very much team rocket flying away again scene. Well that is very much hammer shot kind of deal on trap mods, i just used that thing to get more status chance. And i should check those digits anyway.

If you like fun stuff, i have bads news for ya, as that is not DE style, some weapons you might like.
Arca Plasmor even unpotated is good on sorties, Astilla on a gas build will very likely proc on groups, harpak and it's harpoon are interesting, simulor for the lazy guys out there, zarr for the pirate experience.
akstilleto prime is surprisingly good, kulstar is a solid explosive, sonicor and staticor on mirage is very screenshaking and zakti on a void fissure bonus is extremely fun.
On melee i just had fun with redeemer and a gotta go fast ether reaper, not much fun stuff that you can do with melee weapons, they are effective but that is about it.

Oh user, that is the game, you level stuff up to vanish enemies more faster.


I should have known it was something like that when I shot someone with a bow and arrow in the tutorial and when the arrow hit them, they proceeded to fly along the arrow's trajectory at double the arrow's speed

I saw some art of the grills and I'm interested. Is this game any good?

Do you like fast combat that you must repeat ad infinitum to get better shit, and wait times? If so then yes.

Depends, can I play like an hour a day and still have fun?


What's the endgame like?

there is no end game

You just keep doing and accumulating everything.
Like this madman that has near 25K plat
The most that you could consider endgame now is sorties, raids and endless missions. And even that is not enough, the game is a grindfest, or you like just dicking around, or you don't.

i had 27k before the update hit. finally had a reason to spend it. now im slowly backing off and start jewing again. maybe ill hit 40k before the end of the year.

And here I am with less than a hundred plat, i guess by next year i will get all stuff on the market anyway.

The only real way I've made significant plat is by buying the flow mods the last time baro came and upgrading them to max then selling them what are some other good schemes?


Two last questions
Could I theoretically use this plat to get steambux?
do you anons have a clan for this game

you can not use plat to get steambux. Any trade with plat for things outside the game will net you a ban on your account.

So it's not like valve f2p games where I can trade skins for cents? Shame.

no unless you do some off game crash for plat trades. DE sniffs that shit out fast so don't even bother.

you can use steambucks to buy tennogen but thats about it.

thats a good method of jewing but i can't be bothered to farm out the endo to max those. my plat comes from raids and investment. investments are tricky because it sometimes a gamble and you could lose the plat you invest. so for example: for whenever shield gate gets added to the game and its not a huge disappointment jewtuber ecelebs will tell people to go and buy arcane barrier and aegis. if you stock pile those before the price raises then you can make bank.

can I have a few thousand of that thanks

How does a frame whose head is literally on fire take fire damage? it's so stupid.

But yeah its weird

It's like you want to look at it or something.

Bows kinda do that, it's cool. Your team mates' kills disintegrated because certain elements, like heat, leave nothing behind.

This is an odd (1), but assuming you're new and interested there are some mission types that can go on forever and scale infinitely. It is considered a portion of endgame to figure out how to handle enemies like that when you already have everything else.


DE pls

rp fags, not even once. I wonder if they realize how cringy they are.

Any tips for doing the part of The New Strange where you have to do that synthesis shit? I've run through that mission a dozen times and only come across the target once.

he stood in the corner of the room for the first 5 minutes of survival, i assume doing is edgedark rp. maximum degeneracy.

Looks like a Rick and Morty fan.

At least ember gets energy regen when she is affected by a fire proc

Two reworks just this year I believe. She's irredeemable

It's the best for it but it now does self damage so you can and will kill yourself instantly with it.


I dunno why does my computer which runs obn electricity break when I set the voltage to 100?

You cheeky cunt.

let me see the girl penis

I don't know what you're talking about user, ember is the pinnacle of game design excellence.

Not that the masks are much better, they look like papier-mâché.

Go back to 4/v/ you faggots.

It covers the face, which is the entire point.

The game would still be better if they never introduced the space kids to begin with.


they could have also put even a little bit of effort into having the mechanics, usage and lore of them make sense.
kind of like archwing.

they ran outta ideas and stole one from the matrix.

No shit, but if they're going to force them this much then you do what you gotta do to make it the least shit you can.

The thing that always gets me about people role playing like that is the fact that they all seem to talk like that. Can they really not role play and get immersed in this or any other setting without talking like a complete spaz? Even in settings where people would just speak normally they always seem to feel the need to speak like they're a particularly bad saturday morning cartoon villain. Is it just autism, or is there some other factor behind it?

Here's how you fix potato space specialneeds kid:
F.or all purposes, it's like you have a backup frame you can pick from a limited selection of 5 classes
Just some from the top of my head

Nah, just make them pretty, and give them niche uses like they already have like stripping sentient armor, and have them otherwise take a back seat. If they can move or deal damage like a frame then what is the fucking point of the frame? My only real complaints about them right now is that they look like shit and the transition still isn't smooth enough to make it feel satisfying.

The better way would be that you never stop controlling movement of your warframe in the first place. The spooky space kids can just cast spells off the back of it like a stand or not exist.
Walking around in a corporeal form when you've got an army of invincible killbots and don't seem to care about locality is absurd.

also this.

I don't want them to replace your frame, but supplement it. I already use them in spy missions if I dont have a stealth frame.
I think only one of the tenno ways should turn invisible, obviously being the "rogue" way. Another can focus on buffs/debuffs, another on damage, etc… Then you pick a pair of warframe/tenno way and get into action.

Mag deserves bullying

Mag deserves to be fucking beaten.

DE's removal of this will never not piss me off.

Or better yet



It's just a matter of time before they kill the volt fishing exploit.


It's kind of a flawed concept, because it's all about reducing damage, but no frame really needs that and it's overshadowed by vazarin in terms of being a heal support type thing.

i'm not sure that i've missed catching a fish from lack of damage before. does the passive thing even matter?

It does. Certain spears do different damage to certain fish. Meaning, the spear you spend 5k GBP on, isn't any better than the default spear for a decent number of fish. As in, if you're using the wrong spear, it takes two hits to catch a fish, instead of one. It doesn't matter for Volt, because the fish can't make it through 1k damage, or the extra electric damage from the wall.

what a clusterfuck it is too sell rivens holy shit.

why does everyone hate Mag?

it's probably just the saryn players.

warframe.market guy needs to step it up and add support for more than veiled rivens, make it like poe.trade

its so fucked. how would they compare rivens? i was trying to explain to this guy that his riven wasn't "godly" because he had both +CD +CC and it wasnt worth to close 1000plat, more like 50plat

So what do you guys think the pairs of ballista get up to in those towers of theirs when they aren't sniping at us? Do you think they h-hold hands?

am i going crazy, were operators always taller than the cetus peasants?

They were. As it turns out, they're way older than we though. What gets me about that is that means everyone else from the Grineer, to the Corpus, to the Tenno agents and Syndicate screwballs, and the Lotus are all giants. Think about how huge that chair in the Transference Room must be for your feet not to reach the floor.

This game doesn't like to explain anything. It would be different if there were actual clues on which to go by, but time and again I am shown that not using wikis is a mistake. I would like to give the benefit of the doubt, but that is simply not the case. It's this weird sort of Skyrim game design which falls apart the second you try to play it without quest markers. I don't know if this is it's MMO nature, or just plain streamlining how games overall are played. I remember starting out back in May, I had no idea how to buy new weapons. I thought everyone bought them with platinum. When you have to fucking pull up a wiki for the most basic shit like this, it is just bad game design. Sure you can ask other players too, but when does that ever work?

Basically when I found out not an hour ago you can redo bounties and get another chance at the rewards instead of waiting for 2 hours. I could already have all the swanky Operator duds and could have got Gara way fucking quicker

i went through that exact same shit on the quest. all the stuff involving the ship was extra galling because you don't do plains out of it later, and it certainly doesn't ever come pick you up again.

It's not like I expect much out of a company that's able to fuck up strapping jetpacks on to space ninjas. But they still manage to surprise me.

what, how?

Good fucking lord, thankfully I didn't waste much time on that yet. Thanks for the heads up.

Just a secondary heads up, you don't get any standing, just another roll at Breaths/Wisps/actually useful shit

That much I knew, but thanks.

This is next section is directed at everyone, what's the advice on Plains? I'll look up wiki to see what shit I need to start grinding, but are there any other pitfalls that I need to look out for?

Not sure what else to say other than don't bother with zaws since they just burn rep and to look out for Cetus Wisps along the lakes and rivers. Smeeta's buff also lets you pick more of them up.

That's the kind of info I was after, thanks


There is a riven trades site. rivenmods.trade/

The bounties are so unbelievably dull and broken it's not even funny. I thought plains of eidolon would be a refreshing take on warframe but if you look closely it's just warframe as it always has been
>finishes and gets 50 endo yay
yfw had a dream that there was a new hok like guy and he gave actual cool weapons

being at the same place as the regular trading is somewhat necessary.
I'll still check those digits though.

It's good enough for now, hopefully, warframe market and rivensmods combine, that'd be helpful.

I wouldn't mind an invite user, I've been playing for a couple days now.




I think I got pretty lucky with my first re-roll.

Tossed you an invite.

That's pretty good but you need pure damage rather than +damage to factions. nice quads

You also got pretty lucky with those digits.

Wiki says Ignis has an innate +50% damage bonus to infested already, so I think it's a pretty good stat to have on it.

Do you not see the +damage at the bottom?

Yeah but you'd get more damage if you had +damage +fire damage +multishot. Not a bad riven though, keep it for an infested build.

No fucking shit you dumb nigger. But that's something you'll never get on an Ignis riven, or any other riven for a weapon with a faint disposition. He's lucky his only "bad" stat was the +damage to Infested.

While the other user is being a bit picky Riven dispositions only dictate the multipliers affecting the stats of the riven and not the roll-able stats. Realistically he'll never get it because RNG is a fickle mistress that would rather peg you without lube most of the time.

Wait disposition affects what stats you get? also I did say it was good you fucking autist

yes you fucking autist. high disposition = better stats.

Yes. You won't ever get +200% damage for a Tigris riven, no matter how many time you roll, but a skana riven will give you +150% on almost every stat you roll.

Who else think the anasa statues look like giant butt plugs and the more stars you stick in the more pleasure it gives out.

Not that it matters much. Half of them have bad stats and the difference between faint and strong isn't enough to make up the difference.
The other half are things like the stug, which is still going to be a stug even with perfect rolls..

No, they look like pineapples, which is why they're called anasa.
Because pineapple is ananas in pretty much every other language on earth.

you've been eating some pretty fucked up pineapples if that's what they look like.

What do (you)r pineapples look like?

well, mine don't look like artichokes, for one.

You're doing this on purpose, I just know it.

No he's got a point. No matter how good of a riven you get for the kraken, it'll never match a lex prime.

Half of them have bad stats and the difference between faint and strong isn't enough to make up the difference between having bad stats and not having bad stats

:^) or lato

does this apply to Aklato as well?

Aklato is a different gun and not a variant of the Lato


Game got boring when I realized the game is nothing but leveling / farming gear and doing the daily sortie and doing things like trading / rolling Rivens.

What do you do to waste time in this game?

Now? Fish.

See how long you can last in high level survival missions, run endless void rifts to farm traces and collect ducat fodder, fashion frame

Warframe is basically a mobile game that on the wrong platform, in fact I've played mobile games less grindy then this shit that also lacked build timers.

Or you know what, start going to really low level missions and teach people how to play so we don't end up with idiots who got carried all the way up and then refuse to learn when the mission is failed because of them.
God damn do I hate randoms.

Endless missions. Hieracon is good. Also just finding a neat weapon and making it sortie worthy is fun.

People pussy out too fast. I was doing Akkad the other day and we made it up to Round 35 before someone got bored and left (There were only 3 of us)

I have one of the meme-Atterax Builds (Well with Relentless Combination instead of Maiming Strike) and I can't use any other Melee weapon.

Farming shit is pretty easy. Grinding gear on Hydron is boring as fuck.

I made an Attica that has 265% Multishot. That's my meme weapon of the week.

invite me too. steeeez


God damn I fucking hate this game

steeez as in steeeezy?

100 circuits is about 2 containers worth. Did you mean 1000? Are you just staying for 5 minutes in a survival and leaving or something?

20 minutes
150-odd Circuits
Done this 3 times with a Necros now, same shit each time, think I'm just going to go to bed.

wew forgot you have to craft a key.

That doesn't sound right at all.

It's the dumbest thing.

I didn't get a picture but as I was capturing a synthesis target Tar Mutalist Moa gunk appeared under my feet. The target was a basic Lancer on Ceres.

If you can pass an invite my way too, that'd be appreciated. Gotta get those bps without clan autism. Corner_Dweller


Maybe Cetus suffers with too much inbreeding and mal-nutrition, resulting into be populated by manlets.

at least the autism quest was about killing him, killing his autism, and killing his autistic followers. Even the quest with a little girl sending you drawings was still strictly killing zombies and jews.

why the hell did konzu send a warframe to find a person he didn't want killed?

This kinda ties into something that's been bugging me. None of these quests have anything to do with their respective Warframes really. Which DE has a history of doing, but it's getting really annoying.

Can I have fun in this game indefinitely without grinding?

I just want stylish action combat, I don't really want to do the same shit over and over again.


Gara's does connect to the frame. Onkko spent all his time trying to find gara and that's how you get the BP presumably, cause he found it.

Nope. There is literally nothing to do but grind once you've played it for more than a few hours.

Is the grinding at least varied and/or fun?

Grinding by definition is not varied. I find it fun, but I'm just autistic. Do you like musous? Cause it's basically that, but with more grinding and more fun.


it's same as limbo quest where you're just collectan parts and it's only related in some dialogue shit. compare with octavia's anthem.


Is the combat at least "meatier" than your standard musou?

I want those hits to feel strong, not like im cutting down paper men.

yeah, it does have that at the very least.
unless you're building to launch things >>13625011

IIRC octavia's anthem had fuck all to do with octavia except her song. It was all about Suda and the song.

Well considering the frames are meat puppets now they don't have much to go on. I think the most we've ever gotten from a frame quest is mirage's.

It depends. I'm not a good judge of "meatyness". The projectile weapons can feel really nice, but a lot of the melee can be so overpowered that you just press ctrl+e and everything in a 10m radius just falls over. At this point I say just try it and find out, you'll at least enjoy the first few hours.

which is a whole hell of a lot more than most of the quests. the action involves music for a music frame, that's not nothing.

I mean, it was about as much as finding glass shards for the glass frame, or ghostbusting for the autism frame.

Generally meatycombat in my opinion should have

That's all I can think of off the top of my head

Well the hit sounds are real good in my opinion. The enemy stagger thing depends on the weapon, if it deals high impact it'll stagger all the time, but some weapons will make the enemies just sit there and look at you. There isn't much clipping in the game except for cosmetic items.

Is it possible to trade resources in the game? I'm sitting on a metric fuckton of circuits i'd be willing to part with.

Nope, only prime parts, mods, ayatains, and special weapons or items can be traded.

That's not much of an excuse.

Except it wasn't. It was finding glass shards for the stupid lockbox. They just tacked on Lotus scanning the glass for the BP afterwards. As I said, remove Gara from that quest and absolutely nothing changes. Onkko still goes crazy researching glass and causation. Vaya still acts like a cunt then warms up to Konzu for no reason. Konzu finally comes out of the cuck closet to get his crush long after their prime.

maybe if you had been using those shards to build a wall that keeps out immigrant grineer in the missions instead of follow quest marker to bp part #2 while some midgets prattle on.

Point is, DE never really showed themselves capable or willing to make the frame quests very much about the frame, nor have incredibly unique gimmicks (octavia's is probably the best gimmick in terms of originality and relevance) for the missions. I don't know why you'd expect that now when it hasn't been there in the past.


These aren't arousing, they're upsetting.

The way you wrote them sounded like it wasn't enough for you. And gara get's a whole fucking story narrated by onkko anyway.

It's a good time I assure you.

DE's ability to write compelling quests is a whole different issue. However I at least appreciate when they make the quest about the frame itself. Which is what my original gripe was about.

Which isn't a part of the quest. Or rather it is something that could have been the basis of the quest and they choose not to pursue it, but didn't want to discard it either.

So I've started this game fairly recently, currently mastery 5 and I've just unlocked Neptune.
I've started to notice that even though my weapons are fully modded for damage i still barely scratch the enemies. I also dont have a any orokin cells to double the mod capacity.
what are some decent weapons to get me started both primary and secondary and what are some good frems to use, already maxed out mag and volt.
also should i spend my 50 plat on more warframe slots or more weapon slots?
any help appreciated

Impact weapons will stagger, but a good slash weapon gibs your enemies.

Pure damage is dogshit in warframe. For high level content, you gotta build your weapons for crits or status.

Some mods are newb traps, post builds and we can help more.
Cells are materials. You mean Catalysts and Reactors. That's fine, they're kinda scarce. Get an alert app for your phone or keep a tab with this page open semlar.com/rivencalc to reduce the chance of missing any important alerts. Don't forget about Forma when it comes to getting the most out of your mod capacity either.
warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Riven_Mods#All Weapons shows all the weapon Riven Dispositions which is tied directly to popularity. It's not perfect, but it can give you an idea of where to start.
I main Valkyr since she's pretty versatile, but every frame has its uses. You will want to level them all eventually anyways.
Whichever you're feeling cramped on the most at the moment. You should find your inner jew to earn more plat soon though.

what frame/weapon/build on that weapon are you currently using?

Using the FREESWORD promocode to get a potatoed heat sword which can clear everything if you picked excalibur at the start.
There should also still be a deal going on to be a good goy and sign up for a free twitch trial to get a potoated soma prime and frost prime which can handle everything, even if they're not very flashy.

Failing that, something like lex prime is easyish to farm up from void relics. That's what I ended up doing most things with.

either one or a mix is fine, early slot limitations are awful and they should be your priority for early plat imo.

I'm ready for bully
My first frame was Mag and I had a heat sword but the guandao seems like the best meele i have available so far

you poor thing

Rank up your auras and try to use ones with a matching polarity, you'll get more mod points.

Don't worry. My first prime was Mag. I still love her, although she's gotten fat since the last rework, she was absolutely fine before

Took this pic in Captura last week. PCfags, how are the plains? What can the console peasants expect in a few weeks?

Can't unsee

Also this is my meele build, where am i going wrong, what should I replace etc?

Those images aren't seducing, they're tied up and in visible pain.

level those mods up

oh and build crit not status

the promo code gets you one with an installed orokin catalyst and a free slot. guandao is good, but you can do a lot with 30 extra points.

On your shotty, a rank 4 incendiary coat could go on there in place of the unranked miscellany. On the guandao, a max deep freeze can go on that D, and rank up that fever strike in place of shocking touch/sundering.
mods have a high initial cost and the payoff comes from their ranks, so you would only put an unranked mod on something if there's a spare couple points(or if it's life strike).


Hey man, mag was my starter too. She just sucks.

Made my favorite rifle last year. Started with a 4' section of 2x10, and made it into a beauty. Even got some help from the devs!

One of them sent me this as reference material.

she only sucks against mid level enemies which comprise 99% of the enemies in the game

very nice, put some metallic paint on it though.

are you implying she's good against high level?

For the love of god, smooth that all out and put metal paint on it. It'll look completely fake otherwise.
t. Gunpla builder


Which mods in particular I'm only playing with 30 slots

OK done all that, what about the volt frame, anything I should change up?
And if I were to use that heat sword with 60 slots how would I build that?

Actually, that was a gloss coat of polyurethane.

It was a first time project. Mistakes will be made. The only important thing is to learn and improve.

organ shatter, reach, and true steel. Your volt is pretty good as is until you potato or forma.


i won't just imply it, i'll state it: she's amazing against high level enemies. magnetize is absurd, but the extra time and effort to set it up isn't justified against mid level things with lifespans measured in milliseconds.

Magnetize sucks. The only good thing it's for is the lanka trick, and even then she's beaten out by literally every other DPS frame.

well, it's only as good as its user, so you might be right.

wow, you sure showed me. Tell me of this awesome power of magnetize. Can it do more damage than I can by pressing 2 as banshee and shooting someone?

that's cheating and you know it.

It's got all of those but not implemented in any way worth mentioning and there are quirks to it. That same phrase can be said about every other aspect of the game.

I like it cause you can go fast.

Update: It was really fucking fun.

They added alot since I last played.

Dominance play is a pretty vanilla fetish you underage.

Not too shabby for a first attempt.

Dom/sub play is fun, but it's not at all how it's made out to be in porn.
When me and my wife do it there's no ridiculous whipping or choking-until-blue going on, that's far less common in reality.

Riven Dick's out boys who has got the shiniest most broken as fuck one.

The bullets go backwards?

Since it's hit scan it's unaffected, but I have seen it on an actual projectile weapon they just go reallllly slow.

It is weapon with falloff though, which bonus proj speed affects. I don't know how negative projectile speed ends up scaling it, but that thing might even end up being a net dps loss compared to no mod.
The multi is nice, but the other rolls are blanks at best, and there's no status which is mandatory to kohmfags.
t. kohmfag.

catalyst alert up

you fight a lot of frames on planetary relays already. So it is nothing.

good choice

Pretty bad, expect your console to overheat and DON'T expect anything above 30 frames in the wild (I forget, what's the max framerate on the console port?)


You're doing pretty much everything right at this point, keep it up.
did you BUY that platinum?

Is it worth getting a Vaykor Marelok if I already have a Lex Prime (which I'm liking a lot).

Yes, it heals you. If you ever need a build that leaves you without any means of healing, having a weapons with a healing syndicate proc is a good alternative.

Can I be you, please?

fucking kill me

How is that even possible?

Oh we absolutely don't have the same kinks, we share some but not all.
For example, she's into mommy-play and I really am not.

I haven't used a bow yet, which one is better, Dread or Paris Prime?


For fun times Zhuge, for Crit DMG Dread

it'll play very similar to the lex, just with a little flavor on top. give it a whirl if you're feeling comfortable on slots/potatoes and don't need the 40+ plat for something else more urgent.

if you haven't already, check out pandero or euphona prime for other beefy pistol options.


I finally did it lads, I got my 12k Circuits, Valk Prime in 3 days 12 hours.

god bless multitwitch

Alright fags, I came in last thread, asked for Twin Grakata builds, but no one was man enough to admit to using these things. Here's my build, r8.

Also, that pose is badass, holy shit, I wanna slap some Twin Grakatas on my Rhino now.

I think I got more enjoyment out of your ridiculous pose than anything else in those pics.

I fucking hate this game, there's no reason a mod should have a drop chance this low, I need it for my bloody Inaros and the game keep blue balling me.

The Pumpkin head's a free cosmetic you can get in the market during Halloween, you can also get a free Halloween colour pallet if you didn't get it in previous years.

as in the normal shop on ship?

Yeah the same place you buy blueprints from I forgot what category they under though.

Good to see people appreciate my dumb idea. It's Limbo's moveset which I use on Rhino. As an added bonus, here's his pistol idle.

Market shows it at 30 plat, shouldn't be too hard to buy.

I wouldn't go as far as saying I have a build for it but I do have a riven that I'm quite fond of for them. Maybe I should consider swapping in hydraulic crosshairs myself

I mean, there's pretty much one universal build for crit pistols because there are so many mandatory mods.

very nice

also good

I got the same for my 50th log-in

thanks for the heads up

I'll look into it.

I also have the Hirudo, so if I combine it with my modded Hek, a self healing build might be a good solution for Inaros, Valkyr, Nidus and Nekros with Despoil equipped.

Am I doing this right?

another colour pallete is only 5 plat or wathever.
Come on dude, you get 50 free.

no I didn't, what are you talking about?

Yes, you did.

I'm mostly, joking, I know you're going for a "fire-theme" thing.
But those look like the default colours, you can get better shades of orange/red/dark-yellow for something like that.
Also, you get 50 plat free when you begin playing.


I spent that on frame and weapon slots, why would I waste plat on cosmetics?

It's all decentish.

run tier 2 nightmares for drifting contact in place of that finishing touch, it's like a 25% drop, or watch alerts if you're a baby.
beyond that you're looking at the fancy farm-heavy mods like condition overload, blood rush.

use rejuvenation if you have it. if physique is your only vazarin aura, then it's okay just for points.
pick either health or shields, not both, frost can run either fine.
lightning rod is silly. you can ignore the resistance mods in this game unless you're struggling against something very specific like fire while farming sargas ruk. you wouldn't leave them on your frame.
thief's wit is okay if you don't have animal instinct. (it's also okay if you're doing plains or cache runs.)
flow is a fine stand in for fleeting expertise.

pic related is what i use for doing general frost work. i really like stretch on him and mobilize on any general purpose build. the augment/drift are to taste.

not a fan of stabilizer.
get vital sense/point strike on there if you've got em.

That's why.

**Nah, I'm joking. You should only put money on this if you really like the game. But you can also trade for a bit and get enough for some palletes.

Don't worry, you can easily jew up some plat for scamming gullible goyim for shitty mods and shittier prime parts.

frosts bubble benefits from both armor and shield mods with max shields and armor it can have over 9000 health

Shields don't scale it as far as i'm aware, only armor and ability strength. I run some of each, but going crazy and making sacrifices to maximize your globe health is terrible. Snow Globe really isn't useful on most missions, and efficiency and recast stacking with the 4 second invuln is where the real scaling comes from.

Globe is useful on any mission

It makes the fall-off 0 that means my kohm has no damage fall-off I have done testing on my own and seen reports of it from other players.
It seems to apply to all shotguns
Here is a video of a guy with it on a Strun

Hot damn, what I wouldn't give to see what a Tigris Prime could do with that. Consider your dubs checked too.

I guess i should have expected as much from DE.
That's makes it a really strong roll though.

sure, for afking at extraction. it lets you ez mode a few bosses, and it's good in situations where you have to walk away from something and want to leave passive cc, like excavations or soloing interceptions & syndicate mobile defense. but otherwise the energy is better spent avalanching instead of trolling teammates.

that makes it a really strong roll then

Just remember to put down only one at a time. Hate it when people put two together and you can't fire anywhere, more annoying than careless Limbos.

This guy found a "new" glitch as he said, but didn't tell me if he could replicate it. I just joined his session and he was whacking away. I leveled up my unranked Marelok to lvl 20 and other stuff went from mid teens to 25/30. why 12mb? Wanted to see how bad/decent it would look

I love showing noob frosts that you can destroy the globe with 1 when you are outside of it and shoot it

There's two VERY IMPORTANT things to remember about the globe.
Don't be a retard and pop it right away.
a) When you cast it, the globe doesn't just get 4 seconds invulnerability. During those 4 seconds, any damage "dealt" to it will add up to it's health after the 4 seconds. On higher levels, a bombard hitting your globe will make it retardedly strong. Just kill the bombard afterwards and every other enemy will have trouble killing the globe.
b)You can join two globes. If you re-cast the globe near the center of another one, the old globe's HP will be summed with the new one. Adding up the invuln extra HP, you can kinda see how to abuse this:
With flow (+200% energy) you can cast globe 6 times. Time it right with those 4 seconds and your globe will never die, even against lvl 60 enemies.

Any tips for a new Hydroid? Except for augs?

wasted opportunity user

yeah, this is what i meant by the real scaling coming from recasting and invuln. even without special considerations, globe will tank absolutely anything in the game provided you have energy restores
it's a shame you can only see health % instead of a total, would make it easier to get a feel for it.

thats not a glitch thats warframes sleek spawn mechanics. like if you run to spawn on an exterminate, all the guys will spawn in the last few rooms. if you get lucky with the tileset you can cheese survival but never seen spawning that broken.

All those frames you listed don't actually need lifesteal because they all have a way to do it by themselves. Frames like frost or atlas are good for it though because he has high armor and no way to get health.

It's not even that. The enemies still spawn like normal, but for some reason only try to get up through there.

evidently this twitch shit works with the stream itself paused. guess i'll just leave a browser with every stream open till a vectis shows up or they disable this disaster.

I hope they never disable it.


how many weeks of boosted affinity are you at?

Three weeks left, but I have had it since I started a week ago

All I got was around 70 Latron blueprints, a million fireworks and a sentinel mask.

Forgive me for asking but I how do you get whatever this is to work?

"Watch" twitch streams, just open as many as your browser can handle set them to the lowest quality then go do something else.

Any stream or specifically WF streamers? When did this come in to effect?

These are the best stats I could find. It took me about 1800 drops for my first vectis prime but then got a second one an hour alter.

teshin sends you spam email whenever a warframe streamer a linked twitch account is watching gets an achievement. one in a hundred chance of being something good, but it doesn't really matter, the streamers are making new accounts and grinding it out in front of hundreds of psuedo viewbots.


Any warframe streamer, look for those running new accounts as you get the drops when they get an achievement so they keep making new ones to keep the achievements flowing, you also get some shit ship decoration for watching one for an hour.

mind sharing what the fuck a multitwitch is? I'm tired of having to fucking middle click every warframe stream



Neat, thanks user

I think this game hates me, I just want the frost skin.

The latron blueprints aren't necessarily misses. I have easily made 1,000,000 credits from them so far.

Why you gotta waste my time like that? I should be studying for uni.

guess I don't anymore


why was the post removed? did some mod think it was someone shilling a twitch?

No matter, people can still tell it's multitwitch and they can see the active streamers from my pic. Besides, this thread's on page 12, nobody outside of it will see any of the "shilling".

Shame you can't sell the fireworks, I'd be a billionaire if you could.

multitwitch.tv/weebology/kingwolby/lok_king_macho/inaliz/juicesoar/frozenballz/Lunskee/ iFlynn/x3lplive/staywildly/HashtagMEcrew/LunaPeruna/ Exuhz_/Makarimorph/FearTheCrows/Khaljiit
I deleted it because I accidentally replied to someone I didnt mean to and Im autistic like that

multitwitch.tv/kingwolby/lok_king_macho/inaliz/juicesoar/frozenballz/Lunskee/ iFlynn/x3lplive/staywildly/HashtagMEcrew/ Exuhz_/Makarimorph/FearTheCrows/Khaljiit/tygastripe
Here's one with only streamers that are online right now.


Right, so the total after ~3 hours is:
101 starburst (grand finale included, ratio somewhere around 10:1)
27 Latron blueprints
9 display glyphs
4 sentinel masks
4 nitan extracts
3 orokin cells
2 smoke color palettes
1 cyan and 1 amber ayatar stars
1 wisp totem
1 forma blueprint
1 neurode
and 1 3-day affinity booster

gonna leave it on for the night as well

I left twelve warframe streams open. I went to bed.
I was out for twelve hours, and I believe seven of those streams ran the whole time, since they were still going when I got back. Time to check this shit out.



Starbursts: Too many
Latron BPs: TOO MANY
Some glyphs
Smoke Colors pallete, already had, twice
A shitload of orokin cells
a shitload of forma BPs
ten or so nitain
ten or so hunhow sentinel masks
two ayylmaoan stars
a wyrm

Even when I win, I don't win.

The blueprints have some use you can sell them for credits, the starbursts however are absolutely worthless.
The wyrm was a good find it comes with a free slot and a potato, same with the Vectis Prime if you manage to find one of those.


And it looks like twitch just shit itself.


You'd think they could take a couple thousand people connecting a gorrillion times at once, but noooooooooooooooooo.



I feel like I should have bought a lottery ticket earlier today and now it's too late.

What am I supposed to do with the focus system? All of the build guides are from before the changes.

and now to listen to ordis have a fucking meltdown for 15 minutes.

grab the 2 passives in madurai or grab the passive and energizing dash in zenurik. nothing else really matters unless you want to unironically do things with your potato.

On a different note, they just patched in a way to leave the plains while in a group that doesn't involve praying the shitty limbo in your party doesn't throw a tantrum and go fishing while you and the others sit at the gate jerkin it

just take tranny frame to bere if you want fast focus.

new thread soon?

well, that was straightforward.

Of course you have to keep going and get as many as possible. Each one unlocks a weapon slot.

i am
and they fucking extended this debacle for another 9 days too


I don't understand developers obsession with twitch view counts, if I was a dev I would be pretty salty more people would rather watch my game then play it.

i'm sure their top jews have run the numbers and found that twitch has enough whales buying things to make up for giving out a century of affinity boosts.